#ghood life crew
khhsh-t · 2 years
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mayfifolle · 5 years
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Dooyoung from High school rapper season 1 , he is with Ghood life crew since 2017
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gaogrotesque · 5 years
Ash B
老實說除了身材很好之外真的沒什麼印象了(xxx) 啊還有張一直murmur「外套為什麼不穿好」的印象😂 UR我也只看過第一季,總之就是完全不在我的守備範圍,不過男飯們好像是還滿喜歡的啦XD 不知道是不是沒溝通好動線,Ash B在台上到處找水😂 覺得有點可愛(?) 在RTB上唱了新歌,最近也發了新專輯
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大名鼎鼎(?)的Okasian,我一直只聞其名沒有認真去研究過這位,也是我心目中以前Hi-Lite炮兵團ㄉ成員之一(。 連同Keith Ape、B-Free,這幾位都好久沒在韓國活動了,居然就這樣給我好巧不巧的有機會見到生人、聽到了傳說級別的It G Ma 本來也很不懂只是當作mixtape好玩做做的歌為什麼會掀起這麼高的討論度,但現場聽過一次之後好像莫名的有點懂了 https://youtu.be/DPC9erC5WqU 真的是so liiiit 🔥🔥🔥
查了一下發現他居然是87er,明明看起來像個一臉ㄎ一ㄤ的屁孩XDDDDD (欸) 我跟張還說他看起來就像一臉沒睡醒、這個時間(16:30)本來就是rapper剛起床的時間XD 更意外的是他現在居然簽在YG的黑標籤下…嗯(?) Okasian還帶了一個人一起表演,但孤陋寡聞ㄉ我不認識(…對不起)
Hi-Lite (G2/ Reddy/ Paloalto)
老實說有點好奇待機室是什麼氣氛XDD 不知道當初Okasian離開嗨賴時是什麼情況XD
先出場的是G2,身為93er是嗨賴的忙內,也是我目前最喜歡的嗨賴成員 唱了前陣子剛發的新專中的歌 Alive https://youtu.be/oFFhFvCApME
不太確定有沒有唱Butterflies (魚腦啵啵啵) https://youtu.be/RAa2Qlh9rqY
(BTW新專輯 tHROWING uP bUTTERFLIES 真的很好聽QQ https://youtu.be/igZHjuYOyrU 其實一直都覺得G2的專輯對我來說良率很高,希望大家都可以聽聽看,BTW這張專輯中我最喜歡的是Peace of Mind )(硬塞)
還唱了SMTM5中無緣登台表演的Comfortable (後來收錄在 G2's Life 這張專輯中) https://youtu.be/W5HWrQVuHas
G2's Life的主打歌 1999 https://youtu.be/6Fpmn7X9UKU
現場聽到G2的聲音不禁驚嘆一下「真的就是像音源/節目裡聽到的一樣」,真的是很帥氣的聲音 招牌的雷鬼辮拆掉之後少了點氣勢XD 不過我就是私心覺得他很可愛(…)
第二個出場的是Reddy,穿著全身灰色的運動外套配運動褲 跟張ㄉ睡衣有87%像(。 頂著那頭已經持續了大半年ㄉ亂髮 哥太潮ㄌ我不太懂
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不太熟Reddy的歌,只記得唱了Peach https://youtu.be/sYH5VwCYGMY
Like This,真的好嗨!久違的被Bobby的聲音帥了一把(洪宇哥:是我ㄉ歌) https://youtu.be/3955KjVkJvo
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最後是嗨賴的老大Paloalto大哥出場,唱了Good Day https://youtu.be/TUJtpE8rUfY
Save https://youtu.be/xOlRzYsy-Ak
龜船 https://youtu.be/5kVKRfxkg5M
Ghood Life Crew (BLACK NINE/ DooYoung崔瑞鉉/ myunDo/ SUPERBEE)
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首先出場的是BLACK NINE,一開始就先說了狀況不太好(身體不舒服),但還是做得很好也非常投入、完全看不出是在不舒服的情況下演出,這點真的是要加99999分👍 我自己猜測是為了讓黑九可以先表演完先走(?) 所以才把他排在瑞鉉(忙內)前面XD
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高等rapper 1出身的崔瑞鉉(DooYoung) 當初儘管freestyle不是自己強項、但還是挺身而出代表自己地區和freestyle強者元優對決的瑞鉉,前年(居然已經是前年)在看節目時就是我的bias之一
對黑九和瑞鉉私心都還滿喜歡的,但到目前為止沒有打中我的歌曲XD 所以老實說也不知道他們唱了什麼(幹) 不過瑞鉉本人真的長得很好XDD (強調) 當天也唱了最近發行的新歌
到myunDo和超級逼的時候…由於我當天進場時手機已經只剩下60趴電,所以我 真的是一點都不想把電力耗在他們身上。(幹) myunDo頂著一顆超級誇張的爆炸頭 真的是讓人想問「你有事嗎」的那種程度(。 台下還有人喊抹西打 我也是滿想問他有事嗎(好) 就連myunDo自己也表示困惑「哎,你說這樣帥?不要說謊了!」XDDD 唱了Beverly 1lls https://youtu.be/Mln_EMaHnqI ㄟ不是,久違的重看這個舞台,我才發現 myunDo一開頭完全落拍啊XD https://youtu.be/uQ_OQTAl4fw
