Once Lucian had woken up from that very strange, questionable dream, he realized that his mind was perfectly clear. The issue that had been plaguing him for months was resolved, leaving him with a clear path forward.
It was time to do what he should have done months ago.
Taking out his pokegear, Lucian dialed Shauntal's number. He could have sent her a text, but that felt too impersonal for something as important as this.
Once she picked up, he began to speak. "My apologies for disturbing you. I was wondering if you had some time to spare? I wish to give you my answer." Perhaps that was a bit too blunt, but he saw no point in beating around the bush about it.
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"What is it like to train ghost types?"
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johtomoonfestival · 3 days
{Hello! I was wondering if there was any sort of dress code that we need to keep in mind if we are attending?
One of the shrine maidens decided to answer this:
"Oh, anything you like as long as it is decent! We Johtonese are a rather modest folk, especially the people of Mahogany Town. There are some shops in Ecruteak that would help you pick a yukata if you would like to wear the local clothes. I highly suggest it. Everyone always looks great in a summer yukata!"
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journcys · 6 months
It’s not often that N goes to speak to the league—the last time he had really been here was when he barrelled through to defeat Alder on the whims of his father—leaving nothing but a war path of defeated elites behind him. That, however—was in the past, with N being gone for a couple of year Sh til his father had resurfaced, now he tried to stay in Unova more then not.
“Shauntal, are you busy?” He asks as he knocks on the door—no challengers today it seemed, unless he had just missed them. Ziya pushes past him and starts to sniff around the room, the Zoroark curious about the things inside now that she’s been allowed to roam out of her pokeball more often then not.
“I seem to have a difficult time with ghost pokemon. While I understand them, they don’t seem to take me very seriously, and it seems there’s a small group causing some problems in Nimbasa,” turning off machines and lights, ect.
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“I thought perhaps you could help?”
// @ghostxnovelist
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@ghostxnovelist continued from here
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"Aw, I guess that means I'm not your type. That's a shame!" Skyla giggled. "I'm just teasing, Shauntal! I was curious and thought I'd ask, is all."
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gamblingrimsley · 21 days
How does Shauntal feel about Grimsley? Well, he's someone who inspires her to think outside the box and let her imagination run wild. She..may have dedicated a novel series to him, what with the main protagonist having a similar trait or two as him. Shauntal really had to use her imagination when it came to a few..ahem..erotic scenes she wrote. Does this this have anything to do with how she fancies him? Naah...
Okay maybe just a little-
what does your muse think of mine?
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The teasing will be endless if he finds out.
In fact, Shauntal is already halfway in the grave on that note. Grimsley's ability to read others has always been deathly potent. And with years of being around the ghost writer as an Elite Four member? He's already familiarized himself with everyone's habits, every change in expression, every sign, every tell.
But the gambler's downfall is his self-doubt. His denial. During his time in Unova, even when trying to get into relationships he had always been in denial and struggled to cope with the mere concept of anyone loving him.
Such potent fears and feelings only served to cause him more problems and harm.
...Perhaps Grimsley's running had truly been what he needed to help heal from a multitude of things.
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He is definitely going to be deserving of that punch.
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healbellls · 1 year
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@ghostxnovelist has sent: {For Morty!}
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Shauntal lightly tapped her pen against her cheek before turning to a fellow Ghost-type trainer. "Pardon me a moment, Morty, but I've got a question for you..if you have the time to humor me?" She rocked on her heels a bit, pondering how to properly word her inquiry. "As a trainer who deals with ghosts, do you ever have issues with the locals or anyone when traveling to other regions due to the Pokemon that keep you company? Just asking for a friend.."
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Color him surprised to be reached out like that, especially coming from someone who largerly outranked him. Although, he was also mostly surprised by the fact she recognized him, to begin with.
The man promptly shook his head in agreement, as he quietly listened to her at first. Her question was a fairly easy one, his answer was at the tip of his tongue. One quick look at a watch above them, and he was sure they still had time to spare, until the next train arrived at the station.
