amantesmultorum · 2 years
@glimpseofwonder​​ / Róisín
"Have you told them?" ( *  ―  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. )
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Ciarnán had been caught of guard by the question. The Fae Prince was working in one of the gardens, enjoying the quiet moment between himself, and the human who had captured his heart. They brushed the dirt off their hands, and onto their clothing as they stood up with a sigh.
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He shook his head as his eyes looked into hers. “ I haven’t told anyone. ” Well, no one but the fae who married them. He didn’t quite know how to broach the subject. Their hadn’t been a marriage between a human and a fae in quite some time in Tír na nÓg. So that was a small part in his hesitance to tell his family. Another part was due to the fact that his family being such important figures, they were busy with their own lives, it was not like they had time to come and visit him for a quick chat. And then there of course was his sister, Niamh. The sister who had fallen in love with a human. The sister whose human husband left  Tír na nÓg, and met an unfortunate end, that lead to so much heart break. 
 A smirk grew on his lips as he walked towards her. “ Can’t we just keep it between the two of us ? At least for a little while longer ? It is rather fun sneaking around Tír na nÓg, as if we will get in trouble if we are caught. You know how us fae’s love our mischief. ” He said, hoping to delay the inevitable.
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Just a little psa.
I've decided to archive this blog and glimpseofwonder. I'll be combining them into one multi again. I have the blog set up, and I'm slowly starting to move things over. But it's gonna take some time.
I'm also only planning on carrying over drafts and opens that I'm really feeling. Everything else I'm gonna drop.
So until then, I'm not gonna be doing replies, other than the ones that are already queued. I'll still be saving the ones I want that come in. And once I get everything moved and ready, I'll post a link to the new one.
Thanks for understanding!
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mcrtals · 2 years
“     your majesty,     ”      words are barely above a whisper, lost in the soft summer wind before they reach his sleeping ears.      he looks so peaceful sitting underneath the tree it felt sacrilegious to try to rouse him      —      he had fallen asleep almost as soon as they sat down, body practically collapsing against the rough tree bark.     
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when he had appeared before her quarters to collect her, she had inquired if he would not prefer to meet her another day, but her gentle offer had fallen on deaf ears, edward insisting he was looking forward to their picnic;    personally, she thought he had been feeling guilty, having to reschedule it three times already, matters of state keeping him busy.     she had allowed him to rest for as long as possible, but the sun was beginning its slow descent west, and this was probably not the last item on his agenda today.      
“     your majesty,     ”     she repeats without much success.    snapping closed the book on her lap with a sigh, she waits another moment, seeing if the sound roused him, before moving closer.   there are no guards in the immediate surroundings, no gossiping tongues to later recall how lady belle had brushed the king’s hair out of his forehead, murmuring his title until his eyes fluttered open.     “      good morning.     ”      
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@glimpseofwonder​   plotted starter !
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loveandsaxrifice · 3 years
@glimpseofwonder​ from X
Offering a gentle sympathetic mile, Lucienne slowly stepped into the room. She knew the brave act her eldest put on for her and his younger siblings. It was almost as convincing as her own act when Francis lashed out--usually privately--at her.
If Edward knew the truth...
“You have your father’s eyes, you know,” she murmured as she sat beside her son on the bed. “I see so much of him in you, and the little ones; he would be so proud of you.”
Francis didn’t like when she or her children spoke of their late father much in his presence. He was the man of the house now, and his word was law.  As such and as the one who made the money, it was up to him to choose how it was spent. This often meant spoiling his own children and fancy dinners for his business partners and clients; parties she had to be the perfect hostess for, the happy wife in public, never  drawing attention to how tightly his hand held her wrist..
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How she missed gentle Auguste, who never raised his voice or hand to anyone, least of all her or a child. Francis had made her happy for the first time in years since his death. More importantly, while no one could or would ever replace Auguste in their hearts of lives, her children needed a father--especially the boys.
