libraryrippcr · 4 months
i always learn something when i hang out with the elderly. old people are very wise.
"The elde -- did I HEAR you right?!"
Baffled, Giles gapes at Buffy. He's ready to...he doesn't KNOW what. He's so confounded, he doesn't know WHAT to say.
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"You watch your tongue. You'll be as old as me one day, you know. Acid reflux is NO joke."
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wickedlehane · 9 months
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@giftedeath gets another "outrun prophecy" starter
Faith hated herself for a lot of reasons, but right now, mostly for the fact that even when she was so mad, so hurt, so scared, and so confused... that the only person she could think to turn to was Buffy. The very same reason she left in the first place.
She would blame Buffy for putting her in this situation, but it wasn't the blonde who went out, got shitfaced, and had a one night stand with some guy. And one night had turned into a week late, and now it was three months since that night...
The castle lawn was slick with nighttime mist and Faith felt like she was drowning -- in her thoughts, in Robin's oversized Cavs sweater (she felt like shit for taking it and even worse for keeping it after all this time, but it was so comfortable), and in embarrassment. The fact that all she wanted right now was Buffy. To know Buffy wouldn't give up on her, even if Faith had given up on herself. Given up on the idea of them making anything like a relationship work. Commitment really wasn't her style, which is what made the next part so difficult.
The "hey, I'm three months pregnant and I need help" part. A commitment she wasn't ready to make, but was muddling through.
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Faith knocked on the door fast and nervous. Wondering if there was time to bolt again, to stay gone and disappeared. Not like Buffy looked hard enough to find her anyways. But the door opened before she had a chance to move, some stupid, distant hope keeping her feet rooted to the spot. Her hair was damp and frizzed out, her makeup worn and smudged. Did she look pathetic enough for B?
"Uh... hey, B. I was wonderin' if I could crash here for a few days... I think I fucked up."
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sookiestackhcuse · 8 months
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TRUE BLOOD SENTENCE STARTERS. | ‘ it’s fine. i’ll take the floor. ’ asked by @giftedeath
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❝ With the dust bunnies? I don't think so, ❞ the faerie laughed as she grabbed an extra pillow from the linen closet. ❝ We're both girls; you can bunk with me in the bed for the night. ❞
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maliignant · 8 months
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@giftedeath sent: “ we all have secrets, don’t we ? ”
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HEAD SLOWLY AND SLIGHTLY CANTS TO THE SIDE when she looks upon the slayer, hand wanting to rise and reach out to touch her face for a split second though she resists the urge to do so. She's more curious than anything else, wondering why Buffy would say such a thing regardless of knowing how true it is. They all held secrets, yes, and she's wondering what secrets Buffy has specifically. But she knows too that the woman won't be so easily willing to share them, not with Drusilla of all individuals. It doesn't stop her from asking though, ❝ what secrets do you have, lil' dumplin'? What goes on in that head o' yours? ❞
Oh, is she curious. To know the amount of torment that comes with being the Chosen One at such a young age and having that weight layered upon precious shoulders. Dru can only imagine and she's salivating at the mouth just thinking about it. But the blonde is the one who presented this small bit of information in the first place and made its presence known so of course, she can't help but indulge further as much as possible and poke into it like a stick pressing into a dead animal carcass.
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❝ Do they eat away at you? They do, don't they? Just like they eat at me. From the inside, out. ❞
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waylethal · 10 months
with: @giftedeath meme: my muse steals a cigarette from your muse & puts it in their mouth. at: the bronze. season six. listening to: cover band. my iron lung by radiohead.
brow furrowed and cigarette-less mouth agape. the bloody fucking gall... "you can't smoke that here." like a child ready to tattle. nevermind he'd been a beat from lighting up himself. bit amused, too, to be fair. "well, aren't we born to be bad. best to leave it to the seasoned professionals, love," he condescends, pushing off the concrete beam he'd been leaned up against with fingers gesturing for his smoke back, please and fucking thanks. "you -- look, you're getting the filter soggy, 'nough with the william the bloody cosplay. all the pleather's bad enough."
