#is this what people mean by characters taking over their thoughts?
deedeeznoots · 3 days
Can we please get some hcs of Sukuna and reader in the fairytale AU 🥹🥹
Absolutely amazing writing I loved every single thing of it!💖💖
Cottage Life
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Characters: Ryomen Sukuna, Fem!Reader  
Word Count: 2.5k
Genre: Fluff, Mentions of Smut  
Content: MDNI, Established Relationship, True Form!Sukuna, Princess!Reader, Swearing, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Smut
A/N: Hi Anon! Thank you for the kind words and the request, I’d love to do this. I’m so glad that people enjoyed my Sukuna Fairy Tale AU so I’m 100% going to explore the idea more. On another note, this is also my first ever request🥹 I’m giggling and kicking my feet at the thought of people enjoying my writing enough to want to request specific things for me to create so I just want to take the time to say if you have an idea for me to write anything specific please do not hesitate to ask! Thank you all very very much. :)
Synopsis: Small glimpses into your daily life with Sukuna in the deep woods. While not fully necessary to understand these little snippets, reading the beginning of your story with Sukuna would certainly enhance the experience. <3 
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ꨄ Pre-Relationship: Secret Meetings ꨄ
➼ When you first began meeting with him regularly he was pretty mean to you and ignored you most of the time when you tried to talk to him. Despite this, he always kept you by his side anyways and didn’t deter you from meeting him.
➼ One time you straight up asked him why and he said it was because you brought food to him. While you accepted that answer, you knew inside that wasn’t really the case because he would still keep you around even after you both ate. 
➼ After warming up to you one of the things that you two bonded over was the nature in the forest. Sukuna would explain the wildlife to you since you were unfamiliar for a long time and he was to your surprise, a really good teacher. 
➼ He was able to answer any questions you had and went over every detail that he knew about the woods and was able to keep things interesting.
➼ When you both spent that night under the stars he was serious when he tried flirting with you but quickly realized what he did so he tried to play it off as a joke (he couldn’t be caught being too soft, after all). 
➼ Since he’s so much stronger and bigger than you (and literally everyone lol) he makes sure to be extra cautious and gentle around you because despite what he seems like, he doesn’t want to genuinely scare people, especially you.
➼ Speaking of, he has no idea why you aren’t scared of him and doesn’t understand why you act like the way he looks is no big deal. He doesn’t complain though and never mentions it to you. 
➼ One of the reasons you’re not scared of him is because he has saved your life more times than you could count, and why would you be scared of someone who continually keeps you alive, most of the time at his own expense? 
➼ “No, don't eat those berries, they’re poisonous…wha-what do you mean you already had five?!”
➼ He had to do some poison control that day… and it wasn’t very fun. 
➼ Every time he saves your life he always tells you that he’ll just leave you next time but you know that’s not true at all.
➼ You would also always get injured for stupid reasons so he’d take care of your wounds like he did when you both first officially met (he’d laugh first though)
➼ One of the days you visited you realized you had a talent for making flower crowns so you would spend a lot of time with him doing it while you both talked and walked around the woods.
➼ You mostly gave yours to him as a gift 
➼ He would grumble and act like he hated it but he would keep them on anyway and he kept all of them. After a while it grew into a small collection that he secretly cherishes. 
➼ Sukuna secretly (though, it wasn’t a secret to you) loved these meetings, and your visits were the highlight of his day every time.
ꨄ Early Relationship: Locked Away ꨄ
➼ Sukuna was confused at first when you stopped visiting him after sleeping with him. 
➼ He thought he did something wrong and you didn’t have a good time, or that he hurt you in some way. 
➼ He tried to put on the tough guy act at first and tried to convince himself that he didn’t like you all that much anyways. 
➼ Obviously, it wasn’t true and he’s a big softy on the inside so he gave into his temptations to see you. 
➼ When he saw the guards by your bedroom window, he realized what happened, and remembered that you always had to sneak out to see him. 
➼ Once he realized what actually happened he chastised himself for being so pouty and feeling sorry for himself instead of going to see you sooner. 
➼ To make up for this he goes to look at you every day as you stand by your window.
➼ Eventually, you noticed him and you both would spend the whole day just sitting with each other from afar. 
➼ Sometimes he would see you cry when he visited and his heart would break because he couldn’t wipe your tears away. 
➼ He has resisted the urge to attempt to fight the guards by your window more than he can count.
➼ Only reason he didn’t was his fear of making things worse for you if he did.
➼ On the day of your wedding, he noticed that you weren’t by your window like usual. 
➼ He learned his lesson about giving up on you too soon, so he decided instead of leaving you be, that he would go around the castle and look for you to see if you were okay. 
➼ Too invested in finding you, he didn’t realize that he stood a tad too close to some of the guards of your castle, leading to him getting caught by them. 
➼ That turned out to be a happy accident however, as they led him directly to you and gave you both the chance to run away together. 
➼ He was secretly proud of you stabbing someone so easily, but he’ll never tell you that directly.
ꨄ Long-Term Relationship: Cottage Life ꨄ
➼ When you both first found the cottage in the woods, it was in very rough shape. 
➼ It was dirty, barely had a roof, and there were broken windows everywhere. It was obvious that no one had lived there for some time. 
➼ Well… one man’s trash is another one’s treasure, and you both worked day and night to fix the cottage after first finding it. 
➼ You weren’t used to any physical discomfort at all, so it took a while for you to get used to these types of conditions. However, Sukuna always made sure to help you feel better.
➼ For example, one time it rained and you two got super wet inside your home due to the roof not being 100% secure. 
➼ It was tough for you. Not only were the two of you wet, but the inside of the home you both spent tons of time fixing up was flooded now as well. 
➼ Thankfully, Sukuna always found a way to turn unfortunate situations upside down. 
➼ “Come on, let’s go play in the mud, you didn’t eat enough dirt as a kid”
➼ You both immediately felt better once you played in the rain together… especially when Sukuna would be ever the romantic and lift you up to kiss you as water droplets fell on both of you.
➼ After months of sweat and tears, the cottage was finally fixed and cleaned. 
➼ It quickly became the love of your life, second only to Sukuna, and you both quickly settled into your humble abode.  
➼ You would always wake up first which would give you a few moments where you could stare at Sukuna’s sleeping face
➼ This was your favorite thing to do every morning, because you loved his calm expression more than anything.
➼ Sometimes he catches you and as he opens his eyes he would sarcastically go “Don’t stare. It’s weird” and laugh at your blushing face. 
➼ When this happens you would just lightly hit his chest and jokingly tell him to fuck off. 
➼ You would always give him a nice long kiss first thing every morning though.
➼ Despite you no longer being a Princess, he always makes sure to pamper you like one anyways.
➼ For example, whenever you have a craving for something that can’t be found in the wild he would make sure to get it at any costs. 
➼ This includes traveling hours to the closest villages and sneaking in to take their stuff. 
➼ You always get mad at him for doing this because it could put him in serious danger, but he laughs and tells you it’s fine and that in all his time living near humans he was only caught once and it was because of you. 
➼ To this, you roll your eyes but you thank him anyways for caring so much about you that he’d work so hard to satisfy such a small craving. 
➼ Whenever you’re busy doing something, he makes it a point to catch you off guard and hug you from behind with his four arms. 
➼ You’re never actually caught off guard and can sense him from miles away (he has very loud footsteps), but you pretend anyway to get him to keep doing it. 
➼ Most days you both spend your time walking around and exploring the nature around you both. However, on particularly lazy days, you two spend most of the day just cuddling together.
➼ One thing that stays the same is that every night both of you look at the stars like the first night you two spent together. 
➼ Unlike that first night though, Sukuna would always make it a point to go down on you while outside. 
➼ Also unlike that first night, there was no pressure to rush home so you two would fall asleep outside under the stars.
➼ One time though, you woke up screaming when you found a giant bug crawling on you. Sukuna took the bug away but would always make fun of you for it whenever you both decided to sleep outside. 
➼ Sukuna would tell you he loved you in the most random of times: Walking around, eating dinner, anywhere really. He would just look you in the eyes and quietly say “I love you”.
➼ This is always paired with small kisses all over your face that make you giggle because of how ticklish they are. 
➼ Sometimes when you two are cuddling in bed he would randomly lick your back with his stomach mouth to make you jump. 
➼ “What the hell Ryomen!?” 
➼ “Hehe, sorry” 
➼ You both discovered your hidden talents while living together, and Sukuna realized his talent happened to be dress making. He realized this after he made a little makeshift dress out of your wedding attire when he carelessly ripped it away. 
➼ He was able to make you some pretty good dresses with the most random of cloth that he found around the woods. They weren’t the most formal, but they were certainly the best dresses you’ve ever had, being handmade by someone you loved.
➼ You once again tell him he doesn’t have to do all this but he makes you stuff anyway. 
➼ “Who said it was about you? This shit is fun as hell!” which made you laugh.
➼ He now has to pay extra mind to not completely rip your clothes off during bed because you two no longer had an infinite void of clothing choices. 
➼ In fact, he actually swung a little too far in the opposite direction…
➼ “Wait. Take it off carefully, I worked hard on this one. I SAID BE CAREFUL IDIOT–”
➼ Despite this, accidents still happen and sometimes he would rip them off in the heat of the moment anyways.
➼ Living together, you had to learn to do a lot of things related to maintaining a home like cleaning since you weren’t used to doing this stuff yourself.
➼ Sukuna told you that it’s fine and that he’d do it but you insisted that you should learn how to do things on your own now that you’re independent. 
➼ Being the good teacher that he is,  Sukuna would go on to teach you basic chores. 
➼ He would still tease you sometimes while teaching you though. Such as one time when you accidentally burned yourself by the fire trying to make dinner and he laughed when you kept flailing your hand everywhere. 
➼ He didn’t bully you for too long though, he was still worried of course. So, he made sure to heal the burns and help kiss them better. 
➼ You’re still able to make those flower crowns like before, so you guys would make flower crowns for each other all the time, and this time Sukuna didn’t hide how proud he was of them. 
➼ Everytime he gave you yours he’d give you a small kiss on the forehead before placing the crown on your head.
➼ You would try to do the same and would go on your tippy toes trying to reach him, but he’s hella tall so it doesn’t work. 
➼ “Jesus, you are 9 ft tall” 
➼ “Is that what they tell people? That’s not true at all” He would smile, crossing his arms as you attempted to jump up to place the crown on him. 
