#gifts from dhani
queen-breha-organa · 2 years
Listening to the Empire talk about the Dhani, was such a horrifically moving moment.
I’ve heard words like that directed at my people before, horrific words spoken by horrific colonizers.
The Dhani walk up the mountains, their faces solemn as they make a sacred journey, and voiced over we hear the Imperials speak: “They’re a simple people. They breed a sad combination of traits that make them particularly vulnerable to manipulation.”
The Empire has been wearing down these people over and over until they hardly have the strength to stand. The Empire have been “leasing” their land, but only to slowly conquer the Dhani from within. The Empire have set them up for exhaustion and failure, displacing them so far away from their sacred sites that the journey is nearly impossible. They have preyed on the Dhani’s need to survive, and they have manipulated them into a corner.
So many indigenous individuals have heard words just like that before. So many of us have been pushed off our scared land and forced to travel to our sovereign sites as if we are tourists, and not the grounds sacred keepers. So many of us are forced to eat the table scraps of our once thriving traditions. So many of us have been manipulated by colonialism, forced into a corner where there are no winners.
It made me so sad to see that represented in Andor, but it also made me feel so understood, and seen, and heard.
The storytelling in this show is beyond phenomenal, the details, the symbolism and the parallels to real life make this series so well developed and engaging and most importantly, it makes people feel less alone in their stories. To see stories like yours told, to see people like you tell them, especially in such a mainstream media, that is a rare gift.
I’m just so thankful for this show.
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strangesthirdeye · 5 months
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Chapter 12: Trust Your Teacher
Unspoken Love Masterlist /Chapter: 13
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The next day is like any other day which is you will repeat all your routine as long as you are in the Kamar Taj which is waking up, breakfast, classes, training, lunch, reading and dinner and then repeat it the next day. Unless that day is different. today is the difference.
You and Stephen, whose confidence is becoming more apparent after a few months of his low profile, walked towards the room where the two of you met the Ancient One for the first time after being summoned by her. In your point of view, this must be about yesterday's incident which is understandable because obviously Wong will report it to the Ancient One seeing that she is the Headmistress of this place.
And now you need to thicken your ears for the Ancient One rambling session which obviously led to punishment such as running around the Kamar Taj or clean library here. You looked at Stephen nervously. Stephen who was wearing a dark blue tunic appeared calm and curious as he strode towards the Sanctuary which was only a few steps away. He and the dark blue tunic are so perfect which you found him rather attractive and dashing in that mature color.
Compared to you who wears a F/c tunic that suits you, which you found very comfortable and cool in the eyes of people. Not to be left out, your fingerless gloves on both of your hands are a gift from Dhani who said they are lucky gloves because they have been through many battles before. So technically it is a little more 'effective'.
Although the tunic that you and Stephen are wearing looks like it is difficult to wear and looks thick with various fabrics and covers, but it is actually light and cool because the material used is a material that is easy to catch the wind no matter what color it is made of. Probably one of the spells they use to make these tunics comfortable to wear.
"You're staring at me" Stephen muttered.
You came out of your reverie. "sorry" you shyly looked ahead.
"Like what you see?" Stephen said, teasingly.
"I always like what I see on you especially those sharp cheekbones" you replied idly.
Stephen's face turned red. He didn't expect that answer from you. You usually denied all the teasing he did but now you have the courage to answer him with a counter that made him fall in love with you hard.
"I thought teasing only I can do" Stephen nudged your shoulder with his elbow.
"Well, Doctor Strange. You're not the only one who's good at teasing, right?" you replied, smirking.
September the wind blew gently on the Ancient tree in the middle of the courtyard when the two of you arrived in front of the Sanctuary door, the place where the Ancient One was.
Ancient One who wears a dark green tunic as if expecting you two to come is standing in the middle of the sanctuary, both hands are placed behind her back.
Ancient One glanced at you two before she tipped her head to let you two in.
"Once, in this room, you begged me to let you learn, now I'm telling you question every lesson, preferring to teach yourself. " Ancient One said, referring to Stephen.
"Once, I was asked to free my mind, now I'm told to blindly accept rules that make no sense." Stephen replied walking in front of you.
You grabbed Stephen's arm to calm him down. Stephen glanced at you before his look softened at the sight of your face then looked back at the Ancient One.
"Like the rule against conjuring a gateway in the library? " Ancient One raised an eyebrow at you both.
You gaped. "Wong tell you about that? about us?"
Ancient One faintly smirked before tilting her head slightly to the side. "You two need a safe space to practice your spells."
The Ancient One gestures and creates a new dimensional getaway behind you both. The center of the gateway looks like
a mirror. A cracked mirror, to be exact. It's like reality where you are crack. You were surprised to look around you. The hand holding Stephen's arm was held tightly by you. To shocked to the point of loss of words.
Stephen is also nothing else than that. He had the same reaction as you. He shifted his gaze around several times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. This is the first time you and Stephen have seen such an unexpected thing. But, This is the Kamar Taj. You literally learn about magic and spells. Hell, your fingers can also produce magic so no wonder this kind of situation can happen.
It's not something you can decipher like your Doctor's career. It is something that requires you to open your eyes and mind and make your point of view wider to accept such things. Universes and space are always interesting things for you but this is more than universes and space. This is more in-depth and detailed. It's like you get to know the organs of the human body again along with their functions.
You both stumbled backwards into the new dimension, too speechless to say anything.
"You are now inside the Mirror
Dimensions. Ever-present, boot undetected, a reflection of reality as we know it." Ancient One explained as one of the students was walking with a tray of tea in both her hands before she kneeled to the shrubbery table to prepare tea.
You let go of Stephen's arm to observe the student who didn't bother with the presence of the three of you. It's like the three of you don't exist there.
'fascinating' you thought.
Stephen waved his hand in front of the student's face but the student did not give any reaction instead she just poured tea into the teacup before getting up and leaving.
"It's like we're not here but at the same time we're here" you mumbled.
Stephen agreed with what speculation you made. Ancient One smirked as she heard your speculation.
"We use the mirror dimension to train, supervise, sometimes to contain threats." Ancient One explained. "You won't want to be left without your sling ring here-"
"Hold it. Sorry. What do you mean by "threats"?" Stephen glanced at Ancient One with a skeptical face.
"Learning of an infinite multiverse includes learning of infinity dangers. "Ancient One replied, simply.
"like what? Like Kaecillius? The one that Dhani always mentioned about?" you interjected. The Ancient One could only remain silent.
Stephen was still not satisfied with what Ancient One replied. "Then why aren't you telling us everything. Why are you teaching us? to kill with sticks, why do yours librarians get beheaded, why is a Nepalese monastery run by a white lady, talk about one step forward and two steps-"
The Ancient One waves an arm. The walls in the room began to WARP, reality bending out of shape. It becomes impossible, Escher-like space - the floor is now also the ceiling. You looked around in awe and yet with confusion written on your face. Stephen looked around with his mouth opened too awed by what he witnessed.
Above him, the tea servers move about, seemingly oblivious to what is happening. The Ancient One looked at you both with unreadable face.
"Because if I told you every single
thing you don’t already know, you
would run from here in terror." She exclaimed.
Stephen looked at her naivety with vexation. Her response is not something that Stephen can't accept, you understand him. Stephen always likes that. Always want a specific reason instead of straight forward.
"and you expect us to run from here, now? in preemptive terror." you responded, cocking your head to the side.
The Ancient One smirked faintly which you both didn't notice. "Yet you won't. Because of your ego. And your determination to learn.
Isn't that something. Your refusal
to be weak - by far your greatest
weakness - itself a path to what
will become your greatest power." She said wisely.
You stared at her questioningly. "care to elaborate?"
"What I'm trying to say is, you refuse to be weak yet you are still in a state of weakness. But your determination to learn is something that makes you accept greatness while Strange and his ego refuse to be weak but he still has a long way to go to reject his greatest weaknesses and yet he still tries to accept greatness" she explained, fidgeting her fingers together behind her back.
Stephen blinked. "so you said that, I can be better if I get rid of my ego?"
"Certainly" She nodded a little.
"But why aren't you telling us about everything that you teach us? Why does Kaecillius and his followers that Dhani is always busy with have anything to do with you all? What are you really up to?" you questioned
"I can't really tell the two of you about this yet but the path you two are on, is the path that you both agreed to go on"
But you ant Stephen already know certain things.
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"So how ancient is she, exactly?" Stephen asked as he observed the Ancient One who was watching another pair of students in front of her.
Mordo glanced up at Stephen before he got up from his kneeling position after finishing tying the laces of his leather boots. He smirked. "No one knows the age of the
Sorcerer Supreme. Only that she's
Celtic, and doesn't talk about her
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"why? surely you know who she is and how old she is" you replied questioningly as you glanced at Dhani who was tightening her belt around her waist.
"Well, like I said. She never talked about herself nor did she talk about her past." Dhani responded.
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"And you follow her, not knowing...?"
Mordo walked onto the practice floor, waiting for Stephen to prepare. Stephen mirrored him then opened his fighting stand and they both circled facing each other. Testing the distance between the two of them.
"I know she is steadfast, and unpredictable. Merciless, and kind. She made me what I am. Trust your teacher." He whipped into the a kick that makes Stephen leaped back.
