#glasses ash playing guitar was not something i thought id see today but here we are
ghost-of-you · 2 years
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Chapter Four: Loverboy
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Always Golden Masterlist
TW: Contains brief descriptions of violence
February was a miserable month, Ashley longed for warmth, she longed for the warmth of the sun, she longed for the warmth of Harry’s hug. She sat at her desk in the Capital offices, twiddling her thumbs. “You bored?” Roman asked, popping up out of nowhere, “No, you’re lovesick.”
“I haven’t seen him in two months,” Ashley told him, “And as much as I love you as a friend Ro, it’s a bit shit spending Valentine’s Day here.
“Why don’t you head off early then?” He asked.
“I can’t, we’re on air for another two hours.” She sighed.
“I’ll cover for you, you did it for me when I came back from Australia and jetlag got the better of me.” Roman assured her, “If anyone asks, I’ll tell them you felt sick.”
“Roman you’re a bloody angel.” Ashley smiled, she knew Harry was at the BBC, so contacted the one person she knew she could count on, “Grimmy! How’s it going?”
“It’s too early for this, you know I don’t wake up this early anymore, only sociopaths do that.” Nick mumbled.
“I need your help,” Ashley told him.
“You’re having Harry’s baby?” He cried.
“No, definitely not, but I need your help to get into the BBC.”
“So you’ve decided to leave the dark side?” He replied.
“No, Harry’s doing something on Radio 2 this morning, I haven’t seen him since Christmas, I wanted to surprise him.” Ashley explained.
“I think my life was easier when you two despised each other, the sexual tension between you two does me no favours.” Nick laughed, “Any how, I’ll call the front desk and tell them you’re coming in, take the back entrance as there’ll be lots of fans, and go get your man.”
“Oh Nick thank you so much, love you lots.”
“That’s too much affection for one day, I’m off to bed for another five hours.”
The BBC was impressive, Ashley never got used to the sheer scale of it, the colossal glass building towered above her, she discreetly passed the fans, not wanting to cause a scene. On her way there she had been texting Charlotte, Harry’s pianist as she was giving her regular updates on what was going on. She reached the back entrance with no qualms, a member of security waiting for her eagerly, “Ashley Hanson?” He asked.
“Yep, that's me,” she smiled, showing him her ID as he handed her a security pass, “He still doesn’t know I’m coming does he?” 
“He’s got no clue, they’re just performing their second song, I’ll take you to the viewing gallery where the producers are, you’ll be able to see him, but he can’t see you.” He led Ashley into the dimly lit room full of control panels and several members of the production team, Harry was strumming away on his guitar while singing one of her favourite songs, her dad used to play it during the summer before he got seriously ill. She’d lie with Harry under the big tree in his garden as her dad cut the grass, the two of them would sing the lyrics on repeat until their voices became hoarse. As he finished the show came off air and it was time for the late morning show, she made her way to the green room where the band would return to once they’d finished, texting Charlotte to ask her to make an excuse for Harry to go by himself. She sat on one of the dark leather sofas, until the door pushed open and Harry stood there, a massive grin plastered across his face.
“Not bad loverboy, not bad at all.” Ashley smiled, standing up to greet him.
“What are you doing here?” Harry grinned, wrapping his arms around her and nestling his head in the crook of her neck. 
“You know me, Styles, element of surprise and all that.”
“It’s a bloody good surprise though love, I didn’t think I’d be seeing you until this evening.” Harry replied, his arms still wrapped around her waist.
“About that, it seems that every babysitter in the UK has plans tonight, but we have the rest of the day together.” Ashley explained.
“I can cancel, we can have a quiet night in.” Harry replied.
“Honestly it’s fine H, you go and meet the others, I’ll have a night in with Daisy.” Harry had originally asked Ashley to come for dinner with him and some of his closest friends.
“But once we’ve had our day together, you can come and pick her up from nursery with me if you like, she’s been talking about you non stop since Christmas.” 
“I’d love that,” Harry whispered, pecking her lips softly.
After strenuous decision making both Ashley and Harry agreed that a take away at her house was the best option, the press would have a field day if they were seen out together on Valentine’s Day. sticking to their northern routes the pair settled on pie and mash. Having never seen her new house before Harry was beyond impressed with how homely it felt, there was so much of Ashley’s personality in every room, from the pink neon light in the kitchen, to the wall of polaroids she took every time someone new visited the flat. “How come Niall’s on here?” Harry asked, examining the polaroids while she poured them both a cup of tea.
“You aren’t jealous are you Haz?” She giggled.
“I didn’t say that.” Harry huffed.
“Your face did,” She teased, “I’m messing, he came round last summer for a picnic with Daisy, but then it rained so we had one indoors instead.”
