beetlesanbutterflies · 5 months
My LF vinyl came today!
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Looks absolutely beautiful, I fucking love this soundtrack so no regrets buying it, but my favorite part is the booklet which had THIS IMAGE IN IT!!
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I tired so hard of get less glare on it, so sorry for bad quality but WHAT IS THIS!! Hello brand new image I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!
It’s my new favorite image I’m obsessed. People who got the blue ray already can you let me know if this a delete scene, or if they were just being cute.
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kingkatsuki · 8 months
some forehead for you this wednesday
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AHHH! The perfect forehead to brighten and cleanse the dash😭💕
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fortheturnstiles · 9 months
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went 2 a record shop near the airport that i hadn’t been to before :-) scored a few gems
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Castle s7 e6 had me worried cos it seemed like s7 was running out of ideas and badly but this one is a REFRESHING callback to castle and Becketts original dynamic and kind of presents the opportunity to delve into the other characters too. I know it won't cos it's a 40 minutes show episode but DAMN I like the dynamic of different universe Beckett appreciating castle and seeing how much he's changed and how he's actually trying to win her respect rather than just get on her nerves or be a part of the action
That and it's a bit ; ; that he was thinking he wasn't good enough for her when he switched realities, like aww baby boi's got a case of anxious attachment (just like I've always predicted lmao)
Idk I think it's a parallel universe episode done right tbh!! I'm liking it!
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dancingdonatello · 6 months
Can I request a rise Donnie x Fem Reader that is on her period and tends to be more glarey but other than that she's an absolute cuddle bug until cramps hit her, then she curls up into a ball?
rottmnt donnie x fem reader
You’re mad at him.
It’s obvious.
You’ve been staring at him not with your usual smile but with an unnerving frown.
But he just can’t figure out why. He hasn’t forgotten anything. The last time he did, he made sure that he had ten reminders in place before any other event.
But you showed up to his home and refused to talk to anyone, instead laying down in the living room all by your lonesome.
He tentatively sits next to you on the couch you’ve been residing on for the past two hours, wincing when you shift next to him. Uh oh. He crossed a line. He should’ve waited for you to come to him yourself instead of seeking you out.
But suddenly you’re curled into his side, hiking a leg over his own to get even closer. You forcefully shift his arm over your shoulders and then finally relax, sighing out in relief.
“Where have you been?” you mumbled into his skin.
Oh. “You could’ve gotten me…” he confusedly rubbed your arm.
“I was waiting for you to come to me,” you complained. You still did not make any sense to him but he stayed quiet, jolting when you squeaked.
“Ow!” you fell away from him, arms around your stomach as you soullessly stared at the ceiling. “I hate this so much.”
“Oh.” He knew what was going on. He grabbed your legs and placed them over his lap before he took off his wrist tech. He offered it to you, shaking it gently to catch your attention.
You greedily snatched it and turned on a setting before placing it on your stomach. “You’re the best, Don.”
He preened under your praise.
It was pretty easy being the best.
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rrking · 7 months
Some General BG HCs
Me and my wifey often discuss Astarion things in real life, and there are a few that I thought I would share.
Spoiler warning⚠
Random knowledge bank. Meeting your parents for the first time and your dad wants to talk about history? Ask Astarion, if he doesn't just know, he remembers.
Enjoys going to the library. Does not enjoy the rabble who also enjoy the library. You have to explain to him over and over about library cards and infrared scanners so he doesn't just nope out and steal the book. Also gets annoyed when books from his time are revised.
Don't want to touch the raw meat packaging? No worries, Astarion will lick it up for you. Imagine him leant against the kitchen counter sucking up the blood from that piece of paper at the bottom of the mince. (A wifey thought)
On the subject of blood, if you cut your finger in the house he will be licking that up for you with a leering grin. Dragging it out so he can watch how you roll your eyes at him.
Comes in late, as usual, but this time after taking out every fucking goose or pigeon in the local area. The council are unhappy. Astarion is ecstatic. Word of a bird plague is sweeping through the borough. You are not happy with Astarion. Astarion doesn't care about the council until they put your council tax up.
