#ghost phengsavath
rainbowroadonsteroids Β· 1 year
(Totally not me kicking myself in the fucking ass to post art on here ahaha πŸ˜€πŸ‘)
Given I'm still stuck in a TF2 phase (thanks @comet-wire /j+lh+nm) I've had to sit there and make like four separate merc OCs because they why the fuck not, and I'm gonna be posting them all soon enough. But for today, gonna post the afformentioned "ketchup and Vegemite" person, Ghost. (And also some miscellaneous stuff about him! πŸ˜€πŸ‘) Also I have not been drawing that much as of late so I need to sort of get used to drawing him lmao.
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I drafted this long before the Ridley post so if some of the stuff above sounds odd that's why πŸ—ΏπŸ‘ Ghost was the second merc I made, and he's been changed a hair! Namely he was originally going to be a mechanic... but I decided fuck it; he gets to be a secondary bushman and he's a hunter now. So his official title is The Hunter. (Also, slight spoiler warning down below for the TF2 Comics!)
His full name is Luna Phengsavath, and Ghost is a nickname of his.
He's 5'11" (156cm) and 160lbs (72kg).
He's 25 years old in 1968, and 29 years old in 1972.
He has one of the fastest speeds outside of Scout, at 125%.
His health is 130/195. (Roughly.)
He is in the offensive class.
Similar the Sniper, Ghost is from Australia, having lived in the Outback as well. He implies even that he grew up near Sniper, living in a more gothic home decorated in a way to keep away the Mormons.
One of his item sets, Killer Kriss, is an homage to Ashrah from Mortal Kombat, as the item set has him wearing an outfit similar to Ashrah, but the outfit is in black rather than white.
Ghost has a healing item called "Surprise Sandvich"; it has the same properties as a Sandvich does, the major difference with this being the scorpion peppers that are within the Sandvich. Ghost can eat it, other mercs can too but it won't heal them as much, and it can actually cause them to take some damage from the burn. (Pyro survives this though.)
He is demisexual and transgender.
Two of his most prominent (or at least two of his most favorite weapons) are his Kriss and Kali Sticks.
His primary weapon is a set of Dual Pistols.
He's known for his gothic appearance, wearing corpse paint and plenty of black. (Oddly enough that doesn't affect him but he has to sleep with fans on him.)
His bite pattern features him having more out-turned canines, and has him missing his premolars.
He has glasses but is too stubborn to wear them like... 98% of the time. And he will never go near contacts.
Ghost is a third-generation immigrant, with both sets of his grandparents having immigrated from Laos to Australia at some point. (I would say he's considered 2.5 gen, as Sa (his mum) was born in Laos; however, she was not raised there, and grew up in Australia. Loy (his dad) was born and raised in Australia, on the other hand.)
Ghost only knows certain phrases in Laotian, namely the things Sa would yell at him. ("Wash up for dinner", "clean your room", etc.)
He has autism, and as a result has texture and sensory issues. He shaves his hair down because he hates when he can't maintain it, he doesn't like certain food textures, he hates wet/repetitive noises, and he usually wears looser clothing as he doesn't like the feeling of the clothes hugging his skin.
He has issues with his mental health, and has in the past locked himself away in his room for months just due to how he was feeling. His parents always try to help him, and they at least try to get him to eat, not wanting to force him to do anything he isn't ready for yet. (He also has a fear of dentists due to his depression, as he hates being scolded by his dentist about not brushing.)
In the TF2 Comics, Ghost ends up having to deal with amputating his left hand, as well as a majority of his right leg. The hand comes from having to free himself to try and get out of the room he was locked in, and the leg... I'm still trying to figure the technicalities out with that. But, he doesn't try to push Medic to heal him solely because he knows how to manage himself for the time being, and he doesn't want to waste Medic's time when the others need healed. He later on is able to get prosthetics to use, as well as arm crutches.
He is perpetually scared of Saxton Hale.
He has been romantically interested in Sniper since around the time they were teens, and considers a sharktooth necklace (original I know) Sniper gave him to be a treasure.
He apparently did his own top surgery, and said it went smoothly. He also notes he's not into bottom surgery, and says so graciously that he's content with having a man cave.
(Miscellaneous/Random Notes)
Ghost has a brother who is 20 years older than he is, named Serina. He also has two cousins who are a bit older than he is, Celestia and Akuma.
He doesn't like sweets. A HUGE exception though is ice cream, specifically either sherbet or cotton candy ice cream.
He'd probably take the record as the most censored mercenary, as every line he'd have usually would have him cussing.
Despite not knowing Laotian, he does know German and Australian Sign Language/Auslan. He was taught Auslan as a toddler because he would go mute sometimes, and he would at least communicate that way.
A lot of his taunts are meant to insult the other mercs. Whether it be a double middle finger, "up yours" gesture, chin flick, a thumb between his index and middle finger, a forearm jerk, if it insults/pisses off the other team, he does it. (Obviously there are particularly offensive gestures he will not do.)
He's gotten high off of the Medigun before.
About two years before leaving home, Ghost and his parents found two stray kittens; an orange tabby cat and an unknown tan cat. They took the two kittens in, and named them Honey Mustard (tabby) and French Fry. French Fry was later found out to be a Maine Coon as she got to be as big as a year old great dane.
He has the highest instant noodle consumption rate in the base, eating about three to four cups of it a day. This is because instant noodles are a comfort food of his.
One of his favorite foods is a Vegemite and ketchup(/tomato sauce) sandwich. He gets a stomach ache 90% of the time he eats it but still likes it.
His last name is sometimes spelled phonetically, thus coming out to be Fengsavath. Though because of this he's sometimes gone under the pen name Luna Fang.
Ghost has a habit of either chewing his fingernails or his fingers, so his fingers look a bit weird as a result.
He's blunt. Seriously. He's called The Administrator a cunt/bitch to her face, he's called Classic Heavy a racist piece of rubbish, he's called Classic Pyro/Beatrice a cold and dry cunt, he's called Gray Mann an expired tampon, and there's plenty more examples.
He will genuinely get aggravated with the word "barbie", and will scream out "IT'S A BLOODY GRILL YOU WANK". Why this is? No one really knows.
Ghost draws in his free time, and sometimes uses his teammates as models.
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