#ghostbusters soup comic
bisexual-thoughtss · 2 years
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I’ve got lots of ideas for Egon, lemme know if ya like it!! I’m picturing Slimer like in The Real Ghostbusters, not like the movies lmao
Egon Spengler x Reader
Cooking is something you rarely have time for in the hectic firehouse, but the calls had been nonstop lately and you wanted to treat your boys (especially a certain scientist) to something special. Janine had agreed that they needed this, giving in after much pleading to take your calls as well as hers so you can cook. They’d just gone out on a bust and you hope to have dinner finished by the time they get back. Making your way around the kitchen, you gather ingredients and flick on the radio as you pass it. You hum along, hips swaying as you chop up ingredients for a simple soup. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s hearty and warm. You truly can’t remember the last time you saw one of the boys eat a vegetable that wasn’t inside of an egg roll, so a home cooked meal is long overdue.
With the vegetables simmering in the pot you can barely hear the song playing, so you move to turn up the radio. As you turn around you almost run right in to Slimer, who’d been ogling the food from just out of your sight.
“I’ll give you some in a minute, buddy. Go on,” you shoo him towards the table, where he sinks down into Peter’s chair to watch you. You finally make it to the radio and turn the dial up, turning it up louder than you normally would since you’re alone and dancing back across the room to stir the veggies. You finish adding the rest of the ingredients before lowering the heat and setting a timer for the soup to simmer. You turn to find Slimer still looking woefully at you from the table.
“Aw come here,” you hold out your arms and he zooms over, nearly knocking you down. You take his little hands, dancing with him to the music and singing along. He giggles loudly as you twirl him around, both of you freezing when you find Egon standing in the doorway in his lab coat. He’s got that damn smirk on his face, making your knees go a little weak as you flush from embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, I thought you went on the call! I was just making dinner for you guys, I didn’t realize you were here or we wouldn’t have been so loud,” you ramble, Slimer peeking out from behind you. Slimer zooms out of the room before Egon can say anything and your face briefly shifts into a little pout before you remember the conversation at hand.
“You are so cute,” he smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners.
“I- you think I’m cute?” You ask, dumbfounded by his words. His eyes widen comically as he flounders for something to say.
“Did I say that out loud?” He croaks, his cheeks an adorable shade of pink.
“Yes, you did,” you smile, walking slowly closer to him.
“Is that okay?” He asks timidly, face lined with worry.
“I happen to think you’re pretty cute yourself,” you tell him, taking his hands in yours. When he doesn’t seem to mind your touch, you pull him further into the room.
“C’mon,” you laugh as you start dancing, urging him to dance with you. He twirls you around, and you land against him with a surprised huff. Your arms find their way around his neck and his find purchase on your waist as you sway together.
“I’d really like to kiss you right now if you could come down here,” you giggle, earning a crooked smile from him before he leans down and pulls you into a kiss. You let out a little noise of approval as he tilts his head and deepens the kiss. Your height difference makes the angle a bit awkward, but before you can voice this Egon lifts you onto the counter, earning a little ‘oh’ of surprise from you before he’s kissing you again. You melt into him as he presses himself as close as he can get, your thighs spread around his hips.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Venkman’s voice rings through the kitchen and it feels like a bucket of ice water being dumped on you.
“Get out,” you groan, tossing the closest thing on the counter at him.
“Sheesh, glad the knife was in the sink,” Peter grumbles after catching the spoon you’d lobbed at him.
“Maybe it’s time to go back to the lab?” You ask Egon. As embarrassed as he looked at being caught, you’d never seen him agree to something quicker, practically dragging you out of the kitchen.
Peter stares like you’ve grown a second head when you call “have some soup for dinner, see ya!” as you allow Egon to tug you away.
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dalt20 · 12 days
Tooning In 16. Craig Clark part 3 of 7
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DL: In 1983, you worked at a Company called Tigerfly.
What was that?
CC: That was and is Arnie Wong's company. I met him at Duck Soup in 1974. Arnie now lives in Hawaii. Tigerfly was in Santa Monica. We did commercials, development on a Möbius feature, Internal Transfer, Automan VFX etc. Superman director Peter Ramsey worked theirs as well as Disney FX sup. Marlon West. Also surf artist Rick Griffin.
DL: how was the environment at the studio?
CC: Creative , hip, funky , family of westside surf artists
He sends me a teaser of an project which ultimately never got made which was the collaboration with French comic artist Moebius, Internal Transfer, which he worked as an animator
Also some Sunkist and G.I. Joe commercials he sends me, also worked on as an animator. I’m surprised the latter one wasn’t done by Sunbow.
DL: You were on The
Philadelphia Experiment as a special effects animator, how was that?
CC: Cool, that was at New World in Venice at Roger Corman Studio......later became Digital Domain. hand drawn electro fx. There was a lot of work west of Sepulveda at the time. The guy on the bed with the electro fx https://youtu.be/WAmpXDi53YQ?si=vrhhlmW1wD0-u5n9
He sends me a trailer for The Philadelphia Experiment (1984)
DL: What was My Science Project, as you were
Special effects animator.
