sofiiel · 9 months
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When they were simply pinning, Barb and Jeff would go to the library simultaneously just to "randomly" bump into each other while looking for study material for the class they shared.
This would lead to them saying they weren't ready for the test next week, which leads to them planning to study together in the afternoons.
Only, you see... they're both getting a big, large, shiny, glittering A in that class already.
On top of that, they are dressed as cute as possible. Both trying to ignore that's not what they originally wore for the day. But both tossing each other compliments.
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sofiiel · 9 months
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Jeff takes Barb to the dance,
She wows and shuts everyone down dressed in 1940s style glamour.
He's got his chest puffed because that's his sophisticated girlfriend.
Jeff's opening doors, and offering to get her punch. Offering to dance by holding out his hand, "Mind if I have this dance?" He's trying to make it the best evening for her.
Barb is blushing as she allows herself to feel like one of the 'It girls' but in truth she feels so much better than just that.
The two slow dance, and when some random comes up to ask Barb to dance, Jeff is fully ready to let her say yes. He wants to give the night to her ~ But Barb is quick to say 'No thank you'
Her words hold a tiny bit of bite in them as well. This person never even talked to her before she showed up dressed to the nines, why would she stop dancing with the guy who made her feel like a star?
Bonus: Lucas takes Max to the dance too and they dance next to Jeff and Barb and they're just virtually mini-me versions.
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sofiiel · 9 months
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Starry-eyed at Starcourt
Nancy was taking pictures of the pair at Starcourt. Barb just couldn't stop looking at him, and every second Jeff's grin just got bigger.
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sofiiel · 8 months
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New Headcannon popped up while working on a Barb x Jeff thing, but the HC is actually about Jeff and Eddie's friendship. With Barb x Jeff HC at the end. It's long, so under the cut
Ok so in my head, I picture Jeff as being raised by a single working dad and his grandma. His dad is kinda like a handyman, good at tinkering with things and math. (I totally based him off my mom's dad who I never got to me myself)
His dad also scored music and plays several instruments.
So when Corroded Coffin needs another guitarist, Eddie had a hunch on who to ask. He'd known off Jeff and had seen him around, mostly because everyone knew Jeff's dad as "that guy who fix my____" and in his case, he'd fixed the muffler on his mother's car before.
Eddie ventures out to talk to Jeff and finds him sitting on the hood of a car his Dad is working on, the car's a project classic that Jeff's dad customizes on the weekends.
But Jeff isn't just sitting there, no, he's playing a guitar and it sounds different. Eddie soon sees why as he gets close. The thing is all kinds of welded and built of mixed matched pieces.
Jeff basically built his own version of Frankenstein, and Eddie loses his shit over it and asks if he can give the guitar a whirl. It's the ugliest guitar Eddie had ever seen, but it had a sound he adored.
The two geek out over guitars which moves to amps which gets Jeff's dad in the conversation because surprise, surprise! (not really) He's worked on amps before.
Jeff ends up inviting Eddie inside to show him some of the other failed attempts and customizing his guitars and while in Jeff's room Eddie sees a lot of "nerd" memorabilia and collectibles, and a wallpaper of band posters.
Needless to say, Jeff was not only asked to play for Corroded Coffin but also invited to pre-Hellfire Club and introduced to the band.
But how did this pop up while working on a barb x Jeff thing?
Well.....Jeff home-brewed together a guitar one day that made the first one Eddie had saw look like it was carved from marble. This new creatures was a visual mess, but when played it sounded like heaven.
Jeff begs Eddie to use his artistic skill to paint it, sand it, polish it. To which Eddie happily agrees. But Jeff's got a very stick list of colors to use and patterns and the like. It's hell on earth for Eddie as he tries to produce the very complex and detailed results Jeff has in mind.
When the Guitar is finally finished, Eddie brings it to School with him, handing it over while saying "This thing better have name, I bled for this."
Jeff states that its name is "Holland"
Eddie is confused for a moment, until he notices A bored figure standing behind Nancy, clutching her books to her chest while bored and listening to King Steve and Wheeler flirt.
"Oh....ohhhh." Eddie whispers, before grinning and giving Jeff a playful shove.
Eddie takes back the Guitar stating "if that's the case it's not done, I left out a few details"
Holland the guitar is now the only Jeff uses anytime he needs an extra bit of luck, he uses it for every show, and it made a good story for He and Barbs wedding day.
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sofiiel · 8 months
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Barb's Good Bad Day
She's having a bad day, that morning was supposed to be great. Barb had gotten a new make-up set from her mother. But none of the colors looked particularly great on her face, (of course they did, but she didn't think so), So she washed it all off.
It was a shame because it would have been lovely with that new blouse she bought last Saturday.
Speaking of that blouse? Carol bumped into her at lunch and got mystery meat sauce all over it. Nancy caused a bit of a scene to drag an apology out of Carol, and well... Barb's not sure if she'll ever live down the embarrassment she felt.
Her soda leaked onto her paper due that day.
And of course, it rained after she decided to leave her umbrella at home.
