#gettin a little personal at the end there soz
bro im about to have an aneurysm because what do you mean the wedding squanchers premiered 8 years ago? what do you mean we've been missing squanchy for nearly a decade?? what do you mean i was 12 years old when that episode came out??? how am i feeling my youth slipping through my fingers at the ripe old age of twenty
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bwicblog · 7 years
> [Part 1] Close Encounters of the Zombie Kind
[Pheres (RS) embarks on a zombie-observation expedition with his new research assistant, Laledy (SS); an ex-soldier, Faizah (BB); and a local guide, Cennef (XR). When they decide to livestream the adventure in a group chat, things, as predicted, go horribly wrong.]
XR: also, there could have been unattached larva down there
XR: where do you think they come from in the first place
RS: an oviposter, presumably, but clearly i was misguided
SS: (Storks!)
RS: a stork's oviposter
RS: hahaha
LP: The chat sure is uncharacteristically silent lately... >ooo<
LP: Or maybe I am just on at the wrong times! :o >ooo<
LP: Or maybe I am just on at the wrong times! :o >ooo<
RS: | Haha | It has Been a Quiet Day | ! |
RS: | And Now a Quiet Night |
RS: | I Expect All of Us are Busy at Work | ? |
RS: | Or Out | It is Still a Festival Week |
UV: Or because the end of the Festival Week is coming. A lot of couples are no doubt out celebrating the last nights.(edited)
RS: | Haha | Yes | ! | =:) | I Almost Wish I was Out |
LP: Ah... That does make sense. >ooo<
LP: How come you're not? >ooo<
RS: | Because I am At Work | ! | Here | Look |
SS: (Ey, pal, nonna that 'quiet night' hoofbeastshit, you're gonna up and jinx us!)
RS has attached VID345345.MOV! It's a quick pan of the camera over a dark, white-sanded desert. There's rock formations all around - a brief glimpse of a jadeblood and a brownblood, faces slightly blurred by the motion - and the sound of chattering off in the distance. The camera cuts when something whoops.
RS: | Not as Exciting as Festivities | Sadly |
RS: | But Occasionally One must Miss Them | Haha |
SS: ('It's a quiet night's, like, the last ish peeps up and say afore they get mobbed by thirty zeds and become one with the horde.)
UV: What sort of business do you have out in an area like that? If you do not mind me asking, that is.
LP: Oh! You're out in the desert? >ooo<
SS: (Bit athis, bit athat, bit a not gettin bit by zeds! (\eue/) )
SS: (Ain't sure how much Pher's up and down for spillin the deets of, tho, so: (\oxo/) )
RS: | Haha | Yes | We Are | ! |
RS: | And Our Business is Hunting Down a Lair of Zombies | So Far | In Theory |
RS: | Currently | Our Lovely Guide is Reorienting Herself |
RS: | And I Think Her Mother is Eating Something | I am Trying Not to Look | Personally |
RS: | | I am Always Up for Spilling the Deets | I am Afraid |
RS: | I Scored Dreadfully on the Internet Safety Part of My Schoolfeeds | =:B |
SS: (I'm totes watchin! (\eue/) )
SS: (Fascinatin stuff, this.)
LP: Ooh.. :o >ooo<
LP: Sounds interesting. :) >ooo<
SS: (And LUL.)
SS: (Hey, Pher, I got one a'those fancy personality questionnaires for you!)
SS: (It tells you what kinda zed you identify with most based on your credit chit code.)
UV: What sort of zombies then, if you are so willing to share?
MH: Oh he's back.
MH: Glad to see you didn't die, RS.
RS: | Mm | Pass | Laledy | ! | But Thank You |
RS: | Perhaps You can Get One of Our Friendly Resident Chat Members to Fill That Out for You | =:B |
RS: | And | We are Looking for Cuckoo Zombies | ! |
RS: | But So Far | We have Just Found a Number of Floral Zombies |
MH: The hell are cuckoo zombies.
RS: | I have Been Taking Pictures | If You'd Like to See | =:) |
RS: | | And Of Course I didn't Die | Haha |
RS: | They are Victims of Parasitic Birdwasps | ! | Their Eggs Hatch Within Dead Bodies |
RS: | And Puppet Them Until They are Large Enough to Burst Free | Which Is | Oh |
RS: | Three or So Nights | ? |
RS: | They're Very Hard to Witness in the Wild | ! |
BB: Very hard. or no one wishes to Bother with getting insects Burrowed into their skin and horns.
BB: Hard to tell.
RS: | Haha | We are Not at Risk of That | I Keep Telling You That | ! |
RS: | Adults Do Not Live This Far in the Desert |
RS: | They Need Plants to Pollinate | There are No Plants Worth Pollinating Out Here |
RS: | Have You Located the Stone Pillar Yet | By the Way | ? |
BB: Perhaps they are Busy working their day joBs. too. One might come home early. Similar to finding a quad mate in Bed with another.
RS: | | Are We the Quad Mate in This Metaphor | or the Bed | ? |
BB: Exactly.
RS: | Or | Wait | No |
RS: | Are We the Other | ? |
BB: The stone pillar is not too far away. yes.
BB: All I am trying to get across is that if there is adults. it will not Be happy with us going into its territory.
SS: (Well, that's what you've up and got walkstubs for, pal! (\eue/) )
RS: | | Oh | LP | ! | My Apologies | We have Tromped All Over Your Conversation | =:c |
SS: (And a talkbox, for your last words, ofc.)
BB: I would rather keep my walkBranches to remain walkBranches and not walkstuBs.
SS: (For that, pal, you're gonna hafta chat with the peeps what up and make dictionaries'n ish up.)
SS: (Or slang, whatevs.)
BB: I did not know that I would have to consult a dictionary to say that I wish to keep my limBs in tact.
SS: (Nah, pal, for that you'd hafta up and learn how jokes work! (\ouo/) )
RS: | Oh | Damn | I Think We Spooked Her Off |
RS: | | Somehow | Hahaha | Um |
RS: | Faizah | ! | You Worry | So Much | =:B |
RS: | Please | Relax | No One will Be Losing Limbs |
RS: | Not Even the Walkers |
RS: | Are You On Your Way Back Over | ? |
UV: Well if you did. I am still here. I was simply looking for a little more information on Cuckoo Zombies while you were occupied.
