#girl literally saw him living on a ship then living off land and theft and decided to hc him killing poor peoples babies
mx-paint · 1 year
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hitbythunder · 3 years
Chandrilan Moons -4
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A Kylo Ren x Reader story with much angst, possessiveness and dark themes (warnings will be updated as the story progresses) –> Read also on AO3
Summary: Growing up under the loving care of your foster-mother, Leia Organa, there had been nothing for you and Rey to want for. Though not of kin, you loved Rey as your sister and spent a happy childhood with her on Chandrila. But when the boiling galactic politics demanded for Leia to take action, for the Resistance to rise and fight, the girls could no longer evade the cruelty of the world. Kylo Ren sought a map as a key to revenge, to freedom, and had no use for a force-unsensitive young girl like you. You were simply a means to an end. Until his darkness latched onto you, drawn in by your light as you were by the demon that is Kylo Ren - inevitably gravitating towards each other, bound to be one. Like the Chandrilan moons.
**** WARNING: description of violence, use of the Force
4- A Ruffled Little Bird
Pure adrenaline rushed through my body, dulling the pain of my injuries and keeping my head clear enough to realize who that hooded, black creature in a mask was. Looming above me was Kylo Ren in the flesh, the nightmare of the galaxy. For a brief moment, I doubted my vision - because why would he be here of all places? - but watching Ren slaughter both thieves in the blink of an eye and with such unique vigor, convinced me of his reality and made it very clear that my situation had just gotten so much worse. Like to totally terrifying, end-of-life scenario.
Luckily my body's flight-mode took over then and somehow I managed to get off the ground, stumbling away from the black giant on shaky feet. I didn't get far, though, because my mind spun too much to maintain balance, forcing me back on the ground after a few steps. The jolt of pain in my right hand, which had earlier been stepped on, allowed for a moment of clarity in my mind and above the frantic beating of my heart I heard Kylo Ren's heavy footsteps approaching.
  What a fascinating mechanism, this will to live, ingrained at the very base level of any living being and making the girl flee him despite her injured state. Honestly, Kylo was surprised that she even made it that far and watched with almost clinical curiosity how she fell and now cowered on the ground. Panic and sheer horror radiated off her, both peaking when she rolled onto her back and faced him. Looming above her and with the sabre at the ready, Kylo hesitated to end her misery as the gentle whisper of the Force suggested him to spare her.
Suspicious of this whole affair, he took his time to muster her from head to toe. Beige functional blouse, brown combat-pants and boots (all dirty and scruffy by now) exhibited her affiliation to the Resistance, but her built was too small and soft for her to be an active fighter. Perhaps a scout or carrier-pilot. The top of her hair was pulled back and tied in a bun, while the rest lay in a braid over her shoulder, many strands having already escaped. With her right hand cradled against her chest, she looked quite like a ruffled little bird - not at all what he had expected to find amidst the thicket. So why had he come here? He caught her wondering the same, ire rising within him at this waste of time.
 "Where's the droid?" he spoke finally, the girl jumping as his distorted voice filled the silence around them.
"I don't-" but he didn't let her finish, for she would have lied anyways, and invaded her mind without preamble nor hindrance. Her latest memories swirled around there, so fresh and raw, yet not in exact chronological order, but Kylo got the gist rather quickly. A snipped of memory revealed that the droid had fled the scene, as confirmed by the suspicious tracks he had spotted earlier, and with it the map was gone. The map. The map. The map.
 Kylo felt her mind shutting down, more and more memories and thoughts vanishing into the dark void of her unconsciousness, beyond his access. She's fainting, he knew but continued, skipping through the remaining snippets before those too were gone, and at the next glimpse she was out cold. It had been there, just for a split-second, yet long enough for him to recognize the ripple in the Force which had prompted him to come here. This girl, as insignificant she otherwise might be, had seen the map to Luke Skywalker with her own eyes.
 And she'll show it to me. Kylo thought without doubt and deactivated his sabre. In one fluid movement, he then gathered her in his arms and picked her up, making his way back to the ship.
   Effortlessly he carried her through the thicket in a quick pace, a rush of elation and excitement flooding his mind upon the apparent success of this mission. As soon as he stepped out of the forest, two of his officers came running towards him, their white boots scrunching on the charred earth. In the background, Kylo made out shouts and shots as stormtroopers fought everything that moved between the smoke and flames, upon the ruins of Takodana castle.
 "Resistance back-up is approaching from the sea-side, Sir. Likely contact in 7 minutes!" one of the officers reported after a quick salute to their superior. Still looking at the battle-field, Kylo could sense the other force-user there and briefly frowned at the missed confrontation. But the map inside that girl's mind was of too much value to let it slip his hands - literally.
 "Abort mission and have all units return to the Finalizer. I've got what we need." Kylo commanded in a cool, almost detached tone, that left no room for argument. Not that any of his subordinates would ever be as foolish as to contradict him. No, that role was solely reserved for Hux.