myunDo聲音真的很好聽 現場其實有些人的聲音聽起來會比音源或節目上稍低一些,像超級逼我就覺得反而live聽起來比較舒服一點XD (BTW超級逼現場人氣超高,是讓我有點 'WOW~' 的那種程度😲 ) myunDo和超級逼表演時也一直留在舞台上一起玩的瑞鉉可愛QQ
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真的是要大讚秉鈺:哥才是人性hiphop啊!(並不能叫哥) 雖然時間有限但還是努力要和台下觀眾打招呼、互動的秉鈺,認真的樣子超可愛又超帥,也因此他的ment做得跟rap一樣XDD 是LTE等級的ment (O) 但老實說我對秉鈺也是私心喜愛,對他的歌曲並不太熟XD 認得出來的大多是SMTM中的表演曲 首先是和超級逼合作的SuperBewhY,承先啟後的開啟了BewhY的舞台 https://youtu.be/UJUn0mufyE0
Day Day https://youtu.be/DDByv3z_z_U
Forever https://youtu.be/jzZ8AB6qNzg
然後還有我個人最喜歡的一首 Puzzle https://youtu.be/7jVQC4N0ocA 老實說聽到他唱這首我有點意外,一直懷疑是不是自己認錯XD 但又覺得這首我真的聽滿熟的、應該不會認錯才對…就覺得好像沒什麼但又有點感動(?) 然後一直想到緩刑(?)假釋(?)中的醬醬。
Zion. T
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金海率真的 超有戲 超可愛 超有魅力。😭 他那天看起來心情很好,奇奇怪怪的(x)小動作有夠多XDD 還一直說「今天這裡的人都是hiphop,但是我不是(怎麼辦)」「我穿得像這樣還可以嗎(拉拉自己外套)」之類的XD
ㄛ對了,隨著每一波藝人下台/登場,觀眾也是一批批的離開/進場XDD 到了Zion. T的時候(從下午4點到晚上8點) 我也從主舞台的超邊緣一路前進到了延伸舞台第二排XD (這次公演的經驗是 通常藝人不太愛待在主舞台,更不用說主舞台邊邊ㄌ、就算站第一排還是很寂寞XDD 延伸舞台周圍才是一級戰區)
Sin$a https://youtu.be/qnBNyqOJmLA 我真的是很愛這首這個舞台 但每次只要想到這幾個人之中洪宇哥是85er還是感覺很魔幻(?)
Hello Tutorial https://youtu.be/nqMYG2Riq54
Eat https://youtu.be/DwO102ffkM0 我的治癒神曲QQ
Snow https://youtu.be/fiGSDywrX1Y
不太確定有沒有唱,一是我可能根本認錯歌(…) 二是我忘記惹XD See Through https://youtu.be/e6ZelDkI6JY
疑問號 https://youtu.be/wo0bnb5U64E
Ambition Musik (Hash Swan/ Keem Hyoeun/ Changmo)
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首先登場的是AMB的舊忙內Hash~真的是有一種特殊的氣場,小小隻的有點可愛但又冷冷的(?) 不太記得順序,總之唱了最近一張專輯中的主打歌 Wang Like Alexander https://youtu.be/Kt7zOX-UcOU
(這張專輯 ALEXANDRITE 也真的是很棒QQ https://youtu.be/Bn3cskALhms 整體的氛圍營造得很好,配上Hash冷靜幹練的rap聽起來流暢又舒服,是一種彩度不太高的優雅感(?) 總之整張專輯的完成度很高,推薦一口氣聽完整張)
還唱了進AMB以前的舊歌 MA$HIMARO https://youtu.be/4zMGUFOkrtA
在SMTM6中無緣個人舞台的Where,目前好像也沒有收錄在哪張專輯或是發過單曲 https://youtu.be/ADunjFAjTQ0 (台上簽專輯是1LLNAMB一脈相承的良好傳統嗎QQ )
Things These Days https://youtu.be/sF8Uk3YyT54
最後一首歌唱完就毫不留戀的回後台去了,非常的chic、非常的1LLNAMB XDD
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第二個登場的是孝恩,老實說超級不熟他唱了什麼歌。(對不起) 我就是盲目的喜歡他的聲線和他這個人!(大聲) 剪掉雷鬼辮之後整個好溫順可愛,是暖男長相(?) AMB舞台時我心裡有點糾結不知道能不能比1LLN手勢,結果孝恩就說了 'put your 1llionaire signs up' (迷妹開心)
AMB家的壓軸是目前聲勢如日中天(?)的二哥蒼謨 個人對他沒啥特別喜好,加上當天在場內遇到他的飯實在 太討人厭ㄌ。XDDDD (粉絲造業藝人承擔)
Beautiful https://youtu.be/wHc_pH1A2xM
Maestro https://youtu.be/gXZUauFMmMw
後來Hash和孝恩又回到台上,AMB 三人行三兄弟一起唱了幾首歌,對不起我不太記得唱什麼ㄌ。(xxx)
Siam Siam https://youtu.be/8rfMcSsir7A
One More Rollie https://youtu.be/TUVXiINIwQM
The Quiett
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就是 我男神。 特地穿了Glow Forever的週邊去朝拜我男神,雖然哥那天穿的不是我同款、但也是巧妙ㄉ同色了ㄋ。😳 (好) 哥就是簡簡單單的走出來,站在台上,rap,就是有種不同於其他人的氣場
THE 1LLEST https://youtu.be/HPy1nxQZOzs
Hangang Gang https://youtu.be/4Uf-Y-feRm0 2018的新專中我最喜歡的一首…真的是沒有想到能夠聽到現場😭 ( Glow Forever https://youtu.be/huCxiHkJrnI 這是繼 AMBITIQN 之後我最喜歡的一張…!QQ )
귀감 https://youtu.be/T51O7XVjTto 剛好唱的都是我特別喜歡的歌😭
