#girls living in a small island call that yuri island.
skeleticals · 9 months
going a little crazy. bagina is so silly so uugjuu . I also think its funny how its just. girl whos kind of against the federation x girl who is always surrounded by people who would not care about being a worker for the federation. and might as well have started thinking the same way as them. and its also funny bc they both get silly shy whenever around other women.
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am0re-in-polvere · 4 years
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Circe ranks as one of the greatest witches of mythology. A beautiful enchantress - she likes nothing better than to turn men into pigs. (Some have seen her as a bit of a feminist). It is only when the wily Odysseus lands on her island that she finally meets her match.
He and his men sailed on across the wine dark sea, until once again they caught sight of an island. They slipped their boat into a snug little harbour, and there they slept for two whole days.
The following morning, Odysseus said they should explore the island and discover who lived there. At these words, his men grew afraid. They remembered the terrible Cyclops who had kept them prisoner in his cave, and had devoured some of their companions.
Odysseus divided his men into two groups, so that if one should get into trouble, the other could come and help. He was leader of one group, and Lord Eurylochus (Yuri-Locus) was the leader of the other. They drew straws to see which group should go and explore first, and as Eurylochus drew the short straw, he and his men had to set out and explore the woods.
After walking two or three hours, the men came to a clearing. They saw a little house surrounded by wild beasts – wolves, leopards, and lions. One of the leopards sprang towards Eurylochus. He thought that he was about to die, but instead of eating him, the leopard rubbed up against him like a cat and purred.
The window of the house was open, and inside a woman was singing. Her voice was mysterious but very beautiful, and the men felt themselves being drawn towards the house, for they all longed to see if the woman was as wonderful as her voice. They walked past the fierce looking beasts, who in fact were really quite tame. Inside they were greeted by a tall and elegant woman, her black hair done up in braids – she did indeed look very lovely.
Her name was Circe and she invited the men to sit down at her table and drink some of her soup – they readily agreed.
As they drank the soup, Eurylochus said: “When I drew the short straw I cursed my bad luck, but how wrong I was! Our hostess is not so terrible after all, eh men?”
They did not realise that though she was beautiful, Circe was in fact a witch. She had slipped a magic potion into their soup, and when they had finished drinking it, she rapped the table with a magic wand and said: “Now you swine, be off to the pigsty where you belong.”
The men looked up astonished. “Madam – Did you just call us pigs?” asked Eurylochus. But Circe just laughed in reply, for the nose of Eurylochus was already growing into a pink snout, and his hands were becoming hairy trotters. In fact, all his men were swiftly turning into pigs. They tried to weep and cry out, but all they could do was to snort and squeal.
“Now do as I say,” cried Circe. “Pigs belong in the sty, not in my kitchen. Be off with you!” And off they trotted to their new home.
When the men did not return to the ship, Odysseus grew worried, and he decided to go and search for them. He set out across the island in the direction of the smoke he had seen from the cottage. While he was walking through the woods, he met a young man – more of a boy, whose beard was still soft and downy on his face.
“Stranger, what are you doing here?” asked the young man.
“I’m going in search of my men who are lost,” said Odysseus.
“No doubt they are guests of the lovely Circe. You won’t find them in her house, but outside in the pigsty. Beautiful though she is, she is really a witch and she turns men into beasts. If you step inside her house, she will turn you into a pig too.”
“My men – turned into pigs!” exclaimed Odysseus. “Is this how you treat guests on this island?”
The young man did not reply, but took a small plant out of his knapsack and handed it to Odysseus. Its stem was black and its flower was as white as milk. “Eat this,” he said. “It will make you safe against all magic tricks and potions. The name of this plant is molly. It is dangerous for mere mortals to pluck, for only gods can take it out of the ground safely.”
When he spoke these words, Odysseus realised that this was no ordinary young man, but Hermes the messenger of the gods. He ate the molly plant and went on his way.
Soon he came to the house in the woods that was guarded by wild beasts. Circe’s lovely singing voice drifted out through the window, and Odysseus walked boldly past the beasts and into the house. Inside he was greeted by the beautiful witch, who told him to sit down and try some of her soup. While she was heating it, she slipped some magic potion into the broth, for she intended to turn Odysseus into a pig like the others. She gave the soup to him, he drank it all down, and then she took out her wand and rapped the table with it.
“Now be off with you to the sty, pig-face,” she cried.
Odysseus did not turn into a pig, but instead leapt to his feet, drew his sword and rushed at Circe. She, terrified, let out a shriek and fell to his feet begging for mercy.
“Please great Lord – do not take such offence. It was just my strange sense of humour. It comes from living alone for so long, here in the woods with nothing but wild beasts for company. It is many years since I have seen a strong brave man like you. Come, let me kiss you…”
Odysseus let the beautiful witch kiss him, but all the time he was watching to see that she did not try any more of her tricks. She called her servant girls and commanded them to prepare a bath for their visitor. They brought hot and cold water and mixed the bath until it was just right. When Odysseus had bathed and rested, he found that they had prepared a delicious meal for him.
“Come, why do you look so sad?” asked Circe. “Let us eat together and wash the food down with honeyed wine.”
“How can a leader eat,” asked Odysseus, “when he knows that his companions are living outside in the muddy pigsty?”
When he spoke these words, Circe knew that there was no use pretending any longer that she was anything other than a witch. She went out to the pigsty and rubbed a magic ointment onto the animals. Then she waved her wand and they began to change back into men, only younger and better looking than they were before. They began to weep, for what they had been through was truly terrible.
When they had recovered, Odysseus went back to the ship to fetch the rest of his men. They were all united at Circe’s house and sat down to a wonderful feast of celebration.
The Greeks stayed with the witch Circe for an entire month – and she didn’t try any more of her magic tricks on them. One morning Odysseus spoke to her: “Oh beautiful enchantress – too long have we enjoyed your hospitality. We must continue our journey to our home on the rocky island of Ithaca, but unfortunately we are completely lost. We do not know these seas. Can you direct us by the safest route?”
Circe replied: “Lord Odysseus, if it were up to me, I would keep you here always – but I understand that you must be on your way to your home and your lovely wife, Queen Penelope. There is no safe route for you and your men to return home; for when you leave here, you must pass through a narrow passage between the rocks of Scylla and the whirlpool of Charybdis. Both are perilous – for Scylla is a many armed monster who yelps like a dog. If you sail close to her cliffs, she will reach down and grab some of your men and shove them into her mouth. But if you sail too close to the whirlpool of Charybdis, your entire boat will be sunk down to the bottom of the sea and all of you will drown. It is a terrible choice to make but you are a leader – so plot your course as you see best. Next, if the gods permit you to pass through that dire strait, you will come to the island of the Sun where the great Sun God, Lord Apollo, keeps his herd of sacred cows. Do as I say – steer clear of the island and do not land there. Nothing and nobody escapes the eyes of Apollo as he looks down from the sky. If you value your lives, avoid his island!”
So Odysseus and his men said farewell to the lovely Circe and sailed on their way. After three days, just as she had foretold, they reached the narrow passage that she had described. Up on the cliffs they could hear the monster Scylla, yelping like a dog that has been left tied up for too long. As they drew nearer, they could hear the terrible gurgling sound of the whirlpool, Charybdis.
“This is indeed a terrible choice”, thought Odysseus, “but is it a lesser evil to lose some of my men, than for all of us to drown? I must therefore chart my course closer to the cliffs than the whirlpool.”
He did not tell his men about Scylla, in case they lost heart and put down their oars. All his men’s eyes were on the dreadful whirlpool, gurgling like a cauldron. The men rowed as hard they could, but as they passed beneath Scylla, she reached down to the ship. Odysseus fought her with his spear, desperately trying to stab at her arms, but he could not prevent her from snatching up six of his men. The others rowed on, crying for their companions.
Once they passed through the strait, they saw the island of the Sun, just as Circe had predicted.
“Thank heavens for land!” cried the men. Odysseus tried to tell them it was no good. They must not land, but sail on – for Circe had warned him of terrible danger should they set foot on the island belonging to the great Sun God, Lord Apollo.
“Are you a slave driver?” cried out Lord Eurylochus. “In your rush to reach home, you deny us all rest. We are still grieving for our six lost companions. You cannot order us to sail on. We will surely die of sadness and exhaustion.”
Seeing that the men meant rebellion, Odysseus allowed the ship to land with great misgiving in his heart. They found that the island was covered in green fields, and that fat cattle were grazing. The men waited for Odysseus to fall asleep and then killed two cows and ate roast meat on the beach. When the sun rose in the morning, bright Apollo saw what they had done, and said to Zeus, who is Lord of all the gods:
“Great Lord – I am wronged. Those rascals and ruffians who crew the ship of that tricky Greek, Odysseus, have killed the sacred cattle that bring joy to my heart. If you will not punish them, I shall go down to the land of the dead and light up the gloomy underworld. No more shall I shine in the skies above the world.”
When Zeus heard these words he replied: “It is indeed a crime to take what rightly belongs the gods. When these men set sail tomorrow, I shall hit their boat with a burning thunderbolt.”
The next day, Odysseus told his men to set sail. When they were out at sea, the sun disappeared behind a black cloud. The dark skies filled with lightening and an electric flash shot down from the hand of Lord Zeus and hit their boat, ripping it into two. All the men fell into the raging sea. Odysseus clung for his life to the broken mast of the ship, and somehow survived the storm. The sun shone once again on the now calm waters, and Odysseus saw land. Using his last strength, he swam into the shore and staggered onto the beach, where he fell down, exhausted.
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azrcxlfatale · 4 years
under the cut you’ll find saint’s intro, its just a brief run down for now until i get bio pages up but it should help get a sense of the boyo all the same !! he is gentle and friend shaped is all i can say ajjdfg. THIS HAS NOW BEEN UPDATED WITH LIKE FIVE EXTRA LIL MORE CURRENT HEADCANONS! [ they r just like for his own growth nothing major has happened with saint and he’s still fundamentally the same as he was bc he’s always been a more laidback and less tragic muse but feel free to read em bc they do help contextualise how he’ll be career wise and with grandmami] : 
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so for the best part of his life saint was raised with his ‘grandmami’ as he terms her, but she’s better known to the whole island as ajumma solmi. for this reason he’s very doting toward her and a real grandma’s boy. he bakes with her often and they can often be found on street corners selling cheap priced but some of the finest flowers to the citizens because it’s grandmami’s tradition and its mostly done in hope to uplift the islanders and bring joy to their day in a small way and act of love. 
when i say doting i mean doTInG, he will help her in and out of chairs, help her cross streets, hold the groceries for her as she crosses, open doors for her even if grandmami insists he stops fussing because ffs saint ur making me look ancient and i’ll have u know i am still fighting fit and could knock any idiot on his ass with a fliCk of my finger. ajdhf. she is v fiery, if saint is like the picture of elegance and good manners then grandmami is the sTARK contrast. she has one hell of a potty mouth and just a no time for ur shit attitude. if anything saint is keeping her in line, not the other way around. 
his quirk is warp gate. he rlly just uses it to entertain himself mostly and help give his pals quick escapes when a prank of some sort has gone wrong. he can basically create portals out of a dark fog which can either be emitted through his breath or openings at the end of his fingers which he can activate, anyone can also use his portals to travel so long as he’s given them permission.
he just exudes sunshine rlly. is well known round the island for his out of this world smile which has been known to charm many. he is a very eligible and sought after bachelor but saint is like...not interested mostly bc he just like has no romantic awareness ahdhfhf not bc he doesn’t want it. and also bc he doesn’t like the way it’s mostly super young girls and guys just like awestruck by him. it feels a little too much like he’s a collective childhood crush by his groupies so yeah he is OBLIVIOUS. 
very humble and incredibly polite. just really down to earth whenever spoken to but being raised by an elderly person kinda makes u a little outdated, for this reason saint is kind of demure and bad at conversation mostly due to the fact he can easily talk for hours about his plans for baking with grandmami later, the book he read her this morning, the lovely walk they took in that gorgeous spot which he rlly recommends etc but he is god awful at talking about like typical young people stuff. 
lot of ppl think he plays hard to get, this is not true, saint just fr does not know how to fuckin speak and is the most oblivious person in the world to how to flirt, he’s easily flustered but bad at knowing when he’s being flirted with or if this person is just rlly nice and is usually too shy and respectful to rlly push luck by flirting in response hfhfjkg. USELESS. 
