hitbythunder · 2 years
Chandrilan Moons -7
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A Kylo Ren x Reader story with much angst, possessiveness and dark themes (warnings will be updated as the story progresses) –> Read also on AO3
7: Still feeling cooperative? +++ +Starkiller Base on Ilum+
I was no longer in that metal chair, that much I knew upon coming to, while the rest of my surroundings remained a confusing blur of gray interior and equally colorless, clinical people talking in clipped detached voices around me. For a brief moment I fooled myself into thinking that I was at the hospital on D'Qar after being knocked out during combat lessons, and that my encounter with Kylo Ren had just been a terrible nightmare. But the glaring red insignia of the First Order, worn proudly on the breast pocket of every person within sight, put an abrupt end to my illusions. As did the metal handcuffs at my wrists. At least there was no pain anymore, just the distant memory of it ghosting through my limbs and head, and after a while I realized to be in the medical bay of this place. The large room housed many beds, some of them occupied by wounded Stormtroopers, while a handful of nurses scurried in between the rows. They had put me in the corner farthest away from the large doors, half hidden behind a milky screen so that I could only survey part of the room. Whether to be on a spaceship or a planet-base was hard to tell from the monochrome interior and the uniformed First Order personnel, and windows were rare to come by in either case. Not that I was even thinking of escaping, stars I wasn't that foolish, but perhaps there was a chance for rescue if I could let my family and friends know where I was being kept.
One step at a time…, I reminded myself as my vision spun while trying to sit up in the medical bed. A nurse urged me to lie back down, then examined my injured hand and ribs. When she scribbled some notes onto her holopad, I dared to ask about my condition but she ignored me at first. Upon asking for the third time, she relented though and informed me about my split lip, cracked rib, sprained wrist and the considerate concussion. Her tone was kept professional, naturally reserved considering the fact that I was the enemy, and upon my shocked expression she let some humanity show beneath the polished First Order veneer.
"Nothing too serious, don't worry. But you need a lot of rest now." she said as she adjusted the amount of pain killing infusion that dripped slowly into my blood-system via an IV. Then the both of us noticed a growing tumult behind the screen, wavering voices laced with dread and a heavy set of footsteps approaching us. My heart skipped a beat, remembering that distinct sound from the woods and whom they foretold.
Alarmed by the presence of her superior, the nurse beside me turned away but somehow I managed to grasp her wrist despite the metal restraints. When she looked from my vice-like grip to my face, I pleaded with my eyes for her to help me. I was terrified of meeting Ren in another round of rampage inside my mind, of the pain and torment it entailed. Understanding and perhaps a grain of pity ghosted over the nurse's expression, gone tough when she turned around fully to walk away into the part of the room that was shielded from my view. Her silhouette shone through the milky screen. The heavy footsteps halted and a bulky figure joined the nurse in this shadow play, towering over her in his billowing robes and distinctive helmet.
"Status report on the prisoner." a calm but demanding voice, rumbling deep like the roll of thunder and foreboding dire consequences should the answer be displeasing. Without delay the nurse rattled off the details of my condition, again detached as if talking about a droid's flaws after an inspection.
"... Any further healing, especially of the brain, requires more rest. At least for 24 hours." she tentatively added at the end, her body posture all submissive and appeasing through the screen. Whether it was her medical opinion or an act of (female) solidarity against her terrifying Commander, I had no clue but I was grateful for the effort nonetheless. A few seconds ticked by, the giant figure unmoving, until its head very slowly turned to look directly at me through the screen and I could suddenly feel Ren's gaze on me like a laser, unyielding and permeating.
I promised to cooperate, but I'm not in for permanent damage to my brain. But why would he care about that...
"18 hours." came Ren's reply at last, staring in my direction for a beat longer, before he turned to walk away from the screen. His deep voice crackled above the storming footsteps: "You've got 18 hours to pepper her up."
As the end of my reprieve neared, my cuffs were unlocked and two nurses ushered me into the nearby refresher unit, their stern expressions daring me to try something stupid in there. Which I hadn't even thought of honestly, instead taking my sweet time to enjoy the hot water cascading down my body, washing away the forest grime but not my trepidation upon the near future. Clean and dried, I avoided looking too long at myself in the mirror and quickly put on washed-out grey cotton pants and a white shift, along with thin slippers which they had given me. While it seemed only logical to equip prisoners with simple clothes that weren’t made for fight or flight, they could at least have put some effort into the style. While the pants somewhat fit my frame, the shift hung a quite loosely on my shoulders, its hem ending mid-thigh, and I had to roll up the too long sleeves before fixing my hair. As of lately, I had come to wear my hair with one section in a bun and the rest braided - a similar style like Rey's, perhaps in an unwittingly attempt to imitate her. With a sigh I gave myself a once-over, thankful not to be an overly vain person, because stars I looked like a miserable and slightly beaten-up ghost in those unshapely rags.
No doubt Rey and Rose would have a laughing fit if they could see me…. the thought caused a sharp pang in my heart that drove tears to my eyes unbidden. An impatient knock on the door ripped me back to the present and I quickly wiped my eyes, exhaling deeply before exiting the refresher.
I'll see them again. Just need to play along and do as Ren says.
A swish of opening doors was audible, followed by small and light footsteps as the girl slowly ventured into the premises of his quarters. Her light and mismatched clothes were a stark contrast to the black-grey and neatly arranged interior. Though by far not as spacious or luxurious as his accommodation on the Finalizer, those here consisted of a main living-room with adjacent bedroom and refresher unit, the doors to both currently firmly shut, which left the girl no options to hide. She flinched when the door behind her closed with a click, sealing her within this gloomy room full of shadows. With careful steps she rounded the small table and its accompanying two chairs, not deeming her surroundings worth a glance. As if mesmerized, her eyes were glued to the large window opposite the entrance door, a child-like wonder illuminating her face as she beheld the outside world of raging winter. Somewhere behind the building, the sun was setting and its remaining light cast an orange glow upon the snowy planes and distant mountains.
Kylo watched intently as she brushed two fingers across the glass, felt the cold under nipping at her fingertips, and knew she had never witnessed snow on Chandrila. While there could be heavy downpours and storms, the overall climate on Chandrila was mild and without extremes in either direction. Its summers warm and long, ideal for joyous play outside until mother’s calling. Kylo absorbed her memories with growing agitation and almost scoffed at the picture-perfect scenes unfolding in the girl’s head. By all means, she didn’t belong to a place of war like this, her whole being standing in stark contrast to the brutality of the First Order. A child of summer and gaiety, now trapped in this metallic prison amidst ice and darkness. And yet, in her innocent wonder, she was still unaware of the creature silently observing her from the shadows.
Kylo waited until the sun's rays slowly vanished outside and dipped the bizarre landscape, as well as the room, into the many opaque shades of night. By the time the last orange tint was snuffed out, Kylo had circled the girl and now stood directly behind her. From the periphery of her mind, he sensed her nerves prickle in an unconscious alarm to his presence. A few seconds later, her whole being was overcome by dread and pure shock when she saw his reflection in the window-glass. All black-in-black, the outlines of his figure were obscured by the surrounding shadows and the glistening silver elements of his helmet served as the only fix-point of that dark mass. Instantly she turned around and took a step backwards in order to increase the distance between them. Her thoughts were alight in a panicked flurry as she took him in.
How long has he been standing there?! Stars, how could I not notice him this close behind me?
On purpose, he took his time to have her squirm in his presence a little while longer. Her eyes were wide, searching for something alive behind his steeled mask, while she did her best to keep her limbs from shaking. She truly was a frightened little bird, so tiny and helpless compared to him.
“It’s time to continue where we left off.” Kylo’s deep voice cut the tense silence as he leaned slightly downward, his tall and broad frame towering over the girl even more so. On instinct she shied away and pressed herself against the cold glass behind her.
“Still feeling cooperative?”
She quickly nodded in reply and Kylo almost scoffed at her willingness to comply in the face of torture. Clearly she wasn’t trained at all for such situations and whoever had sent her to Takodana had made a grave mistake. How reckless, to let someone with such intel run around without the means to defend herself and the knowledge she possessed.
“You will answer me properly.”
“Y-yes, sir.” I stuttered, averting my gaze from the polished and impenetrable surface of his mask. “I’m sorry, sir.”
I truly was, wishing to get this over with quickly and to return to my family and friends. The less I put up a fight, the better my chances to come out of this disaster - or so I hoped.
“Then come.” With the flick of his hand, dim lights went on in the corners of the room, and with large strides he lead us to a sleek metal desk. Before it had been too dark for me to make out the room’s interior, so I was slightly surprised to be in some sort of private quarter: a dark grey sitting area beside the window, a few plain cupboards along the walls and the desk where Ren had seated himself. Each wall housed a door, the one to my left probably leading to a refresher unit, while the one on the right stood ajar, revealing a bedroom. For a brief moment, the black sheets got my attention, then my eyes snapped to the durasteel main door, concluding that I was indeed trapped in here.
Dread filled my stomach and slowed my movements as I took the remaining empty seat opposite of Ren. He tilted his head slightly, as if studying me from behind his stainless mask in quiet contemplation. Suddenly very self-conscious, I crossed my arms in an instinctive reflex to shield myself, as the prolonged silence continued. Although I avoided to look at him, my very being was alert and just waiting for him to act, afraid of what was to come. After all, Kylo Ren was known to have a short temper and I had zero intention to set it off.
As if ripped from his inner musings, the black mass of Ren came to life then, shifting forward in his seat to touch the desk’s surface. A hidden keypad activated the built-in holo-screen and computer, Ren flicking through a menu by swiping his gloved finger in front of the holo-screen.
“Think of the map now.” He instructed then, his firm deep voice having me jump in my seat. Nodding, I sat up straight and did as I was told, immediately feeling his presence in my mind – a low humming in the distance, far less painful than the first time.
The map, yes. I saw it again, tiny stars and constellations… but quickly my mind would venture on to my encounter with the thugs, reviving the pain I had suffered at their hands.
Ren’s harshness forced me back to the present and despite the mask I knew he was displeased.
“Sorry, I haven’t… how do I do this?”
Stars, I sounded to timid. Just like the little mouse I was. But then again, to cooperate was my only chance of survival here. Ren must have sensed my willingness, because he answered way more patiently than I had expected.
“Try again, but think only of the map in it’s entirety. Envision it with as much detail as you can and hold that image before your inner eye.”
And so I did, willing myself to calm down and focus – clinging to the hope that once Ren got the map, he would let me go. What a foolish child I had been…
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littledoveheart · 5 months
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I might start doing moodboards too if people are interested in those, cause idk I just love them 😭
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kingdomhate · 6 months
They're Jealous Scenarios!
