i've been tagged by @alexturne @perfectly-clear-from-here & @uhbasicallyjustmilex to share 13 songs i've been listening to recently. thanks, lovelies! 😘
(He's Got) The Whole World in His Hands by Dion
Tower of Song by Leonard Cohen
Pattern by The Last Shadow Puppets
One For My Baby (And One More For The Road) by Frank Sinatra
Weight of Love by The Black Keys
Baggio by Miles Kane
Superlungs My Supergirl by Terry Reid
The Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer Trap by Arctic Monkeys
I'm So Tired by The Beatles
NO CD by Loyle Carner
Slip Slidin' Away by Paul Simon
Processed Beats by Kasabian
jesus is a rochdale girl by Elbow
i picked one song per artist, but obviously i listen to literally every other arctic monkeys, tlsp & miles kane song ever all the time, but i think that goes without saying 😙
i feel like everyone's already been tagged but i'll tag @punk-ravioli @i-m-a-leaf-on-the-wind @multistanasitsfinest @polinavl @ghosturner @ineveryspaceandtime @beyond-the-kitchen ♥️
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sanoism · 2 years
[puts a flower in mikey's hair] 🌼
Perhaps delicate flowers don’t fit either of them , but things clashing with Mikey’s image never stopped him from having fun with it. A flower was just a flower , but if it was on his head then it was the best flower. Spontaneously deciding he rather play with the gifted thing instead of letting it be he bounces his head left and right , then back and forth.
The flower dangling by its stem in his golden strands follows the motions , like a small creature that was busy with festivities. The image crafted is this: a dancing flower upon his head as the boy’s face becomes a blur in motion.
He suddenly stops when he violently sneezes from the falling pollen above him, ejecting the flower with the wind into the distance. Though he stares at its parting , shocked , and a little mournful , Mikey recovers quickly , shamelessly leaning on Wen Kexing until he’s sprawled out and relaxed against him. 
“ Another ! Gimme another ! ”
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aeipathic · 3 years
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@ghosturned​ says: ❛ can’t sleep? ❜ ( for either gu xiang, wu xi, or both 👁 )
     meme || accepting
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     it is a cold night — all nights are, on this mountain. it is very far from what wu xi is used to; nanjiang is humid, the air thick and warm. even the mountains, where the air is fresher than in the miasma forests below, are not half so cold as this. he does not like it, in truth. would prefer his home over the chilly central plains nights. but it is as wen kexing has suggested. he cannot sleep, so he has ventured out with a cloak on over his robes to stave off the chill. better that than disturb beiyuan with his restlessness. 
     he had checked on zhou zishu, first — of course he had. he no longer needs constant monitoring, can be left alone for most of the night, but if he is awake then of course he will check. this is where he finds wen kexing, sitting by zhou zishu’s bedside, unsleeping himself.
     he nods, stepping forward to stand beside him. though he would never complain when the cause is worthy, in truth it has been — a strain, these past couple of months. one would think the drain would make sleep come easier. it does not. wen kexing, of course, has his own reasons for not sleeping. wu xi remembers. he remembers when he did not know if beiyuan would live or die. he knows.
     even so, he cannot quite stop himself from saying, “you should rest, wen-gongzi,” despite knowing that he will not, despite having no ground to stand on. he is a healer; some things can’t be helped. zhou zishu will not wake up this night, or the next. “i could give you something for dreamless sleep.” 
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numinousdread-a · 2 years
@ghosturned​ answered here. 
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      𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐄 ? His cold, almost empty stare pierces the other a long while. When he does speak it’s sudden with, “   Daozhang ... Are you looking for your brother ?   ”
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everqi · 3 years
“say,” wen kexing uttered amidst the silence, his eyes seemingly unable to look away from the dirty and half torn apart robes as he walked from behind. “should we fetch a set of new robes for you? this one's a little old, don't you think?”
Through the dirt , through the puddles , through the caves , oh — he’s quite satisfied with the many places they’ve been. This world is far too interesting , and he much rather pick up salamanders and strange little creatures to show Wen Kexing than think about his garments. The poor thing had seen better days surely , dragged through the mud and more  — the lack of propriety would make his elders faint. 
Good thing they weren’t here.
— but on closer inspection ; this was truly a little too much. With a gasp he lifts the hems of his robe a frown etched upon his face. He often bickers with the other man , but for once Fang Jin agrees , it’s definitely time for a change. Despite being more interested in the environment around him these days , the truth was he was quite concerned with his outward appearances. 
