#ghostworld lore
afraidparade · 3 years
Could we get more possible Pazu & Theo Shenanigans in future? How did the two meet? Do the two have any habits? And how did Pazu end up a ghost exactly? [Also why Theo of all people??Can theo see all ghosts or just Pazu-? Annd forgive me if this is rather much!]
you’re fine anon! it occurred to me i haven’t actually talked about them much here so i’ll fill you in
firstly, how theo can see pazu: theo comes from a family of the world’s greatest exorcists. the ability to see and interact with spirits comes from his bloodline. however, despite his family’s best efforts to raise him traditionally, theo desperately wanted a normal life and cut off anything supernatural from his life. he rejected his training and went to live with some family friends as a child that didn’t have powers. for awhile, he convinced himself he was normal; he landed a boring job, got a shoddy apartment, and dealt with normal, every day problems like anyone else would. the only reminders of his past were the weak spirits he’d see floating about or hiding in corners, but they never hurt anyone or tried to interact with him, so they were easy to ignore.
it wasn’t until theo inherited a plot of land from his family that things took a turn for the weird. he figured he’d flip it, seeing as it was a historical site and he could use the money, and neglected to heed the warning that came with it. the house was a cursed site that sealed away an immensely powerful spirit that theo’s grandparents had only barely managed to contain, and by giving it to theo they hoped one of two things would happen: one, he’d start taking the family business more seriously and learn what he could about exorcising this ghost once and for all. two, he wouldn’t go anywhere near the house due to his distaste for the supernatural, acting as a silent but effective guardian to the plot of land. theo, who didn’t even wait for the warning, went regardless, and that’s where he met the all-powerful spirit that had been sealed away, pazu.
the two became bonded and pazu began haunting theo for a number of reasons. A, having a mortal’s life force to latch onto meant he could leave the house, and like hell he was staying there any longer. B, the seal kept back more than just him, but a significant amount of spirits that were now free to roam the area. theo’s basically a magnet to those guys, and seeing as spirits in this world get stronger by consuming others, it’s like a never-ending buffet for pazu. C, he’s really, really fun to mess with.
as for how pazu died? any time theo asks, pazu changes the story. theo thinks it’s just to annoy him, but in truth, pazu doesn’t remember himself. i did just post a hint, though…
that’s about all the ghoststories lore ya need :-) unlike lufa, they’re not really romantic, just kinda idiots. that could change tho idk. i will definitely keep drawing them since a lot of you seem to like their shenanigans!
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afraidparade · 3 years
What was Both Theo's And Luka's Childhood like? What's their relationship with their family? Do the two have any past regrets?
luka's childhood was basically your average "gifted kid burnout" origins lolol. he's always been really quiet and antisocial, though in being extremely clever he was always put in advanced classes and pressured into essentially devoting his life to academics. that combination gave his peers the impression that luka thought he was better than everyone else and resulted in him being even more isolated. eventually he began purposefully failing out of classes just to escape the pressure to succeed, but all that really did was cause turmoil with his parents and isolate him even further.
luka basically moved out as soon as he reached adulthood, and rarely keeps in touch with his parents. he's an only child, so he has no siblings to reach out to, either. he doesn't particularly resent his family, as they never outright abused him, but he doesn't feel a particularly strong bond with them, either. as bleak as it is, he's pretty indifferent towards his family.
as for regrets, he's unsure if he could pinpoint one specific moment. making more friends would require being more outgoing, and he doesn't particularly want to change who he is. staying in school would've maintained his relationship with his parents, but he would also mean sacrificing his own mental health. he doesn't necessarily have specific regrets, but has definitely had "if only i hadn't been born" thoughts.
theo's childhood was abnormal in just about every way. he grew up on an enormous property with a very prosperous family, due to his famed lineage (for those who aren't aware, theo's family are a sort of exorcist clan that have been around for generations). his parents, of course, intended to raise theo traditionally along with his siblings, but theo hated the idea of having to be caught up in all that supernatural nonsense. he skipped his training every chance he got, convinced from his own encounters that spirits never posed a real threat as much as they were just annoying, and eventually convinced his family to let him live abroad with close family friends that had no supernatural abilities. he maintained the power to see and interact with ghosts, but got very proficient in ignoring their existence and maintained a fairly normal life from then on.
although theo cut off exorcism from his life as much as he could, he still loves his family and has a good relationship with them. they worry about him being alone in the world without proper training and do frequently remind him it's not too late to change his mind, but he always turns them down. though, since theo accidentally released the seal on a spirit so powerful it took multiple of the family's best exorcists to contain, and is now stuck with said spirit following him around...let's just say he's been dodging familial communication as much as he can.
theo of course regrets breaking pazu's seal more than anything, but also the fact that he didn't retain anything from his childhood lessons that may help in banishing the pesky spirit.
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afraidparade · 3 years
Ok so, read about your post on the whole Pazu and Theo dynamic. Now my question is, are all spirits big like Pazu?
no, all spirits start off as fairly small and weak. it's kind of like the baby sea turtle survival rate, where there's an abundance when they're born but only 1 out of 1000 make it to the ocean. the chance of beating out other spirits and getting strong enough to sustain yourself is incredibly slim, and even after that it's a dangerous world. pazu just happens to have consumed a lot...like, A LOT of spirits, and is incredibly powerful because of it. he chooses to be big because it makes him harder to attack. technically he could shrink to normal size if he wanted to, he just doesn't want to
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