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Han Solo: Maybe he was mistaken. He could've sworn he could see you speaking to one of the Resistance Pilots, a little smile cropped onto your gorgeous face. The same smile that you give him when he retorts with a snarky comment or a sardonic (playful) insult. And if that was correct, and he is 99.9% sure it is, why is it projected toward this bum?
With an adrenaline rush, he strides over to the pair of you, cutting your stupid conversation in two. Han's arm finds it's way to your upper back as he inserts himself into the interaction. He glares at the guy, his gaze too intense to match with that goofy grin on his face, which seems so out of place "I'm sure this is a lovely conversation, but we gotta go, bigger fish to fry. Don't we, sweetheart?" Then, he's tugging you away before you can reply. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close to him.
The feeling that shot through him at the sight of you, so close to someone else, when you really did not need to be, it made his blood boil. "What kinda business do ya got with a guy like that, anyway?" Han's tone was firm, he really wanted to hear your answer. "None! I know that, it was just a conversation, Han." He scoffed and threw up his arms, almost defensively. "You just said it, none! You got no business talking to a bum like that! Come on, you're so much more than what you make yourself out to be, love." You frown but hug him anyways, sighing heavily.
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Anakin Skywalker: He knew the feeling of jealousy well, too well. One might even call them friends and lovers. You, were his light, his angel, his sweetness. But he knew what was not what other guys saw in you, of course not, they saw you as something too low, a mere object. You were so much more, you had value, you had brightness, you shine, like the sun.
So when he could clearly see you being flirted with, flattered and random men in your vicinity, too close, and the clearly uncomfortable body language of yours, his mind went into husband mode, protectiveness, instinct to make you smile again, he moved over to the men. His gaze was like daggers, and threatening, those blue eyes that were the symbols of love, adoration, devotion and unspeakable, unwavering commitment to you, replaced by threats, searing jealousy and protection. He asked the men a simple question, "What do you think you're doing? Can't you see they are uncomfortable? Huh?" The men scrambled and spoke overlapping about their reasonings but Anakin couldn't hear more than, "We just wanted to show them a good time."
Within those few seconds, rage. All he could see was red. He used the force to send them flying back with ferocity. Once they hit a wall, he bent his fingers ever so slightly, force-choking them. But once you protested, he stopped. The men scurried off like mice. He turned back to you, seeing your face, no longer tainted by uncomfortability and now happiness, happiness because the guys were gone. "Thank you, Ani." He smiles, those pearly blue eyes melting into soft orbs of adorability. Oh, how, he loved you and it showed.
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Kylo Ren: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren had faults. Flaws. Everyone knew that. To name a few: Anger issues, possessiveness and protection-issues and jealousy. He trained himself, he had such discipline and a higher goal to be like Vader that he always found himself being told off by you to slow down. Not work too hard.
You resemble to him, his mother. You carried such qualities of determination, hope, gentleness but a tendency to become firm if need be, and you always remained honest to him. Always.
However, that did not mean that everyone saw this in you. Frequently a group of women or men would hit on you, and it always ended in a fight. Because someone said something biting to him or you, and Kylo lost it. He always promised to you that he couldn't help it, and you knew this. The situation now with one of your higher ranking officials was getting out of hand and you were solving it, your own way. And you knew if Kylo had seen, it would become worse and violent.
The officer of yours seemed to not be getting the hint from your calm and collected words and you felt the anger boil in your blood and the officer said something insensitive and in a blinding flash, something black soared past you and knocked down the officer to the floor like a bowling ball hitting pins. It happened so fast, the officer couldn't even let out a scream, or a yelp. And when the moment past and your mind caught up to the situation, it was Kylo. You were frozen, and did not react immediately but when you did, Kylo was heaving, the officer's face was like something a scene from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but you scrambled to take Kylo away before the officer was dead. You called a medic and ran away. You did not even have to ask him what the hell that was, he was already talking.
"I can't believe the disrespect and vulgar language you get. They are tools, but they think that they are have potential to be more. My love, you're no object, you know? Not for anyone's pathetic usage, you're a person, and you're mine. My love, my beauty and my life. Always." He says before capturing your lips in a fierce kiss, with an underlying tenderness.
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novelconcepts · 1 day
wait wait wait, so we had: a gorgeously diverse, complicated story about the folly of the Jedi, set against the backdrop of truly fascinating Force witch lore and a potential deep-dive into the real fallout of suppressing emotion, complete with totally rad lightsaber fights, grayscale characters all around, and the coolest fucking helmet in the history of the franchise, all tucked into the world of Star Wars, which makes money simply by existing--and they cancelled it?? i am going to explode
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mandomaterial · 1 year
Kylo ren would protect you with his life. There’s no discussing this fact. He will not even let you have a weapon. Now imagine this. The two of you somehow got stranded in the forest on a snowy, cold night. He walks with your hand in his, pulling you along and when he noticed that you were shivering, not wearing proper clothing, after all they had caught the two of you off guard. Without a doubt in his mind Kylo rips off his cape to wrap it around you, for him, it only covers his back and shoulders but for you? It covers you whole. Wrapped up like a cute little bun, once he made sure that the cloak was secured around your shaking frame, he brushed his hair hick, gloved fingers through you soft hair, tucking some of it behind your ear. All the while you look up at him like a baby fawn, big eyes all sparkly and pink lips a little pouty. He couldn’t help the time smile wandering onto his lips, he leans down and presses a warm, gentle kiss to your forehead, trying to calm you and show you that he truly loves you. And the message comes through, you sling yourself at him, tracing to embrace him with your arms, hugging him around his waist with your face pressed to his chest. Kylo only continues patting your head while his other arm wrapped around you as well. All was good until he felt a disturbance in the force, something was coming and it was fast.
Out of pure instinct he grabs and trows you a s far as he can, almost making you crave back first into a tree, but he was too preoccupied to see. He didn’t care who or what it was, but it looked like they were here to harm the two of you, stupid enough to challenge the Kylo Ren. He ignited his lightsaber getting in a defensive position, just then one of the raiders ran forward attacking him head on, how reckless. Kylo countered all the blaster shots with ease, spinning his sabre around with practiced hands, he counted round five others hiding badly behind trees, probably trying to sneak up on him. And right he was, not a second later they all jumped him, almost circling him with different weapons each but all of them had already signed their death wish, Kylo had a look of pure death in his eyes, how dare they? How dare they try to harm you? Kylo whipped around, almost at the speed of light slashing a few of them in vital areas. But they struggled against him, they flailed their weapons around, trying ever so hard to gain the upper hand against their singular enemy clad in black. It was futile and they soon realised, every attack they offered was deflected by this man, who almost seemed annoyed. All of their breathing was heavy, strained by the fight bug they couldn’t stop now, if they ran now this psycho would sure as hell kill them all, so instead they looked for a way to outsmart him. In that same second one of the men caught a glimpse of a small figure wrapped in their enemies cape leaning against a tree, shaking in fear. The man saw his chance when Kylo back was turned to him for only a moment, he forced his legs to sprint over, forcefully grabbed you by your neck and pressed his blaster above your ear. But it was too late, Kylo had heard your whimpers the moment you uttered them and a sense of rage filled him, Kylo forced his sabre to move faster, to kill faster. You couldn’t even see him move, it’s as just a blur with two dead bodies crashing to the floor. Now? Oh, now Kylo was walking over to the man that had a gun pressed to your head, he looked oddly calm but on the inside he was raging. It was like the calm before the storm, his enemy would perish for ever even touching you. With his flaming lightsaber in hand, he strode over, flipping it a few times as the man was shouting some shit. It all flew past him, nothing in his head except for the unstoppable urge to kill.
Kylo moved with precision, not making a single mistake, his lightsaber swung faster than ever making quick work of the man above you, not even letting him have a chance at a fight. Less than a second and he was dead, body even not registering what happened, Kylo kicked him off you. He picked you up, holding you in his arms, hugging Andy sharing his warmth with you, his clothes were soaked in blood but he didn’t care, you were wrapped up in his came anyway, so you wouldn’t get any of this filthy blood on your innocent, soft skin. He pushed your head to his lips, giving you kisses all over your hair and face, effectively shushing your little whines and tears “Hey, it’s alright, you’re safe” he whispered but you only shook your little head, hiccuping and trying to say something as well, Kylo waited patiently, rocking you back and forth a bit to calm you, “n- *hic* n-nooo…*hic* you- *hic* almost… *hic* g-got- huuurt!” You cried and cried unable to hold off the tears and Kylo continued comforting you, you were a sensitive little thing and he loved you oh so very much, still he was surprised to hear your reasoning. You were concerned about his safety and not even your own? It seemed like you’re were just like him. Seems like you loved him just as much as he did you, well maybe almost as much. Nothing could be greater than his love for his darling, his significant other, the only good thing in his life, you.
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It was breathtaking. Looking at Ren tearing through enemies like they were nothing. Marvellous. One of the officers next to him swallowed hard his eyes dilated in pure shock.
"What is he.?" Hux clasped his hands behind his back. It was quite a look indeed. He well remebered his first encounter with Ren. When he saw him in fight for the first time. It was not the same. He was clumsy then. Chaotic in a wrong way. Now it was different. There was grace in this chaos. And purpose in every move. And Hux felt proud because he was the one that gave him this purpose.
"He is outstanding" Hux narrowed his eyes. There was too many emotions in these words.
"At attention, Lieutenant" He hissed. Officer straightened himself immediately. Hux faced him. "He is also mine" he snapped. "Do not forget yourself."
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I saw a post back when the PJO show was announced that said something like "Watch, they're gonna cast a pretty boy to play Luke Castellan and all of you are gonna be Luke apologists."
And I'm like.
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trooperst-3v3 · 1 year
I did a little research, and it turns out that when most really strong Force users die, their bodies ~*disappear*~!
We're all safe from Ben Solo's dreams of corpse possession!
Well, unless he finds someone else's corpse to wear around.
But surely there's some kind of Light Side moral code which forbids that sort of thing.
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kyluxxed · 2 years
we gonna talk about how kylo goes feral when he sees another man talking to hux in a casual, non-professional way? they could be talking about the weather. it doesn't matter. back the fuck off and don't smile at his man.
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ladyjanesta · 1 year
Body sock Ben Solo
This is where I thought the storyline was going to go.
Palpatine has already established that he enjoyed perverting the 'good' force users (Anakin Skywalker becoming his boy/the Jedi Council not seeing a Sith master right there). Manipulation, deceit and rousing speeches are his biscuits and gravy.
The daughter of your most successful perversion and some dipshit smuggler manage to help take down your Empire, then go on to have a massively powerful force-user for a child who is also the nephew of Luke Skywalker, the person who turned your personal attack hound into your own yeet machine.
Oh man, that kid is going to be hollowed out like a melon then 'ol Palps is going to pour himself right in.