very 70′s/80′s aesthetic bby boy, sweet summer child. he is obsessed with old classic black and white films, had a collection before he moved to the island which he misses like everyday but luckily he has memorised ten million quotes. also collected records. obsessed with anything retro, is a collector of gaming merch. but he didn’t get to sneak much to the island :-( the only thing he rlly snuck was a small record stash. liked roller skating, bowling, drive in movies. dresses very retro but refined and classy with lots of layering. rlly good knowledge of classic literature. 
most likely to find him at the arcade in the funzone now on the island, he is a master at all the games but esp the old retro ones, usually goes early morning or late evening so he can spend hours uninterrupted on them and beat his high score everyday a bit more. if not there then he’ll be at zen’s computer gaming instead. he likes all tech really but prefers retro, he’s still figuring out modern. before coming to the island he was rlly getting into VR. if he’s not in either of these places, he’ll be on the beach in a volleyball match or doing a jog. still v much into his sports. 
ultimate sike power cause people think he looks like ur typical jock fuckboy but jokes on u he is pure of heart and dumb of ass himbo just blessed with ethereal looks, he is the breed of good lil boyo and that is all. 
obsessed with milkshakes and popcorn at the diners if he’s ever there u can guarantee that is what he is snacking on or treating himself to. his weakness is churros he fucken thinks that shit SLAPS. he’ll do anything if the prize is churros.  sMH someone help his diet. also loves fiddling with the jukeboxes there ajdjd. 
has two pet geckos one is peach colored and called zelda, the other is black and white leopard spotted and named zeus and he also has a chonk of a fluffy grumpy white cat called yoshi. he is the best. saint is a huge animal lover but probably still not on nyx’s level of dog worshipper. 
weeb. not as big of a one as nyx but he likes haikyuu, kuroko no basket, given, fruits basket, free! and yuri! on ice. he is very into anything that is slice of life or sports anime. 
has the nickname ‘koda’ bc of the movie brother bear, nicknamed after the lil baby bear cause he just reminds people of a baby bear ahdhd. 
he studies art, spends half his life in the studio working, big art nerd. once he gets in the work mode, he just does not stop for anything but water and snacks and goes at it all day into half the night. usually does big projects bc he loves a challenge. mostly paints, sometimes sketches. u know those vids of people mixing paint colors like a swatch of gold and turquoise? saint fuckin loves those so bad unf he does that all the time to calm himself. 
still lives with grandmami currently, he’s looking at getting his own place bc everyone tells him if he ever wants to have his own life then he needs to but he’s just v anxious about leaving grandmami on her own bc she getting older by the day and she’s all he has sO she cannot get hurt!! 
also in a bit of a dilemma with his art bc he kinda wants to make something out of it, like maybe teach some classes sort of thing and use it more as a career but right now he does not have the confidence in his ability and is mostly just doing it for fun and as a calming thing ( he’s an idiot he’s rlly fucken good pls someone make him take himself seriously )
never cusses but does say bitchin a lot, only ever uses fuck in bed basically so if u ever hear him say it then u know something next level has gone down bc saint refuses to swear even if he stubbed his pinky toe.
looks like a cinnamon roll but HE FUCKS!! boy is a kinky freak however saint has no shame or embarrassment like he will discuss it as casually as a discussion of what to have for dinner not bc he is like lewd but purely bc to him its rlly natural and like another form of art and he does not get the embarrassment or secret nature of it all like it is just factual to him that we come into the world like that and ppl enjoy it sometimes ajsj. 
gardening enthusiast!! has a fascination with studying plants and insects tbfh. still uses 70′s and 80′s kewl kid slang like unironically someone help him pls. sjjdjf. cute bonus fact: has freckles all over his shoulders and down his back. UWU. 
i would love for him to have a muse for art and/or to be someone’s muse. also and maybe interchangeably someone to kinda be his art mentor and be like saint u could pursue this fr if thats ur dream, then do it pls share this talent dont let ART DIE!!
someone he does gardening and insect studies with who gets his nerdy enthusiasm over it. 
a regular who gets flowers from him and grandmami, maybe he makes a special bouquet for them every day which always has a different meaning in the flower language bc he is soft like that ajjfl
someone who he can take on loads of cute lil platonic diner dinner dates bc he is a huge foodie as we can tell. this one is super fun like I imagine they scam tf outta restaurants that are over priced and for the elite by being like we all kno married couples or people getting engaged, celebrating anniversaries etc tend to get better deals on their meals. so he’s essentially doing this one bc he likes ur muses company and enthusiasm for food but also bc it means cheaper high quality meals for both and a guaranteed good time.
someone to nerd out with him over classic literature or films bc that would be hella cute
maybe someone who is also close with his grandmami and rlly loves spending time with her as well so he kinda trusts them to take care of her and trusts their judgement when they r like saint chill let the lady live okay go and do ur own shit akskf
he usually jogs alone but it would be cool for him to have someone to do that with and like table-tennis and shiz cause he just loves fitness activities and active leisure stuff too. 
maybe someone who is tryna teach him a little more about how to uH TALK LIKE SOMEONE HIS DAMN AGE AND STOP BEING SOME RETRO MAN STUCK IN MODERN TIMES AJDJD
so a lot about saint hasn’t overly changed because like he just is and has always been a very wholesome laidback boyo but just a few bits of like additional info for his personal growth can be added:
he’s owner and manager of the florist now, grandmami is also there most of the time and handles a lot of stuff when she’s feeling up to it but with her getting more tired more easily from her illness saint needs to head everything really.
he grew up in a neighbourhood on hosu which like consisted of his entire street pretty much being full of his aunts and uncles so now like it’s a street just littered with all his tiny cousins who like to follow him about everywhere and play ball games etc on the street with him and kinda take it over shs. you can hear their joyful playing from like streets over it’s very cute.
his mother gave him up when she realised she was pregnant with him and too young to raise him and that it would hinder her from pursuing the life she wanted with his father. saint doesn’t hold any resentment for her choice, it only bothers him that his grandma has always had a serious illness since the early days of talks of her having no choice but to take him on and that despite this his mother allowed him to be left to her care and another burden on her when she was already so ill.
grandmami is now at a point where she’s hanging in there but she won’t have long left and saint is essentially now her live in carer till her final days which is hard af for him but he refuses to let it show. he’s not sure how he’ll function when he loses her. right now he’s trying to extend the florist business into a wellness one as well and more of an apothecary so he can keep himself stable and busy.
this is more just a cute fun fact but he’s a Christmas Eve baby. uwu lil boyo was born on the night before Christmas bc of course he was sdjdj.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Bookshelf Briefs 8/21/19
Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter, Vol. 4 | By Reai and Suki Umemiya | Seven Seas – Aside from praising Iris’s innovations, this volume focuses more on the political end of things than the commerce end. Iris ends up attending the ball, and it goes better than she expected, mostly as the Queen Dowager is in her corner. In fact, honestly, things may go a little TOO well—the entire ball seems engineered to show off how the guy who dumped and exiled Iris is a hothead idiot, and Yuri seems to be doing an excellent job of manipulating the country into… running itself into the ground. But how invested should Iris be in all this, especially as she has to look out for her own nation, because there’s war on the horizon. Still an excellent political drama. – Sean Gaffney
Behind the Scenes!!, Vol. 7 | By Bisco Hatori | Viz Media – I enjoy Bisco Hatori’s humor, but her plotting is not a thing to behold. That said, as predicted, things resolved with the Ruka plotline, followed by a quick epilogue showing the film Goda made (honestly, the plot of the film sounds like a manga I’d love to see Hatori write), and then another epilogue several years later showing the two pairings (mostly) resolved and the two stars at ease with themselves and successful. There’s fun to be had here, but I can’t deny that I think this started a lot stronger than it ended, and I’m glad it did not end up as long as Ouran. I’d still recommend it to Hatori fans, though. Oh yes, and the amnesia arc proves to be as inconsequential as I suspected it would be. – Sean Gaffney
Cocoon Entwined, Vol. 1 | By Yuriko Hara | Yen Press – Hoshimiya Girls’ Academy has a unique tradition. The students have exceedingly long hair, and as the middle school third-year students are being measured for their high school uniforms, the high school third-years are finally having their hair cut, which will be used to make said uniforms. Cocoon Entwined so far is light on plot, heavy on atmosphere. We meet Yokozawa, a girl who seems to be able to sense breathing and/or heartbeats from the uniforms, and Saeki, the princely girl whom Yokozawa has feelings for. We don’t meet, except in flashback, the elusive Hoshimiya, granddaughter of the headmistress, who has locked herself in her room and for whom Saeki seemingly pines, much to Yokozawa’s dismay. I really liked this volume, even though there’s not a lot happening so far. I look forward to more, whenever it comes. – Michelle Smith
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, Vol. 6 | By Inio Asano | Viz Media – Thankfully, and despite Kadode assuring her friends that something happened, it’s suggested nothing did, and the teacher is leaving the city due to the ongoing chaos. Honestly, the world may not have all that long to go—even if the aliens don’t bring things to an end, can Japan really hold off America and everyone else? This still has a bit of a post-apocalyptic feel to it. Still, Futaba does end up getting lucky, so to speak, though the implication is that her politics and his desire for a non-serious relationship will make that a very short relationship. The best part of the story was Oran’s surprise birthday party, which was sweet as pie. I hope there’s more sweet moments ahead. – Sean Gaffney
Emanon, Vol. 1: Memories of Emanon | By Shinji Kaijo and Kenji Tsuruta | Dark Horse – I initially picked up Emanon due to Tsuruta’s involvement since I’ve been enjoying Wandering Island; I only later realized that Kaijo is an award-winning author. The Emanon manga is an adaptation of a series of stories written by Kaijo (also illustrated by Tsuruta) featuring a young woman who calls herself Emanon. Kaijo’s somewhat melancholic but engaging narratives lend themselves well to Tsuruta’s atmospheric artwork. There’s very little action in the first volume of the manga. For the most part, Tsuruta is capturing a reminiscence of a conversation between two people, a young man who enjoys speculative fiction and Emanon. She intrigues him, not only because of the air of mystery surrounding her but because she tells him that she holds memories reaching back to the beginning of life on Earth. Memories of Emanon, adapting Kaijo’s original story, is self-contained, but I’m greatly looking forward to the continuation of the series. – Ash Brown
Idol Dreams, Vol. 6 | By Arina Tanemura | VIZ Media – It’s been almost two years since I read a volume of Idol Dreams. I’d stop short of saying it has gotten good in the intervening time—there’s a lot of melodrama here, from the death of Hibiki’s little sister and him carrying on despite his grief (leading to the spectacularly cheesy line, “Sayaka, can you hear Hibiki singing?”) to the plotline revolving around Hanami’s pregnancy and the fact that it isn’t Tokita’s—but it’s certainly somewhat better, and I think that’s because this volume puts much more emphasis on Deguchi as an adult interacting with adults rather than her masquerading as a teen interacting with teens. It was even a little gratifying to see this mousey character haul off and smack Hanami for leaving Tokita at the altar. Do I care enough to keep reading? Maybe, especially if the next volume is the final one. – Michelle Smith
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Vol. 37 | By Shinobu Ohtaka | VIZ Media – And so, Magi comes to an end. There were some things I really liked about it, like how Ohtaka-sensei showed how Alibaba’s unfailing determination to fight the spell reminded various brainwashed people of other heroes they had known who had sacrificed everything for goals and countries that would no longer exist if everyone and everything returned to rukh. I liked how Kogyoku was desperately trying to get him to surrender to her before the arrival of the massive army in an attempt to save his life. The rest, though, is not completely clear. I get most of what Sinbad did, but I don’t really get how Aladdin emerged victorious. There was a big flash of light and then… happy epilogue? Which I guess is fine. The happy epilogue was what I really wanted, anyway. Overall, I enjoyed this series and its themes of self-determination. – Michelle Smith
My Hero Academia, Vol. 20 | By Kohei Horikoshi | Viz Media – This is an excellent volume, but it’s definitely a “wrap up one plot and start another” sort of book. Midoriya stops the “villains” and we see the small series of tragedies behind their backstory. He makes it back for the festival—just—and it’s a blast, with Jiro at her best (the redrawn art helps) and Eri dazzled. Then we see the new hero rankings post-All Might, and Endeavor is finally top of the charts, but being #1 also means that people are after you as well, and there’s a pretty nasty fight towards the end. Will Endeavor win the day? And will Todoroki care? Great volume, but I think it’s all about Jiro and Eri’s big grins in the end. Those are wonderful smiles. – Sean Gaffney
Shortcake Cake, Vol. 5 | By suu Morishita | VIZ Media – Ten has realized she likes Riku after all and returns early after summer vacation because he’s alone in the boardinghouse. Meanwhile, Chiaki is getting bolder about expressing his feelings. The great part is that not only does he get this pertain to Ten—including a smooch at the end and a “What can I do so that you consider me?”—but to Riku, as well. Chiaki’s oddball personality is starting to come through, and the best chapter here is a cute interlude where he lies about the origins of a cup Riku broke so that they can go out shopping for a replacement together. It involves Riku winning an enormous bag of potato chips for Chiaki from a crane game. I’m not super invested in the romance angle of this story, but I do like the main trio of characters! – Michelle Smith
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, Vol. 4 | By Tomo Hirokawa, based on the story by Reki Kawahara | Yen Press – There’s an attempt to ramp up the danger here, given that we’re dealing with the death of NPCs, who technically aren’t real people (though honestly, most of SAO has been built around proving that false lately) and the fact that this time you really can log out and go back to your life. But the threat of the game being hacked, as well as users using drugs to “enhance” their experience, means that this time the Japanese government may finally shut down all these VR games for good—something that Kirito and Asuna in particular are determined to stop. Can they help save Premiere from her fate? And what about Anti-Premiere? – Sean Gaffney
Takane & Hana, Vol. 10 | By Yuki Shiwasu | Viz Media – As expected, Okamon is shot down (very nicely) by Hana. Of course, Takane misunderstands. Indeed, the entire volume is about misunderstandings and poor communication, which is always a good fallback in romantic comedies like this one. We also get the backstory on how Takane met Nicola, and how, like Hana, he was at first completely annoyed by him till he saw his hidden nice side. There are not quite as many amusing faces as previous volumes (though the omake helps make up a lot of the difference). But in return we do get a bit more on the romance front, as a drunken Takane (they had a birthday party for him) ends up kissing Hana… on the nose. That said, the effect is devastating. Fun times. – Sean Gaffney
Yuri Life | By Kurukuruhime | Yen Press – We’ve seen quite a few yuri anthologies about adults lately and this one is a 4-koma one-shot, with each chapter focusing on a different couple, until we come around to the first one at the end. There are couples I found interesting. (One involves the Grim Reaper waiting for a woman to die, falling in love with her, and then having her romance be what enables the woman to keep living… so they have to part.) I will say they are “mostly” adult romances… one is teacher-student, with the student being sixteen, and it didn’t work for me. Nor did the one about the “yandere.” Still, there were more hits than misses, and if you’re looking for cute, sweet yuri that won’t stick in the head, this is decent enough. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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englishvisualnovels · 6 years
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Anime Expo 2018: MangaGamer to Bring Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!!, Luckydog1, and More to the West
Note: This post contains links that may lead to NSFW content.
