#gfl spoilers
[extremely loud spoiler buzzer alarm]
just finished reading through M16's story on the wiki and NOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY
M16 and S/O seeing each other on the battlefield after her defection? would she even want to harm them?
Hopefully that red text is enough to ward off anyone who cares.
BUT YES, this little tidbit is something I've been explicitly not mentioning this entire time I've been writing, other than a few allusions. Nevertheless, onto your depression!
(GFL) M16A1 seeing her S/O on the battlefield
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When M16 defected from Griffin, she did her absolute best to not harm any of her former comrades if she saw them on the field.
Only when she was forced with no option but through them, did she actually fight back, and with unrelenting force at that.
She would disable them, but never kill a Griffin squad. Especially the Anti-Rain Team.
Though at this point, all that remained consistently was M4A1 and ST AR-15.
There were so many regrets she had, leaving everyone she cared about behind, but she had a duty to everyone to see her goal through.
One day, her actions would bear fruit and everyone would benefit, T-Dolls and humanity.
But of all the regrets, leaving S/O behind was her biggest one.
They were the first on the field to chase after M16, which ached her artificial heart, but knew eventually she had to confront them.
Finally isolating S/O from their squad, M16 made her move.
S/O's eyes darted left and right as they slowly crept through the ruins, looking down the ironsight of their rifle, watching for any movement.
If a Sangvis Doll actually attacked them, they would have almost no chance of surviving the encounter, but they could at least buy themselves a few seconds for their squad to find them.
S/O reached for their earpiece and opened their mouth, but said nothing after a few seconds passed. If their transmission was caught, they would be in even more trouble since it would be traced.
And as if on cue, S/O heard something move behind them as rocks slid against the floor. Immediately, their rifle spun around towards the source of the noise, finger on the trigger.
Then, S/O saw what had made the noise.
(S/O) "...M16...?!"
M16A1 stepped around the corner, a sad expression accompanying her new white hair and yellow eyes.
(M16A1) "...Hey. Been a little bit."
M16's eye glanced down to S/O's hand, noticing they were lowering their rifle. Before S/O could even blink, she closed the gap between them and grabbed the rifle from their hand, snapping it in half.
S/O's training kicked in to try and defend themselves, but M16 was too fast. One hand grabbed their fist as a punch flew next to her head, and with her legs, she swept their legs off the ground.
They braced themselves to collide onto the concrete or worse, but instead they felt a tight embrace around them, making their eyes go wide as their body stiffened in response.
M16's eye closed to hug them tighter, before feeling arms wrap around her waist. After a few seconds, M16 reluctantly pushed them away, albeit gently.
The two stood a few meters away from each other, struggling to find the words to say. Until S/O broke the silence.
(S/O) "...Why?"
M16 frowned at the question and turned her glance away from them. As if she couldn't bear to look at the pained expression.
(S/O) "Why did you defect?...No, tell me when you can come back to me! We can get that Sangvis crap out of your systems and get you out of their contro-"
(M16A1) "It's me, S/O. It's...just me."
Staring from the ground and into S/O, she saw tears form at the edges of their eyes.
(M16A1) "There's so much I want to tell you. You, M4A1, the Commander...But I can't."
(S/O) "I...I don't understand! You can't just leave all of us behind like this! We can try to help! I don't want you to do this alone!-"
S/O's tears came rushing down their cheek, wanting an answer they knew would never come.
Instead, M16 slowly walked over to them and gently wiped away their tears with her hands. With the same hand she raised their chin and gave S/O a kiss.
She wanted this stupid war to be over and make sure S/O could never feel this way again, because of Sangvis, Griffin, and most of all, her.
With one final tight embrace, M16 shut her eyes and took the feeling of their warmth to memory. She didn't know how long it would be until she saw S/O again.
...Or if she would.
She will see them again.
Pulling back from their face, M16 looked at S/O with a wry smile, her eye color going back to normal for a brief second.
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(M16A1) "Tell M4 and STAR I said the same thing, will ya?"
M16 turned around and began to walk away, before hearing footsteps rapidly follow her.
(S/O) "M16, please! Don't go!"
(M16A1) "Don't make this harder than it already is....I love you, remember that."
