musicarenagh · 3 years
Know More About Kristian Phillip Valentino And His New Release
Know More About Kristian Phillip Valentino And His New Release
  Kristian Phillip Valentino Giglietti comes again with a great tune titled Wind, Hail, and Snow. With his mesmerizing and soothing vocals, he expresses himself beautifully about a love life which he has experienced. He paints a perfect picture with his lyrics, voice, and well-organized melodies. Continue reading to know more about Kristian and his new release! Photo Credits : Hollie…
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emt-iwrite · 6 years
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Non sono mai stato un grande appassionato di #dolci, ma a un buon #Tiramisù non dico mai di no! 😋 . Se poi si tratta di un Tiramisù al Giglietto, guarnito con scaglie di #cioccolato e chicchi di caffè, la cosa diventa proprio IRRESISTIBILE! . Trovate la ricetta di questa golosissima versione di un classico tra i dolci su @thedeliverdish ➡️ https://thedeliverdish.com/tiramisu-giglietto/ . #TrustMeTasteIt . PS: un grande GRAZIE🙏 a @simone.coccia per aver fatto da #foodstylist per la realizzazione della foto del piatto. . . . . . . . . . . . . #cucina #foodofinstagram #foodinfluencer #foodstagram #yummy #foodforlife #delicious #delizioso #irresistibile #giglietto #gigliettodipalestrina #giglietti #montiprenestini #castelsanpietroromano #palestrina #foodpicforfoodies https://www.instagram.com/p/Bng7fJggURV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h361ro2rqdaf
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berlinonair · 3 years
Kristian Phillip Valentino - Wind, Hail, And Snow (Indie Folk)
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🕑 Lesedauer: 2 min / 📷 Hollie Giglietti Offizielles Erscheinungsdatum: 07.01.22             Bereits in der Vergangenheit ist uns der US-Amerikanische Künstler Kristian Phillip Valentino mit seinen musikalischen Werken aufgefallen. So haben wir euch erst kürzlich seine Single 'Yell It Again' hier vorgestellt, und wem dieser Track bereits gefallen hat, wird den folgenden garantiert lieben: 'Wind, Hail, And Snow' erschien letzte Woche und verkörpert einen wunderbaren Indie Folk Titel, der uns mit einem äußerst geerdeten und standhaften Charakter überzeugte. Ebenso ist es die sowohl sehr sanfte, als auch gefühlsbetonte Stimme des Künstlers, die mit ihrem markanten Klang catcht und und sich mit perfekt über dem Instrumental entfaltet. Stilistisch passt 'Wind, Hail, And Snow' wie angegossen zur kalten Jahreszeit und enthüllt zeitgleich ebenso eine wärmende Melancholie, die den Raum mit schönen und berührenden Melodien erfüllt. Es ist ein wirklich äußerst gelungenes Klavier Arrangement, kombiniert mit dezenten Gitarren Riffs und tollen atmosphärischen Elementen. Wenn ihr Kristian Phillip Valentino noch nicht kennt, empfehlen wir auf alle Fälle selbst mal bei Spotify reinzuhören und 'Wind, Hail, And Snow' mit auf die eigene Playlist zu packen: Melodie: ★★★★★ | Produktion: ★★★★☆ | Arrangement: ★★★☆☆ | Lyrics: ★★★★★ |  Weitere Songs von Kristian Phillip Valentino, die wir gut finden: Yell It Again Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Rge7jhzYGPUZCDWHQbBgj?si=z6bvBB7hTxu3Y18v2ED26w Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kpvsongs/ Text: Adrian Prath /discovered by Musosoup #sustainablecurator
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The latest copy of PowerShips is in transit, which means it won't be long before your mailbox is full of ships, crews and passengers from around the world. Don't miss out on this issue, join now at https://www.sshsa.org/join/index.html to get this membership benefit. Here's just a taste of what's on the way in issue #316: Schuyler Otis Bland: A Real S.O.B Terry Tilton gives a detailed history of the Schuyler Otis Bland, the last ship contracted by the U.S. Maritime Commission and launched in 1951. Greatly improving on the previous emergency-type ships (Liberty, Victory), it offered