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You stepped back from Dhani who tried to swing, her practice dagger at you.
"best advice, don't lose your way" Dhani said as she opened her fighting stand again.
"like Kaecillius?" you replied, also opening your fighting stand.
"Aye" Dhani exclaimed before she charged at you with her practice dagger.
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Stephen punched Mordo's side so hard that Mordo stepped back. A flicker of surprise was etched in Mordo's eyes that Stephen knew that name.
"Did you know him?" Stephen waving his hurt hand trying to relieve the cramp.
"When he came to us, he had lost everyone he ever loved. He was grieving. Broken. He searched for answers in the mystic arts. " Mordo told Stephen while rubbing his side that hurt.
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"he was a strange guy.. He always sat alone in the library. Sometimes I saw him with some students sitting together like they were trying to form a cult. He was always interested in dark stuff, you know." Dhani told you as she fixed the hold on her practice dagger.
"So you really know about him?" You said.
"not much, I joined Kamar Taj when he had already joined. So I only know a little about him." Dhani replied before she held out her practice dagger to you. "now I want you to train with this dagger as well"
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Mordo gets Strange in a chokehold, talking fiercely in his ear as Strange tries to escape. In the emotion of the subject matter, things get a little real for a minute.
"But he was proud and headstrong. He questioned the Ancient One. Rejected her teachings. " Mordo said in Stephen's ears, fiercely.
Stephen elbowed Mordo's side hard to escape from his chokehold. Mordo automatically lost his hold on Stephen. Both of them gasped. Stephen rubbed his sore neck while Mordo gasped for water while rubbing his side. They began to circle again.
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"Next thing I know, he already left Kamar Taj with some students following him like sheep" Dhani stopped the dagger from making contact with her skin as you tried to push the practice dagger into her stomach.
You stay in that position." He stole a forbidden ritual, didn't he? "
"yes" Dhani replied before putting more pressure in her hands to pushed you away.
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Stephen raised out his fighting stance, lowering his hands. He breathe heavily.
"And what does this ritual do?" He questioned.
Mordo shrugged off that question. He smirked. "No more questions" Mordo exclaimed before he lifted up an ancient bronze quarterstaff from a rack. It comes alive in his hands as soon as he lifted it up to showed it ay Stephen.
"What's that" Stephen pointed out.
Another questions making Mordo shakes his head wryly.
"A relic. Some magic is too powerful to sustain, so we imbue objects with it, allowing them to take the strain when we cannot. This is the Staff of the Living Tribunal." Mordo explained before he demonstrated the staff by stretching it until it released a spark of fire and then swung it to the ground causing Stephen to step back.
"But there are many relics. The Wand of Watoomb. The Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth. The Vaulting Boots of Valtorr, The Songbirds" Mordo continued, circling around Stephen as he shows Stephen the relic.
Stephen blinked at the flood of information.
"They just roll off the tongue, don't they? " he said jokingly.
"I haven't even mentioned the Brazier of Bom'Galiath. " Mordo said, smirking.
Stephen chuckled slightly at that. "When do I get a relic?"
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"Soon" Dhani replied while spinning her two relics in her hands with a show off.
"How come you are so sure that I will get the relic? What if I don't get it?" You exclaimed.
"I just think you can get relics. I mean, if you can't get it, at least you have magic to defend yourself. Not that you can't summon any weapon, right?" Dhani said, cheekily.
You nodded in agreement. "So what do we want to do now?"
Dhani smirked before settling in her fighting stance. The songbirds in her hands are readily in her hands. "try summoning a weapon, dear"
You nodded and then without hesitation, you began conjuring a whip from both of your hands. A nimbus of power crackling in your holds as you try to shape it, Dhani strikes you with her two daggers.
You dodged her attack by hitting one of her daggers from her hand making the Wren fall to the ground not far from where the two of you were standing. Dhani cocked her head as if to show that what you did was not bad before she stretched her free hand towards the Wren.
The Nightingale from her other hand starts to glow from each carving up to the ruby ​​stone in the middle that glows with a purple glow. Quickly, The Wren returned to Dhani's hand before Dhani struck you again but this time with Nightingale.
"fight! fight like your life depends on it. The enemies will not know what rest is!" Dhani shouted every time she attacked you.
You dodged from every attack Dhani gave with whipped magic in both hands. You breathed fast and tired as you dodged and blocked Dhani's counterattack.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Mordo leaps high into the air, magical boots flashing, to come down behind Strange and knock him sprawling. Stephen breathed heavily as he lay on the ground. Mordo looked down at him. Sweat covering both men.
"Because someday it may." Mordo said.
Stephen blinked a few times trying to understand the meaning behind what Mordo said. Little did they know, The Ancient One was watching the interaction of her four students, smirking faintly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You breath heaving as you fell to the ground after Dhani tackling your legs which is not painful anymore as the first time you got it. You're healed legs. You looked at Dhani who was bent over trying to get oxygen in her lungs.
"well, that's quite intense" Dhani breathed out.
You groaned as you tried to sit up. Of course, your thighs and other body parts will bruise depending on how hard Dhani hits you.
You're lucky she didn't use her two daggers for real. Otherwise, you will bleed out on the ground long ago.
"next time training, remind me if you want to attack me before I have time to summon weapons" you stretched out your tired right hand.
Dhani shook his head. "nahh, tell me what kind of bad people will tell you to attack you before you conjure a weapons?" Dhani approached you before stretching her hand out for you to greet. "Get up, grandma. Sewing time is over"
You groaned at her comments before reaching for her hands and getting up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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That is Dhani's relics that I imagine and found while scrolling on Pinterest.
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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George Harrison and Bob Dylan onstage at the Concert for Bangladesh, August 1, 1971 (photo by Bill Ray (?)); Bob Dylan, photographed by Elliott Landy.
“My dad’s favorite number was 7, and a lot of things that he did were according to the number 7, whether he meant it or not. That was the highest honor I could have given a track on the album [Brainwashed], to put it track 7.” - Dhani Harrison, Brainwashed EPK
Track no. 7 series: “Behind That Locked Door” —
“I think that [‘Behind That Locked Door’] was very much influenced by Bob [Dylan]'s ‘Nashville Skyline’ [1969] period. I actually wrote that the night before the Isle of Wight Festival [in August 1969].” - George Harrison, Billboard, January 8, 2001
“‘Behind That Locked Door’ came from when Bob Dylan was playing at the Isle of Wight soon after his Nashville Skyline album. I wrote this song about him: ‘Why are you still crying? Your pain is now through Please forget those teardrops Let me take them from you The love you are blessed with This world’s waiting for So let out your heart please, please From behind that locked door’ It was a good excuse to do a country tune with pedal steel guitar.” - George Harrison, I Me Mine (1980)
Speaking of Nashville Skyline...
On the album cover, Dylan is pictured with George's Gibson J-200, a gift from George:
“In fact, he thought so highly of his Gibson J-200 that he included it on the cover portrait of his 1969 album, Nashville Skyline. It probably helped that the guitar, which he would later play at the Isle of Wight Festival [August 31, 1969], was a gift from George Harrison.” - lespaul.com, February 18, 2010
“[W]hen he [Dylan] eventually went on stage [at the Isle of Wight Festival, 31 August 1969], he was excited, proudly brandishing his guitar like a schoolboy and beaming: ‘Look, I’ve got George’s guitar!’” - The Independent, May 29, 2015
“Harrison later gave his Gibson J-200 to his friend Bob Dylan, who can be seen holding it on the cover of the 1969 album #NashvilleSkyline. Elliott Landy, the photographer who took the shot of Dylan for that cover, remembers Dylan telling him that he was given the guitar by Harrison. Landy says Dylan wanted the guitar in the photo with him, tipping his hat as a thank-you to his friend for the generous gift.” - Beatles Gear: All The Fab Four’s Instruments From The Stage To The Studio (2002) (x)
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winters-lust · 1 year
Winter to Spring | Self Para
Winter couldn’t  have been more thrilled for this event. She’d been on her best behaviour for some time. No unprovoked attacks, no mysterious gifts sent, she simply glowed in the wake of her victory over Layla and her friends.
Though, that didn’t mean she wasn’t prepared to unleash more of her temper on the girl and an event like this provided the perfect excuse. She wouldn’t know who was torturing her, wouldn’t be able to run off to her allies to tattle. Winter could deliver some much deserved pain without any consequence.
Thank the gods for whomever was ruining the headmasters fun.
As she arrived her eyes quickly found her former vessel chained up, it was easy to do considering how long Winter used to see that face and body in the mirror. Close by was Scarlett, what a delightful treat! Both slaves could taste her wrath today and would be forced to keep their mouths shut about it.
She took two ready steps towards the girls when a familiar cry was released, one that froze Winter’s body entirely. She felt cold as she turned to see Dhani being whipped on the other side of the quad. He let out a second cry and it felt as if a hand had reached into her chest and had taken a clutching grip around her heart.
A third cry was released but this one came from Avery, who was just a little further down the line. No. No not him too. She prayed his strangely wired brain was still registering all this as pleasure but she wouldn’t put it past the institute to magically correct that feature for the duration of the weekend. 