BB: I will Be Back soon enough. I am sure. I will also Be making sure that the only thing that does lose limBs is the walkers.
SS: (Yeah, pal, I totes wonder what did it?)
SS: (Bodysnatchin flapbugs what're up and puppeteerin peeps bods ain't made nobody queasy, like, ever. (\unu/) )
MH: Gross.
SS: (Soz, pal, didn't mean to give you internet cooties. (\unu/)
SS: (Leastways they ain't makin their waay outta here.)
BB: SS is an enjoyaBle fellow. in case you were wondering.
UV: The variety of species that parasitize trolls has always been rather fascinating, I thought. Of course, I have always done any observations from a distance.
SS: (Aww, pal, careful! You're gonna make my kokoro go doki doki. (\unu//) )
BB: See what I mean.
SS: (And hells yeah they are, pal!)
SS: (S'like a fun lottery system: erry time you think you're up and safe, boom! Turns out whatevs ish you're lookin at can totes be a parasite, too!)
RS: | Oh | If You are Interested | I can Stream Some of Our Expedition For You | ? |
RS: | It Doesn't Beat Real Observations | Of Course |
RS: | But If You are Interested | =:) |
SS: (I mean, like, if you up and think about it, we're parasites. Ain't like lusus naturae's the same species as you'n me.)
CC: eugh, yeah, fascinating. Tell that to all the jackwagons that get consumed in the deep woods.
CC: are you out hunting or something, RS?
UV: If it would not trouble you, Pheres. I would enjoy it. Thank you.
MH: Yup.
SS: (Well shit, pal, mb they're gettin all consumed-like on accounta they totes thought it was interestin nuff to see up and close-like. (\eue/) )
RS: | We are Out Observing | ! | No Hunting | Unless Things Get a Little Too Close |
MH: He's hunting. Or something.
RS: | Or | Mm | Feisty |
BB: Looking at things from a giant miscroscope only makes them smaller. doesn't necissarily solve anything.
SS: (Dude, huntin's for losers that up and think they can make a dif with a machete and some spuunk.)
CC: lol, I mean I guess you don't get more front row than that.
SS: (Research's how you up and figure out how to load some weedkiller into a drone and clear a whole section a'the desert.)
CC: it's easier to just get rid of them, but-- oh you're in a desert pff.
CC: I had to get rid of them in the woods, there wasn't enough space in the buildings to move safely with them there, yadda yadda. So is it just a curiosity or-- huh
SS: (And, uh, BB, soz to say, but I think you need a crash course on what microscopes do.)
SS: (Spoiler alert: Makes ish bigger.)
RS: | Ah | A Reminder to Those Who Would Rather Not See | the Dead |
RS: | Say | CC | =:B | There is a Button in the Screen | You can Press | to Make the Image Go Away |
RS: | I am Not Clear Where the Button Is | But I am Certain It Is There | ! |
CC: I don't have a problem, what are you talking about?
SS: (I'm p sure you gotta, like, choose to join the call anyhow.)
RS: | Usually Trolls Who Have to Exterminate Walkers Aren't Interested in Seeing Them Up Close | ! | They Find It | Ah |
RS: | Bothersome | ? |
SS: (It's against their religion!)
CC: oh hell no. I said extermination made it easy to move not that that was my job
SS: (The religion is bein a weenie.)
CC: ^
RS: | I am Fairly Certain It is Against the Sun Cultists Religion to Murder Walkers |
RS: | Or Is That to Burn Them | ? | It's Something |
CC: I'm a salvager show walkers all you want
RS: | | But | Ah | Good | ! |
SS: (Oh, y, pal, ofc, ain't you in the know I'm a sun cultist now?)
SS: (I got a pamphlet from that chick what stopped our van and everythin.)
SS: (Apparently I might be a saint, too.)
SS: (Ain't too clear on that bit. Do white oculars count, or do I gotta be proper dead-like?)
XR: Oh, Pherrres
CC: okay but if this turns into a drink the koolaid fest I'm out, st. SS
XR: erXR: Pheres
SS: (Nah, pal, no kool-aid! Just zed spores. Take a vine erryone, won't hurt once it gets to your pan stem!)
SS: (Wow, that weren't suspect at all.)
RS has started up a call! He's.. clearly using his cellphone to record the desert night, and the audio's been muted. They're still in the sand dunes, by the rock formation - but he turns the camera to beam into it, briefly, and then zoom in on Lal, who's speaking to his phone a few feet away.
MH: What the fuck.
CC: pretty.
RS: alright
RS: this is now on voice to speech!
RS: um
RS: voice to text?
CC: ...not the jadeblood. The desert
RS: i think!
RS: hahaha
SS: (Heyo!) Laledy waves at the same time as he sends the message, clearly speaking into his mic.
SS: (Wtf, way to kill my ego.)
MH: Rude CC.
RS: laledy is fairly pretty, i think. there's no need to be unkind!
XR: ...anyway I'.m. nearly there, is what I wanted to tell you.
CC: okay but can you blame me. This entire chat swarms people for things like that.CC: had to clarify
SS: (At least some peeps up and appreciate real beauty!)
SS: (Insert dramatic sniff here.)
RS: marvelous!
SS: (Nah, pal, too late, I'm cryin already. (\eue/) )
CC: how many people are joining you, RS?
CC: pffff lol
UV: Seems like quite the expedition team.
SS: (Enough to form our own miniature horde once we get wasted by zeds! (^_^/) )
MH: Keep the camera running.
MH: I wanna see it.
SS: (Insert thumbs up here!)
SS: (Make sure you up and put it up on grubtube!)
CC: aw continuing research even in the after death. "Do teams remain allied after infection and passing"
XR: no. we'd all be idiot zombies.
SS: (Y, XR, but we'd be idiot zombies 2gether 4ever.)
RS: and oh, look, here's miss cennef's hound. A blurry shot of an alarmingly huge canine. Its jaws are moving, but he keeps pulling the camera back towards the ears. Eugh.
RS: uv, she's eating a floral zombie, by the way. do you want a picture?
SS: (It's the team spirit! (\ouo/) )
CC: love that optimism
RS: ... you all are talking so much
RS: heavens, we're not getting wasted by zeds, laledy
RS: can you imagine the indignity
UV: A picture would be nice, thank you Pheres.
