#wc bella-may
Glassriver -- Houndtooth
Pagrusrose -- Bella-May
Mylingrain -- Blightrain
Racemeflight -- Redjay
Tendrilgnat -- Scabdrip
Poppyswarm -- Whitebriar
It, of course, changes many times so that the best lessons can be taught to everyone, but these are their main mentors and who they are with the majority of the time.
Bella-May may not have lived as a warrior, but she has been in the DF long enough to understand the gist, and again, there's always other mentors to teach the basics while she can teach some more complicated lessons.
They did not trust anyone but family. The reason these particular mentors were chosen was because of how brutal, efficient, or intelligent they could be (and to give some of the family other than the main poly some spotlight).
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A Night's End: Fresh Hope (pt. 4)
Nightfly Origin
The three cats walked slowly, their energy drained with every step as much as their hope had been seeped out of their hearts with every kittypet or alleyway loner they spoke to, all giving the same answer.
No one had seen Meadowtree or Feathergaze, or any Clan cat besides them, for that matter.
Nightdrift glanced ahead at Twistedshine, who’s muzzle was locked and eyes were narrowed in determination. Determined to find her sister, or determined to still believe that she would, he couldn’t tell. 
A sigh brought his attention to Bramblefin, walking beside him. He leaned over and whispered in the brown tabby’s ear. “Were you two close?” he asked.
Bramblefin looked at Nightdrift, then at his own paws, caked with the dust that littered the strange pathways that lined the Twolegplace. “Been friends since we were young,” he answered.
Bramblefin shook his head, and Nightdrift could see that it pained him. “No,” he responded through what sounded like a lump in his throat. “I mean…I caught feelings, but…”
“She never did?” Nightdrift guessed sympathetically.
“I don’t know. I didn’t have the courage to ask before, and now…I’ll never know what her answer would have been.” His lips trembled, and the dark cloud over his eyes watered with fresh emotion. Nightdrift stepped closer, hoping to press against him and soothe as much pain as he could, but before his paw could touch the dusty ground, Twistedshine whirled around, bristling.
“Don’t say that” she hissed, saliva swinging from her snapping teeth. “We WILL find her, safe and sound, and you WILL have your answer!” Before either tom could respond, she whipped back around and continued on, tail lashing.
Nightdrift lowered his voice to a whisper, and spoke again into Bramblefin’s ear. “Has she been doing okay? Other than now?” He wanted to know if Twistedshine felt better when she was surrounded by other loved ones, her kits, her friends, or if the distraction of everyday life was enough to quiet the beast that grief brought. If it was different from now, when Feathergaze–and Meadowtree-was the front and centre of all their thoughts. He wasn’t sure why. Pity, probably.
Bramblefin shrugged. “I think she just hides it well,” he murmured back. “Feathergaze is more than a sister to her. She was–is–her best friend, and in a way, her daughter.”
“I heard.” Nightdrift wondered what it would be like to raise your younger sibling as your own kit. He guessed that Twistedshine didn’t have much of a choice. He didn’t know what kind of parents they had or how bad they were, he only knew that Twistedshine took it upon herself to take care of her kit-sister so that she would be happier than Twistedshine had been.
His eyes rested on the blind she-cat, who stomped on with a growl. What must it be like to lose the one cat you swore to always keep happy? What must she feel, knowing that the sister she must have sworn to protect is surely dead–or at least, will never be found by the Clans again?
Nightdrift’s chest ached as a storm of ice swept through his lungs and up his throat, where it sat as heavy as a rock. He tried to swallow it, stumbling, but it didn’t budge.  If this was how bad he felt just thinking about these cats’ pain, how could they move on, feeling it, expecting to live and hunt and patrol as if they don’t?
So distressed and distracted by these thoughts, he didn’t realize that Twistedshine had stopped, and bumped into her rear.
“Watch it,” she growled.
“Sorry.” Nightdrift blinked, realizing with a start that Twistedshine had stopped because she was speaking to someone. It was hard to tell in the dark light–night had fully fallen, and the tall Twoleg lights that lined the Thunderpaths were absent in this small row of dens–but he was sure that she was a tortoiseshell cat. He waited for her eyes to flash towards him, but even as she clearly faced him, there wasn’t so much as a glimpse. Did she HAVE eyes?
“As I was saying,” Twistedshine huffed, “have you seen any Clan cats around?”
The elderly kittypet let out a chuckle. For some reason, it made Nightdrift flinch. “Haven’t seen anyone around, hon. Don’t have the equipment for it.”
Equip…what? Must be a kittypet word.
“Blind?” Twistedshine asked.
“That’s right. And if you had to ask, I take it you’s the same.”
“For about four seasons now,” Twistedshine told her. “Cataracts.”
“Ah, rough.”
“Excuse me.” Bramblefin pushed forward. “We’re looking for some cats. Have you–uhm–scented them around? Or know anyone who did? We’re kind of in a hurry.”
The old cat responded to his request for hast with a long, massive yawn that sent an unpleasant odour into the three cats’ faces. They couldn’t help themselves from flinching. “It’s possible I smelt them. It’s even possible I spoke to them.”
Twistedshine straightened. Brmablefin leaned forward, ears perked, and Nightdrift’s eyes widened. “You did?” Twistedshine gasped. “Were they okay?”
“Was a she-cat with them?” Bramblefin put in. “She would have smelt like the two of us.”
“And another would have smelt like me,” Nightdrift added.
“Which way did they go?”
“Did a Twoleg take them?”
“Were they injured?”
“How many did you see–uh hear?”
The old cat smacked her tail against the ground. “Quiet, would you? How many tongues you think I have?”
Nightdrift ducked his head. “Sorry.”
Twistedshine scratched her claws against the tan Thunderpath impatiently. “She’s my sister, so excuse me if I’m in a rush to find her.”
The old cat tilted her head to one side. “Oh, yes, it can be tough losing kin, can it? The pain so hard, like the death of your own heart right inside of you.” Her words were raspy, creaking like a broken branch. “My own little kit found out her son had died not too long ago. A sickness that could have been cured if some cats had just given him care took him away from us. Ah, maybe you know him. Maybe you hated him too, like the cats who killed him.”
What was she going on about? “I’m sorry for your loss,” Nightdrift told her earnestly, albeit with confusion. “Perhaps…you understand why we want to find our Clanmates so much?”
The old cat’s muzzle wrinkled, reminding Nightdrift of a hungry dog. “You don’t care about my loss. Listen to you! I tell you about my dead grandbaby and my poor daughter’s broken heart, and you only want me to stop talking so you can go find your kin. What selfishness!”
Nightdrift ducked his head. Was he being selfish? 
“We could talk to you about it…when we get back?” Bramblefin offered. 
“Ha!” The old cat’s laugh was sharp, slicing through the air as clear as a claw. “Don’t bother. I want nothing to do with you Clan cats if it ain’t sending you on your way.”
“And which way would that be?” Twistenshine’s question was more of a snap. 
The old cat curled her lip in distaste. She nodded across the Thunderpath. “That direction ‘til you find a little stream. Follow it to a bridge. That’s where I sent them.”
Twistedshine had already bounded across the path before she could finish, Bramblefin hard on her paws. 
“Thank you,” Nightdrift told the old she-cat. “This is the most news we’ve gotten since the Flood.”
“Then go, and get away from me before I change my mind!”
Without needing more insistence, Nightdrift raced after his companions, fresh hope lighting his steps.
--Old Jacky!
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riiwrites · 1 year
Can I request dazai confessing his feelings to reader and reader doesn’t believe he’s being serious? Thank you 💕
seriously. - d. osamu
a/n : ofc anon! tysm for your request! <3 i apologise if it isn’t good writing. this is my first full fic but I really do hope you enjoy it 💗
genre : fluff
warnings : none
wc : 1k
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If you had to describe Dazai Osamu with a few words, it certainly wouldn’t be earnest.
He just wasn’t known to be that serious kind of man, you knew that of course. You’ve been working alongside him for as long as you can remember and all you seemed to get from him was just incompetent behaviour.
You have never once in your whole life of working at the agency seen Dazai be or at least try to be serious, at least not with you.
His way of communicating with you would always end up with him initiating a flirty gesture or phrasing something poetic about your ethereal beauty. Although you didn’t mind it, a part of you wondered if what he was saying was actually true.
“You’re oblivious, you know that right?” Ranpo said, eating away and interrupting your rant about the whole situation between you and Dazai.
“He is in love with you.” He continued.
“He may not act serious but trust me, the eyes don’t lie.”
He wasn’t wrong, he’s Ranpo. He was never wrong and with the way Dazai looked at you when he thought you weren’t was truly something.
But still, you just couldn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe Dazai would actually be serious about loving you, it was all just fun and games after all, right?
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It was quite a lonely night for you back at the agency. Everyone had clocked out for the night and you were filling in some leftover paperwork that had to be done for the week and then you’d be finished.
As you were too zoned in on the sound of your own pencil scribbling the paper you didn’t seem to hear the tiny creak of the door behind you slowly opening up.
Dazai slowly peaked through the door, spotting you and entered your working space, being gentle with his movements as to not get your attention just yet.
He slowly stepped forward— practically tiptoeing his way towards you from behind, eventually placing his hands on your shoulder before whispering.
“Whatcha doing, Bella?~”
It took a quick second for your heart to skip a beat when you heard that specific nickname only one person called you. You snapped out of your focus before swiftly turning around to him with a sigh of relief when you can confirm it’s just him.
You let out another exhale of relief. “You scared me there.”
You added on with a small smile to your face, a pink hue slightly tinting your cheeks as you tried to adjust yourself from the sudden change of scenery in-front of you as you hadn’t moved out of your chair for what seemed like hours.
“Aw, my apologies Y/N! Just wanted to check up on you, you’ve been glued to that desk for the past few hours y’know~” he teased, basically confirming that theory as he took his hands off your shoulders and walked over next to you, propping himself up to sit on the desk you were currently working at.