Glares out of the window at kids playing but won't admit they're kind of cute. Especially glarey when kids come to the door trick or treating. Bonus points if they're dressed as vampires... Maybe he'll compliment them. "Darlings, look at your adorable little capes! Does your mother know you lot are prancing around dressed like monsters?" Will absolutely deny any niceties when you look at him knowingly, a smirk appearing on your lips as you notice the bucket of sweets he's holding, still excited after giving the children far more than they needed. or asked for.
Moans and groans when you watch vampire films. "Darling, turn that nonsense off, would you? Were you curious about vampires, you have one right here."
Groans even more when you watch law and order style programs, particularly court ones. Bad memories. "And why did he not get the death sentence?!"
Serial social media meme stealer.
Always creeps up behind you when you are looking in the mirror, ready to scare you. Or shag you, you be the judge.
Want chippy but don't want to get up or wait for an order? Blink. Gale will blink there and back. What's faster than Uber Eats? Going via the Astral Plane.
100000% will make you a brew if you ask :) He turns up with your favourite mug and your drink exactly the way you like it.
The type of man to run you a hot bath ready when you get in from work or if you've had a hard day just because.
Definitely discovers Nivea for Men.
Remembers things like birthdays and anniversaries.
Sees shiny things and wonders if they're infused with the weave. Gazing through the jewellery shop window.
Suffers through Harry Potter at Christmas wondering where all the elegant wizards are.
Started a thing where you leave post it notes for one another with sweet nothings on. Today as you're walking past the calendar pinned to the kitchen wall, you spot a new post it note. This one is pink and bares Gale's graceful handwriting. It reads: "My most special one, everyday I wake up next to you I feel luckier than the last. Have a great day x" Such devoted notes leave you feeling warm inside.
Prefers to buy 'living herbs' than ground jar ones because NATURE.
Is that person who goes past an adult shop and says loudly "let's go inside!"
Definitely gets stuck in garden chairs and the like due to being so massive. Don't get this man in a smart car.
Stands up at barbecues if the chair is too small. It probably is.
Literally has to be told to avoid the bear story to others because they will not understand but tells it anyway if he gets too drunk.
Actually finds it quite difficult to adapt to modern society almost more than Lae'zel.
If you live in the countryside, Halsin definitely finds it a little easier, but if you live in the city he is constantly asking questions. The thing that catches his eye today is a statue above the bank door - a lion with a key in his mouth. "Does that petrified displacer beast not wish to return to the wilderness?" "Halsin, that is a statue of a lion with a key in it's mouth." "...Oh. Why does it guard a key?" You look at him curiously, unsure of how to answer such an innocent question. "It's just HSBC's thing... I don't actually know."
Struggles to find clothes that actually fit.
Will share you a meme you tagged him in and never truly understand the new technology.
Totally enjoys long walks and feeding ducks. Eats all of the bread.
Tries to speak to the animals at the zoo. (Wifey)
Incosolably weeps at nature programs. Very confused when you try to explain that nature has to take it's course for them to film.
First thought upon seeing CGI animals dancing and talking : "IT'S A DRUID!"
Votes Green Party.
Lae'zel struggles the most to integrate into modern society.
She takes up some form of fighting WWE and does not understand why the fighters don't actually hurt each other.
She complains about this after making absolute bank of course. "Ch'k! These istik talk about fighting for glory - Yet they simply roughhouse for pitiful coin." "Yeah, but look at how famous you are, Lae'zel..." Rollin', rollin', all my bitches rollin'.
Hates ood in Doctor Who for obvious reasons. "Tsk'va, ghaik!"
Wifey came up with 'Bae'zel'.
Believes stupid spam emails you have to send onto others. (Wifey thought of this)
Shares that post of the missing dog on the other side of the world who was found 3 years ago.
Discovers TikTok, only shares animal videos and smashes TikTok dances.
Discovers aircon. 🥺
Discovers hot wing challenges... Excels at said hot wing challenges. and collects all the t shirts for winning food challenges.
Posts things on Facebook like 'Shar/Selune keeps me in check. Like, share and comment 'Praise be to Shar/Selune' if she keeps you in check." Definitely gets flamed by the others.
Ends up with cute hobbies like paper quilling and crafts. Makes things for you. "You've really improved your crochet, Shadowheart! What is this one called?" Gives him a simple name like Bob or Clyde and puts him with the rest, cramming the mantle with them.