“It won’t be like this forever,” she promised quietly, though if it was more for Edward or herself she was not sure. “Now come, supper is ready for you three in the kitchen; I’ll join you after I finish in the dining room.“
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familyxdutyxhonor · 3 years
@glimpseofwonder​ from X
This wasn’t fair! He and Ella did not deserve to be treated like this, working as servants in their own home, having every last vestige of their parents’ memory taken or destroyed. 
Sniffling, Declan turned his teary gaze up toward his big brother.
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“Madame,” he began in a trembling voice. “She found some of Papa’s books, including the one he and Mama kept all their old love letters to each other in... She was throwing them into the fireplace...burning them...I begged her to stop, even tried to take one away from her.” He lifted a trembling hand to show the light burn from the flame. “She slapped me until I dropped it, said I should know my place. I-I didn’t want to upset Ella by showing her right away, so I came here.”
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principes-a · 3 years
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@glimpseofwonder liked for a starter
They had not been ruling long in Narnia, and Lucy was fascinated by the Dryads. Playing with the younger Dryads, Lucy giggled happily and spend many afternoons with them arranging flowers in her hair.
That is when Lucy met Yesenia, a beautiful young Dryad with blossoms growing in her hair.
"I'm Lucy!" Said the youngest queen in way of greeting.
"I do so love your blossoms, they're so beautiful!"
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storytelers-arc · 3 years
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• ENDLESS EDITS OF ELLA PERRAULT ( mutuals may reblog ) •
feat @glimpseofwonder​
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storytelers · 3 years
Light  streams  into  the  room  from  the  gap  in  the  curtain,  fingers  pulling  it  back  so  she  can  keep  an  eye  on  Susan  as  she  and  Lucy  take  the  Baron  for  a  walk  around  the  gardens.  Their  young,  joyous  laughter  reaches  her  ears,  but  their  conversation  is  impossible  to  make  out;  something  about  that  man  bothered  her,  and  she  couldn’t  pinpoint  what  it  was  exactly.  No,  that  was  a  lie,  she  knew  full  well  what  bothered  her,  she  saw  himself  in  his  eyes.  In  the  quieter  moments,  she  saw  the  same  hunger  reflected  there,  and  that  was  not  an  emotion  she  usually  saw  in  people  from  his  standing.
If  nothing  else,  this  mystery  gave  her  some  entertainment,  as  there  had  been  no  attempts  or  robberies  in  the  past  few  weeks,  the  news  of  the  jewel  thief  starting  to  dissipate.  There  were  no  places  for  her  to  break  into  and  investigate,  all  she  learned  here  was  gossip,  the  latest  fashions  and  the  names  of  suitors.  From  outside  the  door,  footsteps  approached.  Letting  go  of  the  curtains,  Mary  quickly  arranged  herself  on  the  nearest  chair,  pulling  out  a  book  of  poetry  she  had  no  intention  of  reading.
When  the  door  opened,  she  was  the  picture  of  quiet  respectability,  dark  hair  warmed  by  the  sun  behind  her,  seemingly  completely  engrossed  in  the  words  in  front  of  her.  The  footman  cleared  his  throat  and  presented  one  of  the  many  annoyances  of  this  job.  If  the  Baron  was  a  mystery  for  her  to  ponder  during  a  boring  dinner,  the  Duke  was  usually  the  one  sitting  by  her  side,  being  perfectly  annoying.  To  be  fair,  he  had  done  nothing  wrong  to  gain  her  wrath;  unlike  many  of  Susan’s  suitors,  he  even  remembered  to  ask  her  to  dance  a  few  times.
When  he  approached,  Mary  stood  up,  letting  the  book  falling  back  into  the  chair  as  she  looked  up  at  him.  Yes,  there  was  that  annoyance,  the  crinkle  which  always  formed  when  she  spent  too  much  time  with  him.    ❝  My  Lord,  what  a  pleasure.  ❞  All  her  training  has  paid  off,  when  she  tilts  her  head  and  smiles,  there  is  nothing  but  sweetness  in  her  tone.