MangaGamer announced four titles for fans of the boys’ love, bishoujo, and yuri visual novel genres!
For those hoping for more otome game announcements from MangaGamer this year, do not fret! A fan present at the panel asked John “Kouryuu” Pickett, MangaGamer’s head translator and PR director, the following question (Source):
Attendee: "Any plans for future 18+ otome games?" Kouryuu: "Absolutely. The year isn't over. Wait and see what we've got in store."
According to MangaGamer’s 2018 convention schedule, the publisher will have a panel at Otakon this August and another panel at Anime NYC in November so stay tuned!
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Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!! (Yuri)
Developer: Particle Release Date: TBA Platform: Windows Age Rating: All-Ages
Lilycycle Rainbow Stage!!! is based on a series of yuri drama CDs by Particle. The game features character designs and art by Sakura Miwabe, one of the illustrators for Fire Emblem Heroes.
The game will be available on MangaGamer and Steam.
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Official Site
Yuno loves Tamaki’s smile, and wants to her witness her dreams coming true.... though having not seen much of Tamaki lately, Yuno’s been feeling somewhat down. She depends on Saeka a lot, and since the latter always comforts her in times of need, Yuno can feels as though she can talk about her problems without a care in the world.
Tamaki wishes with all her might that she could keep watching over Yuno, who’s always been number one in her heart... but the circumstances around her are changing, little by little. It's not only one girl she has to keep watch over now, after all. Saeka has always been dependable and supportive, and Tamaki's has begun to feel confused...
“Sigh... Looks like she always needs someone by her side too...”
Saeka still has a crush on Yuno, but has been enraptured by Tamaki's aura, and finds that she can’t leave her alone. Recently, she's been mulling over whether or not she wants to try and change the way she is...
As they chat, grow closer, become jealous, get embarrassed, and laugh...
The crisscrossing emotions of these three girls allow this warm yet slightly bitter story to unfold...
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Luckydog1 (Boys’ Love)
Developer: Tennenouji Release Date: TBA Platforms: Windows, Mac, & Linux Age Rating: 18+
Luckydog1 features writing by Jinnai, the director of Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome, as well as art and planning by Yura. Yura was the lead artist and director for Absolute Obedience and Enzai - Falsely Accused.
The game will be available on MangaGamer.
Relevant Link:
Official Site
It all starts with the slam of a prison door. Four captains from the same Mafia family, the CR:5, are taken out in one fell swoop and left to rot behind bars.
Lucky for them, our hero’s already there.
Gian’s just a run-of-the-mill wiseguy, passing his time doing petty jobs for the family when he’s on the outside and living the lazy life when he’s in the slammer. But those easy days come to an end when he gets word from the boss: if he can break the captains out, Gian will earn a spot at the top of the hierarchy.
Can he pull off a job this big, or is it more than even Gian’s fabled good luck can manage?
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Rance IX: The Helmanian Revolution (Bishoujo)
Developer: Alicesoft Release Date: TBA Platform: Windows Age Rating: 18+ 
As of July 7th, Rance IX: The Helmanian Revolution is “close to done” with the translation. However, MangaGamer will not release the game before they release Sengoku Rance or Rance Quest MAGNUM. (Source)
The game will be available on MangaGamer.
Relevant Link:
Official Site
The oldest nation to still exist on the Continent is the militant Helmanian Empire. A country with a long history, and once the most powerful nation in the world, Helman has experienced years of decay under a corrupt regime. A civil war, an invasion by a neighboring power, or perhaps both could happen at any moment. Amidst fears of such turmoil by no small portion of the population, a man who was once exiled from Helman rises to action.
Years prior, Prince Patton Misnarge fought to prove his worth by invading another country, but failed and disappeared from the public eye. Swearing to take his country back, Patton trained and returned a strong and admirable man. He sought to make use of the peerless champion he met on his journeys to fight to revolutionize Helman. Yes, the key to his plan was to get the assistance of the strongest and most brutal warrior, Rance.
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Rance X: Showdown (Bishoujo)
Developer: Alicesoft Release Date: TBA Platform: Windows Age Rating: 18+
Rance X: Showdown is the final title in the Rance visual novel/RPG series.
As of July 7th, no localization work has been done for Rance X. Like Rance IX, MangaGamer will not release Rance X before they release Sengoku Rance or Rance Quest MAGNUM. (Source)
The game will be available on MangaGamer.
Relevant Link:
Official Site
Humans and monsters shared the Continent in a delicate balance for over a thousand years, but it all came crashing down.
The most powerful fiend, Kayblis, seized power over the Monster Realm and led a colossal army on an invasion of the Human Realm. Unable to stop quarreling amongst themselves, the human nations were trampled.
Two weeks after the war began, the death toll for humanity reached approximately 12,000,000.
Yet mankind still couldn't unite, and the turmoil between the world's leaders continued. Just as the demise of humanity, the worst case scenario, weighed heavy on everyone's minds...
"Everyone should just work for me. I'll crush that Monster Army no problem."
It was Rance, back from an adventure with his companion, Sill.
There was an uproar among the world leaders:
The Kingdom of Leazas's Queen, Lia Parapara Leazas. The Kingdom of Zeth's Viceroy, Magic the Gandhi. The Republic of Helman's President, Sheila Helman. The Free City Alliance's Representative, Copandon Dot. The eastern island of Nippon's Lord, Kou Oda. The world's largest religion, Alicism's Pope, Crook Mofus.
...And they were also Rance's women, so they all agreed. Rance became humanity's supreme leader, and their final hope.
Over 6000 years a minuscule creature called Kayblis fought and slaughtered his way to the very top of the Monster Realm. A conceited man named Rance who declares all woman to be his lived a carefree life and found his way to the top of the Human Realm. Both men put the survival of their entire race on the line in an inescapable struggle to the death.
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israelgcgq059-blog · 4 years
7 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About digimon world dawn
Gotta Catch 'Em All
No doubt that, the attraction of online flash games will not end. With over a 1000 Digimon to choose from, there can be something for everybody in the wonderful world of Digimon. With all sorts of cool Digimon, highlighted in the anime, manga, video games, and card game, it could be hard to narrow it right down to just 10, but with some effort and determination, we could actually discover 10 that represented every facet of the series. Which Digimon do you consider is the coolest? Are there any Digimon you think must have been on the list? Tell us in the comments below. A sequel to the popular anime series which accumulates after a 2 . 5 calendar year timeskip. Naruto returns to the Konoha village after teaching under Jiraiya. He still hasn't abadndoned Sasuke, who now became a member of forces with Akatsuki to achieve his own goals. However, Naruto is in more danger than ever as Akatsuki increase their attempts to hunt the Tailed Beasts.
Note: We at ROMs World Online have many PlayStation ROMs available for free to download. We likewise have some famous ROMs like Super Mario Galaxy ROM from rommode, completeroms, romsmania and also gamulator. You already have a great deal of stress and anxiety in your daily life. Most college students today have more homework assignments than ever before. In fact, a whole lot of parents complained that their children get back from school and seemed to have nothing more to accomplish than to just focus on homework! There can be an appropriate balance that should be struck between getting homework carried out and having fun. After you get back and take a brief break, then you can certainly start doing some homework.
Those two red spots are not just for cuteness, they will be the location of Pikachu's electric sacs. Pikachu is an electric pokémon, the guy can manipulate electricity for episodes on it's opponents on or off the battlefield. Pikachu is an extremely friendly pokémon and incredibly easy to love, he is normally seen with his best buddy, trainer Ash Ketchum and friend. Otonashi is an adolescent who died and went to afterlife. The afterlife is usually a high school for all those with any lingering regrets. He meets a http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=digimon girl called Yuri who invites him to join the Afterlife Battlefront - an organization she qualified prospects which fights against the college student council president Angel, a girl with supernatural powers.
Not absolutely all valuable trading cards are fresh releases. Dating from the 1940s, this series of Man of Steel trading cards is almost as older as the much-loved character himself. Mint-condition illustrations are uncommon - and, considering these were originally little more than bubble-gum wrappers, highly useful. Generally, scents for children use well-known cartoon and anime personas as trademarks and offering vehicles. Yes, it had been imported eventually to other countries, including the USA, but that is typical of highly successful anime. Why not make more money from more people? The intended viewers of the task, however, were not particularly Americans. If that had been so, why didn't they simply produce the display in English and begin brainwashing people's Christian children from the beginning? It creates no sense.
Sousuke can be an elite soldier working for a mercenary push Mithril. He is given a objective to safeguard a Japanese senior high school young lady Chidori Kaname by posing as a transfer student. Sousuke might today a lot about military technology, but he understands following to nothing about college life, which results in all sorts of hilarious situations. Anime cons are some of the best gatherings I've ever been to. Everyone is there due to a common curiosity in Japanese culture, whether it be anime or lolita outfits. It really is among the best issues ever created ^^ (at least in my opinion).
Digimon World 4 is a hack and slash video game which is way better if you have a friend or friends to play it with. I did enjoy the game, but it was fairly damn hard to create it through to the end by myself. By the time it is possible to get digivolved forms you will have likely finished the story and they only utilize the same weapons and special attacks anyway. It is a weird entry for the series and if you like these kind of games continues to be fun. The overall game of Five Stones is certainly used five small triangular fabric bags filled with seeds, rice or sand. Each player has to throw a bag in to the air, and then quickly grab another bag on the ground before catching the first one on its way down. The game continues as the participant repeats the actions by grabbing two luggage on the ground, and so on.