➼ “Well whatever you are I can’t fucking reach you”
➼ He eventually lifts you up by your hips and lets you place the crown on him and give him his little forehead kiss. 
➼ Whenever you two are together, he always has his hands on you (he has four of course, and he needs to put them to good use). Whether it’s placing your hand on his, or having an arm around your waist, one hand always had to be on you. 
➼ You both have every meal together, from breakfast to dinner. They’re mostly quiet and you both just take the time to bask in each other’s presence. 
➼ From this, you learned just how much Sukuna LOVES to eat.
➼ You noticed this already before of course, since your relationship started with you bringing him food, but you really notice it once you begin eating together 
➼ Sometimes when he’s eating his food too quickly you tell him to take it easy in order to not upset his stomach 
➼ In response, he’d point to his smiling stomach mouth and go “Does he look upset to you?” 
➼ You’d just laugh at this point lol and leave him be with one last comment about how he seriously shouldn’t eat so fast 
➼ He listens for a bit and takes smaller bites, but he goes right back into it after a few minutes.
➼ You weren’t great at cooking at first, but Sukuna didn’t really care and ate your food anyways
➼ “Don’t worry I eat anything, this is trash though” he’d say with food in his mouth, only half joking.
➼ Once you got better at the skill, he always insisted for you to cook or for the two of you to cook together since it tasted better when you did it (when you knew what you were doing, of course). 
➼ Speaking of together… At first, you two tried to take baths together at the nearby river.
➼ Emphasis on tried, because Sukuna always got too excited seeing your naked body and you two weren’t able to get clean at all. 
➼ Due to this, you decided it was best to bathe separately, to Sukuna’s dismay. 
➼ Occasionally you still allowed him to join you, of course. 
➼ Sukuna made love with you every time like it would be the last time. 
➼ In the back of his head, he always remembers the time you were taken away from him right after you both spent a night together.
➼ With this in mind, he always makes sure to make each session one you’d never forget, and he always delivered on this promise, of course. 
➼ He would always take care of you after of course, and always made sure you were okay. 
➼ You were fine, but you passed out 99% of the time so he would wipe you down and make sure to cuddle you. 
➼ He’s always worried about you being in danger again, but whenever he sees you asleep next to him he can’t help but think of anything but what he ever did to deserve you 
➼ Of course, from the moment you wake up to see his sleeping face, you can’t help but think the same thing about him.  
➼ Your life is a lot different now. Not only do you no longer have the title of Princess, but you’ve traded in your castle for a tiny cottage, and a crown for dirt-covered feet. Yet, you wouldn’t change it for the world… because for every painful burn and disgusting bug on you, is his smile, and that smile is worth more than any title.
A/N: Enjoyed seeing Fairy Tale!Sukuna? Just a reminder that if you haven’t read it yet, please feel free to read the story that these headcanons are based on!
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End Game 3
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: and so it continues.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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When you find Kara, she’s at the front of the line. You wait impatiently on the other side of the rope as she gabs up a storm with the D-lister on the other side of the table. Restless, throat sour with bile, you pace in a small line, flicking your thumb as you resist the urge to tell her to hurry up. 
You need to get out of there. You can barely think. You can’t even stay still as heat scalds and speckles over your scalp and down your body. 
You turn on your heel and your feet tangle as you stop short. Andy stands just on the other side of the line, staring at you. Oh shit. 
You rush over to Kara and snap her tank top strap, “hey, there’s other people waiting.” 
“One second!” She squeals carelessly over her shoulder, quickly returning to fawning over the washed-up sci-fi actor. 
You sigh and cross your arms, rocking back and forth, “Kara, I really don’t feel good.” 
She huffs and chirps crisply, excusing herself from the table. Several others send her a dirty look for spending so much time chattering as they wait eagerly in the wings. She steps around the post to the other side of the rope. 
“Let me guess, too much sugar?” She scoffs. 
“Something like that,” you grumble. “Look, it’s like five. We’ve been here for a couple hours. I’m chill getting out of here.” 
“Already?” She lifts a brow, “we haven’t even got you a plushie.” 
“I should save my money,” you keep your arms folded around you. 
She eyes you up and down, “are you okay?” 
“Y-yeah, it’s like you said, too much sugar. I should’ve eaten breakfast. Or lunch.” 
She gives you a skeptical squint and shrugs, “alright, whatever. We can go hang at mine.” 
“Great, sorry,” you mope, “I just... I’m tired.” 
“It’s fine,” she assures you, “I get it. This place can be a bit much and the BO is starting to get to me.” She struts ahead of you and you catch up to her. She marvels at the signed photo in her hand, “at least I got something cool.” 
“Yeah, that’s awesome. You gonna hang it up?” You ask, trying to distract yourself. 
“Mm, maybe.” 
You glance over your shoulder. Andy’s closer, looming, hands in his pocket, eyes set on you. What is he doing? You grab her arm and hurry her towards the exit. 
“Woah, what’s up?” She trips in her wedged sandals. 
“I just need some fresh air. Like you said, it stinks in here.” 
As you finally get through the front doors, your phone is shaking incessantly. The buzz can be heard through the denim. You ignore it as you cross the lot. 
“Is that him calling?” She asks, “is that what this is about? I mean, I’d be pissed too but he shouldn’t get to ruin your day.” 
“No, it’s not,” you lie, “I just... crowds get to me after a while. It’s been a long day, traveling and all that... I’m tired.” 
“Mm, sure, well, let’s not let that coward shit on it all,” she snips. “It’ll be like high school. Girls’ night! Popcorn and nail painting and your favourite hollywood hunk.” 
“You mean your favourite,” you toss back. 
She giggles, “come on, you know you think he’s cute too.” 
You roll your eyes and stick close to her. You follow her out to the street and quickly turn away. You send one last look over your shoulder. You don’t think he’d follow you this far. You grab onto Kara’s arm and set your sights ahead of you. 
“Sleepover!” You chime, doing your best to hide your anxiety. 
You’re sad to leave Kara. She made a crummy day brighter with a fun night. Still, you’re relieved to go back home. Where you can be alone, where you can forget. 
You catch an early Greyhound and hug your bag to you as you doze, waking with each lurch of the axle. Back in town, you disembark and sigh. You still have a shift tonight. It’s a good excuse to avoid that little needling at the back of your mind. 
You still can’t believe it. How many years had you been warned against meeting people on the internet? For how much of your life has that faceless avatar online been the boogeyman to fear? And yet, he sent you pictures, you spent hours gaming together, and you trusted him. Yes, you’re that stupid. You really trusted Jacob—Andy. 
You drop your stuff at home and shower as your grandmother grumbles into a cup of tea. As you emerge, her eternal scowl curls her lips. You go to the kitchen to wash her used dishes and come back out, hoping the chore appeases her. She doesn’t say a word as she sorts through her knitting needles. 
Right. As grim as the house can be, you find comfort in that nothing has changed, even if you feel like your world has. You don’t even want to look at your Switch. That one possession you treasured above all. It’s the most expensive thing you own. You saved for months to get one, it connected you to outside, it helped you escape, and now it’s just another reminder. 
You grab your purse and head off for work. You message Kara to check in. Uh oh, she says Calvin is in town. Not this again. 
You go to hit reply on her message and another notification pops up. You tap it before you can stop yourself. It’s him. Andy. He’s been texting but you haven’t answered, you haven’t even looked to block him. You don’t know why you haven’t just hit that magic button but you just avoided everything about him. 
‘Please. I’m sorry. Can we please talk?’ 
It’s no different than the litany of texts before hand; ‘we can mine and talk this out’; ‘I wanted to tell you the truth for so long, I just thought you had the right to hear it face-to-face'; ‘hope you got home safe. Please text when you have a moment’; one after another, changing from one tone to the others; desperate, apologetic, concerned... 
Before you can dismiss the conversation, he messages again. 
‘You’re reading my messages. I see the checkmark. Please, just give me a chance to explain.’ 
You sniff and shake your head. You mute your phone and bury it at the bottom of your purse. You don’t want to talk to him but you just can’t bring yourself to get rid of him entirely. For a year he was your friend. Maybe just a gaming buddy but a constant that you came to count on.  
You would login and just shoot the shit; chat about your day; just let it all out and not think as you dug up diamonds or raced around Moo Moo Meadows. That’s all gone now and it hurts just as much as the rest of his lies. It isn’t just that he isn’t Jacob, it’s that you told him things you didn’t even tell Kara. He had been your safe harbour because he was far away, because anything you said could never come back to you. 
Your eyes sting and your cheeks pinch. Stupid, again. You shouldn’t be this emotional about this. Forget about it. You got work.  
Work? Scooping ice cream? God, how pathetic you must have sounded to him. He’s a lawyer or something? At least that what he claimed when he’d still been Jacob. You knew at first glance the type of man he is; established, professional, and older. So much older. 
Yeah, your problems must have seemed so minuscule and immature. Oh, you flunked a pop quiz? Not like you have to pay a mortgage.  
Urgh. You shake off the nipping embarrassment as you enter the booth and pull on your apron. Maybe you don’t have that much going on, but you’re trying. You’re young. You’re learning. What’s his excuse? 
You should have done this a lot sooner. You don’t know why you didn’t. Maybe because it didn’t matter before. Before, Jacob was just a boy you played Minecraft with. He was just a voice in a headset. But now, he’s... not. He’s Andy. No. 
He’s dead. 
You stare at the search result and your heart sinks. That, at least, is true. Jacob Barber; death date, last year. The pictures even match. Just a skinny kid, smiling beside his dad and mom. She’s gone too. Lost in the same accident. 
You kick yourself for being so careless. If you’d just searched him up a year ago. Even just reverse searched those pictures, you would’ve pieced it together. The only thing you can be thankful for is that it wasn’t worse. That you’re safe and you can just leave it behind. 
Well, that’s what you want to do. 
You scroll through the rest of the results. There's more, before the death. Articles about a murder and suspects. Jacob was one. What? 
It’s all so messy you can hardly make sense of any of it. You stop and sit back. You think of the man who sat across from you, you remember the look in his eyes, the flicker in his voice. He did sound sorry. 
And after everything? A police investigation then to just lose your son like that? Your only child. 
You know you don’t owe him anything. He lied to you. He had every chance to be honest, from the very beginning. Maybe you wouldn’t have wanted to play with a middle-aged man but maybe you could’ve helped him find somebody. You could’ve at least shared gaming tips.  