a modern design with mass-production capability, was more useful in a worldwide crisis, and still valued to potential owners after a national emergency. The Good-Looking Olympia In Lives of the Liners, William Miller introduces us to the pride of the Greek Line. The Olympia was the first large liner built for the Greeks and was well ahead of its time. Launched in 1953, the 611-foot-long ship was intended to be the flagship of the entire Greek merchant marine, but ended up with Liberian registry for political reasons, an embarrassment to the Greeks. Tampa Dock and the Bridge to France Charles M. Fuss Jr. engages us with a short story set in wartime 1918 about some handsome little wooden steamships, a mostly forgotten Tampa shipyard, and its chief electrician, Charles M. “Red” Fuss, the author’s father. M/V Manitou: The Beginning of The End Joe Giglietti describes a time in 1970 when the newly built stern-loading vessel M/V Manitou was underway on her maiden voyage to Block Island, Rhode Island, which signified the beginning of the end for the side-loading vessels that had served the island for over a century. What I Learned on a Rust Bucket Den Leventhal recounts his time as a cadet aboard the SS Exhibitor during his U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Sea Year. From how to deal with a disagreeable superior to an interesting recipe for coffee, the experience left him with memories that have lasted a lifetime. (at The Steamship Historical Society of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKFEEdNnvGz/?igshid=10iu0bzoo493v
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castellanzanelcuore · 4 years
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🏀Giglietti, Silva riconfermati assistant coach ⚪🔴 Knights Legnano
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voppa · 6 years
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Super proud of my friend and client Joseph Aaron Giglietti. He won his first MMA fight this weekend in the third round. It was on his bucket list. He trained and lost 75lbs over a year for ONE NIGHT. He’s not a professional sportsman. He helps real estate agents 10X their business and he’s killing it in the real estate space. What dreams are you working towards, and what excuses are keeping you from achieving them? Your business and brand is not stuck because it has to be. It’s because you haven’t been strategic about about. Terrible logos, fractured branding and ineffective websites are fixable. You’re getting knocked to the mat by you’re competitors because you are not prepared. Do whatever it takes to up your game. Call me if you are really for the business octagon. (BTW. I whipped up this image for my mate, because I’m super proud of him) https://www.instagram.com/voppa/p/BvMehn9FMF2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f0kp52xtqofz
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izumi89 · 7 years
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Serata degustazione di gelato a slow food Roma. Con le gelaterie "il pinguino" e "da re". 😋🍦tra i tanti delizioso gusti spiccano il gelato al formaggio marzolina e caciofiore 🍦🧀, ai biscotti giglietti e al caffè del guatemala! ☕ #slowfood #degustazione #gelato #italianicecream #icecream #food #eat #taste #freddo #formaggio #marzolina #caciofiore #caffe #pistacchio #nocciole #lovefood #loveicecream #gustare #gelatogastronomico #instalike #instagood #instagram #ilpinguino #dare
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Alisa Giglietti posted this awesome photo of herself with Romeo Roselli. Talk about a perfect combination!
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qdmnotizie-blog · 6 years
Simone Giglietti riceve il premio
CINGOLI, 24 giugno 2018 – Simone Giglietti è lo Sportivo cingolano dell’anno 2018. Il maratoneta, infatti, è risultato il campione dei campioni della città di Cingoli al primo show del “Balcone d’oro”, organizzato dall’assessorato allo sport del Comune di Cingoli.