CC: My Science project was done at Namebrand FX in Santa Monica off the lot. John Scheele produced the FX, we shot the elements at his studio. The T rex at the end was my shot sequence.... https://youtu.be/nB2ToxVtoc4?si=21cPOJqje2orJAuX
He sends me a trailer for My Science Project (1985).
A bunch of electro fx not pictured there. Boy that was some cheesy 80's synth music on there lol!
DL: Well I guess you’re the electricity guy who drew the electric on paper than scan them into the film.
CC: Exactly. I would do the same over at Boss Film on Poltiergiest 2, Big Trouble in Little China, and SolarBabies. But it was all 70mm. Huge 22 field paper, later hand inked.
DL: You were special effects director for the TV series, Misfits of Science for NBC. And How did you felt being moved to
VFX director and what role does
he or she does.
CC: That was a Namebrand again, that was my day job, the night job was at Boss film from 6pm to 1am. Universal trusted me since I did a good job on Automan. So much so I was on call for other Universal shows like Miami Vice. The fx producer were David Garber and John Green. David Garber was famous for Battlestar Galactica so he was in good standing at Universal. I still love that show. Misfits was part of the Universal power line up on Friday Nights. we got good numbers but Knight Rider was already 3 seasons in and was closer to Syndication so we lasted one season. We did some cool stuff like slitcan stretching high speed fx with the characters. When ever my hand drawn electricity came on the the ratings went up, so they called for more of it. The Producer was James Parriot who later did Grey's Anatomy, It was also Courtney Cox's first show before Friends.
He sends me a compilation of the series where one of the main characters uses his electric powers.
DL: Ah, thought it was Mac and Me but I remember that was Jennifer Aniston!
I send him a laugh out loud emoji 😂
DL: You Worked as FX Assistant Animator for Boss Film company, did you felt like that was a downgrade from your previous Title?
CC: Yeah, but it was a feature with some IlM guys so that was cool. I met Wes Takahaski who helped me get into ILM later in 1994. Boss had just finished Ghostbusters at the time.
DL: How was the environment of Boss Film company?
CC: Fun, like an fx nightclub. Music playing, free popcorn. The day crew was more serious I think, but we just had a good time and did great work. Some Disney guys were there too like Scott Santoro, who I later worked with at Amblimation in London on Fievel Goes West.
DL: That's awesome!
CC: We were nominated for a VFX Oscar on Poltergeist 2. https://youtu.be/mjhr8EdGyD0?si=RldZcwzw_9-rMM0V
He sends me the trailer for Poltergeist 2 (1986)
DL: You was assistant special effects animator for Poltergeist 2.
CC: Yes, Following up of Mauro Maresa who later worked with me on Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure.
Sends me a clip from the film featuring all the times the characters use the iconic phone booth.
I did fx on it, phone booth.
DL: You were an
Special effects animator on Big
Trouble in Little China. How was that?
CC: Yeah , I think we already went over the Boss film stuff, part of the night crew when I was working on Misfits of Science during the day. Mauro Maressa, Scott Santaro, Kevin Cachaver, Ed Coffee, Wes Takahashi all on the show. There were Ghostbusters fx model sheets sitting around ....
He sends me the climax to Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
DL: So as we talk about previously, how worked
at Dream quest Images.How was
the enviroment at the studlo before the
company got bought by Disney in 1997?
CC: Dream Quest was a small but active studio stated by 5 UCLA students in Culver City. They did Vistavision work as well as 35mm work. They got all the fx shots that Boss Film could not do since they were all 70 mm.  The first Predictor movie was done there as well as Nightmare 3. I animation directed a few commericials, Taco Ball ,Golden Grahams, etc. https://youtu.be/aFwKhPnBs3Y?si=OtpjisO0bot3et6_
He sends me a commercial for Golden Grahams which he animated on.
DL: Is that supposed to be sonny? The Golden Grahams mascot?
CC: he didn't have a name....just called him dollop. I animated it solo. no assistants.
DL: Wow! That’s impressive!
CC: Thanks. I think I was 26 with a few credits so they gave me a shot.
DL: So, personal thoughts, I
Wanna spill on you that I find it strange that Disney would go on to buy Lucasfilm, which owns ILM, which you worked for later in 1994. Why did Disney bought the studio only to shut it down and buy Lucasfilm? (That’s a question for you, I forgot to mention.)
CC: Disney is a corporation looking for quarterly profits for their shareholders. It is no longer a company run by their family as you know.
DL: Yeah, I mean they own ILM now, so they own all the great special effects in the world! But anyway, you worked on Nightmare of Elm street 3 as a special effects animator, an upgrade from storyboard artist. How was the experience?
CC: Good, hears the shot do your stuff. This time we finished the plasma animation using watered down inks that were shot and comped. We went over that as well.
DL: What’s your thoughts on the Elm Street franchise ?
CC: Surprised it lasted. I've outgrown it but my kids love it. The horror genre has exploded over the years. There was a crew fan based  meeting at Notre Dame high school in the Valley in the 90's. Kids asked questions to the old crew. I forget most of it.
DL: You worked on My Demon Lover as a special effects animator, what was that about?
