resilienthost · 10 years
((Muse wakes up in a mental asylum and other muse visits.))
White. Sterile. Hollow. Empty. Lonely.
Bakura laid on his back, looking up at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face. He was clad in a white hospital gown and his usual annoyed demeanor had been replaced with heavy circles under his eyes and an expression that could only be described as complete and utter boredom. The pride and arrogance he used to exude was replaced with numbness and pills. So many pills.
"…Bakura, it’s time for your medication."
The thief laid motionless on the bed even as he heard the familiar shrill voice of the nurse. She was currently nurse number five that was assigned to his room. He had scared away the other four.
Soon, Bakura’s view of the ceiling tiles was obstructed when he saw the woman’s face peer over him. He frowned slightly and sat up. He didn’t feel like fighting today. Honestly, he barely ever felt like doing much of anything anymore.
A small cart was pushed in front of the bed. Bakura swung his legs over and reached for the cup of water as the nurse opened the medication bottles and gave him a small handful of five pills. They were from three different types of medications. Two blue pills, two white pills, and one red. He frowned distastefully at the pills in his hand before swallowing them down two at a time. He chased them down quickly with the water, hating the bitter taste.
The nurse smiled at him after he placed the cup back on the tray. “Thank you for cooperating today,” she replied before pushing the cart out of the room. The large metal door then swung shut and locked, leaving the patient alone in his isolated white prison once more.
In minutes, Bakura could feel the nausea kick in from one of the pill’s side effects. He groaned and slumped back onto the bed. How had he ended up like this? Why was he even here? If he had known that being revived by the Gods would lead him to this hell, he would have asked to stay dead. Was he even alive anymore? Was this actually Ammut’s punishment and he’d be stuck here for eternity? He didn’t know anymore. He honestly didn’t even know how much he actually cared either. The pills had sucked out everything that made him him. They dulled his senses, made him lethargic, and made him incapable of feeling normal emotions. He felt empty. Dead. Dead but trapped in a living body. He hated it. He hated it so much.
He preferred being stuck inside of the Millennium Ring to this mental asylum. At least he could still be himself in the inky blackness. Here…he couldn’t even have that luxury! As the months ticked by, he began to question his own sanity. Was he ever a Thief King? Did the Pharaoh ever exist? Did Kul Elna’s massacre ever occur? Did he ever share bodies with Ryou? The pills even made what little memories he had dull and fade with time. Now they were fleeting coattails that he tried desperately to cling to. They were familiar to him. He wanted the memories to be true even if he could barely remember them.
Everyone he ever knew in this world had begun calling him insane. Sure,  when he was driven to kill for revenge, people had called him that,  but this was different. Then, he was a highly functional psychopath. In this world he was reborn into, he was a lunatic who needed psychiatric help. He had tried to explain to Ryou and Yuugi about how he was revived but they claimed that he never died. He was always Ryou’s brother. The Pharaoh never even existed and neither did the Millennium Items. No one believed him. And finally, when he managed to kill a man just to prove that he was still alive, the police had hauled him away to the sterile white hell.
His arm moved up to cover his eyes, feeling a burn in the back of his throat. He wanted to cry…scream…react. But he couldn’t. Beyond this dull sense of sadness and overwhelming nausea, he couldn’t feel. The knowledge of knowing that he was capable of much more emotion than this made him all the more upset. His other fist lashed out against the wall, making a loud thud and putting a dent into the dry wall. He felt a slight relief at recognizing the throbbing pain in his hand. At least…at least he could still feel pain.
Seconds turned to minutes…minutes turned to hours. Bakura remained still, staring at the ceiling tiles again as whatever emotion was left in his eyes had died out.
"Bakura, you have a visitor…"
The sudden sound of a male voice made him twitch slightly. A visitor? Since when did he ever get visitors? This was certainly a first in half a year. This news got him to sit up.
Soon, the metal door opened with a loud creak as three people entered the room. One was a security guard, another was a doctor, and the third was… He was…
"…Ryou…?" Even his voice sounded foreign to him now. It was tired and hoarse from under use. He never spoke unless it was necessary. Though this situation…it was very necessary to speak.
The young man looked the same as ever. Smooth pale white skin, an innocent glow, large brown eyes, and long white hair. Bakura barely looked like his twin anymore. He had lost too much weight, looked much too tired, and found it too hard to even crack a smile. Bakura wished that he could feel the shame that came with revealing such an unhealthy state to the one person he cared most about, but it never came. He just felt emptier than ever. The distance between them had grown to impossible lengths and tense atmosphere made it more than apparent.
Still… why was Ryou here after all of this time?
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shoot-of-corruption · 10 years
Mariku's gaze wandered over his visitor and his mouth curled into a lazy smirk. "Now who do we have here... I saw you once or twice already, right?" He grinned, licking over his teeth."A fine piece of ass." He actually just was desperate for some interaction that benefited him by now... he wanted to see the other flustered and embarrassed... and if he had to pull such behaviour he definitely would.