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aalexias · 4 months
@giftedeath  sent    :    loving  the  monsters  always  ends  badly  for  the  humans.  it's  a  rule.
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"    then  it’s  a  stupid  rule.  not  all  monsters  are  monstrous  people,  buffy.  we’re  just  humans  that  something  monstrous  𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍  to.      —–      and  more  importantly?    …    not  all  humans  aren’t  monsters.  the  world  just  isn’t  that  black    &    white.    "
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insufferablemonsters · 5 months
𝔟𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 𝔟𝔬𝔱 & 𝔟𝔲𝔣𝔣𝔶 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @giftedeath.
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buffy  bot  knew  that  she  made  the  real  buffy  uncomfortable  with  her  presence.  she  hadn't  meant  to.  she  had  never  asked  to  even  exist,  let  alone  look  like  someone  else,  identical.  she  wanted  more  than  anything  to  be  her  own  person;  with  her  own  quirks,  personality,  and  thoughts.  but,  she  was  stuck  as  being  a  replica  of  the  vampire  slayer.  what  did  all  of  this  mean  for  her?  she  wasn't  sure  and  that's  why  she  figured  if  she  could  just  connect  with  buffy,  someone  that  she  was  modeled  after,  that  she  could  figure  out  what  she  was  supposed  to  do  with  her  newly  installed  freedom.
she  winced  a  little  at  buffy's  snappy  words,  not  entirely  expecting  it,  but  it  wasn't  exactly  a  surprise  considering  the  way  buffy  has  been  avoiding  her.  she  decided  not  to  say  anything  and  instead  listen  to  all  the  heartfelt  words  that  came  pouring  out  of  the  original  slayer's  mouth.  she  took  a  seat  next  to  her,  keeping  a  reasonable  distance  between  them  as  to  not  further  make  buffy  uncomfortable.  she  nodded  slightly,  ❛   yeah,  i  think  i  do,  um,  get  it   ...   ❜   buffy  bot  responded,  looking  straight  ahead  and  processing  the  human's  words,  looking  for  understanding.  her  codes  go  through  the  memories  of  being  around  other  people  and  all  these  memories  had  one  thing  in  common  that  stood  out  to  her  in  flashing  lights   —   she  felt  alone,  unable  to  connect  to  any  of  them,  unless  she  was  programmed  to.  only  person  she  felt  something  for  was  spike,  but  that's  because  she  was  made  to,  that  didn't  apply  anymore,  did  it?  she  averts  her  gaze  back  to  buffy,  blank  stare  and  shallow  eyes,   ❛   alone.  right?  you  feel  alone.  no  one  really  knows  what  it's  like  to  be  us.  we  were  both  made  for  something,  other  buffy   ...   ❜   buffy  bot  replied,  still  no  smile  to  be  found  on  her  plastic  face.  she  searched  the  human  for  her  emotions  and  found  that  she  seemed  to  be  as  empty  as  she  was.   ❛   if  you  feel  alone,  why  do  you  come  out  here  to  be  more  alone?  i  like  being  around  people   ...   makes  me  feel  more  human.  it  makes  me  sad  being  by  myself.   ❜
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frstsoldier · 7 months
♥       (    @giftedeath    )
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"    that’s  a  whole  lot  o’  little  lambs  linin’  up  to  be  slaughtered.    "      maybe  comment  is  a  stretch  𝚝𝚘𝚘  𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝,  but  doyle  has  never  been  good  at  biting  tongue,  especially  not  as  eyes  cautiously  watch  these  supposed  -  potentials  train  in  buffy’s  yard.  half  -  demon  has  been  on  𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲  the  moment  he  entered  sunnydale.  the  air  is  thick  here;    every  corner  drowns  in  unpredictable  power    &    even  in  human  form,  senses  are  overwhelmed  by  that  undeniable  scent  of  imminent  danger,  the  first  evil  making  an  already  -  strong  hotspot  even  more  𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭.  los  angeles  suddenly  doesn’t  seem  so  bad.  it’s  a  visit  for  him,  leaving  behind  home  temporarily  to  transport  another  future  slayer  to  buffy,  guided  to  him  by  vision.  even  the  powers  that  be  are  in  this  fight  with  slayer.  he  nervously  taps  file  against  palm  a  couple  of  times  before  arm  extends,  passing  it  over.      "    everything  we  got  on  her  is  in  this.  she’s  young.  