#ghosstts: Marci
gcdabandoned · 5 years
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“wasn’t expecting to see you on my visitor’s list, vasile. you know it’s customary to bring flowers, right?” apparently two bullets hadn’t been enough to tire him out enough to stop being a total bastard. maybe only death would. “tell you what,” he starts with a smile curving his lips, raising a hand the short distance the cuffs would allow to jingle the metal. “you get rid of my special new jewelry and we’ll call it even, yeah?”
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crimsonfaux · 5 years
Fall Festival. The Vasiles were a prominent family and one that would need to be seen. Camille kept her head low and placed a hand over her mouth to cover her nervous breaths. Crowds were hard for her, because that’s inevitably how the killer had gotten her last time. A slip through the crowd and no one even noticed she was missing. Even though she had been striking up conversations beforehand. Now she felt like a walking stigma stuck in time. The killer was still at large, and well to keep everything hushed her attack wasn’t even reported to local police. The Vasiles didn’t trust the police, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. Camille could also hear the words of the reporting officer if she was brought in.
‘Are you sure she didn’t do this to herself?’ 
Something draws her out of her mind and it’s the vibration of the phone against her thigh. Camille pauses her steps near the Ferris Wheel and glanced to the Caller ID. She didn’t pick up phone calls these days, just shot quick texts in response. So she would wait until the voicemail icon chimed onto the screen. Movement caught her eyes just as she read the words 
[ (1) missed call Marci ]
Then it was fate that she saw the face she had been mid-text to. For a brief moment she forgot what she had been hiding in the wake of the festival’s traffic. Not only did the killer take her voice, but she took her spot as the only Vasile to show up at Marci’s wedding. Camille had wanted to go, because she wouldn’t excommunicate her sister. Camille loves Marci, but...she didn’t want her younger sister to see her this way.
Yet she felt her mouth pull apart. Due to the rarity of that happening she even felt her lips almost get stuck together before they opened. An inhumane noise, something like a grunt of protest and incoherent sounds one’s mouth makes without a tongue inside of it. None of it producing words, but the grunt and noises made by her mouth seemed to have a tune of ‘Marci’ to it. At least in her head it did, but in reality it was a horrific episode. The picture in front of her melted behind a wall of tears. So much had changed in a year. She lost her voice and lost her sister too.
Panicked, Camille closed her mouth and stared at her younger sister before her eyes darted down in shame. One of the hands not holding the phone quickly moved to her side as it slowly started to sign in the air. She wasn’t sure if her sister even knew sign language. With text and technology it’s not like people still actively tried to learn it.
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soldiervasile-blog · 6 years
Visits past twilight | Cornelia&Marcelline
The apartment was pitch black, with only the faint light of the hallway shining in on the hardwood floor. This thin stripe of light was the one Cornelia silently watched, as she was perched on the window sill of her sisters. The wait didn’t bother the youngest Vasile. She had been on too many stake outs, too many missions involving the requirement to blend in and be at one with your surroundings, to care about time ticking away while she waited for her oldest sibling to appear. As it were, she had texted this time around, as she often did when popping by for her monthly check. Then again she had also ditched her personal phone, taken her motorcycle and parked across town, then walked here trough back alleys and in circles about three times, to make sure she wasn’t followed or watched. A lot of trouble for a simple chat, but then again Cornelia thought the precautions necessary. 
If her father got a whiff of her being here, the consequences were sure to be dire. And no matter how deeply she loved Marci, she would never jeopardize her relationship with their father or risk loosing her family. Some might find all of this very sad. The notion that you couldn’t visit your older sister in a natural setting. That you had to do so in secret and take measures that some might deep extreme, simply to see her for an hour or two. In the Vasile family however, this had become a regular perception. Marci’s name wasn’t mentioned at the Manor house. And there would be hell to pay if you saw her and were discovered. 
Hearing the floorboards outside creak with weight, the brunette sat up a bit straighter, her eyes relaxing just a bit as the hallway light was blocked, cast in shadow. The shadow of a person about to lock themselves inside. Then the door swung open, and the light was turned on. Cornelia blinked just a few times in order to adjust, though her eyes remained pointed towards the door where her older sister appeared. “Good evening sis.” she said, in her calm and perfectly polite tone of voice, giving her a quick once over, always making sure she was physically unhurt before saying anything else. “How’s life?” 
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icegods-blog · 6 years
FKM- vasile girls (Marci, Daciana, Cornelia)
❝ nope, not doing this. daci is like my own child, you’re gonna have to give me different names. ❞ ( @ghosstts, @dacianav, @yourforgottenxlove )
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dacianav · 6 years
# daciana and her family
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: Daddy
what your muse’s picture is in mines phone:
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what your muse’s ringtone is: very aggressive alarm soundsmy muse’s last text to yours:daciana: so you’re saying theres no chance I can ever have a dog??????
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: nellieeeeeewhat your muse’s picture is in mines phone:
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what your muse’s ringtone is: regular my muse’s last text to yours:daci: will you ask daddy if we can get a dog? he likes you better
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: Mwhat your muse’s picture is in mines phone: no picturewhat your muse’s ringtone is: no ringtonemy muse’s last text to yours:daciana: did you tell dad you cornered me in the fucking Panera bathroom????daciana [unsent] I’m really sorry about your husband, marci, I didn’t know it would be that bad.
@anachroniisms @soldiervasile @ghosstts
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crimsonfaux · 5 years
Sometimes the fact she had been a Vasile at one point in time bothered him. However, she was a lawyer for the Fausts now. As far as he was aware she was excommunicated just like Amelia had been. He tried not to think about if perhaps she had been fabricating that fact to him. Oliver waltzed into the office waiting for the young woman to make her appearance. It was time to start the steps needed to legally regain full custody of Matty.
Amelia may have stole him, and he may have thought about rescuing him. He needed to make sure the legal system was just in rewarding him the custody. Dark eyes lift up from the mountains of various paperwork graveyards on his desk. Oliver stood up towering behind the desk and gestured to the empty chair. 
“Welcome Marcelline. Come in and have a seat. How are the other Fausts treating you?” He always had to get pleasantries out of the way first. Especially with newer members of the Fausts. He was able to go full asshole mode with a few of them, but Marci hadn’t gained that level of comfort from him yet.
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