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“ but  — I haven’t brought any coins with me. How should I make some , do humans still pay for dances and paintings  — ? ”
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parahyah-arch · 3 years
   “   you don't need to be any cl- cl - closer than you al-al -already are!   ”   a trembling hand raises, but nothing else happens. wèi wúxiàn has no weapon although, he doesn't need one. the creature he has spent the past ten minutes running away from is nothing more than a dog but each bark and whine causes the shakiness of his hand to move throughout his body. while he has managed to hide his body behind a stall full of fabrics, wèi wúxiàn is aware that the creature can still see him.
his lips quiver as he tries to call out for aid, but the mask he wears keeps most people away. those in the area seem to find the situation humorous as he hears laughter and loud whispers, but that doesn't stop silver eyes from looking over the small crowd for a familiar man clad in white. with his heart hammering against his chest, he begins to focus less on the dog as it continues to whine at him and more on his own heart as the sounds of it start to drown out other sounds. yhe world spins, causing him to cling to the stall more than he was before.
his eyes close momentarily, and when they open again, the sounds of the barking catches his ears. quickly, and without much thought, wèi wúxiàn reaches a shaking hand out at a man walking by.   “  ss- ss- ss- sir   [  ...  ]  could you ... could you help me?   ”
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@ghosturned​   ;
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halfdivinity · 3 years
the  ghost  king  finds  his  way  wandering  into  the  closest  town  that  one  night.  as  fun  as  it  was  to  be  present  in  the  gambler’s  den,  he  preferred  to  catch  up  with  the  outside  world.  his  ghosts  were  also  excused  for  the  night.  if  anyone  had  a  problem  with  it,  they’d  know  to  take  it  to  hua  cheng.
coming  out  of  the  shadows  with  a  snickering  sound  falling  from  his  lips,  he  crosses  his  arms  right  over  his  chest.     ‘   you  are  a  new  face  around.   ’   the  ghost  king  pointed  out.     ‘   and  from  the  looks  of  it,  you  are  not  a  villager.  not  around  here,  at  least.   ’   his  observations  so  far  were   basic  and  he  played  to  his  cover.  
  ‘   i’m  san  lang.   ’
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priestlies · 3 years
we talk daily but in case you'd forget i'm here to claim u muah
idk kind of gay :/
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dawntxdusk · 3 years
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random inbox things // always accepting
@ghosturned​ asked:  “that's... an interesting pet you have here.” wen kexing mused, having a staring contest with the donkey before him as he carefully drew his hand closer to it's head to pet it. / for wei wuxian!
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"Ay ay ay! I wouldn’t do that if I were you!!!”
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Wei Ying aggressively waved his hand towards the other, quite literally shooing the man away from the temperamental animal. “Apple is interesting alright...interesting enough to bite your hand off if you don’t have an actual apple.”, he scoffed, rolling his eyes as the donkey who retaliated by grunting, stamping his hoof on the ground in annoyance.
“He’s okay, nothing special but a great help getting from one place to another. How about you? Got a traveling pet of your own Senior-....which clan are you from?”
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peerlesscucumbr · 3 years
@ghosturned  //  starter
So it happened —  it was only a matter of time after all. Shen Qingqiu knew he shouldn’t be proud, but he is. One of his students finally cut his class, can you believe it? Though he had to admit he was quite surprised to find Ning Yingying was the culprit. It reminds him of his own youth; those were the easy days weren’t they — ? Skipping class in favor of arcades and first grab at limited edition merchandise. 
He hates to cut her fun short, but alas, he has a reputation to keep as peak lord and he's expected to retrieve his own student. Flying on top of his blade, Xiu Ya, he uses the aerial view to spot his wayward student. There is another person he doesn’t recognize. Unable to suppress his nosy nature he lands a distance away, observing the situation.
My god! Has she made a friend? No one is looking so he doesn’t bother stopping the excited little hop and fist pump. He’s taking this as a personal victory. Go Ning Yingying!!! Though he loves all his students, and he knows they all treat her well he was a little worried about the absolute sausage fest his group of disciples were.
Ah, but if he stays here he will look like a creepy old man. With a dignified step out, he hums politely a slight disapproving look upon his face as he gathers the attention of the present parties.
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sunnylovesyuri · 4 years
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Sunny's Scribbles: Fanart Clarion X Nene - Koukaku no Pandora
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reqirth · 3 years
@ghosturned pt.2 //  meme ( accepting )
carnation :   what is your muse’s relationship with their gender ? how do they express or not express this relationship ?