That's where I thought all that 'tearing me apart' stuff was going, tear this boys soul in twain then slither in like a warm noodle, get up in there wholesale.
The revenge boner of Palpatine as he takes over the body of the scion of the Skywalker family, leave some instructions to his trusted minions, then have a big old change of heart!
Now you're at the tit of the Rebellion.
Mummy and Daddy just want their baby boy home and they've got him. A few sacrifices to the cause, get the Rebellion to trust him, let him in on all their secrets then bam! strike attacks on all the bases, all the planets who provided help.
Now Palpatine's got a hot, young bod, an Empire to re-establish and a sexy scavenger (also a powerful Force user) to start a dynasty in.
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hitbythunder · 2 years
Chandrilan Moons -6
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A Kylo Ren x Reader story with much angst, possessiveness and dark themes (warnings will be updated as the story progresses) –> Read also on AO3
6- Make it stop +++
Leather tapped against my cheek, becoming more insistent but not too violent in order to rouse me from unconsciousness. Again I woke up to the same scene, strapped to a metal chair and at the mercy of my tormentor, who needn't even lay a single finger on me to cause more pain than I had ever felt. The ache all over my body had become a dull throb, subdued by the far worse havoc Ren had inflicted upon my mind and soul. He had discovered all my flaws, my insecurities and fears - many of which I had never shared with anybody, not even Rey - and of course Kylo Ren would hold himself above all moral codes that deterred most people from abusing such sensitive information.
"Welcome back." he quipped from beside me, pacing a half-circle in front of the chair with measured steps. A fresh wave of nausea overcame me as I looked at his visor - presumably establishing eye-contact - and my heart skipped a beat when he suddenly rushed closer. For someone this big he shouldn't be able to move that fast, but here he was with both arms braced at the sides of the chair and looming above me like a huge dark shadow. His broad frame encompassed my view, blocking out the flimsy light from above, while he studied me from behind his mask. The reflection of my scared self stared back at me, wide-eyed and frightened, tears streaking my cheeks. But now was definitely not the time to worry about appearances.
"Now let us continue where we left off." he said as if torturing frightened girls was standard procedure for him - which it probably was.
"N-no! No please!" came my immediate response, more tears welling up in my eyes at the mere imagination of the emotional pain that I was about to face. "Please no more... I can't..."
At that moment, I realized just how stupid and naive I had been to get on a mission, lacking experience, instead of just staying behind on Chandrila and focus on my harpiton lessons. I was no agent of the Resistance, untrained and totally unprepared for the predicament I currently found myself in. For a brief moment I thought of Leia, Rey and Poe, who would surely withstand the torture with their unbreakable hope and belief in the cause, and it pained me to let them down. However, this was a matter of self-preservation, because I knew for certain that I wouldn't bear another one of Ren's assaults and that he wouldn't stop unless he got what he wanted.
Ren leaned back a bit, as if intrigued by my train of thought, but I still felt very uncomfortable under his scrutiny. And even now he was way too close.
"Will you cooperate, then?" he said in a commanding tone that warned me not to test my luck. He wouldn't ask again and proceed to just tear my brain apart.
"Y-yes..." I whispered with a nod and when he titled his head forward, in a way I interpreted as expectant, I hastily added: "...Sir."
The black giant only hummed in reply, remaining bent over my much smaller frame, as if he was contemplating the sincerity behind my words. Eerie silence hung between us, forcing me to avert my eyes from the polished mask and have a closer look at my right hand instead. Overloaded as my nerves were, I didn't feel the pain in my hand which I knew was still there, but oddly enough I noticed Ren's large hand curling around handle near my own hand. The metal had given way beneath his fingers.
Focus on the map! his command pulled me back to the issue at hand, demanding my undivided attention and immediate compliance. Closing my eyes I thought of the map as clear and precise as possible, while trying to ignore the tingle of Ren's presence in my mind. At one point I heard a pleased low hum, though it could have only been my imagination.
After only a few seconds my exhaustion became unbearable and soon I struggled to concentrate on the map, the image flickering as thoughts of sleep and rest became more urgent. Not even my fear for the black demon got me keeping it up much longer and the only sign of notice Ren offered was a more insistent assault on my mind, creating a rather vicious headache.
Everything hurts. I can't... Please make it stop. I want to go home. Please. I'll do anything. Just stop. Please...
My salvation presented itself via the swoosh of the metal-door opening as one of the demon's underlings entered the torture chamber and created enough distraction to Ren for me to slip back into unconsciousness.
"What?!" Kylo snapped at the officer without deeming him worth a glance, as lowly an insect this man was. In a unified mass such as First Oder personnel, faces were irrelevant, especially regarding the lower ranks with high turnover rates. Kylo had long but resorted to familiarize with the (ugly) visages of the Generals only - and even they were replaceable, as he so insistently liked to remind the lot of them.
"F-Forgive the intrusion, Commander. But General Hux requests your presence in the main conference-room." the insect sputtered, daring a peak at the girl but choosing to feign disinterest in her presence. Rightfully so, because it was nobody's business how Kylo treated a prisoner as long as he acquired the necessary information. But of course, Hux would make an exception of himself and dared to interrupt Kylo's schedule - repeatedly, if not habitually just to irk him.
"Does he now?"
"Yes, Sir. He said it was urgent."
"Of course it is." the sarcasm and disdain in his voice bled through the voice-coder of his helmet, sharp as needles and Kylo loathed to admit that he wouldn't come much further with the girl anyways. Her exhaustion had reached a point where even he couldn't force her to stay awake any longer, cooperative as she might be, and to extract the whole map as precisely as possible required for Kylo to acknowledge her human needs. Despite being so close to finding Skywalker, Kylo reigned his flaring impatience to a moderate level. Loosing the map by putting too much strain on the girl's mind, or by her demise, was to be avoided at all costs.
"See her taken to Med Bay immediately." having made up his mind, Kylo barked at the officer and stormed out of the cell like a boiling tempest, eager to discharge at the next best opportunity.
+++ +On board the flagship of the Resistance fleet - somewhere in the Outer Rim+
"You want another, Poe?" asked Finn whilst opening a new bottle of spiced soda for himself, the pop of the cap unfitting to the glum atmosphere in the small private room. In lieu of a better place to talk (or rather be depressed together in silence), the group of fiends had gathered in Poe's living quarters. Being a commander of his own squadron had earned him the privilege of his own room, a true treasure on a crammed ship such as of now.
"No thanks, man." Poe replied without taking his eyes off the gleaming stars amidst the darkness of the galaxy, sighing ever so often.
It's supposed to be ___________ and me having drinks tonight... the bitter thought ruined his mood entirely, adding to  his self-loathing which only made Poe angrier, and with a huff he put his almost empty bottle on the small table amidst Rose, Rey and Finn.
Soon after they had returned to D'Qar, Leia had ordered in agreement with her advisors to evacuate the entire base because its location was highly compromised by _________ being in their clutches.
"The First Order now has all necessary details to snuff us out with their Starkiller Base if we don't move fast." Leia had commented her decision, her demeanor oddly detached but Poe understood that the survival of the Resistance came first now - especially since neither of them could do anything about their abducted friend. A fact which just didn't sit well with Poe at all and while Rey managed to keep her emotions in check via meditating, the young pilot was ready to tear himself apart as overwhelmed as he was by guilt and helplessness. If only he hadn't let her leave the table at the castle... She wouldn't have been in the woods, after those thieves, and by the stars Poe would have never let that creature take her. The image of her slack body nestled in Ren's arms, so fragile compared to him, haunted Poe's mind ever since and he felt sick upon recalling.
While it remained a mystery why the Commander of the First Order had been in that woods to begin with, it was clear that her abduction had to be involving the map everyone was after these days. BB-8 had been found shut-off later, the data-stick containing the map on the ground nearby, and since both Rey and Leia had felt a disturbance in the Force around that time, it seemed possible that somehow ______________ had seen the map. Though it sounded quite like hocus-pocus to many young members of the Resistance, to whom the Force and the Jedi were but legends of old, it was the only reasonable explanation as to why Kylo Ren could be interested in a civilian girl. At least that was what Leia had explained to Rey, who had shared it with her friends later.
"Do you think ___________ is fine?" Rose asked into the group, hugging her legs to curl up like a ball in her seat, round cheeks squished as she rested her head on her knees. Finn kept silent, for he was not used to having friends (with such grave troubles) and all those emotions he was now allowed to have were confusing enough on their own. Knowing that he would likely say something inappropriate he decided to keep quiet and support the others as best as he could. If only by his presence. Poe on the other hand, was plagued by that very question since the moment he had escorted Rey to the freighter, oscillating between hope and pure despair within the minute. Because on top of this 'personal' tragedy, the war had reached another decisive point as the First Order had successfully tested its new weapon, the Starkiller Base, which was as destructive as its name would suggest. The Hosnian system, home to the crumbling fragments of galactic democracy and many clandestine supporters of the Resistance, had been obliterated in the blink of an eye, without a single stormtrooper to set foot on one of the system's planets. After this very eidetic demonstration of destructiveness, the imbalance of power between the First Order and their opponents had been tipped significantly in their favor.
"She has to be." came Rey's calm and unwavering reply with stark resemblance to the woman who had raised her. On many other occasions, Rey's optimistic attitude to tackle problems was unrelatable, sometimes even annoying, but right now they were all glad for the spark of hope she ignited within their hearts. Gently Rey put her arm on Rose's, as if to share some of her light, and added: "During my meditation lesson with Leia, we both could sense __________'s presence in the Force and even now I can feel her, like the gleam of a distant star in the sky. And I trust that the Force will bring us together again."
"I want believe that too." Rose managed a small smile, allowing for Rey's contagious optimism to pull her in, and even Poe felt a tad less miserable. Yes, they would get their friend back. There had to be a way, regardless of the Force and its mysterious ways.
Hang on, __________. I'll get you out of there, even if I've to do it on my own.
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themainstarwarrior · 6 days
I think I’m gonna have Kylo let himself get possessed by a phantom in the fantasy au for information but the question is how many times…and by who bc it could be sheev ren qimir really anyone I want so I gotta figure out the history more to decide
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tonictransistor · 1 year
More Modern Jedi rambling
Knowing of your attraction to General Hux, Kylo frequently pokes fun at you for it.
On the same line, you like to casually announce that you wish Hux was your housemate instead. This of course usually ends with a jealous Kylo fucking the thought of the General out of your head.
