aaronymous999 · 11 months
“Flowerbyte is better than Ghostflower! Ghostflower is better than Flowerbyte!” This that etc
What if
Polyamory? Just a thought. Slowly came to this conclusion after thinking on it for a while because like, Miles and Margo don’t talk much but clearly they kinda just click with each other and Margo has Miles’ back which he definitely appreciates and recognizes. I also have various headcanons about them. Gwen and Miles are. They are more explicitly intended to be the main ship of the films so obviously they have a lot more content and stuff that I don’t really need to go into here.
Now Margo and Gwen is a harder sell because I don’t even think they exchange a line of dialogue in the film and the only interaction between them is often read as negative. HOWEVER. If you look at their personalities and backgrounds it’s VERY easy to see them as getting along very well. And I can headcanon them as being friends before the film or after they go save Miles together and they both work. I prefer the latter to an extent because like, girlies going to save the guy they like and then sorta falling in love with each other as well is very cute actually.
Will post my Ghostbyte headcanons soon, because these three work as couple ships and also a poly trio as well and I do dearly love Miles but if I talk about him I may actually explode because I will explode from my autism over him actually.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Oh so when Nico di Angelo gets a crush on the male protagonist after knowing him for only a short time but falls in love with him despite them being seperated for a whole year and shows up at his bedroom to talk to him because they're friends who're supposed to save the world together and does questionable things but without ill-intentions due to his abusive dad and gets character development from them and the fandom makes nonstop jokes for years about the protag being upset and jealous over him not liking him anymore and now has switched to saying Nico has a thing for blondes because of the show adaption,he's a childhood icon and super relatable and 'gender' and the best gay guy rep ever but when Gwen Stacy does literally the same thing and has a single ooc moment of jealousy and posessiveness over another female character who she hasn't actually treated badly herself and has yet to have a defining relathionship with her in canon since there's still a third movie for us to see it,she's one of the worst written characters ever and anti-feminist and 'racist' and dosen't count as trans girl rep🤨?
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aaronymous999 · 9 months
The Ghostflowerbyte Headcanon Post
All of them identify as Bi! And they’re all transgender by the way, Margo and Gwen being transfem and Miles being transmasc!
All of them are also autistic, possibly ADHD for all of them too? But not too sure on that one!
Margo and Gwen initially did not get along, but eventually they became friends when they bonded over their shared difficult home lives, this was before Miles came to the Spider Society by the way. Gwen is a bit awkward when introducing two separate friend groups to each other ( she just like me fr ) which is why she actively tried not to mention Hobie, Pavtir and Margo to Miles, her anxiety makes her worry that they’ll hate each other and all her friends will blame her. ( she just like me fr. )
As for pronoun headcanons! Margo uses She/They/It/Byte/Glitch pronouns, Gwen uses She/They, and Miles just uses He/Him.
Margo actively does not want her partners to meet her parents because she hopes to move out as soon as she is old enough and has the money to do so. Gwen’s dad is pretty distant from all of her friends but gets close to Miles first, and it takes a little longer for Margo initially because of her own home life, she worries that Gwen’s dad isn’t truly reconciling and is kind of scared of him, but eventually the two connect. Although Miles and Margo both don’t get that close to him. Rio and Jefferson instantly fall in love with Margo, Rio is just like “Who does your hair? You’re so beautiful honey, you’re such a good influence on our boy make sure to watch out for him.” Margo is obviously very happy about this because, parental figures who actually like her!! Rio and Jeff take a while to warm up to Gwen though, although Rio does so sooner.
Margo and Gwen trade clothes a lot, although this is usually their pajamas since Gwen’s normal fashion sense is a lot more alternative while Margo tends to stick to a cuter style. I saw that scene of her trying out different hairstyles and I don’t know I just feel like she’d love comfy and cute clothing, like an off the shoulder top and jean shorts.
Miles has his art… Gwen has her music and… Margo has her fashion! Of course I like to think her main hobby is more technical stuff like programming but I think she’d desperately want to sew when she moves out. She didn’t have the need to before because well- she didn’t express herself much as Margo Kess and really only did so with her Spider-Byte avatar, which is an avatar afterall.
All three of them are smug and snarky but in different ways and sometimes they all kinda tease each other and it’s amazing. Margo and Gwen are also pretty sarcastic but Miles doesn’t do sarcasm well and thinks they’re serious HWJDBJEE although if Margo and Gwen heard anyone outside of their friendgroup being sarcastic they’d be like????
Margo, Gwen and Miles go on a double date with Pavitr and Gaytari and Hobie is there too but chills in the corner casually being aromantic and teasing the alloromantics is his passion. Valentine’s Day is a capitalistic scam and you all are falling for it!
Margo: I just started taking estrogen! Miles: That’s awesome my top surgery is next week! Gwen: Wow I can’t believe we’re all trans and in love! Hobie: Ay I just murdered Norman Osborn haha
Gwen and Miles are the only sporty ones out of the trio and Margo will never understand it ( she just like me fr )
Um um um those are the headcanons :3 let me know if any of them are culturally inaccurate? My mind is always open!
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