#give me their three month long event dislyte 😭
acearohippo · 1 year
Really been emotionally driven by Lewis and Bonnie lately.
I don't know how young they were when they became espers, unsure if that one game trailer of Lewis in the boxing ring was his transformation (the dumbass) or if he "turned on" his power out of rage (still a dumbass, I hope his sister called him stupid) but I'm going to just err on the side that most young espers aren't transforming until they're in midteen range, like 14,15,16 years old and up. It's less common, but still occurs often to have espers between the ages of 11-13 but 10-ish and younger, you're rarely seeing the kids survive the transformation.
And I'm just bombarded with these ideas that Lewis and Bonnie are the average kind of kids, so they are living on the streets, without esper powers, up until Lewis gets his break when he's 15 and makes the decision to join the Esper Academy, because if he can get in that would gaurantee his sister shelter. Bonnie, of course, doesn't agree because they've both seen how the Union has "prioritised" neutralising the affects of the Miracles, putting money and time into weapons and other destructive researches, rather than gathering resources and supplies to help the people who without homes, without parents, and are ill. And Lewis agrees that he doesn't fully trust the place, but he's also had to rush back to their hideout to find his sister either missing or in the process of being harassed/kidnapped by known local traffikers, and Lewis himself has had issues with them too and it's gotten to risky and while he'll happily bash the face in of any paedo who dares touch them, he'd prefer it more if they grow up without fearing that they'd wake up, separated, in some strange, pervy adult's room. And that's just him and his sister, the both of them also intervene when other kids are endangered of trafficking, which has placed a big target on the both of them by the underground thugs and contractors who are "losing business".
At least this way, he could learn how to better control his powers and get a better idea of how the Union works on the inside, so he can then return and use his knowledge to help those the Union has forgotten about. At least this way, he won't have to waste precious time trying to create a plan to get him, his sister, and whoever kid they found out of harm's way quicker, without needing to leave anyone behind or wait until the perfect hour to launch a rescue (He still remembers how Bonnie clung to him, shaking and angrily crying, too many bruises and cuts on her malnourished body, her nails ripped and bleeding, shielded from the elements only by a disgusting blanket made even dirtier but the fresh blood from the whimpering, pantless man cowering in the corner. He was almost too late. He was almost too late.) He can go in swinging now, set the whole damn place and whoever gets in his way on fire now. But he lacks control and understanding how to activate his Esper powers, and that could lead to even worse mistakes.
Bonnie hates living in the orphanage. She doesn't trust the adults, can't with how she and Lewis grew up, and would frequently sneak out to find her brother at the academy. He never sent her back or turned her away, but she also wasn't an Esper so she couldn't join in on his classes. Not that any teachers could stop her, and once her brother became friends with Li Ling, there was really nothing anyone could say or do that would keep her from looking out for Lewis. He's a simpleminded man, often too caught up in what was right in front of him to notice the threat surrounding him (she still remembers the way the so called "nice couple" that hired the two of them for easy lawn work leared at her brother, tasking him with jobs that would keep him within their sight, the woman "innocently" groping his arms and stomach as she tuttered that he was too thin and gleefully feeding him pastries to "fatten him up", her husband personally "training" him with "hand's on" exercises and stretches. To this day, Lewis teases her about her immaturity and clinginess to him that eventually made him start choosing jobs they could do together, and she will gladly throw more tantrums and act like a spoiled little girl to keep manipulative people like them away from her brother.)
Of course Bonnie joined the shadow decree after she became an Esper. The Union is bound to fail her brother at some point, and with the freedom of the shadow decree on her side, she'll make sure to provide him a safety net when, inevitably, someone takes advantage of his honesty and loyalty.
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