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muntitled · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬
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Pairing: Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader
Summary: "Kylo was nothing if not a sadist,"
Warnings: Language, WarPrisoner!Reader, Toxicity, Weaponizing Hux, Humiliation, God Complex, Jealousy, Possessiveness, Smut +18 (Minors DNIA, DEAD DOVE FIC, Dark fic, Sadism, Masochism, Inexperienced!Kylo, Ownership Kink, Dry humping, Forced sex, Spitting, CNC, Dubious Consent, Massive Degradation Kink, Inappropriate Use of Force, Choking Kink, Size Kink, Impact Play, Groping, Breast Play, Premature Orgasm, Controlled Orgasm, Dom/Sub themes, Dom!Kylo, Sub!Reader, Brat Tamer!Kylo,;Bratty!Reader, Slight!Exhibition Kink, Humiliation Kink, Inappropriate Mind Reading, Overstimulation, Dirty Talk, Mentions of Rape, Fingering, Rough Sex, Dacryphilia, Gagging, Subspace.
Do not read this if you're incredibly sensitive to violent imagery. If this doesn't make sense don't say anything or i'll cry <3
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As Hux walks diligently ahead of you, you could not tell by his tense shoulders and his palms clasped behind his back that he was following the duties of a madman.
While he escorts you, Hux thinks back to his slip-up with Ren.
The way he shouldn't have mentioned your name in a comprehensive report about the overall running of the Starkiller. The way he should've known how dangerous Kylo is when it comes to anyone taking even the vaguest of interest in playing with his toys.
"Despite having the accolades of an established pilot for the resistance," Hux had said moments earlier when Kylo was pacing up and down his private chamber, "Your prisoner refuses to put any of her skills to use aboard the Starkiller. She's essentially useless dark matter," He uttered his words rather clumsily. As if forgetting he was reporting to a beastly excuse of a man.
Hux only realises his mistake when Kylo stops his various pacing to turn slightly. His unmasked head tilts to the side as he advances on Hux in a low, large gait. Everything about the boy being so unnaturally large.
"My prisoner?" He steps closer, "Or the First Order's?"
Kylo's laugh appears unnatural without the mask. Not any less intimidating but certainly, frighteningly human.
"You act as if my will is not synonymous with that of the First Order, general," Kylo's blood runs fucking cold at the thought, "You insinuate that I keep her here out of my own free will,"
"Well, we all know how much a boy fancies his toys," Hux's degradation causes Kylo's Adam's apple to bob and a deep frown settles over the boy’s face. Whatever weakness Hux was accusing him of, it rattled the foundations of his already fragile ego and Hux smirked.
"Go tell her I wanna see her," the first command left Kylo's lips in a fairly controlled and monotonous manner. The second however... "FUCKING NOW!"
Robotic inclination bleeds from the mask of the stormtroopers “Yes Sir-”
Without sparing the stormtroopers so much as a single glance, Kylo spat, "Not you, fucking degenerates," Kylo stares Hux down as he steps towards him. His voice is ice cold. "I want you to summon her," he takes immense pleasure in the way Hux's smile drops.
Kylo has observed the glances Hux throws your way and it makes his fucking stomach turn. He's seen the uncomfortable leering and the lecherous thoughts. Kylo was nothing if not a sadist. Humiliating Hux using the object of his desires.
He wants you and that makes Kylo want you even more... Violently so
"Where are you taking me?"
You could feel the rest of the crew watching your every movement as you trailed behind General Hux like you were compelled to do so by some unseen leather leash. You cannot help but feel as though you have done something very bad and very naughty.
You try to rid yourself of these thoughts immediately.
Perhaps he was taking you to see the vermin underneath the mask.
That thought should not sprout such a deep desire within you. Kylo was your captor and yet, he fascinated you more than anything ever could.
"At least slow the fuck down," You breath out, trying by all means to evade all eye contact with curious onlookers.While you walk you try to keep your head high and appear unaffected by their piercing glares. Every stormtrooper, navigator, pilot- even down to the measly technicians all keep their eyes trained on you and you glare back. Leering your head forward with narrowed eyes because being held captive on the Starkiller was punishment enough. You would never allow yourself to be intimidated by the judgemental stares.
"Do you ever plan on disclosing our destina-"
You're interrupted by a sharp and loud hiss before two doors part. Your eyebrows furrow before you're dragged into the chamber, quite literally against your will. You did not wish to get acquainted with any more rooms on the Starkiller. Hoping that one of your comrades in the resistance might have saved you long before you ever had to make this ship your dwelling place. But you've only crawled deeper into the Starkiller's core and you find yourself here, standing before him in his black cowl with his hands clasped behind his back.
The room is as lifeless as the rest of the vessel. The bed, colourless and hard. The only signs of vibrance is the east window depicting a slab of stars in hyperspace.
"I am told you've made yourself fiercely unlikable in the flight deck.” Kylo says, completely ignoring your slightly shocked experience at seeing him without his helmet.
“That's what this is then?” You turn briefly to make eye contact with Hux before turning to Kylo with one arched brow, “I'm being scolded now?”
“You're insolent when given any orders,” he oaces before you while Hux stands behind you by the door, “You disobey at every given turn and you're resistant. Vexingly so.”
“How clever of you, it seems as though you'd only just discovered a key characteristic from a member of the resistance.” You say with a smirk, “Clever, Clever boy."
“It's that mouth of yours that's gonna get your head slain from your very shoulders.” Kylo advances you like a midnight storm and you fight to stand your ground.
“I have grown terribly bored of this place,” You say, “Perhaps even death might be more eventful then whatever you are, Kylo.”
Before Hux is able to make his escape Kylo grabs at your throat, encircling his hand around your skin like a vice until he is forcing you to look at Hux ahead of you.
"This is what you want?" He isn't speaking to you but to Hux, pushing your cheeks together in a painful display of humiliation. "This is what's been plaguing that mind of yours-"
"I've no time for this-"
The very last thing Hux is able to see before he leaves Kylo's quarters, is your frightened eyes and Kylo looming behind you. A mere mouse being imprisoned by a God.
You make the mistake of thinking that Hux's absence might soften Kylo's resolve, but your time as his captive should have let you know that there was nothing soft about this man. Nothing at all.
"You should be grateful, you know that?" His lips graze your head and you're suddenly hyper aware of his proximity.
You're hyper aware of the closed metal doors that were probably being guarded by a pair of heavily armed stormtroopers. There is no escaping the clutches of this monster behind you.
And yet; you still find yourself scoffing, "I should be grateful?" You ask, hoping to assimilate every shred of confidence you had left, "I should be grateful to be your prisoner-" you wince when his grip on your jaw tightens and he's wrenching your face until you're craning your neck backwards to face him.
Large, looming, and completely fucking livid.
"You should be grateful that you're still fucking breathing, you brat-"
And then, a very strange thing occurs.
Since the moment Kylo had wrangled you off your home planet, you had sworn to be nothing but defiant. In honour of everything you stood for, you would never let him see you weak and yet here you are, carelessly allowing the faintest of whimpers to slip through quivering lips.
The sound confuses Kylo initially. In fact, he cranes your head back further, not caring whether you were comfortable or not as he bends down, appearing to inspect your mouth for that peculiar sound further. He squeezes your cheeks lightly, prodding the round tissues of fat as if fervently trying to search for whatever button might allow for that little sound to spill from your lips again.
"How completely and utterly curious-"
"You're fucking hurting my neck-" the fire returns and with it, comes your will to wrench your face out of his grip. You're only able to get free because he lets you and you know this.
"What..." Kylo bends even lower towards you and you turn your head to face the blank wall ahead of you. Evading eye contact with this man was nothing if not crucial. "What was that sound you just made-"
"It appears as though hearing nothing but the cries of utter doom and damnation has defamiliarized you to the sound of pleasure, Ren-"
Your breath is wiped clean from your throat not even a second later when you steal a look downwards at a gloved hand interlocking itself around your throat once more. Seemingly his favourite place.
"All the praises that could fall from your mouth..." Kylo drawls before pressing himself firmly against your backside, "All that you could say to worship the hand that feeds you and you still choose to be insolent-"
You try to escape his death grip but he doesn't let you out this time around. All you can do is be thankful that he had the decency to allow you to breathe.
"That's all you fucking know how to do right," Kylo's lips are at your ear and your knees buckle. "Insolence. Insolence. Insolence." Your legs give out, but before you're able to topple to the ground in a puddle of your own lustful perversions, his other hand curls around your waist, keeping you firmly pressed against his front.
“Today's the day you fucking obey," he whispers, "Understand?"
Kylo is not sure how he does it, or why he does it, or where he got the understanding to do it, but his hand makes its very slow descent from your collarbone, to the spot right above your pillowy breasts. Clad in nothing but your knee length tunic, a garment stitched with fibres indigenous to your homeplanet, you suddenly feel incredibly naked and incredibly exposed. What was once an act of rebellion, is now your undoing.
"There is a way to make you disobey isn't there?" You can hear him becoming excited. "Every cattle has their price. What's yours?" Before you're able to turn and possibly beg for some sort of mercy, he's already in there. The stuff Kylo sees digging around in your mind, is enough to have him staring off into hyperspace. His eyes are trained on nothing at all as he rapes your most memories and most private desires. All while drawing you impossibly closer, until his mouth was buried in your hair and his hand was closing around your left breast. You squirm underneath him until finally, he's released from your stupor.
You did not dare turn around to look at him, in fear of seeing his dark eyes dilated with enlightenment.
"How barbaric." He whispers. "That's what I have to do in order to get you to listen to me,"
"I-I don't know what you're-"
"Open your mouth." Before you're ever able to interject even a single word, Kylo's hand is digging into the skin of your jaw, "Do I have to do it for you- open your mouth-" He wrenches your mouth open and cranes your neck back once more.
"That's it," You're absolutely frightened to see the violence that has darkened those irises. This is the look that's shielded behind the mask during times of battle. This is that look no one got to see.
Yet here you were.
"You're so fucking filthy, you know that?" You're nodding before your brain is aware of it, "You're a filthy, perverted little creature," one by one, your inhibitions slipped away from you until you could feel yourself become completely and utterly dumb for him. Your mind becomes a tabula rasa as Kylo bends his heavy frame downwards, spitting directly into your open mouth. There it is. That whimper he wanted to hear so badly.
You're not even aware of his hand reaching around your front until he's parting your legs with determination. "Is this where you want me?" Your mouth hangs open and you look up at him glassy doe eyes as he cups your drenched heat. Kylo locks his full lips and presses his front impossibly closer to your backside. "This whole time I've needed to get you in line, and the answers been here this whole fucking time?" A gloved hand swipes your underwear to the side and the wind is completely knocked out of you when Kylo pushes his fingers in immediately. He fucks his fingers into you with zero restraint and zero preparation, and the roughness has your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your skull as you grow limp in his grip. Lucky for you he's so large, lucky for you he might as well be a stone wall behind you, letting you lean against him with your long legs spread wide for his absolute assault.
"Look at me." He says, holding you against him by your throat while his index and middle finger violate your soaking cunt. Despite his orders you're still a drunken, blundering mess with half lidded eyes, promising to keep you locked away in your pleasure.