He shot a quick glance down at his Gengar, which was disguised as his shadow this entire time, and was merely listening to their exchange.
"Each region comes with its own set of beliefs, and different cultures. Some are a lot more receptive towards ghost-type pokemon, whereas others clearly don't want anything to do with them." Morty responded calmly, his gaze finally returned to Shauntal, his friendly smile never left his face. "I guess you could say I was graced enough, to reside in Johto instead of Kanto. My land is a lot more respectful to ghost-types, than Kanto could ever come close to. Sinnoh seems to fear them a lot, I can't blame them for that with some of the stories I heard. I couldn't even walk around with them, being out of my pokeballs. Hoenn on the other hand, seems to handle it a lot better."
A pause, while he rested his back against the wall behind him, then crossed his arms over his chest. "This is my first time in Unova, so I'm still figuring out what the general consensus about them may be. Since you're one of the elite four members, I'm assuming it must be half-decent." His smile turned into a prideful grin, that was when his Gengar let out a loud cackle, from his shadow.
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psychicxelite · 7 months
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"Good evening Shauntal. A little Natu told me that you've been attempting to court a dear brother of mine. How is that going for you?"
ll @ghostxnovelist ll
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emmetrain · 11 months
@ghostxnovelist || Continued from here.
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The Gear Station have hosted many passengers daily, whether from Unova or other regions entirely. It was expected to see familiar, prominent figures of Unovan League in the train cars, but still a welcome surprise in Emmet's eyes as he approached the Elite Four member and the ghost-type expert, Shauntal herself!
Gloved hand gripped the handrail, though it would not stop Emmet from gesturing by pointing to wherever he needed to as he talked. It was as if his hands were more part of the conversation than his words. His excitement made itself known in the giddy smile and the way the train conductor bounced slightly on his steps.
"I am Emmet! Your story with your friend Belina, your trust for each other, your incredible bond! It is making me feel verrrrry happy—and proud to be an Unovan whose Elite Four is as strong as you!" Emmet commented, pointing up as he did.
"My brother's Chandelure accompanies me in Super Doubles Line, and we are unstoppable together! She does not have a name other than Chandelure, but maybe I should encourage Ingo and help him come up with a fitting name? Anyway!" Before he continuously rambled. "The smallest Litwick! It's... It is verrrrrrrry nice to hear about how nice your grandfather was! The patience he had helped you go up in your tracks to reach Victory with Bellina as your co-pilot! It is heartwarming!" There was only a hint of jealousy on the topic of a supportive family. He had Ingo so he could not complain, but bitter feelings about those who never deserved that word churned inside.
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"When my eelektross, Spaghetti, was a small Tynamo, I felt the same way. We did not have a room or a Pokeball to keep her safe in, so I would spend the nights checking on her frequently." The year without shelter, now a distant song neither of sorrow or fondness.
Emmet thought over his words, a newly-formed habit forced upon him by Ingo to avoid being too blunt. Winning was everything. But wasn't he also aware that loss could bring multitudes in regards to emotions? Sadness was a given, yet, in Shauntal's situation, who wouldn't be happy and proud! Wasn't he always proud of his family after every battle? "Battles are the way we show our true potential" —Emmet placed his free hand on his chest, above his heart— "and how we see the world. It is freeing to show your passion, dedication and will in a battle. I think Spaghetti feels the same way when we give our best together. Chandelure, too."
A content sigh escaped him as he tilted his head with a bright smile. "Unknown is scary. Not being the best at something, even more so. And I find ghosts verrrrrry scary. Would you have any tips on how to bond better with my dear Chandelure, and ghosts, in general?"
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acalculatedfuture · 11 months
""Alright, team bookworms, there's only one thing to do."
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"We must seize the means of production!"
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hibanakabu · 9 months
@ghostxnovelist (continued from here)
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“Honestly, I’m fine with either! I feel that romance is always a nice addition to action books, and if it’s an action novel in a historical setting I could learn some things and I do love to learn about new things.”