(S/O) "WAIT!-"
M16 let a grenade from her jacket hit the floor before quickly jumping into the shadows. With a loud pop, smoke began jetting out of the grenade, making S/O cough and lose sight of her.
And just like that, they were gone.
(S/O) "...M16..."
As the smoke began to dissipate, they noticed a pistol on the floor that wasn't there before.
(S/O) "W-When did...?"
S/O's eyes widened when they realized it was left in the spot where he had last seen M16. Slowly kneeling down and grabbing the pistol, they took a deep breath as they tried to regain their composure.
(S/O) "...Remember, you promised me..."
S/O focused back on the present, and moving to regroup with their team.
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commander-frostii · 1 year
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scarletlotus182 · 1 year
Thinking about how Aliana did love her squad but was forced to activate the dogtag protocol. Amaris survived and held on to her anger so she could avenge Daybreak and Aliana KNEW this was coming and never said anything about what happened because she's been carrying this guilt the WHOLE time.
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been bouncing between so many podcasts and haven't progressed much in any
🚩: scatterbrained commitment issues
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sheeproach · 2 months
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her new dress is clearly meant to evoke a venus flytrap, especially with the red fabric between the "mouths"... it's sooo good...
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cielhunternorwood · 10 months
I'm a bit surprised that Tumblr doesn't also have an ability to blur images as spoiler, but you know what? I have to post this because it's almost exactly how I wrote Ramius's "death" in October's Run.
Also contains some grievances of my own at the universe for conspiring against me and my creativity.
Ample space for spoilers.
Spoilers below.
Spoilers below.
Spoilers below.
Spoilers below.
Okay, now I fume a bit.
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It's not so much that it happened but is an almost perfect mirror of the moment I wrote in Retention. It's a frustrating thing that happens to me a lot with my writing, having something new come out after something I wrote mirroring something enough that I get that flinch of more than just simple deja vu.
I know there are some cases where awareness leads you to believe that "suddenly" this thing is more prevalent, but too often is it a bit TOO specific for me to just brush off. It's like how Samurai Remnant was a bit too similar to the work I was making prior to its release.
I'm not claiming this is an idea being copied or plagiarized, even though that's hard to claim from a fanfiction/comic perspective, but I hate that I have weirdly prophetic writing moments that can sometimes lead to me having to ditch entire writing projects or progress for fear of them being too similar to something obviously more official and public than my own rough drafts.
Sorry, just had to vent my frustrations there. Carry on.
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all-hail-trudos · 3 years
Ange: *gets on the plane with traitor face*
Me: is this going where I think it's going?
Ange: *starts asking Pointed questions*
Me: Ange, please tell me you didn't wait to wait until you were alone with traitorface, in a place you can't just escape from if things go wrong. Ange, I thought you were better than this.
Ange: *rips off the terminator mask in thirty seconds flat, promptly finds out she might have bitten off a lot more than she can chew*
Me: Ange, you dumbass, how are you going to pull this one off without help?
Ak-12: *appears*
Me: Oh thank God, you actually had a real plan
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frostiifae · 4 years
i think i figured out why i do like gfl but don’t like arknights, and even better, i figured out a way to frame it that isn’t “arknights sucks in a nebulous way i refuse to explain”, because obviously arknights does not suck, i just do not like it
here’s what it is: arknights puts you, as the doctor, in the position of a powerful and privileged person taking care of people who desperately need help. and that’s awesome! that’s a cool character concept and a good gacha game premise: your self-insert is a guide and caretaker, a shepherd almost, for these battered people in desperate need of some kind of hope that only an altruistic outsider can provide. that’s the power fantasy - you may not be able to save the world, but you can at least save these people, and that’s empowering and cool 
but that doesn’t resonate with me in the way that gfl does
with GFL it’s not just the commander’s character specifically but really the general tone of the story itself, a thematic refrain that you can see repeating itself in several characters: battered people trying their best to protect others they care for from the harm that befell them, in the name of making the world better for those that come after
you can see that in ump45, who started out motivated purely by revenge but now is dealing with the reality that she could never have achieved it alone - and that what she has achieved is made more meaningful by the people she’s saved and uplifted along the way; you see that in m4a1, who just desperately wants to protect her friends with everything she has and cannot handle the reality that they are the ones that have to protect her, that she has to be the one left standing, when she would so much rather sacrifice herself if it meant that there could be no fighting at all; you see it repeated all over in Team DEFY - in the way AN94 and AK-12 admire and protect one another, in the way their quirks compliment one another and they find a sort of brisk happiness that doesn’t require anyone else’s approval, and you see it in their relationship with Ange, a woman who would in a heartbeat throw away her life for their sake - if they would ever fucking let her, how dare you die on us, we are a team, damn it!