During the 90's these kinds of video games started acquiring popularity, and to any extent further they will include high-end visuals, extremely real sounds, and virtual communities, together with so quite definitely more. I've played all but Next Order, the DS video games, and the PS3 video game. Best Digimon game of all, I'd say Digimon Adventure PSP because it is the first time of year of the display, in game form. If fans are loud enough, Bandai Namco could helm a new game based on the popular series. Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode of course. It's original. It isn't as buggy as the playstation video games and it's fun.
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If you are a magna fan and reading up on the most recent anime and manga releases and the history of the subject, you will find there has been a lot of confusion between anime and manga. Oftentimes, followers will inquire others on discussion boards or on weblogs or in chat rooms what the difference is definitely. But that is like having the blind lead the blind generally. Not the best kind of art since it really could screen in better artwork and colors. Though I said that, there are portion of the games that is just amazing and makes me feel like it can't obtain any much better than this” during certain elements of the game despite the fact that the artwork is not really that great.
Players play as a mage and as such must rely on casting various magic spells by drawing rune styles on the DS touch screen. The energy of the spell can be effected by how accurately the rune digimon world agumon can be drawn, with more powerful spells being tougher to draw. All of the spell combinations offers players many different gameplay choices to create a substantial depth of gameplay. In order you can observe the Digimon anime movies do have a general theme which is usually boosted by the Island of the Lost Digimon. It's possible for two completely different types of people to live jointly peacefully and it is sometimes the children that coach us this.
January 31 - Digimon World: Next Order is definitely released in THE UNITED STATES for the PlayStation 4. In 1999, a short film predicated on the virtual house animals known as Digimon Adventure premiered. However, soon after the film's storyboard was finished in 1998, suppliers at Toei Computer animation were requested to turn it into a television series. The trading cards market is certainly dominated by a little number of notable businesses. These leading companies include Topps, Leaf Candy Firm, Donruss, Fleer, and Upper Deck. These businesses, while known mainly for their sports cards, non and actually produce sports-sports series.
An anime convention can be an event where people collect to celebrate anime, manga and aspects of Japanese tradition that they love. Organizers, who are large anime fans themselves, give a wide variety of entertainment geared to create the best Anime experience for fans. Despite being loosely predicated on the effective anime series Digimon Data Squad and having better graphics than its predecessor, Digimon Fight Online, having less PVP and the increased need for micro-transactions severely dampen any pleasure you could get out of the game.
March 24 - Digimon Links is released in Japan for Smartphones. It generally does not take a lot to win a combat in Digimon: ReArise, the most recent digital monster video game for iOS and Android devices. As long as your party is properly leveled up, the auto-battle function breezes through the turn-based group battles. The real challenge in Digimon: ReArise can be collecting, raising, and schooling an ever-expanding horde of multi-colored creatures, evolving them from pretty small balls into humanoid numbers with rocket launchers installed on their shoulders.
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thenichibro · 7 years
Fall 2017 Anime First Impressions
And so here I am again, three weeks late because I can never keep up. Fall 2017 thus far doesn’t seem too, too bad, but I’m sure that will change, considering the multiple original shows on my watching list. Luckily there’s plenty of cute girls doing cute things shows, which is all I need, really. As usual, here’s what I’m watching, with MAL links and original shows marked: Osake wa Fuufu (MAL) Starting off with a short show this time. Osake wa Fuufu follows a wife, Chisato, and her husband, Sora. Sora likes making drinks, and Chisato likes drinking. Match made in heaven, if you ask me. The show even includes drink recipes depending on the featured drink, and a food pairing with it. It's a three minute show about a cute, drunk wife. What's not to like?
URAHARA (MAL) Taking a sharp departure from the calmness of Osake wa Fuufu, URAHARA involves three fashion-loving Harajuku girls saving the planet from aliens. This show is Harajuku personified. Everything from the character design to the OP explodes with a bubbly, colorful atmosphere, wrapped up in a beautiful watercolor aesthetic. ORESAMA's fantastic brand of electropop is the exact cherry on top the art style needed. Rito is the skateboarding, soft-spoken girl with demon horns, Kotoko is the peppy blonde kemonomimi, and Mari is the twintailed idol who also owns the clothes shop the girls work at. After aliens sucking up cultural landmarks appear, an American girl wearing a talking fried shrimp shows up, gives them "physical manifestations of imagination," and they promptly transform into magical girls and fight the aliens, making them explode and turn into donuts. Sure, that made no sense at all, but everything's so colorful. Capped off by a similarly bubbly ED, this show is just outright fun. If it stays about three cute girls happily fighting fashion-stealing aliens, I'm in.
Dies Irae (MAL) Just as an FYI, Dies Irae aired an episode zero prequel, but I've waited until the formal episode one before doing any impressions, seeing as the prequel was a complete clusterfuck anyway. Now then, after the prequel involving Nazi supermen, Dies Irae's main series cuts to the future and the protagonist Ren, a solemn oft-hospitalized teen. Plenty of mysteries abound - a sudden murder, a strange vision at a museum, a runaway friend, a girl calling him Cagliostrio in a dream - interspersed throughout an otherwise thoroughly boring slice of life. Following that, the episode alos teases plenty of the insane bullshit the prequel was few of. In one line, one character drops 5 proper nouns we have had zero interaction with, with the off mention of one name from the prequel episode. Foreshadowing is fine; introducing three characters in the span of 15 seconds and then talking about 5+ more of them is a bit much. The art is nothing special, and the orchestral soundtrack is unique enough, but if the prequel was any indication, this show is going to get insane, really fast. And not insane like the fun, rollercoaster ride kind. More like the trying-too-hard, unnecesarily edgy, impossible to actually follow kind.
Net-juu no Susume (MAL) Ah, the MMO spin on the isekai genre. Net-juu follows Moriko, a NEET woman living alone who devotes her time to playing a guy (Hayashi) in an MMO. She meets with an amazingly cute girl, Lily (who later we see to be a guy IRL), and they start adventuring together. Cut to 70-odd levels of grinding, joining a guild, and an upgraded PC later, Moriko/Hayashi has settled in just fine. First off, Lily's VA is the fucking cutest, holy shit. My reactions about echoed Moriko's anytime she was being cute. Other than that, the first episode was surprisingly sincere. Relatively light on the "MY REAL LIFE IS ON THE INTERNET!!" in favor of Moriko just being more of an awkward, lazy video game nerd. Using video games to not have to deal with real life is nothing new, but the heart with which Hayashi/Lily meet and grow in just one episode impressed me. This could go either way, and I'm hoping it stays a interesting vignette on the trials and tribulations of the two lives Moriko lives.
[ORIG] Just Because! (MAL) Next up, Just Because sees Eita Izumi returning after four years to his locale's high-school, reuniting with people he lost touch with. The first episode sees a wonderful moment of return, as Eita practices with an old baseball friend, leading the practicing band to strike up into the chorus they played at games, seeminginly on their own. The trumpets flowing into the full orchestral matches the rising tone perfectly. Juxatposed with a Photography Club facing termination and a former class prez buried in obligations, a web of connections lies in wait, ready to reaccept Eita. The art is quite muted, and even with complaints about the hot weather, the sun is behind clouds and the cityscape is grey, as opposed to the beating sun we often see. Just Because's first episode, while not telling much, showed plenty, and indicated what the main issues would be and who would be involved, and that's exactly what a first episode should do. If an original work is showing that early on, maybe it has more direction than most - and that's a very good thing.
[ORIG] Two Car (MAL) Sidecar racing is something I haven't seen, for sure. The island of Miyakejima, with its uncontrolled speed limits, is home to famous sidecar racing, or "kneeler racing" competitions, and the show follows the endlessly arguing but amazingly similar local team of Yuri and Megami. A bouncy pop soundtrack plays over the high-speed racing, creating a light yet competitive tone that perfectly fits the colored visuals, featuring the same artist/production company as Masamune-kun no Revenge from a few seasons ago. Discord has cropped up between Yuri and Megumi due to their beloved coach leaving for greener courses and the feelings they had for him as he left. The cuts between the high-speed raising and the melancholic, reflective flashbacks does quite well in explaining their movements throughout the race - catching us up to speed, so to speak. The tone of the show comes across perfectly as the episode closes, backed up by the fantastic soundtrack and beautifully done OP and ED. You just feel this show is time spent on an island, split between relaxing and racing. It's wonderfully done. It remains to be seen if this show will echo others like Minami Kamakura and Bakuon and go really into the mechanical aspect of sidecar racing. However, this show is a surprisingly emotionally-based piece where emotions are expressed on the race course - and I'm interested in more.
[ORIG] Animegataris (MAL) Minoa is our orange-haired, ahoge-sporting protag, called out by the school princess Kamiigusa to talk about anime, of all things. Go figure. Coming off the trash that was Gamers last season, the blonde perfect girl actually being a huge nerd is already tiring. Minoa is looking for the name of an anime that moved her as a kid, and to do it suggests to get the anime club back in action, then promptly gets roped into leading it. Her endless optimism isn't original but it's always refreshing, and the use of anime to let Minoa see "more of Kamiigusa's faces" is a bit better than just having the red face of a normally "perfect" girl besmirched by the recognition she likes anime. Also there's a huge-headed cat and a somehow magical beret, which came out of the blue just a bit. We get a sneak peak of the future members, ranging across all archetypes and social cliques, and then the magical beret comes back and the cat now talks. Interested to see where the hell any of that goes, but if this stays more comedy and less Gamers romance-misunderstanding bullshit, I'll be satisfied. Also, both the OP and ED (especially the OP - GARNiDELiA is so good) are great. Some very strange plot choices, especially worrying in an original work, but if they pay off this will be enjoyable. Let's just hope they do.
Mahoutsukai no Yome (MAL) Backing off the slice of life, Mahoutsukai imagines a modern day world intertwined with fantasy - beastmen, magic, and the few humans who can see it - one of them being Chise Hatori, ostracized for her power until she is bought at an auction by a legendary mage, Elias, who aims to make her his apprentice. Chise is actually a "Sleigh Beggy," a rare being that attracts "faries and mysteries," whatever that will eventually entail. Mahoutsukai thus far gives off a kind of Uchouten Kazoku vibe as Chise moves into Elias' tranquil house. An ostensibly normal-looking environment inhabited by mystical beings, and a duality of calmness and turbulent themes below echo Uchouten's politics. The juxtaposition of the forcible buying of Chise versus the welcoming environment she is brought in creates an interesting dynamic that I'm interested in seeing played out. The animation is beautiful, and the small switches to a more chibi style aren't disruptive in the least. Aside from some confusion about the initial setup of the world, if this show becomes a magical slice-of-life with even a fraction of the heart of Uchouten, I'm in.
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou (MAL) Two girls in old-school fatigues, cruising around a cold, apocalyptic, industrial wasteland. Sounds cool to me. Chito is the collected, tired foil to Yuuri's galavanting, charismatic self. The animation is a bit divergent, in that while the landscapes are detailed in their greyness, the art of the two girls echoes something like Hidamari in its style. While initially strange, it didn't become anything more than just "noticeable." The muscial backdrop is a flowing, airy tone that fits well with the girls having fun praticing shooting or walking around looking for supplies.The music and the attitudes of Chi and Yuu create an atmosphere to the point that doesn't feel like a depressing, sober look at war. Seeing it through the eyes of two children also puts the concepts of war and conflict in eerily simple terms, providing a new look at a concept done to death, so to speak. There's a strangely relaxed feel despite the landscape and color scheme. It remains to be seen if this will go the route of Made in Abyss, especially with an out of place scene at the end of the episode, but while MiA was fucking phenomenal, I could do with less bawling two seasons in a row. This is a strange one, but the simple story of Chi and Yuu trudging across the snowy landscape is appealing.
Konohana Kitan (MAL) Cute fox girls working at a traditional Japanese hot spring hotel? I'm in. Yuzu is the nervous newbie, Kiri is the charismatic head attendant, Natsume is spunky and atheletic, Satsuki is responsible to a fault, Ren is the doll-like one whose personality doesn't match her cute exterior, and there's the diminutive, quiet Sakura. The personalities of the girls are varied and interplay nicely, and I look forward to seeing how Yuzu fits in. Moreover, the art is fantastic. The character designs echo perfectly the individual personalities, and the landscapes of cherry blossoms are stunning. I personally love the traditional Japanese aesthetic the inn and surrounding town embody, and it obviously fits well with the fact that the girls are all kitsunes. Konohana seems to me like a slightly less energetic/comedic Urara Meirochou, which is a good thing. The aesthetic is great, the girls are cute - this is a show for healing, and I need it.