“Do you take all the members of One Direction on picnics?” Harry asked.
“Only the pretty ones.” Ashley joked.
“Ash, can I ask you something?” Harry asked as they stood in the playground, alongside other parents, waiting for Daisy.
“Depends what it is.” Ashley smiled, wary of the other parents around them.
“Do you want to come to the Brits with me next week? I was going to ask Gem, but I want you there too.” 
“I’m afraid I’m busy on Tuesday,” Ashley sighed, “I’m presenting an award at the Brits.” 
“No way!” Harry grinned.
“I’m doing it with Niall actually.” Ashley explained.
“That’s incredible love, I’m so proud of you,” He smiled, squeezing her hand. 
“Mummy!” Daisy interrupted their tender moment, running straight into Ashley’s arms.
“Hello monkey, have you been a good girl today?” Ashley asked.
“I’m always good mummy.” Daisy smiled.
“Look who came with me to pick you up bubs.”
“Harry!” Daisy exclaimed, lurching towards his arms, he took hold of her bouncing her in his arms, “I made you a card today Harry.”
“Did you petal?” Daisy handed him a pink piece of card decorated with lots of glitter and hearts, “It’s lovely, thank you Dais, I’ll put it on my shelf when I get home.” Harry told her softly.
“Mummy, can we take Harry to the donut shop?” Daisy asked, fluttering her eyelashes, “Pretty please.”
“Harry’s a busy boy my sweet, you’ll have to ask him that.” Ashley told her.
“I’d love to go for donuts with you petal.” Harry replied. 
It was the late evening, donuts had been eaten and enjoyed, Daisy had insisted on taking a picture of Harry for the wall and now she was curled up, watching Moana with Ashley. Harry had left for his dinner engagement, even though he insisted he could cancel. Eventually Ashley decided to put Daisy to bed, as a late night wasn’t going to do her any favours, as she pulled the bedroom door shut her phone began buzzing frantically, she opened it to see several missed calls from an unknown number, “Hello?” she said when she called it back.
“Hello, is that Ashley Hanson?”
“Would you be able to come down to Hackney police station please? I’m afraid your friend has been the victim of an attempted mugging.” The police officer explained.
“Is it Harry?” Ashley whispered as her voice wobbled.
“I’m sorry, I can’t give sensitive information like that on the phone.” Ashley hung up immediately, calling Lou and practically begging her to come round and look after Daisy, to which she agreed.
Ashley ran and ran until her legs stung with pain, the police station was a good twenty minute walk from her house, but she was too scared to wait for a bus, the heavy rain didn’t do her any favours, splashing down onto her skin as she continued to sprint to the station. As she arrived she saw Harry leaving, he looked as pale as a sheet, tears filled her eyes when she saw him, she fell to the ground in tears in front of him, “Hey, love, it’s alright, I’m fine.” Harry whispered, stroking her hair as he crouched beside her, holding her in his arms.
“This is all my fault H, I should’ve come with you for dinner, I could’ve stopped this.” She sobbed.
“Ash, one of them had a knife, neither of us would’ve been able to do anything.” Harry assured her.
“When they called me I was terrified I’d lost you, stay with me Harry, don’t ever let me go.” Ashley told him.
“Always Ash, I promise.”
It was the day of the Brits, for the first time since the attack Harry had gone back to his house, he had been staying with Ashley since it happened, because she was terrified something could happen to him again. But they both needed to get ready for the awards, and for that they both needed their own space, Ashley had called upon Lou and Lottie to help her get ready, she figured it made sense seeing how well she knew them. Daisy was being looked after by Lou’s sister at Lou’s house, making the whole process somewhat more bearable. “Well it looks like you’re all done, shall we get you into that dress?” Lou remarked, the dress was a mission and a half to put on. Although she was only presenting an award she wanted to prove that she was there from her own doing, not because she was just Harry’s plus one. 
The skirt spanned further than she expected, but again it was worth it, “Will I do?” Ashley asked as she entered the kitchen.
“I mean if Harry doesn’t get down on one knee, I definitely will,” Lottie smiled, helping Ashley with any last touch ups.
As her car pulled up at the red carpet Ashley began feeling sick to the bottom of her stomach. She’d never had to do a red carpet before, especially one as prestigious as the brits. The driver opened the door and she was met with waves of excited screams, she assumed they thought Harry was sat with her, but even when they realised he wasn’t, their screams remained loud. She took her place walking along the red carpet, allowing each photographer to blind her with the flash of their cameras. As she left she bumped into Niall who was catching up with some old mates, “Ash! look at you! You look incredible!” Niall exclaimed, greeting her with a hug, “I’m going to look underdressed presenting this award with you.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself Horan,” She smiled, “I suppose this is your first time presenting too, seeing as you boys have always been on the receiving end.” 