“Well, i guess I’ve just been pretty busy.” You replied, spinning back around in your chair to take a look at him once again, scratching the back of your head sheepishly.
“Why don’t you come on a walk with me? Clear that pretty little head of yours?”
He had that mischievous wide smirk on his face that you had always noticed. You would constantly take note of the tiniest things about his features that you just absolutely adored about him. The pink hue on your face became more visible as he spoke, word after word it made your face practically glow with pink. After a few seconds of contemplating wherever or not to say yes to his suggestion, you sighed as you look back at your paperwork and then back at him with a slight smile before replying.
“Sure then, let’s go.”
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The walk was beyond peaceful surprisingly enough. Dazai was walking alongside you with his two hands behind his head, taking small glances at your expression as you looked up at the stars, seeming so in awe with them.
“You like them?”
He leaned forward with a smile as he tried to get a more clear look of your facial features, taking every little detail in. There was a long pause before your answer as you nodded slowly, admiring it all.
“Yeah, they’re beautiful.” You said in response.
Dazai took in how soft your voice was, how gentle your facial expressions were as you stare in admiration at the sparkling dots in the sky. He took a sharp breath before saying something else in reply.
“You’re breathtaking, you know that right?
You paused for a moment, still staring at the midnight sky as you then turned to him with a playful smirk, rolling your eyes to his flirting.
“Thank you, Dazai.” You replied sarcastically, expecting another one of his flirtatious and foolish remarks.
“No, Y/N listen to me.”
He took his hands off his head and stood in-front of you, taking your hands into his own whilst staring at you with such a fond expression.
“You are- absolutely breathtaking.” He repeated his words once more, waiting for a response.
You took a few seconds again, confused as to what was happening and thinking it was just Dazai playing tricks on you once again.
“I- thank—“ you tried but before you could’ve even gave a response back, he just blurts it out within an instant.
“I love you, Y/N.”
There was a long silence shared amongst the two of you, the only thing heard was the wind bristling against the trees and a few cars bypassing. You were the one to first break the silence, not by speaking, but by literally laughing.
Dazai stood there stunned for a moment, letting go of your hands with a look of confusion riddled across his face as you hugged your chest, laughing hysterically.
“Oh- ahah! Oh Dazai you are- so remarkably funny!” You gasped out in between laughs, absolutely losing yourself.
“W-what..? Y/N what are you talking about?” He asked, a look of concern also struck on his face.
There was suddenly another long pause when you eventually stopped laughing as soon as he said that. Your sudden wide eyes shot up to look at his sort of hurt expression and you tilt your head.
“You- were joking were you not?”
Well now you looked like a complete fool.
You took a few steps back, processing this and just refused to believe it.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Y/N I’m serious.”
God, even just the word ‘serious’ rolling off his tongue felt so wrong but oh, just the way he looked at you with that genuine expression had you weak in the knees and second guessing everything for a moment.
“Do you not see the way I look at you? God, Y/N I’m so in love with you I’ve never been more serious in my life.”
He stared at you with his beautiful brown eyes piercing through you like bullets, not breaking any eye contact whatsoever. You felt a cold shiver run down you, although it could’ve been the gust of wind, you didn’t give it a second thought before responding.
He replied within an instant, seeming so sure about that.
“You own my heart L/N.”
That statement sure was bold and you absolutely adored it, you adored him.
You took a step forward, taking his hands into your own and smiling down at the sight, intertwining your fingers with his and gave him a soft smile as you tilted your head up.
“You own my heart too Osamu.”
Once you replied, Dazai had to take a breather, letting go of the breath he had currently held in for about a whole minute of waiting for you to reply with something not so negative.
“Whew! Y/N don’t leave me on a hanger like that ever again- that was seriously wounding.”
He said, chuckling nervously but smoothly covered it up with a composed expression on his face.
He’s secretly dying on the inside though.
He moved his hand forward pulling you closer to him, embracing you tightly and wrapping his arms around you fully, looking up at the sky like you had done. Once you pulled away from the tight embrace you looked up at the brunettes face as if you were analysing something about him. he glanced right back at you.
“What?” He asked, quirking his eyebrow up in question.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you be so serious..” You admitted.
“What?!" He gasped dramatically, placing his hand on his heart, acting as if you’ve wounded him.
“Absurd! I’ve been serious more times than you can even count!”
He huffs. You cocked your eyebrow up at him in response.
“I mean, if that’s what helps you sleep at night.”
You began to smirk and glanced back up at the stars. He then let out a dramatic exhale before returning the same smirk you had on your face.
“Don’t make me take back my words, dear!"
There it was again. The same unserious mischievous scheming bastard of a man who somehow stole your precious heart.
Who knew a man like him could actually be so serious?
Damn, you owed Ranpo so much money.
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chososchalupa · 7 months
My brain only works with things like these and Im on my knees. I love your writing soso much. To be exact this is a smut req, IMAGINE bsd men (chhuya and dazai to be exact) with a female s/o who's a professional pole dancer! Ignore if your not comfortable with this type of content, Have the bestest best day!!
ah thank you so much! im still new to writing smut but i hope you enjoy! Have the best day <33
Dance for me
MDNI 18+
content,, F!Reader x Chuuya, F!Reader x Dazai, pole dancing, public sex w Chuuya, jealousy in Dazais, orgasm denial, I think thats all but i may be missing something, Chuuyas might be bad tbh i wrote it in 10 minutes lol , NSFW UNDER CUT!!
wc - 878, 541
Dazai -
Dazai didn’t mind that you were a professional dancer. In fact, he absolutely loved the level of confidence you had to be able to do something like this. While he loved you and what you did, he did not come to the club often, so when you saw the bandaged man walk through the door just before you went on stage, you were shocked to say the least. You watched as your boyfriend looked around the club before sitting at the bar in the back, taking a quick glance at you before smirking and turning back to the bartender. Dazai had only come to your place of work a handful of times, and everytime he’d leave out of jealousy. He struggled to hide his angry glare at the customers who also came to watch you dance, and tonight was no different. You watched him closely as you began dancing, causing him to crack a small smile. You continued your set, moving around the pole and smiling at the men and women who surrounded the stage. As you finished your shift, you glanced back to the seat Dazai had been in only to find it empty. You sighed, he always left before you could go see him.
You had sent a few texts to your boyfriend but they were all ignored, you rolled your eyes and grabbed your things from the dressing room. You waved goodbye at the other girls and made your way home.
“Dazai?” You yelled as you walked through your front door, “I’m home!”
You heard the couch squeak as your boyfriend walked out from the living room, “Welcome home, bella” he smiled, kissing your lips gently.
“Where did you go tonight? I was going to come sit with you” You pouted, crossing your arms at him.
A small chuckle passed his lips as his eyes darkened, “You seemed a bit preoccupied with the others”
You rolled your eyes at his words, “I’m just doing my job”
“I know, Bella. And you are so good at what you do. I just don’t want you to forget about me”
Before you could respond, he had grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the bedroom. Laying you down softly on the bed and pressing soft kisses all over your face.
“I’m sorry I left. You looked absolutely stunning tonight, I couldn’t stand watching others get your attention” He whispered in your ear, before dipping his head down and biting your neck.
“You don’t have to worry, ‘Samu. You’re all I want.” You whimpered, the heat between your legs growing wetter and wetter as he continued kissing and nibbling at your skin.
Dazai didn’t respond as he locked your lips together, slowly stripping you of your clothes. You moaned against his lips as his fingers made their way between your legs, slowly circling your clit.
“Please, Dazai” You whined
“Be patient, Bella. You’ve already had so much attention tonight.”
You moaned again as he slipped two fingers inside your hole. Slowly scissoring them as he left purple and red marks along the side of your neck and down your chest.
Dazai continued fingering you as slow as he could, taking your nipple into his mouth causing your back to arch off the bed.
“Please go faster” You whimpered, feeling your core begin to tighten.
“Of course” He smiled, as he began to pick up speed
You could feel your release coming quickly, “Dazai I’m going to-”
Your words were cut off by Dazai pulling his fingers out, the knot in your stomach disappearing.
“I’m sorry, my love. You can’t cum yet. I haven't even gotten inside of you” He smiled, sucking his fingers clean. “Flip over for me”
You did as you were told and got onto your hands and knees, arching your back perfectly for Dazai.
“You are so stunning” He spoke softly, before pushing his length inside of you.
Though it did sting due to his size, the pleasure was unreal. The knot in your stomach already beginning to tighten as your boyfriend slammed into you.
“You know you belong only to me, right?” He asked, leaning forward and kissing your shoulder
“Of course, Osamu. I belong only to you”
“Good girl” He whispered, giving one last kiss before sitting back up.
The room soon filled with nothing but the moans from the two of you and the soft sound of skin slapping together. Dazai always knew how to hit the exact spot you needed him to, causing you to arch deeper.
“Do you want to cum, Bella?” He asked, slamming himself into you once more.
You nodded, biting down onto your sheets to quiet the moans escaping your lips.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you” Dazai spoke, moving his hand around your body and to your clit, rubbing fast circles as you moaned loudly.
“Yes, please. Please, Dazai” you moaned loudly causing him to smile
“Cum for me” He moaned, rubbing his fingers faster as his thrusts started to become sloppy.
The two of you came together, a string of moans leaving both of your mouths as you collapsed onto the bed beside each other.
Dazai slowly pulled out of you and wrapped his arms around your waist,
“I should come to your work more often”
Chuuya -
Chuuya loved coming to visit you on nights you worked. Normally, he would send you a text letting you know he was coming but tonight, you walked on stage to see him sitting at one of the closest tables. Your face grew red as he smiled at you, giving you a small wave. You smiled back and began performing, your eyes not leaving the ginger man sitting in front of you. You watched as his hand moved towards his crotch, slightly adjusting himself to hide his growing erection. His actions only provoked you more, causing you to put on the best show he’s ever seen you do.