CC: That was through Chris Cassady's Roto FX of America studio. Quick fx job, I remember some faces or masks exploding. I did the animation over at Chris' studio, he shot the elements over at his place. I think he sent it our for opticals some were else. The studio was a Saward in Hollywood behind the old Bob Clampett building where we did the first Simpsons series. There were lots of Film labs there , CFI, Glenn Glenn sound. Old Republic Pictures and the Columbia Cartoon studio was there a long time ago. Historical street for film. Seward st.
DL: Your claim to fame, Bill Melendez Productions, how was the environment of the studio?
CC: Wow I'm famous for that? I'd like to work on the new ones in Canada... I worked directly under Bill Melendez for a week in studio. Then I just worked at home animating four Peanuts specials for him, as well as Cathy and Frosty Returns. And later another Peantuts one in the 2000's.
DL: What was the studio like? Was it magical?
CC: It was like a little house, actually two houses together. Folks were very nice. I love working there.
DL: Ah, so I think it was the only studio besides filmation who were doing TV animation in the US. And I believe the last.
CC: maybe so, but a few months later I started working on the first season of the Simpsons down the street in totally in house. 1989. Melendez was 1988 during the last bad writers strike.
DL: Ah, did you met Bill or Lee? The other guy who owns the studio. Lee Mendelson?
CC: Never saw Lee, just Bill. Shep Menkin also did voices but I did not know it at the time. (Forgive and Forget movie 1968)
DL: Ah, ok, so your friend was also on Peanuts.
CC: This is America Charlie Brown,yes.
DL: Did he did the adults? The “waa waa” voice?
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perditious · 2 years
Rules: Tag 5 people you want to get to know better 
tagged by: @amazonplanet! ty fren
Relationship status: married to the sea
 Color: fun fact this question is why it took me so long to answer this because i don’t knoooooooooowwwwww. saying ‘warm saturated jewel tones’  is clearly cheating. i love green but i’m really into orange lately and blues and purples are so goooood. i simply can’t be expected to choose i want to lick them all.
Three favorite foods: tea would win if it was a food. bread, soup, puttanesca. i will never have a surprising answer to this question haha
The song stuck in my head: nothing! thankfully. last one was joey, but the local h cover, for days because fuck me i guess (but really because i foolishly linked it to a fic idea i’ve been spending a lot of time poking at lately so i brought this on myself).
The last thing I googled: ‘3/4 cup to tbsp’ because such useful lil factoids will never stay put in my little brain, then ‘substitute for rice vinegar’ because i swear i had some but the contents of the pantry say i’m lying (maple. what did you do with the vinegar).
Time: it is 5:19 
Dream trip: oh gee there’s lots. i haven’t done much traveling at all so. unfurls very long scroll which comically rolls right out of the aerie and down two flights of stars to end on the front porch. then drops it and rattles off the first few that come to mind. 
someday @hipeerpressure and i will go to california, a trip i would not really have said was a proper dream before but since we were set to go right when the pandemic hit i’ve been anticipating it for a while now. ditto oklahoma. someday, @biomechanicaltomato and @lowtideandhightea. 
for the sake of the place as opposed to the people i’d love to go back to london, i feel like i saw about a fifth-seventh of a one thousandth of it the week i was there. ireland for tedious cultural attachment reasons. new orleans. new york city. i feel like i have a very predictable list of ‘person who has not traveled a lot and lives in new england’ destinations tbh.
 Anything I really want right now: my budget and my actual dollars are disagreeing by a small enough to be irrelevant but also large enough to be annoying amount and i can’t figure out why!! tantrum!! 
Tagged: no pressure of course but @alienfuckeronmain @hellrelic @ghostbusting @lowtideandhightea (i have no idea what trips you’d like to go on and that’s weird to me)
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malakiimp3 · 4 years
stupid and very oddly specific TAZ Amnesty headcanons because I was sobbing over episode 28 :):
-Jake listens to Dolly Parton
-Aubrey introduced him to 100 gecs and him, Dani, and Aubrey will listen to it in the lobby. When Barclay asks what on earth they're doing he says that if he were "gecced the heck up" he would understand
-Duck unintentionally became TikTok famous, probably for a video of him skitching Sheriff Owen's car
-Hollis listens to Mindless Self Indulgence and Ayesha Erotica
-Keith listens to Taylor Swift but would die before Hollis and the Hornets knew that
-Everyone thinks that Mama would listen to chill classic rock like The Beatles or Simon and Garfunkel, but Barclay comes in to her office one day and the Dead Kennedys is absolutely blasting
-pre-Pine Guard, Mama was punk af and bonds with the Hornets over it
-Aubrey and Dani make funky earrings for each other
-Dani and Aubrey gave a pair of these earrings to Mama and she wears them all the time
-Barclay's favourite movie is Top Gun (1986) and it is one of 6 VHS tapes that are in the lobby at Amnesty Lodge
-The other 5 VHS tapes are Pretty in Pink (1986), Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope (1977), Ghostbusters (1984), and Grease (1978)
-After the first time that Jake and Dani saw Ghostbusters, they'd sing the theme song everytime that Moira entered the room until Barclay begged them to stop
-Dani has a huge collection of the Sailor Moon comics that she's been collecting since she came to Earth
-Dani is always wearing Pink Lemonade or Peach Chapstick
-Jake on the other hand only likes the stupid, rare flavours like Vanilla Mint and Pumpkin Pie and he begs Mama to get him any weird flavour she sees when she's out and about
-Jake still has his old Hornets jacket with a ton of pins on it that Hollis stole for him from the Hot Topic in the mall in the next town over
-Jake doesn't text, but he writes ":), :0, >:3, etc." out by hand
-Kirby always has Bowling for Soup playing in the Cryptonomica
-Kirby, Aubrey, Dani, Jake, Hollis, and Keith all went to Warped Tour 2019 together
-Kirby drinks Bang! energy drinks but only Purple Haze and Sour Heads
-Kirby and Jake become friends after Kirby inherits the Cryptonomica and Kirby and Jake play Mario Kart in the back room
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touchingoldmagic · 4 years
Day 24 - Jillian Holtzmann Being Weird
Day 24 of the 30 Day Ghostbusters Challenge!
