#giggles and kicks my feet about them both tbh <33
saltycryptid · 1 year
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After battle celebration! 💖 ∑(´⌂` ) 💖
(ft. my perpetually blood splattered durge tav, Maram)
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wh0re43van · 10 months
You are great writer! Stumbled on that on set Evan fic and it was soooo good 🔥 Lol, I actually do work on set and you really captured the atmosphere tbh. Keep it up!
Not sure if you’re open to requests rn, but I would love your take on Evan and his partner trying to make a baby for the first time. He just seems so sweet and I’d love to think of this man in a happy marriage, daydreaming about little feet running around.
Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words <33
So, I decided to make this two parts. This first part is just fluff, the readers get to see Evan in kind of a paternal role in this part, baby making will be in the next, I hope you enjoy!
Also ngl, I had this done for a couple of days now, I just couldn’t think of a title :/ so sorry about that. I’m awful with titles smh
Baby fever (Evan Peters X Reader) Pt. 1
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Summary: While babysitting for Evans brother, you realize that you’re finally ready to have a baby, much to your husbands delight.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: none in this part ;)
Pt2 Pt3
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“Thank you again, I know it’s a bit short notice, “ Evans brother, Andrew, says as he closes the door behind him to step out onto the dim front porch with Evan, his daughter Ellie, and myself.
“Dude, It’s no problem really!” Even smiles, laying a gentle hand on his brother’s shoulder. “It’s always a joy having Ellie around,” he grunts as he picks up her small ‘Peppa Pig’ suitcase and her car seat.
“Yeah, Dad! They love me!” Ellie giggles as she grabs onto my arm. I smile at her snaggle toothed grin. The yellow light of the porch reflecting off her dark hair, making her curly pig tails look golden.
“They’re right Andrew,” I reiterate as we all begin to walk to Evans car, Ellie’s small hand in mine while the crickets chirp their evening song. “Now you go inside and help the Mrs. pack for your..uh.. trip. We’ve got it from here, “ I give Andrew a sympathetic smile, taking Ellie’s sippy cup out of his hand.
Andrews wife’s mother has been rushed to the hospital just a few hours ago and the couple is driving through the night to be there with her. They haven’t told Ellie the reason for the trip, all she knows is that she’s spending the weekend with Auntie y/n and Uncle Evan.
“Be sure to call me if you need anything or if Ellie just wants to talk, bye sweetie,” Andrew picks up his daughter, giving her kiss on the head.
“I love you daddy,” she giggles hugging him back quickly before trying to escape his embrace. “Let me down! I wanna go to Uncle Evans!” She Kicks her small light up sneakers, flashes of purple and red glow on the concrete as her feet hit the ground. Andrew just laughs. Thanking us again before making his way inside.
“Give me the suitcase babe, I’ll throw it in the back,” I take the pink bag out of Evans arms, walking to the trunk to toss it in.
I make my way around the vehicle to see Evan bent over struggling to get the carseat hooked in as Ellie hangs on his leg, both of them erupting in giggles.
“Ellie I can’t get this carseat in with you climbing all over me like that,” he laughs as he pulls at the locked seatbelt, trying to free it so he can stretch it through the back of the child’s seat. Ellie continues as if she hasn’t heard him, and Evan lets her. I smile at the pure joy beaming from my husband. He loves children dearly; his niece is no exception of course. He’s brought up starting a family of our own many times in the few years we’ve been married, I’ve just never felt quite ready with how much time away his job requires, but now things are slowing down and the idea of having a baby grows on me more every day.
“Now Ellie, how will we ever make it to our house if you don’t let Uncle Evan buckle your seat in?” I ask, giving her a stern look. She considers my statement, then reluctantly trudges over to me, leaning on my leg.
“Oh okay,” she frowns, looking up at me with her big hazel eyes.
“Done! … I think.” Evan exclaims, backing away from the vehicle. I stifle a laugh when I see the crooked car seat that he is ever so proud of. I simply walk up and adjust it before plopping Ellie in the seat and strap her in. Finally, we can go home.
After arriving home, we bring Ellie’s bag in to the room that she’ll be sleeping in, I take her down to the kitchen as Evan goes to change into some sleepwear. It’s a bit late, 7:00 pm and the sun’s already set for the night, but we’ve been informed that Ellie hasn’t had supper yet.