Your set had finally ended and you went to your dressing room to change. As you stripped from your outfit, you heard a knock on the door. You covered yourself with a towel you had on your chair and opened the door to peek at who was behind it, Chuuya stood smiling at you,
“May I come in?” He asked, slipping past you before you could answer.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight” You smiled as you turned to face him
“I was in the area, our mission ended early so I came to see my favorite girl,” Chuuya smiled, sitting down on the couch behind him. “You looked amazing up there. I am so lucky to have you” He whispered, pulling you down onto his lap.
You blushed at his words, pressing your lips to his. You felt his erection grow against your already wet center as you grinded down slowly on him. A quiet moan escaped your lips as he lifted you up slightly, pulling his pants down so you could grind onto his hard member. “Are you sure you want to do this here?” You asked, stopping your movements.
“Did I say to stop, Doll? Keep going” He moaned, his hands moving to your hips to move you back and forth.
You moaned softly as you lifted your hips, allowing him to push himself into you.
“You feel so good, Chuuya” You moaned, bouncing up and down on his lap.
Chuuya didn’t respond, his head was thrown back, resting on the couch as you rode him. Moans continuing to escape from his mouth.
You felt your core tighten as you bounced on his cock, constant moans leaving your mouth as you gripped onto Chuuyas shoulders.
“Be quiet, Doll. I don’t want anyone else to hear you” Chuuya moaned, connecting your lips.
“I’m close, Chu” You moaned, your face buried into his neck, leaving soft kisses as you spoke.
His hands tightened around your hips, forcing you to bounce faster onto him, “Cum” he demanded.
You came loudly, hiding your face deeper into his neck to cover your moans.
“God, you are perfect” Chuuya smiled, pulling you closer to his body.
The two of you stayed cuddling for a while until you heard a knock on the door,
“Everything okay in there? We heard some loud noises” the voice of your manager spoke.
A deep blush fell over your face, “Everything’s good! Thank you” You responded
The both of you waited for the footsteps to fade away before laughing, “That was close” Chuuya laughed, “We should do this again next time.”
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sylacris · 1 year
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— “rather melodramatic, aren’t you?”
alternatively: “always your heart will be aching for my presence. You will see the moon, and it’ll remind you of me, of us, of what we used to be and could’ve been” / you were tasked to kill dazai osamu and yet…
dazai osamu x gn! reader
content: mild angst, smoking, a gun, dazai-typical suicide mentions, may be ooc, not proofread. inspired by: dangerously yours episode 1: masquerade.
wc: 1.5k words
a/n: nothing beats coming back to tumblr just to drop something i wrote on a whim. will i be consistently posting? if my motivation doesn't go away -v-
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Dazai Osamu knew his past would catch up to him one day.
Not only associating, but being a high-ranking official in the Port Mafia is a time in his life that he not only refuses to come back to but perhaps even actively haunts him incessantly in those dark drunken nights and smoke-filled lungs. On those nights alone, he only has the company of sake bottles and memories of the past—both good and bad.
He knows that he'll never be a good person—not what Odasaku wanted him to be, at least—yet he tries; he always has been trying.
But there comes a time when it seems as if trying isn't enough and repentance will be the only solution—perhaps even his death would be worth more good than all of the good he's done combined.
And repentance he shall receive as his lover stands right in front of him with a cold glare that exudes such burning rage, an anger that could've made him falter even the slightest if only he wasn't looking forward to such a death in the back of his mind.
With a smirk that never seemed to disappear, Dazai reaches out of his pocket, making them raise their guard with a glare and a finger on the trigger. "Mind if I have a smoke?" He doesn't even wait for a reply before pulling out the cigarette and lighter from his pockets.
"You can do anything you please, Dazai," you grunt.
Dazai puts the cigarette between his lips; he really is so carefree, even in the face of an enemy, though perhaps he sees you less as an enemy and still as his love.
Glaring at the unfazed man that stood before you, you sighed. This was for your people; kill the demon prodigy; that was your assignment. There was no way you were going to back down after months of getting to this point.
"But that doesn't mean I won't finish my mission here once and for all. You won't get away this time, demon prodigy."
After hearing his former title in the mafia, Dazai's eyes seem to darken, and there is a slight furrow in his eyebrows before he composes himself once more.
He lights the cigarette, inhaling the smoke before puffing it out. With a sigh, the man looks at you, ever so calm, even at gunpoint. and states in a matter-of-fact tone, "You can't pull the trigger, Bella." You knew he could always perceive you like an open book; it was something he could always do.
"You can't pull it because you love me," he says, looking at you directly.
"Isn't that why you're taking your sweet time?" Dazai lightly taunted, taking another swing at the cigarette before throwing it to the ground.
"Who said I ever loved you to begin with?" you defended.
He took a step forward, placing his hands inside the pockets of his pants. "So all the times we spent together were nothing to you, Belladonna?" he frowned, yet something in his tone made you think he was looking down on you—or rather, almost not taking this situation as seriously as you are.
"Of course it was; that would be obvious to you already, no?" you bite back, yet Dazai had such audacity to only smile at your hostility. which ignited your anger even more: "I never loved you, and you never loved me; I know you were just using me; you deceived me; don't give me your pitiful excuses, Dazai."
Another step forward, and you backed away. "I never loved you?" He repeats what you said, almost as if he's stopping himself from laughing at your statement, as if you said something so horribly inaccurate that Dazai merely perceives it as a joke.
"I mean exactly what I said," you replied, only earning a chuckle from the man.
"You say I never loved you, yet you are the only person I've ever wholly entrusted my heart to; you say I never loved you when even though I knew about this plot of yours, I still stuck around." As each second passes, Dazai moves closer to you, which makes you alarmed, only gripping the gun harder than it should be, knuckles almost turning white.
You warned, "Stay back!"
Yet Dazai's brave; he knows how to get what he wants, and he wanted you.
"Don't you wonder what was going on in my mind every time we were together, knowing you had ulterior motives to get closer to me, yet I still accepted you wholly, for what can i do when what my brain says is not what my heart wanted to follow?" Dazai sighs, shaking his head.
"I don't care; I don't care about you! Everything I've worked hard for has led up to this; don't try and stop me, Dazai." Empty threats leave your mouth as Dazai seems to ignore your mild distress.
"Oh Bella. If only you knew just how much of a fumbling mess you've made me. You took my heart, yet I would gladly let you take more of me as you pleased. You've made a fool out of me, yet I'd play the jester in your story if it meant it would satisfy you."
"You tricked me into loving you!" you shouted through gritted teeth and a clenched fist, not thinking properly in your state as your eyes whip around to find something, anything, perhaps an escape route but
"Were you not the one who approached me with the intention of stealing my heart?" Dazai retorts. He always knew how to keep your eyes on him, and now that the gap between the two of you is gone, it almost feels like you are suffocating from how close he is and how much adrenaline is in your veins.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
"My, Bella, if you were resolute on doing this then you would've shot me minutes ago. But look at where we are now. A point blank shot yet no bullets being fired at me," Dazai teases, placing his hand on top of the gun you held up, "quite a situation we have here, yes?"
You remained silent, dropping the gun on the floor as your hands shake from how hard you've clenched them, carving moons on your palms as you avoid Dazai's eyes, sorting your mind. You needed to kill him; that was what you'd been working for for so long. However, in a few words and touches, he already had you around his finger yet again.
And God, was it so annoying.
"You're so still; your face is like ice—what are you thinking?" He's gotten close enough to where he reaches to cup your face, as your shaky hands really couldn't muster the courage to shoot him as he says.
A held exhale leaves you: "What does anything you have to say matter, Dazai?" You bit your tongue before looking down: "If I fail now, everything that I've worked for and everything that I've been raised to do up until now would be… useless." You mutter as he merely observes you.
"What can a breaking heart do if it is left to choose between what it has known for so long and what it wants to love now?"
Dazai smiles at you with pity as he traces your jawline before tilting your head up to meet his eyes. They looked at you as if you were the night sky. Dazai has always given you such a soft look in your time together, directed only at you, and you would be lying if you said your stomach wasn't filled with butterflies—though whether it's from the adrenaline or from his lovelorn acts, you'd never know.
"Well, then I'll give you a choice, darling," Dazai starts.
"Shoot me and complete your mission. No one has to know of this ordeal, and you get to leave scot-free back to your organization." He pauses.
"However, when the time comes, you will find moonlit nights strangely empty because, when you call my name through them, there will be no answer. Always, your heart will be aching for my presence. You will see the moon, and it'll remind you of me, of us, of what we used to be and could've been."
"I don't-" 
"Shh, I'm not done yet, Bella," he lightly warns, placing his index finger on his lips and chuckling before continuing on.
"Or, you could choose to follow me, stay as my lover, and join the Armed Detective Agency. If anyone from where you came from looks for you, we will do everything in our power to protect you. You have been interested in what we do in the agency; not only that, you are an ability user too, no?"
You gulped, biting on the inside of your cheeks as you pursed your lips at his question before giving an answer: "Yes, both of those are correct."
Dazai gives you a closed-eye smile and says, "Your eyes would have such a shine in them whenever I talked about the agency on our little dates. I bet they'd like you."
Your thoughts couldn't help but imagine what it would be like with the agency. You lightly smile at such a statement, and if Dazai picked up on it, which you assume he did, which he always does, unsurprisingly, he chose not to comment on it.
"So, Belladonna, what will your choice be?"