part of me wants to describe it as more ‘realistic’ or ‘honest’ or something - but i know that’s not it; the world of GFL is not at all unlike the world of Arknights, it’s just a matter of perspective. the difference between them is being the commander on the front lines, suffering alongside your friends but holding their hands throughout it all and chanting for everyone to keep moving forward together in the name of at least making tomorrow just a little better than today - or being the doctor waiting in the wings to remind you of what you’re fighting for, to remind you that everything you do matters, that there is hope for a peaceful future, and that more than that, that you deserve to be happy and loved right now. 
they are both incredibly important people, and both incredibly important stories. it’s just i’m living my life in the trenches right now. 
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rpk-16 · 4 years
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I will not spoil what happens here. But as she is the namesake of the blog, I do have to say this was a very defining scene and she is cemented as one of my absolute favorites.
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give-fnc-chocolate · 4 years
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acecombatmutual · 5 years
i love GFL because it initially comes across as just another standard fare gacha but you get to the end of C8E and one of the main characters has ptsd, your logistics officer is revealed to be an orphan who has committed murder, one of the other main characters is dead, and another one is planning suicide. thanks micateam
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(Genshin Impact/GFL/GG:ST) "Pocky Game with their S/O"
Genshin Impact: Navia, Lynette, Eula, Lisa Girls' Frontline: AN-94, AK-12, WA2000, SPAS-12, Helianthus Guilty Gear Strive: Elphelt Valentine
No one requested this, just ate some pocky and the idea came to mind.
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(Navia) "Oh? Sounds fun, let's try it!"
Navia cheekily grabs the pocky and puts it in her mouth, extending the stick towards her S/O expectantly.
One of the rules of the game that intrigued her was that you weren't allowed to look away from your partner.
Something Navia has no problem with, as she stares into their eyes.
Her lips form into a smile with each nibble, before she ends up grabbing S/O's face and kissing them anyway once the stick becomes short enough.
(Navia) "Huh? We lost? Hm...Well, we can always just try again!~"
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Lynette questions why this game exists.
Why was eating chocolate a game? Isn't it just better to eat the pocky directly?
Well, whatever. If S/O wanted to try it, she can at least give it a shot.
Lynette fidgets a little as they make direct eye contact with each other, slowly taking away a piece of the pocky with each bite.
Right before their lips make contact, she pulls away, a little proud at the short length of the cookie.
(Lynette) "Hm. We did a pretty good job, considering."
She gives a slight smirk to them before resuming her important task at hand: spacing out and mindlessly munching on some cookies the proper way.
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Eula's eyes widen slightly before she makes a "hmph!"
(Eula) "As if a simple game like this would be enough to make me falter."
Spoilers: It was.
Eula's cheeks are a crimson hue the entire time, her eyes constantly looking everywhere except S/O.
And already failing the game.
(Eula) "Just, give me a moment to compose myself! The chocolate has a strange taste is all..."
Her heart is beating fast the entire time as their lips grow closer.
It doesn't matter if they were already a couple or if they already kissed, Eula would still be extremely flustered.
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(Lisa) "Hm, I think I like the sound of this game."
Lisa has no trouble at all putting the chocolate end into her mouth, waiting for S/O.
Instead of taking nibbles, she takes a massive bite, already being a few inches from their lips.
Still keeping eye contact, she gives them a wink, making S/O falter before she simply bites down completely and breaks the pocky.
(Lisa) "Oh, looks like I lost. Here, grab another one, I want a rematch.~"
It's clear that she does so on purpose, just simply enjoying S/O's reactions. Part of her wants to kiss them directly, but where's the fun in that?
This game made things a lot more fun!
Plus, it was a pretty cute idea.
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(AN-94) "There is a game with candy?...I will attempt it for you."
94 is confused, but goes along with S/O's request.
