#give him mlre content ...
dracula-is-homosexual · 5 months
You would think that as "guy who runs the gay vampire blog" Astarion would be my favorite character in bg3 . It's not it's actually Karlach and I would sell that gay white twink assstarion to Satan for one cornchip and the fraction of a chance of a future of Larian adding more Wyll content
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oh-my-may · 1 month
Had to lose 50/50 to Qiqi tho, of course. At least it qas early. Also for some reason I had like 20+ pity on weapon banner already. I can't actually remember when I pulled something there... i think it might have been Neuvi's first banner?
Anywho as usual I got a bit overwhelmed with the new version content and I was quite sad I couldn't immediately get to her Boss :( of course they had to tie it to a world quest...
I started it but then got too tired after work. What I played of it so far was very cool tho! I can't wait to get into Remuria and King Remus lore, it already got me so excited at its first mention during world quests in 4.0.
I also love Arle'a playstyle! She definitely reminds me of Neuvilette in a sense that she doesn't really need any teammates. She can only receive healing through herself and so far she's the only character who's got the Bond of Life mechanic in her kit. I remember that a bunch of the craftable 4star weapons from Fontaine applied it to characters too tho, right? I wonder if there's gonna be mlre charaxters with that mechanic now? Although it feels quite late now. I don't look at leaks anymore so I'm assuming Sigewinne is a healer and a hesler with that mechanic seems weird to me? And for Clorinde I also think it wouldn't make sense? I mean it would also be cool if she wouls be the only character that had this... since it's unique and all.
Also this update came with quite a few cool quality of life changes! The map index looks different now and there's a bunch of new teapot stuff that makes it less of a hassle :) also the expanded inventory for enhancement ores... it was getting on my nerves. Now all I need to be happy is for them to add artifact loadouts and pre-set parties for the spiral abyss. I mean like... the game should save the parties you used in the previous reset in game, kinda like HSR does it for Memory of Chaos. I find it annoying to keep remembering what teams I used. It's not like other teams couldn't clear those floors, but after a few weeks floors 9 and 10 feel like a chore because they never change until big versions... yeah
Gonna dive more into the world quest tonight. Idk if you habw to finish it to get the boss, but usually that's the structure of the world quests... I just hope it's not too long. I wouldn't mind it if unlocking the boss wasn't tied to it. They've done this before and I just don't get it... make the boss accessible normally on the map and then just make him appear during the world quest at the end, is that so hard? This way most people are gonna forcibly skip through all the dialogue and the actual lore of a good quest just to level Arle as quickly as possible... i thought we were done with this but guess not. Or why would they give quick access to the Arle weekly boss but not the other one that is arguably a lot less spoiler-y? Idk man.
Aside from this though I like the update so far. The new map looks gorgeous and I didn't expect them to add a new city to Sumeru out of the blue? Guess it was to fill the map hole properly but I was still quite surprised to see they gave all of Northern Sumeru a coastline. Can't wait to go there :)
Will keep you updated with my thoughts on version content later.
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maybemoonout · 2 years
Miles and Alex definitely are like soulmates, i don't know if they believe that, but according to all the times they talked about the unique connection they've had since the first day they met, both of them know that this is the kinda of connection you find once in a lifetime or even never. If they ever really had anything other than friendship at some point, i feel that many things were unresolved along the way and sometimes seems Alex was the one who was afraid to face some feelings. Miles always seemed ready to risk anything for him and that maybe hurt him because he knew that Alex felt the same way. Idk but they definitely love each other and that's what matters
fr anon frfr
I know it seems ironic especially with this blog I have to say this but genuinely I love them both and I don't want to intrude into their personal lives, and I wholeheartedly mean it when I say that everything I create or say should be treated as fictional and I don't expect anything to come together in actual reality.
However, I think theres sort of a beauty in their relationship that I can never just look away from. They are obviously very much willing, especially Miles as you have mentioned, to face the things they've allowed for us to know in interviews, etc. Especially again to Miles as his reaction to fans sending him fanart of him and Alex have always been so positive. Miles, I believe genuinely sees what the people sees aswell, and I like to believe Alex sees all of it too.