RS: these aren't even proper zombies
CC: is it safe for animals to eat those? I always thought it fucked them up
RS: alright
-- XR has put on her own voice to text, and took her own picture of Pheres from sitting on her giant fennec fox/horned toad lusus --
SS: (I know, pal, I just thought BB needed some help w that wish fulfillment!)(edited)
XR: two can play at that
XR: anyway, I brought the zombie bait
RS: hahaha
RS: you take a picture of the zomb
RS: excellent!
XR: it smells horrid but then again, what else would it smell like
CC: sunshine and daisies
XR: sunshine smells like burning and death
XR: and some of them do have daisy strains I hear
CC: Chanel no.5(edited)
RS: but daisies smell delightful, presumably, to make up for it
UV: XR has a fair point.
XR: a little too delightful
XR: some of them snag you that way
XR: which is why I also brought masks
RS: ah, my apologies, uv
RS: i don't think i'm going to get very close to her lusus
XR: I know they're hideous but put them on
RS: how far did you say this was?
RS: they're cumbersome
SS: (Wtf is these double standards?)
SS: (I mean, I'm totes down for a mask, this ish looks totes badass and post-apocalyptic, but, like, pal.)
XR: if you get silly-panned by some floral scenter, you can't even come crying to me because that's probably the last thing you'll ever do
RS: and we're not dealing with psychogenic on- oh!
RS: you're incredibly silly
RS: but fine
XR: is smell it and lose yourself
RS: pass me a mask
XR: mask passed
XR: oh wait
XR: must document
SS: (Dude, we can... figure that out.)
--  TOO LATE, he's already holding out his camera to take a begrudging picture of his face with the filtration mask on.  --(edited)
SS: (Uh.)
SS: (Duct tape, mb?)
-- XR has posted a picture of Laledy and Pheres in their masks --
XR: dammit
RS: smiley face
RS: haha
XR: you rob me of my glory
XR: how could you
UV: You all look like a proper zombie observation team now.
XR: all right, what's your strife
RS: oh
RS: thank you!
XR: I have a few firebombs, but I'd rather not use them
XR: they go up quick, even when there's not much to burn
SS: (Cutting sarcasm!)
RS: my amazing good looks?
RS: hahaha
XR: you're both hopeless
RS: you're being silly, cennef
SS: (Also a taser, a sword, and a wacking stick.)
XR: your hair isn't a weapon, Pheres
RS: come along! let's just get moving
XR: lovely as it is
XR: what, are you crazy? I haven't even told you what to watch or listen for
XR: hold on a moment
XR: remember, these are cuckoo zombies you wanted to see
XR: they don't behave like other ones
SS: (Idk, pal, I'm p sure he could eat me with that ish if he tried hard enough.)
XR: and god help me if you provoke them, we all have to run for it like giant spotted meowbeasts
SS: (Nah, pal, I only provoke peeps!)
XR: because they might burst prematurely
XR: and come after us all like avenging furies
XR: so we all have to be very quiet and lightfooted. They don't see well, being larvae, but since there's so many of them in one host their sense of touch is excellent.
SS: (Shit, pal, and here I was up and hyped to go hug one!)
XR: would that I were so lucky
XR: anyway, they tend to hide in hives, all curled up and waiting to gestate, unless they're hunting
XR: hence bait
SS: (Wow, you really know how to woo a guy!)
SS: (On pitch week, too. (\unu/) )
XR: Pheres why is he here
XR: no don't answer that
RS: hahaha
RS: for his stunning reparte
RS: obviously
RS: ah! no, sorry, was looking at this
XR: regardless, they should all be curled up before we get to them, but just in case one isn't, you might not see it at first. sometimes they hide in sand dunes instead of rocks. but, if one IS hidden there - what
XR: what are you looking at
RS has wandered a bit far off from the crowd! The camera's been focused on a section of stone for the past few minutes - it finally pulls away to show.. he's been sticking his arm into a crack. Alright.
SS: (Uh.)
He pulls it out a moment later, victorious, and holding what looks to be a bone.
RS: hmm
RS: never mind, not worth looking at
SS: (Y'know that thing we were up and talkin bout with branches and stubs afore?)
SS: (Oh, nm, XR's got it in capslock, nm.)
RS: cennef
RS: how small do you feel zombies get
XR: well Pheres I know it may stun you
XR: but there are dangers besides zombies
XR: like scorpion lizards
XR: however I assumed that was covered by common sense
XR: also, there could have been unattached larva down there
XR: where do you think they come from in the first place
RS: an oviposter, presumably, but clearly i was misguided
SS: (Storks!)
RS: a stork's oviposter
RS: hahaha
XR: uuuuuugh gods help me
XR: if you are QUITE DONE being recklessXR: let's go toward the main hiveXR: and keep an eye out for florals or fungals, zombies aren't smart enough to have territory boundaries(edited)XR: so even though separate types usually won't horde together, that doesn't mean they don't stray
RS: yes, yes, right
SA: dude
XR: all right, we all need to keep our voices low
RS is not a cameraman, obviously! The footage of the stream keeps shaking as he trails behind Cennef's foxmom, and it keeps shifting away from the desert stretching out in front of them to capture things he thinks are even slightly interesting. A strangely shaped rock! Sand! A scorpion that he carefully kicks with his boot, and then scampers abruptly to the other side of foxmom when it raises its stinger in response.
XR: it's not noise, but vibration
RS: ah RS: yes
XR: you're lucky she eats those
SA: this is either the sickest shit I've ever seen or the dumbest fucking ide@ @nyone's had like ever
XR: there she goes
RS: lay out the bait now so i can catch it on camera?
XR: well I'm sure she's glad for the snack
RS: it is asolutely both, sa
SS: (Omg this is my favorite lusus now.)
RS: hahaha RS: smiley face
XR: you are both dumb and I want you to know that
SA: h@h@h@
XR: in case I die because one of you gets me killed
SS: (She eats stingerbugs AND she ain't eatin me!)
XR: yes, here's the bait, have fun with it.XR: and by that I mean set it out and then we're all retreating.
SS: (Is the bait me?)
XR: at least twenty feet.XR: no, you don't smell enough.
SS: (I'm startin to get mildly concerned about that, ngl/)
SS: (Oh, shit, a compliment!)
XR: it's this rotting meat.