“Okay so you want a grilled cheese, we can do that, but you need to have a veggie as well,” I pick up Ellie and set her on the dining chair. She’s expressed that she wants a grilled cheese and only a grilled cheese. She even briefly tried to convince me that she’s allergic to all vegetables. “We have broccoli,” I pull a head of broccoli out of the fridge and set it on the table.
“Yuck!” The small girl rolls her tired eyes.
“Carrots,” I grab a bunch of fresh carrots, placing them in front of her.
“No way!” She shoves them away from her. I huff.
“Or we have green beans,” I reach into the pantry and set a jar of green beans next to the other veggies.
“Aunt y/n, you’re crazy. No thank you to all of them. Just a grilled cheese please,” she says in disgust, reaching for the bag of bread and block of cheese, sliding the ingredients closer to me.
“Ellie-“ I sigh, admittedly losing some patience.
“Oh wow look at all these super veggies that Aunt y/n has laid out for you. You’re lucky, she’s giving you the special ones,” Evan says coming around the corner, now in his pajamas, as he takes a seat next to his niece.
“What do you mean?” She inquires, raising a small eyebrow.
“Oh she didn’t tell you?” He gasps, shifting his gaze to wink at me. I stifle a laugh.
“These carrots,” he pulls the bunch to him. “They give you night vision.” He explains. Ellie considers his claim.
“What about this one,” she hands him the head of broccoli.
“Oh this? It just gives you super speed, no big deal I guess if you don’t want to be the next quicksilver,” he says nonchalantly, tossing the head of broccoli in between his hands. Ellie gasps, her eyes light up.
“I want this one!” She grabs the green veggie and hands it to me. “Please.” She adds, remembering her manners. I laugh.
“Don’t you want to hear about the green beans?” Evens asks, standing up from his seat.
“No thank you. Super speed please!” She crosses her hands on the table, awaiting her superpowers. Evan takes the broccoli from my grasp, turning to grab a cutting board.
“I got it honey, go upstairs and get ready for bed,” he kisses my forehead. I smile and thank him before making my way to our bedroom.
I change into some comfy pajamas and do my nightly routine of skincare and brushing my teeth before padding down the steps. Before I peak my head around the corner I hear Evan shout,
“One more time… GO!” followed by the quick stomping of tiny feet. I clear the corner to see the furniture pushed out of the way and Ellie hurtling full speed towards me. She runs right into my stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of me.
“Jesus,” I wheeze. Ellie giggles boisterously with a toothless smile.
“I’m sorry Auntie y/n,” she manages to choke out as she falls to the ground in her fit of laughter. I look to my husband with wide eyes, trying to process what happened.
“Hey don’t look at me babe, it was the supper broccoli. Hopefully it will wear off soon,” he says genuinely, putting his hands up in defense. I can’t help but laugh.
I take a moment to admire the sight of my husband standing in his sweatpants and old stained shirt draped loosely on his toned body. His beautiful brown curls that are just a bit overdue for a trim sticking out every which way, yet resting perfectly on his soft features, and his scruff filling in more and more every day that he’s doesn’t shave. The gorgeous man in front of me, smiling from ear to ear with the purest of joy in his chocolate eyes makes my heart sing. He’s truly in his element right now. The elation coming from Ellie and Evan is contagious, I find myself in a fit of laughter as well as Ellie crawls up my legs and onto my back.
“Your turn to race Auntie y/n!” She cheers.
“No, no not tonight honey,” I disappoint her with my response.
“We have to clean up and get you ready for bed,” I walk over to Evan, passing the girl on my back into his grasp. “Which will be Uncle Evans job since he’s the one that wound you up,” I raise my eye brows at him. Ellie happily rests in his arms bridal style, her gummy grin never leaving her face.
“Hey, don’t give me that look,” he begins to walk towards the steps. “You’re the one that gave Ellie speed enhancing veggies,” he reminds me, almost fooling me as well, with how serious his tone and expression are.
I roll my eyes as I turn to put our living room back together.
