Dead Dream -- part 1: Enter The Wooden Teeth
Shallowfig came to a halt, flicking his tail to tell his family to do the same. Ahead of them was a dead blackberry bush with leaves as dark as its namesake. It was only that, a bush, yet the gaps in the branches lifted the fur along Shallowfig’s spine. He stared at the dark dapples, and a face stared right back. Whether it was from a trick of the lighting, or his mind playing tricks on him–as it had been ever since Plague tried to kill Hootpetal and Banshee–he couldn’t tell.
“What is this place?” Tendril asked from behind him. Shallowfig just barely avoided jumping.
He  took a breath and a step back, moving his mind to wonder how long they would have to wait, but before he exhaled, Bella-May poked her head out from between the thin branches. “You’re here!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Come in, come in!”
Shallowfig stepped back, motioning for Banshee and the kits to go through the normal rotting bush, and then followed at the tail. He had not visited his older kins’ home before, though they had visited him as a kit, and he was curious to know what so many of his family had made their homes to be, if it reflected something in Shallowfig–some indication of their blood relation, somehow. Did they both enjoy hanging vines?
But before he could look around, he found himself suffocating on fur. Legs squeezed around his neck. He panicked, struggling for a few seconds before Bella-May pulled back, and he realized, almost laughing at himself, that it was only his great-great-grandmother embracing him.
“I heard what happened,” she mewed sorrowfully, licking his ears. “If I had been there, I would have ripped that she-dung’s tail off and stuffed it down her throat.”
Banshee flinched. Shallowfig touched his tail to her side to calm her. 
“I….I have a favour to ask,” Shallowfig began.
“Myrtle  told me,” Bella-May responded as he searched for the right words. “You lot can stay here for as long as you need, darling.”
Shallowfig let his shoulders sag, soothed by her kind voice. He looked over his shoulder, at his kits. Racemekit, Tendrilkit, Poppykit, Mylingkit, and their younger half-siblings, Glasskit and Pagruskit. Cold ice slithered down his spine, gripping his bones and veins and causing his body to shake and heart to fall. He had come so close to losing them. Never again will that happen.
“They need to be trained,” Shallowfig explained. 
“I’m not much of a mentor,” Bella-May replied. Shallowfig understood that, she had been a loner. “But I won’t turn down time with the little kitties.” She blinked warmly at the kits, emitting a soft chuckle when Poppykit squealed when Glasskit bit her tail. 
“They don’t need to train to hunt or the ways of Clan life,” Shallowfig told her. The daily routines of the Clans were foreign to him as well. “They need to know how to protect themselves. They need to know how to….deal with attackers and dangers.” He didn’t want to say it out loud, for the sake of the kits’ and his own ears. He couldn’t say that he wanted his kits to be trained to be killers to keep them from being another victim of Plague, that he was willing to let them grow to be monsters, risking the lives of anyone or everyone they may hurt, so that they couldn’t be.
Thankfully, understanding flashed in Bella-May’s eyes. She smiled widely. Shallowfig tried not to focus on her glinting fangs. “I thought kits didn’t train until six cycles.”
“The four are half a moon from that,” Banshee spoke up, gathering their wrestling kits around her. “The two are two.”
Bella-May tilted her head far to the side. “My question appears to stand.”
“It doesn’t need to be intensive or harsh,” Shallowfig went on. “Preferably, it isn’t, not…at least…not while they’re so young.” He knew that to give them the best chances of survival, training had to push them further than any other cats could bear. Just not yet. They could be kits for a while yet.
“Some pouncing and sneaking lessons should do,” Bella-May thought. “We can make them games.” She swept her tail slowly, enticingly around. Racemekit took the bait and waggled his hips before leaping  for the ginger-tipped tail. Bella-May flicked it out of the way in a flash, grabbing Racemekit with sheathed paws, just before he could land, and pressed him to the ground to make chewing noises against his belly. Racemekit kicked out, squealing and giggling.
Shallowfig allowed himself a few heartbeats to watch and enjoy the moment. Then Pagruskit’s yawn brought him back. They had to rest. “Are you sure it’s not trouble?” he checked. “We could stay somewhere else–”
“Absolutely not,” Bella-May responded firmly. “You ought to stay here where great-ma can keep an eye on you.”
“Is it not too much–”
“Hush,” Bella-May cut him off, blocking his mouth with a paw while Racemekit growled and bit on the other. “Before your droning puts the little ones to sleep.”