La manifestazione, condotta da Simone Massaccesi e dalla giornalista di Rai Sport Simona Rolandi, s…
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hudsonespie · 4 years
The China Navigation Company Chooses Dualog Drive to Streamline Ship
Tromsø-based maritime digital platform provider, Dualog, is delighted to announce that The China Navigation Company (CNCo) has partnered with Dualog in the testing phase of the Dualog Drive application. With the completion of this testing, The China Navigation Co. has implemented Dualog® Drive, a maritime-optimised file and folder replication service, designed to simplify the collection and distribution of large data volumes between ship and shore.   Founded in 1872, CNCo is the oldest operating entity and deep shipping arm of the Swire group, a conglomerate with diversified interests. CNCo owns and manages a sizeable deep-sea fleet of multi-purpose, container and bulk vessels and has an extensive network of shipping businesses globally. In 2011 it rolled out Dualog's class-leading email solution across its entire fleet. As its digital operations have expanded, so has its relationship with Dualog, culminating in this latest decision.   Dualog® Drive provides the ideal solution to the core challenge of how to integrate ships with the shore-based elements of an organisation. As every part of business becomes digitalised, land-based enterprises have turned to cloud solutions to enable secure, company-wide data collection and distribution. But for those whose 'offices' are away at sea, connected via costly satellites with limits to their bandwidth rather than superfast fiberoptic cable, that is not the straight-forward solution that it seems. Furthermore, these vessel-based offices will be operating with a mix of systems, IoT devices and users that need to access or share data with head office regularly.   Currently, most shipping companies use email-based systems for data and file sharing, but this becomes a problem with big file sizes. Typically, they rely on being in port so that an agent can take the files back to the office on a USB stick, a time-consuming and costly process. Moreover, expensive and unreliable satellite connections require users to micromanage data transfer volumes to synchronise with other business communications needs. Having transfers halt or fail due to unstable connections is also a challenge.   Featuring maritime-optimised technology that secures data flow even in low-bandwidth situations, Dualog® Drive ensures optimised transfers between sea and shore at the time and place they are needed.   Gerry Bonner, General Manager Fleet Services, at CNCo, said: "Dualog® Drive has proved to be an efficient means to share information from shore to ship and vice versa for CNCo. Safety documentation was our starting point, and we now use Dualog® Drive to distribute and maintain a repository of SMS documents pertaining to all ships in our fleet. As we investigated the options, other potential uses became apparent. We have used the system for IT software distribution, collection of Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) data for urgent investigations, and to share updates of vessel drawings after revisions. We also want to use Drive to ensure that major Equipment Safety Updates and Technical Circulars, as well as Certificates, are updated across our fleet accordingly. We have also used the system to distribute company circulars and safety notices, and we are considering several other situations where we can provide additional benefit to our Ships Staff by using the Dualog Drive Application."    CNCo plans to have Dualog® Drive fully operational across CNCo's entire fleet before the summer. Andrea Giglietti, Customer Service Manager in Dualog's Singapore office, said: "Dualog® Drive makes possible digitalisation of many processes that were simply impracticable in the past. And with the possibility to install and roll out to large numbers of vessels in a very short timescale, implementation causes minimal disruption." 
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/the-china-navigation-company-chooses-dualog-drive-to-streamline-ship via http://www.rssmix.com/
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tmnotizie · 7 years
MACERATA – Teatro Don Bosco gremito per l’ottava edizione del ”Galà dello Sport della Provincia di Macerata”. Grande soddisfazione per l’Associazione culturale Pindaro, ideatrice ed organizzatrice dell’evento: è stato infatti pienamente centrato l’obiettivo di fare del Galà un’occasione per mettere in luce non solo risultati, prestazioni ed eccellenze agonistiche ma anche le tante iniziative di beneficenza, solidarietà, integrazione poste in essere dalle realtà sportive della provincia.
Un evento partecipato, in cui hanno trovato spazio le tante belle storie che hanno come protagonisti uomini e donne di sport: storie di integrazione, di resilienza al terremoto, di rispetto dell’ambiente, amore per il prossimo, solidarietà e generosità, fatica e sudore per raggiungere l’obiettivo, di abbattimento di ogni forma di barriera.