no  parents,  no  family.  found  her  at  a  teen  shelter  run  by  our  friend,  anne.    "      a  name,  𝚌𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢,  buffy  herself  aided  in  bestowing  upon  the  owner  once  upon  a  time.      "    doesn’t  listen  to  a  lot  of  𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞,  so    …    you’re  gonna  have  your  hands  full.    "      although,  they  seem  full  enough  as  it  is.  doyle  hasn’t  been  back  from  the  dead  long.  ripped  out  of  hell  dimension  by  wolfram    &    hart  to  sweeten  the  deal  offered  to  angel  and  yet,  it  seemed,  not  a  whole  lot  had  changed.  the  world  continued  to  be  at  𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀  𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗸.  apparently  sacrifice  only  went  so  far.      "    angel  suggested  it  might  be  best  if  i  hung  around  for  a  while.  might  help  trigger  some  visions,  being  in  the  thick  o’  it.  i  personally  would’a  preferred  a  paid  vacation  to  hawaii,  but    …    i’m  here.  if  you  need  it.    "
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libraryrippcr · 4 months
if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode.
"Well, don't get it all over my walls," he murmurs, not looking up from his book. "I'd suggest MEDITATION. Or other good mind-emptying techniques. Whiskey often comes to mind."
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wickedlehane · 9 months
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@giftedeath gets a starter inspired by the "outrun prophecy" fic
Ever since Spike moved into the castle with the Scoobies, Buffy had been looking at him like the sun shone outta his ass.
Which apparently, from what she heard of the final battle at the Hellmouth, it did once.
Just when Faith was starting to get comfortable, just when she was starting to think that maybe this thing with B might work out, the bleached asshole vamp has to waltz back in and be her favorite person. It had been a surprise when B came out, made Faith think she maybe had a shot at really having a thing with Blondie... but now she was afraid Buffy would come to her senses, call the dark Slayer a fun little experiment or some shit, because Faith was foolish to let herself ever think she could actually get what she wanted.
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"I don't know why you're bein' so cagey about him, B. You've blown me off every time I wanna talk about him, without him. And now you're skippin' movie night so you two can go patrol?" The brunette scoffed, throwing her hands up in frustration. "Am I gettin' the sense you just don't want me around? Because I thought -- I thought maybe we were --"
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sunnydalescoobiies · 8 months
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closed semi - plotted starter for @giftedeath from buffy bot for buffy summers.
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†  ――――         BUFFY  BOT  STILL  DIDN'T  QUITE  UNDERSTAND  WHY  WILLOW  HAD  REPAIRED  HER  AFTER  WHAT  HAPPENED  TO  HER  BODY.  they  had  the  real  buffy  now  and  there  was  no  need  for  her,  and  yet  here  she  remained,  helping  the  scoobies  and  doing  what  she  was  told.  she  hasn't  really  learned  to  think  for  herself  yet  despite  the  fact  that  willow  had  installed  a  new  hardware  that  would  give  her  free  will,  the  power  to  choose  what  she'd  like  to  do,  but  she  didn't  know  anything  outside  this  group.  all  she's  ever  known  was  her  human  sister  and  her  human  friends  and  she  was  the  vampire  slayer   —   or,  well,  not  really.  she  was  a  stand  -  in,  a  replacement,  and  she  wouldn't  amount  to  anything  more  than  that.  a  part  of  her  was  determined  to  learn  more  about  herself  and  be  more  than  the  look  alike  of  buffy  summers.  she  didn't  have  anywhere  else  to  go  for  the  time  -  being,  despite  this  determination.  she  shut  down  in  the  basement  whenever  everyone  else  would  go  to  sleep  for  the  night    (    another  concept  she  didn't  quite  understand  but,  to  fit  in,  she  would  power  herself  down  as  a  way  of  slumber     )    and  took  residency  there.  but,  it  was  becoming  quite  apparent  that  the  real  buffy  didn't  really  like  having  her  around.  she  never  said  the  words  but  she  always  seemed  so  short  with  her  and  didn't  look  at  her  much. 