A fourth painful groan came from much closer to her, James. She’d yet to experience his safety being brought into question. He was a master, he wasn’t at risk for these kinds of things. Now she was faced with his punishment as well. More familiar faces began to arise as she really opened her eyes to look around. Sweet slaves who didn’t deserve this kind of pain, like Isabel. Polite slaves who could be rather enjoyable conversation, like Skyler. Strong slaves who had already been through enough in their lives, like Xavier. 
A pang of guilt and a strong urge to protect settled heavy in her gut. This... this wasn’t right. Their pain was not warranted, not needed and Winter found no joy in it.
Even those with devices in hand seemed agonized by their actions. Alfie who was being forced to hurt a frail little thing, wait... she knew her name, Daisy. And Tilly, who had proven to be nothing but fun, being forced to hurt Ava, who even Winter had to reluctantly admit, tried to protect those she cared for which included Jace. More and more the names of slaves came to her as she noted their terrorized faces. Persephone, Ana, Elliot, and more and more.
Heart seized and guilt laden, Winter took a step back and then another, before she turned entirely and marched away from the screams.  She tried to keep as composed as she could but with every step she took it reality set further in.
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Winter couldn’t deny, something had changed. Her opinions on the island games for one, but more importantly, her ability to ignore the pain of others. Usually drive and determination narrowed her focus to solely see her victims, it saved her from seeing others she... cared for... Gods, she cared for people, and more than she’d expected. She cared if they were hurt. She cared if they faced unjust pain. Her instinct to protect had expanded to include others without her even realizing. 
Her mind whorled and she felt unbalanced as she headed home, the cried still echoing in her ears even as she created more distance. These revelations were consuming and confusing. It wasn’t just that something had changed...
Everything had changed. Her footsteps became an echo as she moved down quiet streets. A second panic, one saved for herself, fluttered in her chest.
By walking away, Winter was electing not to participate in the events of the weekend. By staying away, she was condemning them, in fact. The masters and mistresses who’d been spared were no doubt expected to engage in the torture. With her own reputation on the island she would be an expected guest. Her absence would most certainly be noted by the elite and powerful on the island.
Perhaps she was putting herself in danger by leaving. She might be seen as ‘going soft’ which might put a target on her back from the administration. Or at the very least, it might open herself up to attack from other villainous players.
These threats struck at her fears and demanded attention, however they could not overpower the disgust and heartbreak she felt over those in the quad. Yet another change it would seem. 
Swallowing against these new emotions and the lump in her throat, Winter slipped back into her suite. 
She remained there throughout the weekend, partly pouring over books for ways to dull pain or release compulsion, partly smashing plates and throwing books with the frustration of being helpless against this event, and partly drinking and sitting curled up in the silence of her room, re-examining the shift in who she was and reeling over who that made her now.
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chokhidhanikalagram1 · 7 months
Celebrate Shivaratri with Style: Exceptional Gift Ideas from Chokhi Dhani Kalagram
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Shivaratri, known as the "Great Night of Shiva," is a significant Hindu festival celebrated in honour of Lord Shiva. Devotees observe fasts, perform rituals, and offer prayers to seek blessings for prosperity and well-being.
Understanding Shivaratri
Shivaratri holds immense cultural and spiritual significance in Hinduism. It symbolises the overcoming of darkness and ignorance, leading to enlightenment and salvation. Devotees stay awake all night, chanting prayers and meditating, to emulate the penance of Lord Shiva.
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Chokhi Dhani Kalagram: A Destination for Gifts
Chokhi Dhani Kalagram is renowned for its exquisite collection of traditional Indian handicrafts and artefacts. Located in the heart of Rajasthan, it offers a diverse range of gifts that reflect the rich cultural heritage of India.
Brass Pooja Items: Timeless Gifts
Brass pooja items are an integral part of Shivaratri celebrations. From diyas to incense holders, Chokhi Dhani Kalagram offers a stunning array of brass artefacts that add a touch of elegance to your worship space.
Wooden Home Decor Items: Rustic Elegance
Add a rustic charm to your home with Wooden Home Decor Items from Chokhi Dhani Kalagram. From intricately carved wall hangings to handcrafted statues, these pieces exude warmth and simplicity, perfect for adorning your living space during Shivaratri.
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Marble Pooja Mandir: Sacred Elegance
Elevate your pooja room with a marble pooja mandir from Chokhi Dhani Kalagram. Crafted with precision and adorned with intricate designs, these mandirs symbolise purity and devotion, creating a sacred ambiance for your prayers.
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Lord Shiva Murti: Divine Presence
Invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva murti with a beautifully sculpted murti from Chokhi Dhani Kalagram. Carved from high-quality marble, these murtis capture the divine essence of Lord Shiva, radiating peace and tranquillity in your home.
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Marble Singhasan: Majestic Seating
Create a regal ambiance in your pooja room with a marble singhasan from Chokhi Dhani Kalagram. Designed to perfection, these majestic thrones offer a comfortable seating arrangement for your deities, enhancing the grandeur of your worship space.
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Choosing the Perfect Gift
When selecting Shivaratri gifts, consider the preferences and tastes of the recipient. Opt for items that resonate with their spiritual beliefs and add value to their worship rituals. Personalised gifts, such as engraved murtis or customised pooja thalis, make for thoughtful and memorable presents.
Gift Wrapping Tips
Make your Shivaratri gifts even more special with creative and elegant wrapping techniques. Use traditional Indian fabrics, such as silk or brocade, to wrap the gifts, and embellish them with decorative accents like bells or beads. Adding a handwritten note with heartfelt wishes adds a personal touch to the gift-giving experience.
Celebrating Shivaratri with Chokhi Dhani Kalagram
Experience the essence of Shivaratri with Chokhi Dhani Kalagram's exquisite collection of gifts. Whether you're seeking traditional artefacts or contemporary decor pieces, our curated selection ensures a memorable and spiritually enriching celebration.
As you prepare to celebrate Shivaratri, embrace the spirit of giving with thoughtful gifts from Chokhi Dhani Kalagram. From timeless pooja items to divine marble murtis, our collection embodies the essence of this auspicious occasion. May your Shivaratri be filled with blessings, joy, and spiritual fulfilment.
Q.1 What is the significance of Shivaratri?
A. Shivaratri holds immense cultural and spiritual significance in Hinduism. It symbolises the overcoming of darkness and ignorance, leading to enlightenment and salvation.
Q.2 Why are brass pooja items popular for Shivaratri?
A. Brass pooja items are popular for Shivaratri due to their durability, elegance, and symbolic importance in Hindu rituals. They add a touch of tradition and spirituality to worship spaces.
Q.3 How can I choose the perfect Shivaratri gift?
A. When selecting Shivaratri gifts, consider the recipient's spiritual beliefs and preferences. Opt for items that resonate with their devotion to Lord Shiva and enhance their worship rituals.
Q.4 What materials are commonly used to make pooja mandirs?
A. Pooja mandirs are often crafted from marble, wood, brass, or stainless steel. Marble mandirs are revered for their timeless elegance and durability, while wooden mandirs exude warmth and rustic charm.
Q.5 Why is Lord Shiva worshipped on Shivaratri?
A. Shivaratri is dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being in Hinduism. Devotees worship Lord Shiva on this auspicious day to seek his blessings for prosperity, protection, and spiritual enlightenment.
Q.6 How can I enhance the ambiance of my pooja room for Shivaratri?
A. Enhance the ambiance of your pooja room for Shivaratri by decorating it with traditional artefacts, such as brass lamps, incense holders, and floral garlands. Create a serene atmosphere with soft lighting and aromatic incense.
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Discovering the Vibrant Heritage of Jaipur: A Comprehensive Tour Package Guide
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Jaipur, also known as the "Pink City," is the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan and is a popular tourist destination. It is famous for its magnificent forts, palaces, and vibrant culture. Here are some of the highlights of a Jaipur tour package:
Visit the iconic Amber Fort: This grand fortress, located on a hilltop, was the former capital of the Kachwaha Rajputs. The intricate carvings and the breathtaking view of the Maota Lake make it a must-visit place.
Explore the City Palace: It is a beautiful palace complex built by the Rajput kings. The palace houses several courtyards, gardens, and buildings that showcase the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan.
Witness the beauty of Hawa Mahal: The palace of winds is a five-story structure with a unique facade designed to allow the women of the royal household to observe the street without being seen.
Shop at the Johari Bazaar: This bustling market is famous for its exquisite jewelry and precious stones. It is a perfect place to buy souvenirs and gifts for your loved ones.
Visit Jantar Mantar: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is an astronomical observatory built by Maharaja Jai Singh II. It houses a collection of astronomical instruments that were used to study celestial objects.
Take a tour of the Nahargarh Fort: Located on the edge of the Aravalli Hills, this fort offers a panoramic view of Jaipur city. It is also a popular spot for hiking and picnic.
Enjoy a Rajasthani meal: Jaipur is famous for its spicy and flavorful cuisine. Don't forget to try the local specialties such as dal baati churma, ker sangri, and gatte ki sabzi.
Attend the Jaipur Literature Festival: If you happen to visit in January, you can attend the world's largest free literary festival that takes place in Jaipur. It attracts renowned writers, intellectuals, and thinkers from across the globe.