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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[𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬] 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐁𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
✦ answering to this question from Byakuya anon 🌸. ✦ tw: slightly nsfw. especially the last hc. mentions of sex. nudity. taking baths together and the things I ll never have if I keep dating real men. ✦ an: pls follow the link to listen to Byakuya's VA singning the song I mention in the hcs ♡. The manga panel used for the banner is slightly altered, he isn't smiling in the original one. (sorry Kubo, I needed to) ✦ wc: 664
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➜ Taking baths together. Not always they end on sex, specially when both have to attend the Gotei’s matters. But, Byakuya is so meticulous and delicate, he will take the time to treat you like the noble you are. Both will wash your hairs. His soft hands applying essential oils, both deserve -and enjoy the best-. Speaking of baths, Byakuya doesn’t seem to understand how naturally handsome and sensual he is; whenever he takes shower alone you are absolutely allowed to sit outside to chat about the day -to chat and drool at him acting so nonchalantly, letting the sunrays of a new day filter and kiss his pale skin…
➜ Trips to most exclusive destinations in the world of the living. Would you like to put on your Gigai and go relax at the beaches of Bali? Sure. Would you like to visit Paris? Of course, as long as you don’t make him eat from a boulangerie, he would be ok with it. Venice, for the carnival you say? let's go. By the way, Venice seems to be one of his favourite places; and yours too. During one of those nights, while staying at the Gritti Palace Hotel, with white sheets tumbled and the big window showing you the great canal, Byakuya would start singing “Bella Notte” while you dance… maybe naked, or maybe already dressed for a romantic dinner at the terrace.
➜ Looking at each other with prying eyes during social events/Gotei’s meetings. Dark blue sky eyes, sharp look scanning you, calling you to look at him. He is the type of man that will kill for you, that possess you but never cuts your freedom. Instead, he wins your exclusivity with a pleading stare that can melt your heart; Yes, that cold sight everybody always mention, with you is warm, is fire and love. You feel his attention need, your eyes search for his. A subtle smirk is enough to make Byakuya swallow and softly stretch his neck muscles. You may think he is trying to look more severe than normal, with more superiority, but he isn’t… he is just trying to process the way your sexy look makes his body feel. (You really believe nobody realizes, but everybody does, and they are all happy. Kuchiki Taicho needed you…) .
➜ Cooking Wakame Taiishii cookies together. He has a special cutter with the form of Wakame ambassador (and one of Chappy, whenever Rukia is around). You might know exactly how to make the dough, but, do you want him to stop telling you? Of course not. “Byakuya, love… come help me”. “Uhum” he would hum, coming from behind, stretching his arms, and placing his chin on your shoulder. “See? You should roll out the dough this… way”. The subtle weight of his body on yours, and your back arching just enough for your glutes to graze his crotch often ends up with burn cookies...
➜ Training, fighting. Nothing is sweeter, sexier, and more sensual than you and him sweating under the sun, wielding your Zanpakutos, crossing the edges of such powerful swords. A competition that leads both into being stronger, releasing the pressure of the day, putting your bodies at max… to end up tired, so tired after.
➜ And, as tired as you end up from training, both will cuddle in bed after. And I believe that, Byakuya is into a softer version of sleep play. He loves, adores, to delicately press his body against yours, to kiss your shoulder or for you to do it. Mumbling sleepy loving words with lips lingering, sloppy eyelids, the scent of your bodies lulling you to dream with paradise. And, if your bodies still respond… making love with no crazy positions, going slow, from the side, playing with your hair or you tracing little circles with your fingertip on his back. Fall asleep still inside you with a whispery “I love you”
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tojisangrylittlething · 11 months
three's a crowd - pm!dazai x reader
summary: you and dazai get yourself into some trouble, but that's the least of your problems at the moment.
wc: 1k
warnings: canon typical violence, cursing, some torture but nothing graphic
a/n: i recently watched a space western called firefly (really good go watch it) and found some inspiration. also this has been sitting in my drafts for a min i'm sorry if it sucks.
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osamu dazai seems to really enjoy being the bane of your existence.
the deal was supposed to be easy. just charm the dealer and move on with your day. dazai insisted on coming, but him and his big mouth landed you both in trouble.
now here you are, bound to a table with the most insufferable being right next to you.
"ah, isn't this great bella? just you, me, and our torturer."
you looked to your right and dazai has his eyes closed, with a wide grin placed on his lips. you then look in front of you, seeing a large man in all black. he wears an empty expression, holding a remote in his large hands.
you rolled your eyes at his antics, growing more irritated by the second. "maybe if i was with chuuya this wouldn't have happened."
the man in black must have pressed the remote again, as you and dazai feel the electrical current surging throughout your bodies.
the grin slightly falters, but he brings it back to its full glory. "if you were with chuuya, you'd be too busy drooling over each other. seems to me you two just need to hook up and get it over with."
you two have been fighting for a few days. chuuya had stopped by your apartment just to drink some wine and catch up. you both have been friends for quite a while. you had been very busy with handling some business for the port mafia. you wanted to relax and dazai was off who knows where. you were laughing at something chuuya had said, and in he walks. eyes wide and an unsettling smile on his face.
"if you wanted to fuck chuuya, you just had to say so bella. here's a tip, he likes when you pull on his hair."
doesn't he trust you? how can he not see that you are absolutely feral for him? it actually hurts to think that is the conclusion he jumped to.
and at this moment? you just want to hurt him back.
"you know what? fine. if we make out of this-"
"when we make it out of this." dazai says, cutting you off.
glaring at him, you say "if we make it out of this, i'm going straight to chuuya's."
your bodies begin to buzz again. it hurts all over and you feel dazed. the torturer is watching you both, slightly confused by your odd...relationship.
dazai laughs at that, "oh yeah? is that so? what are you gonna have poor, ole chuuya do bella?"
you can feel the maniacal smirk growing on your face. you turn to him again, "i'm gonna drag him to bed and claim him. from what i remember, you seemed to love when i did that for you darling."
dazai finally looks over at you. his eyes are cold and empty, but that stupid smirk doesn't leave his face. "oh that's what you have planned? he's gonna fucking love that." he turns to the torturer, "do you see how they hurt me so?" the man just stares blankly at him.
you heard a loud thump behind the door. all three of you simultaneously look at the door.
the door then bursts open. in walks chuuya and there are a couple of bodies at his feet. the relief you felt was an understatement. you sighed in relief, and dazai spoke up "look bella! it's your boyfriend!"
chuuya rolls his eyes at dazai and says, "nice to see you too, you mackerel."
as chuuya walks forward, the man in black takes a step towards him. chuuya just raises his eyebrow at that, tossing a bag at the man that you just now saw. "this should be enough for them."
the man picks up the bag and opens it. inside, there is hundreds of dollars. enough money to secure your freedom.
the man grunts, "this is enough for one, but not both."
your face does drop at that. no matter how mad you may be with dazai, you would never want him to experience this. with your ability, it's not as bad for you. you can take the pain. you look at chuuya, "please, chuuya, don't be stupid about th-"
"them. i choose them." chuuya says very confidently.
you and the torturer's eyes widen.
"chuuya what the fu-"
"i made a promise." chuuya walks over and begins to undo your restraints. when your arms are released from above your head, your body collapsed. all the pain and exhaustion from using your ability taking over.
chuuya caught you, throwing an arm of yours around his shoulder.
"take care of my bella, she's important." you look up and see dazai looking at chuuya. the words he said were light, but the look on his face was dark.
"i will dazai, they're safe with me."
with that, you and chuuya begin to walk off. you couldn't help yourself from turning to face dazai once more. "but what about you?"
dazai lets out a hearty laugh. he looks at you with a loving gaze.
"i'll see you soon bella. still gotta know how chuuya takes to you topping him."
you immediately feel your cheeks start to warm up. your eyes widening and mouth dropping to the floor.
"as if they could." chuuya says, half dragging your body out of the room.
"how many times do i have to fucking tell you 'samu, it's you! always been you." you seem to be screaming at the top of your lungs at this point.
your wrists are pinned above your head, sweat and tears pouring down your face. the air in the room is heavy and slightly sticky from the activities you and your boyfriend are getting up to.
osamu looks down at you with a playful grin, his eyes, however, say something different.
"i don't know my sweet, sweet baby. i think you're going to have to be louder than that."
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fangbangerghoul · 3 months
Top 5 Fic Recs
I was tagged by no one bc I just wanted to do this honestly and figured I would make it fun.
Rules: Post links of your 5 favorite fics (tumblr/ao3/whatever), doesn't have to be your top favorite, doesn't have to be within the same fandom. Just five fics you find yourself thinking about at random times of the day even long after reading them.
Doing this to rep some writers work and to share some of my personal favorites that AO3 likes to remind me the shameless amount of times I have revisited the work. Also, I occasionally like to read outside of my usual fandoms so I am hoping by doing this I can find a new fave.
Take This Heart - Bookwormbaby2580 @ Ao3
Fandom: Twilight wc: 376,936 Tags: Soft Au, Angsty, Age difference Summary: Bella's life is a constant choice between bad and worse until she moves to Forks and meets the one man who can ease her burdens. But trust doesn't always come easily, especially when life has taught you that you're safer on your own.
2. Indebted - Worm_girl @ AO3
Fandom: Star Wars/Kylo Ren wc: 6,044 Tags: 18+, Voyeurism, Master/pet, Throne Room Sex Summary: No Summary but basically you're Kylo Rens sugar baby
3. Spidersilk - ChildofYuggoth @ AO3
Fandom: BG3 wc: 6,297 Tags: Light bondage, Porn without Plot, Aphrodisiacs, Size Difference, Oviposition Summary: You attract the attention of a certain drider as you unload cargo at Moonrise Towers. When your curiosity gets the better of you, you seek him out and find far more than you'd bargained for. This is pure, depraved Kar'niss smut at the request of my lovely readers.
4. In the Dark - 2kmps @ AO3
Fandom: Castlevania (anime) wc: 1677 Tags: Smut, rough sex, gender neutral, drunk sex Summary: You couldn’t say either of you were particularly brilliant folks after a couple of drinks.
5. OF MORAL ACHES - totentaz @ AO3
Fandom: Dragons Dogma 2 wc: 7203 Tags: Mildly Dubious Consent, Oral Sex, Moral Dilemmas Summary: F!ARISEN x M!PAWN — "...she'd always wondered what it would be like to have him peel the very clothes off of her, to feel his warm hands grip her waist and hear his breath catch at the thought of any possibility that they could do anything but carry on as arisen and pawn. She imagined it more than she would admit. Not for a moment did he object to any of her wishes — even the times she'd kissed his cheek and stroked his head when he asked questions she did not know the answer to; even as he followed her loyally across the wastes, never wavering in her decisions, every chance to voice his doubts notwithstanding...."