I like to think all the snippets from interviews and even in their music we can see through a lifted veil ever so slightly. I think thats beautiful. We will never see the full picture, what's truly behind the curtains, and I think thats good. Whether their relationship is truly romantic or not we will never know but we know for a fact that their relationship is, based from what I read before "too close for any severance to be ever-lasting".
The fact that Miles allows/enjoys all the fan made stuff about them though do definitely show us just how much he enjoys it as we do. So I don't think we'll be running out of content anytime soon.
I kinda went on a rampage there, sorry anon! Heh, but to go back to you, yes their connection is truly very loving no matter how you see it. I think thats how we get all this wonderful music in the first place. TLSP is built with a foundation of love and connection so it really annoys me to my core when people say that they "don't love eachother" or people think its rude to say they love eachother and that were intruding into their lives. Love can be between friends and bonds very close, and that is something they blatantly have for each other and have even expressed themselves.
It gives me comfort knowing that they believe their bond is truly ever lasting since that means we can always expect mlre content from them/be content with what they have already given us.
You are right, the fact that they love eachother is truly all that matters because without it we wouldn't have any of their beautiful art and music. They are definitely soulmates in whatever perspective you look at it.
I again went on a rampage! So sorry, this is probably my longest text post to date. Sorry if I didn't really give you the reply you were expecting heh. Thank you though for this since I finally got the chance to express everything I've been thinking ♥
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smilingleoo · 4 years
Min Yoongi one-shot-When his baby is born prematurely
Request: heyyy 👋🏽 can u do a one shot(it doesn’t matter which member) but when he and his s/o have a baby but it’s born prematurely so they have to wait a while to take the baby home?
Heyy!!! I love this request and I think I could portray the swirl of emotions mainly because I could as my parents about it...yes, I was born really prematurely (just 6 months), so my mother and father had to endure those months that they couldn't take me home. Well, on to the request!!! Enjoy it!!!
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"You are awake, baby"-Yoongi whispered softly as he raised himself from the chair in order to kiss your pale forehead. Your vision was still a little blurry yet you managed to recognized your husband's voice, a smile curving your dry lips-"How are you feeling? Can you talk?"
"Hey"-you mumbled groggily-"I just had a baby"
"You say that as if it wasn't a big deal"-he chuckled and you joined him, your belly hurting a little bit with the effort. You quickly coughed out of pain, alarming the hell out of Yoongi, but you dismissed his attention by placing your unoccupied hand on his chest. After your breathing came back to normal, Yoongi took your hand in between his, placing a loving kiss on your palm-"Maybe you need more rest. I'll look for something to eat, call me if there's any problem"
You nodded but when Yoongi was about to exit the room, you spoke-"Where's Y/B/N?"-he halted and turned on his heels, an uncertain look on his face. He scratched the back of his neck and finally sighed, resting his shoulder on the door's threshold-"She's in the incubator"
"What?"-you asked worried. Your baby was plugged inside a machine and no one cared to tell you? Suddenly, the various artifacts scattered around the room beeping, bellowing, grumbling simultaneously overwhelmed you. Your skin began to itch endlessly and you had no other idea than to tear some patches attached to it, throwing them away while pulling yourself to your feet.
The floor was unstable, or maybe you were extremely dizzy, but you managed to make two steps with the bed's support. You needed to sed your baby. You needed to know how your child was doing. However, your knees failed you , giving up abruptly. You waited for the hard, freezing floor but nothing came. Instead, Yoongi's arms had enveloped you preventing you from falling.
You didn't show your gratitude nor apologized for your actions; you just cried. Tears drowned your exhausted eyes, painting your cheeks and vanishing on your quivering lips-"I know, baby. I know"-he whispered.
Three days went by and you were finally released from the hospital, some pills and exercises have been prescripted for you to keep up with your improving health. Despite the good knews, you were still troubled by the fact that you couldn't take your baby with you. They had explained your husband that because of his early birth, your child needed to remain in the incubator to complete his/her growth. You were stubborn, Yoongi knew it for sure, but you were not stupid, so you didn't conplain.