Stay at a heritage hotel: There are several palaces and havelis in Jaipur that have been converted into luxury hotels. Staying in one of these properties will give you a royal experience and a glimpse into the regal lifestyle of the past.
Visit the Chokhi Dhani: It is a cultural village that offers a glimpse into the rural life of Rajasthan. You can enjoy traditional folk dance, music, and food here.
A Jaipur tour package is a perfect way to explore the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan. With its vibrant culture, exquisite architecture, and delicious cuisine, Jaipur will leave you mesmerized.
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chokhidhanikalagram · 2 years
Decorate your home with Kalagram's traditional handicrafts.
 When it comes to the production of arts and crafts for Home Decoration Showpieces, Rajasthan is one of the wealthiest states in the nation. The warlike way of life that Rajasthanis led may have enhanced their artistic talent and creative instincts, which in turn led them to produce some of the most lavish and valuable artefacts. The most dazzling shapes were given to fabrics, stone, clay, leather, wood, ivory, lac, glass, brass, and other materials. From the second to first century BC, art flourished in this area, and it did so for many years after that. There was a formal art school operating in Baroli, in the Hadoti area, as evidenced by the presence of multiple statues. This is supported by terracotta, other stone sculptures, and cave paintings discovered at various locations.
Why shop at Kalagram:
Being affiliated with the already well-known brand "Chokhi Dhani" and being a crucial component of the renowned group's creative umbrella, Kalagram has access to the knowledge, skills, and guidance of the stakeholders who believe in and dedicate themselves to utmost customer satisfaction through a variety of endeavours. The identification, preservation, and promotion of India's traditional arts and crafts are the main goals of their work. Kalagram hopes to share the rich history of Indian art and culture with visitors through Decorative Items for Home Online. Providing its customers with traditional crafts and handicrafts from the handlooms collected from all over India under one roof, Kalagram is the one-stop store for anything relating to handicrafts.
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Rajasthani home decor that is one-of-a-kind:
Marble sculpture:Stoneworkers in Rajasthan are renowned for their exquisite sculptures carved out of marble, granite, quartzite, and other stones. You may have stunning marble statues of gods and goddesses in your puja area. Additionally, animal or human figurines can offer your TV unit or display a beautiful appearance. These goods are great choices for your home's design if you want to give it a rich, regal appearance.
Rajasthani hand-painted wooden boxes:
Don't we all like gathering beautifully embellished hand-painted boxes? This nicely constructed Storage Box for Kitchen and home will undoubtedly convince you to buy one. Wooden boxes with hand-painted designs come in a variety of hues and dimensions. Multiple functions are served by the adorable tiny eye candy boxes. These hand-painted boxes can be used to store anything from special spices to charging cords to spare keys and jewellery such as bracelets, finger rings, and earrings.
Set of Meenakari horse figurines:Let's embrace the age-old Meenakari craft to decorate your home in the manner of Rajasthan. In Jaipur and Udaipur, you may discover exquisite Meenakari crafts. Decorate your living area with figure sets that are decorated with Meenakari work to preserve its charm.
Multicoloured floral Meenakari artwork on wooden bajot:
This bajot is perfect for gift-giving and Home Decor Item since it is made of high-quality wood and is embossed with vibrant Meenakari artwork. Use furniture with beautiful tiny paintings to provide that additional classic touch to your living area. Indian mythological tales are depicted in this form of bajot from Rajasthan. The skill of creating tiny paintings is a wonderful way to celebrate a traditional ethnic feel in your décor since they include such profound artwork.
Cotton bedsheets with blooming Kantha at work:
Such bedsheets are a masterpiece, embellished with Kantha work details and flower designs. It has a high thread count and is constructed of soft cotton on its whole making them perfect Bedroom Decoration Items. This bedsheet's regal and opulent attractiveness is a result of the legendary Rajasthani motifs. Because of its excellent thickness, it is the best bedsheet for the winter. Its softness, comfort, washability, and brilliance make it such a desirable commodity.
The ancient Rajasthani ideals and extensive cultural legacy of Kalagram's crafts and artwork have earned them worldwide acclaim. These decorative pieces, which come in a variety of materials including marble, carved wooden boxes, and more, will give your home an opulent appearance thanks to their dazzling colours and spectacular craftsmanship. Kalagram is the one-stop store for everyone's Home Decor Items Online, offering more than 1000 exquisite cultural artefacts.
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greensparty · 2 years
Album Review: Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros “Joe Strummer 002: The Mescalero Years”
When you're the leader of The Clash, finding you're next act can be a tough act to follow, but as I've said before, I actually think some of Joe Strummer's solo work is just as good and in some cases better than The Clash. I know that's a bold statement but it's true. After Strummer died in 2002, I picked up the posthumously released Streetcore album he did with his band The Mescaleros. It was my #1 album of 2003 and one of the best of the 2000s. Over time I've discovered The Mescaleros and the band’s 1999 debut Rock Art and the X-Ray Style is quite good. In 2018 I got to review the compilation Joe Strummer 001 and was truly blow away by the sheer amount of 5-star music Strummer put out post-Clash. I mean Wow! In 2021 I got to review the single disc compilation Assembly, also quite good even though it doesn't dig as deep. Earlier this year I got to review the anniversary edition of Clash's Combat Rock. All of these serve to remind us how ahead of his time Strummer was with his call for equality in his lyrics and using the punk sound along with world sounds, the music still holds up, especially in 2022! Now the music of The Mescaleros is getting the box set treatment on Joe Strummer 002: The Mescalero Years, recently released on Dark Horse Records, the label of George Harrison, now run by Olivia and Dhani Harrison.
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box set cover
Disc 1 of this box set is Rock Art and the X-Ray Style. When the album was first released in 1999, it marked Strummer’s first proper album since 1989 and was released on Tim Armstrong’s label Hellcat Records. The band was super tight, especially guitarist Anthony Genn and bassist Scott Shields complimenting Strummer’s style. Always dug this album! Disc 2 is Global a Go-Go. I missed this album when it was first released in 2001, but many of the songs I’ve become a big fan of via compilations they have appeared on since then. Some of the songs appeared on some movie and TV soundtracks too. Disc 3 is Streetcore. Recorded in 2002 before Strummer’s death, Mescaleros Martin Slatterly and Scott Shields completed the album for the posthumous release in 2003. I listened to this a ton throughout the 00s and for my money it is just as good if not better than some Clash albums. Easily. Still sounds amazing! Disc 4 is Vibes Compass, a collection of B-sides and rarities. It’s mostly demos and early versions of songs that made it onto the three albums, but some highlights include “Ocean of Dreams” featuring Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols (kinda cool to have these two U.K. punk icons on one song) and their cover of Johnny Rivers’ “Secret Agent Man”.
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the vinyl edition of the box set
Now you’re probably wondering, if one was a fan of The Mescaleros and already own those three albums, why buy this box set? Disc 4 is definitely a cool treat for the fans. The remastering of those three albums from Paul Hicks definitely elevates the already great music. But the biggest reason to buy this is the packaging. The 72-page book is filled with handwritten lyrics and notes from Strummer, awesome photos, insightful liner notes and rare drawings from Strummer. This is such a cool gift (or stocking stuffer) for Strummer fans and it’s about time The Mescaleros got a box set of this caliber!
For info on The Mescalero Years: https://shop.joestrummer.com/products/joe-strummer-002-the-mescaleros-years-4cd
4.5 out of 5 stars
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dhanilyman · 2 years
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I hope you like all your presents... @daisyxlynch​
I still can’t figure out how to fit the moon in a box, but someday, Mary, I’ll lasso that moon for ya. ;)
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[ x ]
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[ x ]
And finally for Topaz, obviously ;)
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daisyxlynch · 4 years
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To: Dhani Lyman- @dhanilyman​
Merry merry Christmas baby!! I love you so very much that I couldn't possibly fit it all into a single gift or note. But I hope that you'll always know. And I hope you like this! I painted it and framed it myself! Miss Evie at the art store helped of course, but I did most of it! I love you! Merry Christmas, and here's to so many more.
Yours forever,
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layla-dubois · 5 years
Merry Christmas Dhani
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(Painted by Layla)
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strangesthirdeye · 1 year
Too Many Secrets (S.H x twin sister! Reader)
Summary: taking the place of Sherlock BBC The Final Problem (episode 3 season 4) Sherlock is surprised to learn that Redbeard's secret is now revealed and also when he discovers that he has a younger sister that he himself does not know. But, that's not the only secret of his life that was revealed.
Warning: mention of missing children, plot twist? angst, mention of drowning, confused on the level of danger, Too many secrets revealed.
P/s: as usual if there is any grammar mistake or confusing sentence as well as confusing storyline. I'm sorry!
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" Look at the violin " Eurus said firmly as she showed her violin towards Sherlock with an emotionless look.
Sherlock narrowed his eyes trying to focus his gaze on the violin that his younger sister was showing.
" It's a Stradivarius " Sherlock said in a soft but firm tone. He himself was confused where this conversation was going to be.
Eurus cocked her head to the side. Looking at Sherlock with a blank look made Sherlock himself feel uncomfortable under the gaze of his younger sister.