It isn’t about him. It’s about closure. This is just a blip on the radar. You have bigger things to worry about. Your grandmother, work, school. The summer’s flying by and tuition fees are higher than last year. Your interest payments are going to spike and you foresee a second job on the horizon. 
You look at your phone, entranced by it. You stand and walk in circles. You come back to your small desk and pick up the cell. The little chat bubble at the bottom has that red dot in the corner; unread messages. You tap it and the dot disappears. 
Andy’s chat opens and you slowly key in your message, several times over before you get it right. 
‘I’m signing into the server. I’ll be on until nine. No mining, talking.’ 
That’s it. That’s all. You can’t go back to what it was. You want this to be over. You’re closing the book, cutting the strings. He needs to know what he did was wrong and you need to move on. 
You take a breath and try to calm your nerves. Now that you’ve sent the message, you don’t know if you can do it. It’s too late, he saw it. 
You move slowly as you boot up your switch and plug in your headset. Your heart is racing like crazy. You’re going to have a panic attack. You feel the same wave of nausea you felt back at the con. Ugh. 
You load the server and almost as soon as the textures appear, he joins. Your lip trembles. You hear his mic scuff but he says nothing. No, you’re not here to listen to him. He has to hear you and then you’re done. 
“I’m sorry about your son,” you begin. 
“I... thanks.” 
“But it’s not an excuse,” you interrupt him, “what you did was so wrong.” 
“I know.” 
“Please, let me get this out,” you insist, your voice shaking. “I can’t understand what you’ve been through. I looked it all up and I know that it’s a lot. I, obviously, have never dealt with any of that. You know that, because I told you. Because I trusted you,” you frown as you inhale sharply, tears pricking in your eyes, “because I thought you were my age, that you were him, your son. Your dead son.” 
You shudder and shake your head, gulping thickly. 
“Do you not see how fucked up that is?” 
He sighs, “I know. I promise you, I wanted to tell you. That’s why... that’s why I wanted to meet. Because you deserved to know and I had to tell it to your face. You deserved that--” 
“Did I deserve to be lied to? Huh? Why—Why did you need to do all that? Why couldn’t you just tell the truth?” 
He sniffles. You’re silent, choked by the sob trapped in your throat. 
“I... He’s gone. I missed him so bad and I wasn’t thinking straight. It’s not an excuse, you’re right,” his voice is raspy, “I... you reminded me of him. Playing his favourite game helped me get through. It was wrong. All of it. I’m not saying you should forgive me, but I’m trying to explain as best as I can. I still don’t really understand why I did it.” 
You swallow and wipe your wet eyes, “you’re right. I don’t need to forgive you. I don’t. I only came on here to say what I needed to before I delete this world. I might be young and stupid but I think you need help. Real help, not some girl on a headset.” 
His voice cuts off as you hit quit. You feel a pang of guilt. You do feel bad for him but you hope he heard you. You can’t forgive what he did to you, but you can wish the best for him. You hope what you said can make him get the proper help.
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hunnymisworld · 2 days
How Haikyuu Characters would respond to you:
When you ask them for help in making the homework.
SFW | Fluff | Crack | Short AU
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C O N T E X T: You are a 1st year transfer student in Nekoma HIgh and you've already adjusted to your new environment as well as the new people you met whom you made friends with. You were having a hard time with a homework and decided to ask for help in your fellow classmates/seniors.
INTIMIDATING (he's smart and he's the captain of the vball team - WBK)
You hesitate to approach him because of his usual sly/serious facial expression.
He noticed you were trying to approach him so to your surprise he approached you instead.
"Hi Y/n, i see you've been looking at me and hesistating about something, is there something i can help you with?"
You shyly told him that you were struggling with chemistry homework and he didn't think twice in helping you.
"Sure! Here, let me see. I'll read it first then i'll explain it to you."
You see him nodding and humming as he scan through the pages of your notebook.
Believe it or not WITHIN 5 MINS. he suddenly closed the notebook and said "Alright, i see what your homework is about. Sit here beside me, i'll show you" while showing you a wide warm smile.
Mans a VISUAL LEARNER (he asked if it was okay for him to write on the back of your notebook - ofc you said yes)
He draws and writes things on the back of your note book and literally creates a framework guide for you to understand the concept of the lesson.
"Do you understand it better now?" (he won't mind to go over it again)
You easily understood what he taught you and you were amazed by how this man just made it easy like that. (Yes, effortlessly like that)
You thanked him and offered something to give him but he stopped you from there.
"No need y/n, I'm glad i was able to help you. Really, i mean it. You don't have to give anything" (but if you insist, i bet you he would agree eating ice cream with you after class - he ofc brings Kenma with him)
"If you're struggling with any homework, you can ask me or ask kenma. No worries, glad to be of help."
Didn't notice you at first cause he's busy playing video games.
"Oh Y/n, sorry i was kinda busy- what can i do for you?"
He's just sitting there looking up at you, gameboy in hand.
When you told him you were gonna ask for help with regards to the homework (he tried to hide it but he was flustered & flattered that you thought he was THAT good that you asked him for help yourself) he just nodded and offered to take a look at your notebook.
He silently scanned through the pages and after a while he explained the concept to you.
The way he explained it was so detailed that you felt like your brain was overwhlemed with the information but at the same time you learned a lot from him.
"Do you understand the concept now? If not i can send you a file with a complete guide in it. I made it myself, if you need any other notes you can tell me." (he really made NOTES everytime he and kuroo studied cause he doesn't wanna ask kuroo again - best believe this man has COMPLETE notes)
He showed a small smile when you thanked him and you offered to buy him ice cream but he suggested another idea instead "An apple pie would great though, but you don't really have to give me anything. It's alright y/n"
You insisted - you ended up eating apple pie with kenma and he tagged Kuroo along (Kuroo is eating ice cream)
When you checked your notifications when you got home, he literally ended up sending you ALL OF HIS NOTES. He attached a message saying:
" You're welcome :)"
You didn't have a hard time approaching him, he was approachable - But he was dumbfounded when you asked him about the homework.
"What homework?"
You were standing in front of him, (looking up - bc he was TALL) with a blank emotion in your face T.T (you thought to yourself: wDYM YOU DON'T KNOW THERE'S A HOMEWORK?!??!)
You were just in awe that he was clueless standing there (your jaw almost hit the floor) T.T
After a while of him trying to remember the homework, he was SHOCKED "RIGHT! THAT HOMEWORK!"
Asks you how to do it instead T.T
He suggested you both go to Kuroo to get help (HE REALLY SAID SOS T.T)
You both were tutored by Kuroo and both got PERFECT SCORES!! ^^
After that you became chaotic besties fr!! <3
You were greeted by him with a warm smile as you approach closer.
"Hey Y/n! How are you?" (a warm ball of sunshine fr)
"I see, alright here let me see that" (HE DIDN'T THINK TWICE)
He scanned through it and let you sit beside him as he was trying to figure out at which part were you having a hard time. (He does not mind if he would go over it all again for a number of times - he would understand)
He explained the concept to you in its simplest form and you thanked him after.
He offered to get ice cream after (HE INSISTED TO PAY FOR IT)
You were flustered, you thought you were the one to buy him ice cream (he disagreed and pain immediately so that you won't pay for it)
P R I N C E S S T R E A T M E N T/?!?!?!
"I noticed you were getting anxious so i offered to eat ice cream to calm your nerves down. Cheer up y/n, you'll get through your 1st year smoothly. If you're having difficulties just message me or tell me okay?"
Pls he is so caring and a type that would know how to comfort you.
Yes, he offered to be you tutor too (FOR FREE!!!!!!!)
YOU ACED THE HOMEWORK (at this point you can graduate with flying colors bc of how good this man is in mentoring you)
note: part 2??
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There's something in the differing emphasis that Brad and Hunter and Charles place on the phrase "good guy" that really affected me on my first watch and hit even harder on my second. I'm going to try and put it into words.
When Brad and Hunter say it, they say "we're good guys", as in, good at everything a guy "should" be good at - good at sports, popular with the ladies, on their way to a good university. But they turn out to be total shitheads. They don't care about being "good", they just care about their reputation, how they're perceived. It's status and power - they're good guys and they feel entitled to do whatever they want.
But when Charles, feeling betrayed by this reveal of their character, says he wanted them to be good guys, the emphasis is completely different. Charles wants to be a "good guy". He doesn't want to be a "bad guy".
The emphasis is on good, because that's really the crux of Charles' greatest fears, isn't it?
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When Charles wants to be a good guy, he doesn't mean it the way Brad and Hunter do; that veneer of goodness that comes with popularity. He means that nothing he did was ever good enough for his dad. Doing the good thing and helping that kid his "friends" were beating up literally got him killed. Trying to stop Devlin only got him trapped in the loop, stuck until his friends freed him, only able to watch helplessly as a mother and her innocent children get slashed to death before his eyes.
And it's this helplessness that is the thing that truly sets him off at the end of episode 4.
It always struck me just how much of his breakdown there, for as much as he finally gives a voice to his own hurt at the injustice of his situation, was still about other people. Because he was secure-ish, at one point, when he was Edwin's partner and protector. He thought he did a good job at it anyways, but guess not, because something obviously happened with Edwin and he's not talking to him about it. And he likes to think he did good with solving cases, but Crystal is still hurting and haunted by a demon and nearly threw herself off a cliff earlier that day because she wants her parents so badly, and he's no closer to helping her solve that. And all of it, every single part of it, is a reflection of his own unresolved trauma; that he never "made it better" and he can't, so now he tries to be good enough for other people, but that isn't working anymore either, and now someone is threatening to take Edwin away, and even this final shocking act of anger and violence is still in service of protecting; of saving someone from the suffering he was never able to escape except by fucking dying.
His anger, really, stems from the injustice of it all, and the abuse of power by guys who can get away with it because they're guys, when they should've, could've, been good to others instead. It's a large part of why he projected so strongly onto Brad and Hunter - they did everything right, they were good guys who got screwed over, because even if everyone seems to love you, there's always that one person you can never please, right? Who will hurt you, no matter how good you are. When it's revealed that Brad and Hunter are far more like his bullies, like Devlin, like his dad, than he'd thought - controlling, intolerant, cruel to those who "step out of line" - Charles feels betrayed and horrified because he related to them... so what does that say about him?
But here's one major difference that Charles does not seem to recognize well. Charles has never had the power in these situations. He was the victim, and his being the victim is through no fault of his own, but the fault of those who decided to be cruel. It is certainly not contingent on how good he is. Being good in the eyes of people who want to hurt you will not stop them from hurting you.