Although emotionally hurt, you made an extra effort to wake up early in the mornings, prepare breakfast for Yoongi and you and then do some workout to relax your body. Afterwards, you quickly bathed and packed some things in order to stay in the hospital for the rest of the day. By now, you knew several nurses and doctors and, though you tought they were annoyed by your repetitive presence, they appeared to understand the struggles of being a mother. Yoongi, on the other hand, came when he had the time. He would knock the open door, snacks on his hand and a gummmy smile on his face, and then would walk towards you placing a loving kiss on your lips.
You noticed how his eyes would brighten up every moment he got a glance of his baby, pride swelling in his chest-"That tiny human is ours"-he mumbled a Friday afternoon. He had nearly stumbled out of practice in order to reach his kid on time. All the band members were happy for him and had told him that when the child was in his/her new house, they would pay the new family a visit.
"You're so soft, Min Yoongi"-you giggled, earning a playful glare from him. Who would have thought that this awful situation would make the both of you happy? It was ironinc, you concluded, how the mere thought of you baby breathing was enough-"We will get out of this"-you mumbled as if the baby could hear you. Yoongi looked at you and then rested his hand on your shoulder. From your sit, you caressed his hand's back and sighed contently, throwing your head backwards.
"I have two strong persons by my side"-he said leaning so as to kiss your lips-"I'm so lucky"
You were the lucky one because you had him by your side-"I love you, Yoongi"
He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by the doctor, who came in grinning-"Hello, I come to check on my tiny parient over here"-he explained taking his stethoscope and introducing his hands on the holes at the side of the crystal box. He hummed pleased with what he was hearing and you couldn't be more releaved. Yoongy squezzed your shoulder, tears tickling the corner of his eyes-"Well"-the doctor spoke-"His/Her lungs have fully developed and his breathing rate is strong. We hadn't have many problems during this past two months yet I'd like to control the baby for a few mlre days. If everything goes well, she'll/he'll be on his way home on Monday"
You gasp and, without thinking, stood up embracing the docotor. Yoongy, promptly afterwards, joined the hug and you didn't know if you were sobbing out of happiness or surprise-"Thank you so much"
The doctor pullled away warmly and patted Yoongi's back, excusing himself with a smile-"Did you hear that, kid?"-Yoongi asked the baby over the incubator-"You're my strong child, my little warrior"
Everything was clouded by your tears and you were glad you were crying now. Your baby was okay...All those weeks you had suffered, struggled and whimpered were over. All those nights you couldn't manage to close your eyes would be replace with your baby's demands and laughs, and you knew you were going to be exhausted but it would be worth it. Everything was worth it.
Monday came and you were absolutely ready.
You had bought and prepared everything your baby neede, from diapers (that were e trenely big for the baby's thin body) to three pacifiers that he/she was probably too young to use-"Let's go, babe!"-you screamed. Yoongi had asked for a day off, which surprisingly was granted to him. He was extremely excited too, having woken up really early to plan everything.
In the blink of an eye, you were both on the car driving towards the hospital. All things seemed to move lethargically, you were beginning to become impatient. Yet the mere thought of your child calmed you down-"We are here. We are here. We are here!"-you exclaimed.
When you enterd the room, two nurses were wrapping your child with a soft, fluffy yellow blanket-"We knew you would be coming early"-the one tuening off the machine said. The other one, who was cradling your child, approached the both of you. A thrilling sensation began to bubble inside your chest as she extended her arms and motioned you to take your baby. You bit your lower lip and accepted happily, glancing immidiately downwards to marvel with your kid's chubby features. Tears swirled in your eyes once again. Maybe this of being a mother had soften you greatly.
"Look at him/her"-you whispered, afraid to do something wrong. But Yoongi was at a loss of words, gaping at the adprable human draped arpund your embrace.
"My tiny little warrior"-he mumbled and kissed the top of your head. You coughed put a laugh and handed the baby to him. He was trembling but he clwaned his sweaty palms on his pants and then took a child of his child's soft body-"Hello, beautiful"
And with that image in front of your eyes, Yoongi holding the start of your new family, you felt that the world could indeed be conquered. You were going to survive because you were warrior, just like your baby-"Let's go"
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