#give love to karms (she has to put up with So Much shit from me)
krillissue · 1 year
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i commissioned @karmacat107 with the best $5 i ever spent to draw my beautiful boy!!
❤️❤️❤️ see him face!! his tummy hurts and he’s being so brave about it
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denouemwnt · 7 years
at least tonight
you can also read it in AO3!
pairing: vincent karm x mc/reader
warnings: swearing, smut.
summary: After finally kissing Vincent Karm for the first time, you let him up into your apartment.
request: Hey I love City of Love and Vincent so I was requesting if you could do an imagine with the reader and Vincent after the whole good cop/bad cop scene and after kissing she does let him up into her apartment instead of sending him home. I was so curious of what would happen! Thanks!
words: 1317
A/N: Episode 9, Season 2. (I chose the MC to be the bad cop at the time, so I based the story on this choice.)
(you can see my masterlist here!)
“What the…” Vincent looks at you in shock after he realizes what was the prize you were talking about. You were in his lap, one hand holding firmly the hair in the back of his neck while the other pulled his tie to make him get closer to you. “Oh, my!”
You lean your head next to his and kiss Vincent, slowly at the beginning. His hands go to your hips, keeping you near him. Soon, you pull his tie a little more, deepening the kiss and finding his tongue.
The situation made your heart beat fast. You got the chance to feel the warmth of his lips against yours, the taste of him. Something you secretly wanted but never admitted to yourself.
Suddenly, he broke the contact for both of you catch your breath. You felt the heat of his skin against the cold of your arms when he caressed you after the kiss.
“Well, how did you like that?” You smirked at him when you saw he was surprised at your action.
“I… I don’t know. Do it again and I will tell you…” You left Vincent Karm having trouble at finding his words? That's new.
“I can do it again…” You got out of his lap. “But not here. What if we go to my apartment?” Your hands go to your arms, holding yourself against the freezing cold in Paris.
“As you wish, ma chérie.” That playful smirk on his face showed up again.
He had you on top of the dining table at your apartment. Your legs wrapped around him, already feeling his hard member through your underwear and his expensive suit. Vincent leaving open-mouthed kisses and bites on your neck, making you moan when he hit a sensitive spot.
“Do you really want to do this, Y/N?” He stopped and looked at you deeply, you saw the lust in his eyes. “You know there is no turning back after this.” And there is the smirk again.
“You sure are full of yourself, huh? Maybe I won’t even like it.” You said ironically while kissing his jawline.
“Is that a challenge, Miss L/N?” You felt the vibration of his deep voice while you trailed your kisses down to his neck.
“Maybe, Mister Karm.”
His hands went to your thighs and he got you on his lap. Vincent stopped in the middle of the hallway and asked you where your bedroom was. After your answer, he closed the door behind you.
You were gently placed in the middle of the bed and he got on top of your body. Vincent looked at you like he was asking permission before taking your dress off. You nodded. You want this.
His warm and huge hands touched your body while taking the piece of clothing out of it. After throwing it on the ground, he just stopped for a few seconds and admired your body in a dark red lingerie.
“Beautiful.” Vincent murmured in your neck, making you blush.
He started trailing kisses from your jaw to your breasts, making a pause there and taking your bra off. You whined in frustration when he didn’t pay attention in the area, just continued his kisses down on you.
He stopped right in your underwear and your breath got caught in your throat. He looked at you and at the same time, you lifted your hips a little, making it easier for him to take it out.
Vincent carefully parted your legs and positioned his face between them. You could feel his breath, heavily against your clit. He didn’t take long and soon you felt his tongue on your clit, kissing it in gentle movements, making you arch your back, wanting more of him.
With one hand on your thigh, the other went to your entrance, feeling your hot wetness. While sucking your clit, he places one finger on you. Even with your mouth opened, it doesn’t let any sound get out. After a few strokes, he adds another one. And the hand which was holding you went to your hip, forcing you to not move so much.
Your hands go to his soft hair, pressing his head closer to you, wanting him to fasten his actions. You look down at him, his green eyes already facing yours while his mouth and fingers do wonders inside you.
“Fuck.” You moan and take your hands away from his hair. “Vincent- shit. Stop.” Even feeling that your legs are a little bit weak, you manage to sit on the bed.
“Something wrong, my dear?” With one final lick on your clit, he lifts his head up to look properly at you, the mess he made of you. He smirked at the view of your naked form in front of him, with drops of sweat falling from your breasts to your belly. He was desperate to feel you.
Vincent gets up and you do as well, getting closer to him. Helping him put his suit on the ground.
“I need to come with you inside me.” You whisper in his ear and move your hand to his cock, through his pants. “And you are fully dressed, that’s not helpful.”
He groans at your words. Such a dirty mouth, he thought.