❝  Lady  Susan  is  in  the  garden  with  Count  Frederick.  Would  you  like  me  to  accompany  you  there?  ❞
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personnages · 3 years
1. alias / name: Lynna
2. birthday: February 12th
3. zodiac sign: Aquarius
4. height: 5 ft 7 in
5. hobbies: reading, writing, singing, a few needle/fiber arts (cross-stitch, blackwork embroidery, bobbin lace as of tonight...), dancing poorly, painting poorly.
6. favorite color: green!! most shades of green, but I’m especially partial to dark greens.
7. favorite book: my favorite novel is War & Peace, but honorable mentions include The Books of Pellinor series by Alison Croggon, The Song of Achilles & Circe both by Madeline Miller, A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, and The Emperor of Paris by C.S. Richardson. My favorite poet is Eavan Boland but I also really like Tarfia Faizullah and Sinéad Morrissey.
8. last song: “For Now” by Kina Grannis -- it’s on Zelda’s playlist.
9. last film / show: the last movie I watched was the 2015 Kenneth Branagh Cinderella, which is tied for my #1 favorite film.
10. recent reads: I have an entire stack of books I’m supposedly reading... the four on the table near my armchair are The Odyssey (trans. Emily Wilson), Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon by Rory Muir (W&P research), Russian Journal of Lady Londonderry 1836-37 (more W&P research), and Alison Croggon’s New and Selected Poems 1991-2017. 
11. inspiration: I like to draw inspiration from writers that I think do really interesting things with their prose! My degree focused on contemporary poetry so I also tend to draw writing inspiration from them, too -- it means I tend to lean heavily towards imagery, whether that’s good or not! Writers that I’m particularly inspired by have mostly already been mentioned, tbh. I love the way Tolstoy (esp. in the Pevear & Volokhonsky translation) writes prose, it’s fun to emulate. Madeline Miller’s prose is so lyrical and I love the way it experiments with language, it’s exactly the sort of thing I myself love doing. Shannon Hale writes beautiful prose, esp. in The Goose Girl and Princess Academy, and I’m always trying to match the effortless imagery and strong charactersation. And I really love how Eavan Boland can take a small domestic moment and make it incredibly important and meaningful, really zeroing in on the details of one moment.
12. story behind url: I’m bad at urls! “personnages” just means “characters” in French and this is, well, a multimuse.
13. fun fact about me: I have an uncanny ability to run into doorknobs. the average doorknob, by the way, is exactly at my hip height. it’s a Time.
tagged by: lovely @walkingshcdow ! thank you, dear!
tagging: i’m not sure who’s done this already, so if you have, feel free to ignore this! though this is totally optional, as always. @pcachlovc , @kcmorebi , @loruleheiress , @glimpseofwonder , @sunlilted , @enastrcs , @somnium-led , @revaeli
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@glimpseofwonder​ continued from X
 Pale moonlight lays splintered across the surface of deep indigo waters. The North Atlantic stretched on for an eternity in every which direction. In spite of Rose’s dread over this voyage and what was to follow in Philadelphia, there is something truly enchanting about her surroundings. Not even the brisk air could damage the magic it held. The static air is rife with change. Good or bad, Rose could not say and there’s nothing she could humanly do to prevent or delay it’s arrival. That leaves her restless. 
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Teeth chatter slightly as the ever present gusts toy with sopping frays of copper curls. “A … A blanket might be nice, though I do not wish to impose. “In fact, she ought not to be pestering the busy staff at all. And she wouldn’t have been, had Cal noticed the socialite’s disappearance. It wouldn’t be the world’s worst tragedy if she didn’t get a blanket.
“Tell me,” Rose starts, her voice full of entreaty, “is this your first voyage? Or have you made a career out of sailing?” Cerulean orbs take interest in him and his experiences. 
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firstherofirstlove · 3 years
Thanks in no small part to @glimpseofwonder​ I’m adding Auguste Ledoux (Cinderella’s father) here!
