For the wedding The wedding Sabrage Spectacular what it includes Glacette to LED and T-Shirt and Shirt Bottle Sabrage with Stick Candelas They Make Sparks Pyrotechnics Little Srars shirt wedding Sabrage Spectaculat No Dont Perfect
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yngai · 1 year
sends u a meme you rb'd a year a go anyways "Who filled your life with the promise of more?" from Jill :^)
a meme i reblogged a year ago , oh no
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two shapes dance around the negative space of a penthouse suite, together & alone on the top floor of a high-rise hotel, a private hideaway draped in opulence to mask the nefarious woman that calls this room her home . the walls are painted a dry shade of white, the furniture is modern & angular, steel countertops shinning bright in the afternoon sun . there would be no sign of life here, no clothes thrown about the floor, no empty bottle of red wine resting in its glacette, no leftovers from overspending on room service dirtying a few plates near the sink, if the false name written on the reservation didn't seek company for the night . always pulling another woman away from the tiring work she drowns herself under, her taste for blood unanswered as she's given a chance to press her lips to the finer things in life .
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a deserving pause, a break in motion, peace within chaos, ada thinks, as jill rests on the balcony door & muses on the nature of their arrangement . she hums, head quickly turning at the question, a smile that is as bright as it is somber,
“ what would you like me to say — you ? ” she laughs with all the irony of the lie they both play into, a shared thought, that there is something else to their game . the invitation itself was not a promise, it was a puzzle meant to make the mind of a detective race, code phrases hidden within a poem that spell out a time & a place, the mark of the butterfly on the back of the letter, to signify who desires to be chased . was there something more to it ? more than the chase that now no longer ends in a pointed gun, jill has already seen there's no threat hidden beneath her skin, the burning passion of her anger, so beautiful to nurture once, is a spent flame that gave way to the warmth of desire . there's some loss to it, like a sentence without end, no meaning to it but what they parse together .
“ i always want more, i'm insatiable, you know . even all this doesn't satisfy me . ” her arms reach for the city skyline, & yet, as her dark eyes find they way to jill's, lids half-open, there is a glint flickering within, brightening her signature grin . for now, what she has, what they have, is enough .
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marellagiovannelli · 2 years
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Con Albino Demartis che lavora in modo artistico e creativo la trachite di Fordongianus. Anche questa glacette è una sua invenzione: utile, bella e originale. #marellagiovannelli #fordongianus #glacette #trachite #sardegna #sardinia https://www.instagram.com/p/ChAb-0HNnfi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3af-foto · 4 years
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#wine #winelover #winetasting #winelovers #winetime #wineporn #winelife #wineteller #wineenthusiast #italianwine #cacchione #bellone #estestest #glacette #winechest #ice #coldwine #delicious #deliciouswine (presso Ristorante Pierluigi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXUzJfHfnV/?igshid=1nugri7zygqlw
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burde · 2 years
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L’estate in rosso (freddo) su @bp_italy in edicola! • • • • • La prospettiva di una estate calda rende difficile affrontare a cuor leggero le consuete bevute di vino rosso nella prossima stagione ma il cambiamento del modo di intendere il vino in Italia ha portato alla nascita o alla riscoperta di rossi adatti al consumo fresco e ad essere serviti nella glacette quasi come fossero un bianco… Ecco la nostra guida ai vini rossi da bere freschi e croccanti nei prossimi mesi! Si tratta di vini che hanno componenti dure e tratti amarognoli molto ridotti, quindi poco tannici e con retrogusto tendente al dolce e in molti casi si è trattato di vinificare in maniera leggera vitigni tradizionali oppure rilanciare denominazioni che già prevedevano tipologie adatte a questo consumo. Si trovano in tutta Italia e partiamo dalla Sardegna dove molti di voi passeranno nelle prossime settimane. • • • #wine #vino #businesspeople #andreagori #cantele #moraememo #viaggiodilandó https://www.instagram.com/p/CejA_iQN9qV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Donde comprar hielo picado
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Para apreciar un buen vino es fundamental reconocer su origen y la calidad de los métodos de elaboración pero saber servirlo implica conocer algunas reglas fundamentales y el uso de herramientas que hagan agradable su degustación. Para servir correctamente el vino a la mesa no es necesario, de hecho, ser un experto sumiller, siempre y cuando realices cada paso con los accesorios adecuados, desde controlar la temperatura de la botella de vino, hasta descorchar y oxigenar. el vino, hasta poder verterlo correctamente.
Entre las herramientas del oficio que nunca debe faltar a un buen anfitrión, la cubitera para vino , junto con el sacacorchos de palanca para abrirla, se vuelven indispensables para asegurar una agradable experiencia sensorial a los invitados. La cubitera para vino es una especie de jarrón que contiene agua y hielo donde se sumerge la botella de degustación, que puede así alcanzar o mantener la temperatura ideal de servicio durante la comida.