There were two more fics I wanted to add but for everyone who might participate I feel like 5 is more than enough!
Tagging (with no pressure): @bearlytolerant @lisa-and-shadow @staticpallour @silurisanguine
@a-cosmic-elf @therealgchu @interplanet--janet @eridanidreams @toxiclizardwrites
@crystal-overdrive @roguishcat @arisenreborn @5oh5 @spookyspecterino
@soloavengers @sleepybadbear @edgier-than-a-diamond @linashirou @lyriumrain
Again no one is required to participate but I figured this could be a cool way to showcase some fics that might not be very popular or fandoms your followers may not know you enjoy! Please tag me if you do post so I can see some of your faves!
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bvlladonnas · 7 months
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is that NAILEA DEVORA? oh, no, that’s XIMENA REYES, a TWENTY-THREE year old STUDENT AT UNIVERSIDAD DE BELLAS ARTES/LIFEGUARD who uses SHE/HER pronouns. they currently live in EL PALACIO HOUSING IN VINA DEL MAR, and the character they identify with most is LIZZIE MCGUIRE FROM LIZZIE MCGUIRE & LUISA MADRIGAL FROM ENCANTO. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
full name: ximena guadalupe reyesnickname(s): ximeage: twenty-threegender: cis womanpronouns: she/hersexuality: bisexual & biromanticdate & place of birth: may 15 in el paso, tx occupation: bioengineering major at universidad de bellas artes & lifeguard at playa el solfaceclaim: nailea devorapiercings: one lobe piercing on each eartraits: ambitious, dogmatic, dependable, emotional, patientsimilar to: lizzie mcguire (lizzie mcguire), luisa madrigal (encanto), belle (beauty and the beast), padme amidala (star wars), katara (avatar: the last airbender) aesthetics: pastel hair clips, cowboy boots, singing into a hairbrush in your room, movie nights with your best friends, the sweet nostalgia of girlhood, and fresh peaches 
* warning for parentification & mommy issues </3
– born in el paso, texas, and was the first in an eventual family of ten (has nine siblings – future wc ??? perhaps ???) — has dual u.s. & mexico citizenship, grew up traveling between the two countries as their family had cattle ranches both in el paso & in colonia juarez (though they mainly focused on agriculture in juarez) — while her family wasn't well-off by any means growing up, her parents always made sure she had what she needed, and because of that, she could never complain — grew up having to take care of many of her siblings; considers isabela, mateo, & the triplets (her youngest five siblings) to basically be her kids — has a love for animals that manifested because she worked closest with the cattle & livestock growing up — kind of . looked over in her family by her mother (mommy issues ...) and was considered the "plain" daughter because of her place in the family (her sister, the one closest in age to her, is considered the pretty one) — is always yearning for something More. was always found exploring or with her nose in a book or watching documentaries on the local library's computer — while she loves her family, often felt stifled by them. she's the "smart one" and so is often seen as her parents' life insurance (because she's supposed to be the successful older one out of all of them) — got really good grades so she could go to a good college but her financial aid wasn't enough to afford it; because of this, she took a year off and completed most GE credits at her local community college — applied to universidad de bellas artes on a whim, believing she wouldn't get in and it was just for fun — got a full scholarship & decided to go for it — is in chile in an effort to forge her own path and get away from her family for a bit, has some insane guilt over it we unforchie do not have time to unpack  — literally just got here . she is New In Town — works as a lifeguard because baby is broke ... has no money .... no family .... sixteen in the middle of miami ... — is very excited to finally be able to be herself (even though she has no clue who that is)
— her hair goes right to her upper thighs; it used to go all the way down to her feet, but it got kind of hard to manage. still, it's very important to her — kind of a klutz. trips over nothing no matter how hard she stares at the ground — actually a very good swimmer. she wouldn't have gotten her job without it! — wants to work at nasa developing new technology for life beyond earth. also kind of wants to go to medical school. also has no clue what the hell she wants to do in life — the definition of yearning ... someone get her — loves to sing! hums to herself often while she's doing things & actually has quite a decent voice — cannot cook to save her life. will burn water (but can bake, somehow. can make some mean slutty brownies). — neurotic as fuck. always anxious and kind of a control freak, and then gets anxious about that, too — loves fiber arts! crochets & knits gifts for people as a love language <3 — has her own horse named angelica. she's chesnut brown & also the love of her life and she misses her every damn day — has a very slight Twang in her voice <3
— someone to show her around chile ! she is quite literally fresh off the plane y'all she's so lost — someone she knew during childhood maybe? might be a future wc but i think it'd be fun ! — a platonic soulmate, her bestest of friends if you will. — a roommate !!! she is so broke someone take her in and split the bill with her omfg (also she lives in a cool house by the sea similar to an old hermit . i think someone should come live there with her) — who is she not getting along with immediately . who is she fighting . she's a mexican older sister you know she's kinda judgy even if she tries to say she's not :/ — more to come be patient
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All Named Animal Characters In Warrior Cats A–Z (PART 1)
- A -
Acorn Fur
Adderpaw (WC)
Apple Blossom
Applefur (OOTS)
Applefur (TF)
Arc Shadow
Ashfur (ShC)
Ashfur (TC)
- B -
Bee (CotP)
Bee (Ro)
Beech Tail
Beechfur (RC)
Beechfur (TC)
Beechpaw (SkC)
Beepaw (SkC)
Beetlepaw (SkC)
Bella (KP)
Birchpaw (ASC)
Birchstar (RC)
Birchstar (SkC)
Birchstar (WC)
Bird That Rides The Wind
Black Ear
Blossomkit (ShC)
Blue Whisker
Bound Hunt
Branch (DotC)
Branch (HJ)
Breeze That Rustles The Leaves
Bright Stream
Bristlepaw (ASC)
Broken Feather
Broken Shadow
Brook Where Small Fish Swim
Bubbling Stream
Bunny (Dog)
- C -
Cedarpelt (RC)
Chasing Clouds
Claw Stretch
Cloud (Sister)
Cloud Spots
Cloud With Star In Belly
Cloud With Storm In Belly
Cloudberry (RC)
Cloudberry (TC)
Cloudy Sun
Clover (TC)
Coal (FQ)
Coal (TNP)
Coco (DK)
Coco (PK)
Coriander (BrS)
Coriander (DK)
Cow (MFV)
Crest Of Snowy Mountain
Cricket (DotC)
Crow Muzzle
- D -
Daisy (DK)
Daisy (TC)
Dancing Leaf
Dangling Leaf
Dappled Pelt
Dark Shadow On Water
Dark Whiskers
Darkstar (CotC)
Darkstar (MV)
Darkstar (SkC)
Dawn Mist
Dawn River
Deerpaw (PC)
Dew Nose
Dew Petal
Dewkit (ShC)
Dewy Leaf
Dove's Wing
Dovestar (RC)
Dovestar (WC)
Dusk Nose
Dusk Smoke
Dust Muzzle
- E -
Eagle Feather
Eaglekit (WC)
Eeltail (CotC)
Eeltail (MV)
Emberdawn (LH)
Emberdawn (TBC)
Emberkit (CJ)
Emberkit (DotC)
- F -
Falcon Swoop
Fallen Leaves
Falling Dusk
Falling Feather
Falling Rain
Feather (GC)
Feather Ear
Feather Of Flying Hawk
Fern Leaf
Finch Song
Finchkit (WC)
Fish Leap
Fleetfoot (Leopard)
Flight Of Startled Heron
Flower (KP)
Flower (Lo)
Flower (Ro)
Flower Foot
Flower Stream
Flowerpaw (TC)
Flowerstem (AVoS)
Fluttering Bird
Fox (DotC)
Frecklewish (SkC)
Frecklewish (TC)
Fritz (KP)
Fritz (Lo)
Frog (Ro)
Frostpaw (RC)
Furled Bracken
Fury (GV)
Fury (Boar)
- G -
Goldenstar (Lion)
Gorseclaw (RC)
Gorseclaw (TC)
Gorseclaw (WC)
Gorsepaw (WC)
Gorsetail (PoT)
Gorsetail (TNP)
Grasskit (WC)
Gray Sky Before Dawn
Gray Wing (WC)
Graypaw (RC)
Graypaw (TC)
Graywing (RC)
- H -
Half Moon
Hareflight (FQ)
Hareflight (TR)
Hawk (RH)
Hawk (Sister)
Hawk Swoop
Hazel Burrow
Heronwing (RC)
Heronwing (TC)
Hollow Tree
Hollykit (TNP)
Honey Pelt
Hop Scratch
Hunt Growl
Hunt Leap
- I -
Ice (Sister)
Ivytail (RC)
Ivytail (ShC)
- J -
Jackdaw's Cry
Jagged Lightning
Jagged Peak
Jagged Rock Where Heron Sits
Jake (IH)
Jake (TPB)
Jay Frost
Jay's Wing
Juniper Branch
- K -
Kite Wing
- L -
Lapping Wave
Larchkit (MV)
Larchkit (TNP)
Lark (CotP)
Lark That Sings At Dawn
Larksong (AVoS)
Larksong (BP)
Larkwing (BrS)
Larkwing (FQ)
Leaf (Lo)
Leaf (TC)
Leafkit (WC)
Leap Growl
Lightning Stripe
Lightning Tail
Lily (FQ)
Lily (GV)
Lion's Roar
Little Mew
Littlekit (YS)
- M -
Marigold (GV)
Marigold (TS)
Max (KP)
Max (Ro)
Melting Ice
Milkfur (MV)
Milkfur (WC)
Milkfur (YS)
Minnowkit (CotC)
Minnowkit (CP)
Mintfur (RC)
Mintfur (SkC)
Mintkit (ShC)
Mintpaw (CJ)
Minty (KP)
Minty (Ro)
Mist (CP)
Mist (RH)
Mist Where Sunlight Shimmers
Mistkit (TC)
Mistlekit (SkC)
Mistlekit (TC)
Misty Water
Mitzi (KP)
Mitzi (Lo)
Molewhisker (RC)
Molewhisker (TC)
Moon (Sister)
Moon Shadow
Moon Shining On Water
Moonpaw (CS)
Morning Fire
Morning Star
Morning Whisker
Moss (KP)
Moss Tail
Moss That Grows By River
Mossheart (ShC)
Mossheart (TC)
Mosskit (TC)
Mosspaw (ShC)
Moth (CotP)
Moth Flight
Mouse (MFV)
Mouse Ear
Mouthclaw (Snake)
Mud Paws
Mudclaw (ShC)
Mudclaw (WC)
- N -
Nettle (AVoS)
Nettle (DotC)
Nettlepaw (RC)
Night (Ro)
Night Of No Stars
Nightkit (TC)
Nightsky (TBC)
Nightstar (RC)
Nightstar (ShC)
Nutmeg (OC)
Nutmeg (Ro)
Nutmeg (TPB)
Nutmeg (TR)
- O -
Oatpaw (RC)
Oatwhisker (TC)
Oatwhisker (WC)
One Eye (DotC)
One-eye (TPB)
Owl Feather
Owl Song
- P -
Pale Sky
Patch (KP)
Patch (RF)
Patch Pelt
Patchkit (MV)
Pebble Heart
Pebble That Rolls Down Mountain
Perchpaw (MV)
Petal (DotC)
Petal (Sister)
Petalkit (Lion)
Petalkit (TC)
Pikepaw (BotC)
Pikepaw (MO)
Pine (TS)
Pine Needle
Pine That Clings To Rock
Pink Eyes
Pip (Dog)
Pounce (RP)
Pounce Whisper
Pouncetail (RC)
Pouncetail (ShC)
Pricklekit (RC)
Pricklekit (WC)
Prowl Sleek
Purr Roll
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The whole family!
