nailgunstigmata · 1 year
glisease that glakes me glark like glis gland the glonly glure is glennis gloobs. glis is a gly for glelp
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weepingpiratepoetry · 2 years
Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible
But sometimes, awesome can use a bit of assistance in the dating department. Errors in procedure can also lead to errors in the results. Let the Lord lead you! But once you both made the effort to put on nice clothes, commute, and pay for drinks, the least you can do is let them know it’s not a good match and that you wish them the best. For just about every type you can imagine. This guide can help you figure it out. Everything from biting ice cream to not tipping 15%, your preferences help guide your online dating for free. The Sister Cleophas Costello Lecture is free and open to the public. Loyola University Maryland will hold the 31st annual Sister Cleophas Costello Lecture with speaker Sharon Donnelly Love, co-founder and spokesperson of the One Love Foundation, which works to empower young people to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships and prevent dating and domestic violence. Previous Sister Cleophas Costello lecturers have included authors Amy Tan, Mary Higgins Clark, and Piper Kerman, poet Maya Angelou, Olympian Gabby Douglas, activist Elizabeth Smart, activist Tarana Burke, and Paralympian McKenzie Coan, ’18.
One Love films have also been shown in undergraduate and graduate counseling courses at Loyola. Love has reached groups of students at every age level, professionals in the relationship violence arena and politicians on both a local and national level. “I didn’t know then what I know now, that relationship abuse is a public health epidemic and that young women in Yeardley’s age group are at three times greater risk than any other demographic,” Love said. HG: Would you say that you are more interested in a serious or a casual relationship post-pandemic? נערות ליווי באילת The original OP then replied to the tweet, and it isn’t surprising that he seemed even more confused than before. Then try to start a conversation about that. Find men and women in your local area today and start dating. Doing this whenever you start to feel negative emotions about your ex and his new partner will help you accept what's going on-and it may even help you move on, too. You may feel like you are alone, but once you get out there you will notice that there are a lot of people your age dating online.
I have met some great people on this website. We lied. Actually, sending an unsolicited picture of your genitals to a person you haven’t met is unacceptable. We’re talking about people you haven’t met in person yet. “We think of Preferred as being an accelerator for the people who are highly motivated to move quickly and find the people who are most compatible for them,” says Tim. This means they don’t want to talk to you, so move on. But if someone didn’t specify that they want to connect outside the app, don’t do it. More importantly TGD not simply a dating site for transgender women and men and those that want to meet them. We're leaning more toward Glake. Such goals are often treated as incidental in traditional explanations, but I believe they are just as important as more conventional goals. As of 2022, J4L numbers more than 15 million ladies and guys, while more than 10,000 users actively communicate on the site every day. If you’re the one who feels uncomfortable, make sure to read up on tips to help you stay safe while online dating.
You can read what research suggests are the best profile pictures. The study reconstructed changes in the magnetic field of the earth as recorded in 21 destruction layers in 17 archeological sites throughout Israel, constructing a variation curve of field intensity over time that can be used as a scientific dating tool. What’s cool about the tool is that it was designed so that even users with no coding skills can use it. You’ll be surprised to know how this can be an exciting topic as you both look forward to where you’ll be dining in on your next date! Worst case, they don’t feel the same, and you’ll get your answer right away instead of having to wonder for the rest of the week. Find a Slavic woman of your dreams on Amour Feel! If that isn’t funny enough, it seems like this man was on a search to find out who this Jungkook is after not getting answers from ARMYs fast enough. Netflix has taken the concept of fast engagements to the next level. 2001. Radiocarbon dates of Old and Middle Kingdom monuments in Egypt. To specify dates over periods longer than 52 years, Mesoamericans used the Long Count calendar.
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foodchilii · 1 year
Cabe Glakes: Cabe Glakes adalah jenis cabai yang dikenal dengan karakteristiknya yang pedas dan memiliki rasa yang khas. Cabai ini biasanya berwarna merah cerah, tetapi ada juga variasi warna seperti kuning dan hijau, tergantung pada tingkat kematangan. Cabe Glakes sering digunakan dalam berbagai masakan, khususnya masakan Asia, untuk menambahkan rasa pedas dan aroma yang kuat. Mereka memiliki potensi untuk menghadirkan sensasi pedas yang tajam dan memikat yang dapat memberikan sentuhan istimewa pada hidangan Anda.
