#glee season 4/5 thoughts too which is possibly even more embarrassing but that's where the blam is my friends
buildarocketboys · 2 years
Sam being friends with Marley and Unique is something that absolutely 100% does not exist in the show but absolutely 100% should have. But they're friends in my heart and that's what matters
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btsbloodtearssquees · 7 years
Ring Around a Rosy: Part Five
~ Requested (Arranged marriage/best friends AU - Kim Seokjin) 1 2 3 4 5
Your jacket flaps blew apart as you ambled down the shop-lined street. The air was definitely warmer than it had been for the last few weeks, indicating that summer was on the way. You gazed up at the sky, mind faraway. Another five weeks had vanished since your phone call with Jin, and you were finding it hard to be patient with his silence. You had been thinking; if he didn’t come home, you might go and stay with your mum for the summer. You had been actively avoiding her for years. But with this situation, with this inner peace that came with all forgiveness, you felt ready to face and love her again. Even if Jin never decided to return to you, even if you never resumed being friends - you thought that you were better off for having made peace with yourself and your past. But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. A vibration from inside your pocket interrupted your thoughts and caused you to reach inside and pull your phone out. Coffee? I’m in town to do some bits and pieces and just drove past you. Kerry    11:11am Instinctively you glanced around yourself. Not seeing anyone, you resumed attention back on your phone to type out a response. Sounds great :). Where shall I meet you? You     11:12am Continuing to walk, you half-heartedly gazed inside shops. There were sales everywhere as the seasons were shifting, and you may have been tempted to spend if it weren’t from your complete lack of desire to have to make space at home for new additions. Your phone vibrated in your phone again. Mother Rose Cafe, in a half hour? I’m in the bank waiting for an appointment. Kerry     11:16am No problem. See you soon. You     11:16am It felt strange having friends again. Well, it wasn’t that you had stopped, but ever since marriage, it had depleted a little. You supposed that was from pure fear of the whole marriage thing being brought up. How stupid, you scoffed at yourself. Just about to turn into one of the commercial bookstores, your attention was caught instead by a store filled with whites and florals. A bridal shop. You had never had an interest in these kind of stores since the time you were a child, but now, for the first time you felt as if you actually wanted to enter. Taking a shaky breath, you stepped inside. You gazed around its interior slowly and deliberately. There were beautiful flowing white gowns displayed everywhere, and a shelf of tiaras and jewellery. Another display held flower decorations and glass cake platters. A notice beside the flowery counter suggested several different bands and photographers for on the day. Your attention returned to the dresses; fingers lightly touching the silky fabric of one as you realised all that you had missed out on. “Hello, can I help you?” One of the shop assistants peered around behind the dress with a small smile. You flushed. “Actually I’m just... “ your voice drifted off, and you stared unseeingly at the confused lady in front of you. Your heart was slowing in throbs of disappointment. “I’m married.” You laughed awkwardly as you held up your ring finger. She seemed more curious by your presence now. “I just - never got a real wedding, and wondered what it would have been like.” “Oh.” She stood still for a moment as she pondered over what she could do with that. “Well, what would you have done?” Realising eventually that she meant for you to pick things you would have used, a small smile of surprise and embarrassment lit your face. “No, it’s okay. I don’t want to trouble you.” “Go ahead,” her arms waved around the room. “We don’t have any expected customers today and no one else is here.” You were hesitant. It felt silly to play on what could have been, but then it did feel extremely tempting. After all, you would never get another chance to do this. Your fingers reached for the fabric of the dress again, but you started to see things as a bride might, and you realised the tackiness of the design. Moving to the next, you found its cut nice but didn’t think it would suit you or your body shape. “Do you want to try any on?” “Try them on? Oh no! No, it’s really fine,” you shook your head. Ignoring your comment, the assistant went towards a different dress and took it off of its manakin, holding it up. “I think this one would look really good on you.” More embarrassed than ever, you nodded in thanks but continued to look around. “Go try it on!” Your eyes darted across to hers. “Everyone deserves to feel like a princess sometimes.” Blushing and then smiling at her, you held your hand out for the dress and went to