Beverly 1lls https://youtu.be/Yv7mBcWQNdc 我個人真的是覺得不同人唱還是很有差拉。(偏見)
Profile https://youtu.be/b0UNQN_WG6c 明明是斌哥的歌,居然還能聽到這首,我真的也是😭 超喜歡這首 是我找工作面試前聽的歌XDDD
YGGR https://youtu.be/Q7AbIQHYidQ 還需要多說什麼,神曲。
Still Got Luv https://youtu.be/ccNQ6SyObcs
Prime Time https://youtu.be/KHsJBx3Zhg0
最後一首歌唱完也是毫不留戀的轉身回後台、甚至還小跑步XDD 哥到底有多迫不及待想下班XDDD
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hanhae · 6 years
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losmoonwalker: our haneul is already 100 days old tomorrow!
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khiphop-discussions · 6 years
Super Bee “Original Gimchi” - review
I’m FINALLY doing the review of Super Bee’s second album! I feel like I’ve been talking about doing the reviews of his albums for WEEKS but I’m finally done after I click “post” on this. Thanks for the wait! Just a little note, I heard the album a few days before doing this review so this isn’t a “First Impressions” review. Without further ado...
Original Gimchi - I like this song a lot better than the first song on the “Rap Legend” album. The instrumental is really fun and tropical. The song overall is super catchy. It’s a great way to start off the album. This song will really put anyone in a good mood I think.
Ice on My Wrist - This one is more along the lines of what I heard in “Original Gimchi” still a really fun and playful instrumental. He light and airily sings the chorus of the song. It’s a nice little touch. Again, catchy little ear worm of a song. The first time I’m heard it I was still thinking about the “Ice on wrist, ya” part by the next song, “Serpent Flow”.
Serpent Flow - Now, I didn’t really like this song as much as I did the first two. This song is more focused on the rap than the catchiness and funness of the first two songs. Not that that’s a problem on it’s own, usually it’s his rap focused  songs I like more. Things change I guess. It has a cool instrumental. It makes me think of something from a 70s movie about a pimp. This would be the main song on the soundtrack that shows up whenever the pimp does lol.
Studio Life ft Myundo - The instrumentals overall are better on this album than the first album. This was a nice little R&B type instrumental. This reminds me of something Rheehab would rap over to be honest. Anyway, Super Bee comes n singing so it’s gonna be one of those songs. Not like I didn’t expect it from the the instrumental. I like this one a lot too. Myundo comes in with his typical trap rap style, it’s nice touch. Myundo may not be the best rapper but I think he’s one of the rappers who just really knows his style and has it down. Rock what you got I guess.
