DIMICLAUDE for ship bingo!!! also dimisylvix or hapistance if it’s ok zdffzhfcd
(dimiclaude and hapistance answered 💃🏻)
DIMISYLVIX MY GODDAMN BELOVEDS. And hear me out on the aesthetically pleasing bit--you have the saviour King, yes? and then imagine a swordsman of teal and blue on his left and a margrave of blood and steel on his right. It's good shit!!! If I could draw them I would 💔
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bylaudelekha · 2 years
agffshfghgg YOUR DIMIVAIN THEME!!! magnificent
my dimivain theme indeed!!! i've been wanting one for a while so i'm very glad i got it :)
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saltandlimes · 3 years
9, 21, 22, and 23 for the ask game!
<3 <3 YAY.
9. Favourite route (gameplay wise) and why? Gameplay wise it’s Azure Moon, but that’s also my favorite story-wise. I love the plethora of mages in Crimson Flower, and Hilda and Claude are a ball, but the maps and the paralogues in AM are phenomenal. I adore the final battles of AM, and thought they were so much fun on maddening. I also really liked the Fhirdiad battle, and thought it was better in AM than in CF. [Side note: I refuse to play Silver Snow. I just can’t do that to El.]
21. Already answered :)
22. Unpopular or rare ship/support you really like, and why? Seteth/Leonie. I love their paired ending, and I really enjoy them fishing together in their supports. I think Seteth really respects her, and she looks at him as more than just Rhea’s lieutenant. She sees him as a real person, someone who has desires and cares, and is able to love as a person. I also like Hubert/El a lot, though it’s not that rare, and I LOVE Felix/Jeritza, which is like the rarest of ships. I love how Felix figures out that Jeritza is the Death Knight, because he knows exactly how Jeritza fights, and Jeritza has been more reckless in the month surrounding Flayn’s disappearance. That kind of intimacy is so interesting. Oh and Dimivain, if that counts. I adore how Dimitri makes Sylvain think, and makes Sylvain actually try to truly be himself, and how Sylvain brings out the best in Dimitri, his joy and his playful side. There are probably others i like, but these are the ones that I think of first.
23. Popular ship/support you really like, and why? Lol Sylvix? Dimilix? Sylvix, the “I’lll die with you” ship. The “we’re childhood best friends who grow up together and then end up growing together as adults” ship. They care about each other so much, and they understand each other better than they understand anyone else at all. They really get what the other is thinking, even when Felix has trouble dealing with Sylvain, and Sylvain has trouble admitting his problems to himself. And Felix gets so much out of having someone who looks right through his bullcrap. 
Dimilix is my other favorite Fe3h ship, and it is also popular (obvi). What can I say about it. The codependent, tragically in love, childhood sweethearts! The guys who desperately want one another, but have so much in the way of being with one another. I love how Felix always sees through Dimitri, even when he doesn’t understand what he’s seeing. And Dimitri always trusts Felix, even when he’s wrong to believe what Felix is saying, rather than what Felix actually means. They’re just a mess, but in the end (in the AM endings) they are happy. And any timeline where Dimitri dies, Felix kind of falls apart, and spends his life wandering. (Except if you s-support him or he finds someone like Lysithea, but generally its tragic). But since I like happily ever afters, then I like them in AM.
[Ask me Fe3h questions]
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bylaudelekha · 2 years
Byleth for the ship asks!
ooooh this is going to be interesting...
1. claudeleth! as you know, i would die for them 2. dimileth, preferably m!byleth, trans boys of all time 3. i think that merceleth is Incredibly Neat i love them
thanks for the ask gilded!!
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bylaudelekha · 2 years
Happy bday! 🥳
thanks gilded!! <3
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
I diagnose you with Flayn! you seem quite sweet in your interactions with others, and like sharing about the things you’re invested in!
awwwwwwwwww thank you gilded! this is so nice of you <33
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
G and X for the fic asks?
Thanks Gilded!
G. longfics or shortfics?
hhhhh you're going to make me choose-
prob shortfics. i usually don't have too much time to read, and they're quick to read most of the time.
X. give a summary of your current project!
oooh! ok!
i'm just going to copy and paste the summary i put on ao3 because i really can't write summaries oh my god-
A post-Verdant Wind Claudeleth fic, where Byleth heads to Almyra to help Claude. Featuring fluff, angst, and a *lot* of internal monolouges.
Thanks again!
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
A character you remind me of is ashe! because you seem very kind and quite enthusiastic about the things you feel passionate about!
you all are gonna make me cry you're being so nice-
thank you gilded! you're so sweet <3
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
You are claude mutual and ask game mutual
why yes, yes i am
i am the claude simp mutual
i think that’s the best way i’ve been summed up on this site asgdtash
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
gives you all the tangerines (from the ask game dghggkffb)
stgydhsj i also wish to share orange slices with you :) <3
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bylaudelekha · 3 years
For the ask game: 1, 9, 26, 41, 42 (whichever ones you’d like to do!)
1. What drew you to/made you pick up and play FE3H?
I had my eye on Three Houses for a while before I bought it, actually. I was looking for RPGs to play, and I found FE3H on the eShop. I really liked the RPG aspect of the game, and since I’d never played a tactical game before (hell, Three Houses is actually my first FE game lmao) I thought it’d be a good place to start. I ended up getting it for my birthday, and now we’re here with the brainrot lol.
9: What is your favourite scene in the game?
I’ll have to think about this one, but it’s probably one of the support convos. Claude and Hilda’s C support (you can grasp me anywhere) and Sylvain and Lorenz’s C support (clown-on-clown violence) both had me dying. Sylvain and Mercedes’s supports were cute as hell, and Dedue and Mercedes’s C support will always have a special place in my heart it’s so sweet <3
26: Who is your overall favourite character?
you’re seriously going to make me pick? hhh ok
Either Claude or Dimitri. You should already know that I love Claude, he is the bestest of best bois and I love his whole story line lmao. Verdant Wind was fucking great as well. Dimitri’s the most interesting lord to me IMO, I love him a whole lot. Azure Moon was amazing, best route I’ve played by far. His arc is something I will die for, it was amazing (it talked me out of playing BE and I’m glad it did, would not have been ready for the emotional trauma).
41: What is a favorite character headcanon (can be one you came up with or one you liked / adopted from someone else)?
I don’t really have one specific favourite lol, there are a few I love! Most are trans hcs lol. One I don’t think I’ve heard many times is trans man Lorenz. It’s just a hc of mine, but I kinda like it lol. Also like trans Leonie, trans Caspar and nb Yuri.
(i didn’t do the last question as i don’t really have any tbh. sorry but i have a hobby of stealing i mean adopting hc’s from other people than coming up with them myself)
Thanks for the ask!
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