A-30 Cabe Berkualitas: A-30 adalah salah satu varietas cabai yang dikenal karena kualitasnya yang unggul. Cabe A-30 sering dicari oleh pecinta cabai karena memiliki beberapa karakteristik yang dianggap istimewa. Mereka sering memiliki rasa yang seimbang antara pedas dan manis, yang membuatnya cocok untuk berbagai jenis hidangan. Selain itu, A-30 cabe berkualitas juga dikenal karena tingkat kepedasannya yang moderat, sehingga dapat dinikmati oleh berbagai kalangan tanpa terlalu pedas. Cabai ini juga biasanya memiliki bentuk yang rapi dan tampilan yang menarik.
Pilihan antara Cabe Glakes dan A-30 cabe berkualitas akan tergantung pada preferensi pribadi Anda dalam menghadirkan rasa pedas pada hidangan Anda. Keduanya memiliki karakteristik yang unik dan dapat menambahkan kelezatan pada berbagai masakan.
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legboats · 1 year
just finished watchin glake mungo. I really liked it until the neighbor's video tape. I'm not opposed to discussions of that kind of thing in fiction but was it really necessary to show the audience something that is in-universe csem? Would that even make sense or be legal in the fictional documentary? Like they would not be able to, nor do I think the parents would want them to show p*rn of their underage daughter if this was real yk. It totally took me out of it and it was so hard to get back on the movie's side after that. I'm sure I would've liked the rest of it fine if I hadn't been so taken out of it by that weird decision. Blegh
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tadhgrecipe · 1 year
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Glot Gludge Glakee
Choclate cake (preferably homemade it always taste betetr)
Choclaye Chips
Whip cream
new York Vanilla ice cream
hot fudgeeeeeee
when you make your cake put a thing of choco chips in there. its epic.
after cake is done, cut a slice and put some Ice Cream mm into the middle and then smash it down like sandiwch
then put your hog fub on top and its hot
pit your hip cream on top.
eat it !!! youuuumyyyy
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444names · 2 years
gnomish dictionary BUT similar to "phonk"
Ablessach Abletha Abourly Aducth Adwea Aibrod Aisomer Althaunwi Amoodrus Amrave Amspise Amugliol Anward Apeld Arpeed Axencech Bable Bagefty Balth Bance Bashil Baspig Bautch Beass Belde Benceect Biness Blash Bleathrith Blence Bling Blize Blodr Bodib Botiavell Bourb Breethass Briffith Brinaity Brisholm Brover Browze Brumonst Bundmoth Bungarl Burotang Cabalt Caigin Caite Caluit Cantedged Carogoran Carthra Cavent Ceight Chosage Chyrip Cipeak Cirtly Claidrin Claver Clobithil Clocind Cloct Coakin Codri Colmewilm Comagrong Comethon Conewil Conwithrit Corearmin Cortha Couce Cracher Crasta Creed Crion Crionst Crith Croth Cuigolmix Cuist Cunfught Cwaddy Cwaily Cwendance Cwialights Cwind Cwinsen Cwitamen Daibirste Daigra Dailty Dainger Daire Dairic Darantha Dariscrog Dayst Derdsmelly Dimpiounin Disher Doctertha Dossecke Drale Drindy Dringunte Droth Ducthi Durdister Durest Dushing Eanch Eantra Eilthile Elegnarra Elvery Elweth Eness Eudgedly Evern Exces Fabweg Faitca Faitha Faithwir Fards Farina Faron Farthet Farved Feadaights Feglasc Fesomlif Festawarwe Fidreprolm Figlaing Fimel Finctirkle Fired Firofin Fithri Flavog Flith Flong Footh Forny Forone Freareep Frion Fulcolow Fulfed Fullin Gadry Gaingra Gaitha Galog Gamrairmin Garcha Gariold Genighthip Gibroke Gicing Gimliotha Gladracow Glairing Glake Glithlinly Glontion Glows Golon Golwer Golwion Goroness Goros Gothged Gragre Grair