Refs by Turukhan
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Thinking about Old Jacky
The first thing I picture is always old lady who willingly leads other innocent cats to their deaths.
But what if there’s more.
What if she wasn’t expecting to have kits? What if she wasn’t ready?
And what if food was scarce and times were hard, and one of the kits died? And there was so little meat…Jacky had no choice but to feed her remaining kits.
And Jacky became determined to make her daughters thrive. Even if they became horrible monsters, they are still her little girls that she worked so hard to keep alive.
So she allows them to be monsters. Maybe she even encouraged it, believing cruelty would only aid their survival.
Maybe she even started to believe it herself. Trying to play by the rules and be kind cost her kit its life. Trying to be caring lead to feeding her kits their own littermate because what other choice did they have?
But when they were vicious, mean, cruel, they thrived? So she’s mean and cruel, and guess what? They thrive.
And maybe while all her kits were still alive, they tried to hunt on Clan territory and were attacked for it? They could have had meals, just one nice mouse, but no.
Then years later, Clan cats come to her, asking for help. So where does she send them? To her daughters—the vulnerable kits that they had once turned away.
It was justice
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b3llb00 · 11 months
I’m right here..
Taron Egerton X Bella (Can be reader)
Summary: Taron had a nightmare about Bella, and he needs to know that she’s really here with him…
Theme(s): Smut, angst, fluff.
Wc: 2,492.
Contains: [ Cockwarming, spooning ], grinding, slight humping, making out ( I guess ), French kissing, normal kissing, nightmare, hugs, sweet touching, just overall sweetness in general actually..
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[ ‼️ WARNING! SMUT AHEAD!! If you are not comfortable reading smut, please don’t continue reading. I would say come back when you’re 14-16+, but most smut is 18+. Just come back when you’re ready, lol. I’m just tryna protect y’all.. ‼️]
Reading Key:
T: = Taron’s P.O.V
B: = Bella’s P.OV.
Taron jolted awake, sweat dripping down his forehead, his breathing extremely heavy, his eyes watering, his body shaking slightly with fear.
He had a nightmare, a terrible one at that. Bella was gone, dead, in his arms, blood the shade of crimson stained her body and his arms. He tried to shake her awake, he tried to lie to himself, he kept trying to tell himself she was still alive, but it wasn’t working. It was too late.
Hey, honey, w-what’s wrong.? Bella asks softly, her eyes slowly opening. Her eyes then immediately going to Taron’s shaking figure beside her. He looked so scared, so nervous, he thought it was real.. he thought she was gone.
Bella's voice snapped Taron out of his nightmare realm, and back into reality. He immediately reached out to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. His heart was still pounding in his chest, and he struggled to catch his breath.
Bella... Oh god, it was just a nightmare. You're here, you're safe.
He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent, finding comfort in her presence.
I dreamt that... that I lost you. It felt so real, Bella. I couldn't save you... I... I couldn't...
His voice cracked, and tears welled up in his eyes. He held onto her tightly, as if afraid that letting go would make the nightmare come true.
I'm sorry... I'm sorry for waking you up like this. I just... I needed to feel you, to know that you're here with me.
He pressed gentle kisses to her forehead, her cheeks, and her lips as if trying to convince himself that she was truly there, and not dead like in his mind.
I love you, Bella. I can't bear the thought of losing you.
I— shhh, shh.. it’s okay, baby. it’s okay. I’m right here, shh. I wrapped my arms around you instantly, whispering repeatedly how I’m  alright, I’m here, I’m safe, with you.
It’s okay, love. It’s alright, love you too.. I kissed the side of your head, feeling your body shake as it held onto me, I was terrified with how scared you were. I was trying to comfort you the best I could.
It’s okay. it’s okay, baby. I’m here, I’m not going nowhere. I wiped the stray tears from your eyes, my heart breaking at the sigh of you like this. I leaned forward, pressing soft and tender kisses on the outside of your eyes, trying to catch any tears that may fall.
I was usually the one to have nightmares, and you would always confront me. But now, it’s the other way around. I’ve never expected you to be this scared over a nightmare, though.
I let my hands rest on the sides of your face, my thumbs grazing your cheekbones softly. I knew it was going to take you an awhile to shake off the dream, I knew it was going to be a while of you hugging me, refusing to let go. Not until you knew I was truly there with you, hugging you, not dead in your arms.
Taron clung to Bella as if she were his lifeline, finding solace in her soothing words and gentle touch. He closed his eyes, letting her presence and tender gestures calm his racing heart. The nightmare still lingered in his mind, the fear and helplessness haunting him.
I'm sorry, Bella. I didn't mean to wake you up like this... It's just... it felt so real. Losing you... I can't bear the thought of it. He leaned his forehead against hers, their noses touching as he sought comfort in their closeness.
You're my anchor, Bella. You keep me grounded and keep the nightmares at bay. I don't know what I would do without you.
He held her face gently in his hands, his eyes searching hers for reassurance.
Promise me you'll always be here, Bella. Promise me you'll never leave my side. I need you more than words can say.
I- I promise you, baby. We hold our faces in each other's hands. Your hands were incredibly shaky as you clung to me. My hands also started to shake with fear at the sigh of you like this. I saw the absolute fear in your eyes, the way you looked at me as if I was going to die any second.
I promise you, baby. Imma stays here, as long as I live. I look up at you, sounding as gentle and as soft as I can. I slowly pull you closer to me, your breath hitching slightly as I speak softly, our lips brushing as the words flow effortlessly out of my mouth.
I love you, Taron... I move my body even closer to you, closing the gap and kissing you softly, with the lightest amount of pressure. Just trying to fully snap you back into reality.
As much as you wanted to just stay like this, you also needed me in a different way, a sexual way. You needed to be inside of me, just burying your cock deep inside of me, feeling my warmth and slickness against your cock that’s starting to throb in your pants.
I can tell you need me in another way, and I whisper, just getting wet at the thoughts we practically shared.
I need you too, know. I- if you want. I start up, my voice almost sounding suggestive that we should just give into our desires.
Taron's breath hitched as Bella's soft touch and gentle words reached his senses, momentarily distracting him from the lingering fear of his nightmare. The warmth of her lips against his own ignited a spark within him, reminding him of the love and desire they shared.
Bella... I want you. I need you. I need to feel you on top of me, to remind myself that you're here, that you're real.
His voice was filled with longing and desperation as he spoke, his hands sliding down to her waist, pulling her body closer to his own. He could feel the heat radiating between them, a delicious tension building in the air.
Let's forget about the nightmare, just for a little while. I want to lose myself in you, in the pleasure we create together.
He kissed her passionately, his lips hungrily seeking hers, as his hands roamed her body, memorizing every curve and dip.
Take me, Bella. Take me and make me forget. Show me that I'm alive, that I have you by my side.
I- fuck, baby. I whisper, closing my eyes and leaning into your body impossibly closer. I slowly run my hands down your body, your muscles flexing and contracting under your shirt, I leave it on. I just need your cock inside of me, not moving, just inside of me, cockwarming me.
I’ll take you, baby.. just.. let me... I slowly untie your sweatpants, before dipping my hand inside your pants and boxers, grabbing your already hard and throbbing cock. My breath hitches as I slowly pull your dick out of the confines of your sweatpants. Your shaft twitches in my touch, pre-cum already leaking from the tip. I lean into your neck, whispering softly.
Oh, my god, baby. I slowly push my shorts and panties to the side, revealing my already soaking wet cunt, my arousal pouring down my legs.
I slowly grab your broad shoulders, leaning myself back against the pillows, waiting for you to line yourself up and fill me immediately.
Taron's body trembled with anticipation as Bella's hands explored his body, igniting every nerve and inch of him. He let out a soft sigh as her warm touch enveloped his hard, throbbing cock, his hips instinctively moving towards her.
Fuck, Bella... You feel so good, so wet for me. He slowly grazes his hand along her pussy, shivering at the feeling of her cool arousal now on his skin.
His voice was laced with desire and need as he leaned in to kiss her neck, his lips trailing hot and eager kisses along her skin. He could feel her wetness against his fingertips, evidence of her arousal and readiness for him.