SS: (My pusher ain't right broken yet after all!)
RS: i don't know if that's a compliment
SA: gross
RS: to be frank
SS: (Pher, quit tryin to crush my dreams, aight?)
RS: my apologies
RS: that was cruel and unneccessarily callous of me
XR: you have none because there are none with me involved.
XR: end of story
RS: you absolutely do not smell as much as this rotting meat
SS: (I'm glad you're a big enough person to acknowledge that, Pheres.)
RS: and that is a compliment
RS: hahaha
RS: here, hold the camera
SS: (And ofc I've up and got dreams w you, Cennef!)
SS: (They're the ones where Pher ain't here and you sacrifice me to zeds.)
RS: ah
RS: hold my phone
XR: yes, have him hold it, and then back away
Laledy takes the phone, orienting it at where he hears Pheres. It's somewhat off-angle, but gets most of the scene.
XR: I have Foxmom in case they swarm us but she can really only carry two trolls, even light as the pair of you are(edited)
Or, at least it gets most of the scene when Laledy isn't delightedly filming whatever foxmom is doing at any given moment. There is at least one candid of her yawning, with a dramatic zoom of her teeth.
XR: if you're that desperate I'll send you videos, my gods
XR: this is silly
SS: (I deffo ain't believin you, but whatevs, pal, we'll film this fascinatin ish instead.)
Insert closeup of the rotting meat, pointedly, before Laledy gives in to his actual scientific interests and films the presumed ZOMBIE LAIR.
SA: eewewwww
SA: show us the de@d ppl(edited)
XR: I will because this is just pathetic and also off - there we go
The camera sort of catches Pheres fussing extraordinarily over the meat. It is rotting. It has flies. For all that the audio isn't on, it's not hard to tell he's displeased.
XR: all right. we all need to be quiet.
He drops it --
XR: back up Pheres
XR: now
SS: (Uhhhhhhh)
XR: come back to us
SS: (Uhhhhhhhhhhh)
The screen goes white in a crackle of static, then clears as the light clears.
SA: oh shit is he getting m@uled
XR: stop fussing over the damn meat
RS: shhh i'm moving
RS: moved!
SS: (OW)
RS: you were rushing me!
XR: ugh that was loud
RS: you're fine!
UV: Well then.
XR: Laledy, back up with me, that might draw a rush
SS: (SURE I'M FINE, PAL, TOTES FINE.)SS: (Where are you?)(edited)
XR: can you feel my arm?
SS: (Uh-) There is some fumbling of the camera, and it's now pointed halfway at the ground.
SS: (Yeah.)(edited)
XR: pity about the footage but I'm not about to get us killed over it
XR: oh
XR: there's one
SS: (Where?)
XR: just peeking up, I see the horns and - oh
SS: (Insert more question noodles.)
XR: there's larva in the sockets
SS: (Insert more capslock.)
XR: most of the scentsponge is eaten too
SA: eeeeewwwwwwwwww
RS: oh, wow, this is amazing
SA: rs you're fucking nuts
RS: hahaha
RS: this is for science, i'll have you know
Lal fumbles the camera again, and it points vaguely in Pheres's direction.
RS: oh, wait
RS: you can't -- mm
XR: aaaaand another - and well that's just great
RS: give me that
SA: @nd presum@bly getting ur zombie rocks off
RS: wha
RS: no one is getting their rocks off
XR: there's a fungus coming and it looks it's been out here a hundred sweeps
XR: look at that growth
SS: (Love to. (\qnq/) )
SS: (Unfort Pheres is a jerk.)
The screen is back to a steady image as Pheres points it at the zombie in question. It's got purple fungus growing everywhere. And: yes, it's gross.
RS: you were rushing me
RS: that is the tragic result of rushing me
-- Cennef takes a photo of a somewhat blurry due to distance but magnificently orange fungal zombie absolutely covered in the stuff, with shreds of clothing over it --
RS: i actually move
SA: gross
SA: grooooooossssss
XR: ...okay so there's two
XR: excellent
SA: eugh does it smell
UV: Well that is quite the sight. And... Double the trouble.
SA: it looks like it smells
SS: (Yeah, pal, like sunshine and daisies. (\eue/) )
XR: fungals don't smell usually
RS: can you see it clearly
RS: uv?
SS: (Wow, pal, way to kill my pun!)
SS: (What?)
RS: oh
RS: hm
RS: maybe you should get on your mother
SS: (Pal, can you yell that in a way that is less mortally terrifyin??)
SA: oh shit
XR: and - no, damn you
XR: I'm taking care of the fungals, one minute, try not to die or upset the cuckoos.
RS: oh
RS: no, don't - just
RS: stay with laledy
SS: (Uh. Uh.)
RS: and i will take care of the fungals
SS: (I'm gonna stand here and not move at all.)
RS: that does seem a little wise
RS: just
RS: ah
RS: hold still
-- XR swiftly runs around and throws a firebomb at each fungal, because she knows full well those spores are very insidious and deadly and luckily both burn -- (edited)
XR: no, if those had gotten any closer we would be in spore range.
XR: too risky.
SS: (Oh, shit, I can see that at least.)
SS: (Wtf, are you tryin to burn the whole place down?)
XR: also it distracted the cuckoos, they're blind but not that blind.
XR: there's nothing around them.
XR: it won't last.
SS: (P sure they're less blind than me atm, tbh.)
SS: (Fwiw, I am totes never lettin this ish go. (\qnq/) )
XR: good for you
XR: it'll mean you're alive
SS: (This was gonna be so cool.)
SS: (Take good vids!)
SS: (Since I'ma have to rewatch later.)
SA: ...you're blind @nd you went zombie hunting?
RS: um
RS: it's a metaphor
RS: hahaha
-- XR takes a vid of herself staring disapprovingly before swinging at Pheres and the approaching zombies --
XR: ...Pheres
SS: (Pheres blinded me, on accounta his psi is effin bright af.)
XR: don't move
RS: i will move in a moment
SS: (Everythin's spots and ish.)
RS: don't worry
MH: This is the stupidest fucking zombie expedition I've ever seen.
XR: there's a fern zombie approaching
SA: oh ok
SS: (Pal, can we not make this a sitch where you get up and rushed again?)
MH: One of you are gonna get bit, or killed.