Why U So Mad? ft OLNL & Woodie Gochild - “If I want it then I got it fuck the budget” I feel you Super Bee. OLNL has been on a lot of stuff lately. Good for him. Woodie Go comes in with his signature bird calls and general style. I don’t how I really feel about him on this track but I guess it’s not terrible so whatever. 
Cuz I’m Happy - Another really upbeat instrumental. It’s really active a lot is going on. This one is more rap focused than most of the others but still not as much as Serpent Flow from earlier. There’s still some half-singing, half-rapping on the chorus. Not a bad song. Really short though. Not even 2:30 seconds long. Only one verse.
Lyricist ft Swings & Young B - This is the single. As you’ve probably guessed by the guests on this song, this is purely rap focused. Really to show off his skills. Swings does well in his verse as does Super Bee but I always find myself waiting for Young B when the song comes on. He doesn’t disappoint. The song feels so short but it’s a full 3 verses and 3 choruses sung by each person.
I be bee -  I don’t really like this song tbh. I don’t really know why. Can’t put my finger on it.
Yellow Gold ft Los - A slow and R&B instrumental backs this song. I don’t really have strong feelings about it either way. Super Bee has been spending this whole album making fun of other people’s stainless steel (read: fake) jewelery. The best part is that he actually lives like this. I see it on Instagram all the time. He’s always eating good, driving a nice car, buying REAL jewelry. No fakeness here lol. Now back to the song, I don’t think Los adds that much to this song but he doesn’t take anything away from it either so I guess it’s cool. Los is everywhere these days. OK Los, I see you.
Kim Hoonki Vert (skit) - It’s basically just Super Bee doing a parody of Lil Uzi Vert’s “XO Tour Life”.
Save Me - This is a really short slow song. It’s alright. It’s mostly him singing.
(Bonus) The Hottest Remix ft DooYoung & LeellaMarz - the same as the Kim Hoonk Vert skit from earlier. Like almost EXACTLY the same besides like 2 lines.
Overall, it’s a nice effort. A MUCH better effort than “Rap Legend”. Besides the fat that I feel very strong about one or two songs on “Rap Legend” the rest are just kinda “eh”. With this one, at least HALF of the songs can be called actually GOOD and stuff I’d listen to more than once. My favorite song is probably “Original Gimchi”. Anyway, I think it’s cool that Super Bee can really do two extremes. Really soft and/or fun songs (ex: “My Name is Super Bee”) but also do really hard spit fire rap songs (ex: “Lyricist”) not many rappers can do both. I look forward to seeing Super Bee’s future releases.
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ohhyukos · 7 years
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soompi · 7 years
Choi Seo Hyun From "High School Rapper" To Debut Under Tiger JK's Label
Choi Seo Hyun From “High School Rapper” To Debut Under Tiger JK’s Label
Former “High School Rapper” contestant Choi Seo Hyun has joined Ghood Life Crew, a hip hop label that was founded by Tiger JK and Dok2 last year.
In regards to his exclusive contract with Ghood Life Crew, Choi Seo Hyun expressed, “I’m so happy to be part of an agency with so many seniors I respect.”
It was further revealed that Choi Seo Hyun will be releasing his very first mini album in…
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nineteenfiftysix · 7 years
myunDo - 82 God (RGB pt. 0.0.0, 2017)
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nuckle-flow · 7 years
​ Sway D - 올라가 (feat. SUPERBEE & Goretexx)