Kabu then started to search for his glasses case. “I wish I was able to read more, but I’ve always been busy with being a gym leader. But, better late than never.” 
He let out a sigh of relief when he found his glasses. After putting them on he says, “I’m glad that I found these. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to read. Another thing Shauntal, how long have you been writing novels?"
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"Lucian.." Shauntal held hands behind her back as she looked up to him. "Would it be too much to ask if we could match at the festival? Perhaps wear the same shade of purple with our Pokémon designed at the back?"
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"That sounds like a wonderful idea.
Were you thinking of going with traditional yukata? We could have our signature pokemon on the back, or have the yukata patterned after them.
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📲 doubles
send an emoji and i'll tell you my opinion on... : Still accepting!
((I love canon doubles, and I miss interacting with them ;u;
...I think I'm the only Will rp blog on this hellsite now ;-; ))
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ruffledqwils · 1 year
(Starter for @ghostxnovelist!)
Hugh was not an avid reader, really at all. But...his sister. Grace, loved to read with Liepard, and wanted to really get a new novel that was coming out, one that was authored by the one and only Shauntal of the Elite Four here in Unova! It was pretty big news, and apparently there was a book signing during the work week that coincided with its release. In turn, Hugh's sister wasn't able to go since she had school, and their mom didn't want her to miss a single day...but Hugh was an adult, and free on the day of release. So here he was, trying to find a copy of the new book...but damn was he struggling, people waited in lines for this, and it was basically sold out by the time he got into the bookstore!
This left Hugh in a predicament, as he checked out every shelf in the store as those who had grabbed their copies waited for the scheduled signing, and he buried his face into his palm, grumbling to himself in frustration as he found himself bookless in the back of the store. "Dammit....Grace is gonna be so upset..."
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trainerseyes · 11 months
Sometimes, the best way for Nate to relieve stress was to walk through the Marine Tube. Although, his steps were awfully slow, losing himself in the tube's surroundings.
That said, he couldn't help but notice Shauntal out of the corner of his eye.
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"Oh hey, didn't think I'd see you here!" He said. "Good day to watch the Frillish, huh?"
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Holding Espeon close like a fur loaf baby, Shauntal concluded that the only person she knew who had an Espeon was the one she was trying to avoid for the remainder of the evening. She felt that she made herself look rather ridiculous before him and didn't want to make it worse.
But she couldn't exactly distract her mind if his Pokemon was sprawled over her papers. She took a breath before walking into his study. As she entered, she saw a familiar green glow of her Shiny Litwick. "There you are..I was wondering where you wandered off to." She carefully sets Espeon down on a chair before picking up her little ghost friend, "I hope he wasn't a bother to your reading. Your Espeon, is adorable but I'm afraid he wouldn't allow me to finish my drafts for the current book I'm working on."
She paused for a moment, staring into the enchanting flame her partner had.
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"I..I would also like to apologize if I made you upset at all earlier. It wasn't my intention to. I'm not really great at expressing myself to other people, especially to those I'm fond of." Shauntal stopped herself for a moment. She shouldn't overdo it. A forced small smile crept over her lips. "Thank you for watching over my little friend here."
At her voice, Lucian raised his head and gave her a small, yet slightly awkward smile.
"Aha. So that is where you had taken off to," he said, his words directed at the fur loaf baby in her arms. Lucian was used to Espeon going off on his own to whomever was available when Lucian wouldn't stop reading to give him affection. It seemed Espeon's target this time was Shauntal.
"I also had a feeling that this little one belonged to you. I can assure you that he was no trouble." He turned to the little candle, giving him a fond smile before focusing back on Shauntal. Espeon, meanwhile, made himself comfortable on the chair and began to watch the two humans.
"You're welcome...and you do not have to apologize. I'm...not the best with expressing my emotions or feelings either." As evident by his abysmal reaction to her confession from earlier.
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