‘You’d think Evan would know not have a 6 year old run laps around the house half an hour before bedtime.’ I sigh as I push our couch back into place. As irritated as I want to be, I can’t help but feel giddy. Seeing how happy Evan is with Ellie makes my heart swell with joy.  
‘Maybe I will discuss having a baby with him.’ I think to myself as I replace our rug and coffee table back into the center of the room.
‘But having a child isn’t always fun. It’s much different having your own child than babysitting.’ I make note to remind him as I shove our recliner back to its designated spot.
‘And pregnancy can be complicated’ I’ll have to tell him. ‘I hope mine won’t be, but it is something you have to prepare for’ I’ll explain. He’s not the one getting pregnant so I know this may not be something he’ll consider.
I make my way to the kitchen to begin stacking the dishwasher with what little dishes Evan left in the sink before he went to destroying our living room.
‘And what will we do if you get a big job and have to fly halfway across the country while I’m in labor or freshly postpartum?’ I’ll be sure to ask. I begin to make myself nervous considering all my concerns.
‘And what if-‘
“She’s laying down,” Evans comforting voice breaks me from my thoughts. I can hear the smile as he speaks. I don’t even need to look up. “Once I finally convinced her that there is no goblin living in our guest room closet, she crawled right in bed,” his voice gets closer as he moves to wrap his strong arms around my waist, I lean back to rest my head on his shoulder, taking in his familiar scent. I turn to look up at him. I don’t know how his dimples haven’t popped right off his face from how much he’s been smiling this evening.
“Let’s have a baby,” I blurt out, looking into the pure joy glinting in his eyes. The joy turns to shock. He grabs my shoulders, spinning me around so he can search my eyes for any hint of joking. There isn’t any.
“Are you serious y/n?” He asks. The smile now just his jaw dropped to the floor, his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised so high that they’re hidden behind his curls. I chuckle at his reaction, my chest warming at how excited that one sentence has made him.
“Yes,” I simply answer. He matches my smile, pulling me into his chest so tight it almost hurts, but I don’t say anything.
“I want nothing more than that y/n,” he mumbles to the crook of my neck. I wiggle out of his grip enough to meet his gaze, seeing his mahogany eyes glistening. He blinks and a single tear threatens to escape though his long lashes. He reaches a hand up quickly to wipe the happiness attempting to leak from his eye.
“Let’s do it,” I grin. Every doubt, every concern, flying quickly out of my mind. The speech I was going to give him about the dangers and responsibilities of childbearing now long gone after seeing how happy the idea of us having our very own bundle of joy is making Evan.
“I love you so much y/n Peters,” he pulls me into a soft kiss, his lips warm against mine. I reach my hands up to bury my fingers in his curls.
“And I love you Evan Peters,” I smile against his lips. Though this kiss is gentle, but it is easily the most intimate kiss we’ve had. I can feel the adoration with every breath that fans over my face. “I think we should try as soon as Ellie goes home,” I suggest, pulling away from the kiss, resting my forehead on his.
“You wouldn’t reckon my brothers on his way home now, would you?” He jokes as he reaches down to grab my hands. Running his thumbs over my knuckles.
“I’m not even sure they’re out of the state yet Ev,” I smile at my husband. He brings both my hands up to his mouth, kissing each one gently.
“I suppose I can wait,” he sighs. I giggle, grabbing his arm to guide him to our room.
“Let’s check on Ellie one more time, then we can head to bed ourselves,” I whisper as we walk towards the guest room.
“You seriously expect me to be able to sleep, Honey? I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve night,” he flashes his dimples, I roll my eyes and smile at his excitement.
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a-silly-alterhuman · 9 months
gay books i suggest!!
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the song of achilles : made me literally cry a few times. its abt achilles and patroclus growing up together the book is read as if your patroclus and i wont spoil it but its fucking sad so be perpared with tissues after your down reading it. overall its an amazing book and i HIGHLY suggest it<3
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10 things that never happened: OMG THIS BOOK. it made me squeal and giggle so much but also cry a few times lol. its bascially about a guy who fakes amnesia and has to stay at his boss house OVER CHRISTMAS but eventually something happens between them and...im not gonna spoil it but if you read it youll see what happens in the book:33
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they both die at the end : tbh im still reading this one so i cant say alot but so far it is amazing and ive been squealing and kicking my feet in the air its an amazing book and i highly recommend it!