Author’s Notes: Takes place after the Crossing Over storyline of the comics. Warnings for Ron's use of language, as usual. Mentions Ron x Bryan.
"What are you doing here!?" Bryan Welsh blurted out, then immediately looked contrite. "Er, I'm sorry! I didn't mean--"
Jillian didn't seem to take offense. "Hello, Windy City!" she said by way of introduction. Bryan was standing behind the front desk at the Chicago Ghostbusters HQ. She reached across the desk and shook his hand. "Jillian Holtzmann. I think we met briefly while keeping the multiverse from collapsing. Please, don't trouble yourself remembering who put that little ball in motion. Ha."
Bryan still looked a little dazed and turned to their administrative manager, Kim, for help. She was seated at the desk, studiously typing up a report on their last case and staying out of the entire conversation.
Bryan hated when he had to awkwardly look for words. "Yes, ah, Dr. Holtzmann, I remember you. I--we didn't expect--aren't you from another dimension?"
Kim raised her eyebrows almost to her hairline but did not look up from her keyboard.
"I'm here for a visit. It's scientific. Perfectly legal. Mostly. Besides, I have a chaperone." The blond physicist hooked an arm around the smaller woman who had entered the building with her.
"I'm not a chaperone," Kylie grumbled. "I was coming here anyway and she tagged along. There's an estate sale this afternoon downtown, some guy who was a big name in occult studies. I'm here to see if I can pick up some books for the boss."
"Oh, the Pickering Estate?" Bryan asked. "I think Dani was going to go, too. Maybe you two could go together."
Kylie looked surprised. "I didn't know Dani was interested in the research aspect of the biz."
Bryan shrugged. "Well she said we didn't have anyone to do it and we should, and she seems to be taking it pretty seriously so far. Our spare room has two bookshelves full now."
"Oh yeah? Anything good?" To say books were one of Kylie's interests was a bit of an understatement.
Bryan shrugged, looking embarrassed. "Oh, I guess? I dunno, really, but she'll be back from lunch soon and you could ask her."
While the two were talking, Jillian took one careful step backward, then another. Then, seeing as no one had any reaction, she turned and hurried down the hall that led past the front reception area and deeper into the building.
The short hall had three other doors and a stairwell. "Women's intuition is telling meeeeee... this one." Jillian pointed at the first door on the left and pushed it open without knocking.
Inside the small office space was a desktop covered in broken pencils, paperwork, schematics, tools, loose screws, and bits of oily spare parts leaving stains on the desk blotter. Behind the desk was Ron Alexander, feet propped up on a desk drawer that jutted open and hat pulled down low over his face to cover his eyes.
"Boo-yah," Jillian said with satisfaction.
Ron looked up. "Oh fuck, you," he sighed in recognition.
"I decline," Jillian returned immediately, making Ron look confused for a moment, but she continued before he could get a word in. "Thought I'd stop by and say hi. Nice city. So how're you doing, Ronny?"
"Call me that again and I'll kick your ass."
"Great. Listen, Ronny," Jillian plowed on without pausing for breath. "You remember anything about the thing in New York? I mean, obviously you do. We both do. But the details? The notes we scribbled all over the walls of your friend's place during the planning stages? Remember any of that? Anything specific?"
Ron put his feet down and sat up, as it seemed getting the talkative blond out of his office wasn't going to be as easy as just ignoring her. "Nope."
"Me either." Jillian tipped her head and narrowed her eyes at the wall over Ron's head. He didn't have anything hanging there, so he assumed she was thinking about something. Though with her it was hard to tell. "It's possible rapid and multiple crossing of dimensions might impair localization of long-term memory or something," she admitted.
"Or something," Ron muttered, a lot more suspicious than the physicist, and therefore a lot quicker to jump to conclusions. "I have a feeling those losers in New York had something to do with it."
"Those are my friends," Jillian pointed out in a careful tone (which was interesting to hear, as she hardly ever sounded careful in her life).
"I was talking about the ones with dicks," Ron said.
Jillian considered that for a moment. "Those ones are also my friends," she decided.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Look, I don't remember shit and the notes are gone, so that's it. I don't even care, it was more trouble than it's worth. I'm not jumping through hoops again the next time the universes decide to collapse. Or spending another week in the hospital." His hand reflexively went to his chest and then he quickly put his hand down at his side again. "So if that's it feel free to leave, and don't let the door smack you on the ass on your way out."