Blend-S (MAL) Maika, a perpetual job hunter with her naturally scary eyes, finds her home at a cafe where all the waitresses are archetypes, as the sadistic one. Blend-S is almost like a more overt version of the varied personalities in Working!, with all comedy and less romance. I quite like the juxtaposition of the girls' normal personalities when talking to each other and their work personalities (especially when the line blurs). While usually its a cute girl who's actually evil or something and used as boring shock value, being the point of the show pivots the concept into a new way I enjoy. Even moreso, Maika especially has plenty of quirks that bely her role as the "normal" main character. The art is clean and sharp, and the girls have great character designs - I really like the facial designs. The OP, by the VAs (which is always a plus), is fantastic both in design and music, and compliments the more relaxed ED (which is also by the VAs). Overall, this show is friendly and the girls are cute. Sounds good to me.
Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken (MAL) Adaptations with stock character protagonists and plenty of overt fanservice.  Yay. I'm amazed this isn't from an LN, because it is exactly that kind of show. Shobitch begins with our MC Shinozaki confessing to Kosaka, which she accepts. Then she learns "how to be a good girlfriend," which far more often than not involves plenty of fanservice. Also, despite him having a girlfriend, there's a whole variety of other girls interested in him - the childhood friend and imouto get ticked off the list int he first six minutes. On the bright side, the art is great. Character designs aside from the protag are varied and well-drawn. Kosaka's earnestness with which she wants to be a good girlfriend is endearing in itself, but the 100% focus on sexual themes is just a bit tiring. Sort of like how Kuzu no Honkai went from seriously emotional to reducing any character motivation to "the only way I can be loved is physically." Regardless, you know exactly what you're getting into with a title like this show. There are some genuine emotional moments, but they are few and very far between. Otherwise, Shobitch is a well-drawn yet bland ecchi definitely-not-LN adaptation.
Inuyashiki (MAL) Last but not least, adding to the limited action slate I'm watching this season, we have Inuyashiki. Inuyashiki is, for lack of a better term, strange. It begins with nearly all CG, but then transitions to a mix of normal animation and CG for the rest of the episode. The first half of episode one is one of the most solemn, depressing sequences I've seen, and that's blown away by a whirlwind of aliens, body-swapping, and mechanical bodies. While the tonal shift is quite jarring, the change wasn't anything completely incomprehensible. The problem will be where this will go, now that Ichiro, our man with months to live, is now equipped with alien technology. I'm hoping that within the mix of action there will be a sense that Ichiro, now unshackled by sickness, can make concrete steps to make his life better. While the action shots were nice-looking, and the CG actually doesn't look half bad, with how emotionally powerful the first half of episode one is I want to see more of that as well. Either way, Inuyashiki has my attention, and I'm eager to see where Ichiro goes.
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dragon-hall · 7 years
Bed of Roses
Rating: Mature Category: M/M Fandom: Yuri!!! On Ice Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov AU: Mafia! AU, Hitman! AU For YOI Mafia Week @yoimafiaweek
Chapter: 1/7 (ch two) Loyalty || Sacrifice
“Good evening.”
His intake of breath sounds like a sharp hiss of surprise the moment he heard the first syllables of greeting. The arm he uses to hold the bag of groceries suddenly tenses and making the brown paper crinkle against his chest. Only when he turns to the sound of the voice that he realizes his carelessness in his own abode.
He is losing his touch.
Yuuri schools his expression to neutral as he addresses the man stylishly draped across his couch like a French girl in the proverbial expression about drawing them, shoes and jacket off thankfully. “What are you doing here?”
“Staking out.” There’s a commotion down below his apartment, men barking out orders to other men in a hurried manner otherwise their heads will be on barbeque spikes by the end of the night. Yuuri glances to the closed window of the living room then to Victor’s beatific smile and sighs. At this point, he should have known Victor’s tendency to magnetize trouble with him.
“Really?” Yuuri deposits his grocery bag to the island counter of his small kitchen, fishing out items to be placed in their storages like an automatic routine every night. It helps him focus while he is in the presence of a lion whose ice-like eyes are following his every move like it does on a prey. “Sounds like trouble to me.”
“Nonsense. Must be a local gang war.”
A local gang war, he calls it that. There is nothing local about newspapers heralding cheap news about cartels being controlled or the overdose of a narco-politician who happens to be the gateway of a neighborhood frat to their toys and their weeds. Now, he is here in his apartment, hiding from men who unmistakably dropped his name while in search for him, and it does not help that there is only one gang in this city who has enough background for Victor Nikiforov to stake out on.
He wants to point out the difference between a local and an international gang war right in front of his cheeky face but he holds back because Yuuri recognizes the tension in his shoulders as frustration. Seriously, he is surprised to see Victor and to see Victor strutting around the city that has nothing to do with anything that is local.
Yuuri knows he is up to something.
“I don’t care what you’re up to but don’t invite trouble in my place.”
“Mm, nyet, but…” Victor moves like a shadow, quiet and unnoticeable. One minute, he was sitting on the couch. Then, the next, he is crowding Yuuri’s space. Both of his hands rest on the kitchen counter where Yuuri is facing, the heat of his larger body a furnace on his back, trapping him in place. “Gunna rat me out if I do?”
There is that unique quality in Victor’s voice which is in between intimidating and carnal that strokes Yuuri’s tendency to be submissive to his wishes and making him weak in the knees every time the man would press his lips next to his ear to express his needs. He knows Victor revel in such reactions and would use it at any given time he can.
That was before.
Yuuri cranes his neck to the side to give the man a pointed stare, not at all what Victor is expecting. He could see the slightest disappointment in Victor’s eyes and the small downturn tick of his lips. What can he do? People change over time.
“I’m neutral.” He says, stubborn and grounded, brown eyes gazing up at the man who he once stood next to.
“That, you do,” Victor replies, a knowing glaze over his eyes and a melancholic smile on his lips. “But it does not mean you forget where your loyalties once lie. You are sentimental, after all.”
Ah, geez. He does know him. His sentimentality is the reason why he goes out of the way just so he could not cross with Victor even though he has a choice to switch sides. There are a lot of people who want him in their circle just because he can meet their expectations and probably wish to tip the scales with his expertise.
But, he muses. Only those who really know him in and out can make use of his full potential. Those who have no fear of the demons dwelling deep inside him and those who have the courage to stop the demon he can truly become.
Funny that he only knows one man who can do both.
“I’m not the only one,” Yuuri whispers, a hand sliding to feel the cool surface of metal wrapped around Victor’s right finger. Once upon a time, it had a partner that is equally wrapped on someone’s finger as a means of promised partnership but over time, the meaning behind was lost and so is the partner.
The change in emotions is very evident in Victor’s eyes. Pensive from before but, now, they have become heated and full of fervent wishes that he wants to express. Yuuri recognizes them as he has similar wishes as he has.
“Yuuri, I –”
There is an echo of a gunshot nearby and another on a separate location. It seems there is more trouble brewing but it will pass.
As soon as Victor gets his ass out of his kitchen, that is.
“Your ride is here.” Yuuri blinks, a little receptive when Victor nuzzles against his cheek and he gives this little sigh of content when he hears the older man hums his approval.
“You make it sound like I ordered Uber instead of my men.” There is amusement in Victor’s tone that makes Yuuri smile just as wide as the other. He could not help it. Despite the fact that Victor is in his place unannounced and that there are men shooting themselves to death round the next street, he can’t help identifying the silliness of the arrangement just because Victor is trapped here of all places.
Then, Yuuri feels something buzzing against his ass and he tries not to snort out his laughter. “It feels like you did.”
Just like Uber.
“Blyad.” Victor immediately detached from him to answer his phone and Yuuri is left in the kitchen trying to sort out his feelings, knuckles white against the counter. But before he can say a word, Victor is already half out of his window and winking at him like the idiot that he is.
“I guess my time is up. I shall see you around, Yuuri.”
He did not get any decent sleep that night.
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: Mind Merge (5/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
The next day, Yuya and Zuzu arrived at the Fusion Dimension. They plan on visiting Duel Academy to talk to Leo about the mind merge starting earlier than expected and if the separation procedure is ready. Excluding themselves and their counterparts, they haven't told anyone else because they don't want to worry them. Once they are informed of what will happen, then they will break the news to everyone, starting with Declan.
The Pendulum duo noticed they were not at Duel Academy, but the Fusion Dimension's city. They needed to get there as fast as possible, so they ran through the city, trying to find a boat and directions to get there. However, they didn't get anywhere. As they stopped to catch some breath, Zuzu noticed a card shop not far from where they were. She suggested that they can visit there to see if anyone knows how to get to Duel Academy. She and Yuya arrived in front of the shop and opened the door, causing a small bell to ring.
"Hello?" Yuya asked. "Is there someone who can help us?"
A soft-spoken voice was heard, responding to Yuya's question. "Welcome to Kame Game Shop. How may I help you?"
The person who responded had spiky, tri-colored hair, consisting of long, blonde, crooked, pointy locks and seven black spikes with a magenta sheen along the edges. He had fair skin and purple eyes with glazed eyelids. He wore a long-sleeved, light purple shirt with an open collar and folded up sleeves, revealing his black choker and studded wristbands, a purple vest, a pair of denim jeans, and dark gray shoes.
Yuya was taken back by the young man's outlook, but he quickly got back on track. "We need to reach Duel Academy. Where's the nearest boat from here?"
"Make a right and the docks should be straight ahead," the young man replied.
"Thanks!" Yuya said, but Zuzu stopped him.
"Yuya, there's something off with this guy," the pink-haired girl pointed out. "Shouldn't we help him?"
"Zuzu, we're kind of on a time limit!" Yuya replied, sounding a bit frantic. "If we waste time, we might not even exist anymore!"
He does have a point; with the mind merge beginning to take place, who knows how long it'll last before it's too late…or how fast it'll be. Fortunately, Zuzu just came up with an idea. She whispered in Yuya's ear, urging him to have the young man come with them; that way, they will head to Duel Academy and help out with what's bugging him at the same time. Even though this sounds like a good idea, he thought, that would mean solving two problems at once. Hmm, then again, he does look a little sad… and a bit lonely…
After some quick internal debating, Yuya gave in and agreed to Zuzu's idea. Besides, it never hurts to bring smiles into someone's life. He turned around and walked back to the counter, asking the man if he would like to come with them. Unfortunately, he seemed a bit hesitant.
"I don't know..." the young man admitted. "I have manage the shop."
"If you have a deck, you can duel my friend over here during the boat ride," Zuzu suggested.
"What?!" Yuya asked, alarmed. "But I don't want any more of my Performapals vanishing during the duel!"
The man grew kindled at what Zuzu said. He replied that he does have a deck, but he doesn't duel very often. He was kind of glad to talk to visitors who also enjoy playing Duel Monsters, but at the same time, he also caught what Yuya said about his Performapals disappearing. He asked if it was true, prompting both Pendulum Duelists to take out their decks and sure enough, the Performapals and Melodious cards were gradually vanishing. This was bad—no, this was seriously bad.
Yuya and Zuzu were dismayed at their cards disappearing. They said they have to go see Leo immediately, so the trio left Kame Game Shop for Duel Academy…before closing it up for a few hours. With the young man leading the way, they headed straight for the docks to find any available boats. Upon arrival, they spotted one that was still parked and boarded on it. Yuya removed the rope tied around the dock's pole and the young man took the wheel; seeing the tomato-haired teen putting the rope aside, he started the engine and the three officially began their voyage to see Leo.
Zuzu thanked the young man for their help. After receiving a "You're welcome," she asked him what his name was and if there was anything bothering him back at the game shop.
"Yugi," the young man answered. "My name is Yugi Muto. You're Zarc Nightstone and Ray Akaba, correct?"
"Uh... No..." Yuya corrected. "I'm Yuya Sakaki and this is Zuzu Boyle."
"You don't have to use those names," Yugi said. "I know who you really are."
Well, this escalated rather quickly. How on earth does Yugi know about Zarc and Ray? The two assumed that he either must be another person that referred to them by their incarnations' names or he used to live in the Original Dimension. Whatever's the case, they asked him how he knows who they were.
"I was there when the initial attack happened," Yugi explained, suddenly looking a bit sad. "I lost my grandpa and parents that day. I'm not sure why, but when the dimensions separated, all of my memories were left intact. Luckily not a lot of people talk to me, so no one suspected a thing."