When he lashes out at the Night Nurse, it's out of helplessness and rage. Once again, he's pitted against someone who holds more power than he does and is threatening harm, and he's just been bitterly, brutally reminded that a smile and a helping hand and a firm word never, ever worked to make it stop. There's only one other way he can think of to shift the balance of power, and he's finally livid enough to actually do it. This violence is a desperate attempt to finally overcome yet another force much greater than him, a transdimensional entity that has unjustly arrived to take his best friend to Hell. And Charles wins, he did it, he stopped her, at least for the moment. But at what cost, when he looks at his friends and can't tell whether they look more scared for him or of him? And can he blame them, when he's clearly scared of his own anger and how overwhelming it is now that it's been let out?
Because he tries so hard to be good and it's never good enough to stop the suffering. Because that anger rose to the surface so easily and maybe that means he's not good at all.
But of course, Charles once again misses something important here - there is a distinction in why that anger exists. His dad, Devlin, and Brad and Hunter get angry because their power over others makes them feel they have a right to punish when things don't go their way. Charles gets angry because he feels more helpless than he'd care to admit, and seeing cruelty inflicted onto others by those with power makes him want to cut them down to size.
And herein lies the second major difference. Charles... is a kind person, at heart. He's genuine. He really does likes helping out, he likes making people happy, he doesn't turn people away who need help, he's friendly and protective. The scene where Edwin pulls him out of his fear that he's somehow bad even though he really doesn't want to be, is outright one of my favourite scenes for what it brings to both of their characters. Edwin knows exactly what to say. While it's always good to check your behaviour, to apologize and take accountability - because no one can be good all the time, and even the most well-intentioned of us will mess up sometimes - Edwin is right.
"Bad guys do not worry about being bad guys."
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So, Gunwild, the writer of Cassiopeia Quinn, made a comment on that post about webcomics turning into illustrated prose
gunwildversuseverything said: I was hoping this would prompt a discussion about formats and expression, but no, it’s about artist versus writer workloads and “amount of story” being reduced to equations and word counts and update schedules. Figures.
And you know what, it's a good point. So instead of getting into the Artist vs Writers debate for the millionth time, let's take a look at how you, and artist and/or writer, can get a story told on the internet. For the sake of this discussion, lets assume you don't have any actual preference for a given medium that might influence you, you just want to know what's right for your story and will learn whatever skills you need.
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Comics are the most visual-heavy medium that a solo project can realistically do. This has several business advantages (pictures do better on social media), but it's also a good fit for stories with a bunch of things that are interesting to look at. Cassiopeia Quinn is a story heavily featuring weird alien races, cool spaceships, and attractive young women with extraordinarily casual dress codes. These are visual things! And visual things can be conveyed super quickly and subtly using visuals. Imagine just the "Cassiopeia doesn't wear pants" gimmick, if this was written out. If Cassiopeia gets a description of her appearance the first time she shows up in chapter one and then it's kind of glossed over, the reader would forget. If every time Cassiopeia entered a scene Gunwild had to go
Cassiopeia sauntered up to the motorcycle rack. Her own rack was barely contained by a dangling strip of black fabric, visible through an open orange jacket. Black elbow-high sleeves, covering her hands, matched her thigh-high stockings, separated from her black panties by her thigh pouch.
Somehow it's a lot less cute when it's written out like this, huh? And it also takes way longer to read that then it does to just look at her on the page, which increases the chance your readers might get bored. Comics are the medium that takes the most time to make and also the least time to read, which makes readers a lot more likely to put up with exposition or a plot tangent that doesn't really connect with them. Even if your comic has bits that don't grip your readers, they can grip themselves if you show them interesting bits.
The main downside of comics is the "equations and update schedules" part. They take a looooooong time to make, even compared to everything else. It's also got issues with how people read it. A comic that looks good on a desktop often looks too small on a phone.
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This style is so strongly associated with Homestuck that a lot of people who weren't making explicitly Homestuck-themed comics seem to have been scared off it. But it's a perfectly cromulent format. It reads well on both desktop and mobile, and lets you use art for all your visuals while using text for dialogue and character thoughts. It's not, however, the best fit for every story. Because each panel is separate, it can be hard to make an exciting action scene this way, which is part of why this format is also associated with special animated pages (I mean, besides "Homestuck did it"). The panels don't really flow into each other, and there's a constant switching between looking and reading.
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Distinguished from the Text Under a Panel Style mostly by the ratio of text to art, without a hard line demarcating the distinction between them. This style also reads well in desktop and mobile. Well, it should, but a lot of webcomics who switch to this style tend to stay in their webcomic format, meaning it's a picture of text that doesn't resize legibly, grumble grumble. I don't....I don't know if I need to explain the concept of "text" to people. You know what words are, and if you don't there's nothing I can say to explain it.
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I'm not going to claim to be a visual novel expert, but the main advantages are that it's the most art-efficient medium of any of these (because you can flat-out reuse art), the main disadvantages are that you'll usually need music, it's maybe not as well suited to long monologues, and most importantly that it's not a good method for drip-feed three-day-a-week updates. You kind of have to release the entire thing all at once, or at least in large episodes.
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A comic like Out-of-Placers is mostly traditional, but uses illustrated prose for lore updates. Prequel is text-under-a-panel but not always, and of course Homestuck is the absolute king of format switching, even ignoring the animations. The upside is that you can use the best format for any given scene, and that you're constantly keeping your readers on their toes. The downside (besides having to learn to do all this shit) is that you kind of have to commit to the bit and get your readers on board early with the idea that you're going to just be doing whatever this week. It's also harder to take full advantage of any one medium if you're constantly switching them up
I'm sure I'm forgetting about two hundred formats, but what are the biggest ones I'm missing?
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havoc-7 · 3 days
Why Tech's Death Maybe WASN'T Handled As Badly As We Think
Okay y'all, this is definitely gonna be a hot take but I just have to say it:
I was, and still am, DEVASTATED about Tech's death.
I want him to be alive so bad. I think he deserved so much better.
I thought it was frustrating the way that his death was handled in S3--sort of there in these small little moments, but never meaningfully acknowledged, and certainly never grappled with by the characters the way that it should be. We never see the characters really experience closure with regards to Tech's death, and so we, by extension, never experience the same closure, and we left feeling this continuing sense of bereavement and grief and anger and injustice.
I think that is the way we are supposed to feel about it.
The Bad Batch is about, among other things, the dehumanizing effects and the tragic costs of war and genocide. It is about a group of people (the clones) who have to fight for basic human rights, for the right to have their own identities and to create their own futures. That is not a battle that is only fought in fiction. People fight that fight every day, all over the world.
Tech's death boiled down to this: Tech loves his brother, Crosshair. Crosshair is brainwashed and manipulated by a corrupt government who stripped him of his identity and free will and isolated him from his family. When Crosshair finally becomes disillusioned with the Empire, his usefulness to them as a soldier disappears and he becomes nothing more than a test subject for inhumane experimentation. Tech sees a chance to save Crosshair from this, but the plans go awry and now he and all his brothers face the same fate. The logical solution: sacrifice himself. Make sure they get away. Make sure they never have to go through what the Empire will put them through. Give them a chance at a future.
Tech's death never should have happened because the Empire never should have happened. What the Empire did to the clones never should have happened. The clones should never have had to fight for the right to be human beings.
Was his death incredibly noble? Absolutely. Is he a hero? Absolutely.
But in real life, a fact of war is that brave people are going to have to make profound sacrifices that, despite being noble and heroic, should never have to be made, because the fact is, we should just all be able to treat each other like human beings without having to go to war about it. And in real life, there are families who never receive 100% closure after losing loved ones, especially to war. Families are ripped apart every day and never have a chance to grieve, reconcile, come to terms. They just have to press forward.
And that has always been a major theme of Star Wars: that despite what happens, despite what we lose, the mission is just to keep going, to live to fight another day, to build a better future, to not let sacrifices go to waste. And that's what the Batch does.
Again, does that mean I'm happy with how Tech's death was handled in S3? No. I still think that his death was outrageously ignored for him being such a major character. I know that the Batch is not really supposed to reach full closure until the very end--the epilogue, really, because emotional turmoil and tension plays such a big role in S3--but if that is the case, then Tech's death certainly could have contributed to some of that turmoil and tension in a much more satisfying way, so that fans are not left thinking that the entire Bad Batch just shrugged of Tech's death and said, "Eh, great, he sacrificed himself for us, his choice, he knew the risks, so let's just move on." If they were as close a family as the show wants us to think, then Tech's death would have been a shadow over them every single day for a long time, and the last season just never really gives us that, at least not in the way we need. It could have afforded to be much more open about Tech's death.
However, the lingering feelings of grief that we fans feel because Tech died may be a good thing, because they show that we are human, and they show that we recognize the wrongness and injustice of it all. They show that we have not become desensitized to sacrifice. And, in light of all the themes and messages the show tries to portray, I think that might be the point.
Tech represents all of the real people, all over the world, who heroically died fighting fights that never should have had to be fought.
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moonyasnow · 3 days
Just some Octatrio thoughts, about another post
Ok I don't usually do this but this one take about the Octatrio I scrolled past on my dash the other day has invaded my brain like a parasite and latched on and absolutely refuses to let go, so I just need to get it out of my system or it's gonna drive me crazy
I don't remember the OP's name, but if I remember correctly the post was basically about how, apparently(apologies in advance if I got something wrong or misrepresented the OP's words):
People who have soft, fluffy headcanons for Azul, Jade and Floyd are kids who had the jokes the characters were based on, such as:
Jade likes mountains apparently not because he just thinks nature is fascinating but it's supposed to be a joke for mountains being good places to dump bodies
The Leeches are implied to be a literal fish mafia
The Octatrio are dressed like American prohibition-era mobsters
Jade and Floyd want to eat Azul
fly over their heads.
And I just—
The only word I can think of to explain what I feel every time I remember it is 'baffled'. I mean absolutely 0 disrespect in any way, shape or form to the OP, but I am genuinely fascinated by how they could have come to those conclusions.
My first thought was 'no actually I'm pretty sure people get it' And there are people over the age of 18 who have fluffy headcanons about them too, you know?
My second is 'why can't it be both?' Like, why can't Jade genuinely find mountains and nature fascinating while having it on a more meta level also be a small joke about how mountains are good places for dumping bodies?