"Wasn't here for that," Jillian insisted. "Just curious. My plane's not leaving 'til tonight. We've got time. We could get lunch." Jillian warmed up to this idea and her speech sped up. "In fact, we should all go. That lady at the front desk looked like she could use a breadstick. Possibly two."
The idea of spending several more hours with Jillian Holtzmann, when she wasn't distracted by complex equations and jury-rigged machinery, was a terrifying one. "And why would we do that?"
The physicist looked honestly perplexed. Her team ate lunch together all the time, she honestly couldn't picture it any other way. "Uh? Team building? Group bonding? Sharing unlimited soup and salads at Olive Garden? We could make it a lunch date. You're dating the jittery one out front with the little upturned nose, right?"
Ron sucked in a breath so quick it triggered a coughing fit. "WHAT?" he gasped out as he fought for air.
"He's cute, I mean, I assume." Jillian shrugged. "What, is workplace fun not allowed? No worries, your secret's safe with me. Unless you have something I want, then I'm going to blackmail you. Ha."
Ron stood up and pointed a finger at her. "Listen here you little b--"
"Anyway! This is for you." Jillian all but bounced forward, leaned across his desk, and dropped something onto Ron's outstretched index finger, still pointing in her direction. Ron froze and stared at it. Gingerly, he lifted it off his finger and turned it around.
It was a baseball cap. Dark blue in color, and on the front, embroidered in white, was the letter U with a nail going through it.
Ron looked at the hat, then raised his eyes to look at the pendant hanging from Jillian's neck, then lifted them up to her face. "What," he said succinctly, "the fuck?"
Jillian leaned against the front of Ron's desk with one hip, folding her arms across her chest. "Remember when you said we were friends and I declined?"
Following conversations with Jillian Holtzmann was like programming code. It gave him a headache. "No. I think I said we hit it off and you said 'eh.'"
"Right, look, Ronny, I've been thinking." She ignored his growl. "What I said before, about how I didn't really click with anyone until Abby and Erin and Patty and Kevin? I've been thinking that searching through an infinite number of dimensions for people who think like me was a bad idea. Not that it's not cool to meet alternate me's. Especially hot secret agent alternate me's." Ron's lip curled in disgust. "Anyway," she continued, "I think maybe instead of being so focused on finding people like me, I'm gonna work harder to be friends with people who are different. And we did make a pretty good team."
Ron snorted. "Dunno about that," he said, but he leaned over and placed the cap in the desk drawer that he'd been using to prop up his feet before she came in, and slid the drawer closed.
Then he straightened and leveled her with a look. "We're not going to the damn Olive Garden. I have standards. And I'm not paying for your lunch."
Jillian gave a hiss of triumph and launched herself toward the door, eager to start in on convincing the cute secretary to come to lunch with them. "Wouldn't dream of it, Ronny. I can't wait to inflict chaos on your economic structure by slipping some alternate dimension currency into the system. Mwa ha ha. You have President Downey Jr. on your twenty dollar bills, right? Kidding! Or am I?"
"Holtzmann," Ron said.
She stopped short of the door, leaned back on her heels and pivoted around to face him. "Hmm?"
"How did you know? About...?" He tilted his head toward the door, indicating the front of the building.
Jillian smirked. "Didn't. Guessed. Your freak out was telling. Also you have a little doodle of a ghost on the corner of your desk and you don't seem like the doodling type."
Ron looked down at his desk and cursed and Jillian slipped out into the hall to wrangle up the Chicago Ghostbusters for lunch.
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hippyhipster87 · 5 years
Ghostbusters 3
After many, many years after the second Ghostbusters movie came out in 1989, cartoons, comics, games and rumours, finally that the third instalment of Ghostbusters is coming.
Many fans (and myself) have been waiting for this for years. Before the announcement, the closest thing that we had for the third instalment for the movies was the Ghostbusters game that came out in 2008/2009.
I’m not a big fan of 2016’s Ghostbusters, because it was written badly, the directing wasn’t that good, the running joke with the wonton soup (which goes nowhere whatsoever) and making a certain character a stereotype. Don’t get me started the men and the references of the YouTube comments in the film.
And don’t get me started with the people behind the film stating that it was only men was criticising the film. Even though what the people behind the film said was sexist, homophobic and transphobic. Because the people who commented and criticised the film and who are fans of the series weren’t just males, there were women, trans and non binary people. Plus the company was cherry picking the comments that was on the trailer’s comment section to see if it’ll freak a good number of the public out and make the fans look like assholes.
I’m okay with female ghostbusters. Hell, a lot of Ghostbusters fans are cool with it. There’s female ghostbusters in the cartoons (the real ghostbusters and extreme ghostbusters) and the comics. It’s just because 2016’s Ghostbusters is a reboot and it spits on the franchise. If Harold Remis was still around today, 2016’s Ghostbusters could’ve been 3rd film we’ve been asking for and it would’ve been handled a lot better.
The only things I like about the film are the gadgets, Holtzmann (c’mon people you developed a crush on her, no matter your gender and sexuality) and that badass scene with Holtzmann.
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esonetwork · 4 years
Thunder Talk Issue 18 - 'Tis The Season For Retro Toys!!!
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/thunder-talk-issue-18-tis-the-season-for-retro-toys/
Thunder Talk Issue 18 - 'Tis The Season For Retro Toys!!!
