vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ ゲイメ | Gheimeh ・さいの目に切ったマトン、トマト、ラッペ豆、タマネギ、乾燥ライムで構成されるイランのシチュー (khoresh) で、金色の薄くスライスしたクリスピーポテトを添えます。シチューには揚げたナスが添えられることもあり、通常は白いご飯 (ポロウ) と一緒に出されます。 ・中東の国々には、トマトや豆を使う料理が頻繁に登場します。ゲイメは料理のジャンルとしてはトマトシチューに属しますが、肉とトマトのほかにラッペ豆という黄色い挽き割り豆を使うのが特徴です。煮込むときにサフランやターメリック、クミン、乾燥させたレモンなどを調味料として使うことで味、香りともに中東の雰囲気がでてきます。一般的に、ご飯と一緒に食べられているそうです。
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fattributes · 5 years
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Khoresh Gheimeh
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persianatpenn · 6 years
Khoresh Gheimeh: The Ultimate Stew
There are two main pillars of Persian food: kabob and khoresh. Persian kabob is similar to other kinds of kabob, as it consists of spiced chicken or beef which is then cooked on a skewer. However, my favorite Persian dish has to be khoresh gheimeh. Each time I go home for the holidays, I make sure that one night we get together as a family to eat it. Unfortunately, making any sort of stew tends to be a long and tedious process, so I never had the opportunity to make any khoresh at school until recently. A group of friends were able to place an order to Sadaf, an LA-based Persian food company, and I acquired several jars of different kinds of khoresh. One Sunday, I brought my roommates together and cooked for them so they could have a taste of Persian food. I used the following recipe:
1. Dice one medium white onion and sauté on medium heat until golden brown.
2. Season 1-inch cubes of beef with salt and pepper and place them in the pot, letting them brown evenly on each side.
3. Once browned, add in two tablespoons of turmeric, a teaspoon of cloves, and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer together for 2-3 minutes.
4. Add in the Sadaf jarred Khoresh Gheimeh mixture, and stir to combine. Cook on high heat until the stew just comes to a boil. Then, turn the heat down to medium-low and simmer for about 70 minutes, or until the meat is tender.
5. Cook a few cups of white basmati rice according to the instructions on the package.
6. Plate and serve!
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I can’t quite make it as good as my parents can, but it was definitely a worthwhile attempt.
- سام
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