#ghiaccio the bubble tea shop owner
sapphire-heart-tippy · 11 months
wait that tippy and the heads on leashes sounds funny af 😂 do you have a wip?
It was gonna be a little doodle but I ran out of steam and got distracted with other things ^^" (thanks adhd...) so here it is!! So far it's just me and Jonny ol boy on leashes while Vanilla orders his milkshake with caffeine in it)
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(I think I made this Spongebob reference before but have it again!)
Ghiaccio: Lemme guess, Mr Gymnast, a protein shake?
Vanilla: I'll take a triple espresso shot caramel macchiato frappe with extra cream, 4 pumps of chocolate, 2 pumps of caramel, 3 freeze dried strawberry halves, a coconut cream swirl, one scoop of vanilla bean ice cream at the bottom, and top it all off with chocolate whipped cream with a chocolate drizzle and white chocolate shavings with a cherry on TOP.
Ghiaccio: We serve drinks here, sir.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Can I get yandere sfw/nsfw headcanons for la squadra? If you're not okay with that can it be just headcanons about a x years anniversary with their s/o? Thank you so much!
Hello! Thank you for the double choice, yandere is really not my cup of tea, so I went with the anniversary one!
La Squadra celebrating x years anniversary with their s/o
(Under the cut for lenght!)
Risotto Nero
Even if he doesn’t show it, Risotto is quite excited about the anniversary. He never thought they could actually go on for years and he couldn’t even describe how happy this makes him feel. So, even if he shows his love every day to his s/o, he plans to do something more on their special day.
However, he’s not one of flashing gestures or fireworks. He’d organize something quiet but meaningful, thinking about her tastes and the special moments they shared. He has this in mind for all the time, so everything he does is done carefully and with love. His s/o could almost physically feel it, when they come home.
He knows that the most precious thing, for both, is time. He’s always so busy -and often out of the city due to assassinations- so they don’t have a lot of free time to pass together. The first thing he does, so, is taking a free day to spend just with his s/o and do with them all the things they can’t usually do together.
These go from simply waking up together in each other’s arms to go to see a movie together -and, for once, Capo discards his goth suit for more normal clothes-, or go to a pretty restaurant. His main goal is to spoil them, to make them feel more loved than usual, to let them see how much he’s grateful to have them in his life, even if he doesn’t say it often aloud.
The more the anniversary nears, the more Prosciutto grows both happy and stressed. He’s a perfectionist, so he wants everything to be utterly perfect for their special day and this stresses him out. He prepares everything: a nice day to pass together, spoil them, a wonderful dinner and then, well… a more than beautiful night, all for them.
In the end, he calms down thinking about them, their smile, their love. He has to do it all for them but he can’t do it if he’s always nervous. So, he takes a moment to reflect and calm down, make a list and just then start to act.
The day starts with soft kisses and cuddles: Prosciutto takes his time to lavish his s/o with affection, like he can’t do often. Then, he’d bring them their favourite breakfast while they’re still on bed; when they’re done, they go out for fancy shopping until launch, when he take them to their favourite restaurant.
The afternoon is spent doing whatever his s/o wants: shopping? Let’s go. Cinema? He’s up. Going back home to cuddle? Ready. However, for dinner, he’ll take them out again, for a romantic dinner, just the two of them -he didn’t need a lot to convince the owners to book a room just for them- and, after it, they take a nice walk under the moonlight, the right ending of their special day.
Pesci can’t hide the happiness he feels when he thinks about it. He dearly loves his s/o and he never thought that they could have loved him back so much and for years. So he wants to make this day special and to dedicate it just for them: no work, no aniki, no sudden calls for assassinations. Just them.
He takes his time to organize everything. It’s nothing too much fancy or elaborated, since he wants the main focus to stay on his s/o. He does everything they want, since he’s always busy training to become a valid assassin or on mission with Prosciutto. He misses them a lot, when he’s away, so he wants to make up for this when he’s at home, especially on their special day.