XR: and it doesn't look quite as shambling as the cuckoos
XR: who are quite enjoying the meat, at least
MH: Anyone wanna take bets on someone getting hurt.
XR: but I think they'll finish it soon
RS: no one is going to get bit
RS: for heaven's sake
RS: you will have to lose your bet, mh
MH: I said hurt, not necessarily bit.
MP: so uh
MH: Self harm counts because you're all throwing around fire bombs.
RS: did you
RS: heave-- hahaha
XR: That was me and that was for safety.
SS: (Hey, I'm totes offended!)
SS: (Cennef's throwin round -y, zacly.)
SS: (I'm too flammable for that ish.)
XR: the only thing Laledy throws are his words.
XR: which are annoying enough.
MP: dudes r hunting zeds?
SS: (Nah, pal! We're up and makin friends with em!)
MP: streaming too damn badass
SS: (Look, Pher's gonna up and hug that one!)
RS: yes
RS: thank you
XR: clearly we are cuddling up to them, as Laledy suggested
RS: finally someone appreciates it
RS: hahaha
MP: hey I'm paying you compliments here
XR: I'm a bit preoccupied with ensuring Pheres doesn't die
SS: (Or kill me. (\unu/) )
MP: defs do that dude
XR: well thank you for your suggestion
XR: how could I live without it
MP: dying fuckin sucks do not do that
XR: wow, you shock me
MP: v helpful advice I know lol
XR: however would I cope.
SS: (Shit, pal, way to ruin my plans for the night!)
SS: (How tf'm I supposed to spend my Sat now?)
XR: wait
SS: (I ain't made plans for Sunday!)
XR: wait no
MH: Who wants to lay down 50 caegers as the starting bet.
SS: (For what, how long its gonna be afore MH stages dramatic life insurance fraud schemes on all their friends?)
MH: 50 caegers on someone getting getting hurt but that's a good one too.
SA: I'll fucking take it
MH: I'll keep that scheme in mind when I make friends.
MH: 50 caeger starting bid! Who are you betting on getting hurt first?
SS: (I'm puttin 100 on 'way too long - okay, nm, pal, I was gonna make a joke bout you ain't havin none but then you up and just made it sad.)SS: (At least be, like, miffed that you're forever alone.)(edited)
MH: Nah I'm good.
SA: probs the jade tbh
RS: oh goddamnit
SA: no wait
MH: Too late, bid casted.
SA: d@mn
SS: (Y, pal, on accounta the jade's the one what's up and stickin his fronds into rock cracks.)
SS: (And huggin zeds.)
XR: oh fuck oh damn oh hell
SS: (Wtf???)
MH: Oh shit.
SA: ye@h I w@s @bout to ch@nge my d@mn bid
SS: (Can someone like narrate???)
MH: What's going on over there?
Good thing the audio's turned off! Because the phone's abruptly a mess of static, jerky screen, and then - white again.
XR: hhhhhhh
XR: okay it's down
XR: we need to go
BB: I would hate to be the person who would have to utter this statement.
XR: Laledy get on Foxmom I'm just going to have to chance it
BB: But I told you so.
XR: we're all light
SS: (I hate lits everything oh my god.)
MP: oh fucking shit
MH: Did someone get hurt?
XR: it'll be slow but I have two firebombs left GO GO GO
The stream turns off!
MP: oh shit
MH: I think someone got a zed on them(edited)
SA: did I win the bet
SS: (Y, SA, I'm totes dead.)
MP: ohhh boy oh no
SS: (This is me confirmin from beyond the grave.)
BB: Unfortunately. SS is not dead.
MH: Who got hit.
SA: ty SS
SS: (That I am extra double blind now.)
MH: ....Shit.
MH: I think Pheres got a zed on him.
MP: ????? If he can teleport what the fuck is he doing
SA: d@ng it!
MH: Maybe he got hurt?
SA: I should@ ch@nged my bid
MH: Like really hurt.
BB: The excess narriration is doing nothing aBout the current circumstance and is only adding excess annoyance to my part.
MP: that's not a good thing dude not even a little
MH: Sucks to be you BB.
XR: ughhhhhhhh
BB: I would concur with that statement.
MH: Glad we're on the same page.
RS: / alright / ! /
RS: / no one wins a bet /
RS: / i am perfectly alive / or whatever you were betting on /
XR: you need a mediculler
RS: / perfectly fine /
RS: / and alive /
SS: (Can we go back to narratin?)
XR: you won't be if you don't get assistance
MP: what happened dude!
XR: I can't treat that and I don't think anybody in Port Mina can
BB: Which limB do I need to cut off.
XR: fuck off we aren't cutting off limbs yet
MH: But did you get HURT RS?
XR: will you all just shut up with your stupid speculations this is serious
MP: those infections get deadly intense tho
RS: / it's not serious /
MH: RS is hurt.
RS: / calm down / cennef /
MH: I knew it.
XR: it's not right now but it could well be and it needs to be taken care of
RS: / it does not even qualify as hurt /
XR: yes it does
MH: I knew someone was going to get hurt.
RS: / i will take care of it at my hive /
XR: do not argue with me, you need treatment
SA: d@mn it
XR: no
XR: you need professional treatment or you will become a fern zombie
XR: you're VERY LUCKY that's a small wound
SA: oh shiiit
XR: but it will spread
MP: def do not do that
BB: I do Believe. even if that is true. that adding more shout poles to the pile will not solve the matter any faster.
BB: We should resort to action. and not yelling over one another.
XR: why yes thank you for being so terribly helpful as if I am not trying to think about what to do right now, however would I cope without the lot of you idiots yapping at me
MP: maybe put the chat down?
XR: Pheres who's your mediculler
XR: or no
XR: turning off voice to text now
RS: / it will be fine /
RS: / take a deep breath / cennef /
RS: / and / ah / - /
RS: / / yes / haha /
BB: So, I do Believe that we shall be making an expressed detour at the next convenient step. I will not say anything more until the injured can come Back to his senses.
MP: I mean I don't think they'll talk to each other here if they all know each otherMP: and are like in the same placeMP:MP: do they do that often
AE: Hello.
MH: Welcome to the shit show.
MH: Some fucks went and bothered zombies and someone got bit.
MH: Or scratched. I don't know.
AE: Do. Not. Touch. Zombies. That. Is. A. Bad. Idea.