" It's a gift " said Eurus.
Sherlock frowned. " who from? "
" Her "
She walks to her right, where a hatch is set into the wall and floor at the edge of the glass. She puts the violin and bows into it and the opening revolves round to Sherlock's side of the glass. After Eurus put down her violin and bow, she then walked back to the middle of the cell and stood in her place again. Sherlock blinked a few times before walking over to the hatch and picking up the violin and bow.
Sherlock's mind began to stir with what Eurus said a few moments ago. Her. Perhaps there are other visitors visiting Eurus. But, it's not possible because this place is strictly controlled by guards and every corner of this place must have CCTV. Also, if the visitor wants to visit they will definitely fill out a form or check the ID or the purpose of their coming here.
Sherlock stood back in his original place. Both hands hold violin and bow. Sherlock looked at the violin for a long time.
" her? " Sherlock asked confused, his brow furrowed.
Eurus looked at Sherlock blankly before slowly tilting her head to the side.
"You don't remember, do you?" Eurus said in a flat tone.
Sherlock thought for a moment. Try to find the old memory hidden in his mind. It was as if he was diving into a vast and deep ocean trying to find an old memory that was fading. An old memory that he himself did not know. An old memory that is still locked somewhere in his mind.
"Remember what? "Sherlock frowned. The violin and bow were tightly held in his hand.
Eurus looked at Sherlock blankly before letting out a small chuckle. She tilted her head to look directly into Sherlock's eyes before she half turned away from him.
"You play, don’t you?" Eurus asked, trying to change the subject.
"How did you know?" Sherlock asked quickly, his mind trying to find that old memory.
Eurus looked back at her brother. Slowly, a small extra unpleasant smile began to appear on her face.
"How did I know? 'She' taught you, don’t you remember? How can you not remember that? How can you not remember 'her'?" answered Eurus with a sorrowful tone of voice, her eyes showed sadness but managed to hide it.
Sherlock swallowed slowly. Heaving a heavy breath, his eyes were still looking at his younger sister as the feeling of unease began to grow.Feelings of guilt began to arise in him. How does he want to remember all that when his mind is still processing all the information that he himself only knew a few days ago.
Sherlock looked at his sister guiltily. "Eurus, I don't remember you at all let alone know what you mean by whom."
Eurus smiled slightly at her brother.
"Interesting. Mycroft told me you’d rewritten your memories; he didn’t tell me you’d written me and 'her' out completely".
Sherlock frowned and this added to his confusion.
"What do you mean, 'rewritten'?" Sherlock asked as his hands tightly gripped the violin and bow.
Eurus looks at him intensely. Oh, how she really wanted his brother to remember their past events. The story of their life, the story of their childhood.
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
The old song began to echo in Eurus's mind. The sound of children's laughter was still fresh in Eurus' mind without realizing that a small smile was etched on her face. An old memory that Eurus herself will never forget.
"You still don’t know about Redbeard and your other half, do you?" Eurus said in her blank tone. The small smile that was engraved earlier is gone and what replaces the smile on her face is her emotionless expression again. The memory that played in Eurus' mind disappeared.
Sherlock looks at her grimly. His mind began to become increasingly confused. His other half? He has a twin that he himself does not remember. Another sibling. It's enough with the younger sister that he himself just knew about and now with his twin that he himself doesn't even remember let alone know her. He himself did not know what to say. He was speechless. His heart was pounding while his mind started to mess up just because there was too much information. Redbeard. His twin. Sherlock's hands began to sweat.
Does Mycroft know about his twin? His missing twin. Does he know what happened to his twin? Is his twin still alive?. This made Sherlock even more angry with Mycroft. He kept too many secrets. There are too many stories of his life that he himself does not remember being manipulated by his eldest brother. For what? To save him?.
"Oh. This is going to be such a good day."
"Sherlock, can I play with you?" young Eurus said to her brother, Sherlock, who is about a year older than her.
Sherlock who was dressed in a light brown jumper and shorts, complete with a pirate hat and his hand holding a wooden sword looked at his little sister.
" this is a boy's game, Eurus. You're a girl, you can't play this game." said Sherlock to his little sister. (forgive me if this seems out of character. I just want to make this storyline interesting..don't mad at me)
Eurus looked sadly at her brother who had already turned his eyes to his best friend, Victor Trevor or known by his pirate nickname, Redbeard. Victor who was wearing a red and checked jacket complete with long pants and wearing boots and has the purple bandana tied around his neck and also an eye patch next to his eyes, looked at his best friend.
before following Sherlock from behind. But before that, Victor looked at Eurus with his smug look as if trying to make her jealous. Eurus glared at Victor. After Victor left, Eurus' eyes were still focused on her brother and best friend. Jealousy began to grow in her. Oh, she really hates Victor. It was because of him that Eurus couldn't spend her time playing and being with Sherlock. It's all about Victor Trevor. It's all about Redbeard.
"Just ignore him, Eurus"
Eurus looked back, looking at the 7-year-old girl who was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a dark blue cardigan and long black pants and not wearing any shoes. She was holding a dead fish in her hand.
Eurus tilted her head slightly. "Why is that?"
The girl looked at her hand that was still holding the dead fish. The girl's hands were wet and must have been because she had just taken the fish from the small river near her house.
"oh, found it by the river. I thought I'd save it by putting it back in the water but, unfortunately, it's dead. I thought I'd bury it. Myc said it's useless" said the girl in that sad tone of voice.
Eurus approached the girl. Before pointing her finger towards the girl's legs.
"Aren't your feet cold?" She said.
And they were both silent for a moment, looking at each other. As if they were communicating using the mind, understanding each other. Well that's because they are siblings. The 7-year-old girl is Eurus' older sister and Sherlock's twin sister. Y/n Holmes. A girl with straight/curly hair that is H/C, her eyes are E/C, and her personality is different from her twin. She is a solitary person, kind-hearted even though she is a bit strange in her behavior but she is friendly with other people (only people she knows) .
Always went to the river near the Holmes family's house, for that reason it was where she played, her favorite place even though her parents had warned her not to play near the river because of the danger but she still wanted to go anyway. After all, where does she want to play?.
"what's wrong with you, sis? " you asked Eurus with a raised eyebrow.
"Sherlock doesn't want me to play with him. He's too busy playing with Victor." replied Eurus, lowering her head a little.
You sighed heavily and looked towards the small hill where Sherlock and his friend were playing pirates. A pirate-like scream could be heard from where you and Eurus were. You looked back at your little sister who looked sad then you started to wipe your wet right hand on the cardigan you were wearing before you put your hand on top of your little sister's head and patted her head gently.
" don't worry Eurus! I'm here. We can play together. But before that we have to bury this fish first. " you said excitedly while holding Eurus's hand with your right hand and started walking.
Eurus raised her head and looked at you happily before nodding and following behind you excitedly while singing the crooked man song along your journey with Eurus.. And that was your last memory with her. Why? because after a few weeks later, you disappeared near the river. Only your black boots and your dark blue cardigan are left by the river. Leaving the unfortunate tragedy to the entire Holmes family.
All the searches have been done but you are still not found. There are some who say that you actually drowned and your body was washed away in the river. Some say that you ran away from home and the worst of all is that you were killed and your body was dumped somewhere else. But, all those theories have nothing to do with what actually happened to you. Your disappearance remains a mystery. And that's where the life story of Eurus Holmes begins.
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together-
".. in a little crooked house."
Sherlock tilted his head slightly as if his mind was starting to trigger something. Something that is getting closer but still far away.
"Oh, so you're starting to remember? Congratulations, Brother." Eurus said still looking at Sherlock with a blank face. Sherlock frowned.
" her song.. her favorite song.. she always brings her music box to the riverside.. don't you remember that, Sherlock? oh yes, I forgot because you were so busy playing with Redbeard.. always Redbeard. It's all about Redbeard" said Eurus again.
Sherlock looked at his little sister for a long time. The violin he was playing slowly stopped immediately.
"So clearly you remember me." Sherlock said slowly.
"I remember everything; every single thing. You just need a big enough hard drive." replied Eurus, slowly she stepped forward.
Sherlock was still standing in the same place. Suddenly, he heard John's voice from the earpiece he was wearing.
"Sherlock" called John from the earpiece.
"Not now" Sherlock said quietly.
"Vatican Cameos." John warned.
"In a minute." said Sherlock before he took the earpiece out of his ear and put the earpiece in his pants pocket.
"Let's continue" said Eurus and stopped a few feet from the glass cell.
"Did they tell you to keep three feet from the glass?" Eurus asked, as if to warn Sherlock.
"Yes." answered Sherlock quickly
"Be naughty. Step closer."Eurus said to Sherlock, trying to persuade Sherlock to approach the glass cell.
Sherlock hesitated a bit whether to approach or not. He looked at Eurus with a furrowed brow.
" why? "
" Do it. Step closer. " coaxed Eurus again with her flat voice.
Sherlock didn't move and was still standing in the same place. He was still hesitant to approach or not. Eurus looked at Sherlock for a long time.
" Tell me what you remember" Sherlock said to Eurus, his expression showing concern but he was good at hiding it. However, Eurus can see behind the mask.