Yuya and Zuzu felt terrible about something like this happening to the Muto family, but Yuya was having a harder time. He knew how devastating Zarc's attack was, but he is in the same boat with one of the survivors. The initiating mind merge wasn't making the situation any better because he, Zuzu, and their counterparts' minds were slowly fusing back respectively into the former champion who craved victory and killed Yugi's relatives in the process and Leo's daughter who put a stop to the destruction twice.
The tomato-haired teen covered his face with his hand, feeling guilty that he, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri were responsible for something so tragic when they used to be one. Just as he was about to get down on his knees, Zuzu wrapped her arms around her friend, reassuring him that they'll make sure something like that doesn't happen again. Plus, as an added bonus, at least they're on the right track of helping their new companion. After hearing her words, Yuya nodded and stood back up, wiping away any tears that might have formed.
"It's that's why you're like this?" Yuya asked.
"No, I was always naturally quiet," Yugi answered. "I had a few friends in high school, but after graduation, we went our separate ways. But it's alright. I don't mind the loneliness."
The two were surprised at what Yugi said. This is the first time they meet someone who is introverted and a loner. After spending his whole life in a lively city filled with Action Duels, Yuya just learned that not everyone is outgoing and some prefer to be more quiet individuals.
"I understand," Yuya said. "I'm so used to outgoing people that I- GAH!" He suddenly clutched his forehead.
"Yuya!" Zuzu exclaimed. But then she also clutched her forehead in pain.
Yugi stopped driving the boat and turned off the engine to see the Pendulum duo in pain. He's confused as to what is happening to them; they looked like they got sudden migraines. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"No!" Yuya shouted. "I can't separate! Not yet!"
"I must stay together!" Zuzu cried out. "I have to!"
Separate? Stay together? Whatever's going on with them, Yugi had to bring them to this Leo person immediately. Luckily, the boat was close enough to Duel Academy. He headed back to the driver's seat and turned the engine back on, telling Yuya and Zuzu to hang on. He then stepped on the gas pedal, sending the boat containing the trio to the island's school.
Once they reached land, he helped the two teens out of the boat, who were still in pain. Having both of their arms over him, he assisted them in escorting them inside, but he needed to find a way to get to the entrance first.
"Hang on," Yugi said. "I'll get you to Leo Akaba as soon as possible."
He brought them to the nearest staircase he could find; climbing steep stairs was one thing, but climbing them up while carrying people on your back was another. Yugi went as fast as he could to head to the top of the stairs before finally making it about five minutes later. Trying to catch his breath, he aided the ailing Yuya and Zuzu in getting into Duel Academy. Upon entering, he was them faced with another dilemma: figuring out where Leo's office is. For the next few minutes, he asked as many students he could find to give them directions. One of them was fortunate enough to have Yugi follow her to where the office was after seeing that it was an emergency. Upon arriving at the office doors and the tri-colored-haired young man thanking the student for her help, she knocked on the door.
The door opened, revealing Leo Akaba. He quickly noticed Yuya and Zuzu. "If you're here for the separation procedure, it's still-"
But Zuzu unexpectedly hugged Leo. "Dad!" she exclaimed. "It's so good to see you again!"
Leo was surprised at Zuzu hugging him and calling her "dad" until he quickly discovered that Ray and Zarc were regaining control at a much faster rate than he thought. He had to let his son know about this and have him come over as fast as possible, let alone start this procedure much earlier than he hoped for. The female student asked if there's anything she and Yugi can do to help; at this point, any amount of help is necessary. Leo instructed her to head to the laboratory and let him know when Declan arrives from the stationary Interdimensional Travel Device. She responded that she will and proceeded to obey his orders. As for Yugi, he helped with trying to get Yuya and Zuzu situated. He was still confused by what's going on and asked Duel Academy's professor about the situation.
"Yugi, I'm so sorry about what happened to your family," Zarc said. "I had become blind to my true feelings and I gave in to what the public wanted. It's all my fault this happened."
"No, Zarc," Yugi said. "It's not. This was because of Seto Kaiba. When he formed a partnership with Leo Corporation to produce Solid Vision, he announced the technology by demonstrating it with his dueling skills. But because his dueling methods were overkill, his fans immediately followed suit. So if you want to blame anyone for this, blame Kaiba."
"He's right," Leo agreed. "If I had known Mr. Kaiba was so ruthless, I wouldn't have let him be my business partner. If only there was someone to set him straight beforehand."
After Zarc's apology, Leo explained to Yugi what was going on at the moment. He described everything from Ray, Zarc, and the Original Dimensional each being split into four, his partnership with Yusho leading him to recovering from amnesia after the success of Action Duels, the Aquaria Project and Revival Zero, and his failed plans' aftermath. Now, he's struggling with perfecting the separation procedure and the Yu-Salad and Bracelet Girls will be erased from existence if their minds merged back into Zarc and Ray accordingly.
"You can't separate me!" Ray begged. "The world is at peace now! There's no need for my reincarnations!"
"You can't separate me either!" Zarc also begged. "I want to make amends for the misdeeds I have done!"
"I'm sorry, but this has to be done," Leo said, mentally cringing upon hearing Ray's plea. "Look through the memories of your halves. Do you not see what they have done?"
"But I missed you!" Ray begged on the brink of tears. "I want us to be a family again!"
The two incarnations' stubbornness were quite evident for different reasons. Ray hasn't seen her father in over a decade and her chance of starting over as a family are being dashed. She doesn't want to lose him again. Zarc, on the other hand, still feels ashamed of himself for causing all the destruction—despite the main reason being Leo and Kaiba's partnership—and will do whatever it takes to redeem himself. Try as they might, Leo already made up his mind and wanted to focus on having his daughter and the former champion be at peace.
They eventually ended up searching through their reincarnations' memories. For Zarc, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Prior to becoming the Original Dimension's champion, he used to be a Ray fanboy; even the way his initial dueling skills were screaming, "Look at me! Let me be your tag team partner!" At one point, he even developed a small crush on her. The more he scanned their memories, the more he realized his initial dream had came true. He noticed his abandoned feelings for Ray were passed down to Yuya, Yugo, and Yuto. The three each developed correspondingly different feelings for Zuzu, Rin, and Lulu, but Yuto and Lulu's relationship was the strongest; he even got to see their first kiss. Seeing the lives of the Yu-Salad helped bring him at peace.
Zarc lightly touched his lips. "I did it..." he said. He soon smiled wide. "YES! I got to kiss the girl of my dreams!"
As Ray scanned through the Bracelet Girls' memories, she too stumbled upon a pattern. If there was one thing Zuzu, Celina, and Rin had in common, it is they are all headstrong but short-tempered, as seen when Zuzu easily gets annoyed, Rin acts motherly, and Celina's desires to prove her strength. They are all traced back to how Ray used to act, especially during Zarc's attack. She was willing to put a stop to his madness, but since she believed in her own strength and no one else's, she most likely had an arrogant ego. Seeing the similarities between her and three of her reincarnations brought her at peace as well.
Ray let out a soft chuckle. "How about that?" she asked. "They got my best features."
"So do you see it?" Leo asked. "If you return, you're unintentionally killing off eight innocent people."
Zarc looked a bit sad. "Alright," he decided. "Guess the great Zarc Nightstone is ready for his finale."
"I'll go through the procedure," Ray said. "But can you stay with me before I'm absorbed into the machine? I want my last conscious moments to be with you."
"Certainly," Leo answered, giving his daughter one last hug.
After Zarc and Ray made their decisions, Yugi stepped in. Interestingly, he was sympathizing with the two. He discussed with Ray about how hard it is to lose family members, using his own past as a reference. Even though she's the one that will be disappearing soon, he knows how much Leo will miss her and vice versa, but he said the best thing she can do is to cherish what his father has done when she was alive. Speaking of which, he conversed with Zarc about forgiveness. He knows that the former champion wanted to please the audience and make them smile, but their enjoyment of such violent duels led him down a horrific path. He even reminds that no matter what action someone does, there will always be someone else who will forgive them. The two were left speechless at what Yugi said; although their meeting was going to be brief, this was their first—and only—time they encounter someone who relates and understands how they were feeling. The two hugged him as a way to say thank you. He returned the hugs, with a tear forming in one of his eyes.
Simultaneously, Leo contacted Declan to update him about what was happening with Yuya and Zuzu. The gray-haired teen was concerned about the alarmingly rapid mind merge and the counterparts' fates, but he was informed that someone name Yugi Muto helped bring them to his father. Although he was glad to hear that Zarc and Ray agreed to do the separation procedure, it doesn't change the fact that the Yu-Salad and Bracelet Girls' lives are at risk since it was being done prematurely. He said he will be at Duel Academy as fast as he can to try and help out if anything goes wrong. Leo thanked his son and reminded him that one of his students will tell him when you arrived. Declan nodded his head before they ended their conversation. The Duel Academy Professor let out an exhale; he is really hoping the results of the separation will be worth it.
"So how does this work?" Zarc asked.
"You must each give me a sample of your counterparts' blood," Leo explained. "This will be done through simple pinpricks. Once I receive the eight separate blood samples, I will load them into the machine, allowing you to enter the tubes and let the machine do its work."
"Seems easy enough," Zarc figured.
"Except this was scheduled for a few years later," Leo continued. "If there is a slight problem, who knows what might occur. There is a high possibility that your reincarnations could receive amnesia or permanent brain damage."
"Brain damage?" Ray repeated, alarmed. "That doesn't sound good."
"But if I was to wait a few years for testing, it would have already been too late," Leo informed. "That is why doing the procedure too early is very risky."
Zarc and Ray looked at each other with troubled looks on their faces. They never expressed concerned, but knowing that their only chance of separating again is in jeopardy, they wondered if it was going to be worth it. They also don't want to end up accidentally killing their reincarnations. It was basically a life-or-death situation at this point; they ultimately decided to continue with the procedure no matter what consequences they may face. Even in the riskiest situations, they are still as strong-willed, determined, and prideful as ever, much like how they were back then.
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myanime2go · 4 years
15 Anime Like Dr. Stone [Recommendations]
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I am ten billion percent sure you have been compelled by the power of science and you’re looking for more anime like Dr. Stone. Well, you have come to the right place!
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And for readers who have not watched Dr. Stone yet. Dr. Stone was one of the most popular anime of the Summer 2019 anime season, and for good reason. It was a fascinating show with a unique premise, interesting main cast, educational, insightful and fascinating to watch. Summary One fateful day, all of humanity was petrified by a blinding flash of light. After several millennia, high schooler Taiju awakens and finds himself lost in a world of statues. However, he's not alone! His science-loving friend Senku's been up and running for a few months and he's got a grand plan in mind—to kickstart civilization with the power of science! By resetting the world, animes like Dr. Stone really allow us to explore human nature and the future of society. Can we be better? Is it possible to restore technological advances to what it is now? It's definitely a fun topic to watch.
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let's get started!
Anime Similar to Dr. Stone
15. Planetes
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Studios: SunriseEpisodes: 26Aired: Fall 2003  If what you loved most about Dr. Stone was its commitment to scientific accuracy, you should give Planetes a try, it can be slow-paced but for your patience, it rewards you with amazing character development that sets Planetes apart from other anime. Summary Haunted by a space flight accident that claimed the life of his beloved wife, Yuri finds himself six years later as part of a team of debris cleaners on a vessel called the Toy Box charged with clearing space junk from space flight paths. The team consists of Hachimaki, a hotshot debris-man with a sailor’s affinity for the orbital ocean; Fee, a chain-smoking tomboy beauty with an abrasive edge; and Pops, a veteran orbital mechanic whose avuncular presence soothes the stress of the job. https://youtu.be/IzfiI1jIGi8 Planetes features distinct realism in its storytelling, relatable characters, a genuine sense of humour and motivational dreams. 14. Are You Lost? (Sounan Desu ka?)