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peggatrons · 7 years
Choi Seo Hyun From “High School Rapper” To Debut Under Tiger JK’s Label
Former “High School Rapper” contestant Choi Seo Hyun has joined Ghood Life Crew, a hip hop label that was founded by Tiger JK and Dok2 last year. In regards to his exclusive contract with Ghood Life Crew, Choi Seo Hyun expressed, “I’m so happy to be part of an agency with so many seniors I respect.” It was further […] The post Choi Seo Hyun From “High School Rapper” To Debut Under Tiger JK’s Label appeared first on Soompi. http://bit.ly/2g1TwSQ
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k-hiphop-trash · 7 years
1llionaire Records
Beenzino @realisshoman
Dok2 @dok2gonzo
The Quiett @thequiett
Ap @apgettingbaked
Bloo @badboyloo
Nafla @nasungciyboy
Young West @okidsyoung
ADV/ Angdreville
DJ Kendrickx @djkndrx
Drev @dj_drev
gJ @prod.gj
Huckleberry P @huckeberryp84
JJK @advjjking
Joy Rain @joyrain
Lee Hyung @younoguny
Lugoh @lugoh.of.adv
Olltii @olltii
Reflow @reflow1988
All I Know Music
BRAY @holla_bray
DJ Drev @dj_drev
Duckbae @rah_here95
Giant Pink @giantpink
Miryo @myrioakajohoney
Ambition Musik
Changmo @changmo_
Keem Hyoeun @keemhyoeun
Hash Swan @hashblanccoa
Amoeba Culture
Gaeko @gaekogeem
Choiza @choiza11
Crush @crush9244
Monster Woo @realmonsterwoo
Rhythm Power
Boi B @rtpwboib
Geegooin @geegooin
Hangzoo @hangzoo
Hoody @hoodykim
Kitti B @k.i.t.t.i.b
Nieah @iamnieah
Cha Cha Malone @chachamalone
DJ Pumkin @djpumkin2k
DJ Wegun @djwegun
Elo @eloinvvd
Gray @callmegray
Hep @hep_aom
Hoody @hoodykim     
Jay @jparkinthere
Loco @satgotloco  
Simon Dominic @longlivesmdc
Ugly Duck @uglyduck062
Born Kim @bornkim1
i11evn @lilkrnboi
Illinit @jayillin
Justhis @thisisjusthis
Nucksal @nucksal
Booba @boobagraphy
Ddolbae @ddolbae87
DJ Pumkin @pumkin2k
DJ Wegun @djwegun
BJS/Abnormal Life
Catcher @catchyourmind
Dino T. @dinosaur.yt
Kicksol @allabout_kickk
Su5kid @su5kid
Terry Kim @terry_beol
Zangano @_zangano
Chancellor @chancellorofficial
Kebee @keebesoul
Rhymer @bigrhymer
San-E @sanethebigboy
Verbal Jint @freevjfreevj
Dumbfoundead @dumbfoundead 
Year of the Ox @officialyox
JL @yox_jl
Lyricks  @yox_lyricks
Andup @andup_hanbyul
Booba @boobagraphy
Ddolbae @ddolbae87
DJ Dopsh @djdopsh
DJ Wegun @djwegun
Duplex G @theganguk
Gganmo @gganmo90
Giriboy @giriboy91
Hanhae @hanhae1990
Hwaro @hwaro88
J.Tong @ikbuckjtong
Kay C @kay_c1988
Kirin @kirincominatya
Lil Boi @lilboi91
Pyscoban @psycoban
Take One @takeone.official
Ugly Duck @uglyduck062
Zico @woozico0914
A.Jay @jay0410
Artisan Beats @artisan_beats
Daephal @daephal_
DJ Pandol @djpandol
Garion Naachal @garion_naachal
Jay Kay @eastfever
Kebee @kebeesoul
Keeproots @keeproots
MC Meta @mc_meta
Minos @minoschoi
Nuck @nuckdive
Optical Eyez XL @opticaleyezxl
P-Type @ptype_thebigcat
Rhyme-A @aka_rhymea
Snowmen @mc_snowmen
The Z @the_z_aka_veloce
Club Eskimo
0channel @0_channel
2XXX @twotriplex
Camper/ Rad Museum @campergraphic
Chek Parren @chekparren
Colde @coldecold
Crush @crush9244
Dean @deantrbl
Jusén @jjuusseenn
Millic @millicmillic
Miso @o0omiso0o
Offonoff @realoffonoff
Punchnello @fkuropinion
Rad Museum/Camper @radmuseum
Agunu @dickidsagunu
Antique Hong @rtqdckz
BNOM @bloodynom
Bryn @brynbling
Bully Da Bastard @dickidsbullydabastard
Bumby @dickidsbumby
Buttbuttbutt @plzcallme333
Club Sign Chicago @dickidscsc
Dex @dickidsdex
Hatts @inyourhatt
Hot Kuzi @r0d_lover
Luda @dickidssureen
Newround @dickidsnewround
Takoboy @takoboy_99
Young B @dickidsyoungb
Kidoh @kidohgangdol
Marvel J @marvelj94
Supreme Boi @supremeboi_kor
Christian Yu @christianyu_
Cline @jimmycline_
Cream @dprcream
DPR Live @dprlive
