#getting Adelha to a secluded place
adelha-mathilde · 3 years
Dash posts turned drabble part 2
// part 2 of that drabble prompted by the thread with @sillydoctor​ //
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Claude gave a huge huff of air once the dust had settled. His whole frame drenched in sweat as he knelt on the ground to give himself a moment of reprieve. His cargo pants ripped in places for the back of his shirt to have been shredded beyond repair. Yet he looks a lot better than Eugene does. The leader of the Currier clan on his back and without his signature tie. Both his shoes ruined bits of leather for one sock to be gone. His head dripping blood for him to be wheezing for air like he ran a marathon.
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Eugene sits up to look to Claude with concern. The back of his overcoat ripped to shreds to barely be held together. His words rough and tired. “Well. That went better than last time. Did she break anything on you?”
Claude reaches a hand up to rub the sweat out of his eyes. “No. But we both know she went easy on us. If Margaret wanted to hurt us, we’d have been puddles on the ground out in the hallway. Now we get to deal with the next hurdle of this debacle. Keeping this quiet will not be easy.”
Both men look to where there is a small crater in the ground. With a small white dragon being in the center of the crater. About the size of a bengal tiger for the scales to glisten in the light. The dragon was Celtic in lineage to lack wings. More serpent than dragon in a sense. Currently unconscious and of no threat to anyone. Eugene taking a torn piece of his over coat into his hand to wipe the blood off his face. “I doubt we can keep this quiet at all. Her Servants will know without us needing to say a word. Let us trust in our comrades, Claude. If anyone tries to hurt our dragon, we sunder them.”
Claude nods to get up onto his feet and walk over to slide into the crater. The gauntlets removed for Claude to place his hands gently on the dragon’s muzzle. A sigh escaping as he does so. “I broke her nose. And her back foot. As such, I volunteer for full guard duty in penance.” Eugene nods to dust himself off and walk over to the crater. Sliding in himself to make a declaration. “Accepted. Let u get our dragon to her workshop in the arboretum. Matvei and Erlik will be there to help us tend to her. As will Jakes and Seiya no doubt.”
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