Why can't Floyd like Takoyaki while also NOT wanting to eat his best friend?
Why can't the Leeches be a mafia family while still having Jade and Floyd, who are literally still teenagers, be multidimensional characters who have priorities and like other things than just 'haha murder'?
Sure, those jokes and influences are there, but they are not the end-all-be-all of the characters? This just feels like a very one-dimensional way of looking at these characters.
And isn't TWST's entire thing that appearances can be deceiving? In a way I feel like Jade's love of mountains being viewed as 'oh he dumps bodies there because he's a scary ocean monster and has thus probably killed people before so of course that's why' is a very surface-level reading and understanding of him as a character— it just sounds like something some random student who has only seen him from afar and doesn't actually know him as a person would think.
And it's a similar thing with the Takoyaki. The surface-level reading would be 'if he likes eating Takoyaki, which has octopus in it, that must mean he wants to eat Azul too! Because Floyd is big and scary and has probably killed people before' To me it also sounds like something Ace or Grim might think before Book 3.
And, while I'm not gonna deny the Tweels have almost certainly murdered (or at least gotten close to it) people before, in a way it just feels kinda...idk, mean-spirited? To say, for example, that Jade can't just have nature be a thing he enjoys for its own merits, that he's not allowed to have that as just a thing he genuinely likes and there has to be some deeper, meta reason for why. Or that Floyd can't just enjoy Takoyaki and probably tease Azul with it but also not actually want to eat him because he likes him and wants him around. To me that kinda feels like sucking all the joy and interesting nuance out of a character, in a way.
And implying that the people who don't ascribe to the same view as you are kids also feels somewhat infantilizing? Like, it just comes off as saying that the people who disagree haven't thought about it hard enough or just aren't smart enough to get it, and I just feel like that's not a great stance to take in any kind of discussion. Quite a flimsy way of trying to discredit the opinions of those who disagree, too.
I am NOT trying to start any kind of 'drama' or 'attack OP' or anything like that; I'm genuinely very confused— I just feel like one of us, either OP or me, is misunderstanding something here
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epiphainie · 3 days
I completely agree with you in that there are many bad faith interpretations of tommy and buck and tommy’s relationship. I don’t know if this one I’m about to share would necessarily be a bad faith interpretation but I’d like your take on it. In the scene where buck comes out to eddie, eddie says to buck “this changes nothing between us” and buck responds with something along the lines of “uh good, that’s a relief”. I’ve seen a lot of people interpret buck’s facial expressions as not showing just relief but relief mixed disappointment because a part of buck wanted things to change between them, in the romantic sense, he just doesn’t realize it. I do agree that buck’s expression as he says the words is interesting but I don’t personally think it has anything to do with him harbouring romantic feelings for eddie. for me it felt like one of those moments where you dread the reaction for so long, that when you finally face the thing and open up, even if the other person’s reaction is positive, it takes a minute for you to really internalise it and let yourself believe it.
Another moment that people often talk about from this scene is reaction to buck saying he can’t stop thinking about tommy. People often say eddie’s facial expression shows some sort of disappointment but again, I don’t know if that’s it? again, it is an interesting expression so I get why people would pause and focus for a minute but to me, it reads as eddie searching for a moment to give his honest advice to buck in the scenario.
Anyway, I’d love your thoughts on those particular moments and how you see them. Again, I’m not saying that the interpretations people are making of that scene in relation to buddie are necessarily in bad faith. I know it’s fun to analyze and interpret scenes in ways that you enjoy and I’d never want people to stop doing that. I just feel like Oliver and Tim have been very clear in that they do not want to tell a story where a guy comes out and is in love with his best friend and if buck was truly disappointed in hearing eddie say nothing’s going to change between them post buck’s coming out, that would be a quite bold contradiction.
Hi anon!
I'm not sure if you actually meant to send this to me because I'm kind of the exact opposite of a person who engages in the practice of reverse-engineering actors' faces to find deep secret meanings that doesn't actually exist in the script. I think it's a slippery slop of a fan practice where if you go "haha he looks jealous here" and want to make it gay in your fantasy world and are capable of compartmentalizing that from the actual text, it's great! If you look at it like it's subtext that is meant to one day come to surface, as some sort of proof that this is not the actual story, you're either too deep in your world that you treat these characters like they have agencies and thoughts and feelings and are not, yknow, fictional - or that actors are making the conscious choice to layer their performances with breadcrumbs for a plot that doesn't exist at the time.
I've seen all these arguments with almost every scene this season. Eddie's face when Tommy enters the bachelor party. Buck's face when Bobby says Tommy is good for him. Bobby's face when he says Tommy is good for Buck. Eddie's smile when they enter the hospital room. Most of these are insignificant and the others have in-text explanation (Yeah, Bobby smiles weirdly in that scene. Guess what, he's kind of planning to kill himself). And like I said, if people want to read these in a pro-Buddie sense and go do fandom stuff with it, that's great. But we all know this fandom is taken over by the question of "will Buck and Eddie happen?" so everyone who's not even doing this in bad faith (I don't think all do) are looking at it in "does this support canon romantic Buddie?" lenses. So much of shipping Buddie is about speculating for the next episode, next season, next whatever that I think it's so easy to find yourself on that slippery slop where you fit every shot, face, editing choice to your interpretation. There's also the sunk cost fallacy at play here - once you do it for so long, it's hard to give up on the belief that it'll happen.
I think both Oliver and Ryan great actors - and that scene is one of my favorites in the season - but no, I don't think there's more to their faces than what they're given to play. Which is as all of them mentioned a billion times, a scene of a guy nervously coming out as queer to his best friend and receiving support. If I'm wrong and the rest of this fandom is right and the production/writers/showrunners are actually fully married to the idea of canon romantic Buddie but The Powers That Be are keeping gay Eddie in the closet as if he's a real person and they're the evil step-mother, and come S10 Buck realizes he's been in love with his bff all along, then yeah in-text, that would recontextualize all their performances. It still wouldn't change what the writers' intention has been with the text as it exists today or be proof that Oliver and Ryan are making acting choices for a hypothetical future SL.
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ll-0-yd · 1 day
What is the deal with Kai's everything being so overlooked?
I was scrolling through AO3 for Dragons Rising Part 2 angst related to you know- KAI BEING SACRIFICED, and all of the fics were about Jay losing his memory?
It got me thinking about how Kai's relationship with Nya has always been pushed aside in favour of her and Jay's, like seriously that's his sister for crying out loud, move over Jay you're just the boyfriend.
In skybound when Nya died, who was holding her? In seabound who got to speak to her and try to convince her to stay? In crystalized whose grief was more focused on?
Why is it all about Jay? Kai raised her, and he became a ninja to save and protect her, he's literally related to her!
He cared when Zane died (s3), Lloyd got possessed (s5) and kidnapped (pretty much every season), and when Cole fell (s10) so it's not like they are trying to write his character as the no emotions-suffer-in-silence kind of guy right?
It's not just with his relationship with Nya, anytime something bad happens to Kai he's either directly told to get over it or, forced to focus on something else, then the issue seems to be forgotten?
Not just by the fandom but by the writers too! And until recently people still believed he was just a selfish character that only thinks about himself, when that really was never the case!!
When Zane died Kai said this to Lloyd: " And where's the Master of Ice, huh? He's gone, but I'm still here. Who cares about honour? It should've been me. I should've been the one—"
He is literally talking about taking Zane's place in being the one who died, not because he's selfish but because he thinks Zane was a more useful member of the team!? He felt like he could and should have done more to make sure Zane didn't do what he did, to protect him, and instead of being comforted in this state of mind, he got told: "You always thought you should've been the one. First, it was being the Green Ninja, now this. When are you gonna start thinking of someone other than yourself?"
THAT IS NOT A SELFISH STATEMENT. Not cool Lloyd, I love u but not cool. >:(
I could give more examples but I have a Lloyd plush to save!
(my father said if I don't get an A on my next school assignment he'll feed the new Lloyd plush he got me to the dog...)
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nhasablogg · 2 days
If I'm to let it in, it might just stay forever
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Derek/Spencer
Summary: Derek and Spencer go to the tickle club.
Anonymous said: So in the For Love to Replace your Shame fic the last line basically says that after a couple weeks they walk back into the club hand in hand. I was wondering if you could write a small fic where Derek and Spencer are in the club together? I just wanna see Spencer actually be able to enjoy it :)) -M
Words: 1.4k
Read it on AO3.
Referenced fic here.
Spencer looked good under the flashing lights. Not necessarily as though he belonged, because he was visibly nervous, his grip on Derek’s hand tight enough to be uncomfortable, but he looked good because he seemed giddy. A spark in his eyes which Derek hadn’t really seen before, especially not in regards to this, something that still made him shut down before he realized he wasn’t being judged.
The Feather was jam-packed. A Saturday, which had been absolutely freezing and miserable, prompting desperate people to seek fun after dark, and boy did they sound like they were having fun. Now that Derek was here off the clock he felt much more relaxed, and so he was taking it all in differently. Not seeking, simply watching, though he was mostly watching Spencer. While Spencer was obviously still a bit on edge it wasn’t as bad as their first couple of visits. He wasn’t alone with his feelings anymore, his shoulders lighter. His eyes were everywhere, head going back and forth, his cheeks pinkening as the ticklish laughter surrounded them.
Derek leaned closer to him to be heard over the music. “We can stay as long as you want, which also means we can leave whenever, okay?”
Spencer nodded. “Okay.”
“I mean it, pretty boy. The minute you want to leave, we leave.”
Spencer squeezed his hand. “I hear you.”
“Good.” Derek squeezed back, wondering if the visit would include him tickling Spencer at all or if they would be saving it until later, behind the four walls of a bedroom. He’d just started doing it, tickling Spencer until he was a giggly mess, without it ending with Derek having to reassure him that he loved that this was something he wanted him to do. Not that he minded it, but he was glad it was becoming easier now. He quite enjoyed himself doing it.
They’d decided to come back to The Feather because Derek found it unfair that Spencer had had his eye on this club for ages before he’d been forced to visit it due to a case, but what Derek hadn’t told him was that he was equally as curious to return. Curious about it all, curious about what would catch Spencer’s eye, about how he would react. Spencer could probably feel his gaze on him, and while he might’ve felt self conscious about it he seemed entirely too preoccupied to say anything about it.
