#giant ass robot junglegym
tabieeee · 7 months
Same anon as earlier who asked about the titan trio HC, wanted to ask another question of, what do you think the titans would be doing after the war? Assuming they win and such, can't exactly go back to anything
There would probably be an attempt to make them into lil guys again but I doubt it would work
Oh man we thought about this in discord and it was saaaaad What if the titans just become idle? A living statue that waits until they're needed again, sitting in the middle of the city as life goes by them, too big to do anything. hard to do stuff when you're a weapon
Maybe they hibernate, and over years of peace they become overgrown by plantlife and every now and then somebody visits them to say hello
Until one day they are woken up because someone needs their protection once more
alternatively, the three of them hang out together and wrestle for funzies. giant mech battle show wew
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