You tried to take control but he finished taking his clothes off alone, slowly, making you almost beg for him to be faster. But you wouldn’t do this. You wouldn’t give him this pleasure.
He was finally naked in front of you, making you leave unconsciously a sigh of relief. Vincent chuckled and positioned himself on top of you, pressing his body against yours and kissing your lips hungrily. You feel your taste in his mouth.
When he fully entered inside you, he buried his head in the crook of your neck. You arched your back and pressed your hips against his, wanting more friction. Your hands went to Vincent’s back, digging your nails into his skin, leaving marks.
Both of you moved your bodies against each other, increasing the rhythm of the thrusts. He left another bite on your flesh, one in a place that everyone could see. He didn’t care anymore about all that was happening in your lives at the moment, he just wanted you, at least once. And you are his, at least tonight.
His hand finds your clit and makes circles around that sensitive area while making love to you. And you feel your high coming until you can’t take anymore.
Vincent doesn’t stop. He strokes inside you a few more times, wanting to feel you come undone below him. And you do. Your body trembles and you moan his name, letting all the tension go and feeling the pleasure he gave it to you.
He groans in your neck when he feels you clenching around him and after a few more thrusts, he comes inside you. He catches his breath and gets out of you, getting up and taking the condom off him.
You stay on the bed, wondering if he will stay or not. If you could feel your legs, you would go to the bathroom, where he is right now. But he comes back and to your surprise, he is still naked. Vincent is holding a towel and cleans the mess he made of you.
Soon, he lays on the bed next to you and holds you like he has never done before.
“Are you feeling fine, ma chérie?” He buries his head in your hair, smelling your scent, one of your favorite flowers.
“Yes, Vincent.” You couldn’t contain yourself anymore, so you smiled at him. A genuine one. And he did the same, to your surprise. This is something you wouldn’t even think of doing two years ago. You were happy to be with him tonight. Even after everything you found out earlier. “Thank you.” You whispered, falling asleep in his arms.
You can go to my masterlist to read more of my vincent karm series and my other stories!
Feedback is always welcome ❤️
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
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*As Kyoji walks through the halls, he hears the announcement that Karma has been defeated*
Karma-San….it’s okay. We’ll get through this…and I promise I’ll help you.
*The day after the party*
Kyoji is hard at work doing science
Karma: KYOJI!
Kyoji: GYSHI!
He nearly drops a vial before it hits the floor, but catches it in time. 
Karma, hey! Haven’t seen you in a while.
Karma: How is my good friend doing?
Kyoji: Well, current circumstances are….less than favorable. Although I did have a nice reprieve last night.
Karma: I dunno what that word means but good for you.
Kyoji: But a word of advice? Don’t ever mix alcohol, drugs, and candy. You will regret it the next day. Anyway, how goes things with you?
Karma: Well, I don’t seem to remember much of the party. I think Orochi and I had an interesting conversation of some sorts. And then I think Naomi and I… kissed?
Kyoji: Hehehe, really now? I don’t remember too much either. I think I was talking about Junko, then threw up. Or maybe it was the other way around.
Karma: I seem to remember you vomiting. And what was with that laugh?
Kyoji: Just kinda funny is all. I mean, you’ve been wrapped up in this love triangle with Junpei and Orochi for some time now. How’d Naomi get involved?
Karma: She just started making out with me and I went along with it!
Kyoji: Ooohhh, now I see. When did the higher-ups start letting you kids have booze?
Karma: People at the Agency actually considered me an alcoholic and put me in rehab. Same goes for marijuana.
Kyoji: I’d say something about that, but…I may have some oxycodone last night, so I’m not really in any position to judge.
Karma: Oxycodone?
Kyoji: Pain med. Seiko gave me some after I got my upgrades. I take it with a shot of morphine everyday so I can move without screaming in agony.
Karma: Hm.
Kyoji: You ever crush your finger in a door?
Karma: Duh.
Kyoji: Imagine that feeling all over your body. That’s how I’d feel on a regular basis without the stuff.
Karma: You’re an idiot for doing that shit to yourself.
Kyoji: I’m not gonna spend this event stuck in a lab. If I can go out on the front lines to help people, I’m going.
Karma: You can learn do front line things naturally. Hell, I spent 13 years trapped in a basement and I’m already in the top ranks.
Kyoji: ….*sighs* I don’t want to fight anyone.
Karma: …eh?
Kyoji: I just want help people. That’s all. But why is that so hard to accomplish? Why does every tragedy lead into another?
Karma: Because life is bullshit and is meant to torment us.
Kyoji: Pff. I wish that were the case. At least then things would make sense. But hey, no use being morose about it. Just gotta keep at it.
Karma: Life doesn’t have to be morbid to not make sense.
Kyoji: You don’t have to tell me twice. *He looks away* Innocent people go to death row, but I get to go free.