Grantank Greastrace Grithrinc Grolos Guiml Guith Gwage Gwalc Gwall Gwance Gward Gwarp Gwenclid Gwendexpe Gwenneala Gwilth Gwinadmos Gwingoss Gwitha Gôdhawal Gûrion Haffeve Hagrog Hatha Havaled Headringa Heals Heglôm Helene Herecthiss Herod Hetchwat Himrion Hiont Horrigulus Horth Hostus Howen Hômarpe Icatinn Idhwe Ignaidee Ilfice Inesse Ingori Ithradeak Ivrinod Ladow Laible Lailved Laiveri Lalweed Lanint Lannar Lantalc Lapeav Larcul Larth Lebriond Lectuing Lesticlop Liglint Lindy Lireave Litha Lithrion Loglate Loodi Loter Lotin Luirus Luith Lumboach Lónaday Lûgraim Magateddog Maglin Magrith Mairothat Mally Mancouning Mandeatha Marth Mathroor Maudrinch Mautte Meary Mewth Midestrap Mingri Mirin Miscip Moothe Morwetha Mughteam Mumbonch Musighted Muthlana Nabrack Nackon Nambrann Nanta Naron Nathafriol Nesing Nestra Nietha Nigobon Nince Niriess Nooppri Northi Nosel Nossaudi Notha Nothake Nuillodoss Nummysith Nunron Nutecks Nutlenge Nâlad Nûdandsha Oadjet Oapedh Obeld Ocheate Ociosg Odorc Odrioud Onjudhwed Opeart Opetha Orrecthwir Ovist Pagerbs Paphind Pared Pight Pigtha Polamlin Polthwim Portaborne Preath Princ Prines Privale Problend Prock Prong Prost Puidelthol Puitain Puttootha Ragrepth Raish Raita Ramrazy Rathlion Recthrage Releg Restrutha Ricanlor Riout Ropeck Roppect Rouprest Rumbodry Salihonere Samelc Samfasuf Samil Samlinst Sangothaim Saubminds Selthil Senomin Sethaviss Severess Sharower Shelfing Shrog Sibil Sifte Sillastry Sincel Sinufed Sirion Siverost Skinwenn Smanse Smeap Snaib Snaidho Snamid Snoss Sockle Speat Sphintha Spick Spinery Sping Sprog Squinesin Stalod Storn Sualc Suble Sufed Suflaull Survaretne Swarcur Swatuendee Sônace Sûthon Taffass Takwammele Temoss Tench Thaithong Thamed Thawl Thern Thist Thraidhose Thrantha Thwed Thweg Tiolock Tipper Tivater Topposs Towze Trestans Trumble Tuble Tubmil Tumidrô Tûming Ubjerly Udgenthone Ulver Ulweg Undring Uskinguil Vally Vasgar Velexcilm Vinceass Wardes Warring Wedfadrily Wentha Wering Whipearm Whipermele Whourinc Winessen Winger Withor Worol Wrince Wrony Áugrin Âchwenli
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glakesmichardson · 4 years
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i believe in b&g supremacy.
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lilacgeorge · 6 years
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Glake as models
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fiefgoldenlake · 5 years
TP Throwbacks
In honour of our 10 year anniversary, this month we have been hosting some “TP Throwback” events on our main forum. These events are the places to discuss all your old favourite Tamora Pierce books.
This week, we are featuring Protector of the Small and Will of the Empress.
In previous weeks, we have featured Song of the Lioness, Circle of Magic, The Immortals and Circle Opens.
Check back next week to see what we discuss next!
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editslxs · 6 years
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Blake Richardson Icons like or (c) @newhopechoni
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newhopesblake · 6 years
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Handsy ~ Reece Imagine
Prompt: Olaa, could you please do one with drunk Reece, and he gets all touchy feely? Thanks love ❤️
It wasn’t often that you got to spend some time on tour with Reece and the New Hope Club boys. Usually you had work or family obligations. But for their fanfests before Shepard’s Bush, you were able to travel with them and attend almost all of the shows. 