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Studios: EzόlaEpisodes: 12Aired: Summer 2019 Dr. Stone and Are You Lost? both have characters that must survive the peril they are kept in and characters that know a lot and come up with ideas to help survive. Summary Four girls are stranded on a deserted island after surviving a plane crash. How can they survive? Because of a plane crash … starting today, we're spending the springtime of our lives on a desert island!! There's nothing here, so we have to make everything!! And eat everything!! (Ugh!) Check out our high-school-girl survival story of courage and knowledge. We're actually doing pretty well! https://youtu.be/wwP8TQE2P0c Are You Lost? doesn't take itself too seriously, it is a little more light-hearted, funny, fan service fueled and filled with cute girl anime. while with some of the same themes as Dr. Stone, Are You Lost? maybe a good choice.  13. Space Brothers
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Studios: A-1 PicturesEpisodes: 99Aired: Spring 2012 Space Brothers and Dr. Stone are both animes about science and engineering. Both characters also dream of going to space and both plots are rooted in real science. Summary One night in 2006, when they were young, the two brothers Mutta (born 1993) and Hibito (born 1996) saw what appeared to be a UFO heading for the moon. They decided that night to both become astronauts and travel out into space. In 2025, Hibito has become an astronaut, and he’s going to go to the moon. Mutta ended up following a more traditional career path with an auto development company. However, Mutta just ruined his career through a violent altercation with his boss. Now, not only has he lost his job, he appears to be blacklisted in the entire industry. Maybe this is a rare opportunity for Mutta to once again chase his childhood dream and become an astronaut like his little brother! https://youtu.be/ciS3fDqT1Vw Space Brothers is a well-constructed anime that mixes a heartwarming story with delightful comedy and relatable characters to show the audience just how difficult it is to become an astronaut. 12. Moyashimon
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Studios: Telecom Animation Film, ShirogumiEpisodes: 11Aired: Fall 2007 Moyashimon like Dr. Stone is very educational and entertaining. It may not be survival based like Dr. Stone but most of the skills learnt in it, will be needed by Senku and Taiju if they are going to survive and kick start civilisation. Summary Meet Sawaki Tadayasu, second son of yeast preparation suppliers, who is forced to go to an agricultural university and continue the family business. He has the unique ability to see and communicate with microbes, and so he and his friend, Kei, are taken as students to the fermentation-process obsessed Itsuki-sensei. This anime follows Sawaki as he tries to make his way through university as discreetly as possible…which is pretty impossible if you’re as talented as he is. https://youtu.be/CzKecuRFICw Every now and again an anime comes along that is quirky, odd, and oftentimes underrated, Moyashimon is just such an anime. 11. Steins;Gate
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Studios: White FoxEpisodes: 24Aired: Spring 2011 Steins;Gate like Dr.Stone is a science fiction anime that anyone who loves this genre should be sure to give it a try. Summary The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara and is about a group of friends who have managed to customize their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them. https://youtu.be/27OZc-ku6is Steins;Gate was one of those animes that made me laugh, cry and really connect with our characters. It also made me think, and it rewarded my thoughts by having closure and clarity. 10. 7 Seeds
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Studios: GonzoEpisodes: 12Aired: Spring 2019 After watching Dr. Stone you are probably now into series that depict people trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic future. Well, 7 Seeds is a much more realistic take on this narrative, with ordinary people trying to come to terms with the idea of everyone they knew and loved being dead while trying to survive in the wilderness. Summary Scientists had predicted this disaster, and in response, the leaders of every country met to develop a plan for human survival before the meteor hit. The Seven Seeds project was developed out of this meeting. Each country froze a number of young healthy people, which allowed them to survive the meteor. After the computer determined that Earth was once again safe for human life, it released them into the world. The Japanese government created five groups of survivors: Winter group, Spring group, Summer group A, Summer group B, and Fall group. Each group consisted of seven members and one guide. The guide carried small tubes of poison on their necks to allow them to end their lives if their situation became unbearable. The Japanese government prepared seven "Fuji" as refuges for the groups. In each Fuji, the group would find seeds and numerous books instructing them on survival in the wilderness. https://youtu.be/7iCWs2HigSw Much like Dr. Stone, 7 Seeds is all about learning to prevail in the wilderness without the benefits of modern technology. And it's definitely can be seen has a more realistic, less comedic take of Dr. Stone's end-of-humanity plot. 9. The Promised Neverland (Yakusoku no Neverland)
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Studios: CloverWorksEpisodes: 12Aired: Winter 2019 The Promised Neverland like Dr. Stone is a survival anime though not completely the same, but with its psychological thriller element it keeps us at the edge of our seats. Summary Emma, Norman and Ray are the brightest kids at the Grace Field House orphanage. And under the care of the woman they refer to as “Mom,” all the kids have enjoyed a comfortable life. Good food, clean clothes and the perfect environment to learn—what more could an orphan ask for? One day, though, Emma and Norman uncover the dark truth of the outside world they are forbidden from seeing. https://youtu.be/JIcjo7XVlOY The Promised Neverland starts off cute and harmless but it turns out there is more than meets the eye in this anime, with its cliffhangers, extremely suspenseful, tense and heart-rending moments. It's definitely a must-watch. 8. No Game, No Life
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Studios: MadhouseEpisodes: 12Aired: Spring 2014 No Game, No Life is a beautifully colourful world, filled with wonder and brilliance. And like Dr. Stone, there is a lot of tactical thinking used by the characters which are very exciting to watch. Summary The internet is full of rumours about the Neet and Hikikomori genius gamer siblings Sora and Shiro. The two go as far as to refer to the world as a “shit game“, but then one day a young man calling himself “God“ summons them to a parallel universe. There, God has forbidden war, and “everything is to be settled with games“. Yes, even the national borders. Driven into a corner by other species, the ’human species’ is down to its last city. Can Sora and Shiro, these related failures of society, become the saviours of humankind in this parallel world? https://youtu.be/fV7nGIUuyzA No Game No Life is a brilliantly exciting masterpiece that challenges and excites viewers all at once. And just like Dr. Stone, you will find yourself needing to binge-watch the whole series if you decide to give it a try. 7. Cells at Work! (Hataraku Saibou)
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Studios: David ProductionEpisodes: 13Aired: Summer 2018 After watching Dr. Stone, if you’re curious about science and biology, Cells at Work! Is definitely the show for you, it will satisfy and entertain you to no end, with its educational substance, comedic take and like Dr. Stone, it is an exciting take on the 'science is fun' trope. Summary Within the human body there is said to be approximately 60 million cells. White blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, macrophages, memory cells, killer T cells, natural killer cells, B cells, mast cells and many more! All these different cells work tirelessly within the body, never resting for a moment, at any time willing to resist invading foreign entities like germs and viruses to the bitter end! From Akane Shimizu, winner of Shounen Sirius’ Rookie Award, comes an informative tale about anthropomorthized cells! https://youtu.be/HMXWvvjAJek Cells at Work! is definitely different from a lot of anime shows, I mean how many shows are set inside the human body, humanizing all the cells and microscopic organisms within. It's definitely a must-watch if you liked Dr. Stone. 6. Astra Lost in Space (Kanata no Astra)
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Studios: LercheEpisodes: 12Aired: Summer 2019 Kanata no Astra is definitely an underrated anime, looks can be deceiving and that's how this anime feels at first glance but it's a real gem and like Dr. Stone is a whole new breath of fresh air. Summary The year is 2061 when space travel is now possible and commercially viable, and the students of Caird High School embark on their Planet Camp. But soon after Group B5 arrived at their planetary campsite, a mysterious and unforeseen sentient light sphere warps its 9 members into outer space, stranding them 5012 light-years away from their home planet. With the discovery of an old, unmanned spaceship nearby, the students must stay strong, manage their limited resources and remain united in the darkness of space, so that all of them can survive their long and likely perilous trek back home aboard the Astra. https://youtu.be/wD9o_8UjOvg Kanata no Astra is a really decent anime, with a lot of mystery, logic and survival. Each element is done in a reasonable and accurate way like Dr. Stone, even the humour and drama aspects are well balanced and perfectly timed. 5. From the New World (Shinsekai Yori)
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Studios: A-1 Pictures Episodes: 25Aired: Fall 2012 From the New World is like Dr. Stone just a lot darker and with a more serious tone, looking at how humanity has survived its destruction and rebuilt society. Asking the big questions what is yourself? society? and the importance of humanity? Summary The story is set in Japan a millennium from now. Five children — the protagonist Saki, Satoru, Maria, Mamoru, and Shun — have been born and raised in a tranquil town that can be described as a utopia, overflowing with water and green foliage. The world is ruled by people who have the “cursed power“ or the “gods’ power“ of telekinesis. After a certain incident, Saki and the others come to realize the true nature of their world. Before long, they learn everything, including the bloody history that brought humanity to this state. The five throw themselves into life-threatening adventure, fighting to protect friends and a world on the brink of collapse. https://youtu.be/hJn3FNPoY5A From the New World is a slow-paced anime but if you are patient with it, it's an amazing and thought-provoking anime that you will be glad you watched. 4. Silver Spoon (Gin no Saji)
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Studios: A-1 PicturesEpisodes: 11Aired: Summer 2012 When I started watching Silver Spoon, like Dr. Stone I had my reservations thinking it would just be another fun little slice of life anime but it was much more. Summary Yugo Hachiken aspires to live separated from his family, so he takes the initiative by enrolling in an agriculture school. He thinks, with his talent in studying, no problems will arise no matter what kind of school he attends. He is quickly proven wrong. Raised as a city boy, he is forced to uncover the inconvenient truth about agricultural life. Enjoy the story of Hachiken, as he tries to keep up with his new friends, farmers’ heirs, who are already accustomed to the harsh world of farming. The story of a sweat, tear, and mud-stained youth begins! https://youtu.be/b-yCzcYqH5E Silver Spoon like Dr. Stone is the perfect example of an anime that encourages us to believe in our abilities to set our own path and with hard work and teamwork, we can overcome hardship. 3. Death Note
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Studios: MadhouseEpisodes: 37Aired: Fall 2006 When Tsukasa Shishiou reveals his intention to revive only the young, destroy the petrified adults and leave society in the Stone Age, Dr. Stone started to remind me a lot of Death Note. With the strong rivalry between our protagonist and rival, the way they used their intellect to get things done, outsmarting the rest of the cast or just the lengths they went to achieve their dreams. Summary An overachieving 12th grader, Yagami Light is an aspiring young man who seems destined for success. Unfortunately, his daily habits bore his incredible intelligence. So when a strange black notebook falls from the heavens during his class, it isn’t long before he takes it for himself. In his room, he finds, to his horror/fascination, that the Death Note is real, and owned by Ryuk, a Shinigami (Death God). Any person’s name written in the Death Note will die in 40 seconds.... without fail. With this supposed gift of God, Light swears upon his grave that he will ’cleanse’ the world of the evil and needless people that inhabit it, thus creating a utopia for all. With the world’s greatest detective, L, hot on his tail, will Light’s ideals prove too fantastic to realize, or will he succeed bringing justice? https://youtu.be/Vt_3c8BgxV4 Death Note is definitely one of the best anime series of all time. 2. Ascendance of a Bookworm
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Studios: Ajia-DoEpisodes: 14Aired: Fall 2019 Ascendance of a Bookworm starts off like Dr. Stone the main character is removed from her world and brought back to a world that is primitive to her own. Using science and history knowledge from her time period to adapt and influence the new world and its native inhabitants. Summary Reino, a book-loving college student who just got her Librarian certification and was just hired to be the librarian of a large university library. Just before graduating and entering the job of her dreams, she was killed by a massive earthquake crushing her underneath a pile of her own books. Wishing for reincarnation in order to read evermore, where she got reincarnated to was a world with a low literacy rate and very few books, limited only to the nobility of the world. As she reincarnated as the daughter of a lowly soldier, no matter how much she wants to read there is no way there are any books around. If there are no books then what do you do? Why you make them yourself of course. What her goal is, to become the librarian of a library! In order to live a life surrounded by books, she starts with making books. https://youtu.be/KfPyxG-ZbFM Ascendance of a Bookworm is Dr. Stone for viewers who want a slow-paced plot, that explores more of the ordinary life of a bookworm. It's a beautiful isekai anime I recommend you give a try. Honourable Mentions Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
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Studios: Bones, Kinema CitrusEpisodes: 11Aired: Summer 2009 Uninhabited Planet Survive! (Mujin Wakusei Survive)
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Studios: Madhouse, Telecom Animation FilmEpisodes: 52Aired: Fall 2003 Kemurikusa
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Studios: YaoyorozuEpisodes: 12Aired: Winter 2019 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
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Studios: Studio Hibari, TopcraftEpisodes: 1Aired: Winter 1984 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
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Studios: J.C.Staff, Egg FirmEpisodes: 120Aired: Summer 2016 Jyu-Oh-Sei: Planet of the Beast King
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Studios: BonesEpisodes: 11Aired: Spring 2006 1. Girl’s Last Tour
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Studios: White FoxEpisodes: 12Aired: Fall 2017 Girl’s Last Tour is quite similar to Dr. Stone in both plots happen in an apocalyptic world, where our characters survive the day-to-day hostilities of their environments. Summary Civilization is dead, but Chito and Yuuri are still alive. So they hop aboard their beloved Kettenkrad motorbike and aimlessly wander the ruins of the world they once knew. Day after hopeless day, they look for their next meal and fuel for their ride. But as long as the two are together, even an existence as bleak as theirs has a ray or two of sunshine in it, whether they're sucking down their fill of soup or hunting for machine parts to tinker with. For two girls in a world full of nothing, the experiences and feelings the two shares give them something to live for… https://youtu.be/SuVVs4giZrI Girls’ Last Tour is lighthearted and emotionally; it excels through simplicity and thoughtfulness. Making it one Of best shows of its year.