the back where the changing rooms were. Your breath caught as you did the buttons up the side and then looked at yourself in the mirror. The reflection was shocking. You did look like a princess; one who didn’t feel like one inside. How fun it would have been to walk down the aisle in something like this. “What does it look like?” Bracing yourself, you stepped out from behind the curtain for the assistant to catch a glimpse. She clapped her hands in glee. “Yes!! That is pretty!! Here, this one would look lovely too. And this!” She threw several more at you and you hopped back behind the curtain, soon taking up the role of a real bride. “No, I couldn’t wear this. I’d trip over all the frills during the dance!!” “I feel like a pumpkin with this much poof.” “My boobs aren’t big enough to hold this up.” You were about seven dresses in when she handed you another. It was a slight off-white, with three quarter length lace sleeves that sat just on the curve of the shoulder. Its ivory bodice dipped ever so slightly, and tightened down into a slim waist and a light skirt which kept close to your legs while still allowing you freedom of movement. You stared at yourself in the mirror, imagining your hair in an elegant updo. Yes, this would have been exactly what Seokjin would have wanted you to wear. Yourself, you weren’t sure it was your favourite, and that was probably something that you would have playfully argued over. Your heart pricked with pain, and you watched the tears begin to roll down on your reflection’s face. The perfect image of an abandoned bride. It was then that you realised you could have happily married Jin. It had simply been your fear that had held you back from being his wife, and your refusal to overcome that. You had robbed Jin of the love which he deserved for this long. Your heartache pressed in more firmly and you crumpled to the floor in full on sobs. “Are you okay?” The lady’s voice asked outside the door, about the same time your phone beeped most likely with Kerry’s question of where you were. “I’m -” you couldn’t finish. The enormity of your mistake plagued you as you rocked back and forth in sharp wails. “Jin. Oh, Jin!!!!” You didn’t know how long you sat on the floor of the dressing room weeping, but it was nothing compared with the years you had spent lying to yourself and most of all - your husband. ------------------------------- You are invited to the wedding of Y/N and Kim Seokjin on the 4th of June, 2017 at 11am, at the rose gardens. Lunch to follow!!
Seokjin stared at the invitation in shock. He had gone through a multiple of different emotions while opening the envelope addressed by you, but he had never once expected to find his own wedding invitation inside. It didn’t make sense. Was it real? Were you mocking him? Sinking into his father’s old armchair, he rubbed a hand over his tired face and then placed it on the side of his head as he stared at the words. What to do next? The sound of the kitchen clock seemed to amplify as he ticked over all of the possibilities in his mind. It had almost been three months since he had left. Three months. He missed you terribly; even more so for what you and him could have been. Watching his parents interact, he felt cheated of the life he wished to lead. And yet you as his best friend… Seokjin leant forward and rested his elbows on his knees. You were the best thing to ever happen to him. Period. Maybe he was simply supposed to be grateful for that. Hell, he should be grateful for that. He was grateful for that. But it was so damn hard to resist being proud of the fact that you were his wife when he was hopelessly in love with you; had been from the beginning. Sitting in the silence for a countless number of ticks on the clock, Seokjin eventually stood up, invitation in hand, and ascended the staircase to his room. He would pack his things, write his absent parents a note, and then go and find out the fate of your relationship once and for all. ---------------------------------- It was crazy what you could achieve when you actually put your mind to something. Used to having Seokjin doing most of the unwanted tasks, it had been tiring fitting them all on top of your daily work life. But somehow you had found a way to make them pleasant. That was, imagining the look on Jin’s face when he saw it already done. Yes. You worked with a vengeance in the strong faith that he would come. Admiringly, you took your cookies out of the oven and rested them on top to allow them to cool. It was a heavenly smell, unlike the fifty other attempts. Filling your nostrils with the glorious success, you set to immediately cleaning the kitchen before it became twice as difficult to clean. You were almost so absorbed in the task that you didn’t hear the knock. Nevertheless, you dried your hands and turned off the music blaring from your phone - making some attempt at tidying your ‘housewife’ appearance. “Jin,” you announced startled as you stumbled back from the door. Even in all your expectancy, it was still difficult to comprehend