Going to shows with the boys also meant that you got to spend quality time with them while exploring cool new places. 
Like bars and pubs and clubs. 
The boys didn’t drink often, usually only a drink or two if they went out for dinner after a show or something. But, when they celebrated the end of the fanfests, they decided to go all out. 
Everyone was buzzing before the show, messing around backstage. And you were excited too. Mostly excited about being able to go out with Reece and your friends and have a good time. 
The show went amazingly well, the boys smashing it like always. Backstage was even crazier than before, everyone in high spirits and shouting. 
“I’m so excited! Are you excited, Y/N?” George shouted to you across the room. You laughed, smiling brightly at their antics. 
“Yeah Georgie! I’m so excited! Are you excited, Blake?” you shouted, getting in on the craziness. It went round and round in circles, each of you asking another person if they were excited while the boys changed and packed up their stuff.
You were already dressed to go out, wearing black jeans and a dark tank top. You put on some nice high heels and did your makeup more glammed up than usual. You left your hair natural though, not wanting to be too done up. 
“Wow, you look amazing,” Reece said when you emerged from the bathroom after finishing your makeup. You blushed, doing a quick spin for him. The boys applauded you, cheering and hooting obnoxiously. 
“Alright lads, and lady, let’s go!” Ben exclaimed, leading the large group out of the venue and down the street to a slightly crowded pub/bar. 
It was really fun going out with the boys. They cracked jokes, teasing each other and having an overall good time. No one bothered you, letting you enjoy a nice evening out, sitting at a table with your best friends. Reece kept giving you drinks, laughing each time you sent him a shocked look when he put a new one in front of you. 
“Are you trying to get me wasted?” You laughed, staring at the huge beer he got for you. The boys were several rounds ahead of you, being able to drink more than you since they were just larger. 
“Maybe,” he cheekily said, sliding into his seat next to you and throwing his arm around your shoulders. You leaned close to his body, rolling your eyes mockingly as you sipped your new drink. 
After about your fourth drink, feeling decently buzzed, you decided to stop and just drink water. Everyone else was on their way to being drunk, so you wanted to be in control in case something happened. 
You glanced around the table and surrounding area, taking a mental check that everyone you came with was still there and okay. Ben and Tanner were chatting by a darts board, laughing and making friends. Blake and George sat across from Reece and you, sitting close together and whispering happily to each other. You rolled your eyes fondly at them, they always tried to pretend that nothing was going on between them but you could obviously see it. 
“Hi,” Reece said, catching your attention and ticking off the last person in your head. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes a little glassy, but he didn’t look too drunk. 
“Hi love,” you smile. Drunk Reece was funny, he acted goofy like an overgrown toddler. Well, more than usual. 
“Are you having a good time?” He asked, searching your face closely to make sure you were okay. You smiled at him happily, loving that he always wants to make sure you are doing fine. 
“Yes, Reece. I’m having a lot of fun. Are you?” You ask back, chuckling when he nods enthusiastically and slightly spastically. Reece leaned forward, taking a sip of his drink. He was almost finished and you decided that maybe it should be his last one. You didn’t say anything though, deciding to cross that bridge when you get to it. 
You looked at your phone, noticing a few tweets from fans and other things. You checked to make sure no one called or texted you, when suddenly you felt a hand move up your thigh. You look up quickly at Reece, who is biting his lip and staring at you heatedly. You feel your face flush at the look, feeling yourself get turned on a little, but knowing you are out in public. 
The thing about you and Reece as a couple was you did not do PDA. You and Reece both discussed how it made you uncomfortable, so you decided early on in the relationship that the most either of you would do in public is kiss each other on the cheek. You would hold hands, hug a little, sit next to each other, etc. but nothing past a quick peck on the cheek. 
So the fact that Reece was looking at you with bedroom eyes, while his hand moved up and down your thigh was surprising. 
“Babe, what are you doing?” You asked, blushing more when he leaned closer to you. His lips brushed the shell of your ear, his warm breath sending goosebumps across your skin. 
