pannabags · 6 months
this is such a minor detail but i love how marian always has the last piece of the puzzle that the russels need to make their plans work. in season 1 she tells george about his secretary's real name which saves his ass in court. in season 2 she tells larry that mr. mcallister is the one who bought off the duke which helps bertha strike back and secure him. paired with the fact that she was one of the few people who was supportive of them from the start i just feel like she already fits into their family so well <3
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giovis-nar · 10 months
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Ya les dije q trabajé en maya y los tres uwu?
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jupiterdomain · 3 months
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Giovi Taioli
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sheswanderlust-txt · 1 year
I mean Giovinazzi won Le Mans, Ericsson won the Indy 500, not gonna lie Charles maybe the best option is to get tf out of F1 as soon as possible
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albonium · 9 months
giovinazzi kept coming out to wave to people he seems so nice
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charlespecco · 9 months
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Girl help I saw this post and went “but Charles has lead loads of laps since 2019” 😭
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vapsi0w0 · 1 year
Hola vapsi tqmm
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dobbiamo-capire · 2 years
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If I’m not recognized as THE Italian™️ in international group chats in the first 5 minutes it means I have done a shit job so thank you @c2stan to understand and include me in almost a week🤧❤️
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im-tryingtoloveyou · 6 months
Io sta cosa degli amici stretti non la capisco, minchia, sei pur sempre su un social con l'account pubblico, ma fatti un gruppo whatsapp con chi vuoi e fai prima 😂
È un account pubblico, ma questo non significa che voglia far sapere i suoi cazzi a tutti. È pur sempre una ragazza di 23 anni come tante altre. C'è questa opzione e la usa, così come fa anche Fede.
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stilouniverse · 1 year
Acone nella val di Sieve
“La Toscana è, per universale sentimento, oltre ad ogni altra provincia italica bellissima: le riconobbero sì nobil pregio i più disappassionati tra i connazionali; e venne come tale salutata e vagheggiata in ogni tempo dagli stranieri. Bagnata dal Tirreno e recinta dall’Appennino, è tutta intersecata da poggi e colline formanti corona a pittoresche valli, cui natura favorì di temperato clima, e…
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View On WordPress
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laterrazzasorrento · 1 year
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Posted @withregram • @ludovico.mosca #lovemassalubrense #massalubrensenelcuore #puntacampanella #montesancostanzo #camminate #ulyxestrekking #giovis #amppuntacampanella #sorrentowalks #hikingmassalubrense #hikinglovers #fieitalia #federazioneitalianaescursionismo #fiecampania #cai300 #torreminerva #garminoutdoor #garminfenix #brooksdivide2 (presso Massalubrense, Campania, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnBoe3MNDOr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pannabags · 3 months
something something patrick having no one he can trust, and eliza having no one who trusts her. eliza struggling with the people skills and smooth talking necessary to succeed in business that come naturally to patrick and patrick struggling with the honesty and moral compass that are necessary to run a good and ethical business that are innate to eliza. them tempering each other and inspiring each other to do better but also genuinely liking each other as they are, while most people find them both irritating. the way they seem like polar opposites and come at things from completely different angles when they in fact share the same ambitions, world views, and long term goals. the romantic arc is right there.
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giovis-nar · 5 months
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jupiterdomain · 3 months
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Giovi Taioli
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occhietti · 2 months
Non c'è cosa che giovi tanto quanto
lo starsene quieti,
parlando il meno possibile con gli altri,
moltissimo con sé stessi.
- Seneca
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Here is the consensus of the Chimera! Ed AU;
Be warned there's spoilers I'm pretty sure.
This AU starts out just like the Canon sources: Ed and Al doing human transmutation, it leading to Ed loosing his leg and only moments later his arm due to bonding Al's soul to a suit of armor as Al lost his physical form to the gate, Mustang and Hawkeye coming to Resembool looking for two adult Alchemists only to find out their sources were wrong and learned of the human transmutation as well as the fact that Ed and Al are like 11-10, Ed getting the automail surgery and then a year later getting into the military, Barry the chopper shit; Y'know, everything up to where FMA 03 diverges itself from Brotherhood and manga. At that point the Chimera! Ed AU diverges as well.
(*Giovi note: As much as I'd like to mix elements of FMA 03 and FMAB for this AU, this AU will follow FMAB more as honestly I remember more from Brotherhood; I need to rewatch both 03 and Brotherhood if I'll be honest, but yeah.)
The trip to Lab 5 doesn't go as planned. Ed and Al go, fight both the newly soul possessing armor Barry the chopper as well as the slicer brothers, the homunculi show up and incompacitate Ed. Blah, blah, blah. But, instead of giving Ed to Al; They put him in the hands of some of the scientists who were working on Chimera research and creation in the 5th lab (They most likely moved to a different location to continue their work after it was destroyed by Envy, and Lust.) as to monitor their sacrifice more closely. In turn keeping him from getting killed if he went on more missions as well as just to 'have fun' with him, in a sense.
