#giftedeath: spike
waylethal · 10 months
with: @giftedeath meme: my muse steals a cigarette from your muse & puts it in their mouth. at: the bronze. season six. listening to: cover band. my iron lung by radiohead.
brow furrowed and cigarette-less mouth agape. the bloody fucking gall... "you can't smoke that here." like a child ready to tattle. nevermind he'd been a beat from lighting up himself. bit amused, too, to be fair. "well, aren't we born to be bad. best to leave it to the seasoned professionals, love," he condescends, pushing off the concrete beam he'd been leaned up against with fingers gesturing for his smoke back, please and fucking thanks. "you -- look, you're getting the filter soggy, 'nough with the william the bloody cosplay. all the pleather's bad enough."
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insufferablemonsters · 5 months
𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔨𝔢 & 𝔟𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @giftedeath.
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there  was  nowhere  else  in  the  world  that  spike  rather  be  than  right  here,  right  now,  with  buffy  summers.  any  time  he  was  able  to  spend  with  her  filled  the  hole  in  his  heart  that  was  created  by  her.  it  wasn't  intentional,  maybe  not  fully,  and  it  was  all  his  doing  because  of  his  uncontrollable  love  for  her.  he's  tried  to  not  love  her,  not  think  about  her  every  second  of  the  day  and  tried  not  to  let  his  dreams  be  haunted  by  her  beautiful  face  and  shampoo  commercial  hair,  but  it  has.  she  haunts  him  and  as  much  as  he's  tried  to  let  go  of  her,  he  didn't  seem  to  truly  want  to.  what  would  he  be  without  her?  just  another  vampire  doomed  to  walk  this  plane  with  no  real  way  of  fulfilling  his  dark  potential,  his  dark  duties.  he  was  the  slayer's  pet  with  a  muzzle  on  his  fangs,  but  he  was   ...   okay  with  it.
he  was  taken  aback  slightly  when  buffy  blurted  out  the  word  dare,  but  he  laughed  all  the  same.  she  was  quite  adorable  with  a  couple  of  shots  in  her,  he  loved  to  see  her  smiling  and  carefree  like  this,  even  if  it  was  the  result  of  the  alcohol.  it  was  better  than  seeing  her  void  of  emotion.  he  listened  to  her  request,  rambling  included,  and  enjoyed  every  word  that  came  out  of  her  mouth,  as  he  always  did.  he  nodded,   ❛   fine,  luv,  as  you  wish   ❜   he  replied,  pouring  himself  another  shot  and  raising  it,  tilting  his  head  towards  her,   ❛   hit  me  with  the  bloody  truth  question.  m'  an  open  book,  jus'  for  you.   ❜
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wickedlehane · 9 months
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@giftedeath gets a starter inspired by the "outrun prophecy" fic
Ever since Spike moved into the castle with the Scoobies, Buffy had been looking at him like the sun shone outta his ass.
Which apparently, from what she heard of the final battle at the Hellmouth, it did once.
Just when Faith was starting to get comfortable, just when she was starting to think that maybe this thing with B might work out, the bleached asshole vamp has to waltz back in and be her favorite person. It had been a surprise when B came out, made Faith think she maybe had a shot at really having a thing with Blondie... but now she was afraid Buffy would come to her senses, call the dark Slayer a fun little experiment or some shit, because Faith was foolish to let herself ever think she could actually get what she wanted.
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"I don't know why you're bein' so cagey about him, B. You've blown me off every time I wanna talk about him, without him. And now you're skippin' movie night so you two can go patrol?" The brunette scoffed, throwing her hands up in frustration. "Am I gettin' the sense you just don't want me around? Because I thought -- I thought maybe we were --"
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teethless · 10 months
i will make your neck my chalice, and drink deep.
canon compliant, heavily headcanon based, independent, selective and mutuals only portrayal  of
spike ! slayer of slayers, william pratt .... william, the bloody.
a sideblog to @giftedeath / will follow from there.
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hi ! here are just some guidelines/general things about this blog !!
i don’t follow or tolerate bigots / bigotry. i do not participate in call outs / ooc drama / vagues. please hard block if unfollowing / i will do the same.
low activity; priority is buffy @giftedeath <3
all triggers will be tagged as trigger / i don't have any personally!
i don't use small font, but if you'd like me to, just let me know.
shipping is fun but chemistry & plotting is necessary. spuffy & sprusilla are very important to me + spike's character, there will be a lot of that. however i will not auto ship!! plotting is essential for even his canon relationships.
i write spike as bisexual. <3
important note about my portrayal: i don't acknowledge the seeing red scene and i don't consider the shows choice to portray spike as an attempted rapist to be canon. thanks !
i do not write taboo content, do not follow if you write: incest, dubcon/noncon and student x teacher relationships. if there is anything / any fandom you would like me to tag please let me know. 
all graphics on this blog have been made / edited by me. unless explicitly stated otherwise. please do not take, repost, or reblog without permission. the psds i use are a combination of bloom by carestuff & #27 by thlaugraphics and finally, thank you for taking the time to read my rules!
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insufferablemonsters · 5 months
𝔟𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 𝔟𝔬𝔱 & 𝔟𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @giftedeath.
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buffy  bot  knew  that  she  made  the  real  buffy  uncomfortable  with  her  presence.  she  hadn't  meant  to.  she  had  never  asked  to  even  exist,  let  alone  look  like  someone  else,  identical.  she  wanted  more  than  anything  to  be  her  own  person;  with  her  own  quirks,  personality,  and  thoughts.  but,  she  was  stuck  as  being  a  replica  of  the  vampire  slayer.  what  did  all  of  this  mean  for  her?  she  wasn't  sure  and  that's  why  she  figured  if  she  could  just  connect  with  buffy,  someone  that  she  was  modeled  after,  that  she  could  figure  out  what  she  was  supposed  to  do  with  her  newly  installed  freedom.
she  winced  a  little  at  buffy's  snappy  words,  not  entirely  expecting  it,  but  it  wasn't  exactly  a  surprise  considering  the  way  buffy  has  been  avoiding  her.  she  decided  not  to  say  anything  and  instead  listen  to  all  the  heartfelt  words  that  came  pouring  out  of  the  original  slayer's  mouth.  she  took  a  seat  next  to  her,  keeping  a  reasonable  distance  between  them  as  to  not  further  make  buffy  uncomfortable.  she  nodded  slightly,  ❛   yeah,  i  think  i  do,  um,  get  it   ...   ❜   buffy  bot  responded,  looking  straight  ahead  and  processing  the  human's  words,  looking  for  understanding.  her  codes  go  through  the  memories  of  being  around  other  people  and  all  these  memories  had  one  thing  in  common  that  stood  out  to  her  in  flashing  lights   —   she  felt  alone,  unable  to  connect  to  any  of  them,  unless  she  was  programmed  to.  only  person  she  felt  something  for  was  spike,  but  that's  because  she  was  made  to,  that  didn't  apply  anymore,  did  it?  she  averts  her  gaze  back  to  buffy,  blank  stare  and  shallow  eyes,   ❛   alone.  right?  you  feel  alone.  no  one  really  knows  what  it's  like  to  be  us.  we  were  both  made  for  something,  other  buffy   ...   ❜   buffy  bot  replied,  still  no  smile  to  be  found  on  her  plastic  face.  she  searched  the  human  for  her  emotions  and  found  that  she  seemed  to  be  as  empty  as  she  was.   ❛   if  you  feel  alone,  why  do  you  come  out  here  to  be  more  alone?  i  like  being  around  people   ...   makes  me  feel  more  human.  it  makes  me  sad  being  by  myself.   ❜
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