“I’m just loving my girlfriend, is that not allowed?” Reece whispered, before pressing a kiss to the soft spot behind your ear. You bit your lip a little, feeling his lips trail down your next. His hand moves up to your waist, slipping under your shirt and rubbing along the skin of your hipbone. 
“Reece, people will see...” you mumble, feeling out of breath from what he was doing to you. He just hummed a response, continuing to cover your neck with kisses. 
“Wow, get a room you two,” Ben says, coming over and causing you to jump. Reece just laughs, sitting up but not taking his hands off of you. You feel your whole face flush bright red, seeing George and Blake laugh at you too. 
“Oh shut it! You two aren’t any better!” You snark, watching as they both flush too. Reece just laughs louder, leaning his head onto your shoulder. He wraps his arms around you, not leaving an inch of space between your bodies. 
“Time to head back, guys,” Tanner says, making you all stand up to leave. As you walk back towards the hotel, Reece holds you hand swinging them between each other. Occasionally he will press kisses to the back of your hand or wrist. You smile brightly at him each time he does that. 
You get in the elevator to go up to your room, Reece leaning against the wall. He pulls you to lean back against him, keeping his arms around your shoulders. You relax, letting him support your weight. Reece presses kisses to your cheek and neck, tickling you and making you giggle. 
George and Blake look at you and fake gag. They get off the elevator first, their hands held tightly between each other, making you scoff. 
“Such hypocrites,” you mumble, crossing your arms. 
“Aw, don’t be mad baby,” Reece huskily whispers, nibbling on your earlobe. You feel the heat from before spark up again, changing the playful and sweet touching into more. You tilt your head to the side slightly, letting him have access to your neck to place kisses down and onto your exposed shoulder. The elevator doors open to your floor when he begins to kiss your collarbones. 
“You just can’t keep your hands off me, Mr. Bibby,” you flirt, dragging him towards your hotel room to continue his affections on you. If Reece got like this when he was drunk, maybe you should get him drunk more often?
Wow this was not good at all, hopefully you like it. I suck at writing heated things lol. 
thanks for requesting! much love
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petersasteria · 6 years
Ms. Universe - George Smith
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Pairing: George Smith x Reader
Requested? Nope.
* * * *
"It's unfair for you to live out your dream and I'm just here waiting for you to come home"
Your P.O.V
When I was a little girl, I've always wanted to be somebody. Whether it was a ballerina or a reporter, it's fine as long as I get to be one. In my whole life, it all came down to two big dreams of mine: becoming Miss Universe and a famous writer/author.
People tell me it's impossible for me to be Miss Universe, because I don't have what it takes. They also tell me that being a writer/author won't do me any good, because I won't get to do anything.
The reason why I want to become Miss Universe is because I want to show the world what I can contribute and I want to be a writer because J.K. Rowling inspired me to write about things out of the ordinary that made people like me change the way we view things. Like how a normal column/pillar at the train station could be something we can run into in order to get to Platform 9 3/4.
My boyfriend of 4 years, George hasn't been really on my side. I brush it off and think nothing of it, but now I think it's unfair.
It all started when we started dating back in 2014. He said he wanted to be in a band that would go places. Of course, I supported him and he asked me what I wanted to do. I'm the kind of person who gets excited when it comes to talking about my dreams so, I kinda got upset when George told me that my dreams were rubbish. That didn't stop me, though.
Fast forward to 2017, George managed to slightly change his view on my dreams. He said that I should just keep dreaming. Although it sounded sarcastic like, "yeah sure, keep dreaming".
I'm getting kind of tired just waiting for him to come home from tour. So I make sure to keep myself busy by writing a book and joining some small pageants. George's fans haven't been really supportive either. Of course, why would they support me in the first place? All they support is George and the rest of the lads. They don't give two shits about the people around them. George defends me, though. But he can't keep doing that forever so, I told him not to bother anymore.
George's coming home today from tour and to be honest, I'm really nervous. I know that he's tired, but he has to know what I'm truly feeling. It's not that I don't love him anymore, it's just unfair already. I feel like I haven't been treated fairly in this relationship.