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here the whole time : AHAHHAHH THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD!!! its based in brazil so if you dont want a mainly white gay book here you go! its kinda sad tbh because the main character is very insecure abt his body but learns to tolerate it little by little with the help of his neighbor whos staying with him for winter break it starts out akward but eventually they get along and stuff happens and its amazinggg. after reading the book i was kicking my feet around and happily giggleing.
overall hoped you like this list i might make another one later in the future idk yet tho! sorry the list is so short haha
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OH MY GODDD okokok so first off. That gojo post. fucking DELICIOUS !! Ughhhh gojo comforting u with cuddles n him being all soft and sweet and ohhh I’m weak <333 that was so good I’m literally twirling around in circles giggling kicking my feet screaming BUT ALSO !! The post u reblogged about lipstick kisses jesus what are you DOING TO MEEEEE !! You’ve put domestic poly!stsg thoughts in my brain. Sitting on suguru’s lap with his arms wrapped around ur waist and his head buried into ur neck from behind + satorus head on your lap while u do ur makeup… Satoru being cheeky n leaning up to kiss u all over ur face even if you’re busy putting on ur makeup because he just thinks ur so gorgeous :)) or suguru being the housewife he is and washing dishes/cooking while u latch onto him from behind <333 going grocery shopping with them and satoru whining about wanting sweets the whole time (n sugu pretends to be annoyed but folds and lets the both of you get as many snacks or diff ice cream flavours to try as u want) or doing ur nighttime routines together. One of u in the shower one of u brushing ur teeth/doing skincare and one of u just sitting on the bathroom floor talking away about ur day…. going clothes shopping together while u put on a fashion show for both of them except you don’t get any real help with what looks good and what doesn’t because they think you look amazing in anything and everything. Sitting outside together in your backgarden with a picnic blanket and homemade snacks looking at the stars just holding eachother n talking about whatever comes to mind AUGHHHHHH 😭😭😭 I LOVE THEMMM SO BAD IT HURTSSSS. Alsoalso I almost forgot to say this but if u r busy with writing or don’t have time to answer pls don’t feel bad about responding later !! There’s no rush at all dw shdjsjdj <33 — stsg anon !!!
OHHHH U R KILLING ME W UR LOVELY THOUGHTS ALWAYS ……. any variation of stsg/lipstick drives me a lil crazy tbh ALL OF THESE ARE SO GOOODDDD i cherish ur takes on them sooo dearly u dont even know!!!
first of all SITTING ON SUGU’S LAP >>>>>>> LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE uve found my weakness stsg anon…. AND GOJO IN UR LAPPPP WAHHH they’re so clingy and precious 😭😭😭 kissing u!! bc he just can’t help himself!!! i love them soo much :<
ANDANDAND HOUSEWIFE SUGU ….. my greatest weakness AGAIN u get me HE’S SOOO……. hugging him from behind while he chuckles and pats ur arm 🥺🥺🥺 he’s a softie a little cutie pie etc etc i need him in my kitchen rn !!!!!
GROCERY SHOPPING & CLOTHES SHOPPING ohhh it’d be sooo chaotic and fun…… ur so right stsg anon it’d literally just be u and gojo whining for sweets while sugu (ur budgeting king <33) tries to be responsible but ofc he could never resist the combined power of u and gojo’s puppydog eyes…. also them not being any help w picking out clothes bc they think u look perfect in Literally Anything is SOO canon to me they’re just swooning while u want actual advice LMAOO
AAA and the quiet moments….. stsg anon u are making me feel soso soft. doing ur nighttime routines + having a midnight picnic im melting wahhhh they’re just sooo…….. so soft and pretty 😔😔😔 i can imagine the comfortable silence so vividly!!! owowowowww theyre perfect
OKOK BUT IMAGINE …. while we’re on the topic of makeup ….. the boys wearing it too 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i think sugu would look so effortlessly good w any kind of beauty products he just has that androgyny abt him yk… maybe u would have to coax him into letting u put makeup on him but he always ends up indulging u <333 he’s just too smitten to say no!!!
meanwhile gojo will put on ridiculous amounts of lipstick JUST to kiss u all over … he looks very good in it tho. like imagine gojo w his plump red lips hhhh he’s just so gorgeous…..