I want to be inside you, baby. I want to feel your tightness around me, to lose myself in the heat of our passion.
He positioned himself between her legs, the tip of his cock brushing against her wet folds. With a slow and deliberate movement, he eased himself inside her, gasping at the tightness and warmth that surrounded him.
Fuck, Bella... You're so fucking tight... So fucking perfect.
He held himself still, savoring the feeling of being buried deep within her, his hands moved to the sheets as he fought against the overwhelming urge to move.
Just like this, Bella... Let me stay inside you. Let me feel the connection between us, the intimacy that drives me wild.
Fuckkk, baby.. I whisper. Immediately, I lean my head back, my eyes rolling back as well as I bite my lip, trying to hold back my moans, they escape softly as I feel my warmth engulf your already throbbing cock.
Please, just- stay still, baby. I start massaging your shoulders, relishing in the feeling of your massive cock not moving inside of me. It feels so fucking good, words can’t even describe it.
M~Mmm. I moan out. Your saliva dripped down my neck, and I slowly started to take my tank top off. I shiver at the feeling of my breasts exposed to your eyes, my nipples hardening as the cool air flies over them.
Then, I slowly slide my shorts and panties off, all while still having you inside me. You also followed suit. Our lean, fit bodies fitting perfectly together. I wrap my hands around your neck again, pulling you in for a passionate kiss. Our wet, heavy, warm tongues glide over each other with ease.
We both didn’t want to movie. We just wanted to feel each other, our hips rested perfectly together, not rolling against one another like normal.
Taron's body tensed with pleasure as Bella's hands worked their magic on his shoulders, massaging away any lingering tension. He let out a low growl of satisfaction, feeling her warmth and wetness surrounding his cock.
Fuck, Bella... You feel incredible. So tight and perfect.
He savored the sight of her removing her top, revealing her beautiful breasts to his hungry gaze. His eyes drank in every detail, the way her nipples hardened under the cool air, the way her skin glowed with desire.
You're so fucking beautiful, Bella. I can't get enough of you.
He groaned into the kiss they shared, their tongues dancing in a passionate and desperate embrace. Their bodies pressed together tightly, the heat between them intensifying as they relished in the pleasure of being so intimately connected.
Just like this, Bella... Let's stay like this for a while. Let's savor the feeling of our bodies intertwined, the electric current that courses through us.
His hands roamed her back, his touch gentle and loving, as he continued to kiss her with a hunger born from their shared desire.
I love you, Bella. I love you more than words can express.
Fuck, I love you too, baby. I moan softly at the end, the way your cock vibrated inside of me sent shivers down my spine. My walls clamping down on you, my pussy practically already drooling out onto our legs and the sheets.
Your so- so warm.. mm.. I break the kiss to speak, wetting my lips before I bury my face in the crook of your neck. My moans are soft and my breath hitched against your skin. My eyes fluttering close as I slowly grab your waist, turning us over so you’re spooning me. I moan at the better angle.
I felt your muscular arms wrap around my waist with ease. I sigh in context, my muscles start to relax as I feel sleep start to come back to me.
I- I’m getting sleep again, baby. I feel like I could fall asleep like this, because I could. Our bodies pressed tightly together, your hips slowly pushing into the back of mine, not pulling out though, just relishing in this beautiful feeling.
Taron's body shivered with pleasure as Bella's tightness enveloped him, her moans and the wetness surrounding him driving him to the edge of ecstasy. He held onto her waist tightly as she turned them over, spooning her from behind, their bodies fitting perfectly together.
Mmm, Bella... You feel so good like this. So fucking perfect.
He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent as his hips moved in a slow and steady rhythm, grinding against her from behind. The sensation was intense, his cock pulsating with every movement.
Just like this, love... Let me take care of you. Let me show you how much I adore you.
He pressed soft kisses along the nape of her neck, his hands caressing her body, exploring every curve and dip. The intimacy of their position, and the way they were connected, fueled the fire of their desire.
I want you to drift off to sleep, Bella. I want to be here with you, holding you close. We can savor this moment together, in each other's arms.
His voice was filled with tenderness and adoration as he continued to move against her, his body syncing with hers, their connection deepening with every breath.
 F-fuck, darling- I whisper, your words sending a shiver down my spine. My voice gradually starting to lace with sleep. I struggled to stay awake, leaning back as much as I could, trying to get you to penetrate me deeper. My walls fluttering around your cock even more as the deep, red blush on my cheeks grew by the second.
I move my hair to the other side, along you to kiss along my neck, all while your hot breath hitched at my ear and collarbone. It felt so fucking good.
I- goodnight, baby- I whisper, feeling myself slowly drift off to sleep. I’m glad I could help with that nightmare, heh.
Taron's movements became slower and more deliberate, matching the rhythm of Bella's drifting consciousness. He continued to shower her with tender kisses, his touch gentle and loving as he savored the feeling of her walls fluttering around him.
Goodnight, my love... Thank you for being here, for chasing away the nightmares. You're my savior, Bella.
He whispered against her skin, his voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and contentment. He held her tightly, their bodies still connected, as he allowed himself to succumb to the sweet embrace of sleep.
Wrapped in each other's arms, they found solace and peace, drifting off into a peaceful slumber, knowing that they had each other to chase away the darkness of the night.
And as they slept, their bodies remained entwined, their hearts beating in sync, a testament to the love and connection they shared.
Made with FlowGPT.
My FlowGPT profile:
( Feel free to check out the prompts of Taron and his characters by me if you’d like. :P )
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ricalvarez · 4 months
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Name: Ricardo Alvarez Gender & Pronouns: Cis Man & He/Him Age: 32 Birthday: April 14, 1992 Occupation: Barista at Bella Vida Cafe Neighborhood: Frog Hollow Time in Cape May: Twenty- Eight Years  Hometown: Jalisco, Mexico Family: 1 Sister (wc), aunt and uncle (npc/names tbd) Relationship Status: Single Music: Rock, hip-hop, reggaeton, pop
(mentions of death tw, car accident tw)
Ricardo was born in Jalisco, Mexico to a very well-connected family. He lived in Jalisco, Mexico for about four years after his birth and his sister joined the family a year after his birth. However not too long after the arrival of his baby sister, his mother passed due to a terrible car accident on her way home from work. Ricardo's father was never the same since, but for a little bit he tried to raise his kids. Unfortunately, after two years, it was proving incredibly difficult for his father to raise his kids while also diving into his ever-blossoming career in politics. There was some family in the states that his father reached out, after a couple of phone calls, he eventually found someone who could take his kids in and also properly care for them.
It was at the age of four that Ricardo, along with his baby sister, was sent to live with an aunt and uncle in the very reserved neighborhood of Frog Hollow in Cape May. Papers were sorted and the two of them were adopted by the aunt and uncle, and so began Ricardo's life in Cape May. It took a couple of years for Ricardo to get over the fact this father never reached out to them, not even for birthdays or Christmas, but once he did an anger settled in the void.
Growing up, Ricardo tried to be the best brother he could be to his sister. They were always close and that never changed even with age. It was easy for him to make friends in school because he's the kind of person who was comfortable with just striking up a conversation with pretty much anyone, and he was also involved in a lot of sports activates. Soccer having his heart. He was so skilled in the game of soccer that he considered that to be his career when he graduated high school. And for a little while, it was. He went to college, played soccer for the school, graduated with a degree in marketing.
When he turned thirty, his father had finally reached out. While they were busy living their lives in Cape May, his father had been busy pushing his career in Mexico. He was now the President of Mexico, which now made him and sister the children of the President of Mexico. However, it wasn't a life Ricardo wanted for himself. Despite his father's efforts, he didn't budge about moving back to his homeland to fill the shoes he'd leave behind. Now a days he tries to ignore his father's calls, while working as a barista at Bella Villa.  
(drugs mention tw)
crank that music up to full blast, baby! ricardo is here for a good time and even better vibes. he's got a heart of gold, with a sarcastic sense of humor on the side. he is full of life, adventure, curiosity for the world around him, and he always loves making people laugh. he likes being the friend you can call at 2am in case you need anything, and he'll be the person who holds our hair back if you're throwing up at a party. he loves to go with the flow of things, absolutely always higher than a kite if at a party, and he's always up for lending a helping hand when needed.
Sister: WC on main
Childhood friends: a squad of people who grew up close with him and still are close to this day.
Favorite customer (TAKEN BY JASPER REYNOLDS): ricardo and jasper created a bit of a bond throughout the time jasper's been coming to bella villa cafe. it's to the point where ricardo always has jasper's go-to ready to roll. ricardo has come to really enjoy their little chitchats in which he throws a hundred questions towards jasper about the things he's been in, and sometimes if he's lucky, the man will occasionally make his day even brighter by asking for a recommendation.
Platonic Soulmates (TAKEN BY NOVA JADE LIU): ricardo and nova are like two peas in a pod. from the start the two of them seemed to get along very well and this has only grown throughout their friendship. he loves joining her on trips to the nail salon, laugh, and overall, just enjoy the little things in life with her.
Party buddies: they enjoy hanging out and living their best lives. that's it. just a chaotic duo who enjoy going to parties together and sometimes have deep conversations while under the influence.
Ex: An ex of sorts! Ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, fling, or even friend! We can plot out more details.
