#i cried when she confessed ill be real I CRIED bro
saltycryptid · 1 year
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After battle celebration! 💖 ∑(´⌂` ) 💖
(ft. my perpetually blood splattered durge tav, Maram)
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Round 1 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Dana Scully Propaganda
in a world of monsters and paranormal activity and alien conspiracies her faith is still important to her and I love her for it (well. that and many other reasons)
She’s a doctor but quit to become an FBI agent so she ends up just doing autopsies on people who died to ghosts or aliens. She is usually super factual and a huge skeptic, but she has repeated crises of faith and has to go to church to chill out. She feels guilty about everything constantly. Her family members remind her to be more catholic and then they end up dying and then she feels even worse. She gets abducted by aliens.
Most of her character arc revolves around struggling to square her faith with a) being a heavily skeptical scientist b) aliens being real (something she resisted very strongly on the grounds that she's a skeptical scientist) c) being abducted and getting pregnant and nearly dying as a result of said aliens being real. Struggles with this so much that she's in the confession booth like :grimace: especially because her investigative partner Mulder is a) an atheist b) believes in aliens just as strongly as she believes in Jesus
Refuses to believe in aliens because there’s absolutely no proof for it but then spends a whole ass episode trying to convince Fox “Aliens abducted my sister” Mulder that angels are real and can cause miracles. The sheer quantity of scientific qualifications she has only to turn around and say she wholeheartedly thinks biblical angels are 100% legit
Caesar Zeppeli Propaganda
(Spoiler for anyone who hasn’t JoJo’d) man gets crushed by a cross shaped rock :(( cries. Also they should have made him do the cross at some point I think that would’ve been fun. Oh also I saw someone draw him as the Fallen Angel painting once and I was like ???? bro is literally Catholic and a Good Guy why would you do this (no hate I just. I honestly have a thing with hating when people redraw good characters as that painting but it’s mostly the mental illness talking so whatever) this isn’t even related idk if this is a thing that should be typed here but. Also his birthday is on the Catholic feast day of Julian of Norwich my beloved I know this because it is Also My Birthday.
He's Italian, he's homoerotically involved with Joseph and somehow also divorced from him, he wears pastels, his go-to attack is bubbles, and he died being crushed by a giant rock shaped like a cross.
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dead-inside-cx · 5 years
The aftermath of Izukus week
It had been a week since the whole Todoroki incident as Katsuki had named it, and honestly Izuku felt horrible. He had been keeping up appearances in public, being all smiles and happy but when alone or with Katsuki he was a mess.
He was surprised he was able to cry so much. His friend group was destroyed and it was all his fault…His friend group had originally been himself, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Asui and Shinsou. Shinsou was a recent member to the friend group.
The two had become friends after the sports festival. Shinsou had even managed to become friends with most of the class including Katsuki which made Izuku the happiest boy alive.
The group now consisted of himself, Uraraka, Shinsou sometimes Iida and sometimes Asui. Todoroki refused to be around Izuku and Shinsou. He barely hung out with Uraraka claiming she was “siding with the boy who breaks his heart into pieces.” He stuck close to Iida who was more on his side, due to not knowing the full story.
This surprised Izuku that Iida didn’t even want to hear his side. It also hurt him allot. Asui didn’t want to be involved at all. So she hung out with both parties. She refused to hang out with them if anyone started shit talking.
The rest of the class had noticed the tensions between the friend group. Kirishima offered Izuku a spot in the Bakusquad and in public Katsuki grumbled about it but in private he let the boy know he was more than welcomed to join the squad. Same with the others who had listened to his side and believed him.
Uraraka was disgusted at how Todoroki had acted. At first she was on his side, believing that Izuku had broken his heart in this horrible way, but after speaking to the boy in questioned she realized that was far from the truth. She had hugged Izuku so tightly as he broke down crying about the whole thing. He even apologized for ‘ruining the friend group.’ Uraraka had never wanted to float someone into the sun more than the moment she saw her friend so broken and hurt.