“How many know we were coming?” Banshee asked nervously. She had a tendency to anxiety when she was around those she didn’t know. Shallowfig would have stayed with her family, but that was exactly who they were hiding from.
“Everyone,” Bella-May answered cheerfully. “And they’re so excited to meet y’all! Now come along, come along, let us show the nests we made for ya.”
Banshee took the lead once again, the kits following in a ragged line behind her. Shallowfig looked behind him, through the gaps in the bush. He no longer saw the eyes, yet the fear in him remained the same. He was seeing, too far to really see, his old den where his kits were born, where Banshee became his mate, where his mother nearly died. He was seeing himself as a fun-loving kit without a care in the world, and he knew, knew as well as he knew that the fur on his pelt was pale golden, that he was likely taking away that for his own kits. 
He turned his head back and padded after his family. Ahead, Tendrilkit sneezed a high-pitched sound, and Glasskit opened her little jaws in a massive, pink yawn. Shallowfig’s eyes pricked. They were so precious now, so perfect and innocent. Whatever happened in the future, whether or not by Plague’s doing–Dark Stars hope not, sending the kits to train the way that they would be was going to change them forever. Shallowfig could only hope that he was making the right choice, and that it was worth it.
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thatvintagefanboy · 16 days
As someone who is critical I would take Author’s advice to go to chapter 25. Anyway, I read it all right now since my boyfriend is asleep and as you can tell it’s affected my mood lolol. Honestly it’s great and highly recommend 8/10!
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wolfejam · 7 years
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Heyy so today i drew my AJ wolf Tranquil Glassriver
i think i did pretty okay lol
( please don’t reblog if you're not an Animal jam blog, thanks! )
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Glassriver -- Houndtooth
Pagrusrose -- Bella-May
Mylingrain -- Blightrain
Racemeflight -- Redjay
Tendrilgnat -- Scabdrip
Poppyswarm -- Whitebriar
It, of course, changes many times so that the best lessons can be taught to everyone, but these are their main mentors and who they are with the majority of the time.
Bella-May may not have lived as a warrior, but she has been in the DF long enough to understand the gist, and again, there's always other mentors to teach the basics while she can teach some more complicated lessons.
They did not trust anyone but family. The reason these particular mentors were chosen was because of how brutal, efficient, or intelligent they could be (and to give some of the family other than the main poly some spotlight).
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Dead Dream: First Trophy
“Bansheee! Banshee Banshee!”
Banshee’s head shot up in startlement, nearly knocking Glasskit out of the nest. Glasskit glared at their great-uncle as they clambered back in.
“Yes, Stubs?” Banshee asked tiredly. 
“Oh, nothing. I just like saying your name.”
Banshee grumbled a reply and stuck her head beneath her paws as she tried to go back to sleep. 
Blinking after their ridiculous kin, Glasskit decided they weren’t that tired, rather quite the opposite, and padded after Stubs until he realized someone was following him. He grinned, wide and toothy. “Glassy lassie-laddie!”
“Don’t call me that,” Glasskit responded. “Can we train?”
Stubs tilted his head. “Train? Little kit, you’re still only three!”
“So? I want to train now!”
Stubs shrugged. “You got me there.” He gestured for them to follow him and lead the way to one of the many clearings ‘fenced’--as the family would say–by the thorns. Stopping in the center, he turned to face Glasskit. “So what do you want to know? Offense? Defense?”
“Off-what?” Glasskit asked, utterly confused.
“Uh–how to attack or how to fight off an attack?”
Glasskit considered that for a moment. “Attack!” they decided enthusiastically. 
Stubs’s eyes sparked. He leapt at Glasskit with his claws unsheathed. Shrieking in surprise, Glasskit ran behind a small cluster of stones, leaving Stubs to land expertly on the ground and look after them in confusion. 
“Don’t just jump at me!” Glasskit hissed, annoyance and fright apparent in their bristling fur.
Stubs blinked a few times. Then he shrugged again, sat down, and waited for Glasskit to reproach him. Glasskit did so quickly–they weren’t afraid, they had only been startled, but as soon as Glasskit was near, Stubs moved. As swift as a slippery fish, his paw swung, landing hard on Glasskit’s tail. Glasskit began to yowl when Stubs, more gently, pushed at their face, cutting them off. 
“No time to be in pain,” he instructed.
“Well, I am!” Glasskit growled, eyes stinging and pricking with tears as their tail was squashed against the ground.
“Then hold it and save it for later, when you’re somewhere safe. Now’s the time for focusing, gotcha? Focus. What do ya do?”