“Oh, look, I did that to you last night.” Derek didn’t mean for it to sound as any form of teasing - he genuinely felt a surge of excitement as he caught sight of a woman trying to twist out of the grip of another woman who was targeting her hips - but Spencer covered his face in embarrassment anyway. Maybe Derek wasn’t too mad about it.
“I think this might end me,” he said, peeking out when Derek nudged him.
Spencer didn’t know this, but Derek hadn’t been able to stop thinking of this, this moment, the things Spencer had told him, for the past few days. He’d imagined them entering. Imagined Spencer being grabbed left and right by unknown, eager hands. He’d imagined being jealous, but there had been something appealing about the sight, too. Sensual, almost. Of course that didn’t end up happening, because these people valued consent more than anything. And besides, Spencer didn’t want to come here to get tickled by others. He’d told him that countless times.
“I want to experience it normally,” he’d said. “Remove the case from it.”
And Derek, who had thought of the case nearly every single day since it had happened, had understood what he meant.
They hadn’t talked about what they expected out of this experience. Spencer had seemed too anxious and excited and shy all at the same time for Derek to want to ask. He couldn’t imagine he wanted strangers to touch him anyway, besides his protests, but if he did, in the midst of drunken giddiness to finally be able to be himself, non-judged, Derek needed to quickly decide how he felt about it, because who was he to deny Spencer this if he wanted it?
But who was he kidding. He didn’t like the idea of that at all.
“Quick question,” he said as they elbowed their way deeper into the room, aiming to take a lap before ordering drinks. “I know you said you don’t want to, but if someone grabs for you, am I supposed to protect you?”
“If someone- grabs for me?”
“You know. Pulls you into a tickle fight.”
“Oh. Well, I doubt anyone would.”
“Right, but if.”
“Sure, yeah, protect me. I don’t think I’d like that.”
“I don’t think I’d like that either.”
Spencer grinned, the last bit of anxiety falling off his face. “You’d be jealous.”
“I so wouldn’t.”
“Uh huh.”
Derek liked the fact that Spencer was smiling too much to get all in his feelings about this, and so he merely pulled him closer with the pretense of pulling him with him. He wasn’t stupid enough to think Spencer believed that that was his intention, but it made him feel better to pretend. They’d not reached the stage where honesty overpowered anything else yet. They still had walls, although they’d broken down several of them pre-relationship, if that was what they had. They’d not talked about it.
Derek was absolutely terrified to talk about it, truth be told.
“You think we can just- go in?” he asked as they stopped in front of a door labeled “bondage room”.
Spencer shook his head. “We shouldn’t either way. I wouldn’t want to have people see that.”
“That’s fair.” Memories of the case flashed before him. The idea of Spencer tied up, helpless. The thing he desired being used against him.
A hand on his wrist, squeezing it. “I’m okay, Derek.”
Derek knew he wasn’t, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he slipped his hand into Spencer’s, squeezing it back. “Let’s get something to drink, okay?”
Spencer nodded and they made their way through the crowd hand in hand, something Derek still wasn’t used to.
“Do you want a Tickle Me Drink or a Blushy Lee Bourbon?” Derek asked him as they sat down by the bar, reading off the menu on the wall. When he turned back to him Spencer was blushing, although he didn’t avert his gaze, and Derek suddenly felt as if he would explode.
“Not a fan of bourbon,” was all he said, glancing down up the drinks list. “How about a Pick Your Spot Pina Colada?”
“You got it, pretty boy.”
Derek wanted to tease him about picking a drink without a name which he would have a hard time saying out loud, but he didn’t. Instead he leaned over toward the bartender - not the bastard from the case - and ordered for them both. Derek picked the Cosmotickleton, grinning when Spencer squirmed beside him.
“So,” he said as the bartender went away to start on their drinks. “How are you feeling so far?”
Spencer shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
“I’m sure it’s a lot to take in after everything.” Derek leaned closer, a finger on Spencer’s arm. “How ‘bout you tell me what you’re liking?”
Spencer shivered, subtly, but Derek could feel it. “About the club?”
“Uh huh.”
“I like how accepting it is.” His answer came quickly and easily. “It’s loud and overstimulating, but- well, I’ve never felt safe in a club before, you know?”
Derek wanted to ask more. Wanted to hear him talk about the particular tickle scenarios that were happening all around him, but realized Spencer wasn’t here for that. Realized there was more to it than the exposure to the tickling itself. Maybe one day Derek would understand. He was happy to wait, happy to explore, happy to solve parts of the puzzle himself until that day.
They got their drinks, clinked their glasses together and watched the dance floor. Watched people kiss and grind and tickle and jump. And later, they danced - Spencer was a hip swinger much to Derek’s delight - and as they pressed close, and with Spencer’s permission, he pressed his fingers into his sides, making him swing in a different way. And even later, when they stumbled into Derek’s apartment because it was closer, Derek kissed him for several minutes before he went for his ribs, but only because Spencer had grown impatient.
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niinnyu · 2 days
Gege's payoff followed by setup problem, and why Shibuya Arc is still their finest writing.
Gege's writing structure has become so reliant on catching the readers by surprise that they just won't tell anything to the reader. Going into Gojo vs sukuna and the fight fest it's been since, readers have no clue of if there was any strategic/tactical planning happening (outside of Yuuji training with Kusakabe which is sloowwly coming back to the limelight).
The current buildup by adding emphasis to Sukuna and Yuuji and their dynamic, Yuuji's rage and loneliness and loss, only to bring in a Gojo-Yuuta vs Sukuna part 2 electric boogaloo. Which imo is another fight that has no interesting overarching commentary/themes outside of being the promised shounen strong vs strong fight, in a power system already criticised by both sides for being flawed.
It feels like Gege uses shock value and people eating absolutely anything up if it's about their fav, to bypass any meaningful setup.
The reason why Shibuya had the effect of absolute gutwrenching loss and defeat, is because it was setup so deliciously done. We'd seen the villains literally experiment their ideas with the veils on our heroes with the sister-school event, we've seen them talk about their plan with a lot of details, and how eventually they tweaked it to work better with their new knowledge.
We've seen that the mastermind might be someone from Gojo's past since they talk about how they cant be seen by Gojo, then you have jjk0 which shows the rift and the death of that someone (intrugue! Theyre still alive?? They're still on the bad side with that ending??) , following which you have Hidden Inventory where you see the bond and what caused the rift.
And ONLY THEN do you have everything fall into place when Kenjaku appears and Gojo is tricked because you were tricked alongside Gojo even tho as the reader almost everything was right in plain sight with just the lack of some context. Even the inconsistencies between Suguru's and now revealed Kenjaku's behaviour makes sense.
Althought the setup happened rather non-linearly, all of it was still always before the payoff. And boy, does it pay off.
And when things didn't go according to the villains' well thought out plans, it was still just such a seen yet unforeseen turn of events. We didn't know Yuuji would be fed so many of Sukuna's fingers that Sukuna would take over, but Sukuna taking over was an underlying threat that has been constant throughout the story and it just so happened to take place then).
Everything since the culling games has felt like things just happening one after the other. Short term goals that our protagonists had to complete since no one knew what was even happening. An entire year's worth of chapters of not seeing our protagonists and following new people who didn't/haven't yet done anything to truly warrant that much undivided paneltime. Anyone remember the US gov subplot? Did i dream that?
The last genuinely set up but still pretty shocking event was Sukuna using their binding vow and taking over Yuuji's body only to then take over Megumi's. We knew he wanted Megumi's power and the binding vow was another underlying threat since Yuuji's first death that was waiting to happen. Abrupt? Yes. But it was something hinted happening.
By no means am I saying that the reader should be told everything, that's not how writing works, but have enough at least fall into place when things are revealed instead of showing the puzzle completed then picking out puzzle pieces to show it individually and putting them back. A couple of panels where a character says something vague where you as the reader don't even know if it's something to take into account is NOT good set up.
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aceof-stars · 1 day
Actually, “Feenie” Makes Perfect Sense as a Backstory for Phoenix (+ 3-1 Initial Thoughts)
I've decided to start a series where I record my thoughts and analysis as I play through the Ace Attorney games for the first time. I'll try to post these as soon as I finish a case so that my thoughts are fresh.
Phoenix Wright/"Feenie"
I've noticed critiques in this fandom that "Feenie" from Turnabout Memories is too different from Phoenix in the trilogy or that the backstory is poorly inserted. But, honestly I disagree. It's easy to treat Phoenix and Feenie as different people because of their different outfits and mannerisms, but I think the characterization is consistent (despite "Feenie" being exaggerated sometimes for comedic effect).
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I've seen the fandom portray "Feenie" as a sweet pushover. But if anything, his belief is extremely stubborn and strong-willed. Phoenix believed in true love and fate which was why he accepts that necklace in the first place. He also never relents to Dahlia (or should I say Iris) when she asks for the necklace back.
He’s only able to be used and manipulated by Dahlia because his own goals and beliefs aligned with the facade she presented to him.
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Phoenix literally shoves a guy so hard that he fell onto his back because he badmouthed Dahlia. I think one constant of Phoenix's character is that he cares too deeply and is protective over the people he loves.
There's also the part where Phoenix mocks Doug for being British? or wearing the British flag (I didn’t take a screenshot of it). “Feenie” is just as sassy and judgmental as Phoenix is. He might be a lot more naive and immature but he's still Phoenix.
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Oh Phoenix... back when you believed in people saving you... before you bottled up your problems and refused to let anyone help you...
To be fair he is the defendant here but still. He doesn't ask for support after Edgeworth disappears, he doesn't ask for help at first when Maya is kidnapped.
I think, unfortunately, this incident with Dahlia is what kickstarted a lot of his trust and abandonment issues. His overwhelmingly strong belief and trust in Dahlia backfired in the worst way possible. It’s not a stretch that this made him too terrified of betrayal to open up to anyone in the trilogy.
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So I know this is for comedic effect, but it’s also really good proof that Phoenix heavily idealizes the people he gets super attached to.
(Coughs in Edgeworth and Justice for All)
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… I mean he’s not wrong! But he’s also being delusional
This is one of the first things Phoenix says after finding out he was betrayed. He doesn't spend much time acknowledging his feelings of hurt. He just goes into denial.
This is just further proof for me that Phoenix’s coping mechanisms are suppression and delusion.
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And then Phoenix immediately he moves on to saving Edgeworth! He just shoves all that trauma aside to fixate on saving someone else... to cope by giving himself more control. Phoenix's savior complex stems from abandonment issues.