Shinsou was automatically on Izukus side. He didn’t even need to hear the story. He knew the boy didn’t have an evil bone in his body. Even if he broke his bones a lot. He had also talk to Kaminari about the boy wanting to get his feel on things. “Eh? Mido hurting someone? Unlikely, he’s so sweet and innocent. It makes you wonder how he and Bakubro are friends.” Kaminari had told him. Shinsou was pretty sure there was something else going on with the childhood friends but never pushed it. He trusted Izuku would tell him in time.
Todoroki felt a little betrayed by Uraraka not so much Shinsou since he didn’t really talk to the boy much, but he had cried to Uraraka in confidence and she pretty much just threw it back in his face.
He did understand though, she became friends with Izuku first, and he had Tsu and Iida. Plus the others in the class who hadn’t pressed for details.
“Izuku? Are you okay?” Uraraka asked. She was with him, Shinsou and surprisingly Kaminari but she suspected he was there for Shinsou. “I’m fine.” Was all Izuku said. He wasn’t not really. Not even Katsuki had been able to cheer the boy up.
Kaminari looked at the boy. He frowned seeing how tired and worn down he was. Even Bakubro hadn’t been mean to him in the past week, but now he saw why. The boy was hurting.
Kaminari was allot smarter than he let on. Yes he struggled with class work but that was only cause he had a hard time focusing. He was getting better though. Kaminaris mind drifted to the conversation he had with Shinso about the boy. “Does this have to do with that conversation? And why the Dekusquad is split?” Kaminari asked Shinsou quietly. The purple haired boy nodded.
“Hey Midobro!” Kaminari said cheerfully. Izuku looked at him and gave him a fake smile. “You know it’s okay right? You can cry and let it out. It’s clear something happened I don’t know what but I’m here for you!” He saw a small real smile on the boys face. “Thank you Kaminari.” He said.
“Can we tell him?” Shinsou asked. Izuku nodded. “Todoroki confessed to Deku, but Deku doesn’t feel the same which is fair right? He’s allowed to like whoever he wants even if it is Bakugo. No offence Deku but as I said before you aren’t subtle.” Kaminari had to agree with urarakas statement. He had seen the loving way he looked at Bakubro and honestly he shipped it. He wasn’t going to push it though. “I feel like there’s more to this.”Kaminari said and Uraraka nodded. “So after Todoroki confessed he kissed Deku without his consent. Deku pushes him away tells him not to do this, Todoroki insults Bakugo which sets Deku off which is super badass! Then Deku ends up against a wall. Todoroki says shit about his love being enough, and then kisses him again.” Kaminaris eyes widened at the rest of the story. “There’s more.” Shinsou said.
“Yeah so after Izuku leaves Todorokis room, Todoroki comes to Iida and I. He’s upset so we ask him what happened. He says he confessed to Deku who rejected him in this horrible way. We comforted him then Bakugo tried to kill him. I’m guessing Bakugo found out what happened and was pissed off.” Uraraka finished the story.
Kaminari processed. “Oh so that’s why Bakubro got house arrest! Man I was wondering why. Makes sense though no one hurts the cinnamon roll. Midobro I’m so sorry you had to deal with that.” Kaminari saw tears well up in the boys eyes. “I ruined the group though…” He said as he started to cry again.
Kaminari was fuming. How dare the guy upset the class cinnamon roll. “Because you don’t feel the same way? Bro you did not ruin your group. If Todoroki wants to be butt hurt and not accept the fact you don’t have romantic feelings that’s on him. If Iida wants to follow him then fine let him. I’m not sure where Tsu stands in all of this but I’ve seen you two hanging out together so I’m guessing she hasn’t picked a side which is fair. You also have Uraraka and Shinsou. Plus me and I’m guessing Bakubro, you could make a new Dekusquad?” Kaminari suggested. Izuku just nodded.
“Can we end our study session here? Sorry I’m just really tired.” Izuku said. “Of course Deku!” Uraraka hugged her friend. He gave them a tired smile before leaving.
“He’s really hurting and I don’t know how to fix it. He thinks it’s his fault. That he led Todoroki on or some shit.” Uraraka said to the two boys. “Let’s work together. If we offer him support and let him cry and talk about how he’s feeling and just reassure him then slowly he will feel better.” Kaminari said. “That’s really smart.” Shinsou said. “I’m smarter than I let on, but shhh it’s a secret.” The three laughed a little.