Glasskit searched around them for an answer, as if the thorns in the near-distance would reach into their ear and say it to them, but everywhere their eyes reached was blocked by the knowledge, the feeling of pain on their tail, and they struggled to push it away. Think!
They went limp, hoping Stubs would guess that they had given up. “Nuh-uh, try again,” Stubs told them. “Cats here don’t care if you admit defeat, they’ll rip your belly out as soon as they think ya weak enough to allow them. Don’t let them think that.”
Okay, something else then. Stubs was clearly expecting them to do something, and they will, but they had to do what was not expected of them. So what could throw off their great-uncle long enough to give them a chance? 
What did Stubs expect? My tail hurts so much!–it’s just pain, get over it. Now, what did Stubs expect? Glasskit looked back at their tail, where it was being held. The closest part of Stubs to them was his paw. He obviously expected them to attack that, perhaps bite his toe. Glasskit didn’t want to do what was expected, yet if it was the only part of his body they could harm, what else could they do?
“It hurts too much!” Glasskit wailed, voice trembling. 
Stubs’s ears twitched. “Ah, well, maybe we can finish this lat–”
Before he could finish, Glasskit spun around. The movement caused their tail to stretch unbearably, but they pushed through it. Biting hard onto Stub’s sheathed claw, they yanked their head back while pushing at the toe with their much smaller front paws. After a couple tugs, Glasskit thought that they must be too small to pull it off, but on the third, their head swung back far, thudding onto the ground, and they realized, claw in mouth, that they had managed to pull it off–quite literally.
Stubs’s jaws were clamped shut, a scream of pain just managing to escape through his teeth. His eyes were screwed closed, and when they opened, they blazed with fury. “You little!”
Glasskit forced themself not to run away again or let their fear show, though their body yelled at them to run or shake. Standing tall, or as tall as they could make themself to the much larger tom, they said, “just focus on something else.”
Stubs froze. Glasskit winced, preparing for a harsh blow. Instead, laughter sounded, so loud and sudden that it still made the kit flinch. “That’sa good one! ‘Focus on something else!’ Why, ain’t you a little shit? I love it!”
Glasskit smiled, pride warming them even at the unfamiliar name. But the pride was quickly replaced with guilt as they saw the small blood trail dripping from Stubs’s toe. His face twitched in pain, but otherwise he seemed fine, and his anger was gone. “I think that’s enough for now,” he decided. “Didn’t think I would be the one with a battle scar!”
Glasskit looked at their paws.
“Ah, don’t worry ‘none, I got plenty! Come, I think Red and Myrtle should be back with dinner by now!”
Warmth returned to Glasskit’s heart, spreading down to their paws as they bounced along beside their kin. Before they got far, however, Stubs stopped. “Wait!” He hurried back to the clearing, returning with his claw hanging from his lip. Was he hoping to reattach it?
But Stubs handed it to them. “Your first trophy!” Stubs declared, sounding thrilled. “The family will be so proud!”
Glasskit could hardly contain their joy, smiling ear to ear. They didn’t know what ‘trophy’ meant, but if this was how their family reacted, they couldn’t wait to gain more.
--Stubs messing with Banshee. Or maybe he purposefully got Glasskit’s attention cause he wanted to train them?
--Glass doesn’t go by they/them just yet, but since this is their pov, it’s how they feel currently (they are genderqueer).
--I wonder how the family (mostly Glass’s parents) will react to this news?
--Since the family has long trees, anyone greater than an uncle is a ‘great-uncle.’ So Hound is great-pa, Bella is great-ma (or Bella-ma sometimes), etc.
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Many think that both Pagrusrose and Glassriver are the soft ones of their family.
For Pagrus, they're right. They're weak until they're pushed.
For Glass, it's all an act. They act scared easily, they act soft-hearted, but really they're a devil in disguise who just got their great acting skills from Myrtlewing.
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I'd like to think while Glassriver is all about fighting, Pagrusrose is not only a mama's baby, but also a pacifist. In the Eyes Out family. If they were born in the non afterlife they would've cried stepping on a butterfly.
they're one of those more innocent of the family, but can and will go batshit violent if it is ever necessary
they don't torture, but sometimes you can't simply bash their head on a rock or snap their necks--the fastest and most painless way to kill them, so Pagrus instead goes all out, slashing and slashing and not stopping because the more they hesitate, the more the cat suffers, so they keep swinging without thinking twice about it or thinking about another option, because again, hesitation leads to prolonged suffering
additionally (or alternatively), everything is okay until they mess up
Pagrus: aw what a cute lil wasp :3
Glass: owe! It stung me!