She puts the pocky into her mouth and doesn't even blink as she stares into S/O, calculating how many bites it would take to not make contact with their lips.
94 doesn't react until S/O kisses her, making her eyes widen in surprise.
Not that she hated the sweets or S/O kissing her, but she tilted her head in confusion at their reaction.
(AN-94) "May I ask what the purpose of this game is?...It is for lovers to bond?...Then, I request that we continue playing."
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AK-12's eyes remain close, but her eyebrows perk up in curiousity.
(AK-12) "Sure, we can play. I'll take the chocolate end."
She waits until S/O grabs the other end with their lips.
Her eyes finally open as her pink glowing eyes stare directly into them, smile still present and making them pause.
Before she just grabs the pocky with her hand and just kisses S/O full on the lips.
(AK-12) "Mmm~, tastes sweet. Oh, right, I failed the game. Let's try it again."
She would "accidentally" fail a couple more times just to see what kind of reactions S/O made.
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WA's normal frown completely vanishes the moment S/O brought up the pocky game to her.
Instead, replaced with a surprised and embarassed expression.
(WA2000) "Wha-Why do you not just eat the cookies normally, are you a child or something!?"
WA begrudgingly (not really) accepts S/O's proposal to play the game and is shutting her eyes, before hearing their laughter.
(WA2000) "I'm not supposed to close my eyes? What does it matter, we're still eating the damn thing!"
The entire time, WA2000 is trying her best to look angry and unaffected, but is failing miserably.
After a few kisses, WA just sighs when she sees S/O's happy expression.
(WA2000) "...Yeah, the pocky tasted fine, now wipe that stupid smirk off your face..."
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(SPAS-12) "OH! I love pocky!"
SPAS happily starts munching on the cookies before S/O stops her and tells her about the game.
(SPAS-12) "You wanna use this for a game? Oooooh, okay! That explains why there's a lot of boxes!"
Truthfully, S/O bought multiple boxes because they knew SPAS would just start eating without listening first. They were more for emergencies.
Regardless, SPAS gets a little flustered as she stares directly at S/O, and takes massive bites because she gets distracted by the taste of the pocky.
(SPAS) "Mmmm, chocolatey!...Huh?! I lost?! T-Try me again, I won't lose!"
She loses every single time. Her love for food seals her fate every single time.
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(Helianthus) "Pocky game? Do I really seem that young to you...?"
Before S/O could retract their pocky, Helian immediately starts backtracking.
If anything, Helain is flattered that S/O wanted to play this game with her, despite her usual stoic demeanor.
Helian has a hard time keeping eye contact, but tries to tough it out.
She fails at not having their lips connect, but it's not a failure she exactly minds.
Helian gets carried away in the moment, forgetting the original purpose of the game and instead just focuses on kissing her S/O.
Before tasting the chocolate in their mouth and quickly leaning back.
(Helianthus) A-AHEM! "I...suppose we failed the challenge..."
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Before S/O could even finish proposing the idea to Elphelt-
(Elphelt) "YES! Gimme that pocky!"
With zero hesitation she immediately puts the pocky in her lips, excitedly leaning into S/O with bright eyes.
She kicks the challenge up a notch, by having her hands latch onto S/O's, giggling all the while as she took each bite and savoring the bite and sight.
Elphelt fails the challenge in multiple ways, mostly just by how giddy she is during it.
Accidentally biting too hard, kissing S/O, letting go of the cookie, each result makes her pout and slightly blush.
(Elphelt) "Wha-OH COME ON! I didn't even bite that hard! Hand me another one!"
Elphelt loves playing this pocky game with S/O.
She always had these cookies around due to her love for sweets, but this was the first time they've been used for something this fun!
(Elphelt) "Another one!...We're out? Alright, fine! Lemme grab another box and we can try this again later, I will win!"
S/O at the end of each session has a lot of lipstick, chocolate, and cookie crumbs on their lips.
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commander-frostii · 4 years
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i’m for real going to cry.
you did it, girls.
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scarletlotus182 · 3 years
Really tickled by the post credit sequence of Dual Randomness which has K getting mercilessly rejected by AN94
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yamada-ryo · 5 years
Mrw clearing 8-6 despite already being spoiled by cn server long ago
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evas-bloodbath · 4 years
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