The whole day is dedicated to just stay together, as they both want and like. They cuddle, they kiss and make up for all the time passed away from each other also in bedroom. If they want, they go out, just walking around the city and enjoying the quiet time together.
If they’re up, Pesci would lead them to the beach. It’s his favourite place, especially some little secluded places, where they can relax in total peace without any bother. At the end of the day, he would still be out with them, if they like the idea, both enjoying the city at night, in the arms of the man they love, the perfect conclusion of their fantastic day.
Formaggio knows he’s not the best guy around -and it doesn’t bother him-, still he’s really happy and grateful to have someone fantastic and special like his s/o. They stuck with him for years, bearing his often bad habits, helping him to better himself. He’s not the most romantic guy around too, but he knows a thing or two and he wants to use them for their special day.
So, first of all, when they wake up, they find Formaggio packing some things. At their question, he just grins and says “We’re gonna go for the weekend, amore! Where is a surprise!” and then drag them to the car, with a satisfied and happy grin.
After a good car ride, they finally understand where they’re going: at a pretty, little hotel perched on the cliffs of Sorrento, the one where they finally got together, after months of pining after each other. It keeps so many memories… they smile, moved by his choice: it’s obvious that he wanted to remember with them their start, hoping for a long and happy continuation.
The weekend is spent roaming around Sorrento, enjoying the beautiful landscapes and typical delights. They have so much fun together! Formaggio always manage to make everything fun, all while covering them with attentions that make their heart swell and flutter. It’s so beautiful that it seems a dream!
Melone is so ecstatic that he almost jumps out of his skin. Deep inside, he never thought he would have found someone to dearly love and that would have loved him back, but here his s/o is! And they’re still with him! He’s so happy that he rambles about it for weeks, provoking an aneurysm to Ghiaccio, making Illuso escape in the mirror world, Prosciutto and Pesci are nowhere to be seen, Formaggio shrinks himself to escape the ramblings and Risotto… well, Risotto just puts on his earphones, hidden under his hat, and let it be.
He meticulously organizes everything, from the moment they open their eyes, to the one when they finally can have some time together alone. It’s all well organized, yes… a pity that nothing goes as he planned. First of all, he slept too much and his s/o woke up before him, smiling and going to prepare breakfast, when he wanted to do it himself; then an incident happened at the spa where he wanted to take them for a relaxing day, preventing them to go here. It’s a disaster!!
Melone feels really bad, now. All his plans are ruined and… now what can he do? He doesn’t have a plan B!! Luckily, for his s/o it’s important just one thing: the time they pass together. So, in the end, they stay at home, cuddling and exchanging kisses and soft words, watching a movie or two, reading, having quality time… in the end, they have a really nice, romantic and intimate day, a really special day, as Melone wanted, just not how he had planned.
Illuso knew his s/o since long before their actual first meeting. He was really curious to know them in person, to see how they would have acted in front of him and it must have worked well, if they’re still together after years. Illuso doesn’t express it too much, but he’s overwhelmed by this fact. His s/o is the one who loves him for who he is, his rock, the main reason he always comes back after a mission. At least for their anniversary he wants to express how grateful he feels.
He organizes everything in the mirror world. He knows how much stressed they are, with work, problems and everything else, so what he wants to give them is a full day of relax, together. He transfers them in the mirror world before they actually wake up and, when they do, they find themselves in a beautifully decorated bedroom, all for them. A path of petals lead them to the bathroom, where the tub is full of nicely warm and bubbly water. They immediately slide in, with a sigh of relief, but soon call Illuso too, embracing him tightly the moment he’s near them. It’s not a good bath without their boyfriend!
