#given one side of this is Fazbear oriented and the other side is exploring outside of that...
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Are the others relevant in Meteors or is this a Roxy-focused thing? I mean relevant as in part of the story/their presence actually helps rather than hinders the story (this isn’t meant to be negative I’m so sorry if I sound that way)
Roxy is so blorbo <3
Not negative at all no worries! It's a valid question!
The others ARE relevant! Massively in fact! My brain has just been rotating some of the bigger and more uhhhh painful(?) elements of this version lately, so they've been coming up a bit less.
Roxy is probably going to be the much larger focus character, because of the Blorboism and because of the new structure I've got here. I'm still working on what specific direction I want to take a lot of the other animatronics, Vanessa, Eddie, Luis maybe and whoever else that comes along, but they physically can't be irrelevant.
Basically, what I want this version of Meteors to be structured like, is I suppose, two separate stories that are actually just one. Roxy (and somewhat Cassie as well) is acting sort of like a bridge between two separate worlds, the familiar Ruined Pizza Plex (and by extension, the remnants of Fazbear's actions) and the unfamiliar Outside World. These two places start off (hopefully anyway) feeling light years apart, but gradually feel closer and closer to each other until they're now just one world. Which is... not something I've ever done before ngl so while I'm determined to give it a try, I'm also like. Fully aware if I ever actually start writing it (I live in hope) that it may not come across like that lmao but hey! Live and learn!
Anyway! With this in mind, yeah the other animatronics are all relevant as a part of the Pizza Plex side of the story. With Ruin as the set up and with the narrative puzzle pieces I have in my head, there is a lot to do over on that side of things! Like. An actual fuck ton of ground to cover, and Roxy's not doing that on her own, it wouldn't be possible and would kinda suck ngl
I don't have a set role for everyone at the moment. Like I say, I've had the broader, and newer stuff on my mind lately and this structure is brand new so I haven't really slotted everything into place just yet. I know what I want to include, I have a huge fun ending in mind that I really hope slots in with the 'both worlds being one' thing by the time I get there, but yeah uhh... still working on it so if you want to know what a specific animatronic's role is uhhhh you may not get an answer right away but you also might trigger my brain to work it out right then and there so... Take this as you will lmao
What I have now? Mostly Roxy because she's my blorbo of all time lmao. I've also got scenarios with some new concepts and bots I want to try out from book sources that I'm HEAVILY fucking around with, and some new ideas for the others that I need to cook a bit more because while they're good and fun, they might not fit what I'm aiming for now. I dunno! I had those ideas last night I haven't really had a huge amount of time to see how they'd fit yet, ya know? We'll see how it goes!
Hope this answers your question even though it's pretty vague!
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