I was sitting on the couch when I heard the door open. It's him.
"Hey babe! How're you?" George greeted cheerfully and kissed my forehead. I smiled slightly and looked at him. "I'm good. How're you? How was the tour?" I asked as he sat down next to you; not bothering to put his suitcase in your shared room.
"Tour was amazing! I had the time of my life. I wish you were there, Y/N. It'd be more fun with you! The boys missed you too...not as much as I missed you, though." George cheekily smiled.
"I missed you too." I said. Here it goes. I packed my things a few days before and I'm going to move back to my parents' house for awhile. "George, I need to tell you something."
"Okay what is it?" George asked. Thank goodness he knows when it's time to be serious.
"I don't think there's any nice way to say this, but I'm breaking up with you." I said. After saying that, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Why? As far as I know, there's nothing wrong." George said softly.
"Actually, there is. You're just blind. You don't see how long you've been hurting me." I said loudly.
"What do you mean 'hurting you'?! I never hurt you and you know that! Heck, I know that! What's this bullshit you're saying?!" George shrieked.
"The bullshit I'm saying is you not being here!" I yelled. From this point I knew that I just sparked up something in George, because I knew that we're going to start yelling at each other.
"What do you want me to do?! Quit the fucking band?! Let me remind you that I'm working for the both of us! You wouldn't know, because you don't work at all!" George yelled and kicked the side of the couch.
"I never said that you should quit the band! And you should know that I would never tell you that, let alone suggest it! I know how much you love that band, George! You've always wanted that and I want you to be happy!" I yelled back.
"Then what're you trying to say?! Stop being so childish and get straight to the point!" George yelled and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
I opened my mouth to yell again, but what's the point? Instead I said what's been going through my mind for the past 4 years. "You know what? This is unfair. All this time I've always been here to support you. I supported you and adjusted to give way for you to make your dreams happen. What about my dreams, huh? What about my dreams, George? You never supported me in anything. You're being selfish. Just because I'm your girlfriend who's willing to stick with you through all this, doesn't mean that I don't have dreams. I'm human and I have dreams too, George." I said calmly and went upstairs to get my already packed things.
George sat down on the couch; not believing any of this and sighed heavily. He looked at me as I descended the stairs with all of my things. All the color drained from his face when he saw all my things.
"W-Where are you going? We're not--we're not done here. Y/N, please there has to be another way." George shakily stood up from the couch and walked to me. I just kept walking until I reached the door. I put my hand on the doorknob and looked at him one last time and gave him a curt nod and left his life forever.
When I got to my parents' house, George kept tweeting about his misery
@NewHopeGeorge: I honestly didn't know that I was hurting you until you left.
@NewHopeGeorge: Back to square one; cuddling with my pillow.
@NewHopeGeorge: I'm so sorry.
@NewHopeGeorge: It's funny how yesterday we were together and happy, but now we're not.
I decided to tweet indirectly, because his fans wanted to know and they kept bugging me.
@Y/T/N: All I'm gonna say is that I've been treated unfair. There, I've set my peace.
I clicked "tweet" and before I knew it loads of his fans were "shookt" and kept tweeting me. I yawned and head to bed.
-one year later-
George's P.O.V
It's been a year since we broke up and the situation is still eating me alive. I honestly didn't know that I was being selfish. I feel like a jerk.
Today the boys decided to hang at my place and chill. We needed a break from writing and recording and we wanted to just stay in and watch tv.
Blake was flicking through random channels and stopped at a beauty pageant. "Guys, who's down for watching Ms. Universe?" Blake asked, his eyes not leaving the tv.
"I mean, there's nothing to watch so might as well watch this." Reece shrugged and put his feet on the coffee table.
"G, remember when Y/N said it was one of her dreams to be in this?" Blake asked. He didn't know that it was still a touchy subject so, I forced a smile on my face. "Yeah I did." I said softly.
"Wouldn't it be crazy if she actually joined?" Blake wondered.
"Speaking of, look at candidate number 10." Reece said. I didn't know he was listening to Blake and I.