Jing Beiyuan was of the opinion that an individual was never quite truly aware of one’s self quite as much as when the flesh was being tugged off of you, muscles exposed and porcelain bone glistening. Your entire life condensed into a singular purpose, to be a novelty adorning the shoulders of some woman. His sense of self had been altered throughout the passing years — so what was a little thing like gender ? When one had been an insect, fox, dog, stalks of jasmine — what role couldn’t he play ? and so there was little left to do, but to do as he could ( or as he pleased ) regardless of which suit of flesh, or lack there of was granted; which was a rather fortunate at the end of the day considering he quite liked the title of being a father , and yet , held no qualms about being a wife either.
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sanoism · 2 years
❛ you smile a lot more since we’ve met. ❜
“ Yeah — ? ” He kicks a stone into the wide expanse of the sea watching it bounce to the horizon until it sinks with a plop. It isn’t like Shibuya out here , the world stretches as far as you can see , endless blue that goes on and on like forever actually exists. He wonders if one day he can take Wen Kexing with him back to his own home. Would he curse at honking cars , would his eyes go wide at the towering buildings , would he go insane with the need to purchase the more skin-revealing fashions of the city? Mikey doesn’t know , but he’s laughing at the thought —  a little piece of his life in exchange for the little bit that’s been shared with him.
In truth, he hadn’t notice that little piece of happiness nestled in the crevices of his heart. There’s something wrong with him as of late , like something he should be holding onto is slipping between his fingertips. Still , he throws back his head a smile written on his face. 
He stomps over comically , leaning into Wen Kexing’s space , bumping his shoulder into him. “ I guess its cause I finally know how it feels to have distant relatives. Family away from home. Don’t go dying on me  — kay ? ”
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aeipathic · 3 years
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@ghosturned​ says: “alright tyke,” wen kexing started, shifty eyes looking everywhere for a trace of zhou zishu around like a thief protecting his back. “since your shifu isn't here to force you to train, how about you go horse riding with me, hm?” / for chengling!
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     he doesn’t startle at wen-qianbei’s voice but it is a near thing. he was muttering his mantras, working on his thousand repetitions so that he could move onto the next thing shifu’s trying to teach him. he knows it probably makes him look stupid, saying it all out loud all the time, knows that it annoys his shifu, but the thing is he is a little stupid and he knows this and what matters, he thinks, is knowing how to compensate. if he can’t learn something quickly at least he can learn it well.
     the point is that he doesn’t startle but he does look up sharply, tensing and then relaxing when it’s only wen-qianbei. his eyes go large at the suggestion. he isn’t very good at horse riding — hasn’t done it often, whenever his family traveled it was in carriages — but it’s one of those things that seem very exciting to be good at, once you’ve learned.
     “yes, wen-qianbei!” he starts to chirp, scrambling upward, but falters by the time he’s reached his feet; his eyes dart around them in an echo of wen kexing’s. “but — if shifu gets back and i haven’t practiced all my forms—“ he doesn’t need to supply a conclusion; they both know what zhou zishu’s irritation looks like.
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everqi · 3 years
an undoing influence.
Can someone tell you what to do  ?  You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger  (  why does it matter,  all you see is red anyways  )  and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely.  If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way,  lining the seams with their love and kisses,  you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable.  You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
tagged by:   @vulpesse ( thank you this one was so gorgeous!! ) tagging:   @ghosturned @nobilitylost @unhclys @calamityrot @ziyoue @reflight ​
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halfdivinity · 2 years
it’s not completely something that can be called habitual for hua cheng to leave the ghost city only to see someone.  unless it’s for business purposes,  of course.  otherwise,  he has everyone coming to him and that’s a comfort that he’s been quite accustomed to as the ghost king.  but his instincts were telling him that unless he gets out of this mansion and set a foot into the mortal realm,  he would not be able to come across the man that he had met some time ago.  excuse him for not being able to keep up with the time well.  all he knows is that it must have been a while.  
as usual,  no one dares to question him when he leaves the ghost city.  there are periods of time where he leaves and doesn’t come back for a certain amount of time.  but he is the king of the ghost realm,  who would dare to question him  ?   perhaps it’s the new feeling that he surprisingly had when he met the man.  the feeling of a youngling rather than a ghost who had been dead for thousands of years.  
whether he actually gets to meet him again or not,  up to fate.
                                                                     and fate did play its card to hua cheng’s liking.  
he had found the man that he was looking for,  putting on a mischievous but quite gentle smile onto his lips as he takes a seat at the other man’s table as if it has been reserved for him.     ‘    what a small world.    ’    his tone was enough to indicate that hua cheng had purposely found him and didn’t leave it up to luck entirely.     ‘    i hope i’m still remembered,  or it might just sadden me.    ’ 
// @ghosturned
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