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
finally managed to wait until i had finished work to snuggle into bed and read and asdfgh ONE WORD INTO THE CHAPTER AND IM ALR SCREAMING OFC BUGS GONNA REQUEST FOR SAN I-
hj using bug's language to thank wy for bringing them both back home safe bestboi!hongjoong 🫶 and the fact that bug made a sign for 'home' but never drew it again after creating it bc she never had a place to call home but now she's signing it again and again for hj to know what a damn good leader he is hNNG
also sry i know it's a rly cute and touching scene when bug appoints yeosang to five taps but im also cackling imagining her fingers tapping rapid fire like eight times if she keeps naming the rest of ateez the same way HAHAHA bug's hand be like: 🫳👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 not me quadruple checking i had the correct number of finger emojis
peep the results of moonie's ✨research✨ to describe how san smells im kicking my feet uGH sanbug are FINALLY reunited in the softest way possible 'my san' and 'my bug' PLSSSSS
also HONEY ?? LOVE ?? BABY ?? DARLIGN? ? sWEEt GIRL ? moonie really slapping us left right up down front n back with the pet names. but nothing beats yunho calling bug anything related to little or tiny - im so biased for yunho and size differences 🥹
this whole chapter makes me want to punch a wall and sprint a marathon just so i can feel human again bc im a bumbling soft mess of goo and feels rn nobody touch me 🫠🫣🤧
everybody say 📢thank u moonie📢 for blessing us with such a long chapter and for all your hard work!! okay now excuse me whilst i go and reread ch 1-15 again 🫡
FOWFWIMFOENURG I'M CRYING I love messages like this!!! send me your reviews send me every thought you have about the chapter!!! I love love love it!! <333
hehehehe I too chant bug! bug <33 bug<3 (tbh this is san LMAO)
hongjoong used bug's language talking to wooyoung so instinctually I don't even know if he realized :')) it's just so natural to him now <3 bestboi! hongjoong indeed!! also might I add,,, the fact that yunho taught hongjoong the sign for 'home' even though bug had never used it,,, almost as if he knew that one day she might... :'))
also LMAO yeah I see it xD you really have to pay attention like,,, wait do it again I think I miss counted, how many times was that?? I think after yeosang the names will have different touches since after five it's going to get complicated xD I might throw in some other shapes at some point haha
SANBUG REUNION!!! 'my san' -- 'my bug' I was crying screaming throwing up writing that I swear <33 made myself so emotional I could cry
(also totally irrelevant,,, but I made my mom cry when I was explaining the meaning behind all of the boy's symbols earlier :') I was so excited that I just started talking about them to see if they made sense and seonghwa's made her cry :"D she thought it was so freaking sweet what he said about being reborn as a universe <33 like yeah I'm in love with seonghwa too xD )
the nicknames!! I really said ateez loves bug and what about it?? xD gosh san nearly outright admitted it and bug is like,,, he cares about me??? me?? huh?
bug took off her mask!! for the first time without needing to!! she loves yun so much <33 their trust in each other is insurmountable I swear I'm gonna cry -- the last line tho,, there will be more on that soon too D": it truly was a loaf size breadcrumb of her past, our poor bug <3
I'm so so so happy you enjoyed the chapter!!! thank you so so much my dear <33 I adored your commentary hehe thank you again <33
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softshiin · 3 years
Hey !! :D
How are you ? I hope you’re feeling okay ! :)
I love your writing, so.. can i request smtg ?
Idk if you write for these characters, if you don’t write for them or don’t like this request you can just ignore it !!
Then, can i request Tokyo Revengers boys (Mitsuya, Rindou, Izana and Chifuyu maybe ?) reacting to their s/o being followed and they just protecting them because theyre a lil scared ? Idk if that makes sense !! (Im french btw so english isnt my first language)
Thanks in advance <33
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summary: what would they do if their s/o is being followed
characters: mitsuya, rindou, izana, chifuyu
warnings: reader being followed by stranger
note: hello nonnie!! tysm for requesting~ and don’t worry for the characters, i write for every of them if i don’t specify it <33
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; you were totally scared, and you could sense that someone was following you since you got out of your school
; at first you tried to ignore it, but then you saw a shadow of a middle aged man behind you
; panic was starting to get into your body and you could barely breath
; “y/n?”