También llamada " Seau a glace " en francés o cesta de vino, la cubitera para vino se confunde a menudo con la glacette, una especie de recipiente térmico, de acero o a menudo de plástico, que se utiliza para proteger el vino que se encuentra en la mesa. Mucho más práctica que la cesta de hielo , la glacette se diferencia de ella por el espacio intermedio entre las dos paredes que, actuando como aislante, ayuda a mantener la temperatura de la botella pero no permite que se enfríe por mucho tiempo. Hielera para vino: ¿para qué sirve? La función principal de la cubitera para vino es  enfriar vinos blancos, rosados ​​y espumosos para llevarlos a la temperatura de servicio recomendada y así poder apreciar sus características organolépticas. Más precisamente, la cubitera , además de mantenerla fresca, también sirve para enfriar rápidamente la botella si no se ha colocado previamente en el frigorífico para llevarla a la mesa a la temperatura adecuada. Evidentemente, cada vino tendrá su temperatura ideal para servir , aquí tienes algunas indicaciones útiles para no cometer errores. Haz clic aquí en comprar hielo picado
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federicafelice · 5 years
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Ok, brochure, glacette, pass....e #birra! Tutto pronto! Domani e domenica saró a Udine in Chiesa San Francesco a partire dalle ore 10 per #einprosit2019 . Praticamente un must degli eventi enogastronomici in Regione dove da alcuni anni anche la #birraartigianale 🍻è protagonista... Ci si vede?👀 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4DHxN4l-jJ/?igshid=5x0ld46amit4
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cardassianlanguage · 7 years
Hi! Um, me again - I was wondering if you could help supply mild Cardassian exclamations to be use in place of things like 'god' - would Hebitian beliefs have lingered in these sayings, or would they have been suppressed-altered with the rise of the Union?
This is a really good question, and one I’d actually like to put up for discussion. I suspect that given there was such a crackdown on Hebitian beliefs, it wouldn’t be precisely safe to keep using oaths invoking Hebitian deities, no matter how much you argued that it was just an expression. Even if that genuinely was the case (I use “oh my god” as an exclamation, even though I’m not a Christian), I don’t think the Obsidian Order would much care, since you’re still bringing up suppressed/censored material.
That said! According to the Cardassian Sourcebook, there’s a tradition of naming ships after Hebitian deities, so it’s possible if you prove yourself a loyal Cardassian, you might be safer with your oaths than someone who’s already being watched for potential treason against the state.
That brings us to who the Hebitian deities were, besides the better-known Oralius. The Sourcebook was kind enough to provide a list of deities and local variants in their names, and while I was planning on releasing it as part of a larger update–happy birthday.Arik'aca (Ah-reek’ah-sah); variantsArik'vassa(Ah-reek’vah-ssah), Varikassa(vah-ree-kah-ssah): The goddess who ruled Vaca, the most unpleasant of afterlifes in ancient Cardassian mythology. Cardassians believed she was the best deity to pray to for forgiveness.Bok (bohk): Winged messenger of the gods. Small and grotesque.Endaras (ayn-dah-rahs): The goddess of the hardworking in ancient Cardassian mythology. She was said to only rarely reveal herself to her followers, but those who were fortunate enough to glimpse her as they worked late at night supposedly were blessed with her favour.
Glacett(guh-lah-shayt-tuh); variants Lametta(lah-mayt-tah), Marett(mah-rayt-tuh): Mother goddess in ancient Cardassian mythology. Believed to be the protector of pregnant women. 
Keldok(kayl-dohk); variants Geldag(gayl-dahg), Keldak (kayl-dahk): God of the sky in ancient Cardassian mythology. 
Rhub (ruh-hub): The god of crops and fields in ancient Cardassian mythology.
Stik'rakan(steek’rahkahn); variant Six’krak(seech’krahk (x = ch as in Bach)): The god responsible for ferrying the souls of the dead to the underworld in ancient Cardassian mythology.Tiamar (tee-ah-mahr): God of fire in ancient Cardassian mythology. 
Vackara(vahsh-kah-rah), variant Vakar (vah-kahr): Goddess/god (depending on the region) of storms and lightning in ancient Cardassian mythology.
The Hebitians also divided their deities into four categories: - jonak aThela (zhoh-nahk ah-thay-lah): gods of fate and destiny- jonak mabd (zhoh-nahk mahb-duh): gods of the body and soul- jonak stik'aken(zhoh-nahk steek’ahkayn): gods of wrath, vengeance, and the afterlife- jonak warec (zhoh-nahk wah-raysh): gods of the world
So! That’s a lot of swearing potential right there. A particularly ticked Cardassian might mutter the name of Arik’aca when someone had done them a particularly nasty turn. Or if you’re looking for an equivalent to a longer phrase like “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph” or “Oh my soul,” they could go for “jonak mabd.”
Then of course, there’s always the fun formula of [deity name]’s [body part], which you would use the possessive suffix “-ik.” “Tiamar xarot-ik*!” (Tiamar’s dick!)
*“Xarot” coming soon to an update near you! (Thank you, tinsnip. (Technically it’s closer in formality to “penis” than “dick,” but I just couldn’t resist.)
Hope this helps, and feel free to ask for specific translations!
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italianwinebot · 6 years
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Un tappo o una glacette? A voi la scelta! @Showine_it
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