Blake and I fixed our gaze on the tv and sure enough, candidate number 10 is Y/N. Wow. She really is serious about this. I pulled out my phone and opened my Twitter. My notifications have been blowing up than usual and I checked some of them.
(a/n: these are all made up fan accs and if it's the same to any real fan acc, it's a coincidence.)
@glakesbutt: @NewHopeGeorge watch Ms. Universe you little shit
@GeorgeIsMyHero: @NewHopeGeorge *cough* candidate no.10 *cough*
Even some people I personally know are tweeting me about it.
@TheVampsBrad: @NewHopeGeorge #MissUniverse candidate no.10 looks familiar...oh yeah you used to date haha x
@NewHopeBlake: Candidate no.10 looks gorgeous! I don't want to break the bro code bc @NewHopeGeorge dated her oops
I decided to tweet a picture of the tv showing Ms. Universe.
@NewHopeGeorge: Yes I'm watching #MissUniverse right now. Calm down guys hahaha
I liked some of the fans' replies but one reply caught my eye. (a/n: holy crap I rhymed again. I've been rhyming a lot this year.)
@reecemysugarplum: @NewHopeGeorge who are you rooting for? ;)
I quoted the tweet and said: "Candidate no.10 of course! UK all the way :)"
Of course a lot of people reacted and freaked out saying that I still love her and care for her. They're not lying. I'd be lying if I said it's not true.
A few hours later, it was now time for the question and answer portion. Yes, Y/N made it until the top 3 thing. It's now her turn to be asked and she looks absolutely stunning in her gown.
"She's hot." Blake said, staring at her in awe. I would've smacked his head, but we're not together anymore. We all just agreed with what he said, because he's right.
((a/n: your gown))
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"Good evening, candidate number 10!" the judge, Ellen DeGeneres, smiled at her.
"Good evening, Ellen." Y/N smiled that perfect smile of hers that I've grown to love more and more.
"How are you?" Ellen asked. "I'm okay. You?" Y/N said.
"I'm good. You look gorgeous tonight!" Ellen complimented.
"Thank you." Y/N lightly blushed. She's too pure for this world.
"Okay. So, young people today, especially young girls, are much more aware about their appearances. My question is, what constitutes true beauty?" Ellen asked.
Holy shit. I personally think it's a difficult question, but I know she can do it. After all, she's beautiful and I hope she knows it.
"I'm so nervous for her." Blake said, holding his breath.
"She can do anything." I whispered, thinking no one would hear me. I was wrong. Reece heard me...again. "Yeah, she's smart. She can do anything." Reece said with his "game face" on.
"Thank you for that wonderful question." Y/N began. "For me, it's when a person shows selflessness, compassion, and empathy towards others even without expecting anything in return. Physical attributes are also included however, a bad attitude always ruins a pretty face. In love we also experience true beauty by learning to love ourselves and loving others, because love is one of the most beautiful things and feelings in the world no matter what type it is. That's all, thank you." Y/N answered and ended with a smile. The crowd was cheering her on and so were we.
"I know that Y/N is smart, but I never knew she was THAT smart." Reece grinned. Blake pulled out his phone and immediately tweeted.
@NewHopeBlake: @Y/T/N is one of the most intelligent people I know. So proud of you, candidate 10! #MissUniverse
I liked and retweeted it and so many people have been tweeting about her answer.
"Guys, Y/N is trending number 1 worldwide!" Reece said with wide eyes. Wow. She did all that without me in her life. I guess I've just been holding her back from what she can do.
A few minutes later they're announcing the winner of the pageant. Y/N and the two other girls held hands together and looked at the crowd. All of us were at the edge of our seats as well.
"Second runner up is, Ms. Colombia!" the host said and Ms. Colombia got her sash and flowers.
Y/N and the other girl are facing each other, smiling and held each other's hands.
"Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for. Ms. Universe 2018 is...Ms. United Kingdom!!! Congratulations! Ms. Philippines is our 1st runner up." the host said.
We all cheered and Y/N cried tears of joy as they crowned her, gave her flowers, and the sash.