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FIND US ON: Apple Podcasts – Google Play – iHeartRadio – Spotify – Stitcher and all that junk!
Tis the season for Retro Toy!!!
Mark and Dan look back at Toy Federation’s Retro-Toy Con, Greenville SC 2019 along with a whole host of incredible guests including Thunder Talk’s mightiest Avenger! Dan and Kawika drop some drunk science. Kawika and Beth bring a double dose of What’s on OurTube along with a new segment, Stream Talk! And as always Sexy Thor brings the thunder with another preview of WTLK!
00:02:32 Best Saturday Panel w/ Mark McCray 00:04:37 Screaming Soup w/ Dan Fowler 00:10:01 An Experts Take w/ Adam Throne 00:14:45 What’s On OurTube – His Dark Materials & The Madalorian 00:28:11 The South Carolina Ghostbusters w/ Jon Pridmore 00:33:27 Bitter Banter 00:36:46 Reflections – Take 1,2, and 3 00:48:32 Thunder Talk’s Mightiest Avenger 00:49:25 501st Carolina Garrison w/ Matthew Cohen 00:51:51 “Pixel Dan” Celebrity YouTuber w/ Dan Eardley 01:03:38 Cory and the Claw w/ Cory Owens 01:11:42 Stream Talk 01:25:27 WTLK The Thunder 01:29:52 Amazing Collectibles w/ Sean Morse 01:36:00 Borderlands Comics and Games w/ Robert Young 01:40:31 Drunk Science 01:52:54 Retro-Toy Con Director & Owner Toy Federation w/ Ryan Bonavia 01:57:13 Best Retro-Toy Con Of our Lives w/ Mark McCray 02:05:47 Outro
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Mark McCray – Author, Con Panelist tbsool.com facebook.com/tbsool @MarkMcTBSOOL [email protected]
The Best Saturdays Of Our Lives https://www.thebestsaturdaysofourlives.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/best_saturdays_of_our_lives/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tbsool/
Ryan Bonavia – Retro-Toy Con Director / Owner Toy Federation retro-toycon.com facebook.com/RetroToyCon @retrotoycon youtube.com/channel/UCmDG8dP4g_UtBsIAdT7uu8A?view_as=public [email protected] m.me/ToyFederationShop facebook.com/ToyFederationShop @toyfederationshop 104 Middleton Way Greer, South Carolina 29650 (864) 593-5530
Dan Fowler – Celebrity YouTuber https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt3HN7p7ql6oGqLJGh3-ZAg ScreamingSoup.com facebook.com/ScreamingSoup @ScreamingSoup1 [email protected]
Jon Pridmore – South Carolina Ghostbusters SCGhostbusters.com facebook.com/SouthCarolinaGhostbusters
Adam Throne – Con Attendee, Friend of the network
“Pixel Dan” Eardley – Celebrity YouTuber youtube.com/pixel-dan [email protected]
Robert Young – Borderlands comics and games borderlands.us facebook.com/borderlandscomicsandgames @borderlandscg [email protected] 1434 Laurens Rd Greenville, SC 29607   (864) 235-3488
Sean Morse – Amazing Collectibles [email protected] facebook.com/amazingcollectiblesatTheRoost (910) 264-6554
Cory Owens – Videographer bekindrewind.com
Matthew Cohen – 501st Carolina Garrison carolinagarrison.net facebook.com/501stCarolinaGarrison @carolina_garrison
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placetobenation · 6 years
Over the past five years, Place to Be Nation has been fortunate to feature written and audio pieces by a plethora of very talented individuals. Here is a sampling of some of our content from June 1, 2013 – June 1, 2018 for your enjoyment and to highlight our variety and insight into wrestling and pop culture since our launch. Enjoy!
A Long December: The Story of 12/29/98
Wise Words From the Old Man…
The Title Match
We Miss the 90s: America Online
Ready To Rumble: Everything is Real, Everything is Fake
A Look Back at 24: Ranking the Seasons
Strutting Out a Legacy: RIP Jackie Fargo
Exclusive: Tim Kennedy: “It’s Good to Have Another Job Because the UFC Doesn’t Pay Well”
Oh The People You’ll Meet: Little League Edition
JT’s Running Diary: 2013 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
Wrestling and Politics: A Look at a Turbulent Relationship
Three’s Company: The Wyatts, The Shield, and Trios in Wrestling
We Miss the 90s: Dinosaurs
Titans of Wrestling #1: WWWF January – March 1979 (Audio)
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Win?
Summer-Slammed: Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake & The Summer of 1990
The Chamber of Broken Dreams: SummerSlam 2003’s Main Event
Prime Time Player: Darren Young Comes Out
‘Headlocked’ Writer Looks to Change Perception of Wrestling Based Comics
In Too Deep: Is WWE’s Roster Oversaturated?
Weber Has Issues Special Edition: Calm Down, Nerds!
Ashton Kutcher Is A Douche aka “A Tale Of Two Kelsos”
The Winding Road to Lowell: Attending Raw in 1998
A Blind Eye to the Blind Tag
Oh the People You’ll Meet: IWC Edition
Parv’s Guide to David Bowie Albums
Wrestling With the Past #3: Celebrating Bret Hart (Audio)
Why the Browns Won the Trent Richardson Trade
What Happened to New & Original?