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@sapphicmicrofics will continue for this month of May and I’m still participating in it, but I’ve decided to make a masterlist of all the fanfics I posted for HP Sapphic Microfics through the month of April (or with April prompts). I’m dividing the masterlist by ships just like the fanfic’s blog navi. And I want to let my thanks here for @siriusly-sapphic​ the host of this event that I’m completely in love with. Now, I hope you guys appreciate my work!
you put your arms around me and I'm home | Eileen Prince/Euphemia Potter | 176 wc
Eileen is in an abusive marriage and Euphemia wishes she was brave enough to get her lover out of that. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
the ghost of a smile | Rolanda Hooch/Helena Ravenclaw | 100 wc
Every morning, Rolanda Hooch did her flying practice before classes. And every morning, Helena Ravenclaw would watch her. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
the comfortable arms of a sister | Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy | 76 wc
The first thing she sees in the morning is Bellatrix's big black hair. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
sisters know best | Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy | 126 wc
Every now and then Bellatrix and Narcissa go to the graveyard to fuck on Lucius' tombstone.
don't you go and tell me that you love me while you're leavin' | Bellatrix Black/Narcissa Black | 219 wc
Narcissa is leaving Bellatrix behind to marry Lucius but Bella can't let her Cissa go.
big red eyes | Lily Evans/Narcissa Black | 155 wc
No witch is powerful enough for what a vampire's red eyes is capable of. Narcissa's glad that Lily isn't an exception. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night | Lily Evans/Pandora Lovegood | 153 wc
"Hey, I didn't mean that. I'm not laughing because I don't want you to kiss me, but 'cause I waited so long for you to finally do that I was starting to think maybe you never would." Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever | Lily Evans/Trans Fem!Severus Snape | 252 wc
"I already changed my name, so I think the next thing to do should change the way I look too." Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
you regret me and I'll regret you | Narcissa Black/Trans Fem!Sirius Black | 123 wc
Ever since their first kiss, Narcissa didn't spoke to Sierra.
you'll find the real thing instead | Daphne Greengrass/Pansy Parkinson | 120 wc
"I still can't believe she ditched you like that. I love Astoria, but she was so wrong. You're much better than Draco, in every way." Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
me, her and the ocean | Fleur Delacour/Ginny Weasley | 397 wc
Fleur's divorcing Bill and Ginny takes her and the kids to the beach for a day off, she tries not to but Ginny can't help but still love Fleur even after all those years. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
yeux rouges | Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger | 200 wc
Hermione brings work home and Fleur couldn't be more mad about it.
your love should be celebrated | Fleur Delacour/Luna Lovegood | 69 wc
Luna loved every single part of Fleur, even the ones she didn't want her to see. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
I found love in the graveyard of spirits | Fleur Delacour/Luna Lovegood | 100 wc
Fleur and Luna go to the same graveyard for different reasons and end up enjoying each other's company.
world class piece of art | Fleur Delacour/Padma Patil | 100 wc
Padma takes her french girlfriend Fleur, who never went to that museum, to The Louvre for the first time. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
if we survive the great war | Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger | 100 wc
Hermione and Ginny reunite minutes after the end of Hogwarts' Battle.
too cute to look hot | Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson | 120 wc
Ginny puts Pansy's gang leather jacket thinking she might look just as hot as her girlfriend in it, but that doesn't work out the way she wanted to. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
such a heavenly creature | Ginny Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks | 70 wc
Ginny's convinced her girlfriend is a heavenly creature.
weird but beautiful | Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood | 140 wc
Luna loves to go to the beach in winter, she says the snow makes it more beautiful. Hermione can't understand the appeal of it, but she lets her girlfriend drag her there every time. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
what a bliss to kiss your caramel lips | Hermione Granger/Padma Patil | 170 wc
As much as Padma loved her girlfriend, not even she could stand Hermione Granger when she was trying to be the smartest in the room.
I'm gonna marry you anyway | Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson | 146 wc
"I swear she only laughs when you're around. What's your secret?"
I will lead you back home | Lavender Brown/Padma Patil | 80 wc
It's been a long time Padma last heard Lavender's laughter, since her sister's death... Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
I'll meet you in our place in the graveyard | Delphi/Victoire Weasley | 125 wc
There's something morbid about how Delphi only wants to meet in the graveyard, Victoire thinks. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
the fight for you is all I've ever known | Dominique Weasley/Lily Luna Potter | 86 wc
Fighting is all Dominique has ever known, either for herself or those she loves. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
just please don't ever change | Rose Weasley/Victoire Weasley | 220 wc
Rose highlights her hair to make her parents mad, but she also wants to know if her girlfriend Victoire approves it. 
I swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover | Rose Weasley/Alice Longbottom II (OC) | 233 wc
The Weasleys witness a cute (but kind of gross) moment between their cousin Rose and her girlfriend Allie on Hogwarts Express. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
The Woman in The Leather Jacket | Bellatrix Black/Luna Lovegood | 50 wc
The woman in the leather jacket is the one she chose to love.
I wish it was you instead | Narcissa Black Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass | 100 wc
Astoria wonders if is really cheating when Draco's inside of her and all she can think about when she looks at his beautiful blonde hair is his mother.
the center of our universe | Astoria Greengrass/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson | 143 wc
Lucius dies and Narcissa finds love again in Astoria and Pansy.
let we love you (just as he did, perhaps, even more) | Cho Chang/Luna Lovegood/Padma Patil | 100 wc
Post "The Goblet Fire" - Cho doesn't remember when it started or if she was awake when Luna and Padma first came to sleep embraced with her. Fanfic’s Tumblr Post
maybe kissing slytherin girls wouldn't be that bad | Daphne Greengrass/Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson | 224 wc
Hermione hides in the bathroom to get away from getting bullyed by Pansy and Daphne but she discovers something about them, maybe about all Slytherin girls.
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aubzikins · 1 year
Alaskan Darkness Ch 3: Writer's Collective Discord Shenanigans Pt2 (April 11th)
Writers Collective Discord – Chaotic-Main:
Aubz: Okay so here’s the deal… I love that y'all used the fic discord names as y'all's name but its too much. I made nicknames for each of you so we know who is who and I don’t have to use my brain more than I already have to…
Hwa: Oh? Ooo Nice and short, I like it Aubz.
HJ: HJ? That’s all I get?
Sangie: Haha I got a cute one :P
Aubz: Ok so I need updates, what’s going on.
HJ: We are preparing to head up your way.
Aubz: Okay, we have houses prepped for you all, *inserts address and sends map directions* The house that I have marked as a star, that will be where we in-process everyone. I have winter gear for everyone as well. With the way the weather patterns have shifted. We may need to prep for a longer cold season.
Hwa: More snuggles will be needed then…
Aubz: Rayne… Have I told you how much I hate you lately?
Rayne: Love you too Aubz!
Bella: Now now children…
Chan: This is like our personal group chat between the kids and I *laughs*
Aubz: OMG I cant with any of you right now. Ok, what else has been going on.
Chan: Ahh so… Aubz.. We have read all of your guys’ fics by the way
Aubz: …
Aubz: *Dies Dramatically gif*
Jennen: Check our chat…
HJ: Naughty having your own chat…
Writers Collective Discord – WC OGs:
Jennen: So… Jinnie is trying to seduce Rayne, Chan likes multiple of us, They have read all of our fics, I got Lixie cuddles, Jisung has been cuddling Rah, Binnie is in love with Shai, Minho and Bella… Eliza has been on a rescue mission and will be heading our way, the kids and pirates have read everything we have ever posted in this server as well
Aubz: WAIT… Bella and Minho what? You're just not gonna skip past that and not elaborate..
Jennen: I don’t know for sure, but they have been spending a lot of alone time together.
Bella: First of all no… I do get to sleep next to him but not with him… I also slept next to Rah and our emotional support Quokka.
Aubz: OH HELL NO *Storms off to main chat*
Writers Collective Discord – Chaotic-Main:
Minho: Sorry don’t understand English…
Aubz: You are such a damn liar Lee Minho. YOU HAVEN'T FUCKED BELLA YET???????????
Chan: *inserts popcorn meme*
Chan: What did I do!?
Aubz: You don’t think I know about your shenanigans? You are sorely mistaken.
Lixie: *peeks in*
Aubz: If you don’t get your shit together Minho, I am going to sick San after Bella. Im sure he can get the job done.
San: Wait what?
Bella: …
Minho: What the fuck Aubz?
Aubz: It’s the end of the world basically and none of us knows who's gonna live or die… so fuck and be happy
Bella: Aubz... I'm never going to tell you anything ever again… Also why are we summoning a pirate when I have plenty of options between the homeless children
Aubz: Yeah yeah yeah… I give it 5 minutes… or until one of them fucks you.
Rayne: *laughs in OT8*
Hannie: Homeless children?
Rah: Just wait until we get up there Aubz…
Minnie: *watches the shenanigans*
Innie: Is this how she is all the time?
Shai: *inserts popcorn gif*
Mingi: What in the world is going on?
Jongho: Mayhem
San: So Bella…
Bella: Sir… I don’t have time to deal with a pirate… I have homeless children to attend to first.
Hwa: Ill take care of Aubz when I get up there.
Aubz: I think the fuck not! I am gonna yeet myself to a Polar Bear.
Rayne: I think the fuck yes!! YOU NEED SEONGHWA LOVINS!
Bella: IF YOU ARE GONNA THROW ME UNDER THE BUS THEN I'M GONNA DO THE SAME TO YOU… Jongho, Hongjoong and Seonghwa… Aubz is down bad for all of you…
Aubz: *shocked pikachu face gif*
Bella: Get wrecked Bitch *inserts tongue face* And San? Minho wants to talk he says.
Hwa: *is confused* I thought… *inserts a sad face*
Jennen: Wow Aubz… after all these years… you finally get a chance and you are saying you’d rather yeet yourself to a Polar Bear than be with Seonghwa?
Eliza: WTF is going on in here…
Trixie: Chaos… just Chaos…
Rah: Aubz is so fucked.
Kel: Aubz, behave.
Kel: Aubz…
Rayne: You are NEVER behaving Aubz…
Eliza: Oh Aubz…
Chan: Aubz are you okay?
Binnie: I am gonna go snuggle Shai…
Lixie: This is so chaotic… I love it!
Aubz: Hwa… I'm sorry for saying that I will yeet myself to a Polar Bear *inserts a groveling gif*
Kel: Good girl…
Rayne: *keyboard smashes*
Hwa: I forgot that Kel seems to be the only one who can get you to behave.
Kel: She gets a little ahead of herself sometimes Hwa. Please be patient with her.
Hwa: *inserts nodding gif*
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