Pagrus the next split second: *squashes the wasp with his paw repeatedly* DON'T EVER STING THEM AGAIN!!!!!!
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Them!! They are gender-queer and non-binary respectfully
Pagrus was originally gonna be Shrapnel, and their suffix was gonna be fish-related. Then I found Pagrus (a fish) and it fit them so much more! Maybe they got it from Sharkstar?
Also yes Glass’s suffix is a Clan name, the DF don’t give a shit
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Dark Kit / Grand Dark Kit eyes are purple.....there’s still purple in there!
Design by Yarrowleef
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Kits these days:
A gray-going white queen shuffled into the entrance of the Wooden teeth, long fluffy tail waving behind her.
Bella-May purred at the sight of her friend, and Glasskit and Pagruskit stared at the queen.
Bella-May turned to the kittens.
“Lil fishes, this is Possumpuddle! She’s the oldest cat in the Dark Forest.”
Glasskit stared skeptically.
“Where’d your legs go?”
Possumpuddle looked down and made a show of looking around, whiskers twitching.
“Oh dear, have I lost them?”
Pagruskit giggled.
“You’re funny.”
Possumpuddle gave them a quick, friendly grooming, and sat down.
“Why thank you, dear-heart.”
Houndtooth’s head shot up, and the powerful tom all but ran over to Possumpuddle, purring loudly.
Glasskit and Pagruskit just stared at Possumpuddle, wide-eyed.
“Great-Pa can actually purr?”
Houndtooth sighed dramatically.
“Kits these days are so rude.”
Possumpuddle just laughed.
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Obstacle course
Bella-May watched for a moment as her mate ‘trained’ the little ones, before stepping in.
“Hound, my love, what on earth?”
Houndtooth grunted and carefully rolled onto his back, sending little Glasskit and Poppykit stumbling off of his side.
“I’m trainin’ the wee ones.” He sounded like he had just woken up, and Glasskit nodded fiercely.
“It’s hard to keep balancing on him when he snores!”
Bella-may purred and groomed Glasskit’s mussed up fur.
“Oh sweet one, you’ve done well. Now run along, and I’ll have a little word with your great-pa.”
The kits obediently trotted along, and Bella-May let her fur bristle once the pair were out of sight.
“Are you star-addled, Hound? Napping? What if someone came through the thorns?”
Houndtooth’s good eye narrowed.
“Smooth your fur.”
Bella-may’s eyes blazed.
“You need to step up,”
“You need to settle.”
Bella-May hissed, then settled down beside her mate, gently grooming his matted fur.
“I’m serious, Houndtooth. I worry that you might be too much of a passive influence on them. What if they grow up napping?”
Houndtooth purred soothingly
“You say that as though it’s such a bad pastime.”
He dodged a half hearted blow, and grinned.
“Besides. I can hold my own against most any cat in this forest.”
Bella-May nodded.
“For all our sakes, you better be right.” She cast a glance at the skulls in the thorns.
“That poison won’t keep forever.”
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in addition to that last post about Pagrus, it would also be funny because Shallow and Banshee are both sweet beans, and to have their kits together be vicious killers would be so funny
that AND the angst of Pagrus losing their sweet nature?
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I need to start making a list of all the cats that need to be added to refsheet. Some have their refs done, but have yet to be seen there.
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Falleniris, Hemlockpine, Snailnose, Poppystone, Rosepelt, Frostwatcher (great-great granddaughters), 
Drizzlestare, Magpieshine, Funnelquail, Buzzardblaze, Starlingstrike, Aspenlight (adoptive great-great granddaughters), 
Pipitfeather, Ashfoot, Dulluhan (great-great grandsons), 
Shallowfig, Treespall, Perchclaw, Stonefern, Shrikepaw, Dusksong, Waspbeak (adoptive great-great grandsons), 
Flamesoot, Redswoop, Frondfrost, Scabdrip, Blightrain (great-great-great granddaughters), 
Willowcloud, Redwillow, Poppykit, Mylingkit, Tendrilkit, Hollymist, Thistleeye, Whitebriar (adoptive great-great-great granddaughters) 
Wolfpool, Nightbloom, Swiftstrike, Thistlebriar, Heatherfrond, Thornpool, Archwing Harrierflame, Falconember, Condorburn,  (adoptive great-great-great grandsons)
Glassriver, Pagrusrose, Redmask (adoptive great-great-great grandkits)
@ambitiousauthor would you say this is right for Houndtooth?