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amantesmultorum · 2 years
@glimpseofwonder​​ / Lila
"I didn't mean that." ( *  ―  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. )
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The man hung his head. He couldn’t look at her at the moment. For the words were already said, and the wound formed. Now all that was left was for it to scar over. And Malcolm had had his share with scares. “ Ye ken didnae mean that. Bit it haes bin said. ”  His voice was calm, as he took deep breathes.
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Malcolm spoke softly, before looking up at her. “ And if ye said it, some pairt o' ye mist have believed it. ” A gentle frown, formed on his face as he shook his head. “ I'm sorry. That I did something tae mak' ye hawp that.” He took a step closer to her. “ Bit I daenae loue ye fur o' Piera. I ken ye aren't Piera. A loue ye fur ye'r ye. Fur yer Lila.My Lila. And if ye continue tae think otherwise, ye cannae be farther fae the truth ! ”
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Wishlist, Plot, & Shipping Call
Village stuff, both before and after Batb
Fae/Elf Au
Warrior royal Au
Rescuing kittens
Visiting kids in the hospital to bring them handmade toys
Survival Au & times with extended family
Rescuing kittens or puppies
Modern, especially baker things
Domestic times with family
Events prior to the start of Acotar
Sangravah times, prior to & immediately after the invasion and slaughter
Joining or hanging out with the inner circle
Hanging out with Nesta and Emerie
The Blood Rite
Times with Catrin and their mother
Domestic life with family, especially in Survival Au
Early time in Concord, prior to meeting the Marches
His life before coming to Concord
Knight Au, or fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
Domestic life with family
Events before Cinderella
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
Also surviving and trying to come to terms
Modern royal
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Lotr, etc
Domestic times with family
Events prior to the start of Acotar
Modern royal
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Lotr, etc
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
His brother finding him and trying to catch him
Being found after running away from his family castle
Trying to decide if he wants to be King or not
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
His storyline with other muse replacing Níarí
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
Survival Au
Village life
Arriving in Prythain
Adjusting to Prythain
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Narnia, Lotr, etc
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
Fandom & fantasy Aus like Acotar, Narnia, Lotr, etc
Shipping Calls/Plots
Daisy Brooke
Straight. Daughter of Meg March and John Brooke. Student & Baker.
Feyre Archeron
Bi. Human & High Fae. High Lady of Night Court, Artist, & Art Therapist.
Gwyneth Berdara
Bi/Demi. High Fae & River Nymph. Priestess, Valkyrie, Martial artist/teacher, & Librarian.
Prince Kit
Straight. A good and brave dreamer. Prince, King, Warrior, & Tech firm CEO/owner.
Lucy Pevensie
Straight. Faithful believer and innocent. Queen, Artist, & Occupational therapist.
Nesta Archeron
Straight. Human & High Fae. Valkyrie & Martial artist/teacher.
Susan Pevensie
Straight. Tender hearted & unbound. Queen & Doctor.
Prince Ander
Bi. Giving and heartbroken. Exiled prince/Blacksmith & Ironworker/Sculptor.
King Éanon
Straight. Elf & Human, but can also be made Fae. Selfless & Conflicted. King & Author. Open to shipping, but plotting beforehand preferred.
Lia Sellerd
Bi. Healing and stepping out of the shadows. Healer/Priestess/Valkyrie & Nurse. Open to shipping, but plotting beforehand preferred.
Prince Nycholas
Demi & Ace. Cursed & determined. Rebel leader/prince/king & Graphic artist. Open to shipping, but plotting beforehand preferred.
Bi. Half Dryad & Human, but can also be made Fae. Giving & wise. Healer/Gardener & Gardener/Landscaper.
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mcrtals · 2 years
tag drop   (   belle   )
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avictimofthejazz · 2 years
What is Your Character Arc?
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Romance/Friendship arc
You started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
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Redemption arc
your story had a pretty rough start and you did some things you're not proud of, but you made the choice to change. i won't go through how important it is to accept responsibility and keep striving to improve or whatever because you know that already. what i think you should know is that your fuel does not need to be shame. you don’t need to stand over the bathroom sink with your blood in your hands until you can no longer make out your reflection. you will look at your face and you will see the person you used to be, but that person no longer exists. today, you are looking, and that makes all the difference.