Karma: Dude that’s just how life works. I torture people for my own pleasure. Going so far as to fucking chew off people’s heads like a wild animal, and I get to work for the future foundation.
Kyoji: You ever heard of Operation Paperclip?
Karma: No
Kyoji: It was an operation conducted by the United States to recruit over 1,600 former Nazi scientists, technicians, and other specialists to help them against the Soviet Union. One of them provided the details on rocket technology, and that’s how they got the first men on the moon during the Apollo project.
Karma: Your point?
Kyoji: Life is weird like that. People who’ve done terrible things can end up contributing to society in some of the most meaningful ways.
Karma: Sure, sure. That’s not what I’m here to talk about though.
Kyoji: Sorry, I got really philosophical again, heh. What did you need?
Karma: …could you do the examination?
Kyoji: Huh? Oh! Right! Of course, of course!
Karma: Like… now?
Kyoji: Absolutely. If you’re comfortable with it.
Karma: Mhm.
Kyoji: Alright, please follow me. *He leads karma to another lab. One with a large table in the center and a large metallic ring on the ceiling*
Karma: Oh wow this brings back memories.
Kyoji: It’s a biometric scanner. Basically, it’s like a 3D MRI, but far more accurate.
Karma: Huh. So do I just lie down? Do I need to change?
Kyoji: A hospital gown would be preferable, yes. There’s a changing room right over there.
Karma: Oh. You’re actually giving me a changing room. They didn’t give me one last time. Made me change in front of them and shit.
Kyoji: Well, no need to worry about that here. Take your time. And no cameras in there, I promise.
Karma: I didn’t even think about cameras…*they head off to change*
He turns the machine on. It emits a low humming noise
Karma: *they come back in the gown, still wearing their hat*
Kyoji: Alright, all you gotta do is lay down and this shouldn’t take too long
Karma: You’re not gonna make me take my hat off? :DDD
Kyoji: nah, it’s fine
Karma: Thank goodness. It keeps my hair over my ey- Kyoji this won’t show you any burns or cuts right?
Kyoji: Only on one layer. This is designed to differentiate different body systems. But I promise I won’t look at it if it bothers you.
Karma: That’s still gonna show… I may as well say it myself instead of cowering. My right eye is severely burned, and I have… self harm scars on my thighs.
Kyoji: I have the names of all the friends we lost carved into my forearm.
Karma: What? Dude the most I have is a tattoo of the numbers 203 on my ankle what the fuck?
Kyoji: One of those people…was my creation. She’s the closest thing I had to a child. I can’t let myself forget that. Nor any of the others.
Karma: …can I see?
Kyoji pulls down his sleeve. The names are all there in prominent scar tissue
Karma: *they kiss their fingers and then run them along the carvings*
Kyoji: Um…personal space?
Karma: Er- sorry.
Kyoji: He laughs Its alright. The best thing we can do for all of them is to keep moving forward.
Karma: Y-yeah.
Kyoji: Now come on, let’s finally get the examination done.
Karma: *they hop up onto the table and lay down*
Kyoji: Alright, let’s get started.
He hits a few buttons and the table turns upward a bit. The ring, which is mount to a set of robot arms, comes down and encircles the portion of the table around Karma’s head. Blue lights on the interior light up. The ring moves down to the end, then back up before returning to the ceiling. On the other side of the room, a 3-D image of a human body appears on a computer screen
Karma: Well?
Kyoji: I’m taking a look and…what the….
Karma: Yeah it should be weird. Seeing someone have male and female sex organs isn’t supposed to be normal.
Kyoji: No, this goes beyond just that. I’m seeing sets of multiple digestive and endocrine organs as well.
Karma: Huh?
Kyoji: And there’s….a second heart as well…now it makes sense.
Karma: I have two hearts?
Kyoji: Yes. When you told me you have both male and female reproductive organs, I thought maybe this was the actual cause. You see…you’re not really intersex.
Karma: ….I’m not?
Kyoji: You’ve heard of conjoined twins, right? When a fertilized egg fails to full separate into two babies, the fetuses end up merged together. There’s a step down from that. Where one twin can end up subsumed by the other. A parasitic twin.
Karma: What are you saying?
Kyoji: *He sighs* When I tell you, I don’t want you to think too much about it, okay? It’s not something you had any control over. It was an involuntary biological function you had no conscious awareness of.
Karma: …..
Kyoji: Basically, you could’ve had a twin. Whether brother or sister, I can’t completely say. But the two of you ended up merging together in-utero. Those additional organs aren’t supernumerary congenital mutations. They’re from your sibling.
Karma: …I’m two people?
Kyoji: No. I don’t see a second brain anywhere, so it’s unlikely your twin would have survived even if they were born. You’re still you. You and your twin just ended up merged together.