La serata, presentata da Giammarco Menga, volto noto di Mediaset Premium, inviato ed esperto di calciomercato, ha offerto molti spunti di riflessione e di commozione con tutta la sala unita dal motto dell’edizione 2018 del Galà: “Ripartiamo dallo Sport!”. Il tutto nel segno, nel contesto e nello spirito di una comunità maceratese che vuole restare viva anche grazie alle emozioni che lo sport sa regalare e che non vuole accettare e subire le semplicistiche ed ingenerose etichette emerse dopo i recenti tragici fatti di cronaca nera.
Ecco l’elenco dei vincitori dei premi del Galà 2018:
–       la giovane tennista Yaima Perez Wilson premiata da Giovanni Torresi (CONI Marche);
–       gli eventi Run4Tolentino e “Un gol per ripartire” premiati da Alberto Monachesi (Tipicità);
–       l’iniziativa “Di + & + Forti” di Panathlon International premiata da Gianluca Sacchi (arbitro di Serie A di calcio);
–       Amy Paternesi e Nuovo Oratorio Cristo Re Tiro con l’Arco Caldarola premiati da Lorenzo Carbonari (Liomatic);
–       Matelica Calcio premiato da Massimiliano Avallone (Yfit);
–       la manifestazione Kartisti 2017 premiata da Alferio Canesin (Ass. Sport MC);
–       Lube Volley (rappresentata da Albino Massaccesi e dall’allenatore Giampaolo Medei) e Club Lube nel Cuore premiati da dott. Paolo Pasquali per le vittorie sul campo e le iniziative di solidarietà a favore e sostegno di Save The CHildren;
–       Anthropos Civitanova del presidente Nelio Piermattei premiata da Marco Guzzini (DIGUSTO) ;
–       Dojo Kenshiro Abbe Corridonia di Corrado Croceri premiata da Raniero Gentili (Cooperativa sociale Meridiana);
–       il bomber del calcio dilettantistico Francesco Fede premiato da Luigi Mosciatti (Buzz Orologi);
–        Pallavolo Macerata Montalbano premiata da Mauro Giustozzi (UniMC);
–       Kairos e Green Nordic Walking premiati da dott. Nicola Re Dionigi (ASUR Marche).
Consegnati inoltre diversi premi speciali: “per la generosità dimostrata in campo e fuori””, un primo premio Pindaro è stato assegnato a Giandomenico Salvatori e all’Associazione Donatori Midollo Osseo Macerata; un secondo premio scelto direttamente dall’Associazione è stato consegnato a Banca Macerata Rugby per aver organizzato insieme ai rugbisti di Bassano del Grappa una partita a scopo benefico a sostegno della città di Castelsantangelo sul Nera durante Overtime Festival 2017.
Durante la doppia premiazione, il Presidente della Pindaro Michele Spagnulo ha pubblicamente ringraziato le società sportive presenti: “Il galà esiste proprio grazie al fatto che può celebrare le tante realtà che esaltano quotidianamente con il loro lavoro sul campo i valori dello sport”.
“Il mio premio è dedicato a quegli sportivi che non hanno fama mediatica e che riescono a trarre forza dalla loro folle passione per lo sport” ha invece affermato il massaggiatore ed oggi artista Nazareno Rocchetti, per il suo consueto “Premio Artista del Fuoco”. Dopo le sculture delle passate edizioni, Rocchetti ha realizzato un dipinto per omaggiare il vincitore dell’ambito riconoscimento: il maratoneta Simone Giglietti che ha recentemente conquistato il terzo posto in una corsa podistica di 100 km nel deserto della Namibia affrontando temperature di 40 gradi e dune di 380 metri.
Momento clou della serata la consegna del Premio alla Carriera a Lorenzo Baldassarri “per aver conquistato a tutta velocità le vette del motociclismo mondiale”. Il giovane centauro, fresco dello splendido secondo posto in Qatar, ha confessato di avere il sogno di approdare in MotoGP e di aver fatto tesoro degli errori del passato: “Non ho mai giudicato negativo il mio 2017, è un’annata da cui ho imparato tantissimo”.