; your boyfriend’s voice reached softly your ears
; slowly you looked into his eyes, scared
; “babe is everything alright?”
; you could still feel a presence behind a corner, so you lowered your voice
; “tsu, listen, there’s this man who’s following me since i got out of school.. c-could we walk a-away from here?”
; mitsuya immediately hugged you, pulling you closer to him
; “stay here angel, i’ll take care of it”
; then he walked towards the man, who instantly looked away, as if he wasn’t following you
; “you gotta a problem with my s/o, man?” your boyfriend asked calmly
; “hm? n-no? besides, who are you? do they really have a boyfriend?” the man sounded so annoying yet creepy
; “yup, and their boyfriend is right here, ready to beat the shit out of you”
; we can all imagine what happened later
;then mitsuya safely escorted you to his house, just in case that creep wouldn’t follow the both of you and know your address
; probably spent the whole night with you in his arms, just because he could feel that you needed it
; “y/n?”
; you heard izana’s beautiful voice approaching you
; you quickly turned your face to meet his eyes
; “why.. are you trembling? did something happen?” you could tell by his tone that he was starting to worry
; you could barely speak, the only thing sure was that that man was still there, and he was coming closer to the two of you
; “excuse me, young boy, do you perhaps know them?” he asked to your boyfriend, who was still trying to understand the situation
; izana never took his eyes off yours, “yes, they are my partner, is there a problem?” he slowly turned to finally face the man
; “tsk” he just said, before trying to casually walk away from the both of you “it seems I’ve mistaken you for another person”
; you couldn’t even look at the man, because you knew that he will be there to follow you for all the following days, as he was doing since two weeks now
; “wait a sec old man” your boyfriend put a hand on the creep, stopping him “i don’t know why.. but my s/o here is quite afraid of you. ‘care to explain’?”
; “boy careful on how you speak to me, you will regret it”
; izana just let out a giggle before landing a kick on the man’s face, making him pass out
; “now then, angel. lets go home! i’ll put outta your school a bunch of my men, just to make sure this dude doesn’t follow you anymore”
; with this said, he placed an arm around your waist and started walking the two of you home
; prob spent all of the next hours with you, playing video games or doing some fun stuff together
; tbh this brat didn’t even see you, since he was walking while scrolling on his phone
; as soon as you saw him, you started walking faster, hearing also the steps behind you accelerate
; “rin! hello babe, what are you doing here?” you suddenly raised your voice in his direction, making him jump on his feet
; “hi sweet cheeks, just got out of school?” he said, placing a quick kiss on your lips
; he immediately noticed that someone was hiding behind a tree not far from you, but still decided to ignore it, maybe it was just a coincidence
; “what are you up to?” you asked with a trembling voice, he raised his eyebrow trying to understand why
; “is.. everything alright y/n?”he whispered
; “no its fucking not. there’s a creep that has been following me since i got out of school.. now that i think about it, i-its not even the first time i see him, he’s always walking around here..”
; your boyfriend immediately embraced you, telling you not to worry
; his scent succeed to calm you down a bit, and when he made sure of this, he quickly took off his glasses
; “can i leave them in your hands for a bit? im afraid they will dirt with blood”
; then he took you to his home, and spent a whole evening cuddling with you in his arms, eventually letting you style his hair
; this boy will stand for you even against 100 and im not joking
; the problem now was that he wasn’t here with you, while some creep was following you
; and he wasn’t even answering to your calls or messages
; you were seriously tempted to call the police, until you heard a familiar voice
; “come here,,, kitty kitty, where are you? I’ve brought you food~”
; you heavily sighed
; “oh my god chifuyu not again” you said to yourself, completely forgetting the old man behind you
; you ran to your boyfriend as soon as you saw him, scolding him because he shouldn’t buy cat food every time he sees one of them
; he cutely pouted at you, faking his sadness “but look at how cute he is!”
; you two ended up staying on the street for all evening, with the cat, being a lovey-dovey couple
; that man probably died of cuteness and understanding that you already had a boyfriend, he never followed you again
; he probably started being afraid of cats ofter this
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