This trial doesn't give Phoenix the idea to save Edgeworth, it solidifies it.
After being reminded by Mia of his belief that a defense attorney saves people, Phoenix firmly sets himself on this path.
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There it is. Phoenix says it himself... he suppressed these memories. That's why he never brought it up in the last two games. I know the real reason is because the creators didn’t plan it, but it also makes sense narratively.
I mean, Phoenix hides the class trial story until Turnabout Goodbyes. This man does not like to talk about his problems or trauma.
Mia Fey
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Damn Mia is so brutal. Is this where Phoenix gets his sass from?
Mia is also not how I expected her to be. I mean whenever she gets channeled to help Phoenix out, she's in the role of the wise mentor. But here? She's a nervous wreck, cynical of romance, and full of trust issues.
Speaking of trust issues... I unfortunately did not take a screenshot of this but as soon as Mia finds out Phoenix has lying to her, she reacts very strongly with distrust. She also has to convince herself multiple times to trust in him again. Believing in people or trusting them doesn't seem to come easy to Mia. Which is super interesting because her advice is to always believe in your client. Maybe Mia eventually got used to trusting her clients but... she also never tells Phoenix about her investigation in Redd White. I don't think Mia is as trusting as she presents herself as.
Final Thoughts...
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Turnabout Memories is my favorite first case so far :) Lots of good character moments for Phoenix and Mia. I also wish I had more to say about Dahlia but I think I'll save my thoughts on her for my 3-4 post.
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At this point, this is barely a TAZ AU. I'm kind of just making my own shit up.
Explaination for what the fuck this comic Means under the cut - spoilers for The Adventure Zone: Balance arc!
So. The big Reveal of TAZ is that our main characters were a part of an inter-planar expedition that went horribly wrong. They were chased by the apocalypse (The Hunger) for a hundred years across different planar systems, as it attempted to consume a power known as the Light of Creation. Anytime they failed to retrieve the Light of Creation from a planar system, the Hunger would devour that entire world and all of it's inhabitants.
They realized that if they split the Light of Creation into 7 different parts, they could effectively disguise it's power from the Hunger, and finally find a permanent home. So all of the crew members made a powerful magic item called a Grand Relic from their part of the light.
The plane they did this plan on had a lot of similarities to their home plane - notably, some of their relatives and other people they recognized existed on this plane. This was just a lampshade to explain why one of the main characters cousins had been important to an earlier arc.
Magnus Burnsides created the Temporal Chalice, which allowed the user control over time itself. He entrusted this relic to the small desert town of Refuge, after receiving hospitality from the elder of Refuge and his daughter June, who he called 'Junebug'.
Anyway, all of the crew get their memories wiped and forget all about this, yada yada, I can't get into explaining all of TAZ this post is long enough already.
So 12 years later, the three main guys get recruited by their former crewmate (who they forget existed) (because of the memory wiping) to reclaim all of the Grand Relics, so that they can be combined into the Light of Creation once more.
They find that the town of Refuge has been stuck in a time bubble for quite some time. Time is loopy and strange there, and nobody has been able to get in from the outside world in some time. They go into the town, they die at 11 AM, they wake up inside the town at 10:05AM, it's a timeloop and shenanigans ensue.
Everytime they die, they see an old woman holding a cup who gives them advice. Also, there's a statue of Jack and June and a mysterious figure known as the 'Visitor' in the center of town.
Eventually, they find that the little girl June has been wielding the relic in the underground mines for years - she keeps the town on a timeloop to prevent it from being destroyed by a giant purple worm.
They manage to coax the relic from her, defeat the worm, and restore time to it's natural state.
In the aftermath of it all, June gives Magnus a sketch of the original design for the statue in the center of town. A sketch which reveals what y'all already knew, because I told you a couple of paragraphs ago: Magnus was the mysterious visitor who came to this town and gave them the Chalice.
So... I was coming back around to the idea of "your relatives from your home world might still exist in this plane". And I was thinking about Henry Hopclap, my beloved. And then I was wondering what that would mean for Ruben. Originally, I thought 'oh well, maybe Henrys sister/brother/whatever died and didn't have a kid'. But then I was possessed by these visions.
So, picture this: Ruben Hopclap needs to find somebody to take care of his relic. And he goes to this town... and he sees his uncle. Who he hasn't seen for a century. And his uncle is carrying a tiny baby gnome.
His sister died in childbirth, Henry tells him. Maybe this happened to Ruben's own mother. Maybe it didn't. Either way, it's... a lot to process.
The baby doesn't even have a name, he learns. Henry knows he has to name him eventually, but it just feels wrong. His mother should have been the one to name him.
As Ruben takes all the precautions to ensure the safety of his relic, he bonds with Henry. This guy isn't really his uncle, and he sure as hell isn't his nephew. But it's nice. They form a mutual respect.
As Ruben prepares to leave town, Henry remarks that Ruben is a nice name, isn't it?
And then he gets his memory erased, and a decade passes. And he's in this mission to this town, and he keeps hearing about the kid named Benny who died in the mines. And he keeps seeing this old gnome everytime he dies, who looks like he could be his grandpa, almost.
And then time goes back to normal. And he sees Benny as a little 10 year old, with an unnatural shock of white hair from all of his time using the chalice, but otherwise perfectly normal. And he looks identical to Ruben, when he was that age.
And so he can't help but ask. What's your full name, Benny?
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ilikekidsshows · 3 days
Could I ask for your thoughts on Kuro Neko the episode as a whole? It's actually kind of my final straw, so I wanted to ask for your perspective on it.
I haven’t actually seen Kuro Neko in its entirety, and I have no intention to. This episode repels me. Everything I’ve learned about this episode has just made me want to avoid it more. I’ve read the transcript and I suffered every moment of it. I heard the first episodes of season 5 were good and thought to myself: “God, I hope season 5 doesn’t actually fix season 4 because then I’ll have to watch Kuro Neko to catch up.”
Kuro Neko is like Reflekdoll all over again, when the characters come away with the worst possible lessons. In Reflekdoll, Adrien learns that he should never try to be Ladybug and he can’t handle responsibility, while Marinette learns Cat Noir really does just goof off all the time and that’s his “role”. In Kuro Neko, Adrien and Marinette both learn the same lesson that his feelings don’t matter because Ladybug will always have more important things to worry about than his emotional state and he should just be her emotional support dispenser.
Basically, Kuro Neko has Marinette at her most self-centered in the entire show, and she’s downright selfish in it. That by itself wouldn’t be an issue if this wasn’t the retool and Marinette wasn’t Astruc’s imaginary daughter and therefore the “person” this world was made for. The thing is, the episode doesn’t have Marinette learn a lesson about valuing other people and their opinions, like any other cartoon protagonist would have in this scenario, no no no, the episode instead vindicates her.
Kuro Neko has Marinette chase away her partner with her unjustified negative attitude towards him, and she doesn’t regret it once. Instead the episode makes excuses for how she’s under so much pressure and Cat Noir should be grateful Ladybug considers him a useful tool. It’s basically the New York Special all over again. Marinette is in the wrong, but she’s under so much pressure guys, that Cat Noir should accept whatever mistreatment he receives because doing otherwise would be mean to poor Marinette.
Hot take: Marinette deserved to lose her partner in the New York Special and she deserved to lose him in Kuro Neko. Her actions directly lead to him leaving for completely justified reasons, and Marinette never apologizes. It would have been better for Adrien if he didn’t come back, so yeah, I don’t think “Marinette deserves to lose Cat Noir as a partner” is as extreme of a take as I was convinced it was when I first saw the special. Because Marinette keeps pulling this shit and never reflects or improves on her behavior.
Here’s what Kuro Neko tells me: Ladybug doesn’t actually care about Cat Noir as a person, but Cat Noir should still be grateful that he gets a spot on the team working for a leader who constantly abuses her power over him.
This fandom loves to rag on Adrien for being suicidal, because Cat Noir throwing himself in the path of an enemy’s attack to save Ladybug upsets Marinette, but, here’s the thing: LADYBUG DOES IT TOO. LADYBUG HAS PUSHED CAT NOIR INTO AN ENEMY’S WEAPON BECAUSE THAT WAS PART OF HER PLAN IN ‘BACKWARDER’ AND THE FANDOM SLEEPS ON THAT. Marinette’s plans often revolve around Cat Noir being in danger or compromised and the fandom dares to blame him for thinking his life doesn’t matter when that’s what his partner tells him with her actions constantly.
Kuro Neko is just more of that. Cat Noir quitting didn’t come from nowhere. There were warning signs of him missing fights and so on, but Marinette can’t be arsed to spare a single thought to what might be going on with her partner. She just thinks he should be happy he’s getting a break, because being a superhero is so much hard work, projecting her own thoughts and feelings onto him instead of asking. Marinette never asks when it comes to Cat Noir, she just assumes and demands.
She thinks Kuro Neko is Cat Noir, which is equal parts frustrating and hilarious when it’s paired together with her insisting time and time again that she knows Cat Noir so well in this episode. And it’s the episode where she fails to recognize him twice and misconstrues his issues to be about the fact that he can’t handle being one-sidedly in love with her. But, like, here comes the really asinine part; despite all these facts being provably incorrect, the episode still doesn’t make Marinette learn she’s incorrect. It really is Reflekdoll, but worse.
The only time Marinette apologizes in this episode is when she thinks Cat Noir was Akumatized, and it was for “not seeing how broken-hearted he was”, not for actively pushing him away. When Cat Noir comes back, she instead gives him the silent treatment until he says his justified anger at her was just “her kitty being temperamental”, invalidating his own feelings. Sure, Cat Walker, and therefore Cat Noir, heard those apologies, but Marinette doesn’t know that. Somewhere between realizing Kuro Neko isn’t Cat Noir and seeing Cat Noir again, she decided she had done nothing wrong that warranted an apology. And the thing that did it: the person she hurt coddling her through her pity party.
When Marinette realizes that Cat Noir is still missing and not Kuro Neko, in true Marinette fashion, she makes it about herself. “I must be the worst Guardian ever!” she bemoans when she should be putting together a plan. Hell, even a decision to do better by Cat Noir. But no, our solution-oriented protagonist couldn’t possibly make a plan to find and apologize to Cat Noir (maybe even do away with the “no revealing identities” rule so that this can’t happen again), she’s too busy bitching and moaning about how hard she’s having it. The only thing that gets her out of her funk is the new guy, who she thinks she’s just met, calling her faithful former partner “too emotional” and swearing servitude to her and her altar of the most important problems in the world. And the reason the episode is written like this? It’s because the writers don’t think she needs to apologize and do better in the future. Of course they’re not having her come to the conclusion that she needs to fix something, because they don’t think she does.