"If you don't fucking look at me, I'll stop and you'll suffer." He squeezes your clit quite painfully, immediately bringing you out of hedonistic stupor-
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks, with a note of cockiness that had your brows furrowing.
"Are you stupid?! Of course I don-" before the curse could even escape your mouth in its entirety, Kylo's blocking out your airways. You fight to scratch at his gloved grip around your throat but his grip is fucking metallic.
"Look at how docile you look when you're not running your mouth,"
Your insides were screaming for oxygen, yet your hips rut against his hand. Kylo slyly adds a third finger inside your slippery cunt. "What a whore," he whispers, causing you to fuck forward against his hand, nearly humping yourself to completion as the blood flow to your brain seems to stop completely. You need oxygen and you need to cum. You just don't know which you need more.
"You're nothing but fucking filth-"
Your mouth opens to let a moan escape but it never does, and Kylo watches your struggle with a pained expression of his own.
"F-Fuck, I've never seen anything so vile-"
You were slipping. Whether it was into unconsciousness or an orgasm you couldn't tell. "If you pass out I will fuck you," he whispers, "There's not fucking escaping me-"
And in that very moment, Kylo unlocks the invisible grip on your airways and suddenly you can breathe and cum. Almost immediately you're slipping into a violent, damn near supernatural orgasm that has you seeing every star in the known galaxy.
"F-FUCK- oh my-" You're rutting against his hand, tongue lolling out all while Kylo continues to fuck his fingers into your cunt.
"That's it," He whispers, "Cum for me, you useless fucking whore-" Every vile sliver of degradation causes a fresh wave of pleasure to roll through you until the first droplets of tears are rolling down your cheek.
"Don't fucking do that," he whispers, pulling you closer than ever, "Don't fucking do that unless you want me to fuck you right now-"
He watches the tears roll down your face and absolutely loses it. Now suddenly aware of his own cock aching in his pants.
"K-Kylo please-" You try to push his hand out of you but to no avail. "It's too much-"
But his eyes are shut, and your body is overcome by wave after wave of electrifying shivers. The pleasure quickly bleeds into the pain of being so heavily overstimulated but Kylo is lost in his own world now. He clutches you impossibly closer, mumering obscenities into your hair as he ruts against your ass and you fucking pray for it to be over. Your pussy is fucking spent and yet he's still keeping his hand there, as if driven by his own need to cum.
"You stupid fucking slut- look what you made me do-" He's rutting against your ass, eyes squeezed shut as his hips stutter, "F-Fuck-" the whimper that breaks his voice is utterly intoxicating and you find yourself slipping into another dry orgasm as Kylo pushes against you, cumming in his pants with various expletives falling from his pillowy lips. When your orgasm falls you beg him to let go of you and when he does, you topple to the floor.
Never in your life have you felt so weak. So spent. So utterly used.
Kylo does not spare you a glance when he turns around. "This is where you will reside from now on," he says with finality. Careful to let his voice relay how utterly broken he feels. Just as broken as you.
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jinx-xxed · 2 months
Feral Desires
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☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
A/N; This feels like a crazy jump from my first smut I posted lmfao 🫡 it was also crazy writing this, I haven’t written omegaverse in forever despite it being a favorite
Summary; You’re on a mission for the First Order, well away from your alpha, which means it’s the perfect time for your heat to start out of nowhere.
Content; NSFW 18+, AFAB reader, omegaverse, omega reader, alpha Kylo Ren, mated to Kylo, heats, ruts, nesting, fingering, piv sex, knotting, biting/marking, scent marking, breeding kink, A LOT of breeding kink, protective and possessive Kylo, also very loving Kylo, tiny bit of size difference kink, conservative views on omegas (mostly pertaining to suppressants), omegaverse terms (kids referred to as pups), fluff
Wc; 6.4k
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
You thought it would be fine.
It should’ve been fine.
This wasn’t supposed to happen, gods, this was not supposed to happen.
Your heat was not supposed to start a month early right when you leave on a mission.
Everything had seemed okay at first; you gathered your troops after getting your assignment—investigate an uninhabited jungle planet’s surface and find out what the First Order could gleam from it. You had bid farewell to Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader and also your mate. Through your bond both in the Force and in the bite mark on your neck, you could tell how apprehensive he was to let you go. It had taken some convincing, but he’d allowed it. If he wasn’t swamped in a million other responsibilities that come with his new position, he would’ve joined you.
The trip to the planet had gone without a hitch, and everything had seemed like it was in perfect order. You were the first to step foot on the surface once your ships’ doors had opened with a hiss of depressurized air. It was quite beautiful when you took it all in; covered in lush vegetation and impossibly tall trees covered in moss, a few of which your ships had unfortunately crushed on their way down. Sensors indicated that the air was nontoxic and clean so you had gladly taken a deep breath. Smells came stronger to you with your aberrant status, meaning you could practically taste the planet on your tongue. It was damp and full of the smell of wet leaves and bark, along with the reek of wild animals you didn’t know the names of. Said animals were calling through the trees in chirps and barks. It was quite nice.
Stormtroopers fanned out, beginning to take notes of anything that seemed of importance or interest. You and your lieutenant, a beta named Mallory who’d been by your side for many years, were in charge of placing down beacons and sensors that would give you every piece of data you’d need. It’d tell you what’s beneath the planets surface like ores and minerals and what kind of regeneration systems it had. It’d be a slow process; taking scans of an entire, huge planets surface wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. That’s why you were given a weeks timeline for this mission. Easy enough.
Until you’d gotten a prickling on the back of your neck, until an odd amount of sweat started to build at your collar, until you could barely hold on to your data pad because of how slippery your palms had become. You’d tried to ignore it, tried to ignore those telltale signs because surely your heat wouldn’t be starting now? Surely it wouldn’t have been catapulted forward a month because your body got confused by you leaving your alpha and was doing what it needed to in order to bring him back?
“General? Are you alright?” Mallory asks you.
You realize you’d been standing there looking at your data pad like an idiot while warmth and sweat builds beneath your uniform. You look up and try to blink the haze out of your vision. Suddenly all those smells from before are so overwhelming. “I think I need to go back to the ship.” You mutter. You’re not stupid, you do realize it’d be irresponsible to try and ignore this. Hell, you can’t even get yourself to take a step forward when all you want to do is go back to your ship where the scents are familiar.
Mallory tenses, noticing the flush in your face and the way your demeanor is so off. She may be a beta but she’s still able to recognize the onset of a heat, especially yours after being your lieutenant for so long. That’s why she goes with you everywhere, to keep an eye on you. She’s perfect for times like these. “Okay. Let’s go, quickly.” She says, a gentle hand on your arm guiding you back the way you came.
She says commands through a radio while you walk, instructing the next in charge—a fresh-face captain—to continue the observations so they can at least get something out of this. You feel guilt pierce through your roiling stomach, cursing yourself over and over for not being able to see a very simple mission to completion. It’s embarrassing. It makes you wish you were able to take your damn suppressants again.
You haven’t taken them for about three years, ever since you became mated to Kylo. As soon as that happened, all of your suppressants were tossed and every medic on the Steadfast was strictly forbidden to give you any. If any were discovered, you knew exactly what price they’d have to pay. Before all that, you’d taken them regularly to give you some peace aboard the ship and keep your position as general safe. People were more willing to trust you with things if your omega status was… muted. It was easier to ignore.
The only reason you really got to keep your job was because you were damn good at it and you kept being an omega from getting in the way, so nobody cared. It was simple. Then Kylo came along, discovered you were Force sensitive, began to train you, and you fell for him hard. You ended up becoming his mate, his teeth laying claim to the skin where your neck meets your shoulder, right where your scent gland starts. He bears a similar mark from your own teeth. He was gracious enough to let you remain as a general, even if every primal instinct he has tells him to keep you away from your job because it’s dangerous. All because he knew how upset it’d make you if he took it away, and because you’re actually competent.
However, it puts you in situations like this where you’re trying to fight off an oncoming heat while you’re on an unknown planet in an unknown space and your alpha is a galaxy away from you. You’ve learned that your status as an omega comes before your position as a general.
Mallory gets you back on to your ship that’s specifically assigned to only you two for your own safety. Never before have you been so grateful for that. She heads towards the cockpit immediately, taking her seat in the pilots chair and flipping switches. You slink towards the back of the ship, craving an enclosed space and cold air. Your heat hasn’t hit you full force yet, but you know it’s a matter of hours. You know it’s a matter of hours until your brain is pure incomprehensible mush, until your body is on fire, and until there’s a need inside so deep that it consumes your entire being and only one man can satisfy it.
It always starts out slow, with everything feeling just a bit too sensitive and your temperature rising. Then you feel it in every gland you have, a slight throb to them as your scent changes and pheromone production skyrockets. You get sweaty and those stiff uniforms the First Order requires feel like they’re boiling you alive—hence why you’re removing your jacket now. Next is the nesting, creating your own little safe space where nothing can hurt you and it’s only for you and your alpha.
It’s extremely difficult in a sterile, empty ship. You can feel your omega start to panic as it realizes there’s nothing to nest with besides your own jacket and a thin, scratchy blanket from an emergency kit in the ship. Nothing with Kylo’s scent, nothing to keep your alpha close, nothing safe, it’s not safe, oh gods-
You whine low and sad in the back of your throat as you hopelessly try and try and try to rearrange your two items into something satisfactory in your little corner. It doesn’t work of course. It only serves to send you into more of a frenzy, wishing for anything else, wishing you were back on the Steadfast, back in you and Kylo’s shared rooms where you could make as big a nest as you want with his full closet at your disposal. Comfy sheets, pillows, big capes covered in his scent… thinking about it is not helping.
The ship rumbles to life beneath you and you can feel its vibrations from how your body is pressed against the floor. The cold metal helps to keep the fever raging through you at bay. You’re curled in on yourself, your hands at your neck massaging your aching glands and the bite mark that resides there. It does little to soothe your pain but it’s all you have. You faintly hear Mallory talking, though it’s drowned out by the buzzing in your head. Until a familiar, deep voice crackles through the ships comms and has you sitting up immediately, your attention laser-focused.
“I want her back on the Steadfast immediately.” Kylo says. He sounds angry, livid perhaps. It’s enough to make you feel the need to submit despite the fact he’s not even mad at you. Hearing him does something to your bond akin to reigniting it across the distance between the two of you. It gives you the smallest bit of a connection to cling on to and you wrap yourself in it, enjoying it while it lasts. You can feel his emotions, his need for you like you need him. He’s angry he isn’t there, that he can’t provide for his omega like a good alpha should. He’s irrationally scared too—scared that something might happen to you, that some other alpha might try to get to you. He’s like a ticking time bomb, ready to go off on anyone he deems fit.