that he was actually here. His dark almond eyes stared at you for a few seconds. Then he lifted the invitation up into your view. “What is this?” You lowered your gaze, embarrassed to be confronted with it. The truth was, you didn’t know how to explain. The invitation was simply a result of your high desire that it were real. “I don’t know,” you murmured. He regarded you silently a few moments longer. “Did you write it?” You nodded, cursing the unkempt strands of hair that fell into your eyes as a consequence. His throat made a sound as he swallowed. “Why?” The crack in his voice heightened your urge to pull him in for a hug. To cry in his grasp, apologise, and solemnly promise to be the wife he always wanted. Instead, you looked back into his breaking face. “Because. I imagine that it’s true. I imagine that - we were back in high school, and instead of going with that loser Matthew to the dance, I went with you. And that it was you who gave me my first kiss back as a sophomore struggling under stress. And that we graduated, knowing that we were going to be with each other forever. The person we love the most. And that this here,” you gestured at the card, “was only the beginning to a life of pure devotion.” A tear slipped down your cheek, almost in time with his. You sucked in your lips as more fell. “I’m so sorry, Jin. I’m so -” a sob broke out from your inner core. He shook his head at you, both of you scared to move for the fear that all of your emotion would spill. “No,” he whispered, and you knew you were forgiven. Shuddering in silent cries, you felt so unworthy of his love. “I should have been what you deserved, no matter how scared it made me feel. I should have… You gave me everything, and I only gave you what made me feel safe.” He reached out, gripping your forearms in a firm grasp. Your eyes met. “Did you say you love me?” You froze in place, scared of the outcomes of whatever you answered. Your lips parted with a response. Instead, you nodded. His lips felt strange against your own; as unnatural as the wedding ring had for all of those months. But that now felt like a part of you, and so you knew Jin's kisses would gradually light up your soul as much as you had seen at your parents' wedding all of those years ago. The stresses and anxiety broke off your back and tumbled onto the worn carpet. Jin separated, eyes beholding a hint of disappointment and uncomfortable tension. Your own shoulders remained tense.  "It wasn't horrific," you commented. "Not bad for a first time, anyway." He visibly relaxed; his teeth showing in an impish smile as he looked at you and fully registered you as his wife. You knew what was going through his mind, and felt a bit embarrassed by the soppy, emotional moment. Get used to it, you informed yourself, and giggled despite yourself. Then you burst out into full laughter. Turned out the six year old romantic inside of you still existed. Feeling both disgusted and excited by this thought, you grabbed Seokjin's arm and dragged him into the lounge to sit together on the sofa. The TV switched on and you grinned at each other with knowing glances. For once as the romantic movie began, you started to wonder at how many of the clichés you had dissed actually came true. A flurry of butterflies started in your stomach as you began to envision your married life. --------------------------- Here it is guys, a belated conclusion to the story. I hope it fulfilled all of your hopes, and squee needs!! Now that I have finally, finally finished all of my old requests, I shall continue with the story Blink, and any new requests that may come my way!! Once again, apologies to the person who requested it!! I never intended to stretch it out this long... Have the most incredible week!! - Dolceice
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My 25 Best Travel Tips After Six Years Journeying The World
It’s today been Some years since I sold every thing and still left the United States to travel the world. These are the best travel ideas I’ve discovered along the way. It all commenced when I got a one-way trip from Ohio to Honduras City, jumping nervously into the unfamiliar and making much of my old lifestyle behind even though embarking on an epic travel adventure round the world. It’s been an outrageous ride, as well as I’ve learned a lot since i have first quit. To commemorate my “travelversary”, I’ve made a decision to share a collection of my best and quite a few useful travel ideas to help inspire you to make travel a top priority in your life. Feel free to share your own best travel tips at the end! 1. Patience Is vital Don’t sweat your stuff you can’t manage. Life is much too short being angry & frustrated all the time. Did you miss your bus? No worries, there will be another one. ATMs away from money? Excellent! Take an unplanned excursion over to the subsequent town as well as explore. Often freakouts happen irrespective. Just take an in-depth breath along with remind yourself it may be even worse. 