#ginger hestwood
queen-ch3rry · 3 years
Hey I started animating not long ago, I thought it would be easier to make my comic
(I wanted to draw everything by hand at first then I tried the same on my phone)
But sadly my Characters look kinda ... Stiff? They aren't that curvy like cartoon characters but I don't know how to do it
What can I do to give them more life and let them look more like cars characters?
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This Porsche is killing me with his cuteness, I want a Porsche so badly
Hi there! Thanks so much for the ask <3 It's funny you mention this topic because for the past few months.... I've been trying to figure out the same thing!! While I like how some of my older art looks, it feels rigid... like they're just images of cars with the eyes and mouth put on them. No "Pixar-feel in terms of "energy" and "emotions." I've been working on learning how to capture more energy + create my own style
Something that helps them look more "alive" and "energetic" is not following the severity of realistic lines. You can keep proportions to a point, but "warping and bending," I've learned, shows life
I have not done much beyond doodles, but here are some examples that I hope help you!
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this dude is squished up with tires pointing inward for kind of a fun vibe. I altered my style around last year to include eyebrows because they add emotions!
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And here, his body is kind of in an arc shape. Makes him look solid yet not rigid! Kinda... squishy xD In the (not long ago) past, I would've had him as a rigid box and the only emotion - HOPEFULLY - being in the eyes since mouths are a small annoyance I'm trying to be more flexible with
So maybe bending and warping your character's shape and giving them emotion in their from tires (since that's like their hands!) can make them feel more alive to you
In "Cars" Luigi is very expressive with his tires, as is Mater! It makes them look and feel fun
Another tip is tilting your character's bodies!
I didn't do this for ages, sadly. But thanks to the inspiration of some talented friends I'm grasping it and implementing it into my sketches
This one I'm working on now for a small project, and I am very proud of it! It incorporates tilt, expression in the eyes and mouth, and altered body shape so she's not such a stiff subject. Her headlights turn inward (not realistic, but makes her cartoonish and cute)
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I am in love with how this turned out so far and it excites me to think of how my work can keep changing and improving by expanding upon this style!
Of course, if you DO want to keep proportions a bit more real, here's another example that I feel has a Pixar-type feel and isn't stiff, even though I kept the "bendier" shapes with arcs at a minimum. I feel here the mood and expression comes across best in the eyes
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As someone who is still learning day by day, I'm can't give a "one size fits all, this is definitely the secret!!" bit of advice... but I hope this can help!
Don't be afraid to have fun roughly sketching your OCs until you hit on a look that just clicks in your head and feels right. That's part of the process till you find the style that makes you happy. And a helpful hint: simpler styles are going to be easier to animate at first!
Feel free to reach out if you ever have any more questions!
~ Ginger
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Presenting to you all, Miss Ginger Hestwood A woman who knows she’s beautiful and delights in being a special piece of company for more than one, Ginger is a woman of questionable morals but is still a good individual beneath that. I was lucky to get a small interview with her, following the basic information.
Ginger Hestwood and this art ©RMS-OLYMPIC / Christine Beaumont Artwork created in Paint Tool SAI Time: I… actually don’t know. I had this piece lying around many, many weeks before I started up on it again.
Full Name- Ginger Hestwood Nicknames/Other names- None Age- Mid-20s at time in story Gender-  Female Make/Model-  1936 Pierce Arrow 1602 Coupe Main Paint Color-  Crimson red Other Known Colors- None Eye color- Crystal-blue Birth date- November 20th 1936 Time of birth-  Unknown Country of Origin- United States; Colorado Occupation- She would call herself the girlfriend to many; someone who could never be tied down. Absolutely could be a model due to her renowned beauty but isn’t interested in pursuing it. She doesn’t want every soul in the world knowing about her. Language(s)- English Personality: Sweetly sultry --- Relations: Allies: Her small group of girlfriends (best friend, Margaret), and of course, her lovers. Enemies- Unknown --- Likes- “I like many things, but two of my top favorites are a good cocktail and an even better time spent with some classy chassis who knows how to treat a lady in the way every many should. Real gentlemen are ridiculously tough to find. The ones that play it fake I can see from a mile away. My other top favorite is a girlfriend who accepts me and my morals just like they are. I’m talking about you, Margaret.” Dislikes- “Just what I said earlier: fellas that play it fake. Who do they really think they’re fooling? What girl is going to buy that after much time goes by? Exactly. I could also say I dislike being in a melee between two guys – both debating who should get the privilege of my company for a Friday night date – but that’d be a lie. I enjoy it a very fair deal.” Strengths- “You can make flirtatiousness an art form if you choose to. I also have a keen command of language and can tell an idiot exactly where to go without batting an eye. Haven’t girls waited long enough to fully exercise their rights? Don’t give every blathering dork the time of day; folks will start thinking you’re cheap. I also consider myself a faithful friend to someone like Margaret, who I’ve hopefully been as good to as she’s been to me.” Weaknesses- “This is too much to expose in one interview. Call me back some other time.” --- Distinguishing marks- “If there’re two marques most folks know, it’s that of Cadillac and Pierce Arrow. If you know nothing else, my hood ornament will tell you exactly what I am, honey.” Scars/Marks-  “None. I’m careful about my paint and keep it in top shape. It gets any touch-up jobs where it needs it. Out here in snowy Colorado, when they salt the roadways, I can’t chance rust.” Tattoos/Paint marks-  “None,” Talents/Skills- “See details under ‘Strengths.’” Weaponry and Gadgets- “I consider myself entirely harmless, though the curve of a smile or sparkle in the eye can be a very effective – and debilitating – weapon. --- Smoker?- “Only very occasionally. Harlan (Beaumont) is a smoker and via him I got the taste to indulge every so often. He’s the rare combination of sweetheart and the perfect gentleman in this age. Drinker?-  “Socially. Maybe wine or a cocktail when the thought intrigues me.” Drug user?- “Absolutely never.” Virgin?- “Oh no; haven’t been for quite a long time.” Other Addictions?- “Maybe my enjoyment of certain guys’ company is one…” --- Currently lives-  “Saguache,” Living Arrangements- “I have a modest little place, but it suits me just fine.” Description of daily surroundings- “It’s off Denver Avenue, but I’m not saying where. There’s a nice view around Christmas of the big spruce they put up around the town. The town is small, nice and quiet. Some guy once said he figures I’d do a lot better in the city ‘with my looks,’ but that’s not for me. I was born this make and this color. That doesn’t mean I want to dwell in a metropolis.” --- Family: Parents-  “Mom and Dad tried living in Colorado, but the climate really just didn’t suit them. They’re both out in Oklahoma.” Siblings- “I’m an only child. It seems my parents wanted other kids, but I ended up being their only one.” Partner(s)- “Do you want me to name every one of them? And no, I have no plans for marriage. That’s more commitment than I’m ready to handle right now.” Offspring- “I never planned to have children, but then Chucky happened. He’s a very sweet little guy though and if a slip-up had to happen, I’m glad he was it. I’m trying to raise him to be as unlike his father (Charles Eldorado) as possible, meaning he’s faultlessly polite, uses his manners and isn’t all rude and crass whenever the thought hits him. --- Personal Quote(s)- “I’ll give you company to remember.”
Additional Trivia: Status- “Alive and single. Hopefully it’ll stay that way for a long time.”
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queen-ch3rry · 3 years
Quick sketch practice page of my girl Ginger ❤️
These are a fun way to work through art block without feeling totally blah 😂
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