“Yes, sir, I understand.” Mallory says. She looks over at one of the monitors, pressing a few controls on the screen. “Based on what fuel remains and if I avoid active fuel preservation, it should take about five standard hours to reach your coordinates.”
Five hours. By the time you reach the Steadfast, you’ll be well intro the throes of your heat, accelerated by the fact Kylo isn’t there to help you. You haven’t had a heat without your mate for a long time and your body is not happy about it. A wave of depression and anxiety washes over you, your fingers digging into the blanket and threatening to rip it.
Kylo can sense that, sense how panicked and upset you are and it only makes his rage grow. He knows he can’t do anything about the length of your return trip and it makes him feel useless, like a sorry excuse of an alpha. You almost feel bad for the staff back on the Steadfast. “If anything happens to her, I’ll have your fucking neck.” He snaps, voice crackling through the comms.
Mallory takes the threat with neutrality. It’s nothing new to her. “Yes, sir. You have my word that I’ll keep her safe.”
Kylo calls your name suddenly and it has you stumbling to your feet and towards the radio. You grasp at the back of Mallory’s chair to keep you stable. “Alpha?” You ask, voice unable to hide your desperation.
“I’m sorry this happened. It’ll be better soon.” Kylo promises, his tone softening just a bit when he talks with you. “Be good in the meantime.”
You nod even though he can’t see it. “I will, alpha.” You’d do anything he asks.
With that, the radio clicks off and he’s gone. It felt like the only support keeping you upright was just ripped away from you, his presence in your bond fleeing and leaving you with nothing. It made your chest constrict and heat lick down your back, everything seeming to spin. Mallory rises from her chair after putting the ship on autopilot. “Go lay back down. I don’t want you to collapse.” She says. “And take these.” She hands you two bottles of water that were brought along in case of emergencies. You’re going to need them more than anything with how much fluid you lose during your heat. You down one of the bottles immediately.
You obediently take the other back to your “nest”, spending another ten minutes trying to rearrange your blanket and jacket. You eventually just give up and flop down with your knees tucked up to your chest, trying to ignore the ache across the entirety of your body. Your thoughts are still coherent at least, though you can feel them steadily slipping away. Your omega just wants Kylo, wants him more than anything. Wants his scent, his strong arms, his lips on your gland, his knot.
There it is. You whimper, your nails digging into your palms hard enough to draw blood as you feel the first trickle of slick seep into your underwear. Your breath comes out in pants that fog the metal paneling under you, your face feeling like it’s on fire. You writhe on your blanket, distracting yourself with movement and trying to find any kind of position that provides relief. Squeezing your legs together helps a little, putting some pressure on your clit and releasing more slick. You know this pair of underwear is going to be unsalvageable by the time this is over.
You can feel the slick start to stain your pants, creating a wet spot that’ll keep spreading. The ache has moved lower, now settling in your stomach and making you nauseous. Its comes in waves of cramps and hot flashes and gushing slick, creating a combination that feels like actual hell. You know that that’s how it’ll stay with the intensity increasing as the hours pass without your alpha inside you. You wish so badly you could just sleep the time away, close your eyes and open them again to Kylo there to take care of you. But you don’t feel safe enough to fall asleep. Your nest is shit, the ship is too unfamiliar, and you’re right at the beginning of your heat when you’re most vulnerable without your alpha who’s supposed to protect you.
These next five hours are about to be the longest of your life.
» ☆ «
Time passes in a haze.
A haze full of desperation, need, fire raging in your blood, and slick coating your thighs. Your vision is blurred, like a film was put over your eyes. You try to focus on the feeling of the ship underneath you instead of… anything else. The state of being in heat is all you know now, you don’t even remember what it’s like to not be making a drooling mess of yourself over the thought of your alpha’s cock sinking into your aching cunt.
Mallory has been trying to ignore you the whole time for her own sanity; your whines, moans, panting, and the desperate whispers of Kylo’s name passing between your lips. She’s stayed well away in the safety of the cockpit, focusing on just getting you both back to the Steadfast. Even though she’s a beta and has no specific inclinations, she can still feel the headiness in the air, sticking to the back of her neck and making her skin prickle. This isn’t anything particularly new to her, she’s been by your side for years. She knows what it means to be an omega.
That’s why she’s glad when a final jump through lightspeed sends her sensors beeping and the massive hulk that is the Steadfast appears at the top of the viewport. She keeps her hands from shaking by gripping the controls of the ship, guiding it towards home base. She has no reason to be afraid really, Kylo Ren wouldn’t do anything to her without reason after she’s proved to be so faithful, and he’ll be too focused on you anyway. Still, she can’t help the little kernel of fear in her chest as your ship is latched onto by a gravitational beam and power is taken out of her control.
All of the commotion breaks you from your stupor. You prop yourself up weakly on your elbows, your jacket and blanket soaked in slick in a heap under you from all your twisting and turning. Your face is flushed like the rest of your body, your remaining clothes stuck to your skin because of the sweat. From your place on the floor you can just barely see through the viewport, watching as the ship pulls into one of the hangars. You can sense him now. He’s so close. It’s too bad your legs are too weak to support you, otherwise you’d use them to run out of the ship to greet him.
You feel the ship shake as it settles on the ground and you hear the sounds of it powering down. Mallory rises from her chair to get to the ramp controls, a hiss of depressurized air sounding as it lowers. She steps aside and bows her head as he enters. Finally.
Kylo instantly commands the entire space around him as soon as he comes aboard the ship. It’s like everything else around him fades away because nothing else matters. His black robes do a perfect job of outlining the muscles beneath them, his fractured helmet covering his face and making him look akin to death itself. He locks onto you, you can feel it, and instantly there’s a whine coming out of your throat. Your mate is here, your alpha is here after you had to wait for so long. Your excitement is like a buzzing that encompasses your mind to the point you can’t think about anything else.
And then his scent hits you. It’s musky and heavy, amplified by his rut that was triggered by his omega’s heat. He smells like a campfire in fall, smoky and laced with something like cinnamon. When you inhale it, it’s easy to imagine being in the forests of his home planet with a nice fire to keep you warm. There’s undertones of your own scent mixed in from your mating, creating a nice combination of the two to let anyone know that you belong to one another. His scent instantly becomes the only thing you know and starts your heat all over again, fresh waves of slick pouring from your cunt and cramps seizing your stomach.
Kylo smells it, it slams into him like a freight ship, sending him reeling. He resists every feral instinct in him telling him to pounce on you right then, to pin you down and fuck your heat away, to finally take care of the constant bulge in his pants, knowing that he needs to get you somewhere safe first. Somewhere other alphas won’t be tempted by you, even if you’re mated. His scent on you sometimes isn’t enough to deter the most depraved; his hands clench into fists at the thought, the leather of his gloves creaking.
“Alpha… please..” you whimper, reaching your arms out towards him, needing so badly just to feel him, to touch him. You can barely think straight, the only thing in your head being him, him, him. He can’t deny you anything. The metal panels beneath his boots thunder with the power of his steps, it makes you quiver. Alpha is so strong, so capable.
“I know. I’m here now.” He says as he scoops you easily into his arms, voice crackling through the modifier in his helmet. It sends pleasant shivers down your spine. You can hear how ragged his breathing is, can feel it when his chest is pressed against your cheek. You cling to his padded tunic, the material familiar and comforting beneath your fingers. You become surrounded by his scent and it brings some relief to the pain you’ve been feeling, putting your omega at ease with your alpha finally with you.
You shrink yourself as much as possible in his hold as he walks down the ramp of the ship, your face buried against his arm. There’s a spike of anxiety in your chest once the bright lights and all the different smells of the Steadfast reach you; the sharp metal tang, the hints of sterile cleaning products, and then the sweat and musk of every aberrant in that hangar. It’s overwhelming when you’re fresh into your heat, but Kylo is quick to soothe you. His body produces more of his own scent to mask everything else, pheromones changing ever so slightly to have a more calming effect on you. He’s still not entirely used to the way everything about him is so tailored to you and only you even after all this time, but he loves the pride he feels when he successfully gets you to relax.
All of the workers within the hangar stay well away from Kylo. Nobody is stupid enough to approach the Supreme Leader and his mate with the state you’re in. It would only end up getting their heads detached from their shoulders. He’s given a wide berth while walking through the halls of the ship, taking whatever shortcuts he can to reach your shared rooms faster. Everything feels so hot, your breath coming out in pants and your clothes so unbearable because of the way they’ve been drenched in your fluids. You’re whimpering in his arms, sounding so sad and pathetic as your fingers knead into his chest. “I know,” he says again, softer this time, “I’ll make it better.”
There’s the beep of a control panel as Kylo gets the hydraulic doors to your rooms open, bringing you inside and letting them bang shut behind him. You’re greeted with fresh, cold air against your burning skin and comforting familiarity—your safe space. Kylo goes to set you down and you nearly wail at the thought of losing contact, not able to bear it after being without him for too long. “Just one second, I promise.” He tells you, laying a large hand against your cheek, the leather warm from the heat of his palms. You listen to your alpha like the good omega you are, standing there squeezing your legs together while he removes his helmet. His beauty always manages to enrapture you. His sharp features and pale skin dotted with freckles, the black waves of his hair that fall around his face. There’s a slight flush to his cheeks, his pupils blown wide with desire. He carelessly puts his helmet aside.
Then he’s on you. His lips press against yours, hot and needy and wet, his hands coming up to grasp each side of your face. You can’t help but moan into his mouth, your arousal spiking even higher from the urgency in his kiss. You’re surprised you can even produce more slick with how much you’re already covered in but you feel another wave of it drip down your thighs anyway. His tongue licks against your teeth, exploring your mouth that you’ve willingly opened for him.
His hands are heavy weights on your hips. He moves them down to cup your ass, then lifting you easily so your legs are wrapped around his middle. His raging erection presses slightly against your aching cunt and you gasp sharply as a shiver shoots up your spine, causing you to break from your kiss. You can’t help but try to grind down on it, creating a wet spot on his pants from your slick. He groans against you, trying not to drop you from the stimulation.
He’s quick to bring you into the bedroom, kissing you with more fervor. You manage a glance backwards and see just what Kylo’s done to your shared bed. You both barely make it to the haphazard nest he’d made for you in his own desperation, his mind wanting to protect a mate that wasn’t even there and driving himself insane over it. It’s full of dark blankets, pillows, and just about every article of clothing from his closet—soft tunics, capes, undershirts—piled onto the bed so it’s positively drenched in his scent. It’s absolutely heavenly as you fall back into it, surrounded entirely by your alpha. Kylo follows after you, shedding his clothes as he goes and merely adding them onto the nest, the scent of them fresh and potent.