2. Wake Up Early Increase at sun rising to have the greatest attractions almost all to your self while avoiding crowds. It’s another magical here we are at photos on account of soft diffused light, and in most cases easier to connect to locals. Sketchy areas are less dangerous in the morning too. Trustworthy hardworking folks wake up early on; touts, fraudsters, and thieves sleep in. 3. Laugh At Yourself You will definitely appear like a fool often when traveling in order to new locations. Rather than acquire embarrassed, giggle at yourself. Don’t be afraid for you to screw up, and don’t take lifestyle so critically. Once a total bus brimming with Guatemalans laughed together with glee after i forced each of our driver to avoid so I could urgently urinate on the side of the trail. Returning to public transit and joking with them gave me new pals for the rest of your journey. 4. Stash Extra Cash Financial resources are king across the world. To cover your own ass for unexpected expenses, make sure to put some in some different locations. I recommend at the very least a couple hundred money worth. In case you lose your bank account, your greeting card stops working, or ATMs uses up money, you’ll be happy you did. Some of my favorite hide spots consist of socks, under shoe inserts, any toiletry bag, throughout the frame of an backpack, even sewn behind a patch on the bag. 5. Meet Residents Make it a point to prevent other travelers from time to time and start conversations together with local people. Standard English is spoken extensively all over the world, consequently it’s easier to talk than it might seem, especially when you combine hand gestures and body language. Learn from people that live in the country you’re visiting. People enrich the travels greater than sights accomplish. 6. Bunch A Scarf I happen to work with a shemagh, but sarongs also work great. This simple piece of 100 % cotton cloth is one of my best travel accessories with many different practical applications. It’s great for protection from the sun, a makeshift towel, transporting stuff all around, an eye face mask, and much more. 7. Observe Daily Life If you actually want to get a sense of the pulse of the place, I recommend spending a few hours sitting in a park or perhaps on a hectic street nook by yourself only watching life happen in front of you. Decelerate your educate of imagined and pay attention to the details near you. The aromas, the colors, human interactions, and also sounds. It’s a type of meditation : and you’ll see stuff you never ever noticed before. 8. Back again Everything Upward When my laptop computer was stolen in Panama, getting most of our important paperwork and pictures backed up rescued my bum. Keep each digital and also physical copies of your passport, visas, driver’s license, birth record, health insurance credit card, serial numbers, and important numbers ready to go in the event of an emergency. Back-up your files & photos with an external hard drive along with online along with software just like Backblaze. 9. Get Lots Of Images You may just see these places & fulfill these people once in your lifetime. Remember them eternally with plenty of pictures. Don’t worry about looking like a “tourist”. Are you currently traveling to search cool? No-one cares. Best place to travel in May will be the ultimate memento. They don’t expense anything, they’re very easy to share with others, and they don’t undertake space inside your luggage. Bare in mind once you have your current shot to leave out from powering the lens and enjoy the watch. 10. There’s Constantly A Way There's nothing impossible. If you are having trouble planning somewhere or even doing a thing, don’t give up. You simply haven’t found the top solution or even met the right person but. Don’t listen to people that say it can’t be achieved. Perseverance settles. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve discovered what I would like isn’t possible, just to prove the idea wrong afterwards when I don’t tune in to the advice and check out anyway. 11. Smile & Say Hello Experiencing difficulty interacting with locals? Do individuals seem malicious? Maybe it’s your system language. One of my best travel guidelines is to eye contact is key and laugh as you walk by. Should they smile back, say hi there in the local terminology too. This can be a fast strategy to make fresh friends. An individual can’t expect everybody to just walk around which has a big ridiculous grin on their own face. That’s your job. Usually it merely requires for you to begin contact and also they’ll open up. 12. Splurge A Bit I’m a huge supporter of spending budget travel, as it lets you travel longer and also experience many fascinating world all of us live in as opposed to waste the hard-earned money on items you don’t need. In reality you can travel a multitude of locations for $50 per day with no difficulties. That said, residing on a tight gets old after a while. It’s wonderful (and balanced) to go over your financial budget occasionally. E-book a few days at a nice motel, eat out at a fancy cafe, or spend a wild night time on the town. 13. Keep An objective balance Don’t judge the actual lifestyles involving others in case different from your personal. Listen to thoughts you don’t accept. It’s arrogant to imagine your landscapes are right and other people are generally wrong. Exercise empathy and hang yourself in someone else’s shoes. Embrace various possibilities, chances, people, ideas and hobbies. Ask questions. You don’t have to acknowledge, but you could possibly be surprised precisely what you’ll learn. 