Izuku walked to Katsukis dorm room. He just wanted his boyfriend to hold him. He knocked on the door. “Come in nerd.” He called out after a few seconds. Izuku walked inside and shut the door. Katsuki held out his arms and Izuku was quick to collapse into them. Katsuki wrapped his arms around him tightly.
“Rough day?” “How about rough week. I’m just so done with this. I hate that my friends are split. Iida won’t even talk to me or Uraraka and I know it’s hurting her since us three were really close. Tsu is over all of it and is looking at not hanging out with any of us anymore. I can’t say I blame her. Shinsou doesn’t really know how to react. Its hurts Kaachan. It fucking hurts. I want my friends back…But what if…” Izuku trailed off. “I know baby and I wish I could do more than just hugging you but fuck I don’t know how.” “You being here is the best fucking thing ever. Please don’t ever leave me.” Katsuki leaned down. “Never.” He kissed the boys head.
“What do I do? I ruined the group…Should I step back? Let them be friends and just find other friends…” “No. You stay friends with them. If the others want to be idiots and not be friends with the most amazing guy ever and my future husband/hero partner then fuck them! When we are number one they will be wishing they were still your friend.” Izuku laughed a little at that. “Future husband huh?” “Yeah got a problem with that nerd?” Katsuki looked at him. “Nah I’m kinda glad you wanna be with someone as broken as me.” “Stop breaking your fucking bones then!” Izuku let out a real happy laugh at that statement. Katsuki felt good. He managed to make his baby laugh for the first time in a week.
“Look even if you lose everyone you will always have me. I aint going anywhere, which sucks for everyone else cause I got the best dam nerd ever.” Izuku snorted at that. “Something funny nerd?” Izuku just shrugged. “So I was thinking since you are here. We could make out a little?” Izuku looked at Katsuki. “You wanna make out? With me?” “No with shitty hair. Of course you!” Katsuki sighed at the boy. “Okay okay, and well since you offered I’ll take it, let’s make out then cry cause I’m going to fail the test tomorrow.” Katsuki glared at him. “You better fucking not cry or else I’ll have to kill someone.” Izuku giggled. “Ill help you study afterwards. But first lips.” Izuku nodded and the two leaned in embracing one another in a sweet loving kiss, which then turned into a passionate make out session. Izuku may blame himself and he might be hurting over his split friend group but he knew that no matter what he always had his Kaachan to help him. Even if it was just for a simple make out session. I hope you guys enjoyed this little piece. I had to put some fluff at the end cause I love fluff. Also am I hinting towards ShinKami? Maybe. I wanna hear your guys thoughts on that and also other ships. I have a few in mind that I wanna do but please leave suggestions for ships. Requests are open and so are questions about the au!
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thisisrachellanne · 3 years
Patrick proposes to Ara in Sagada, recalling back memories of one year in togetherness and they made a promise when they proceeded to married life.
Ara has a convention in Cebu. Patrick has a party witth friends, when he is at home in drunkenness, Trisha surprisingly attacks his house and make sex with him. 
Patrick reveals to Ara that Trisha gets pregnant and he is the father of the child. He apologizes to Ara but Ara did not accept it. She went out and go somewhere alone. The next day, she went back to Patrick's house and get her things. Days later, she tendered resignation to radio station. She decided to go back to US to mend her broken heart. When she is about to go to US, Patrick catches her but she finally say goodbye to him, for good.
After 5 years, she went back to Ph after she received an award for Newscaster of the Year. She was invited by the TV Network, counterpart to the TV Network in the US, to help them raise their ratings. She have her interviews elsewhere. She is now the "New You" as she changed alot of herself and become more sophiscated, more looked like a beauty queen. Then she made a revelation that apart from her being TV Personality, she is now the CEO of Aragon Group of Companies, which she now reveals that she is the daughter of a prominent businesswoman in the Ph, that is her mother, Ms. Conchita Aragon who is married to Mr. Montecillo, which carries her surname. Now she uses "Arabelle Aragon-Montecillo."