“All for you,” he breathes against you, sticking his face into the crook of your neck, “everything is for you.” He inhales against your gland, tongue darting out to lick sensually at it. You squirm beneath him, moaning openly as your swollen, red gland is finally given attention. His bare hands slip beneath your white tank, pulling it up and over your body, the cold air making your nipples perk up instantly. Your pants and underwear are next to come off and you squeak when your slick becomes chilly against your skin.
“Fuck,” Kylo groans, “smell so good.”
“Alpha,” you whine, wrapping your arms across his wide shoulders to bring him closer, “alpha please…”
The ache and pain you feel is starting to become too much. You need him, you need him to fuck you, to pump you full of his cum and plug you up with his knot. Just the thought of it is enough to make your legs quiver and for your cunt to flutter. He knows exactly what you’re thinking of and he feels the need in himself just as much. He needs to take care of his omega, to make sure you won’t want for anything, and guarantee that you become swollen with his pups. A growl rumbles in his chest, his cock jumping at the idea.
His hand that was on your hip moves lower and he doesn’t hesitate to sink two fingers into your heat. They meet no resistance, sliding in and out with complete ease from the way your body has been preparing yourself for this for the last five hours. You throw your head back, mouth falling open at the relief you feel from finally having something fill you, cunt clenching in appreciation. The sounds your body makes are disgusting, copious amounts of slick being sloshed around by Kylo’s fingers. It’s wet and depraved and nasty and you’re enjoying every moment of it. He uses his thumb against your clit, rubbing back and forth and nearly making you scream. That combined with his mouth altering between the glands on either side of your neck makes it very easy for you to cum. Your body seizes, muscles constricting as pleasure wracks your body.
You can feel part of that fire within you finally die down, but it’s still not enough. There’s still an ache nestled deep inside you that his fingers can’t help with. “Please! Alpha, please, more..” you cry, grabbing at his arm to try and pull him up, to make him give you what you want so badly. You need his cock, the thing red and begging for attention, standing tall against his abdomen and dribbling precum.
His fingers withdraw from the warmth of your cunt and it makes you wince and whimper at the loss, your legs immediately trying to close and rub together in an attempt to get some friction. “What a desperate thing you are.” Kylo mutters, bringing his soaked fingers to his mouth and running his tongue along them to gather your slick. You’ve seen him do this countless times but it still has your face blushing furiously. He hums his delight. “Delicious, as always.”
He gets his hand under your back, scooping you up and flipping you onto your stomach. He tugs you towards him harshly, repositioning you like a doll so your ass is in the air, your face pressed against the materials of the nest. Kylo’s scent overwhelms your nostrils, heady and aroused. A mixture of slick and cum oozes from you, dripping down the lips of your cunt and your clit and onto the bed below. You wiggle your lower half, trying to entice him. “Please… need you..” you say, voice muffled by the pillow you’re currently hiding your face in.
Kylo’s hands run from your breasts, down your sides, and settle on your hips, the rough texture of his callouses making you shiver. “My beautiful mate.” He whispers, enthralled by your body as his eyes trace over it. The head of his cock prods at your entrance and you suck in your breath. You nearly sob as he sinks to the hilt inside your cunt not even a second after, your nails digging into the blankets below you from how full you feel. Kylo stretches you to your limit, getting so deep into you it’s like you can feel him in your stomach. He sighs in relief, his massive body bending over yours so his forehead rests against your shoulder. His chest is so warm against your back, his big muscled arms braced on either side of you. You’re basically caged in and pinned down, completely at his mercy. You couldn’t be happier. Your omega keens at the attention, at your alpha displaying his complete dominance over you.
His first thrust is bliss—sliding out of you almost entirely before slamming back in, his pelvis pressed sharply against your ass. He does it again, and again, getting steadily faster with each one until he’s built up a steady rhythm that has your entire being shaking with the power of it beneath him. Your mouth hangs open, drool falling from your lips, your eyes rolling back into your head. His grunts and groans and rumbles fill your ears, your own moans rising to meet them. He presses his lips against the gland that bears your bite mark, breathing you in again and moaning. “My mate, my mate,” he says reverently along your skin, “fuck- m’gonna fill you so good. You’ll give me pups, won’t you? You’ll make me a strong heir.”
“Yes! Yes, anything!” You wail. To your heat addled mind, nothing sounds better. Nothing sounds better than him filling you so full of his cum that there’s no way you don’t get pregnant. You want him so deep that he gets directly to your womb. You want to satisfy your alpha, you want to show him how obedient you are. Yes, you’ll do whatever he wants.
“My good girl.” Kylo praises, sucking your gland into his mouth and making you scream from the pleasure. It’s so shockingly intimate, warmth blooming in your chest and spreading along your body. He’s always been obsessed with your glands, even before you were mated. Your scent brings him so much comfort, such a feeling of home that he can’t stay away. He has his nose buried in the crook of your neck whenever he can and he it turns him on when he’s able to get his tongue on them. Your scent sticks to the roof of his mouth, it becomes the only thing he knows, the only thing he can taste. He fucking loves it.
“So good, sweetheart.” He gasps, sweat dripping from the ends of his hair. He watches where his cock disappears into your cunt, entranced. “Needed to fuck you so bad..”
If your brain wasn’t pure mush right now, you’d agree with him. But you can’t think with the way his cock is splitting you open, each thrust piercing your cunt and hitting that spot right at the top that seems impossible to reach without him. It makes it feel like lightning is igniting your blood, your vision flashing white. You didn’t realize how hard you were gripping the blankets until his large hand perfectly eclipses yours, his fingers slipping between your own so you hold on to him instead.
You hear his growl by your ear as his thrusts become more erratic, knowing he’s getting close. His free hand reaches under you to your clit, fingers playing with it roughly. He’s going to make sure you go along with him. You jerk from the added stimulation bordering on overstimulation from the constant pounding of his cock and the sensitivity from you already cumming once. Your moans get louder and louder, punctuated by each thrust he gives you, breaking in the middle and becoming more high pitched than usual. Your breath is pushed from your lungs, the pillow beneath you is soaked in drool.
“Mmn, shit-“ Kylo groans. He sounds drunk when he talks, his words slurred by his rut and pleasure. “Gonna give you pups. M’gonna knot you, you’ll be so good. My perfect mate.”
Yes, yes that sounds like everything you could ever want. “Please, please! Please alpha I need you-“ you beg, finally finding some semblance of your voice. “I need your knot!”
Kylo grunts his acknowledgment, his thrusts picking up the pace as he teeters on the edge. Then you feel it. Swelling begins at the base of his cock, steadily getting bigger. His movements are forced to slow along with it, becoming more and more restricted as his knot grows. Just as you feel like he’s stretched you to the brink, he lowers his head and sinks his teeth into your bonding mark. You scream. You scream so loud you wouldn’t be surprised if someone walking by outside your rooms heard you. Your vision is pure white, you feel like you can’t breathe, and you feel such a deep connection to Kylo in that moment that it pushes you over the edge. You cum harshly around his cock and his knot, cunt spasming. He cums at that same moment, hot ropes of his seed coating your walls white and his knot plugging your hole to keep it all in.
Neither of you move for a good minute because quite frankly, you’re not able to. The aftershocks are enough to keep you frozen, simply panting and trying to catch your breath. Your entire body is buzzing with pleasure and it feels like you’re floating in the clouds. Kylo is the one to come-to first, getting his arms under you to flip you both on your sides so that he’s spooning you, chest pressed firmly against your back and his big body practically engulfing you. The movement jostles his knot and makes more cum spurt from his cock and it sounds like he chokes on his breath.
He sighs, kissing the back of your neck before shifting his attention to your bond mark. Kylo’s tongue runs over it soothingly, almost like an apology for biting you. He just felt the primal need in him to refresh the mark, to let anyone else know that you belong to him. With the way you’re absolutely covered head to toe in his scent, you think everyone across the galaxy will know. “You okay?” He murmurs once he’s satisfied.
You nod, even though it feels like too much work. “Mhm.” You’re exhausted. Your heat was completely fucked out of you… for now at least. You know it’ll come back in an hour or two, ready for the same thing all over again. At least your alpha will be with you this time.
“You did so good, sweetheart.” Kylo says, his voice so full of love and adoration for you. He kisses along your jaw to the back of your ear. “My sweet omega.” You love his praise, you love the moments after when he’s so soft and gentle with you. It makes you feel so safe and happy, like you have everything you could ever ask for. And you do, really, because he’s so willing to get you anything, to provide you with everything.
He’s quiet for a moment before kissing your gland again. You can tell something was bothering him. “Never should’ve let you go on that mission.” He mutters, anger biting at his tone. “I should’ve known it was too close.”
“It’s okay. I didn’t expect it either.” You say, taking his hand that had been wrapped around your waist into your own. “It’s fine now.”
“I could feel when you were going into heat,” he continues, burying his face in your neck to remind himself that you’re here, “I could feel it and I wasn’t there… it drove me fucking insane. I needed to get to you.”
You can only imagine how it affected him, sensing you across the galaxy and being so incapable of helping you at all. You get glimpses of those past emotions through your bond; how angry he was, how agitated and scared. He’s far more attuned to the Force than you are, so it was much easier for him to connect to you than it was for you to connect to him. He had to just stand back while you suffered.
“Kylo, it’s okay.” You murmur again, bringing the back of his hand to your lips to break him from his thoughts. “I’m here now. You took care of me so well. You built such a good nest.”
That seems to calm him down. “I did? I just threw what I could on to the bed.”
You nod. “It’s far better than what I had in that ship.” You nuzzle into the soft materials. “Good for pups.” Just the mention has his cock throbbing inside you and pushing out more cum, as if making sure that that actually happens. You both groan.
Once he’s done, you sigh contentedly and look around. “Though… maybe just a few things could be fixed.” You say, reaching out to fix said things as you do. They’d been bothering that primal part of you that enjoys the nesting for a while. A pillow was just a bit out of a place, a blanket wasn’t fluffed up enough by just a tad, and one of his capes was just slightly askew. It makes you feel kind of crazy, but it puts your mind at ease. The whole thing has Kylo chuckling.
He brushes hair back from your face. “You should rest while you can.” He orders. “You’ll need it.”
You’re already starting to feel drowsy again, so you can’t even argue. The low, rumbling purr that’s started in Kylo’s chest adds to it. It’s such a soothing sound—just like a cat’s purr, instantly making your body relax against him. You can feel the vibrations from it reverberated in your back. You curl up as best you can in his hold with his knot still in you, his strong arms secure around your middle. There’s no need for a blanket because Kylo keeps you plenty warm—he’s like your own personal heater.
Laying there in your big, comfy nest with your alpha holding you close and his scent all around you, with your heat finally satiated… it’s so, so easy to fall asleep.