"Ms. United Kingdom, you may now take your first walk as Ms. Universe." the host said.
With that, the pageant was over.
Everyone was tweeting Y/N.
@TheVampsBrad: @Y/T/N I'm so proud of you! *cries* Congrats!
@NewHopeReece: @Y/T/N remember when you & I used to ask each other difficult questions? I never knew you wanted this and now you won! You're the OG. Congrats!
@TheVampsJames: @Y/T/N QUEEN. THAT'S ALL. QUEEN. #MissUniverse
@TheVampsCon: Congrats to our new #MissUniverse ! @Y/T/N don't forget me haha xx
@NewHopeBlake: My best friend @Y/T/N is the new #MissUniverse. That's right be jealous hahaha
@TheVampsTristan: @Y/T/N is officially my celebrity crush. She's gorgeous & intelligent. How can someone be both? *heart eyes* Congrats, love! #MissUniverse
Heck, even my mom tweeted.
@OrchieNatasha: I always knew you could do it @Y/T/N ! I'm so proud of you. You're like a daughter to me. Lots of love x :)
I decided to tweet too.
@NewHopeGeorge: @Y/T/N congratulations on winning and making your dream come true! :)
The haters are gone now. Everybody loves her. I guess her haters ate their words.
-a few months later-
The lads and I are here to perform at this charity event. We've never done anything for charity before. Needless to say, we're so excited to perform.
"Guys! Guys!" Blake said pushing through the crowd to join Benjamin, Reece, and I.
"What?" Reece asked.
"You'll never guess who I saw." Blake said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Y/N. She's here! Turns out, this is one of her projects as Ms. Universe! Small world, huh?" Blake smiled.
Yeah. Small world.
"I heard she's dating that actor..." Reece trailed off in deep thought as to who that actor is.
"Well? Don't leave us hanging!" Blake chuckled.
"Ahh! Timothee Chalamet! Such a great actor." Reece said as he drank soda.
"Go talk to her, man." Blake nudged me.
"What? No! She's dating someone else. Plus, she probably hates me." I said. She's doing fine now. I don't want to ruin that for her. She's also in the process of writing her biography. She's come so far and I'm so proud of her.
"You'll never know until you try." Blake said with a shrug and talked to Reece and Benjamin.
I walked up to her when she was finally sitting alone and tapped her shoulder.
"Um, hey Y/N. Long time no see." I casually said, trying to act cool.
"Hi George. I'm excited to hear you boys perform today." she smiled.
"Same here. Um, listen. I'm really sorry for doubting you and ignoring your dreams. It's just that I've been so focused on mine that I never got to support you. Like, I didn't know you and Reece kept asking each other difficult questions, not because you find them fun but because you're preparing yourself in case you're serious about joining Ms. Universe. I didn't realize you were so serious about this. I'm so sorry. I really want you back in my life, Y/N. I really do." I said, pouring my heart out.
"I want things normal again. We'll be civil about this, okay? I forgive you, but that doesn't change what you did. It's too late to realize that you've been selfish throughout our relationship. It is, and always will be, unfair. I'm going to be honest, even being friends with you right now won't help. Let's start again as acquaintances. Then we'll see. If I act like how I used to towards you, that means we're friends. Deal?" Y/N suggested. I mean, I do want her back in my life..and arms. If this is her only offer then I'd take it.
"Deal." I smiled.
"Okay. I have to meet Timothee by the entrance." Y/N said, standing up from her reserved seat. She looked so good especially with her crown on. "Good luck on your performance, G. You'll smash it. I know you will, because you always do." she smiled before leaving.
I don't know if I'll ever find someone like her. Timothee is very lucky.
* * * *
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P.S. Timothee Chalamet is my bae skhdkdf
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softyethan · 7 years
never let this video die... just don't....
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fixedontswift · 6 years
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superflysistah · 6 years
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Theory: Raquel Justice (pictured above) is playing Marty's new girlfriend (he can't have buffy but he can have a girl who looks like her). Buffy meets Marty's girlfriend when she hosts the girls bball team auditions. I think she's wearing a "dribble" tee, so it kinda adds up.
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