There’s so many names I’m not sure
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Redmask and Glassriver are both genderqueer....Banshee was the one to help Redmask figure out how to show others what gender they currently were to avoid others from making a mistake.
1) They landed on some sort of ring around the neck, with different colours to symbolize the gender. They tried with vines, but it didn’t work, so they asked Myrtle to give a piece of his neckerchief, which he was more than willing to do for his grandkit. 
Myrtle tore off the entire bottom as a strip (he still has most, Red probably has a centimeter in height throughout the whole bottom).
They struggled to tie it, since they’re cats, but they’re also fictional wc cats, so they figure it out!
Now for the colours, they put in plants, They have flowers attached to the stem, but since that irritated Redmask’s fur, they place at at the back of his neck where the knot is.
Green = he/him
Orange = they/them
Dark purple = she/her
2) Banshee has a kit who is also genderqueer, and runs into the same problem. 
Again, Myrtle is asked for help, as they know it works, and he’s more than willing to help out his grandkit. 
A strip along the whole bottom is taken away again, same height (most of Myrtle’s neckerchief is still there, but the tear is visible because their claws aren’t exactly neat cutters).
Instead of plants, Glasswater uses burrs (they don’t bother her) and puts them on the outside of her neckerchief since they stick easily.
Dyed with berry and plant juice, they are coloured:
Red-brown = he/him
Purple = she/her
None = they/them
3) Myrtle’s neckerchief looks a mess and now both Redmask and Glasswater have bits of their grandpapa’s neckerchief!!
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@ambitiousauthor @wills-woodland-warriors @starfalcon555 @elementaldeityoffood @umbranoxs
please send me the names of every Dark Kit and Grand Dark Kit you can think of! I'm making a doc
currently I have:
Dark Kits:
Grand Dark Kits:
(btw 'grand' dark kits aren't just grand kits of original residences, it's all of their descendants beyond just 'dark kits'
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All Grand Dark Kits (descendants of Dark Kits)
Almondkit, Archwing, Ashytoes, 
Bloodrain, Bubblekit, Buttercupbloom,
Cardinalember, Celadinekit, Condorburn, Coyotekit,
Glassriver, Glasswortkit,
Harrierflame, Heatherfrond, Hollymist,
Ibexit, Indigokit,
Lightkit, Lilaclight, Littlekit, Loquatkit,
Orchidsnap, Ospreykit,
Pagrusrose, Poplarkit, Poppykit,
Racemekit, Rhubarbkit, Rosekit,
Sassafraskit, Scabdrip, Scorpionkit, Spottedtooth, Sweetkit,
Tendrilkit, Thistleeye, , Thornpool, Trillflea, Toothwortleaf,
Whitebriar, Willowcloud, Wolfpool, Woolcardersteps,
The Parents:
Blightrain, Scabdrip (Falleniris X Blackfinch)
Redmask (Waspbeak X Sapdew)
Archwing, Thistleeye, Thornpool, Whitebriar (Dusksong X unknown)
Heatherfrond, Hollymist (Treespall X Stonefrost X Ratthorn)
Spottedtooth, Willowcloud, Wolfpool (Drizzlestare X Kestralstorm X Blazestrike)
Condorburn, Falconember Harrierflame (Buzzardblaze X Pheasentdust)
Mylingkit, Poppykit, Racemekit, Tendrilkit (Shallowfig X Rosebee)
Glassriver, Pagrusrose (Shallowfig X Banshee)
Almondkit, Rhubarbkit (Spiderspots X Honeyflower, Hawkflight surrogate)
Poplarkit, Vulturekit (Spiderspots X Honeyflower, Smokyflame + Adderclaw surrogate)
Celadinekit, Glasswortkit, Indigokit, Loquatkit, Sassafraskit (Rosewoodspring X Hawthornfrost)
Coyotekit, Ibexkit, Ospreykit, Scorpionkit (Doefire X Lilyclaw)
Woolcardersteps, Ashytoes  (Proteafang X Tawnytrot, Webfang surrogate [Tawny mother])
Cardinalember, Trillflea (Tawnytrot X Proteafang, Webfang surrogate [Protea mother])
Buttercupbloom, Lilaclight, Orchidsnap, Toothwortleaf (Mellowtooth X Foxglovetrot)
Bubblekit, Lightkit, Littlekit, Rosekit, Sweetkit (Mellowtooth X Willowruffle)
I probably forgot some, so if I did let me know!
Taglist: @ambitiousauthor @wills-woodland-warriors @liberhoe @umbranoxs @starfalcon555 @elementaldeityoffood 
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