Premio Panathlon alla giovane nuotatrice maceratese Caterina Meschini che ha rappresentato l’Italia ai Giochi Europei Paralimpici Giovanili 2017. Tra i premianti l’arbitro di Serie A Gianluca Sacchi, rappresentante e continuatore della storica sezione arbitrale di Macerata, che ha divertito la platea raccontando di come gli chiedano ovunque cosa pensi del VAR ancora prima di salutarlo. Tutti i vincitori hanno fatto ritorno a casa con il premio appositamente disegnato per il Galà dello Sport 2016 da Daniele Ripani, in arte Genius, illustratore del Guerin Sportivo.
Momento di spettacolo puro è stato quello regalato dalle incredibili due esibizioni della Virtus Acrobatic Team di Umberto Caschera con protagoniste Veronica Mariani e Maria Clara Ruani. Gli allestimenti presso il Teatro Don Bosco sul palco sono stati a cura della Cooperativa Meridiana di Macerata.
L’Associazione Culturale Pindaro ringrazia per la preziosa e fondamentale collaborazione il Comune di Macerata, gli sponsor Centro Commerciale Val di Chienti, Maia Export, Dentalcity del dott. Paolo Pasquali, Buzz orologi e cover, Liomatic, Cooperativa Meridiana, Di Gusto Macerata, Hotel Arcadia, Centro Copie GS.
The post Le belle storie dello sport protagoniste dell’ ottava edizione del Galà dello Sport della Provincia di Macerata appeared first on TM notizie - ultime notizie di OGGI, cronaca, sport.
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berlinonair · 3 years
Kristian Phillip Valentino - Yell It Again (Indie Folk)
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🕑 Lesedauer: 2 min / 📷 Hollie Giglietti Offizielles Erscheinungsdatum: 30.09.21             Wow, was eine wunderbare Stimme! Wahrhaftig gefühlsbetont, klar definiert und mit einer sehr angenehmen Klangfarbe versehen. Sie verleiht dem folgenden Track nicht nur eine unglaubliche Wärme sondern ist mit Sicherheit auch das Alleinstellungsmerkmal des Künstlers, der dahinter steht. Die Rede ist von der brandneu erschienenen Single 'Yell It Again' des US-Amerikanischen Singer/Songwriters Kristian Phillip Valentino, der uns mit seiner Musik einen wunderschönen Indie Folk / Rock Mix, kombiniert mit einem Hauch Liebesballaden Charakter, präsentiert. Es ist dieser natürliche, authentische und unverfälschte Klang, der unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen hat. Neben der Stimme selbst kommen höchst präzise gezupfte Akustikgitarren Riffs zum Einsatz, die besonders im Refrain von atmosphärischen E-Gitarren Texturen untermalt werden. 'Yell It Again' ist alles in allem zwar kein sonderlich dynamischer und facettenreicher Titel, doch die Melodien, die hierbei zum Ausdruck gebracht werden gehen garantiert und die Haut und berühren. Außerdem solltet ihr diese einzigartige Stimme keines Falls verpassen, hört daher am besten selbst mal auf Spotify in Kristian Phillip Valentinos neue Single rein: Melodie: ★★★★★ | Produktion: ★★★★★ | Arrangement: ★★★☆☆ | Lyrics: ★★★★☆ |  Weitere Songs von Kristian Phillip Valentino, die wir gut finden: Blue Skies, August Waltz Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Rge7jhzYGPUZCDWHQbBgj?si=z6bvBB7hTxu3Y18v2ED26w Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kpvsongs/ Text: Adrian Prath /discovered by Musosoup #sustainablecurator
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castellanzanelcuore · 5 years
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castellanzanelcuore · 5 years
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castellanzanelcuore · 5 years
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castellanzanelcuore · 6 years
🏀 Preview di Gaia Acoto e Davide Giglietti (assistente allenatore) per Casale vs Legnano
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