This would lead to the eventual transmutation experiments that lead to Ed becoming a Chimera.
(*Giovi note: I know most people probably think of cats or dogs in terms of animals to use for chimeras, when I was first thinking of this AU I actually went over other people's works on AO3 of their Chimera Ed's as to see how most would view him behavior wise as well as which animal to pair him with. I saw a few of Ed with dog/wolf, at least one of him transmuted as a cat Chimera; So my assumption that people typically chose such was correct. However, I personally am straying away from that thought. For starters, I don't think they'd believe it to be a good idea that the Fullmetal Alchemist, known for his temper and being a protector, to have a predatory animal mixed into his mindset and body. If anything, that could make him more dangerous to the people working on him, or even the homunculi themselves. Therefore I believe they'd mix him with a prey-animal. As means to both humiliate him, reducing him to a panicked, skittish mindset as well as smaller attributes to be taken even less seriously if he were to go out into public again. This is why I chose an armadillo for Ed, a prey-animal known to curl up and hide when in distress and act rather docile in most situations unless cornered as well as to eat bugs. An animal seen as diseased by most. Honestly, I do think the armidillo is very fitting of Ed. But I digress.)
So, yeah, he goes through various experiments; Having his automail crudely removed as to keep him from preforming Alchemy as well as to keep him from hurting the scientists too badly. When the homunculi aren't constantly hovering over the experiments, possibly going to check over Alphonse to make sure he's still kicking in his rust bucket, Ed is able to make his escape. He had tried to escape a few times in the past, but without his automail, that'd probably make it a lot harder. So he'd try escaping, hiding out within the vents and such of the lab or building they chose to turn into a lab as he finds his automail; Promptly attaching the leg automail limb to his body, of course after getting some basic tools as he wandered the vents into different rooms. It is already painful to have someone else attach automail, let alone reattach, now it is probably a lot worse when its done all by himself; Him being an amateur at best, with only one usable arm and lack of energy from however long he had been hiding in the vents before finding and therefore reattached his limbs. He most likely vomited from the pain alone, shockingly not passing out (But it's Ed, with his determined ass he probably would keep himself from passing out for as long as he could; Especially with such an adrenaline high he probably got on from the pain.)
He most likely reattached the limb wrong, probably not connecting a good few of his nerves; But enough to still allow some movement, to help him escape faster. But not enough to help him out if he were to get into a fight, probably shorting out. His arm was practically useless, having frozen up back initially in the 5th lab when Envy approached him, so he never attached the limb. He just tied it to his back; With a cloth of some sort, taking some hanging up scientists coats and putting them on as well.
When he did make his escape, he was nearly found out, having ran through a corridor he had watched scientists leave through even through days of the initial transmutation and the experiments that shortly followed that. If it weren't for Havoc conveniently searching the area for a different threat (Scar probably, he had split up from Mustang to search. But they also had been searching for Ed after he went missing, it being much harder to do with how tight lipped Al, Ross, and Brosh were being about the whole situation. They still had their jobs to do though); Ed probably wouldn't of escaped successfully.
The only issue was, Havoc's first instinct when seeing Ed was to point a gun at him; At first unknowing that it was indeed Ed.
Ed's appearance had greatly changed after the experiments occurred. These experiments being much lower budget, most likely kept from Bradley himself given Ed was "called dibs on" by him, and probably were to conclude whether or not Chimeras could be made using cheaper methods. (So unlike the Devil's Nest gang) Ed now looked more animalistic and smaller, his back unnaturally curved like a macaroni noodle, his face furry and almost shrew like with little whiskers and a snout, his eyes cataracted and white like Nina's had been when she was transmuted with Alexander, his right arm now only containing three fingers with long claws at the end of them. Rounded ears on top of his head. Yet he still had his long, golden hair with golden bangs. Still had that, although much dimmed out, fire in his eyes that inexplicably made everyone know who he was. And his voice. His voice sounded just like his own, yet with a bit more squeakiness to it. In the back of his throat, he seemed to emit a squeaking, almost beeping sound. Especially as he looked over Havoc when he was found.
So yeah, that's basically sumerizes the context you'll need of the AU once I start drawing out it's comic. It may take me a bit to draw the comic out, however, please be patient with me. All posts with the tag "#Chimera ed au" , "#Chimera ed" all pertain to this AU. That is going to be how ill organize the posts for now.
Anyway, if you have any questions, wanna give suggestions for the AU, or even just wanna tell me to stfu about the AUs; Use the ask box on my acc or just comment. I'll answer whatever I can. :)
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