She got an exclusive interview at the radio station where she was previously working - Hearts Radio, which was interviewed by Joe, a Psychologist and a DJ, who replaced her.  The interview involves the story of being brokenhearted and how she cope up with her and be successful in carreer. She ended herself with teary eyes, as it reminds of her past with Patrick.
In the corporate office, she was surprised that she still see Joel when she have a meeting with executives, and also Trisha, who is still a secretary of the company, but with a different boss. Ara humiliated them as they are clueless in the past about her real identity. She presented herself as successful woman today and boost herself and her achievements. Then she uttered those words "Bilog nga naman ang mundo." Then she showed her fashion sense towards Trisha. 
At the corporate event, she gets surprised of seeing them together - Trisha with Patrick and Joel all by himself, inside the convention hall, near the entrance door. She make a sarcastic words and claps that it feels like a reunion in an awkward way. Then she laughs seductively with devil-like looks towards Patrick then went out with her escorts, in her shinning shimmering white sexy gown, with now her shiny black long straight hair, which she looks like a beauty queen.
Then she make a corporate speech, with a theme "Excellence and Beyond."
At the restroom, Ara and Trisha meet unexpectedly again. Ara humiliated her again, looking at the way Trisha dressed herself in red gown with boring design. Then she walked out when she saw Patrick approaching near the restroom. She whispered something to Patrick, saying he should have to take care of his wife, tapped his shoulder then walk out gracefully.
Patrick then saw Ara standing talking with the young executive guys, making a flirty gestures and gaze towards them. He's getting jealous looking at them with Ara, when Trisha interrupted him. Then Patrick saw her again with five young executive men, sitting at the table. She still have her flirty gazes towards them, when the guy executive beside her throws her a kiss on the lips. Patrick is about to go towards them when Trisha stopped him. Then he saw Joel went towards them, which he ended up being insulted by Ara "You did it great of acting like you never cheated on someone. Good job!" She tapped Joel's shoulder, then she went up to the stage, already gets tipsy, but still gracefully said the closing remarks "..... I wish it is a memorable night for you. Thanks for coming!"
The next day, she checked on the recording studio which her parents bought before she takes over, as it has a low net income. Then she decided to have all the personnel there be replaced and gets surprised that Patrick is now an employee and not anymore the owner. Then she said to herself "who cares?"
Patrick receives a notice that they are all will be replaced. He reckoned it is all because of him and he doesn't want them to lose their job just because of him. So he tries to catch up with Ara, though he might receive rejection in the end. He went to Ara's office but the secretary said that she have a lot of appointments and cannot entertain with a walk-in appointment - Ara is in the company in the morning, she is at the TV network in the afternoon, doing consulting works, and doing newscasting in the evening, and she have her guestings in Saturdays, but doesn't allow to be disturbed on Sunday.
It was Saturday night when Patrick hangs out at the Bar, alone by himself. While drinking, he saw audience yelling at someone on stage who introduced herself. 
"Hi ladies and gentlemen..... in the past I never introduced myself on stage, but now, I will let you know my name. By the way, I am Arabelle Aragon-Montecillo, who is the guest singer of the Bar before. I feel so feel at home that after 5 years, I am going to perform here once again (audience clapped their hands)....." Then she sing "I Can't Make You Love Me" and other trademark songs.
Patrick feels so guilty in tears seeing his ex singing that song, sending to him a message that for her, he fails to love her truly, which is not true. To him, he deeply falls in love with her but he only fails on one thing, that he was not able to resist the temptation.
Outside the Bar, in a dim light, he approaches Ara, wearing in her sexy black fitted dress with a white blazer hanging on her shoulder, with high-heeled black stilleto, gracefully walking towards her car, when Ara pretends not recognizing he is Patrick. 
"Sorry, but do I know you? By the way, wait." She gets a calling card from her wallet and said "should you need a work, just call this number. Cheer up! There is still a brighter tomorrow, Bro!" Then she taps his shoulder and walks gracefully, followed by her driver.