The Fiefdom of Sports Officials
The Lost Franchises of the ABA
The Alternative That Wrestling Needs
“Lightning Bolt” in Worcester: Pearl Jam Live
We Miss the 90s: Clueless
Welcome to Friartown, Section 103 – Meet the CWO
A Hero’s Exit: Chris Hero Departs WWE
Filth, Pollution & Corruption: The Ballad of Ludvig Borga
The Final Days of WCW
Richer & The Mailman 15: Cars, Death, Humor, Irony, and Richurrences (Audio)
Boxing’s Biggest “Problem”
The Best of 2013 in Comics
The High Spot: WWE Network is Here (Really) and the Top Stories of the Week
Wrestling Across America: Philadelphia with The Blue Meanie (Audio)
The Other Five Count – Greatest TV Dads
The Kevin Kelly Show #1: Adam Cole (Audio)
We Miss the 90s: Royal Rumble 1994 & An Ode to Friendship
JR’s Treasure Trove #4 – Mom Song by Old Spice
“The Cowboy and The Animal” – A Rundown of My First Live WWE PPV Event
A Tribute to Phillip Seymour Hoffman
The Kevin Kelly Show #2: AJ Styles (Audio)
PTBN Main Event #1 (Audio)
Valentine’s Day: A Love Story?
Parv’s Guide to the Wu-Tang Clan: Part 1 – The Knowledge
WWE Network Launch: First-Watches, Favorites and Gems from the WWE Library
Dad, the Hulkster & Me
The Kids Are Alright: NXT Arrives
Welcome to Friartown, Section 103: Providence vs. Marquette – 3/4/14, A Video Essay
The First Time They Didn’t Listen
Place to Be Podcast #300: An Extravaganza Three Years in the Making
Mended Harts – How Vince McMahon Apologized to Bret Hart & WWF Fans in March 1994
Brad and Chad’s WrestleMania Rewind Special: Ranking the WrestleManias (Audio)
Why Didn’t We Get This?? WrestleMania Matches We Wanted
A Tribute to The Ultimate Warrior
Philosophy of the Shield: The Case for Cap – Part 1
Happy Birthday Hot Rod! Remember When You Saved Virgil?
The “Us” Movement
It Ain’t Easy Being Green
Draft Day – The Tale of Two Trades
The Cowboy Goes to Class – Rise of the nWo
Forever Notorious
The Other Five Count – Favorite TV Season Finales
A Tribute to Macho
Movies of the P2B Generation: 1976
Hey, Hey, Hey…What is Going On Here? The Saved by the Bell Lifetime Movie is On the Way!
JR’s Treasure Trove #5: 2014 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
Five Reasons To: Get Over the New Thor Being a Female
The Rise of Tomohiro Ishii
Fandom, I Would Have Words With Thee
JR’s Treasure Trove #6: The Birth of Mr. Backlund – Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund – 7/30/94
Guardians of the Galaxy Takes the Marvel Cinematic Universe to New Heights
We Miss the 90s: Regulate
Brad and Chad’s SummerSlam Rewind Special: Ranking the SummerSlams (Audio)
A Step By Step Breakdown of the “Step By Step” Music Video
PTBN SummerSlam Rewind Series: SummerSlam 1992 w/ Steve Corino (Audio)
Bray Wyatt, God Complexes, and (Breakable) Glass Ceilings
My Late Night Experience
Titans of Wrestling #36: Interview with Tito Santana (Audio)
Forget Ebola – What about Anthrax?
PTBN’s Greatest Song of the 90s Tournament: Pool Round One, Group A
2 DXers, 1 Champ
The High Spot: An Interlude on Intergender Wrestling
The Kevin Kelly Show #24 – Dennis Stamp (Audio)
Hulk Hogan, As He Should Have Been
Woodstock ’94: Three More Days of Peace, Music…Drugs and Mud
Adam’s Top Music Videos of 2014
The Kevin Kelly Show #25 – Jim Ross (Audio)
Place to Be Podcast #353: Jeff Jarrett (Audio)
Roman Reigns and Paying Dues
Seinfeld: The PTBN Series Rewatch – “The Outing” (S4, E16)
The Ghost of Randy Savage Is Coming for Revenge
A Requiem for Parenthood
The Dichotomy of a Pro Wrestling Fan on the Internet
Teams Back Again – The Debut Episode! (Audio)
30 Years of Mania Madness (1985-1987)
The Best of Kevin Kelly at Place to Be Nation
The Great WrestleMania Re-Book: WrestleMania
Wrestling With Optimism #2 – The History of WWE.com Anniversary Special (Audio)
Place to Be Network: P2B Comics Draft Podcast (Audio)
22-1 or 21-2?: The Future of WWE Collides with its Past at WrestleMania 31
PTBN’s Main Event #30: WrestleMania 31 Preview (Audio)
The Five Count: Undertaker’s WrestleMania Opponents
Place to Be Podcast #368: King of the Ring 1993 and Kendra & Wes Mayle (Audio)
PTBN’s Real World Champion (1989 – 1994)
WDWorld Traveler: The P2B Guide to Walt Disney World (Part 1: The Basics)
Brad and Chad’s King of the Ring Special: Rankings, Rebooking and More (Audio)
Dangerous Alliance Wrestling Podcast #1 (Audio)
The Ballad of the Erstwhile Main-Eventer
1995: The Best Summer of Music Ever
The American Dream
JT’s Treasure Trove #7: 2015 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
PTBN’s Wrestling What If… The NWO’s Third Man
The Scientific Ranking of SummerSlams Part 1
Good Will Wrestling: Building the Perfect SummerSlam (Audio)
Volk Han-A-Thon 1991-1993
PTBN’s Excellent WWE Network Adventure: MSG House Show – 4/6/81
9/11 Remembrance: What Is Really the Least We Can Do?