"You, me, Y/n, and Mycroft" Eurus answered again, but the moment your name came out of her mouth, Eurus let out a short breath.
"Mycroft was quite clever. He could understand things if you went a bit slow, However, Y/n.. She understands me and is smarter than you, she is my first favourite person, but you ... you were my second favourite."said Eurus in a deep tone.
Sherlock slowly took a small step forward, as if he was beginning to be influenced by what Eurus was saying.
"Why was I your second favourite? And why was Y/n is your first favourite? " Sherlock asked softly. His feet unconsciously took another small step. While Eurus also took a small step too.
"’Cause I could make you laugh. I loved it when you laughed. Once I made you laugh all night. I thought you were going to burst."Eurus replied her eyes still focused on Sherlock's face.
Sherlock smiled a little as if touched by what Eurus said.
"I was so happy. While Y/n always plays with me, always makes me laugh and treats me well. No wonder why she's my first favorite."
Sherlock's feet took a small step forward. The more steps he took, the closer he got to the glass cell.
"Then Mummy and Daddy had to stop me, of course." Said Eurus
Eurus took a small step. Almost got close to the glass cell.
"Well, turns out I got it wrong. Apparently, you were screaming."
"Why was I screaming?" Sherlock asked confused.
Suddenly Sherlock's mind seemed to play a whimpering sound. Sherlock's gaze lowered.
" Redbeard. Y/n"
Eurus stopped her steps. Tilting her head slightly to the side to look at Sherlock.
"I remember Redbeard and Y/n.. What- what happened to her? what happened to my other half? What happened to Redbeard?" asked Sherlock in a low voice.
Eurus was silent for a moment. Her eyes closed. A heavy breath was exhaled. It turns out that her mind is playing with old memories with you. A small smile began to appear on Eurus' face. Your favorite song sounds clear in Eurus's mind as if you were right there with her singing the song. Oh, how she loves her older sister. Eurus opened her eyes and looked at Sherlock.
"Do you? Do you want to know what happened to your other half? To Y/n, To Redbeard, now?" asked Eurus, taking a small step forward.
"Tell me what I don’t know. Tell me what happened to her? " replied Sherlock, stepping forward too. And now he is right in front of the glass cell.
Eurus looked at Sherlock's face with her intense gaze. And Sherlock frowned after hearing what Eurus said.
"Touch the glass."
"Sherlock? The bones I found."
Sherlock walked towards a nearby room and looked at the TV screen in the room, Looked at John's wet body in the well. Both John's hands seemed to be holding something but Sherlock couldn't see it because of the dark atmosphere in the well. Only the moonlight was shining on the well even though it was quite dim.
"Yes? They’re dogs’ bones. That’s Redbeard." said Sherlock quickly, his breath beginning to shake.
John who was still holding something in his hand began to make a grief expression. His heavy breath was exhaled slowly.
"Mycroft’s been lying to you; to both of us." Replied John with a low voice.
Sherlock who was looking at the TV screen began to frown in confusion, trying to understand what John meant.
"They’re not dogs’ bones."
"Remember Daddy's allergy? What was he allergic to?" asked Eurus trying to trigger something in Sherlock's mind with such a questions.
Sherlock stared at the screen which had now changed to the face of Eurus who was looking at Sherlock with her eyes showing something that Sherlock himself could not understand. Sherlock now has a look on his face as if he has realized something while his mouth is hanging open. Perhaps the lost memory has now begun to rise and appear in his mind.
"What would he never let you have all those times you begged?" Eurus asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.
Sherlock was still silent but his eyes were still focused on the TV screen. Looking at Eurus's face that seemed to be triggering Sherlock's mind with a barrage of questions. And what surprised him was what Eurus said and caused all the lost memories to come rushing through Sherlock's mind.
"Well, he’d never let you have a dog."
Inside Sherlock’s mind, a dog barks. He screws his eyes shut and sees his younger self running through the shallows on the beach with his 'dog' while swinging his wooden sword in the air. His face looked happy.
C"ome on, Redbeard!" shouted young Sherlock as he swung his wooden sword as if directing his 'dog' to run with him.
Nearby, young Eurus runs around, smiling. In one hand she has a plastic toy aeroplane and she holds it up and 'flies' it through the air as she goes and spinning all over the place with her toy airplane. Behind Eurus is her sister who is throwing stones into the river before looking at Eurus and smiling broadly like a mother who is proud of her child. While Eurus with a happy smile ran towards her sister and ran around her sister making airplane noises. Y/n chuckled before she also started running with Eurus chasing Eurus who was now laughing.
"What a funny little memory, Sherlock."
Little Eurus and Young Y/n chase each other with laughter, revealing the Irish setter sitting on the pebbles with a purple bandana tied around its neck. Some distance away, young Sherlock, wearing his yellow jumper, raises his plastic sword and swoops it downwards, smiling towards his dog like a pirate.
"You were upset ..."
Young Eurus runs around behind the dogwhile Y/n chased Eurus behind her with her hands out in front as if she wanted to catch Eurus.
"so you told yourself a better story... "
Still clutching her toy, young Eurus continues trotting around in a circle trying to distance herself from her sister who was still chasing her with a happy expression on her face.
"... but we never had a dog."  said Eurus, saying the sentences one by one and emphasize each words.
Once young Y/n runs across in front of Redbeard, briefly obscuring him from the view. As she trots away, the Irish setter has gone. In its place a young boy is kneeling on the beach. The same age as young Sherlock, he has red hair and he is wearing a thick checked shirt and has the purple bandana tied around his neck. He is wearing a black plastic eyepatch over one eye. He stands up, wielding his own plastic sword like a pirate. Victor Trevor.
Young Sherlock turns to look at him. As young Mycroft continues trying to skim pebbles on the stepping stones some distance away, the red-headed boy runs towards Sherlock, who turns and trots away across the beach with the other boy following him. Little Eurus stopped and turns to watch them, and the red-headed boy stops and turns back to her. They look at each other for a long moment. There is no friendliness in their expressions. There is only hatred. Young Y/n looked at Eurus and the boy before she walked over and put her hand on Eurus' shoulder trying to avoid what happened between the two of them. It was obvious that the two children hated each other.
And what John Watson was holding was the child's skull that was dirty because it had been left in the blind well for too long. Sherlock stared down, tears starting to fall from his eyelids. A heavy breath is exhaled several times. His shoulders heaved up because of his rapid breathing. His heart was beating fast. All the lost memories quickly began to come to Sherlock's mind. And everything has changed.
"Victor." Sherlock whispered softly.
"I remember what Y/n looks like. I remember where he was always with you and playing with you even though I always ignored you and Y/n."
"Now it’s coming." Eurus said softly, her eyes starting to glaze over with tears gathering between her eyelids.
"We played pirates. I was Yellowbeard and he was ..." Sherlock looked at his little sister with watery eyes.
"... he was Redbeard."
"You and Y/n were inseparable. But I wanted to play with my siblings too... I want you to play with me with Y/n but what are you doing? You ignore me and your own twin just to spend your time with him. You have spent our childhood with him. It's all about Redbeard.. It's all about Victor Trevor. And then Y/n disappeared without a trace and you ignore your missing twin as if nothing happened and that's when my childhood was over. I just wanted to play.. "Eurus said in a soft but angry tone. Every sentence that Eurus said pierced into Sherlock's heart several times as if she had the sentence inside her for a long time and was just waiting for the right time to be expressed.
Sherlock took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, try to get rid of the pressure inside him. This is too much for him. oh, how foolish he was to ignore his twin and younger sister in the past. Memory after memory began to fill Sherlock's mind space.
" Oh. Oh, God... "Sherlock said slowly as tears fell down his cheeks. " what-.. What did you do...? "
♪ I that am lost,
Oh, who will find me,
Deep down below,
The old beech tree? ♪
"Please let me out! Please, someone help me! Please." screamed Victor who was cold and drenched in the well but sadly no one was near the well.
"Victor" Sherlock whispered.
"Deep waters, Sherlock, all your life." Said Eurus softly. "In all your dreams-"
"-Deep waters."
"You killed him." said Sherlock, devastated.
Sherlock raised his face and looked at the TV screen which still showed Eurus' face. His eyes were red and even his cheeks were wet with tears.
" you killed my best friend "
"After Y/n disappeared, I didn't even have a best friend. Y/n was my only best friend that I had. But, after she disappeared, I had no one. No one" said Eurus quietly with an angry tone.
"but you shouldn't have killed him-"
"- if I don't have a best friend it means you won't have a best friend either. It doesn't seem fair if you still have someone while I don't have no one."
No one
No one
No one
Sherlock raises his head towards the ceiling.
In the well, John struggles to keep his footing, the water now up to the top of his chest as more pours down.But his foot seemed to kick something in the well. Something hard. But his foot seemed to kick something at the bottom of the well. Something hard.
"We’re going to crash! I’m going to die!" The girl on the plane shouted.
Meanwhile, John grunts with effort, his right arm under the water and apparently tugging at the chains around his feet. While his left arm holding something which he found at the bottom of the well. The rushing water came down fast from above and continued to fill the well and made it difficult for John to stay alive.
Sherlock races through the gateway beside the house, runs round the side to the front and then bursts through the front door, then runs up the stairs.