Karma: I- I killed them.
Kyoji: No, you didn’t. I don’t see any traces of brain tissue outside your skull. It’s very unlikely your sibling would’ve survived even if this didn’t happen. It’s quite the contrary, actually. You’re keeping their organs alive.
Karma: You’re lying I killed them. Or- or maybe they killed me.
Kyoji: Why would I lie to you about this? Just listen. Sanju Bhagat was an Indian man who had a very prominent gut for 36 years. In 1999, he went in for surgery because doctors thought it was a tumor, but that that’s when they found he actually had a parasitic twin. It had fully-formed feet, hands, hair, and even fingernails that were several inches long. The twin survived in this state by feeding off the nutrients Bhagat consumed.
Karma: What is your point? Your lying because you don’t want me to freak out. Well that’s too late.
Kyoji: Listen to me for one second, okay! You asked me to provide you with an examination. I did. Now I’m giving you the results and telling you what they mean. You really think I’d lie to you about all this? I’m not.
He turns the screen toward Karma
Here it is, clear as day. These are the results. You have additional organs, including a secondary set of genitals. That’s the truth. But you didn’t kill your sibling. You were a non-sentient mass of cells that merged with another, less complete mass of cells.
Karma: The other doctors lied to me. You’re surely doing the same. This is why I refuse to speak to Miaya.
Kyoji: Really? After I’ve tried to help you, turned you away from Maverick, granted you a power to help protect you, wanted to make sure you got out of Hope’s Peak safe, helped you back at the mansion, and offered to help you understand something about yourself, you really think I would lie now of all times?
Karma: I’d lie to me.
Kyoji: Well I wouldn’t. If I wanted to lie to you, I would’ve just said you had supernumerary organs. That’s a lie. But this isn’t some big dramatic reveal on how you’ve been a killer since before birth. That’s a load of bullshit. This is just a thing that happened. You had no conscious control over any of it.
Karma: You’re lying. You’re not my friend. You never were my friend. You want to hurt me. You want to make sure I’m never happy. You hate me. You’re trying to use me for some purpose. You want to take me back to the Agency and make me work there again. You’re here to hurt me and I can’t believe I didn’t realize this!
Kyoji stands up, walks over, and hugs her
Karma: Let go of me! You want to hurt me!
Kyoji: No, I dont. I just want to hug.
Karma: You’re going to stab me. You’re going to stab me with your weird body horror shit!
Kyoji: I could’ve done that at any time. But I’m not going to.
Karma: Why are you hugging me? You want to hurt me.
Kyoji: No I don’t. I wanted to hug you because I thought you needed a hug.
Karma: I don’t- Kyoji I’m fine. I just- I don’t-
Kyoji: Please. Just let me hug you, okay?
Karma: *they simply start to cry*
Kyoji: It’s okay. It’s okay. Just let it all out, alright?
Karma: I- I’m sorry. It’s my- It- It’s my- My Disorder- I- I can’t-
Kyoji: I understand. You’re talking to a medical expert, after all.
Karma: I hate it. I hate everything. I hate myself.
Kyoji: I feel that way sometimes. But it’s okay. You just need a little help is all.
Karma: Please don’t leave me alone.
Kyoji: *hugs her tigher* I promise I won’t.
Karma: I’m supposed to be a fucking adult in Canada and here I’m crying like a small child…
Kyoji: You’re allowed to cry regardless of your age
Karma: That’s the first time I’ve been told that.
Kyoji: Well it’s true. Especially here.
Karma: *they take some deep breaths* You sure I didn’t kill them?
Kyoji: Of course. It was a non-conscious biological occurrence. If anything, you’re keeping the last vestiges of them alive.
Karma: What am I?
Kyoji: You’re Karma Graves. You’re a human being.
Karma: I don’t even know what gender I’m supposed to be. Humans have genders right?
Kyoji: Yes. But it’s not a 50/50 split. You can be whoever or whatever you want to be.
Karma: I don’t know who I am or what I am.
Kyoji: It’s okay. I can help you figure out.
Karma: You’d do that?
Kyoji: Absolutely!
Karma: ….thank you.
Kyoji: You’re welcome. Miaya would be more than willing to help you as well, you know.
Karma: yeah…
Kyoji: She’s helped me a lot. She can help you too.
Karma: I may see her. I’m not sure yet.
Kyoji: I can go with you if you want
Karma: …that would actually help a lot.
Kyoji: Good. You wanna go now or later? 
Karma: …later.
Kyoji: Alrighty. So…what do you wanna do now?
Karma: Fuck if I know.
Kyoji: Hmmm….you wanna go watch a movie or something?
Karma: Uh- sure. Why not?
Kyoji: Then let us be off! We shall watch Government Witches from Outer Space!
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*Present time* We’ll figure things out, one way or another.
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