#giving you big big biiiiiig snippet because you gave me big snippet <3
synonymroll648 · 2 years
500 words written!!!
Fitz shakes his head. “You’re not an empath.”
“I’m your Cognate,” Sophie says. “You love him.”
“I love—” His tongue stops working before he can say anything stupid, anything like you. 
“I want it to be you.” Words delicately placed on a pedestal, spooned into a crystal bowl with a silver spoon. And relief (the worst part, relief) at the interruption, because it wasn’t the right moment yet. Because it was too good to be true. Because the world was finally being fixed, reset, healed. Because he doesn’t trust luck, and he doesn’t trust goodness. Umber leeched that out of him with her shadows. "The only person I want to see on my match list... is you."
He hadn't thought he was lying. He still doesn’t. Vackers aren’t supposed to tell lies.
Fitz isn’t angry. Keefe knows he’s not angry. Because Angry Fitz isn’t something he’s ever seen for himself, but he’s heard enough from Fitz and Biana respectively to know that Fitz’s anger is a force of nature. It’s not subtle, it’s not stealthy poison like his mother’s anger- it’s blunt, brute force. Ruthless enough that it leaves plenty of destruction in its wake, according to the two of them, and easy to see coming from a mile away. 
But Keefe gets defensive anyway, out of reflex. “I got sand in my hair and wasn’t thinking straight!” 
“1. You’re literally bisexual, of course you can’t think straight. 2-” Fitz carries on even as Keefe chokes on startled laughter, “I am going to refrain from lecturing you and instead focus on how hilarious it is that you threw all caution to the wind over your hair. Incredibly Keefe of you. 10/10, this is the exact kind of bullshit I signed up for when fighting with my parents at thirteen to please come back to the same vacation spot as many times as possible so I could see you regularly. 3. I am going to periodically tease you until the end of time about how you were so worried about sand in your hair, that you forgot to put your phone somewhere safe, lost your phone, and still emerged with sand all over you, especially in your hair.” 
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