SHE  NOTICED  THE  REAL  BUFFY  SITTING  ALONE  OUTSIDE  IN  THE  DARK.  she  couldn't  help  but  approach  her,  concern  washing  over  her  robotic  face.           ❛      i  sense  my  presence  makes  you  uncomfortable.  did  i  do  something  wrong     ?       ❜     she  asked  rather  bluntly.
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ghoulsplay · 8 months
" i didn't know you could do that. " ( for pike ! ) → @giftedeath → ♡
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   YEAH . . .  neither did he.   he was momentarily at a loss of words, his heart pounding against his rib cage near enough to hurt. was this an   𝙖𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝   , or was he dying ? all the drugs and alcohol finally doing him in  ----   he couldn't be so lucky to die naturally when vampires were roaming los angeles. that much was clear when he'd encountered benny floating outside his third story window.  𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍, 𝒑𝒊𝒌𝒆.  shoulders drew back with a deep breath, and he brushed the dirt off his vest like he was completely unaffected.  ❛ well, there's a lot you don't know about me. i do this all the time. i'm very well versed in the art of . . .  𝑲𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑻𝑬. ❜  that high-aimed spin kick definitely had nothing to do with the fact that he was tripping over himself. TOTALLY NATURAL.  ❛ so, you know. you're welcome. i was just helpin' you out. ❜  he gave a half-assed shrug, lips pressed together in a thin line like he wasn't full of shit. his accidental kick wasn't even that impressive comparatively speaking to some of the acrobatics he'd seen her do.  ❛ --- well, it was junior level karate when i was seven, but it's really stuck with me. ❜
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wolfkiiller · 8 months
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@giftedeath asked : ❝ so, how old are you really ? ❞
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"Very old." He chuckled. "Some would say too old." Lestat told the girl. "There are days I feel old and days I feel as if I was still in my twenties. Which is how old I was when I was turned." He told her.
"I don't think that I would say it was something I wanted. I've lost so much because of what I am. I live on and things and people do not."
He thought for a moment. "I was born, in my human life, in 1760, that life then ended in 1781. In this time now. My body is just old enough to drink."
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fcrtheglcry · 9 months
‘ you have a chilling lack of ethics. ’ ( for anyone !! )
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✧˚ · .  all pirates had a strict code of honor. a set of laws her crew was set to follow, outlining proper (if dastardly) conduct and punishment if forfeit. and beck may have been a dirty, cheating scallywag – raiding and plundering enemy ships, stealing anything of worth, and leaving few survivors to tell the tale – but she held that pirate’s honor close to her chest.
 ❝  JUST BECAUSE MY – ETHICS – ARE DIFFERENT THAN YOURS, DEAR, ❞ she said, a coy grin on her lips and her voice light enough to sound condescending, ❝ DOESN’T MEAN THEY DON’T EXIST. ❞ she lowered the sword she had held out towards the other slightly – as if confident they weren’t much of a threat to her. ❝ QUITE LUCKY FOR YOU, I BELIEVE IN MERCY. OCCASIONALLY. ❞
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waylethal · 10 months
with: @giftedeath meme: tousle - mess  playfully  with  my  muse’s  hair. at: summers home. season five. listening to: west end girls by the pet shop boys.
"thinkin' i'm gonna go blonde." since joyce started her hospital stint, dawn has been in the business of testing her big sister's authority in a big teen way. luckily for buffy, she's only half serious now. she brings her rolling eyes up from her homework all smirky. "kidding -- don't wig. the bleach thing is totally overrated." the slyest of digs. the hair brushing is a comfort though, and she thinks it mellows buffy out, too. so she'll try again: "you're all fidgety. is there...," updates? complications? more things you guys are hiding from me? "i mean... everything okay?"
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godeyed · 9 months
muse for him comes in waves, the holidays sucked the life out of me. hiatus for a bit longer i think <3
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