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Hero arc
Well done - you did things right. this may seem like a boring answer, but i promise it isn't. you believe in goodness and you believe in doing good, and through everything, you work to keep that goodness. you have seen so much blood, and your instinct is always to stitch. you grew and fought and won, and i'm glad you did, because someone had to. i'm glad you kept believing in the world you were trying to save. you are far braver than most could ever be.
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Romance/Friendship arc
You started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
Nabbed from @glimpseofwonder​
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personnages · 3 years
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joy.  --  it is the small things that make your heart sing. snowfall in winter on your fingertips, the stars glittering above, the first green buds of spring. the sound of a kanklės and the laughter of those you love. no matter where you go, you try to breathe these things in.
loneliness.  --  an only child, then a girl with no mother, then a princess without a father. you must stand apart from all the courtiers, so you have always had few friends. it may ease into solitude over time, but it never really goes away.
faith.  --  the goddesses have chosen you, and you must play your part without flinching. din, nayru, farore, hylia: they are more than what your mortal brain can comprehend, and that surrender is comforting. nothing is dark to them. this story has been told before. that is also a comfort.
courage.  --  to give into despair is always useless. hope lets you go on; courage lets you fight against the darkness. you will learn to stare into the fear and let it stare back.
guilt.  --  what you do is never enough. every victory is missing something. you will atone for your decisions for a lifetime. it still will not be enough. 
mauve.  --  softer than regal purple, but evocative of the same thing. what your mother often wore.
cream.  --  easier to bear than pure white. the courtiers still see hylia’s blood running through you, but for you, it is a choice you have made for yourself.
green.  --  your favorite color. the signs of spring, the life in summer. 
gold.  --  circlet, pauldrons, gorget: the symbols of your station. it is woven into your ceremonial apron, the wings of hylia rising, the triforce shining.
grey.  --  a serene winter morning, peaceful and quiet, your favorite season. the color of your eyes.
lavender.  --  you have always scented your rooms with sprigs of lavender. it is pressed between your clothes in your wardrobe and chests, it is in the water when you bathe. it’s something that’s yours.
frost.  --  hyrule castle is cold, as all castles are. though the rooms are warmly lit, it clings to your hair and form in the corridors, that sharpness of cool air.
tea.  --  your tea of choice comes from near kakariko. it is warming and smokey, layered through with bergamot. you have a cup in the morning, a pot over the course of the afternoon, and another pot if you anticipate a busy evening. (the kitchens have grown used to sending up the second pot regularly.)
vanilla.  --  your mother used to wear this scent in her hair. the loss has faded into memory, but you wear it in yours now to honor her.
greenery.  --  when you have the time, you like to walk in the castle gardens. (if those times are fewer than you like... that is another part of your duty.)
hair jewelry.  --  long brown hair, pulled partially back with a comb and a circlet set into it. two long sections are wrapped and taped with ribbon in front, while in the back it is let to hang until it is gathered at the bottom with a thick braid and a metal hair ornament, tied off with more ribbon. 
long skirts.  --  stopping at just above your toes.
white boots for formal occasions; brown boots or leather slippers for every day. 
white gloves.  --  stopping just above your elbow. the embroidery is fine and is almost entirely your handiwork; you learned how to embroider at age seven. two of the pairs are your mother’s. one was your grandmother’s. the oldest pair, which you rarely wear due to its age, was your great-grandmother’s.
earrings.  --  you have a piercing in each earlobe and another piercing in each ear, right below the tips of your ears. 
harp.  --  your kanklės has a sweet tone and its soundboard is beautifully carved. you play it in private, sometimes when you can’t sleep, sometimes simply when you want to take a break and lose yourself in music. sometimes you play it when you are frustrated and let your worries melt away, for a moment.