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littleshizu · 10 years
ghostmasterryo started following you
Shikuza was the part alone at park, well not really alone, but her older brother was home sick; and she was invited to play with a group of kids to play kick ball. It had to be one of least favorite games to play. She was bad at it, not because she was girl- it was because of her eyes. She couldn’t really see straight.  She tried to say to them, but they convinced her… they needed an other person to play so the teams would have the same number of players. So she had to agree. She didn’t want to inconvenience them. She knew a few of kids, they from her school… she didn’t want to deal with them giving her grief at school too.
So they played for a while, and then Shizuka had a perfect shot. it was open, and could have had her team win. Winning wasn’t everything but to a bunch of kids. Winning did mean a lot to them. She could do it, and in the heat of the moment she swung her leg as heard as she could. But instead her missed, no winning shot, she fell right onto her back with  and audible thud. Her teams berated, thinking it was funny, but they where still sore about losing and kicked her off the team.
Shizuka frowned, rolling over onto his stomach to get up. She walked over to a bench- someone was sitting there. She looked up at the person. She was sad about the game and wanted to sit there… all the other benches where occupied it was the only place she could sit.
”..Do you mind if I sit here with you?” She asked.
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sonofasphinx · 10 years
ghostmasterryo replied to your post: What if Bakura, the Thief King Bakura,...
{- WHAT IF. It’d make sense and especially if he’s so busy trying to get his revenge and of course, thieving, and generally surviving it probably wasn’t on his mind a lot too ! :-0 -}
If he wanted to, he'd find the time to wham, bam, thank you, ma'am/sir. 
The image of the wild and exotic outlaw is always linked with sexual liberation to me. And many others. And I believe this is what Takahashi was picturing as well, but he never thought much about it because that's not what he created Bakura for.
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egyptianhikari · 10 years
Marik was a little confused as she watched the other pick a flower and then she became even more confused when the other placed the flower in her hair. “Er..Why?” She asked quietly.
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"Los pollitos dicen, 'Pío, pío, pío," cuando tienen hambre, y cuando tienen frío..." The nursery song was hummed gently, though more to herself than anyone else. In being homesick, Luna often found comfort in the heritage she brought with her, even if no one else she knew spoke the language.
"La gallina busca el maíz y trigo; les da la comida, y les presta abrigo..."
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tinyhikari · 10 years
-ghostmasterryo- The child watched the stranger for a few moments, he was hiding in the bushes though..he didn't really want the stranger to see him yet. After a few moments of watching the stranger the child slowly walked out from his hiding place and he walked over to the stranger and just waved.
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paranoid-kaiba · 10 years
"How tall are you?"
"approximately 187.96 centimeters… why do you ask?” He spoke in a harsh tone, shooting the other a quick stubborn glare.
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shoot-of-corruption · 10 years
"My Truth" - Anna Loos
"Who am I?"Staring at the smaller white haired one, he smirked widely. He beckoned in him closer and hoped that he would follow the motion, as he merely invited him closer to the edge of darkness with his mere gaze. And appetite and hunger was laying deep within the violet pools, that would probably cause a shiver on the other ones back... if it was fright or something else... was probably hard to distinguish, since the air around both of them flickered with thickness, it was like something around the smaller built up.
And Mariku was unpredictable. "If you want to know who I am..." The tan male spoke, his voice was underlayed by a husky tone and his lips were pulled to his trademark crooked smirk.
"... I am the only one who can show you~"
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shoot-of-corruption · 10 years
Proserpine: Have you ever felt trapped?A small smile curled around his lips."Have I ever not?"
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sonofasphinx · 10 years
ghostmasterryo replied to your post: What the fuck is a femme-presenting queer trans...
Femme presenting means they present as female, two spirit if I remember has something to do with Native American but I’m not completely educated on the topic. But I glanced at their profile and it makes NO sense at all and they’re spouting a ton of bs ))
The thing that gets me is them being BOTH genderfluid and non-binary. Genderfluid means you switch between male and female. How can you be non-binary if you switch between the binary ?!
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+ ghostmasterryo
Honestly, it was just one finger that slipped. She really had no idea how a such a tiny dog could manage to wrench itself— harness, leash, and all— from her grip with so little leeway. But here she was now, trying to find an overactive dachshund in the hopes that she wouldn't have notify its owners that she completely lost their dog.
"Damn..." The girl murmured under her breath, stopping her mad scramble to better observe and think through the situation. Almost immediately her attention was turned to a person nearby, their shockingly white hair easily catching her eye.
"Hey, there!" Luna called as she ran to the person, already out of breath from her previous scrambling. "You haven't happened to see a little dog run by here? Dragging a leash maybe?"
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