Jungmoo Jun @jungjungmoo
Rem @dprrem
Tian @dpr.tian
Fanxy Child
Crush @crush9244
Dean @deantrbl
Millic @millicmillic
Penomeco @penomecomadeinkorea
Stay Tuned @xstaytunedx
Zico @woozico0914
Feel Ghood Music
Ann One @annonemusic
Arden Cho @arden_cho
Bibi @nakedbibi
Bizzy @bizzionary
Black Nine @blacknine.choe
Ember Kim @ember_817
Junoflo @junoflo
MRSHLL @marshallxyz
Tiger JK @drunkentigerjk 
Yoon Mirae @yoonmirae
Choi Seo Hyun @doo___young
MR. Gordo @coolboynabobgordo
Myundo @82god_myundo
Boycold @boycold_
Cha Cha Malone  @chachamalone
G.Soul @g_theprince
Groovy Room
Gyujeong @groovypark
Hwimin  @hwimmm
Jay  @jparkinthere
pH-1 @ph1boyyy
Raz Simone @razsimone
Sik-K @younghotyellow94
Thomas Lee @real_thomaslee
Woodiegochild @woodie_gochild
Woogie @woogie_park
Yultron @yultron
Code Kunst @code_kunst
Im Dong Gun @rough_talk
Im Hyun Jae @rockrockrokk
Lee In Woo @inuyashaismygod
Oh Hyuk @hyukoh2000
Incredivle @incredivle    
Millic @millicmillic
Offonoff @realoffonoff
0channel @0_channel
Colde @coldecold
Punchnello @fkuropinion
Camo Starr @camostarr
DJ Djanga @djdjanga
G2 @g2slife
Huckleberry P @huckleberryp84
Paloalto @paloaltongue
Reddy @keemhongwu
Seoul One @soulone1
Sway D @supergreathurricane
Yosi @ya_yosi
Yun B @yunbnotlilb
Illest konfusion
Beatbox DG @beatboxdg
Beenzino @realisshoman
DJ Freekey @djfreekey
E-sens @esensofficial
J.Tong @ikbuckjtong
Rocky L @vmc_rocky_npunion
Simon Dominic @longlivesmdc
Swings @itsjustswings
Kid Milli @kidcozyboy
Justhis @thisisjusthis
Jvcki Wai @jvckiwai
Young B @dickidsyoungb
Jay Co Bees
100k Gold @jcb_100kgold
Arkhelee @jcb_arkhelee
BangJa @jcb_bangja_in_the_green
B Jyun @jcb_so_visionary
Boole @jcb_boole
Dolo @jcb_dolo
Jackal @jcb_jackal
Panda Gomm @jcb_pandagomm
Jiggy Fellaz
Baby Nine @babynine_vmc
Basick @realbasick
Bill Stax @bill.stax
Dead’P @deadlypoetry
Deepflow @deepflow39
HellaDope @helladope051
JayRockin @layback_jr
LE (elly)(EXID) @x_xellybabyx
Maniac @maniac1shot
Soulsnatch @soulsnatch
Woo-Side @wooside
Just Music
Bill Stax @bill.stax
Blacknut @gaygaykim
Cjamm @cjadoublem      
Genius Nochang @mesurechiffon 
Giriboy @giriboy91  
Goretexx @teriyakipapi      
Osshun Gum @osshun_gum   
Swings @itsjustswings
Yohan @yohanheaven
Bang Jaemin @bang_a_mond
Haon @kiff_haon777
Mayer Soo @kiff_mayersoo
Vinxen @kiff_vinxen
Webster B @kiff_websterb
Yenjamin @kiff_yenjamin
Young Kay @kiff_yk
Bloo @badboyloo 
DJ Flojee @flojeeee
Loopy @thisloop
Madjong @madjjjjong
Nafla @nasungcityboy
Niahn @niahness
Owen Ovadoz @owen5vadoz
T @orientalyang
Young West @okidsyoung
Bizzy @bizzionary
Bobby Kim @bobbyim5268
Choiza @choiza11
Dj Tukutz @realtukutz
Dok2 @dok2gonzo
Double K @killator
Gaeko @gaekogeem
Leesang @sangmind32
Maniac @maniac1shot
Microdot @microdot
Mithra @realmithrajin
Snacky Chan @ogsnackychan
Swings @itsjustswings
Tablo @blobyblo
Tiger JK @drunkentigerjk
YDG @king_ydg
Yoon Mi Rae @yoonmirae
New Block Babyz
Ven @ven_tastic
Wutan @wutan_vmc
B-soap @bsoapcherrymoon
Crybaby @_crybaby_official
Delly Boi @dellyboi7
San-E @sanethebigboy
Swings @itsjustswings
Verbal Jint @freevjfreevj
Xepy @producer_xepy
ColaGom @cola_gom
Hash Swan @hashblanccoa
Lafic @lafic
LTAK @ltak19
Prima Music Group
Cheno @itsnotcheno
Im JinYeong @r1ude
Jaehee @isthisjaehee
Jay Moon @flyjaymoon
Kyu Young @rbdud
Min Gyu @min.q00
NO:EL @noelcozyboy
Primeboi @primeboi95
Randychytz @rndyrndy
Xoul Vermillion @xoulvermillion
X.Q. @x.q_prima
Rock Bottom 
Dontcallmeadog @dontcallmeadog
Hashmate @hashmate
Hongsamman @hongsamman
i11evn @lilkrnboi
Iron @mightyirony
Kidoh @kidohgangdol
RWAM @rwam92
Sunghyun K @b1monster
Supremeboi @supremeboi_kor
Type-C @type__c
Royal Class