"I think it’s time you told me your real name." Said Sherlock quickly.
"I’m not allowed to tell my name to strangers." replied the girl on the phone.
Sherlock reaches a closed door on the landing and stops in front of it. Quietly he said:
"But I’m not a stranger, am I?"
Sherlock quickly opened the bedroom door. and he stares intensely at what he sees.
"I’m your brother."
There, Eurus who is still wearing clothes from Sherrinford who is sitting on the floor of the room that was charred from the fire. Her knees drawn up in front of her and her hands wrapped around them. Her eyes are closed and her tears were still flowing down her cheeks.
Sherlock looked at Eurus sympathetically. He’s in a burnt-out bedroom in his family home and he lowers the lantern to the floor and holds out his other hand towards the figure in front of him.
"I'm here, Eurus. " Sherlock said slowly.
Eurus keeps her eyes closed and speaks with a child-like voice:
"You’re playing with me, Sherlock. We’re playing the game. Y/n must be happy. "
"The game, yes. Y/n will definitely be happy. she is always happy. I get it now." He steps closer to her.
"The song was never a set of directions." Sherlock continued.
Eurus' eyes still closed and she said in her voice child-like and frightened: "I’m in the plane, and I’m going to crash."
Sherlock crouches down in front of her.
"And you and Y/n are going to save me." said Eurus still using a child's voice.
"Look how brilliant you are.Y/n must be proud of you. Your mind has created the perfect metaphor. You’re high above us, all alone in the sky, and you understand everything except how to land. " said Sherlock softly.
He shifts round and sits down in front of her, breathless and anxious.
"Now, I’m just an idiot, but I’m on the ground." He reaches out and puts his fingers onto her hands.
" I can bring you home."
Eurus' eyes still closed, plaintively, afraid to open her eyes.
"No." She said quietly while her voice reverts to its adult tone.
"No, no." She shivers.
" It’s too late now." She said,  shivering due to unable to control her emotions.
Sherlock shifting closer to her and lowering his hand. With gentle he said:
"No it’s not. It’s not too late."
Eurus continued to win, her expression changing from fear to sadness and failing to control her emotions.
"Every time I close my eyes, I’m on the plane. I’m lost, lost in the sky and Y/n is not by my side.. Y/n is gone..no-one can hear me." She pulls her knees closer to herself, crying silently.
Sherlock reaches out and gently puts his hand onto hers again. His hand gently caressed Eurus' hand trying to calm her down.
"Open your eyes. I’m here." Whispered Sherlock softly.
Eurus opens her eyes and slowly raises her head, looked at Sherlock's face with a sad expression. Oh, how he missed his brother's touch. Sherlock looked back at Eurus with a sad look.
"You’re not lost any more." Sherlock said softly.
He shifts even closer and reaches out to embrace her. She shuffles forward and wraps her arms around him and they hug each other tightly while she cries. Eurus sobbed into Sherlock's chest as Sherlock gently stroked her hair and back trying to calm Eurus down. Sherlock sighed heavily and rested his chin in Eurus' hair.
"Now, you ... you just ... you just went the wrong way last time, that’s all. This time, get it right. Tell me how to save my friend."said Sherlock in an almost tearful but still clear tone even though his voice was getting raspy as time went by because he was almost crying
John groaned loudly trying to push his feet to the bottom to keep his head up. The water in the well is rising more and more, John almost gives up but tries to make sure he can still survive. The mysterious thing he was holding was still tightly in his damp grasp.
"Eurus ..."
Sherlock loosened his grip slightly from Eurus to see Eurus' wet face due to the tears that wet her cheeks. Eurus looked at Sherlock with her face streaked with tears. Her sobs were dying down now but in the moonlight Sherlock could still see how red Eurus' eyes were.
Sherlock cradled Eurus' face in both hands and looked at Eurus directly with his pleading eyes.
"Help me save John Watson."Sherlock said softly. His hand was still gently caressing Eurus' hair.
Eurus looked at Sherlock for a long moment before her tears fell back down her cheeks.
Red and blue lights lit up the dark night at Musgrave Hall as several police cars were parked around the grounds of the mansion. The sound of the helicopter rotor in the sky indicates that the event is over. Everything is fine again. John Watson was saved from drowning in a well and he was given a gray towel to keep him cool and less wet. Eurus was led away from the house and brought into a police van by two police officers.
Not far from the van, Sherlock looked at Eurus with pity as if he didn't want Eurus to be taken away and put back into Sherrinford. But, that's the end of it. He had to see Eurus go one more time and make sure Eurus' wish came true.
Lestrade then walked towards Sherlock and John and explained about Mycroft. Turns out Eurus just locked Mycroft in his old cell and left him alone there for a long time. Although Mycroft was a little shaken up, he was still fine and did not suffer any injuries. A little thanks to Eurus because she really doesn't want anything from Mycroft.
Before Lestrade left, Sherlock managed to call Lestrade. Lestrade stopped and looked at Sherlock with raised eyebrows.
"Oh, um. Mycroft – make sure he’s looked after. He’s not as strong as he thinks he is. And one more thing, told him I need to see him to talk about something"Sherlock said slowly.
Lestrade looked at Sherlock before nodding in understanding. He knew, even if Sherlock and Mycroft weren't very nice to each other. He knew that Sherlock still cared about Mycroft even though he didn't want to admit it. Same with Mycroft.
"Yeah, I’ll take care of it." said Lestrade before turning and walking away. Leaving Sherlock and John alone there.
"Thanks, Greg" said Sherlock suddenly.
John who was hurdled tightly on the thick towel looked at Sherlock with surprise when Lestrade stopped and looked at Sherlock with his mouth open. Lestrade didn't expect Sherlock to be able to say his name correctly this time. All this time he always said his name wrong and this caused Lestrade to not care what Sherlock called him. But this time, he pronounced it correctly. As for Lestrade, he thought that Sherlock was actually jokingly pronouncing Lestrade's name incorrectly all this time just to annoy him. But, this time it's not just a joke.
Lestrade just looked at Sherlock for a moment before turning and walking away with his pride and joy in his mind.
The atmosphere around Sherlock and John was quiet again. Only the sound of police officers who were assigned to work around Musgrave Hall could be heard. Helicopters and police vehicles could also be heard clearly in the area but that couldn't fight how quiet Sherlock and John were.
John then decided to break the silence.
"You okay?"
"I said I’d bring her home. I can’t, can I?" Sherlock replied quietly.
John nodded slightly. "Well, you gave her what she was looking for: context."
Sherlock looked at John for a moment before turning his gaze forward.
"Is that good?"
John looked around the place. "It's not good, it's not bad. It's ... "
John was silent for a moment trying to find the right words. His eyes darted around the place and looked at Sherlock again.
"it is what it is" replied John quietly before looking ahead.
Sherlock was speechless. He was still processing what John said earlier. Is what he did right? He sent Eurus home, didn't he? But why does Sherlock still not feel that what he is doing is right? Why does he still feel empty? As if something is not complete anymore. Something important that he himself needs to find the answer to. Oh yes, His other half.
Sherlock let out a weak breath. "I don't think what I've done is enough to know my true reality... I don't think it's complete."
John looked at Sherlock strangely.
"I don't think that the story of my life is over after I found out that Eurus is my sister. The younger sister that I myself forgot." Sherlock said slowly.
"So is my twin sister..." Sherlock whispered quietly and John couldn't hear it.
"What are you talking about, Sherlock?" John said confused. He had never heard such a sentence from his friend's mouth. Let alone about his life.
Sherlock was silent for a moment then let out a weak breath and looked at John.
"I have to ask Mycroft about something I don't know myself" said Sherlock.
John was even more confused by what Sherlock said. He had never heard that Sherlock needed Mycroft to ask about something he himself did not know. All this time he was someone who always knew what he wanted. But this time, it was a bit of a surprise for John. Perhaps what happened to Sherlock has changed Sherlock's way of looking at others. A way of looking that John Watson himself did not know.
"About what?" John said.
Sherlock ran his fingers through his dark curly hair a few times.
" Something to do with my other half." Sherlock said slowly.
" your other half? Sherlock don't say that you ha-"
"I'm sorry but i wanted to ask, do you want this thing? If not, we need this to do some tests related to the skull we found. Because this is evidence that may belong to the victim." said a policeman on duty. The police officer was seen holding a wet and dirty music box. The color of the red paint has now faded and is starting to disappear because it has been left in the well for a long time. The Music Box that John Watson found when he was trapped in the well.
Sherlock and John looked at the police officer at the same time before they looked at the medium-sized music box in the police officer's hand. Sherlock widened his eyes.
"Where did you get this music box?" asked Sherlock, taking the music box from the police officer's hand. His eyes looked at the object trying to make any deduction related to the object.
The police officer looked at Sherlock. "Doctor Watson found the music box in the well."
John nodded indicating that what the police officer said was correct. Sherlock then opened the circus-shaped music box. It looks like a round mirror that has a circular pattern in the middle of the mirror like that. But unfortunately, the music box didn't make any sound because it was old and wet with water.
"how many skulls did you find" asked Sherlock suddenly after he closed the music box.