AE: Don't. Do. That.
MH: You came in like an hour too late to say that.
AE: Undead. Saliva. Is. A. Primary. Source. Of. Various. Infections. Including. But. Not. Limited. To. Acute. Skinrot.
MH: Again, an hour too late.
AE: I. Was. Not. Here. One. Hour. Ago.
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serendipitousoracle · 7 years
zodiac shooting star mixtape & fragrance for Eg(any aus) & Ria & Sov plz
[ ♡OC ask meme ♡ ]
By question:
zodiac: what’s their sign? does it influence theirpersonality? do they care about astrology?                              
Egeire Mahariel & Egeria “Ria” Surana:
As Egeire is a derivative of Egeria and Egeria is originally aSelf Insert, both are born in the twelfth month, known as Cassusor Haring. Unfortunately if I ever nailed down a date fortheir birthday/s I absolutely cannot find it.They very likelystill both fall in the range for Sagittarius, though. I don’t thinkit terribly influences their personalities, though I am very biasedby years of being umimpressed with the common astrology babble of“Sagittarius is an extrovert who loves adventures and excitementand is changeable and spontaneous!!1!!1“ Ria would probably payastrology no mind and Egeire would probably mostly do the same but heis also absolutely the type to lowkey look up sign compatibility withpeople he gets crushes on.
In the Chinese zodiac, they were both born in 9:08 I believe,which if you translate that straight as 908, means they’re EarthDragons. I… think.
Soveliss Liadon:
yeah I’ve got 0 idea when Sov was born. soz fam. if it becomesimportant to his backstory or if aub develops any Cool Year Info NShit maybe I will figure that out but honestly I never come up withcharacter birthdays until it comes up. which is not often. I don’teven have any real vibes for seasons they all seem Fine.
shooting star: if your OC(s) could have one wish whatwould it be?  
Egeire Mahariel
Perhaps… peace, or maybe life depending on the timeframe. Peacebeing the ability to be cured of the Taint in his blood and live alife that makes him happy with the people who make him happy.Alternatively, life– namely, Tamlen’s. He feels guilty aboutTamlen’s death for a long time. Even if Tamlen isn’t his…Egeire wants his friend to live a full life and die a death not inagony.
(Egeire’s wish for peace extends to any Warden Egeire AU, but inWAW!AU imagine his life wish expanding. it would probably take quitesome rules-lawyering to keep it from being disastrous, but what ifEgeire could undo so much sorrow? Tamlen lives, and so does anybodyfrom Clan Sabrae who might have perished in the Blight. The Circle isnot ravaged, and so many mages who were locked behind heavy doors andleft to die have a second chance at life. Hundreds of soldiers, lostat Ostagar and beyond, return home to family and loved ones.Consultation is probably needed to keep his tongue from erring intosomething unwise, but what if the past year did not need to be soakedin so much grief? And, well… he has plenty of role modelsfor ambitious goals, now.
Royals AU Egeire would consider it, and… honestly find hedoesn’t want for much. He is happy with Denoreth, and unlike theother royals AU, this Egeire is not as scarred by Cyrron beforeCyrron is eliminated from his life. His training with Cyrron isultimately what allows him to keep Denoreth safe, in fact, and evenDen likes watching him fight. so Egeire would probably just wish forsomething like eternal prosperity upon both their kingdoms or somesuch.
Fugitives AU Egeire probably has an interesting wish: A life wherehe is never taken and broken by Cyrron, but still gets to meet andend up happy with Denoreth like he is now, without the trauma.Failing that, the follow-ups would be erasing the aftereffects ofsaid trauma, or him and Denoreth having a life of comfort where theynever have to struggle to get by again, like they did when they firstfled their past lives)
Egeria Surana
I think the big thing that would address a lot of Ria’s hurts inlife would be equality; if elves and mages and non-Andrastians wereon even footing with humans (etc), maybe then she and those who comeafter her wouldn’t have to worry about mages (some of themso young) leaping from high windows or choosing Tranquility,and elves wouldn’t suffer in alienages, and she would not feel socaught on a tightrope between Warden and elfmagegirl, the latter ofwhich also becomes a real threat to her relationship with Alistair.It is a gigantic scale wish, but it’s one concept, and itwould likely be hers.
Post-Inquisition, the wish she makes probably wouldn’tchange… but honestly, on the inside, she just wants Alistair backfrom the Fade.
Soveliss Liadon
There are two major angles Sov can wish for: past and future. Onthe one hand, he could have everything he lost back. The monks couldlive again, he could have a home, they could perhaps reconcile, andhe could spend like a week straight just crying and holding onto eachand every one of them for dear life.
But on the other hand, there is the future. There is him as anadventurer, a warlock, and a traveling acolyte. For the future, hiswish would likely be power. Knowledge, magic, and control farbeyond his current comprehension. With enough magic he could protectwhat few things he still cares about, and fulfill his duties toKelemvor in protecting others and striking down undead. With enoughmagic, he might not feel so small compared to his patron, though hewould not be able to fathom being on equal footing (or being morepowerful than?) his dear patron, an archfey. With enough magic… hecould perhaps bring his family of monks back himself, or at least putthem to rest so they no longer haunt the halls of the monastery. Sogiven the choice, Soveliss would probably wish for magic, power, andknowledge.
What could possibly go wrong?
Under the cut: mixtape & fragrance
mixtape: 5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songsthey themselves would like
Answeredhere for normal Egeire, Egeria, and Soveliss.
Royals AU Egeire:
1. “TheBest Is Yet To Come” - Frank Sinatra (once Egeire and Denorethfinally get to the point of being in love… things are reallylooking up)
2. “I Lived” - OneRepublic (being very suddenly thrown into an arranged marriage feels a bit like being thrown to the wolves, but perhaps by the end of everything, he will have finally lived a life of his own choosing.)