Jeff held his leather jacket over Barb's head on the way to his car, and they got churros at the mini-mart.
Jeff shot a spitball into Carol's hair while on the way to Physical Ed.
Barb found a tiny note in her locker that said she looked cute in her shirt and matching nail polish. In very familiar handwriting, although sweetly anonymous.
There was a flower left on the desk she usually sits at in 2nd period. Of course, people teased her, but...it still made her smile.
"Am I having a bad day?" Barb thought to herself.
The gentle beat of Jeff's heart was trying to convince her otherwise. It was hard to complain as they sat cuddled in the back of his car, listening to the rain, and the radio. Quietly sharing a book as they studied, he absently traced the lines in her palm with his finger.
"Jeff?" she questions.
"I changed my mind. Maybe today wasn't too terrible."
Jeff looked away from the book and nuzzled his face into the top of her hair, murmuring, "Yeah? Then maybe my day was a little better, too."
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sofiiel · 9 months
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Barb Joins Hellfire Club
Barb is putting cornrows in Jeff's hair while they watch a movie together and plan out her new DnD character for her first time at Hellfire.
They spend hours getting even the smallest details, as Barb as turned it into a full-on study session while she pours over the guidebook. Jeff's chest is puffed out with pride as he walks her through the rules and game mechanics.
Jeff never hears the end of it because his impatient self is taking all the time in the world to help her build it. When normally he wouldn't give a shit.
Eddie's worried their characters are going to hook up in the game and be extremely mushy about it.
But Barb's character ends up being a complete tank who's hyper-focused on her character arch and is oblivious to the affections of Jeff's character.
While Jeff's character is in relentless pursuit of her character.
To have more fun with this, Eddie has set up an NPC to crush on Barb's character. Some "cretin" (as Jeff calls them) from her character's past.
The whole of Hellfire treats the interactions of their characters like an addictive soap opera. Half the group hates it, half the group is living for it, and everyone's trying to pull the strings of Jeff's and Barb's DnD character's fate.
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sofiiel · 9 months
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sofiiel · 9 months
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Wild Things - Barb x Jeff And we will leave the empty chairs to those who say we can't sit there
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sofiiel · 9 months
Do you have any cute ideas/headcanons for how Jeff and Barb would spend Christmas together? 🎄
🥰 oh, a few *cough* many
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They've had a tradition of meeting up as early as possible to exchange gifts and share a homemade morning treat with each other.
Barb wraps Jeff's gift in magazine clippings of his favorite bands.
Baking cookies for Santa even though they don't believe in Santa, but Barb's dad gets a kick out of eating the cookies in Santa's place.
Matching (ugly) Christmas sweaters, and Jeff happily wears them in public with her. Even if he does cringe a little inside when the boys tease him about it (fondly, of course)
She helps Jeff make his Krampus costume for the Christmas show Corroded Coffin helps host at the Hideout.
They make their own stockings to hang, and for the 25 days of Christmas, they exchange little folded notes and small knickknacks ~ which must not be opened until Christmas morning.
Barb hosts a Secret Santa event, and Jeff always goes out of his way to ask people if they got her name and if he can trade names with them. He thinks he is being sneaky, but she knows he does this.
They ride around in Jeff's car snuggled up with a thermos of soup at night to look at the Christmas lights around Hawkins.
Barb volunteers as the bell ringer for donations in front of the Big Buy. Jeff usually pops by with the guys to make sure no one is giving her a hard time or trying to steal money from the donation box.
Jeff has taped mistletoe to his forehead, because he is technically taller than Barb, meaning if she stands next to him, she's under the mistletoe and he gets a kiss.
Gingerbread cookies that are decorated to look like them.
Around noon on Christmas day, the larger friends circle gets together to exchange gifts and spend time together. They play games and everyone brings a snack or party favor, even though it's less of a party and more of just utter jolly randomness.
They sit up and watch the last of the Christmas movies at night, with sweet popcorn and hot chocolate.
Jeff always enthusiastically acts surprised when Barb's mom gifts him a pair of socks and an oddly colored tie from the family.
Jeff's and his dad arrive for the Christmas dinner at Barb's house.
Jeff makes a special fruit cake that his grandma taught him to make when he was small. He thinks it tastes terrible, but Barb and her family absolutely adore it, and it's usually devoured quickly.
Jeff singing Barb songs from all the Christmas stop-motion musicals.
Jeff likes to call Barb his sugar plum fairy around this time of year.
Barb taking Jeff ice skating, and he is just no good at it. They are holding hands and his legs are all wobbly, but he's having a blast.
Jeff plays her Christmas songs on his guitar, and they duet together on the piano.
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I have so many, this probably could have gone on forever 🤭
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sofiiel · 7 months
How would Jeff and Barb spend their first Valentine’s Day together? 🥰
I'm so late, i'm so sorry 🙏🏾.
Jeff would piss Barb off at first. Why? Because he's acting like he totally forgot or like only got her a generic candy bar "Here baby, happy V-day" sort of thing.