" Enough skulls for one child. That's all we found. That's why we asked if you want to keep the music box or not because we need to know if this music box belongs to the victim," explained the police officer.
" it doesn't belong to the victim." said Sherlock quickly.
John looked at Sherlock quickly as soon as Sherlock said that. The police officer looked at Sherlock with a confused expression.
"it doesn't belong to the victim. So I keep this" said Sherlock again.
"but sir, we need to know if the music box really belongs to the victi-"
"it doesn't belong to the victim and I will keep this, thank you" Sherlock said before walking away with the music box in his hand.
John looked at the already walking Sherlock before looking at the police officer and nodding his way. Then, he chased Sherlock from behind.
"Sherlock! what was that thing?" asked John in confusion, who was now at Sherlock's side.
"I have to do what I promised to Eurus" replied Sherlock quickly.
"What promise?" asked John who was tired and confused.
Sherlock stopped and looked at John. John then widened his eyes in surprise as he heard what Sherlock said.
"I need to know what happened to my twin sister.."
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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Photo by Eli Reichman.
“My dad’s favorite number was 7, and a lot of things that he did were according to the number 7, whether he meant it or not. That was the highest honor I could have given a track on the album [Brainwashed], to put it track 7.” - Dhani Harrison, Brainwashed EPK
Track no. 7 series: “That Which I Have Lost” —
“That Which I Have Lost comes straight out of the Bhagavad Gita, which I was reading at the time and then I turned it into this little country and western tune. The Gita is all about the struggle against the forces of darkness — limitation, falsehood and mortality. It sounds a bit like Star Wars, but life is a battlefield. People think life is all about having fun, and if the fun gets taken away we get upset. But life isn’t fun, it’s like being in prison — ‘I sentence you to life.’ You have to go and fight your battles with duality. And that’s what this song’s about.” - I Me Mine — The Extended Edition (2017)
“If you ask questions like: Why the Beatles? you run into difficulties, because you make it sound like these four people are special agents or something. The simplest explanation for it is to get into a bit of philosophy, the reincarnation theory. We accumulate credit and debit in our life just as we do in our bank, through our own actions. Bob Dylan said it like this: Look out kid, it’s something you did/God knows when, but you’re doing it again. So, whoever Hitler was, he was a nasty bastard. And The Beatles, whoever they were, were the result of what they’d done before. We sentence you to a life imprisonment, but the prison is actually The Beatles. You’ll be famous and rich, but you’ll be imprisoned in that concept, Beatlemania.” - George Harrison, VOX, September 1992 (x)
About the jewelry seen here...
“When I met Heyoka Merrifield in 1975, I was taken by his art and jewelry. The pieces he has made for me have become part of my life and travel with me wherever I go, especially the miniature shrine to Lord Ganesha. Not a gem nor precious metal passes through Heyoka’s hands that is not instilled with a spirit of its own in the process of being transformed into a work of art and beauty." - George Harrison, The Book of Shrines (2013)
"[Heyoka Merrifield] was a lifelong friend of George Harrison of the Beatles, designing [George and Olivia] Harrisons' wedding rings and several traveling altar pieces for meditation and spiritual renewal." - Missoulian, September 16, 2006
"I dedicate Painted Earth Temple to my friend and medicine brother George Harrison, for he joined the world of spirit as the last few chapters were being written. George was a calm center in the hurricane of misplaced archetypal mythic images with which our society seems to resonate. Living in this most difficult environment, he was able to find peace while striving to walk in balance and embracing life as a quest for spiritual understanding. Although our paths on this quest differed, our hearts understood that the path is really only one.
As I write this dedication, an eagle flies past my window toward the mountains, disappearing into the west. In the ancient Earth traditions, this is seen as a gift from the Sacred Powers and it tells me that my friend is close by. May his spirit always soar with the eagles." - Heyoka Merrifield, Painted Earth Temple (2007) (x)
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harrisonstories · 3 years
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Above: Photo of ukulele owned by George Harrison and manufactured by Duke Kahanamoku, Below: a gift tag from Dec. 1999 which reads: "To Jem -- Thanks a lot -- love & Happy Christmas. George Olivia & Dhani"
"In late December 1999, the week before Christmas, I was working as a sub-contractor for Heritage Tree Services on the estate of the late George Harrison at Friar Park, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.
I was asked to help put up the Harrison family Christmas tree in the company of my brother Darren Chamberlain. George Harrison and his wife Olivia Harrison were also present.
We chatted to George Harrison as we were working and my brother Darren Chamberlain asked George Harrison if he knew of anywhere locally where he could buy a ukulele as he had been trying to purchase one for his nephew's Christmas present.
A short while later, as we were leaving the house and were putting on our workboots Olivia Harrison asked us to wait as George had something for us.
The door then opened and George Harrison came out playing the ukulele.
George Harrison then told us that he had bought it in Hawaii some years ago and that his guitar technician had sorted it out and that Joe Brown had recently used it for a recording. George Harrison then said that we could have it for our nephew.
Darren then said that this was far too good a gift for our nephew. George Harrison then said that I should have it and gave it to me."
-- Written statement of confirmation by Jeremy Chamberlain when the ukulele was put up for auction [x]
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Dude what the h e l l that last fic was so crazy (in a good way!! I love the suspense) like so much confusion…how did the locket get there? Does Peter have anything to do with this?? Probably not but idk I just want answers. This story is so goodd
George can’t breathe.
His hand is trembling as he drops the locket, feeling slightly sick.
This can’t be possible.
Could it really be that the same person who broke into their flat a couple of years ago is the one who’s been stalking them? How had they followed them here?
George doesn’t want to stay here. He thought they’d be safe here, but clearly that’s not the case.
He pokes his head out the bedroom door and calls down the stairs for Ringo, but no one responds. The family are still all in the garden.
George takes a few more tentative steps, climbing down the stairs halfway to call Ringo’s name again, but he knows he’s not loud enough to reach the garden. He quickly retreats back to the bedroom to get Dhani, his heart racing and his palms sweating-
He freezes when he sees there’s a man in the room.
There’s a stranger standing in the bedroom, and he’s holding Dhani.
George is too scared to move. He’s never been so terrified in his life.
The man looks as though he’s around George’s age, maybe a few years older, and he’s fairly well dressed. He just looks like an ordinary man. He’s holding Dhani surprisingly gently, as if the baby is his own, and Dhani seems quite happy, having always been good with strangers.
George wants to scream for Ringo, but he’s terrified that calling for help might make the man do something stupid. If this stranger weren’t holding his baby, George would tackle him himself, but he’s petrified for his son’s safety.
“Please,” George whispers, his voice shaking. “Please don’t hurt him.”
The man looks at George as though he’s a little offended.
“I would never hurt him,” the stranger says softly. “I’d never hurt our son.”
What the fuck.
“He looks just like me,” the stranger continues, stroking Dhani’s hair. “He’s so beautiful, George.”
This guy is clearly deranged, whoever he is.
“What do you want?” George asks. “Do you want money? I can give you money. Please-“
“I just want to be with my family,” the stranger replies. “With you and Dhani.”
“What the fuck are you on about?” George sobs, the emotion overwhelming him. “Who are you?”
The offended look returns.
“I’m Ringo,” the man says. “Remember? The man you’ve been living with and performing with isn’t the real Ringo. He’s an imposter. I’m Ringo Starr. I’m the best drummer in the world and I’m married to you and we have our little baby. I’ve come to rescue you from him.”
He’s crazy. He fucking crazy.
George knows the only way out of this is he’s going to have to humour this maniac.
“Right,” George says, trying to sound calm. “Yeah, of course. I remember. Ringo. I’m...I’m so glad you’re here.”
The man smiles. He points to the locket on the floor. “Did you like the gift I brought you?”
“I love it,” George says immediately, picking it up. “It’s beautiful. Thank you. Look, I’m so glad you’re here to rescue me, but...can I just hold Dhani?” His voice is shaking again. “Please. And then we can go wherever you want us to go.”
The man looks hesitant. “Yeah, of course. If you’ll kiss me first?”
It’s a small price to pay, and George is so desperate to have Dhani back in his arms that he does it. He presses his lips against the stranger’s, feeling disgusted with himself, and he’s trembling even more when the baby is finally handed to him.
The only problem now though is that the man has backed George into a corner, and there’s not a lot he can do to attack this person while he’s holding Dhani. George is just figuring out if maybe he can get a good kick in to give him a chance to escape, when suddenly the man is hauled backwards and thrown to the floor.
Ringo, the real Ringo, has him pinned to the floor and is laying into him with everything he’s got. George has seen Ringo fight before, but never like this- he’s like an animal, completely wild as he fights to protect his family.
Dhani is bawling now, and George holds him close as Ringo reigns punches down on his opponent until he’s unconscious.
When he’s finished, Ringo looks up at George with blood on his fists and bruises on his face, and it’s at that point that Peter appears, face turning pale as he observes the scene in front of him.
“Call the police,” Ringo says, and then he’s standing on shaky legs to inspect George and Dhani.
“We’re fine,” George says, but he’s not sure he quite believes himself. “We’re fine.”
He glances at the unconscious stranger on the floor before stepping into Ringo’s arms and sobbing, holding Dhani tight.
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