3. “Collide” - Howie Day (tentative, sweeter love song for boys gettin’ to know each other)
4. “Float On” - Modest Mouse (chill song about carrying on through setbacks, bc hey that’s p much all Eg can do at this point)
5. “Any Way You Want It” - Journey (surprise most of this AU rn is young princes falling in love and holding onto themselves despite the politics as much as possible)
Fugitives AU Egeire:
1. “TheOnly Exception” - Paramore (Egeire learned from Cyrron thatlove was fickle and fleeting and led only to hell and heartbreak, andDenoreth had figured out pretty quickly that getting attached topeople was a fool’s errand, but…)
2. “Be OK”- Ingrid Michaelson (Poor tol has spent so long being torn topieces and scrambled and he just… wants to have the partsof himself he lost back)
3. “Field of Innocence” - Evanescence (The sadder half of the above coin. Flip-flopping between wanting to Be OK again and just wanting to go back to before he was ever hurt.)
4. “Jump the Fence” - Mother Mother (Fleeing and freedom and not necessarily goodness, only looking out for themselves and going straight back to merc work and profiting (surviving) off of doing richer bastards’ dirty work)
5. “Give Me A Sign” - Breaking Benjamin (Just. Boys gotta hold onto each other and try to keep each other together through financial struggling and moral conflict and internalized shit and the scars will remain but they can too.)
Bonus: “Home”- Phillip Phillips (could apply to both AUs, really. everything is uncertain- and inFugitives AU especially even terrifying- but they will have a home.This new place will be home, one day.)
fragrance: what do your OCs smell like?                              
Egeire Mahariel:
Canon/WAW: Leather and sweat typically, from being out on the road, often with some measure of blood. When they get to Vigil’s Keep and there’s room for fancy soaps and shit, he would probably be particular to pine or herbal scents or smth.
Royals: really it’s going to be like soap and scented oil rubbed into his hair or halla and sweat and there’s not a whole lot of in-between
Fugitives: When Denoreth first meets him, it is the light, almost undetectable scent of salt water and ocean breeze. This lingers through most of their encounters, at varying degrees of intensity, until they make their break for it– that day is just sweat and fear, ironically as they are surrounded by the real sea and eventually have their final confrontation with Cyrron. After that, Egeire never smells of the ocean again. He likes apple and water lily and honey scented soaps, and the smell of flowers often lingers on him when he leaves his room. He also specifically keeps unscented soap around for when they’re working.
Egeria Surana:
Scents don’t cling to her much. Soap and books if anything, in the Circle. Sweat on the road. Likes flowery soaps once she can get her hands on them. Still only lingers for so long, though.
Soveliss Liadon:
Pre-adventuring Sov mostly smelled like old, old books and incense. Adventuring Sov probably smells of pretty little considering he is extremely ready and willing to basically prestidigitate off layers of skin to keep himself fairly clean. Dusk of the New Morning Soveliss probably smelled like dust and food, while Here There Be Kerbolds Soveliss (aka current Sov which is absolutely getting a The Adventure Zone reference name bc of the Abraca-Fuck-You quote) probably smells like either linen or faintly of swamp (bc grumblegrumble it takes /so much prestidigitation/ to get swamp water out and he’s probably still going to have to wash so much shit after this is over).
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] [SF] Spence
Been out here at my shack for quite a while. Bout 20 miles outta town, off on my own little dirt road. Close enough so it ain’t so bad to get supplies, and far enough out soz no one bothers much, and the sky is open at night. Not much on bein’ social. Just me and Spence.
Lemme tell ya about Spence.
In town, pickin’ up supplies. Always make a point to get a chicken salad sammich, a to-go coffee, and a bottle of water. Damn good chicken salad, and nice to have someone else make the coffee ever now and again.
So, haulin’ the bags out to the truck, had to set the drinks and the sammich bag on the rear bumper to stow things.
Got that done, grabbed the sammich bag, and got in the cab. Took half the sammich, took a bite, and reached for my drink. Dammit. Still on the bumper. Gettin’ old and forgetful.
Parked the sammich on the seat, and, leaving the door open, got out to retrieve the drinks. Came back to see that sammich tore open, and a skinny orange and white tabby cat goin’ to town on the chicken.
Not a kitten, but not full-grown. Like I said, kinda skinny. Right ear was a little ragged like it had been chewed on, and had not healed up clean.
There were a few strays running around town, but they usually hauled ass away from people. I know that feeling.
‘That is some pretty good chicken. He’p ya-self there, bud’
He stopped eatin’ then. And sat back and looked at me. He wasn’t scared. Just kinda cocked that torn ear to the side and looked.
‘That chicken salad always makes me thirsty. Hang on a sec.’
I dumped the coffee, rinsed it from the water bottle, tore the cup sides down some and poured water in. Slowly set that down and slid it over.
The cat had been watchin’, not scared at all. None of that raised-fur, laid-back ear, hissy shit at all. Just kinda lickin’ his chops, cleaning up chicken.
He sniffed at the water, and went at it like a drowning man at a life-saver.
‘Ha! Yeah, buddy. I am the same way.‘
I eased myself in the cab and carefully closed the door. He had finished the water, and was doin’ that cocked head stare again. Sizin’ me up.
‘Well I’m headin’ back to the shack. You’re more than welcome to ride along’
Looked like he was thinkin’ it over for a bit, then he started his post-dinner washup.
‘Ima take that as yes then, bud’
Once we got rollin’, he was all washed up. He sized me up again, and then kinda curled up next to me. I careful-like reached down and scratched his head. He kept his eyes closed, but moved to get the attention on that bum ear, and purred like an outboard motor.
Yeah. That’s Spence.
Entry 2018-09346
Failure again! The procedures are technically perfect. There is no fault in them, but still no success. I believe the issue is with the raw organic materials. More study required.
He settled right in at the shack. Made sure to explore ever’thing. Actually disappeared for a while (yep, even in my tiny shack).
Got supplies put up, and grabbed a cold beer, and went to my chair. Had ‘Bad Day at Black Rock’ cued up.
Cat walked out from his inspection, and sat down in front of my chair, giving me that cocked head look.
‘Well sir, if we gonna be roomies, Ima not gonna call you Cat. Howz about Spencer ... Spence for short?’
That seemed to meet his approval. He jumped up in the chair, licked at the water on the outside of the bottle, and curled up and went to sleep, so I started the movie.
Entry 2018-10249
The laboratory raised organics were indeed the issue. While they do have the desired feline instincts, the lack of human bonding leads to undesirable behavior, and lack of response to training and commands. Must acquire organics that are human bonded, to take advantage of those characteristics
Had to make a ‘cat-flap’ for Spence. Set it up high by the door, to keep crawly varmints out, and latched it shut when he was in. He would take off, sometimes for hours. Always came back after doin’ his ‘cat business’.