"Yes, Sir!" they barked in unison as the trained dogs they were and dashed off to follow his orders. Kylo felt the girl stir in his arms then and sensed that her mind was drifting back to the surface of consciousness upon the noise of the ongoing battle around them. It took but a thought of him to put her back into a deep slumber, her small frame relaxing peacefully, as he cradled her closer against his chest.
  Blaster shots and debris whirled past Rey and Poe, both ducking in unison behind a large chunk of the castle's wall - or had it been a ceiling, one couldn't be sure anymore. They had all been caught unawares, in a moment of false security, and suddenly the castle had been under attack. The white ants of the First Order had swarmed the place and pure chaos had risen among the canteen's guests. Staying closely together, Han had led their small group through a secret tunnel that connected the castle with the ground level at the bottom of the main stairs. One could reach the landing area much quicker that way, which was where Chewie and _________ would already wait for them.
 But Chewie had come running towards them, firing left and right at approaching troopers. So they had split up to save time: Han and Fin fought their way to the Falcon and would get it ready for take-off, while Rey and Poe turned the other direction to where she sensed her sister. Uneducated in the Force and its ways, Poe was impressed by Rey's capability to track her sister in the vicinity and dashed off as soon as she told him the direction. The thought of __________ and two thugs alone in the woods didn't sit well with Poe at all and he cursed the girl for her foolish bravery.
 It's gonna be fine. We'll find her, get out of here and have that drink I promised her.
 Oh how foolish of him to believe that. The countless stormtroopers kept blocking their way, slowing down any approach towards the forest, and Poe cursed the stars for being on the ground right now. If only he was in his star-fighter. Peeking up from behind their hiding spot, Poe scanned the area for any useful vessel or a better point of vantage for them to occupy. His sharp eyes landed on a black sleek ship that looked very much like a fancy First Order high-tech starfighter and as he considered the theft thereof he noticed a hooded figure, clad in black from head to toe, approaching the ship.
 Kylo Ren, Poe's mind supplied and for a brief moment he visualized what a triumph it would be for the Resistance if they got hold (or rid of) the Frist Order's second-in-command. But such thoughts were wiped away, his mind cleansed until naked dread remained, when Poe's gaze dropped to the girl in Ren's arms.
 "No. No, no, no, no! NO!" he yelled as panic overtook him and if not for Rey pulling him back behind their cover he would be sporting a hole in his head.
"Kriff, Poe! What's gotten-" Rey barked but he cut her right off, almost shouting at her to let him go and in the next moment he was dashing across the charred earth towards the black ship. But the ranks of white troopers kept a tight line surrounding their superior, blocking off any further advance, and forcing Poe - as well as Rey, who had followed him of course - to watch helplessly as the galaxy's nightmare carried an unconscious _____________ on board.
   Poe nearly burst with frustration and shame when he and the rest of his little group stood in front of the General's ship. All dirtied, with minor wounds and glum faces, they made a miserable welcoming-party indeed. Leia hadn't even properly set a foot on the ground when Rey had thrown herself at her foster-mother in despair.
 "What happened, my dear?" the wise lady prompted, quickly glancing at everyone of the group before focusing again on Rey. "Where's your sister?"
"Kylo Ren ... H-he took her!" the young girl wailed under tears and Leia froze on the spot. It lasted only a fracture of a second, but Poe saw it, and he realized with dread that the General was afraid of Kylo Ren. Or at least afraid of what he would do to her girl. And at that moment, it seemed there would be little chance to get ________ back. Not that anybody dared to voice that opinion.
"Hush, darling, hush now." Leia cooed and lovingly embraced Rey to spend some comfort. "We'll think of something. But now we must gather our forces and leave for the base."
"I'll get her on board, General." Poe offered instantly, hoping to distract himself by being useful, and with a nod Leia dismissed him and Rey.
"We'll check on the Falcon, then." Han in his typical avoiding-behavior tried to make himself scarce too but Leia wouldn't have it.
"A moment, Han?" and by her tone he knew it wasn't negotiable.
 Stepping a little away from the carrier, they had some privacy and Han spied the cracks in Leia's hardened facade. Understandably, really, for he himself felt devastated at the situation. He then explained as best as he could what had happened, feeling very uncomfortable under Leia's scrutinizing gaze. She nodded, averted her eyes that had glassed over, and Han could feel her pain pinching his heart. He pulled her into his arms without hesitation.
"Do you think he knows?" she whispered against his chest, her head tucked in under his chin like a perfect fit.
"How could he? It's a secret between us three and we've not spoken 'bout it in all those years. He simply can't know." he replied and held her lovingly, like he should have done many occasions prior. Leia slung her arms around his torso, closed her eyes and sighed deeply.
 "And may the Force keep it that way."
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