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earlgreydream · 10 months
SAVIOR. | Kylo Ren x reader
Some enemies to lovers(?) on Mustafar, for my love, @little-diable
for @little-diable's 15k celebration ... Kylo Ren, Smut, Page 66 ..... „The air felt hot and dusty.” From The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires
cw: dubcon
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You were naive to think you could escape.
The air felt hot and dusty, choking you as you ran through burning trees. It felt like every nightmare you’d ever had — the ones you couldn’t wake up from, knowing you were prey with nowhere to run. Your heart slammed in your chest, pulse echoing in your ears as your wild eyes darted around, desperately searching for an escape.
Limbs of trees reached out to scratch you as you ran through the forest fire, everything a haze of red. Desperation to outrun those who scorched the planet made you fearful, knowing there was no real escape.
“You’ve got nowhere to run, rebel.”
The words echoed in your mind, not spoken aloud, but directly to you, through a divine power. Invisible hands halted your attempt to escape, slamming your body into the ground.
Kylo Ren watched you fight to breathe as you inhaled the dust, unable to escape the grasp of his force. He towered over you, face-to-face for the first time since Coruscant, when you were still undercover as a member of the First Order.
“Don't do this, Ren,” you hissed, staring up at the supreme leader, who had burnt down the planet and everything in it just to catch you.
“You’ll be made an example to anyone who dares to defy me,” Kylo swore, the hot blade of his lightsaber singing just inches from your throat.
Your chest heaved, wild eyes watching Kylo, waiting for his red fire to cut through you. The summer heat filled you with dread, watching Kylo stand over you with hate in his eyes.
Things were different, then. What transpired only months ago seemed to be an entirely different life, lived by someone else. In a sense, it was.
Coruscant was the mission you never wanted. When you’d dedicated your life to the resistance, you didn’t anticipate being sent undercover to infiltrate the First Order. You wore the mask of an enemy, blending in and becoming someone else until you forgot who you were entirely.
The objective was simple: move your way up in the First Order, and gain the trust of Kylo Ren. Your mission was to gather intel to feed back to the resistance; when your commanders had assigned it, they pictured you sitting in meetings, taking notes on the outskirts of Kylo’s militia. At the time, the Jedi order thought they could trust you, and you thought you could trust them. Before Coruscant, you had no idea of the power you possessed, the power the rebellion kept a secret from you.
When Kylo Ren first laid eyes on you, the plan crumbled to dust. The moment you stepped into the throne room, you could feel it — the pull of the force pricking the edges. Kylo felt it too, your heart beating in sync as he failed to pry into your mind like he did with every other being.
“Leave us.” The command to the knights was sharp, the room clearing until you were the only one standing before him.
“Where have you come from?” Kylo Ren had once seemed menacing on his throne, adorned in a crimson glow. Now, his expression was pure curiosity, gazing at you with startlingly disarming eyes.
“Naboo, master Ren,” the reverence came naturally, and you found yourself lowering to your knees at his throne.
“It is an honor to serve The First Order,” your voice sounded foreign on your lips, speaking words you never intended to say.
Kylo reached forward, tilting your chin up until he held your gaze, studying every detail of your unfamiliar face. He was captivated by you, your mystique raised curiosity, not alarm. Nothing happened on his ship that he didn’t know about, but you, a young soldier from Naboo was unexpected.
“You wield the force?” He questioned, puzzled by the inability to tear apart your thoughts.
“No, master.”
“But you can, padawan, you’ve just not been taught,” Kylo answered, having no knowledge of the crack he’d sent through your alliances.
The Jedi order would have recognized the great power you possessed, even as you didn’t recognize it in yourself. Your gifts had been kept a secret, but here was Kylo Ren, a man meant to be your enemy, offering truth and guidance you were deprived of. The resistance and its leaders had deceived you, a betrayal far deeper than a political alliance. They had kept you from destiny, fearing that the ability to wield the force would lead you into darkness, having no idea you would one day learn to harness your power from the ruler of the Empire.
“I can show you the ways of the force," Kylo’s voice was smooth, pulling you to his outstretched hand, an invitation to leave everything else behind and stand at his side.
You didn't recognize yourself in the reflection of Kylo's eyes. Instinctively, you took Kylo's outstretched hand, letting him pull you to your feet.
"You have had no teacher?" Kylo questioned, the two of you standing in an empty room in the Star Destroyer.
He looked so different out of his suit, more relaxed in simple training robes. Here, Kylo didn't seem to be the menacing overlord that you'd once saw. With you, he was different, an attentive and guiding master.
"No," you shook your head, confliction slowly eating away at you.
The more hours you spent learning from Kylo, the less you wanted betray him. Your alliance to the order you'd spent a lifetime fighting for was broken, and now you sought solace in him. Your allegiance to Kylo bloomed as your abilities grew, and the hard walls around him slowly came down, letting you in. Even as he opened up about who he was, you kept the secret of your origin, praying every night that he didn't have to find out.
Your lost soul found a home in Coruscant, lines blurring between you and Kylo as you spent intimate hours meditating and practicing. His hands that were once your waist to position your body, guided you until you found yourself pressed between Kylo’s strong body and his mattress. 
The first time Kylo took you to his bed, he was tender, attentive to your pleasure. As your addiction to him grew, so did the constant need for one another. You begged Kylo to fuck you with his hand around your throat, bending you over the closest surface because you couldn’t get enough. Every second with Kylo was sexually charged, craving him like a drug. He was your teacher, your solace, your lover, and your savior — before you knew it, Kylo became everything to you. 
Kylo Ren changed when you entered his existence. He had never experienced a love like you, constantly starving for your touch. 
In a year, everything fell apart. 
You’d long forgotten the Jedi, your allegiance, and your mission, until the day they invaded Coruscant. What you would never be able to forget was the betrayal on Kylo's face when they called you their commander. You could no longer run to your savior, nor to your fellow jedi, so you ran away, alone, to Mustafar.
You wrists were held behind your back with imperial binders, and you were completely naked - save the collar that Kylo had clasped around your throat. You glared up at him from your kneeling position at his feet, chest heaving as you struggled against his force keeping you still at his mercy.
Part of you yearned to throw yourself at him, begging for forgiveness, explaining to him that you had abandoned the resistance to follow him. You ached to tell him that every night you spent in bed with Kylo made you fall more in love with him, that you'd rather perish than live without him another day, but the words died in your throat.
Your words would do no use anyways - Kylo had made up his mind to make an example out of you, to humiliate you before the entire First Order.
Your skin burned as you felt the eyes of his knights on your body as they filed into the room, taking their places around the table. You couldn't hide from them, your sins and entire self exposed to those you once ruled over.
"Our little rebel traitor is going to pay for her sins," Kylo's voice was ice cold, sending a shudder down your spine.
Instinctively, you leaned back into Kylo's legs, subconsciously searching for shelter. He grabbed the back of your neck in one of his large hands, hauling you to your feet, dark eyes blazing down at you, starvation and thirst clouding his judgement.
"Get on the fucking table, now," he growled, manhandling you onto the cold metal surface, your wrists above your head as you laid spread out.
"Since you'll sell yourself to the jedi and the empire, my knights can have you as well."
He sank back into his throne, draped lazily over the armrests, legs parted to reveal how hard he was just from the sight of your nude form dripping on the table.
You strained against the binders on your wrists, hating yourself for how wet you were just knowing Kylo was watching, the knights pulling your legs apart as one knelt between your legs.
You helplessly watched Kylo as Vicrul's hands wrapped around your soft thighs, his tongue warm and wet against your sex, pulling a pathetic whine from your lips. You hated him for it - hating him for making your hips raise, begging for more as he ate you out, sucking on your clit and pushing thick fingers inside of you. Your muscles contracted around you, other knights groping your body, playing with your nipples and gagging you with their fingers.
Meanwhile, Kylo watched, freeing himself from the black trousers that hugged his thick thighs. You watched as he stroked his cock to the sight of you, fighting not to come immediately from the filthy noises the knights pried from your parted lips.
You ached for him to fill you, your cunt throbbing with need, despite the overwhelming touch of the knights, ripping orgasms from you despite how hard you fought against it. Before you could stop yourself, you were crying out to him, calling his name as your back arched off the table, gasping for air.
Your ears were ringing, and all at once the knights retreated from you, exiled from the room by Kylo. He stood abruptly, dark robes falling from his shoulders, his strong body fully on display for you. You felt the binders release your wrists, and you pulled your limbs to your body, trembling on the cold table.
"I didn't betray you," you rasped, knowing Kylo could read your mind, prying through your thoughts and your memories, allowing him in.
He said nothing, approaching you slowly. Kylo grasped your jaw, holding your head up, forcing you to look him in the eye.
"You will never run from me again."
"Yes, master."
Kylo's lips were hot and heavy against yours, pulling you into his body, kissing you violently. He'd had every intention to take you back to his chambers, but the second you touched, he couldn't resist, climbing over you on the table in his throne room.
His hand hooked under your knee, pushing it to your shoulder, rubbing the head of his cock against your entrance. He ignored your whimpering pleas, taking his time, marking your throat with his lips. All the air left your lungs as he finally pushed inside you, much bigger than all of the knights who had violated you only moments before.
Your back arched as he split you open, pressing your chest to his, your hands pulling his thick black hair. He bottomed out, his hips pressed against your ass. Kylo hushed you, wrapping an arm around your torso before fucking you at a blistering pace. It was desperate and violent with need, tearing you apart for leaving him, and putting you back together all at once. You felt his velvety skin drag against your walls with every thrust, Kylo using the force to circle your clit so he could keep both hands on you.
His skin was slick with sweat, black hair sticking to his forehead as he moaned, biting your shoulder and burying his face in you, his thrusts stuttering as he filled you until cum was spilling out and smearing between your thighs.
"I'm not finished with you," he panted as you sank back into the surface, trying to catch your breath.
Kylo flipped you over so he was lying on his back, your knees on either side of his wide hips. You could barely hold yourself up, muscles shaking as you leaned over him.
"Kylo, I can't—"
"Ride me." He commanded, leaving no room for argument or protest.
He reached up and wrapped his hand around your throat, holding you up as you rolled your hips, feeling his cock twitch inside you, moving easily despite your trembling thighs.
"Look at me. Watch yourself take your master," Kylo's other hand lightly smacked your cheek, prompting you to open your eyes, holding his gaze for a long moment.
You wrapped your hands around his wrist for leverage, thankful his other hand was helping your hips, before obeying his wish. Your gaze fell, watching him disappear inside your body every time you sank down, feeling him set fire to every nerve ending in your body, your limbs screaming for release. Kylo held your weight, guiding you to finish until you collapsed on his chest, aftershocks shuddering through your weakened body.
"You'll have to earn back your place at my side," he tilted your chin up, dark eyes showing the slightest bit of mercy.
"I'll do anything," you breathed, chasing his mouth for a kiss.
"Start by getting on your knees."
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