Kitti B @k.i.t.t.i.b
Konquest @k.onthequest
Mino @realllllmino 
Roydo @roydomusic
Sims @simsvvvv
Woo Taewoon @bkgo123
$exy $treet
BewhY @bewhy.meshasoulja 
Cjamm @cjadoublem  
Eum Sang Tae @eumko
Soul Connection
Bang Yongguk @bangstrgram
DJ Tiz @deejaytiz
Rhymics @rhymics_
Sous Chefs
Owen Ovadoz  @owen5vadoz
pH-1  @ph1boyyy
The Black Label
Bryan Chase @chrt_bryanchase
Kush @kucasso
Okasian @chrt_okasian
R.Tee @rteeofficial
Zion T. @ziont
The Cohort
Am. Kay @chrt.amkay
B-Free  @chrt_freefromseoul
Bryan Cha$e @chrt_bryanchase
Coke Jazz @chrt_cokejazz
David Jeune @chrt_davidjeune
Jayallday @chrt_jayallday
Kangkook @chrt_kangkook
Keith Ape @chrt_keithape
Okasian @chrt_okasian
Oscar @chrt_oscar
Swidea @swidea
Tokio Emoji
210 @plzcallme210
Club Sign Chicago @dickidscsc
Babynine @babynine_vmc
Bigone @bigoneisthename
Brasco @brasco911
Buggy @buggy_vmc
Deepflow @deepflow39
Don Mills @donmills1988
Kaadiq @kang_kaadiq
Koncept @champagnekonny
Nucksal @nucksal      
Odee @slyodee
Part Time Cooks @parttimecooks
Black Moss @blalckmossptc
Saul Goode @saulgoodeptc
Rocky @rvmc_rocky_npunion
Rowdee @rowdee38
Staillest @staillest_vmc
TK @tk_vmc
Ven @ven_tastic
Wutan @wutan_vmc
Crush @crush9244
Elo @eloinvvd
Gray @callmegray
Loco @satgotloco
Zion T. @ziont    
Deezy @lil_deeeezy
D.meanor @positivedmeanor
Hanhae @hanhae1990
Yella D @dreezyworldwide
Yelows Mob
Hwimin @hwimmm
Jung Gwangmin @gwangmin  
Herr Nayne @herr_nayne
Lee Gwangmin @2gwaaaaaaam
Mac Kidd @onlyonemackidd
Baek Jae Hoon @onehunnit
Park Gyu Jeong @groovypark
Sik-K @younghotyellow94
Sungmin @sungminist 
Thomas Lee @real_thomaslee
B.I @shxxbi131
Bobby @bobbyindaeyo
Dj Tukutz @realtukutz
Jinu @jinusean_3000
Masta Wu @mastawu02
Mino @realllllmino
Mithra @realmithrajin
Sean @jinusean3000
Tablo @blobyblo
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kpophighlight · 5 years
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Superbee and Myundo exit Tiger JK and Dok2's 'Ghood Life Crew' to launch independent labels https://t.co/EZyAK6ch4Q https://t.co/vCezuwxcFt (via Twitter http://twitter.com/allkpop/status/1087300348182577152)
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hanhae · 6 years
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losmoonwalker: LA 2 Seoul
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khiphop-discussions · 7 years
Quote from HipHopKR’s interview with Feel Ghood Music
The quote basically just explains the difference between “Ghood Life Crew” and “Feel Ghood”
I took this opportunity to ask about the new label Ghood Life Crew established by Tiger JK and Dok2 back in September 2016: What’s the difference between Feel Ghood Music and Ghood Life Crew?
Tiger JK added, “There are emcees who really just wanna spit.  Emcees that are into the craft of rapping, but also want to be down with Feel Ghood Music.  So we had to compartmentalize. Not to say myunDo or Superbee [two artists signed under Ghood Life Crew] ain’t musical, but for now they just wanna spit… they wanna rap like a hundred bars, you know?  Ghood Life Crew is a label that caters to those emcees that are hungry right now and just wanna rap.
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notorious-gonzo · 7 years
Upcoming SMTM6′s “unknown rappers” you may want to know pt. 1
As we all know, SMTM6 is drawing near and since a lot of rappers I regularly listen to signed up for this hellish drama, I once again decided to cast some light on those unfortunate, less-known souls which - imo - deserve the attention they sadly quite don’t get.
Used some info from well-made hiphopkr.com article so don’t forget to check that out as well!