At the recording studio, the employees and Patrick talk about convincing the owner to let them stay. They already know beforehand that Patrick is the ex of the daughter of the owner, who is now a CEO. He assured them he will make a sacrifice for them and will try to find a way to talk to her.
Patrick went to the house written at the calling card of Ara. It was late at night on Saturday already when he arrives, the security guard gets surprised that he is a good-looking guy applying as caretaker, which he refused and said he is an employee of Aragon Group of Companies. The security guard then said he should go to the office instead not at this late night hours. Then the security guard calls the mayordoma and asked her to call Madam Arabelle.
The Mayordoma gets shocked when Ara, over the landline phone at the security guard kiosk, told her bluntly that he was her ex. The mayordoma tells the security guard that he is an ex-boyfriend of Madam, which Patrick laughs and the security guard and mayordoma make a teasing look towards him.
Patrick and Ara talks outside the house, near the swimming pool, while drinking some wine, when Patrick holds her right hand when Ara burst into tears and gets emotional confessing that after all she still love him, which Patrick also confess that he still do love her after all this time. But Ara gets too adamant to pursue her revenge towards Patrick and they agreed that Patrick will only leave the recording studio to sacrifice himself. 
Ara went to Patrick's recording  studio, when massive people noticed her with her driver walk towards the recording studio. The employees get surprised seeing Ara looking for Patrick, who is now starting to pack his things. Ara and Patrick talks with the manager of the recording studio. Ara apologizes to them and decided not to oust Patrick. Then Ara offered to deploy a consultant to help them boost their income. Ara then personally meet the employees there as they are only few, have a few laughing friendly talks, with Patrick also. Then Ara went out. 
Ara appointed Patrick as her new manager and help him groom himself to look presentable. And help him execute his managerial responsibilities and introduce him to various companies having an arrangements with her.
Ara and Patrick frequently went out together as a talent-manager relationship and as friends. Trisha then decided to finally break up Patrick for good, which Patrick politely accepted. Being together as friends makes them bring back memories.
Ara has a guesting at Hearts Radio as DJ. Patrick gets surprised when Ara asked him to sit beside her at the radio station, while she is on air. At social media set to live, fans noticed Patrick still holding the right hand of Ara, which he normally do it before their breakup. Fans gets "kilig" seeing their chemistry together again, especially when a gay fan Richard commence the call for team patra.
After the show, Ara asked Patrick to go to the park together. It was already late at night. Then they went home, at the house of Ara, and they have sex together, showing that they still love each other, feeling like they are at home in each other's arms again. 
Ara confessed to Patrick that she has a heart illness and anytime she will die especially when the extreme stress comes into her, the reason why she cannot pursue love relationship with him anymore and instead decided to at least be a friend to him. 
Days later, at Ara's office, Trisha confessed to Joel that he is the real father of her child and not Patrick. Ara hears it and yells at Trisha and cries aloud, when she have her cardiac arrest. Patrick saw her hardly to breath and rescues her. Patrick warns Trisha and Joel that he will forgive them for what they are doing towards him and Ara. 
At the hospital, Ara has a 50-50 chance of living. Trisha went inside the exclusive ICU room when Patrick stops her and said he cannot forgive her for the rest of his life. 
While the hospital nurses and doctors rescued her to survive, she walks into an aisle all in white and see an old man at the gate going inside the heaven. 
The old man said she cannot get inside, instead, she will go down. She then asked "to hell?"
The old man said "No. To your destiny's heart." Then he flashed a screen, it was Patrick who constantly prays at night wishing she will come back to his arms one day. Then she went back to her body before it's too late.
At the hospital, the doctor is about to said the time of death, when the monitor makes a sound, a wave of life, her breathing. The doctor surprising see it while looking at Patrick and Ara's mom and said that it is indeed a miracle.
Patrick and Ara gets married and already have a 5-year old boy child named Richard, which they get from their avid gay fan named Richard. Patrick is now the CEO of Aragon Group of Companies and Ara as his consultant. Ara still have her heart condition. They ended up being interviewed in the Hearts Radio, sharing their story of love, while Patrick still holding her right hand. 
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