“You take care of everybody equally, Ladybug. Now I want to take care of you,” Cat Walker says, to absolve Ladybug of any guilt. The reality, though, is completely different. Cat Noir has always supported Ladybug. The reason he quit was because Ladybug made it abundantly clear she didn’t want or need his support anymore. And he’s made to come back to her, saying he hasn’t done enough? HE COMFORTS LADYBUG THROUGH AN EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN AT LEAST ONCE PER SEASON. HE DOES SO FUCKING MUCH AND HE’S FORCED TO SAY HIS EMOTIONS ARE “MAKING TROUBLE” FOR LADYBUG WHILE HIS SELFISH, SELF-CENTERED PARTNER WHO DOESN’T TREAT HIM AS A PERSON GIVES HIM THE SILENT TREATMENT, ONLY FACING HIM WHEN HE MAKES LIGHT OF HIS OWN EMOTIONS SO THAT SHE DOESN’T HAVE TO APOLOGIZE FOR ACTING LIKE A JERK.
“You treat everybody equally” my ass. The day she starts treating Cat Noir like a person, then we can talk. Before that point, she’s a selfish, entitled jerk and Cat Noir deserves better.
The Fae Cat Noir Interpretation was supposed to reflect a flaw of Marinette’s, that Marinette never thinking about Cat Noir as a human being with emotions and problems was something she’d need to grow out of. Except that she doesn’t. Instead the show agrees with her and makes excuses for her. Adrien isn’t even human, he literally is made a “perfect” fae being that Marinette can treat however she wants and he will never complain and he will be in the wrong if he tries to leave.
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Another Starlo rant + there's some stuff to clarify
this is my reply to the latest post from @a-legacy-not-to-be-forgotten bc i feel like he mainly had me in mind when he wrote it, which I don't mind, really. After all, we're both apologists of different characters and i DO respect your opinion. Just wanted to throw my two cents in and clarify some stuff (please read till the end)
Exhibit A (having Moray walk around with a snake in their boot and giving them rashes): I always thought this was some kind of job policy, all bc Star's so ambitious and expected his (future) employees to be the same. He wanted everyone to prove they were "real" cowboys. That's also why everyone had lassons for 8 weeks and he had that kangaroo locked in a cell for sneaking a phone in (although it IS hypocritical that Star himself is allowed to own a TV).
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Star expects a lot from everyone because he himself gives it his all to make this town as realistic as possible and makes everybody behave like real cowboys (and imo he thought Moray was fine with having a snake in their boot for a week since they probably didn't complain. Star most likely didn't even know the snake gave them rashes/apologized if Moray had told him this). Honestly he's too obsessed and passionate and can be too much without realizing it, that I can't deny
Exhibit B (The Boulder Droppers): No matter how severe (It IS severe), I still see this as super careless (and super forgetful of Starlo), rather than reckless. Again, another instance where he screws up but there's no ill intent. Also he apologized for this to Gilbert
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Exhibit C (blaming Clover for everything that happened and shooting them over it): TRUE 100%
...now, Ceroba was doing her best to understand Starlo and he needed her to get back on the right track, but I still think she views him more as a manchild than someone worthy of respect. I don't hate Ceroba or see her as a heartless bitch and a terrible friend (there's that post of mine where I explained everyone's flaws, and it turns out Starlo is the most flawed of them all, which I admitted). I just think her and Star aren't on the same wavelength.
She WAS on the same wavelength as Chujin and that's why I ship them. Ceroba deeply admired him (still does) and honesty she has the right to love whoever she wants. Still, I can't get out of my head how she thought that her wanting to date Starlo in the past must have had to do with the fact "her brain was still developing," or how she lied to him about the sheriff stuff just to spare his feelings. I get the intentions but she should have told him how she really felt (based on her many annoyed faces I got the message Roba never liked any of this + she says she doesn't understand it). I genuinely saw it as her babysitting/pitying him for his childish fantasies instead of actually enjoying participating in the antics (she does like observing the five tho)
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And yeah, everyone (Ed, Ace, Mooch, Moray, Ceroba) knew Starlo ADORED westerns, obviously, but what they DIDN'T know or try to figure out is the deeper meaning as to WHY. I feel like everybody thought it was simply a childish fantasy and didn't stem from any deeper insecurities (the FF, just like Starlo, aren't very good with communicating their feelings; why else would they criticise Starlo right in the middle of town where everyone could hear them instead of going someplace private to have the talk)
List of Starlo's character flaws I believe he has: insecure, overly enthusiastic, careless (not reckless bc he doesn't intent to cause chaos), cocky, too obsessed with his status & social image, arrogant, mischievous (particularly with Blackjack), childish, needs too much external validation, uses escapism too much, people pleaser, wants to be everyone's "hero," ignorant, naive, too optimistic, overbearing, too ambitious, stubborn, emotional & sensitive to criticism, too obsessed to the point he ignores everyone and everything else, actually IS selfish (I wanna take this opportunity to correct myself. Starlo should have listened to his posse and not have snapped like that & dismissed what they had to say, but they should have also let him know how they felt way earlier and tried to understand Star's pov & deeper insecurities he has & should have not publicly lectured him since they SHOULD know how much he wants to protect the reputation he worked hard to earn. Everyone should have reacted differently)
We don't know what Starlo was like before Clover but based on the way none of his posse ever talked smack about him, gave him dirty looks, or overall acted like they didn't wanna be part of the team, I assumed they either didn't mind his enthusiasm before he got obsessed with Clover, or kept their frustrations with his passion hidden well and didn't choose to communicate at all with him about how they really feel.
As for Star himself, I just don't see him as having been a bad boss. Ed even said how he would always ask him nicely to do stuff, and Dina explains how the only arguments the five of them had were about trivial matters, and how things were pretty predictable before Clover. So I don't think he had made any huge fuck ups. The five were always together in all their shenanigans (Dina says they're like siblings) and Ceroba mentions how she hasn't seen Star "this ecstatic in some time". Which is why I think he didn't step outta line or mistreat others before his dream of meeting a human came true.
I just remembered a single line of dialogue from Ed, which suggests that Star might have been more bossy than I thought and didn't actually ever ask his posse about their opinions. If this is the case, and probably is because Ceroba says he had changed a lot, scratch that stuff I said before about him not being a bad boss
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He acts selfish because he's insecure, but I still shouldn't have used that as an excuse. It's interesting how he's got both selfishness and selflessness inside him at the same time, but yeah, bc of his undeniable charm I overlooked the selfishness part. guilty as charged
time to add that and his bossiness as another one of star's many flaws
Another thing: while all of Ceroba's flaws seem to come from the tragedy that had struck her (besides being stubborn), every single one of Starlo's flaws stem from him and how he feels about himself. He had a normal family, a best friend, and his own friend group, with whom he could discuss his nerdy interests. I think THIS is what makes him so loveable. He techincally doesn't have a real REASON to feel unhappy, but he did, before he became 'North Star' But that persona was exactly WHAT he needed to let go of to be himself and be truly happy
I once jokingly mentioned how Starlo's name could mean "Star + loser" and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense for his arc. He wants to be 'North Star' (all cool and badass and important), but in reality, the real him is just a nice guy who loves his friends. And even if that doesn't make him popular and a loser farmer instead, at least that is the real him who he shouldn't have been running away from
I do love when my fave character ain't perfect and has inner conflicts to work on
To conclude this rant, I want to apologize to the Four and Ceroba for not taking into consideration their pov more and being way too obsessed with this charming nerd
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also, @a-legacy-not-to-be-forgotten, your rant gave me much to rethink and for that I thank you
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good afternoon, or evening…? I was thinking about RoR family x reader that is an absolute darling and seems unable to hurt a fly, until a family argument (you name the reason) starts with several members involved and reader, who is passing by, either slams their hands on a table or simply yells at them to shut up and then goes back to their usual sweet self after whispering a softspoken “I had a bad and your silly dispute was not helping at all. Have a nice day y'all” as if anything happened lmao. Gotta love characters that manage to scare the sh*t out of everyone when they snap!
-The noise in the house was a bit too much for you today, after you arrived home from school. You had dealt with a lot of BS today, between a teacher losing your project that was worth a huge portion of your grade, finding it later while you were walking home, so you had spent all day stressing, a couple of mean girls bumped into you, making you drop your coffee this morning and didn’t apologize (but they failed a test later on after being caught cheating).
-You didn’t get frustrated or angry often, that’s not how you were as a person, you handled anything thrown at you in stride, working hard to overcome anything and everything, willing to help others at the same time- people told you all the time how sweet and kind you were to always so many people while dealing with your own stuff.
-Your family saw you in this light as well, you were always so sweet, you were their precious little Y/N- always greeting them with smiles and hugs and never having a down day.
-You arrived home, hoping to just veg for a while and relax away from the stresses of life, only to be greeted by most of your massive family arguing about something. You thought it was something serious at first, but when you heard it was about which ice cream flavor was the best, you felt a migraine starting to form.
-You hoped that greeting them, telling them you were home would help calm them down, at least with making them stop, and while a few greeted you, they got louder, “You’re full of it Buddha- mango is way better than chocolate!!” Buddha was cracking his knuckles, fully ready to knock some heads in.
-Your eyelid twitched, in slight disbelief that they were being so loud and threatening violence over ice cream of all things.
-You took a deep breath, going to the kitchen to make yourself something hot to drink to calm down. You sipped at the hot latte, letting the hot coffee soothe your soul.
-You inhaled deeply, setting your mug down before you walked out and into the living room, seeing that several had weapons out, looking like everything was going to go to shit.
-You walked in the middle of everyone, and slammed your hands down on the coffee table, the sound ringing out as everyone went deathly silent as you showed anger for what felt like the first time, “If you’re going to fight, take it outside so those who want to have peace and quiet can have it, okay?”
-Your outburst was rather terrifying, as several of them exchanged terrified looks as you stood up, sighing deeply, hearing the silence before you smiled like normal, thanking them for shutting up and you went back to the kitchen to enjoy the rest of your drink.
-All loud arguments were now taken outside when you were home, not wanting to incur your wrath, mainly because they didn’t know what you were capable of and they didn’t want to ever find out.
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