Asol [IG | SC] (underground female rapper with distinct voice, from Sbenu crew, released a mixtape Datura in 2014) + Datura + Robin Hood + Bullpen
Bray [SC | IG] (artist under Mystic Ent., appeared on SMTM5 and lost 1v1 against Donutman, is not really active, at least not on his SC, does a lot of featurings tho) + Wing Chun-like Rap + Keep Ballin’ (as featuring artist)  
Ignito [IG | YT] (is a veteran / 1st generation rapper, Vitality crew, aside from his collab. with fellow crew member Hunger Noma from one yr ago does not seem to be really active, probably wants to use SMTM5 as his big return) + Creepy Crawly + Oracle (with Hunger Noma)
Jay Moon [FB | IG | SC] (from Prima Music Group, former artist of Independent Records and GVOY, apparently participated on SMTM3 and 5, released EP Up in the Sky just recently) + Special Day + Ease Remix
LeellaMarz [FB | SC | IG] (tiny fellow who briefly appeared on SMTM5 under name Lilla Mars and lost against Superbee during 1v1, is in crew Wayside Town) + Get It + Choice
New Champ [SC | YT] (former Jiggy Fellaz member, was in a trio called NomNomNom, disses a lot, SMTM4 contestant, 4 mixtapes in da house, releases new stuff quite regularly, Sin&Punishment seems like his newest project?) + Okaka Chuka + Yahage + 민트마스크를 쓰고
Quaimo [SC | IG | FB] (member of Prima Music Group, recently released mixtape G.U.R.N, did some number of collabs with Holmes Crew members) + G.U.R.N + Bang Bang + Call Me Daddy
Simba Zawadi [IG | FB | SC] (Awaken Tongues member, one of the two ‘diss’ rappers - other being Khundi Panda - in SMTM5 and got eliminated in 2nd round, did a collab. mixtape together with Kim Hyo Eun, was an opening act on BewhY’s Canada Tour, 2 mixtapes) + Blaze †o WINDWARD + 용기 + Rolex
Bully Da Ba$tard [SC | FB | IG] (competed on School Rapper, after that he kinda cleared his SC tracklist which used to be way fuller, recently released Lonely Dawn) + Alone + New God Freestyle   
J’Kyun [IG] (participated on SMTM2 and 5, former member of Lucky J, member of Louis.B w/ singer Kuan and Fresh Boyz w/ Ceejay, collaborated with lots of artists including Zico, Ailee, Rex.D, Jooheon and so on) + Hmmbbuk + Polaroid  
JINDOGGAE [SC | IG | YT] (Finest Records’ artist, Krosshartz crew, 2nd place on SMTM1, eliminated in 2nd preliminary round of SMTM5) + 읍읍 + 언더독
Junoflo [SC | IG | YT | FB | twitter] (Korean-American artist, recently signed up with Feel Ghood Music, Native Souls and Good Loox ?crews?, big hit of SMTM5, alas unfortunately lost to Hash Swan, his popularity skyrocketed after his elimination) + Deja Vu  + Fables
Kebee [IG | FB] (Brand New Music, Eluphant duo w/ Minos, founded Soul Company alongside The Quiett in 2004, was in Standart Music Group before rollin’ into BNM, another underground ‘legend’, recently released new EP Water) + Narcissism + Ya 
KK [twitter | YT] (also known as KeiKei, currently signed under Brofit Records, used to be under Sniper Records and in Buddha Baby crew, speedrap, interesting voice, album Matador, mixtape Lost Tape)  + Hip Hop is my life + Fuckstrider
Marvel.J [IG | SC | FB] (leader of DNH crew, recently established new label All Right Music w/ Basick, B.O and Big Tray, was in London during Rockbottom x DNH gig, released album Graduation not so long ago) + Forgive Me + Most Wanted DNH      
NO:EL [SC | IG | YT] (Prima Music Group, also competed on School Rapper)  + IDFWU + Goodbye
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anachavez1397 · 7 years
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#Choi #Seo #Hyun de “#High #School #Rapper” #debutará #bajo la #agencia de #Tiger JK Choi Seo Hyun se unió a Ghood Life Crew, un sello de hip hop que fue fundado por Tiger JK y Dok2 el año pasado. En cuanto a su contrato exclusivo con Ghood Life Crew, Choi Seo Hyun expresó: “Estoy muy feliz de ser parte de una agencia con tantos seniors que respeto”. También se reveló que Choi Seo Hyun lanzará su primer mini álbum en septiembre. Mientras tanto, Ghood Life Crew también alberga a los raperos Junoflo, Superbee y myunDo. #Fuente: #Soompi #ChoiSeoHyun #Ghood #Life #Crew #Junoflo #Superbee #MyunDo #TigerJK #Dok2
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