#ginjoints discharges from NA
I’ve given up on watching NA in its entirety, but still watching LB clips lol. I’ve perhaps therefore missed the context, but I feel like her keeping her sobriety secret is a bit contrived. Like, what was the point of Leyla’s storyline if not to show LB that lying to her loved ones, even if to ‘protect’ them, is bad and will go wrong? Or “you’re only as sick as your secrets”? 😪
if there's one thing about this show, it's that they're going to find the most convoluted way to stir up the drama lol. on the surface level, i can understand that given vanessa's resentment of lauren for leaving when she was a kid, that both of them being fucked up was probably one of the few things they could bond over. so lauren telling vanessa that she was sober might have given vanessa a feeling of, 'yeah i was messed up but i was able to pull myself out of it' superiority from lauren, even if she didn't mean it that way. and i mean, that did end up being vanessa's reaction when she found out but i can see lauren fearing that vanessa would've reacted the same way had she told her up front and closed the door on their relationship then. but i'm glad the whole scheme didn't cause lauren to relapse. i think her sobriety one of those fundamental pillars that lauren has clawed so hard for and at least the writers respected that.
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Have you seen any of the interviews with Jocko or caught Janet's live. The way they both talked about S5 it seems like the show is going to circle back on the fling they had. Jocko said that writers are still trying to get Floyd a relationship. He was like they go back and it's a really surprising choice. Janet did gush about Bloom's sister storyline and when asked about Floyd the way she answered suggests something is up. It really seems like they're done with Leyren.
anon 2: Miss your posts about Leyren. I'm still not over Schulner permanently ending them, what are your thoughts? I know you're still watching the show. Same here although I'm begrudgingly doing so. Seems like the show may put Bloom with Floyd...
one of the things i was steadfast on was that they wouldn't put lauren and floyd back together and at least they gave me that lol.
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the more I read their interviews the more I wonder: but david&co have friends who tell them to stop talking that they are only making the situation worse?
in the last article that came out they practically admitted that freema clearly told them she wanted to leave and they hoped to change her mind until the very end. and how did they do it? writing a horrible story for helen, constantly succubus and subordinate to max, isolated from the other leads and from the main events and in her moments as a protagonist either she was portrayed unfit to lead her clinic or she was sick/miserable.
it really does seem now that they tried to play a game of chicken with freema and see if they could rope her back in for at least 1 or 2 episodes in s5 lol. agreed, the storyline they ended up giving helen in s4 did them absolutely no favors. helen was so drastically kneecaped by revolving around max and having what should've been her big character arcs, trauma with her mom, moving back to the UK and taking back her own memories of london, muddied up with angst over the will he, won't he with max moving. IT'S NOT ABOUT HIM!!!! IT NEVER WAS!!!! YET THAT ISSUE WAS AROUND EVER CORNER EVEN WHEN HE MOVED!!!! it's extra infuriating that what we were left with of helen's NHS storyline was max fucking things up for her at work. we never really got to see her thrive and succeed in her element. the writers set up in the beginning of s4, a great opportunity to write out helen sharpe's character in a beautiful way. but unfortunately as all storylines in NA seemed to end up, it was squandered and short lived.
freema had better career opportunities and i don't blame her for taking it. i wish the writers could've respected the dedication and hard work she gave them for the past 4 years.
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“After breaking up with Leyla and allowing her to stay in the apartment in the finale, Lauren relies on her friends for a place to stay and it doesn’t go as well as she hoped….Leyren fans should be prepared, there is a big shocker at the end of the episode that even I didn’t see coming.”
Okay the negative bitch in me says Leyla ends up moving back home to Pakistan or being married? Idk but with how much they love to spring surprises on the audience instead of building on current stories(also by how generally bitter the review is lmao)I’m guessing it’s something insane. Moving back would be heartbreaking but at least give us closure while a husband would just. Destroy any hope I have of the writers being sane and actually caring about Leyla/Leyren. Plus it’ll make Leyla haters act even weirder about Leyla than they already are. I know hardcore Leyren fans see some kind of plan but their storyline last season left a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths(mine included but I personally felt like everyone was written OOC so I don’t even blame the characters like it’s just terrible,terrible,terrible writing. I mean giving Lauren money in a paper bag? What the actual fuck lmao. But yeah let’s say things go the hopeful route. Maybe Leyla asks Lauren to try again? Idk how that would be surprising unless they’re in a really bad place the entire episode though. Also, it’s been a year and a half(Luna was 3, she’s 5 now)and Lauren hasn’t found a place yet? Yeah NYC is expensive but Lauren the millionaire hasn’t found a place and has to room with a friend? Yeah ok😂the writers might as well just be honest with us rn and admit Bloomnolds is on the horizon LOL!!