The day, so, passes like this, between baths and cuddles and relax. They both enjoy immensely all this quiet time together: it’s like a balm for the nostalgia they always feel, being far for so much time, and the stress that Illuso’s lover bottles up when he’s on mission and in danger. They talk a lot, too, whispering while cuddling and kissing, things that often lead them to more intimate times, that they savour with calm and passion. They have all the time of the world, inside the mirror.
Just a saint -or a person with more love for him than common sense- could have bear a man like him, his anger issues and his tics. He doesn’t say it aloud, he never does it, but he feels safe around them. They don’t judge him for his issues and tics, they have… accepted him. They were the first person to have actually accepted him for who he was and he can’t even express how grateful he feels, so he lets his gesture talk for him, when words fail.
So, he takes them out on the most romantic date he can think about: at the local ice skating track. He holds them by their hips, while they skate, enjoying the warmth that from their body rises to his fingers and then on and on till reaching his face, where a fiery blush can be spotted. He’s not used to affectionate gesture in public, but, well… it’s their anniversary. He wants to make it special as they deserve.
The day is spent like this, with Ghiaccio trying to be affectionate and, for once, not an asshole, and his s/o immensely enjoying this extra attentions, rewarding him with kisses and soft praises. Their smile, however, is what really makes Ghiaccio understand that he’s doing a good job: it’s bright, it’s radiant, it’s the sun. It’s all he needs, now: his s/o’s happiness is also his happiness.
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ghiaccio: *paints sorbet and gelato white to look like marble statues* "now make yourselves useful and decorate the entrance"
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 9 months
would team bucciarati be in the seaphire heartverse?
I actually have La Squadra in the jokeverse where they took over a pizza joint in Egypt and now they sell pizzas with a secret recipe- 🤣
As for the Passione gang... I'm not sure what they'd do, BUT. Giorno is friends with Ramón and they get into trouble together 💪
Formaggio owns the pizza place btw and he's a huge jerk- but that's one of the reasons customers like to go to Formaggio's Pizza Palace: Home of the Secret Formula and Whatnot. Everyone likes the snarky host who will roast you and serve you delicious pizza!
Ghiaccio owns the famous Mr Ice Guy bubble tea shop, as we all know heheheh
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Erina and Jonathan at the bubbletea shop.
Ghiaccio: (yells from the counter) "One wintermelon black pearl tea for Jonathan's Head!"
Erina: "Really? 'Jonathan's head', that's what they call you?"
Jonathan: *laughs* "None of us heads really mind. Except Zeppeli. Somehow being addressed as his head aggravates him."
Zeppeli: *angry, eyebrow twitching* don't even think about it. I'm so much more than just a "head". I'm a full blown person!
Sorbet: More like your full person got blown right off
Gelato: *laughing hysterically*
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Sorbet: "Ha! Legged person!"
Gelato: "Hey! Hey Legs!"
Ghiaccio: "OH YEAH? WELL AT LEAST I CAN WALK AWAY FROM THIS CONVERSATION!" (literally walks away from the conversation)
Sorbet: "Hmph! Who needs legs anyway?"
Gelato: "He has a point. We can't walk."
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 11 months
Formaggio: *picking up the phone* Formaggio's Pizza Palace: home of the forbidden crust and whatnot, what can I get for yous? ....Oh yeah?.... Is that so?.... You wanna say that again, wise guy? ..... Uh uh don't even go there! You know what they say where I come from?! Urlare qualcosa di arrabbiato in italiano!!! Yeah that's right. That's RIGHT!!!!! *Hangs up*
Ghiaccio: Holy shit, who was that?
Formaggio: Wrong number
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 11 months
Formaggio: I just got a cease and desist from those bastards. So we're gonna have to change the name. *crushes the cease and desist letter* From this day forward, it'll be known as... Formaggio's Pizza Palace: home of the forbidden crust, and whatnot
Ghiaccio: Formaggio's Pizza Palace. That sounds ridiculous-
Formaggio: No no no, it's "Formaggio's Pizza Palace: home of the forbidden crust, and whatnot!" That's the full name! See? Look at the sign outside
Ghiaccio: *walks outside and looks up* ... It's still stupid
Formaggio: YOU'RE stupid
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Formaggio: "Time to spice up the shop with some Halloween decor!"