Meanwhile, she's given him a handmade card and inside said card she's poured out all of her feelings for him. It's taken up both sides of the card and there are little hearts and stars scattered about. Barb's made him a beaded bracelet that reads "Barb and Jeff"
But In truth, he's planned out everything....
Lunch rolls around and Jeff is sitting on top of Barb's usual table guitar in hand, playing 'thier' song quietly while trying to hold her gaze as she approaches. He's hiding a little stuffed bear behind him.
When he finishes the song, he gives her a kiss and her little bear wishing her a happy Valentine's Day.
She goes to check her locker, and short love notes written on colorful pieces of construction paper topple out and onto the floor. They say the equivalent to those candied hearts "Kiss me" "Love you" "Hey Beautiful"
After school, Jeff is waiting by his Bike/Car with a sign that reads "Be My Valentine" written in his best attempt to mimic Corroded Coffin's logo font.
The rest of the day is spent with Dinner and a movie at his place. He dips into his Dad's records and plays slow jams so they can dance. Barb has snapped a few pictures to add to the scrapbook she's keeping of all their firsts.
Needless to say, Jeff is proud of himself, as Barb's been talking about their Valentine's Day for weeks afterward.
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sofiiel · 6 months
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Jeff is 100% the one who's afraid of heights, & Barb has to hold him when they ride the Ferris Wheel. She's giggling the whole time and kissing his forehead while he sulks because it's not very metal of him.
But he really likes the little kisses & being in her arms. Totally worth it.
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sofiiel · 6 months
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Jeff & Barb HC:
If they order delivery or forget to check the bags aftering picking up fast food, and they've messed up Barb's order Jeff is not allowed to go back and make a fuss.
Barb's easily embarrassed and her mind constantly races with "What if it was just a mistake?" or "What if they were overworked?" and "What if my complaint gets them fired?" and so on.
Jeff doesn't buy into that way of thinking, but...to spare her the anxiety, he's come up with another way to deal with it.
Jeff simply picks the offending food item off of Barb's food and puts it onto or into his food. Even when he doesn't like that food item either.
But Jeff? Dude, just throw it away?
Nope, Barb doesn't believe in wasting food when there's an issue of homelessness and poverty state and worldwide.
Jeff thinks it's bullshit, but he loves his gentlehearted girlfriend, so he's doing the thing.
But you know what?
Barb does it for him too ~ when the food item is something she doesn't find completely revolting, but he does. She can mostly contribute by swapping beverages with him if he thinks his drink is nasty. Barb likes all kinds of soft drinks.
"You know it's kind of romantic" Eddie laughs when he first hears about it in Hellfire. "I'd eat nasty shit for you - screams keeper."
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sofiiel · 9 months
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Jeff & Barb's First Fight
Oh, it was terrible, it was horrible, nobody slept for days. Nobody could get Jeff out of bed, he spent the weekend in the same underwear he wore Friday morning, listening to Barb's favorite song on repeat while serving off junk food.
His dad left him dinner at his bedroom door and even ordered him pizza. Which led to "Barb likes pizza, the veggie kind with the little mushrooms." as he sulked back into his room with her average cheese pizza.
Barb, on the other hand, is on a kick about how guys are terrible. They're all bad and a waste of time. Or at least for a handful of minutes. Because now she's asking Nancy, "Should I call him? He's probably sorry, we're probably being silly. I should totally call him."
Nancy gladly passes her the phone, "No! you're supposed to stop me!"
But Nancy is done, it's been three days of anger venting turning into mushy "I wonder what he's doing now" turning into "God, I miss his smile," turning back to anger.
Jeff's Dad has called Eddie and the guys to come talk him into at least taking a shower. Eventually, Eddie bribes him with money and "I'll go with you to where Barb hangs out with Wheeler, but you aren't meeting her smelling like onions, coconut lip gloss, and stale Pringles.
"But the lip gloss smells like-"
"Barb" Eddie and the guys sigh in unison.
It works.
The moment Jeff and Barb spot each other, it's a magnetic pull. Before they know it, they're standing across from each other. Jeff's hands are shoved into his pockets as he rocks back and forth on his heels.
Barb is crushing her purse to her chest, biting her lip as she watches him.
The silence is loud.
Barb glances back at Nancy, who is trying to signal for her to talk.
Jeff has done the same to Eddie and the guys, with Gareth motioning his hands as if saying shoo as he mouths "Go on."
The regretful pair turn to each other with saddened expressions as they each speak at once, "I'm sorry"
A smile brightens across both their faces?
"Really?" barb asks.
"Yeah, I don't even remember why I was mad in the first place," Jeff speaks quickly.
"Me neither," says Barb, who glances at him hopefully, "So, Ice cream?"
Jeff holds out his arm, waiting for her to hook her arm around it, "On me, and a movie."
Barb takes hold of Jeff's arm, grinning from ear to ear, before looking back at Nancy excitedly.
Nancy released a relieved sigh, she'll get her life back for the evening.
"Never again?" Barb asked Jeff as they walked away.
He gives a deep warm chuckle, "Never, ever, again. It's bad for my health."
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