books.  --  you know the castle library very, very, very well. 
sword.  --  the sword of state you carry on formal occasions is beautiful, but it is also functional. you’ve been training with rapiers like it since you were a little girl.
paperwork.  --  there is always paperwork. every day, there are reports to be read, figures to look at, messages to receive. if your desk was ever clear, it would, frankly, be suspicious.
saddle.  --  on tarann, your horse, there is always the temptation to run free and wild, as far away as you can go, but you always resist. yours is a sidesaddle, but you can go as fast as your stallion’s hooves can take you on it. it is embossed with designs of flowers and birds.
stubbornness.  --  when you have truly decided on something, it is near impossible to change your mind or sway you from your course.
reticence.  --  you have developed a habit of keeping to yourself, but it keeps you aloof, which can be useful when people are constantly trying to curry your favor. even in the face of sincere offers of friendship, however, it takes time and patience for you to let your walls down. and even then, there is still a deep, hidden part of yourself that you keep locked shut.
self-sacrificing.  --  there are several roles that you must play, wrapped up in a sense of duty that blots out all else. whatever hyrule demands, you give. whatever the goddesses decided to take, you would hand it to them without a second thought. you as a person are second to your duty as ruler and as the goddesses’ chosen; if the price is your life, you will give it. (and you did.)
workaholic.  --  “a king’s job is never done,” your father said once, and you took it to heart. it is your duty to hyrule, to serve them as best you can, and there are always demands. you regularly work late nights, and most of your socializing is left for formal court events. your work is your life: there is little else.
compartmentalization.  --  if you let yourself feel your stresses, your personal anxieties, your grief, your loneliness, you would implode. so each feeling must be packed away, to be dealt with in later and in private, if at all, so that you can continue to serve hyrule as it needs you to. it can make you seem emotionless, but it is better than the alternative.
a hand held up to your mouth to cover your wide smiles or, in extreme cases, your laughter. you are well practiced at hiding these feelings, but sometimes they inch through despite yourself.
straight posture, no matter whether you are sitting or standing. “princesses do not slouch,” your mother used to say, before smiling and bending over to kiss the air above your head, her kiss meeting your hair when you’d sit up straight. 
an analytical gaze, your grey eyes studying those speaking to you. (your expression is naturally somewhat severe, but you have worked hard to soften it to neutral, vague pleasantness when working.) it is a habit picked up from your father, of doing a study and then monitoring further reactions. it reminds the speakers that you are paying close attention, as well, and that they should think before they speak. 
a set jaw and slightly dropped chin when you are particularly angry. your eyes blaze, even if you say nothing. there is steel in you, and sometimes the veil lifts to reveal it. older courtiers can remember that same look on king uralph’s face, when hyrule was threatened.
deep breaths, taken in and out through the nose when you feel the need to calm yourself. it gives you a space to best form what you want to say, and grounds you for a moment.
guards standing at attention, their gazes purposefully aimed at the middle distance so they do not stare at you.
donning a heavy cloak, pulling the hood low against the screeching in the tower hallway and the sticky cold rising through the air in dark patches. you sleep uneasily that night.
coolness lapping against feet when you step into the spring. the light is blinding but when you blink, it has softened into its own plane of existence, and you are not alone. the light shimmers through your veins with a tickle.
long brown hair, falling free in a river down your back, past your hips, before it is gathered up again.
the cold traces your face as you step out onto the castle ramparts, blanketed as they are with snow. the winter clouds do not hide the stars completely, and you look up even as the flakes fall onto your cheeks and eyelashes, melting as you blink.
tagged by: @pcachlovc (thank you!! <3)
tagging: @glimpseofwonder (Eiluned), @spiritmaiden / @loruleheiress (either one! or both!), @walkingshcdow (Finnegan), @heartlosttravelers​ (Sharon), @fitzhrbrt, @somnium-led, @sunlilted (Zamir), @kcmorebi​, and whoever else that would like to~ This is very long, though, so no pressure or obligation if you don’t want to do it!!
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