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firespirited · 4 months
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Kara fix up. done over multiple sessions. The first red parting over the old one cracked so I did symmetry with the orange and slapped the red in the middle.
Some of the DC SHG dolls had glarey eyes which is fixed with lower eyeliner: as demonstrated by @dollsahoy
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violetfairydust · 10 months
More WIP Wednesday
Thank you for tagging me @dear-massacre you're the bestest!
This is from a fic I just started today. I haven't named it yet, but we're gonna get some lifeguard Derek up in here (eventually).
“Let me get a picture!” Allison called.
“Another one?” Scott whined lightly.
“How many times do we get to come to Hawaii?”
The sun created sparkles on the water like thousands of diamonds laying just below the surface. The waves rippled towards Stiles’ and Scott’s calves. The loose seaweed brushed against Stiles’ ankle and he kicked out instinctively. The splashing made it harder for Allison to focus. The brightest point was behind Scott, so she shifted to be closer to Stiles.
“Just take the picture,” Stiles complained through a forced smile.
She tapped on her screen a handful of times and she glanced up to give Stiles a sarcastic smile. Allison had to squint to see the picture on her screen. “Let me take one more. Your shadows are...” She zoomed in on the image. Stiles’ and Scott’s shadows were standing on the shore in front of them. She could only see their waists since they waded halfway in the water.
“Is it too glarey?” Scott called.
Allison’s head snapped in the direction of the shadow. “Get out of the water!”
Stiles waded through the ocean, the surface slowly falling to his hips. Scott took longer strides and reached back for Stiles. Stiles leaned forward to grab his hand. The water dripping from his skin was too slick. A small pressure in Stiles’ left leg made him pause. Scott grabbed his arm and tried to pull him to shore.
It was like Stiles tripped. The ground beneath him was gone and the pressure turned into a burning pain below the knee. He couldn’t open to mouth to gasp, he was fully submerged in water. He opened his eyes and all he could see were thick, smoke-like clouds of blood.
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seoafin · 11 months
i feel like mean gojo ddao just has a bitch face all the time like it’s either pouty or glarey until he starts putting up a silly goofy front
gojo spends most of the time in ddao making either this face :/ or this one :|
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sixbucks · 1 year
I don’t understand the impulse to take a selfie standing next to every damned thing you see. Especially people who take scary selfies!
I have some friends who take monstrous selfies. Squinty, glarey, triple-chin shots that fail to consider any of the rules of decent photography.
Now I have social feeds full of pictures of confused and deformed people standing next to a bunch of cool stuff.
I’m naming no names but my Facebook feed is a mess!
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ziptiesnfries · 8 months
Did a lil sketch of how I imagine Gianna and her victim. Her pink and powerful and tall. Victim(who definitely has a name but I can’t remember it) scrawny and wearing glarey, giving tiny attack dog vibes
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ahhh they're so cute!! it's funny tho, i imagined their hair colors the other way around, lol. i think gianna would totally dye her hair blonde if she felt like it, tho.
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katiefratie · 9 months
I do feel like this trust exercise has backfired hajsjajdakd no one is trusting Anyone it feels Soooo suspicious for anyone to do anything everyone is just incredible glarey hajsjdkahsk
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nnkdrippybot · 11 months
Crikey, you mean now we've cured Starey Mary, we've got Glarey Cary to deal with instead? Typical!
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deeisace · 1 year
thinking. about. chickening out of this hairstyle (??? i have no like. products. or a hairbrush) and buzzing the back of my hair off as well before work
I can’t tell if it’s neat cs my eyes are shit!
i mean it feels like i’ve gone in an okay line, but i know i’ve said that before
maybe. i’ll take hair scissors with me. so i can look in the glarey fuckin awful lights at work. and neaten it up on my lunch break.
hm :/
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Hai Jo!!
Here's some of my kitty's to brighten up your dash this New Years Eve!!
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I hope you have the best New Year! 2023 is going to be your year to rock!!
And I hope you have the best and safe night!!!
Ahhh they’re all so cute thank you! The glarey last one is making me smile so so much!
I’m very thankful to have talked to you this year! I hope you have the most amazing 2023 too, you deserve it so much💕
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serendipetite · 2 years
me, getting self conscious about my glasses glare and not ordering the anti glare lenses
jungkook's glarey ass:
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