14. Try Couchsurfing Couchsurfing.internet is a significant online community involving travelers which share his or her spare suites or sofas with strangers for free. If you truly want to get a country and also it’s people, staying with a local may be the way to go. There are many couchsurfers around the world willing to host as well as provide tips. Expensive hotels aren't the sole option, you can find all kinds of low cost travel accommodation options available. 15. Provide Occasionally Make an effort to you are not selected some of your time and energy for advantageous projects when traveling. Not only is it a very rewarding knowledge, but you’ll typically learn more about the country and its people while also producing new buddies. There’s a great website called Grassroots Volunteering where you can seek out highly recommended you are not selected opportunities throughout the world. 16. Pack Ear Plugs This should actually be #1 on the list. I love my ear plugs! Muffle the sounds of crying babies, inebriated Australians, shouting dogs, honking horns, compact sex, gas main salesmen, and more. A traveler’s best friend. These are the best earplugs pertaining to comfort & effectiveness. 17. Don’t Be Afraid The world isn't nearly as hazardous as the advertising makes it over to be. Look out for risky situations however don’t let that function as focus of your respective whole vacation. Use common sense and you’ll become ok. Many people are friendly, honest, generous, as well as willing to help you out. This goes for women too. I realize I’m not a lady, but I’ve achieved plenty of seasoned female vacationers who consent. 18. Wander away On Purpose If you wish to see the elements of town exactly where real people live & perform, you need to move visit these people. The best way to try this is on foot - without knowing exactly where you’re proceeding. Write down the brand of your motel so you can get a taxi back again if needed, next just pick a direction and commence walking. Don’t fret too much about stumbling directly into dangerous neighborhoods either, while locals will generally warn a person before you get that will far. 19. Eat Local Food Consider you already know precisely what Mexican foodstuff tastes like? You’re probably drastically wrong. Taste a bit of everything once you travel, especially if you don’t determine what it is. Inquire local people pertaining to recommendations. Try to eat street food from suppliers with massive lines out and about front. I’ve already been very sick and tired only twice in my moves. Don’t be scared from the food. 20. Say Yes Usually Be intuition and say yes when someone aimlessly invites you to meet their family, try a fresh activity, or explore a place you didn’t understand existed. It’s these unexpected along with unplanned conditions that add spice on your travels and always turn into the top stories afterwards. Accept your kindness regarding strangers once you travel - you’ll have plenty of opportunities. 21. Slow Down You should don’t try to stack 6 countries into 6 weeks of travel. Each of the good stuff occurs you really invest time to explore. You’ll find out about activities in which aren’t in your manual and meet up with people who are needing to show you around. I can seriously say that Probably none of my best travel encounters happened inside first few era of arriving somewhere. Spend more time in fewer places for maximum enjoyment. 22. Retain Good Notes My memory for specifics sucks. Initially when i first started traveling the world Four years ago, My partner and i didn’t keep a good journal, and now I’m regretting this. Information like the names of folks I fulfilled, conversations I had created, feelings of a new encounter, or exactly what a particular town smelled like. If you happen to want to come up with your journeys, these details are usually handy. Currently I use an amazing note-taking app named Evernote, which I use as my 2nd mind. So a good choice for all kinds of programs - via planning excursions to journaling about them after. 23. Break Out Of Your Comfortable zone Challenge yourself to try items that normally give you anxiety. Greater you do this, the more that will anxiety can fade away. Not a hiker? Embark on more hikes. Have trouble speaking with strangers? Speak to everyone. Fearful of weird meals? Eat the weirdest thing you can find. The reason this particular works so well while traveling is simply because everything is currently so diverse, what’s one more new/uncomfortable experience? 