Parv and Chad’s Top 100 Matches of All Time
Fair for Flair: The Complete Five Part Series (Audio)
We Miss the 90s: Video Stores
Rank & File #1: Top 10 Favorite Current Wrestlers (Audio)
JR’s Treasure Trove #3 – Ghostbusters: The Music Video (1984)
Thoughts I Think… As The Ratings Sink
PTBN Holiday Tournament Spectacular – Round 1, Peanuts Region
Ranking Rocky
Titans of Wrestling #55: Roddy Piper Tribute Part 1 (Audio)
Holiday Five Count: PTBN’s Favorite Christmas Movies
Christmas Television Memories
The Game Is Played Again
Wrestling with Expectations
Why Roman Reigns Isn’t Over, Or: A Study in Parallels – Roman Reigns, Bob Backlund and Dory Funk Jr
Peyton’s Last Stand – Super Bowl 50 Preview
A Grateful Farewell
Thoughts I Think… After Daniel Bryan’s Retirement
RAGEWATCH!!! – Fuller House (S1, E1)
The WrestleMania Top Ten: Part 1
In Search of Five-Star Matches: Part 1
Batman v Superman Brings Big Characters, Bigger Action
Place to Be Podcast Episode 400: A Celebration, WrestleMania Match Rankings & An Old Friend (Audio)
Tears Fallen, Too Late: The Passing of Chyna
Sometimes it Snows in April: My Journey with Prince
We Miss the 90s: Mallrats
Andre the Giant’s Lost 1991 Comeback
Muhammad Ali: 1942 – 2016
The Criss-Cross #1 (Audio)
Lucha Undead #28: “Talk Soup with Chad Campbell” (Audio)
PTBN’s Clotheslines & Headlines #1: Roman Reigns, Money in the Bank, Best in the World, BROTHER NERO & More! (Audio)
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast #10: GIANT-SIZE – The 2016 Halfie Awards (Audio)
Parv’s Top 100 Music Artists, Part 1: Introduction and 100-76
JT’s Treasure Trove #8: 2016 Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest
All Hell is Breaking Loose: The Complete Story of Continental Wrestling (Audio)
Happy Birthday MTV! (Audio)
Survey Says: A WCW Retrospective #1 (Audio)
Geek & Sassy #1 (Audio)
Letters from Kayfabe #1 (Audio)
PTBN’s Clotheslines & Headlines #7: CM Punk, Vince McMahon’s Quads, Backlash, Randy Orton, DELETE OR DECAY & More! (Audio)
Lucha Undead: AMA w/ Brad from PTBN (Audio)
The Definitive Guide to the Suits of the Million Dollar Man
The Glenn Butler Podcast Hour Spectacular, Episode 28: Reflection, Surprise, Terror…for the Future (Audio)
Rogue One Rebels Against Typical Star Wars Formula
The Glenn Butler Podcast Hour Spectacular, Episode 29: Rogue One (Audio)
The Brad and Chad Show: Putting a Bow on 2016 (Audio)
PTBN POP Special: Tribute to Artists Who Passed Away in 2016 (Audio)
PTBN DadCast #1: Paw Patrol (Audio)
We Miss the 90s: Aerosmith’s Crazy (1994)
Place to Be Podcast #437: Sixth Birthday Celebration (Audio)
PTBN Network Special: Hot Takes on Cold Issues (Audio)
PTBN’s WrestleMania List-a-Mania – Day Twenty-Three: WrestleMania’s Most Overrated Matches
CouchMania 2017 Live Blog: Dealing With a Newborn and the Graps
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast: 50TH EPISODE GIANT-SIZE EXTRAVAGANZA! (Audio)
PTBN Question Of The Day Weekly Recap (April 3-9 2017)
Letters From Center Stage #1 (Audio)
In Defense of Baseball: LEAVE THE GAME ALONE!!
Jeff Learns Wrestling #1: Basics of the Business, Jesse Ventura, The Mega Powers & more! (Audio)
PTBN’s Greatest WWE Wrestler Ever Project – Introduction
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast #72: PTBN Pop! Comic Book Theatre — Watchmen
Hard-Traveling Fanboys Podcast #105: PTBN POP! Comic Book Theatre — Watchmen, Part 2
Talk’n Pop #3: Nick Duke and WrestleMania Weekend
Bruno Sammartino, 1935-2018
Wrestling War Zone: The Monday Night Wars – Episode 1
Marvel Age Podcast Featuring the Sarcastic Four: Episode One – 1961-1962
Jeff Learns Wrestling #14: WrestleMania IV
Five years
Full Archive
This list in google doc form
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