The awards were in full swing and thankfully Ashley and Niall’s award had been the first one, meaning she was able to fully let her hair down and enjoy the party. “Hello stranger, you up for a drink?” she felt Harry’s familiar warm hands on her shoulders as he whispered to her, she stood up and followed him over to the bar, away from prying eyes. “Love you look phenomenal.” He grinned, unable to wipe the smile from his face.
“I could say the same about you, and your performance was incredible, you smashed it as always.” Ashley told him, “I matched the dress to your bow tie deliberately.”
“I guessed so,” Harry smiled.
“When’s your interview?” Ashley asked.
“I’d say it’s about half an hour or so.”
“You can do a lot in half an hour.” Ashley whispered.
Harry glanced up at her, “You mean? Here?” 
“You’ve got a dressing room don’t you?” Ashley replied.
“Yeah.” Harry smirked.
“Well then, we best get a move on.” Ashley took hold of his hand, pulling him towards the backstage area.
Their lips were interlocked as soon as Harry fling the door open, kicking it shut and locking it before they made their way towards the tiny couch. Harry continued to place delicate kisses on Ashley’s collarbone, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this H.” Ashley whispered.
“Oh trust me, I do.” Harry replied, trying to undo the back of her dress, “Did you have to wear such a hefty dress?” Harry chuckled, fumbling with the buttons that lined her spine.
“I heard you loved a challenge, it took you long enough to make a move on me.” Ashley whispered, peppering Harry’s jaw with kisses, “Besides, you’re bad enough with this daft bow tie, how’d you expect me to take that off?” 
“All part of the challenge princess, all part of the challenge,” Harry muttered, sliding the straps of Ashley’s dress down past her shoulders, the sheer weight of the skirt pulling it to the floor, leaving her body bare. 
“If you’re wanting round two when we get home, you're going to love my after party dress.” Ashley grinned.
“Why’s that?” 
“It’s a lot smaller than this one.” Ashley proceeded to unbutton Harry’s shirt as he removed his blazer and tie, until his torso was exposed, the tattoos Ashley once dreamt of, there in front of her. She proceeded to trace her fingers over his famous butterfly tattoo as her lips found his again. Harry lifted her from her dress that sat at her ankles and moved her so that her unclothed back was against the cold dressing room wall. 
“Where did you two get to earlier then? Jack was about to interview Gemma instead, you literally made it with seconds to spare.” Roman asked, it was the Brits after party and the music was booming. Harry and Ashley had just about composed themselves after their fleeting dressing room rendezvous. Harry raised his eyebrows at Roman as he took a sip of his complimentary drink.
Gemma glanced between Ashley and Harry, “Fuck sake Harry, at the brits? Really? Actually I don’t want to know.” Gemma said uncomfortably.
“Ro, shall we go get some more drinks?” Ashley suggested, unable to look Gemma in the eye. They made their way through crowds of people, over to the bar, “So you and Harry at the brits huh?” Roman asked as they ordered another round.
“Are we really going to go on about this all night?” Ashley sighed.
“I knew how you felt about each other, I just didn’t think you’d get down to business at the brits.” Roman replied.
“Make it sound seedy, why don’t you?” As they returned to Gemma and Harry, she noticed they were joined by someone else, someone she recognised as Kendall. She’d only met Kendall a couple of times, and safe to say she didn’t think much of her. Harry used to invite Ashley out to America over the summer when she was at college and they’d spend all day together, until Kendall invited herself over and Ashley was simply the third wheel.
“You know Harry has a girlfriend now,” Gemma smiled, making polite conversation with Kendall.
“Really? who is she?” Kendall replied.
“That’d be me.” Ashley stated, handing Harry his drink and placing a kiss on his cheek as he rested his hand on her back that was now exposed thanks to her new white after party dress. Roman and Harry shot knowing glances at each other, impressed by Ashley’s brazen confidence.
“You? I certainly didn’t see that one coming.” Kendall replied. 
“It’s funny how life works out isn’t it?” Ashley remarked, sipping on her cocktail. 
“Truly, I should probably head off, it’s fashion week and I’ve got to be up early tomorrow.” She smiled, “See you soon Harry.” She moved to kiss him on the cheek as he swerved her advance. 
“Fucking hell Ash, I’ve never seen you like that, I have to say, I’m impressed.” Roman said once Kendall had left the group.
“I can’t help it,”  Ashley smirked “I played third wheel to those two for too long.” 
“You’re cute when you get territorial.” Harry grinned, kissing the top of her head.
“You’re just cute in general.” Ashley replied.
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