24. Don’t Plan Too Much My partner and i cringe any time readers inquire how many nights they should spend in a specific country or perhaps city. The fact remains I have little idea what you’ll take pleasure in or that you’ll meet. I figured I’d rocket by way of Nicaragua in a week or perhaps two, but ended up living there with regard to 4 weeks. My advice is to choose a starting point, A couple of must-do activities, plus an ending position (or not). And then just let your universe establish the rest. 25. Pack Much less Stuff You don’t need 1/2 the gear you think one does to travel everywhere. We’ve all done it. It’s a right regarding passage for travelers for you to slowly become better in packing much less. My very first backpack had been 70 liters jam-packed full, my current tote is only 38 liters. As a full-time vagabond, every little thing I own fits on my own back. When you’re not sure regarding packing a thing, you don’t want it. It’s also possible to buy most things at your destination country if you learn you need these people. 26. Listen To Podcasts Podcasts are great. It’s like making your own personal r / c station as well as filling that with exhibits and audio you always wish to listen to. I never thought I’d actually look forward to a 10 hour bus ride. But with podcasts, it’s achievable (well, providing the seats are comfortable). Time will fly by as you listen to amazing storytelling, fun audio, or interview with experts. Here are some involving my favorites: This specific American Living, The Moth, Threat!, Radiolab, Smart Residual income, and Electro-Swing. 27. Treat The body Well Travel may throw your system out of setback. When you’re moving from place to place it’s difficult to maintain a workout routine, and many of us slack off. Or perhaps we don’t slumber enough. As well as we take in too many cupcakes. I’m guilty of not necessarily flossing our teeth. Make sure to be great to your physique. Get enough sleep, drink lots of water, eat healthy, use sunscreen, and workout often (look at this bodyweight schedule, no gym required!). And, yes, using dental floss too I assume. 28. Stay In Touch Remember to call your family & buddies from time to time. Possibly surprise them and move old-school by mailing a postcard (it’s from the mail, Mum!). Travel isn’t lonely, definately not it. An individual constantly meet up with other people. But much of those interactions are brief. So keeping a strong connection with the people who recognize you best is essential. 29. Leave The Usual Path I realize it’s cliché, but you need to still attempt it. Look for interesting and uncommon places that don’t see much vacation. Many remarkable travel experiences get happened to us in places that are not easy to visit. Of course travel to common sites, but don’t rule out other areas just because they’re this is not on the vacationer trail. Though please realize that just because a region is remote control or unsafe doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll possess a life-changing experience. 30. Don’t Forget Travel Insurance plan No one at any time thinks they’ll get sick, injured, as well as robbed while on a trip. But it occurs. I’ve sliced up my head on a volcano, contracted Dengue a fever, and misplaced my mobile computer to robbers. With travel insurance you don’t need to panic about huge clinic bills or stolen products when it eventually happens. For many kinds of journeys ranging from a new weekend up to a few months lengthy, I always suggest World Nomads Insurance. 31. Travel More! In case there’s one thing I’ve noticed over the past Six years, it’s that numerous people home love to figure out how blessed I am although making excuses why that they can’t travel. It’s too expensive. That they can’t get time off work. Who will supply their animals? When I propose solutions to these kind of “problems”, they nevertheless don’t take action. The reason why? Because they’re frequently hiding guiding the true cause: they’re scared. Sadly most people that wait for you to travel the world in no way do. A person don’t need to offer all your life possessions and become a displaced vagabond like me. Merely get out there a lot more than you do today. Start with a weekend in the different state. Then maybe get one of these week in the nation next door. The modern car, redesigning project, and iPhone may wait. In case you truly want to travel more, you possibly can make it occur. Career fails are probable. You have friends who would wish to watch your dogs and cats. It’s a big, beautiful, exciting, and engaging world out there. Discover some of it currently, rather than later on. ? Travel The World Want to know how to travel the actual world? I’ve put together a tremendous page brimming with useful world travel sources that should point you from the right course. Learn how My spouse and i fund my personal adventures, how to locate cheap plane tickets, how to save money for travel, just how start a travel website, and more.
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