Illuso: "Ah, some make-up ought to spice those two up!" *gestures to Sorbet and Gelato*
Sorbet: "I suppose we could be Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein?"
Melone: "So, which of you two is gonna be the bride?"
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sorbet: *bouncing* "boing boing boing boing"
gelato: "what? it adds to the vibe"
Ghiaccio: Vibe?! Oh I'll show you vibe once I stick you in the blender and make a smoothie out of you!!
Sorbet: awww, I miss Smoothie. He was cool...
Gelato: Yeah, too bad he and ol Milkshake got a pair of cement shoes... *Shakes himself*
Ghiaccio: .... Why did the boss only hire people that have names involving food?
Gelato: Don't know, don't care. Anyway, gotta bounce. BOING BOING BOING-
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Ghiaccio: *disgusted* "ARE YOU LICKING EACH OTHER'S TONGUES?!"
Sorbet: "It's called a high five, ice boy"
Ghiaccio: "with your TONGUES?"
Gelato: "we have no hands, remember?"
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vanilla in a leopard print leotard.
sorbet and gelato won't stop making puns of it
Vanilla: Hey, Ghia. Let me get a double espresso Vanilla Iced *wink* latte with extra whipped cream, 6 sugars, 10 pumps of chocolate and caramel, and some eminems and pixie sticks on top
Ghiaccio: *raises his eyebrow, then goes to make his drink*
Gelato: Raaawwrr, look what the cat dragged in hahaha!
Sorbet: you've gotta be kitten me right meow!
Vanilla: *annoyed, eyebrow twitching*
Sorbet: Oh come on, Tarzan, you've got to admit that was hissss-terical
Gelato: Hahahaha! Tarzan, king of the jungle. Except the only jungle he's king of is-
Ghiaccio: *slams the glass closed* Here's your drink. Would you like an insulin shot with that?
Vanilla: I don't remember ordering a roast with my coffee 😒
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oh dear lord, what "unsanitary conditions" did sorbet and gelato get into at the bubbletea shop 😭
Ghiaccio: *through gritted teeth* They thought that cleaning the soda spouts with their mouths was more efficient... And they somehow used the toilet brush to wash the dishes.
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ghiaccio: "alright, that frappe is gonna be $1.50"
jonathan: *spits out some coins*
ghiaccio: *very hesitantly picks up the wet coins* "UGH! EW! THAT'S KINDA GROSS"
jonathan: "what? i don't have pockets"
Jonathan: ....... Yes *coins fall out of his mouth*
Erina: Dear, please make sure not to swallow them like last time.
-last time-
Dio: *reading in a lounge chair* ...... O~O *coughing up coins* What?! Wh- huh?! I mean... *Puts them in his pocket* I'm so rich I'm literally coughing up money.... It kind of hurts.
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How does Risotto respond to Sorbet and Gelato being just heads 😂
Riz: "metallica please stop eating their neck bases. here, have some old screws instead"
Sorbet: That's not right!! Aaaghh!
Gelato: Cut that out! I don't want to be naked!
Ghiaccio: *head on the counter with his arms over his head, simmering with rage*
Risotto: Sorry, they haven't been fed yet. *Shaking a pack of screws* Come get some snacks! *Tosses some screws on the ground like he's feeding chickens*
Ghiaccio: I- WHAT- DUDE.
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Ramon: "Okay, this must be a messed-up question to ask, but since you guys were resurrected as heads...how did you die?"
Sorbet: "Well it wasn't PIECEFUL, I'd say!"
Gelato: "Oh, it was no CHOKING matter!"
(Both laugh)
Ghiaccio: "You two have a sick sense of humor."
(like most of the heads previously, this one has me dEAD-)
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