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science!!!!! Well, that's my list. Do you think there is any anime I missed let me know in the comments section below? Till next time stay safe. Read the full article
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rinscafe · 6 years
Summer 2018 Anime Lineup
Here are the anime series I recommend for Summer 2018. This is not a complete list. You can view a complete list of anime series at Anichart.net Island -Airs July 1, 2018 (Sun) -Urashima, an island far from the mainland. The people who live there lead carefree lives. But five years ago, the island's three great families suffered a series of misfortunes, and succumbed to suspicion. The people of the island cut off all contact with the mainland, and began a slow decline. The key to saving the island lies in three girls who belong to the three families. But they are bound by old traditions, and are conflicted. On that island, a lone man washes ashore. The man claims to be from the future, and he begins a solitary struggle to change the island's fate. Hanebado! -Airs July 1, 2018 (Sun) -Tachibana Kentarou is a high school badminton coach who has a lot more enthusiasm than some of the members of his very small team. One day, he meets the quiet-voiced student Hanesaki Ayano, who is effortlessly physically capable and experienced in badminton. He tries to recruit her, but she seems to have no interest in the sport at all. Due to a series of circumstances, she eventually ends up joining the team. Coach Tachibana is determined that with her on board, they'll be champions! Senjuushi -Airs July 3, 2018 (Tues) -The story takes place at the subsequent era after the whole world was devastated by the nuclear war. Under the strong rule by the World Empire, people are all suppressed and deprived of their own lives. A resistance team secretly keeps fighting to break the suppression while everyone is forbidden to possess any force of arms. The team challenges the fight with the "antique guns" that were left as works of art, and the incarnations of those antique guns are called "Musketeers" appear and join the team, as if they responded to the soul of the team. In their battles with the incarnations of contemporary guns who represent and are dispatched from the Empire, the "Musketeers" turn their "Absolute Noble" mode to give a powerful boost to themselves, and bring hope to the world! Satsuriku no Tenshi -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thurs) -13-year old Rachel awakens to find herself trapped in the basement of an abandoned building. Without any memories, or even a clue as to where she could be, she wanders the building, lost and dizzy. In her search, she comes across a man covered in bandages. He introduces himself as Zack and he wields a grim-reaper like sickle. A strange bond is struck between them, strengthened by strange, crazy promises… These two, trapped in this strange building, don't know why fate has placed them there. But they will work together desperately to find a way out… Shichisei no Subaru -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thur) -In the popular MMORPG world 'Union' there existed a legendary party. It's name was Subaru. This party, made up of a group of childhood friends and elementary schoolers, exceeded the limits of the game with their various senses. However, due to an incident which resulted in a death, 'Union' ended its service and the group of childhood friends went separate ways... 6 years later, highschooler Haruto logged into the new 'Reunion' and reunited with a single girl. Asahi—one of old 'Subaru' party members, and his childhood friend who should have died 6 years ago. Is she a digital ghost, or...? Sunoharasou no Kanrinin-san -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thur) -Shiina Aki is constantly being treated like a girl due to his feminine looks so he decides to move to Tokyo to attend middle school in an attempt to change himself. However what awaits him in his new home, Sunohara-sou, is the kind-hearted caretaker, Sunohara Ayaka. Along with the three female members of Aki's new middle school's student council, Yukimoto Yuzu, Yamanashi Sumire & Kazami Yuri. And so begins Aki's new life in Tokyo living with 4 girls. Yume Oukoku to Nemureru 100 nin No Ouji-sama -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thur) -A series aimed at women with the theme of romance with a prince "that every woman dreams of." The game lets players experience love with 100 princes who live in the Kingdom of Dreams. Players solve puzzles to wake up the princes from their deep slumber. Hataraku Saibou -Airs July 7, 2018 (Sat) -The average human body contains about 60 trillion cells, and each of them has work to do! But when you get injured, viruses or bacteria invade, or when an allergic reaction flares up, everyone from the silent but deadly white blood cells to the brainy neurons has to work together to get through the crisis! Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes -Airs July 10, 2018 (Tues) -The "light, antique mystery" series revolves around a "spiteful," handsome Kyoto boy and a high school girl. The story is set at an antique shop in Kyoto's Teramachi Sanjou shopping district. High school girl Aoi Mashiro unexpectedly runs into Kiyotaka Yagashira, the son of the shop's owner, and ends up working part-time at the shop. Kiyotaka is called the "Holmes at Teramachi Sanjou," and he and Aoi solve odd cases brought to them by various clients. Free! Dive to the Future -Airs July 11, 2018 (Wed) - Grand Blue -Airs July 13, 2018 (Fri) -A new life begins for Kitahara Iori as he begins his college career near the ocean in Izu city, full of excitement for his new life. He will be moving into his Uncle's diving store "Grand Blue." There he finds the beautiful ocean, beautiful women, and men that love diving and alcohol. Will Iori be able to live his dream college life? Happy Sugar Life -Airs July 13, 2018 (Fri) -High-schooler Matsuzaka Satou has a reputation for being easy, but one day her lifestyle of sleeping with one boy after another comes to an end. It happens when she meets the child Shio, for whom she is convinced she feels true love for the first time. Satou may seem sweet and innocent, but there is nothing she won't do to protect their life together, including committing murder. But from where did she acquire the little girl, and how long can their "Happy Sugar Life" together last? Lord of Vermillion -Airs July 13, 2018 (Fri) -The anime takes place in Tokyo in 2030. In a suburban area, suddenly a high-frequency resonant sound is heard, and at the same time a red mist shrouds the area. Anyone who hears the sound, be it human or animal, loses consciousness. The government estimates that it might be an unidentified virus, and fearful of an epidemic, blockades Tokyo and moves its base to Osaka. However, six days after the incident, those who lost consciousness from the sound awaken for no apparent reason. Those blockaded in Tokyo slowly start to get the city functioning again, but after that day strange incidents start to occur at the blockade border. Those who have awakened a hidden blood power arise, are drawn to one another, and must face a cruel fate. Read the full article
0 notes
rinscafe · 6 years
Summer 2018 Anime Lineup
Here are the anime series I recommend for Summer 2018. This is not a complete list. You can view a complete list of anime series at Anichart.net Island -Airs July 1, 2018 (Sun) -Urashima, an island far from the mainland. The people who live there lead carefree lives. But five years ago, the island's three great families suffered a series of misfortunes, and succumbed to suspicion. The people of the island cut off all contact with the mainland, and began a slow decline. The key to saving the island lies in three girls who belong to the three families. But they are bound by old traditions, and are conflicted. On that island, a lone man washes ashore. The man claims to be from the future, and he begins a solitary struggle to change the island's fate. Hanebado! -Airs July 1, 2018 (Sun) -Tachibana Kentarou is a high school badminton coach who has a lot more enthusiasm than some of the members of his very small team. One day, he meets the quiet-voiced student Hanesaki Ayano, who is effortlessly physically capable and experienced in badminton. He tries to recruit her, but she seems to have no interest in the sport at all. Due to a series of circumstances, she eventually ends up joining the team. Coach Tachibana is determined that with her on board, they'll be champions! Senjuushi -Airs July 3, 2018 (Tues) -The story takes place at the subsequent era after the whole world was devastated by the nuclear war. Under the strong rule by the World Empire, people are all suppressed and deprived of their own lives. A resistance team secretly keeps fighting to break the suppression while everyone is forbidden to possess any force of arms. The team challenges the fight with the "antique guns" that were left as works of art, and the incarnations of those antique guns are called "Musketeers" appear and join the team, as if they responded to the soul of the team. In their battles with the incarnations of contemporary guns who represent and are dispatched from the Empire, the "Musketeers" turn their "Absolute Noble" mode to give a powerful boost to themselves, and bring hope to the world! Satsuriku no Tenshi -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thurs) -13-year old Rachel awakens to find herself trapped in the basement of an abandoned building. Without any memories, or even a clue as to where she could be, she wanders the building, lost and dizzy. In her search, she comes across a man covered in bandages. He introduces himself as Zack and he wields a grim-reaper like sickle. A strange bond is struck between them, strengthened by strange, crazy promises… These two, trapped in this strange building, don't know why fate has placed them there. But they will work together desperately to find a way out… Shichisei no Subaru -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thur) -In the popular MMORPG world 'Union' there existed a legendary party. It's name was Subaru. This party, made up of a group of childhood friends and elementary schoolers, exceeded the limits of the game with their various senses. However, due to an incident which resulted in a death, 'Union' ended its service and the group of childhood friends went separate ways... 6 years later, highschooler Haruto logged into the new 'Reunion' and reunited with a single girl. Asahi—one of old 'Subaru' party members, and his childhood friend who should have died 6 years ago. Is she a digital ghost, or...? Sunoharasou no Kanrinin-san -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thur) -Shiina Aki is constantly being treated like a girl due to his feminine looks so he decides to move to Tokyo to attend middle school in an attempt to change himself. However what awaits him in his new home, Sunohara-sou, is the kind-hearted caretaker, Sunohara Ayaka. Along with the three female members of Aki's new middle school's student council, Yukimoto Yuzu, Yamanashi Sumire & Kazami Yuri. And so begins Aki's new life in Tokyo living with 4 girls. Yume Oukoku to Nemureru 100 nin No Ouji-sama -Airs July 5, 2018 (Thur) -A series aimed at women with the theme of romance with a prince "that every woman dreams of." The game lets players experience love with 100 princes who live in the Kingdom of Dreams. Players solve puzzles to wake up the princes from their deep slumber. Hataraku Saibou -Airs July 7, 2018 (Sat) -The average human body contains about 60 trillion cells, and each of them has work to do! But when you get injured, viruses or bacteria invade, or when an allergic reaction flares up, everyone from the silent but deadly white blood cells to the brainy neurons has to work together to get through the crisis! Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes -Airs July 10, 2018 (Tues) -The "light, antique mystery" series revolves around a "spiteful," handsome Kyoto boy and a high school girl. The story is set at an antique shop in Kyoto's Teramachi Sanjou shopping district. High school girl Aoi Mashiro unexpectedly runs into Kiyotaka Yagashira, the son of the shop's owner, and ends up working part-time at the shop. Kiyotaka is called the "Holmes at Teramachi Sanjou," and he and Aoi solve odd cases brought to them by various clients. Free! Dive to the Future -Airs July 11, 2018 (Wed) - Grand Blue -Airs July 13, 2018 (Fri) -A new life begins for Kitahara Iori as he begins his college career near the ocean in Izu city, full of excitement for his new life. He will be moving into his Uncle's diving store "Grand Blue." There he finds the beautiful ocean, beautiful women, and men that love diving and alcohol. Will Iori be able to live his dream college life? Happy Sugar Life -Airs July 13, 2018 (Fri) -High-schooler Matsuzaka Satou has a reputation for being easy, but one day her lifestyle of sleeping with one boy after another comes to an end. It happens when she meets the child Shio, for whom she is convinced she feels true love for the first time. Satou may seem sweet and innocent, but there is nothing she won't do to protect their life together, including committing murder. But from where did she acquire the little girl, and how long can their "Happy Sugar Life" together last? Lord of Vermillion -Airs July 13, 2018 (Fri) -The anime takes place in Tokyo in 2030. In a suburban area, suddenly a high-frequency resonant sound is heard, and at the same time a red mist shrouds the area. Anyone who hears the sound, be it human or animal, loses consciousness. The government estimates that it might be an unidentified virus, and fearful of an epidemic, blockades Tokyo and moves its base to Osaka. However, six days after the incident, those who lost consciousness from the sound awaken for no apparent reason. Those blockaded in Tokyo slowly start to get the city functioning again, but after that day strange incidents start to occur at the blockade border. Those who have awakened a hidden blood power arise, are drawn to one another, and must face a cruel fate. Read the full article
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