anon 2: Leyla seeing someone else right now is terrible. Literally terrible I mean even if they get back together in last couple of episodes it will feel so cheap. Yeah she’s allowed to date whoever she wants but damn them together in Lauren’s apartment hurts. And knowing Lauren is still so in love with her? Since when would she do that! I guess this is the opener for Lauren to stay with her sister but they couldn’t think of anything else? anon 3: Lololol what a shame about Leyren. They could've left it open ended at 4×22. 🤷🏻‍♀️ anon 4: I’m so very disappointed in how Leyren ended up. I didn’t have a ton of hope after the bribe but I thought there had to be a method to the madness instead there was just more madness. I don’t get it, why put them through all that for such a useless ending? The bribe was one thing but the other issues they kept dumping on them was insane. Not to mention trashing Leyla in the end which makes me so sad. They could’ve let her go and had her be the one that got anyway but they decided to do this instead and I don’t get it.
let me just say, i emphatically agree with all of you about how disappointing it was that they wrote leyla out that way. i don't think the time between s4 and s5 was a long as 1.5 years, likely a couple of months. but agreed, leyla is allowed to date whoever she wants but did she have to bring the woman back to the apartment that belongs to her ex-gf who she knows is still in love with her 😭 doesn't this lady have her own place y'all can go to 😭 leaving that moment as the last time we physically see leyla too??? the next tidbit we get is that her visa cleared and she moved out and also transferred residency to a different hospital in NYC. it felt so sweeping things under the rug and move along for a relationship between two characters that spanned almost half the lifetime of the show. at least floyd and evie got a proper, even if melancholy, goodbye. i agree that if this was going to be the way they played it out, should've just left things at 4x22 and start 5x01 with leyla written out offscreen. the writers really did their best to leave us with a bitter taste in our mouths as a last impression of her character smh.
also how am i suppose to believe that leyla shinwari, who was always so conscious to be careful and respectful of lauren's apartment, the space that leyla once was part of the beginning of building a life there together, is now fine and dandy bringing over a new woman to the place that she knows she's staying as a guest??? i could've lived with this if they had kept her character around and actually let them slowly repair the foundation of their relationship through working together in the ED. but alas. then to throw salt in the wound, that interview from schulner after the episode that was just like 'yeah nvm the bribe irrevocably fucked them up.' like fuck off dog then what was the point of us going through the back half of s4 and the shitty mess that spiraled from that 😭???? you know what, maybe it's actually a small blessing that the writers didn't approach leyren getting back together in the finale episodes of the series. god knows how they would've fucked that up. i just hate that they fucked up canon so much that the fanfic writers lost all motivation to even do a fix it 😔✊
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It feels like Lauren’s storyline this season will be more family based which I’m not mad about I’m sick of the back and forth with Leyla but I do want them together but based on last seasons writing I’m thinking there will be a big romantic declaration in the later episodes after one or both of them is deemed to have worked on themselves enough? Maybe they’ll start being friendly by the mid season and then find their way back but also, I saw the tweet about the finale being the show runners 11 year olds idea and hmmmm yeah that doesn’t give me hope lmao
anon 2: You think they’re doing away with Leyren to make room for Lauren’s family? As in she’s going to focus on familial love rather than romantic? I want both but with 13 eps and with the weird writing on the show sometimes I feel like both isn’t really in the cards.
hindsight is 20/20 now but i think most of us knew in the back of our heads when they introduced vanessa and had that awkward run in between lauren, leyla and leyla's new gf that this was the angle. 13 episodes isn't a lot of wiggle room to balance 4 main characters with (well i guess technically 5 since they did upgrade wilder). part of me still thinks that if they had gotten a bigger episode order for s5 that they would've kept leyla around. but the storyline with vanessa that we did end up getting still felt half explored so i'm not sure if they would've really utilized leyla's character like she deserved. hell we didn't even really get that much casey this season.
i can't necessarily say that i'm mad that they didn't shuffle leyla back in at the end for their HEA because in a way, i understand why they wanted to end lauren's storyline the way they did. the core of her character has always been a long and winding road to unpacking all her past trauma and family history. it wasn't romantically focused like say, floyd's journey was. so i did find it beautiful in a way, closing lauren bloom's story with her at an NA meeting and vanessa joining her so they could finally both move forward.
plus i guess the ambiguity of the romantic part of lauren's life leaves us to headcanon how leyren can reunite down the line lol.
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i saw a post that said the writers are unable to write happy ending stories for the black women on the show (helen, lyn, evie). i would add that they are not even able to write about Latin women who are not bad (fuentes, castro), about immigrant women who are not damsels in distress (leyla) and white women who are not privileged (bloom, but she has redeemed herself).
Very problematic for those who have created a show about the progressivism of its protagonist.
okay i'm starting from oldest to newest in my inbox of asks to catch up on and this was the furthest back NA ask.
after watching the show in it's entirety now, tbh it seems like they have a hard time writing a happy ending for anyone lol. everyone's ending in the finale felt like pulling teeth to get there and in some sense, unearned from a storytelling perspective? the white woman who's not privileged character that i can think of is dr. wilder and even then she was ultimately reduced to the max's love interest for 70% of her screentime like georgia was.
but totally agree though that black women have gotten a massive short end of the stick in this show. annoyingly, i don't even think it's from malicious intent or any kind of bias... they're literally just really bad at tying up loose ends with characters and storylines.
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