He filled out real well. Big kinda like those Maine Coon types, but shorter hair.
Sit out on the little porch out front in the mornings. Have my coffee, Spence in my lap, gettin’ that ear rubbed. Purrin’ away, lazy tail thumpin’ my leg. He’s good company.
Entry 2018-13286
I have assigned some personnel to acquire the human bonded organics. They have specific instructions on what is needed, and to avoid detection. ‘Pets’ being lost/running away is not an unusual occurrence. I am quite hopeful that once acquired, the results will be success!
Spence and me would truck into town for supplies, always splitting a chicken sammich, of course. He’d wait outside in the truck, windows part-way down. I like to think he was enjoying the high-life, but still saying howdy to his street friends.
I come out the store, and the passenger window was bust. That pebbled safety glass all over, shining in the sun.
Dropped my bags, and ran over. Nothing missing, except Spence.
Entry 2018-15671
Success! The fifth time is the charm, as they say! The fifth acquired organic was an outstanding specimen. I suspected that this one’s unusually large size would make the transfer easier, and was pleased that this worked out so well. Now the conditioning begins.
I picked up the bags, threw them in the truck bed, cleared the pebbles of glass from the window, and the cab, then drove the short bit to the sheriff’s office, filed a report on the broken window.
I was numb.
Once I was back at the shack, it was gettin’ dark. I had driven slow-like, keepin’ an eye out for Spence. He was a tough fella. Hell, he dragged me back a rattler one time. Minus the head.
I sat out in the yard, crying some, cursing some, but mostly waiting.
Entry 2018-16384
The prototype has escaped. I have dispatched personnel to recover. The hardware is traceable, and they have orders to not damage the prototype, and to notify me when they locate.
I finally dozed off sitting there, out front of the shack. Had a dream. Spence was back. We were sitting in the morning sun, me with my coffee, and him, gettin’ that ear rubbed, thumpin’ his tail.
But, in the dream, something was off. Spence’s motorboat purr wasn’t there. This started to bother me, and like you do sometimes in a dream, it bothered me enough to wake me up.
Entry 2018-16390
The recovery team has isolated the prototype’s location. It is in a secluded area, and there appears to be only one person at this location. I have advised the team to secure the prototype and the resident, monitor and keep me updated. I am going to mobile, and will arrive there shortly.
Something was not right. There was a dark SUV coming down the dirt road from the highway. Who the hell would come out here this time of night? Wasn’t the sheriff. They drive in light colored Jeeps.
I got up and walked over to the truck. I keep a sawed-off in there for varmints and such.
The SUV pulled in just as I got to the truck. A spotlight from the driver’s side popped on, aimed at the passenger side of my truck, and three fellas got out.
They were dressed like a SWAT team, or special forces, and each had an evil looking, stubby automatic weapon of some high-end sort. The details of the business end were real clear, as they was all pointed at me.
‘OK fellas, Can I help you with somethin’?’
‘Get down on your belly, slow and easy, and put your hands out in front of you’
One of them had like a cell-phone or small tablet device, and was moving it slowly around, kinda like he was searching for a signal.
‘Fellas, there really isn’t a good signal back this far from the main road’
‘Get down on the ground now!’
Another vehicle was coming down my road. It pulled in by the SUV, and the driver got out. He was obviously not one of the heavies. He was wearing green hospital scrubs, which looked stained some. Hard to tell at night, but as he moved closer to the light, it looked like blood.
Then I heard ... something ... from in my truck. Like something metallic and sharp, popping like it was tearing into the seat ...
Like ... like a cat sharpening its claws.
Things happened real fast after that, and ima do my best to tell ya, but it was just so damn fast.
I turned to look in the cab. I saw something metallic, chrome-like. Just a quick glance, and it was out the empty passenger window frame.
The heavies opened up at it. I dropped behind my truck, opened the door, and grabbed my scatter-gun. I could hear the rounds hitting the truck, and spanging off something else.
I popped up, and fired. The spotlight blew like a firework, and went out.
Was hard to see now. I heard heavy, wet thumps, and tearing, and screams.
I could see vague shapes on the ground, about where they had been standing when the shit started.
I dug under my seat, reloaded, and grabbed my flashlight.
Turned it on and saw the three heavies, obviously dead, torn to shreds. Saw the hospital looking fella. He wasn’t tore up, but was sitting with his back at the rear driver’s side wheel, not moving at all.
In front of him was ... well ... it looked kinda like a cheetah, if the cheetah was made of chrome, and had steel razors for teeth and claws, and was scary as fuck.
I swallowed the bile in my throat, and walked slowly over that way. Not sure what good this sawed-off will do, but it has been a pretty shit day so far, so what the hell.
I was about half way over there, and I could hear a sound. You know that sound a cat makes when it sees a bird? That chittery thing they do? It was like that, but ... metal.
I stopped dead. The cheetah thing stopped making that sound, and turned its head towards me. I brought up my scattergun, and the cheetah-thing cocked its head to the right, and just looked at me.
‘Awwwww no ... Spence?’
The cheetah-thing thumped its tail lightly in the dirt.
Time froze. That’s Spence! What the fuck is going on? My arms dropped to my sides. I fell to my knees.
This next part was again really quick, but I will remember it until I die.
The hospital fella lunged to grab something from one of the dead heavies’ belts. He came up with what looked like some kind of grenade. The Spence thing tore that fella’s hand clean off. It dropped, still holding that grenade. He started to scream, but that changed to a wet gurgle, and then silence.
‘S-s-spence? Is that you?’
The tail thumped again.
I knew it was him. He grabbed that dead hospital fella in his teeth, and dragged him over to me. Just like that rattler.
Then he sat there, just in front of me, head cocked, sizin’ me up like he does.
I reached out careful-like, and put my hand on his head, where that bum ear was. He pushed his head into my hand, and I could hear a metal-like purr.
Well, I cleaned that shit up. Lots of places to hide things out there in the back-country. Got a new truck. Told the few folks who asked I sold it for junk after the engine blew. Ain’t too worried about anyone looking them up. Checking through their things, I got the idea they were not folks that anyone would miss. I did keep their weapons.
And I still have my buddy Spence.
submitted by /u/UndiagnosablePaella [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/344r5au
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