queenchacs-blog · 6 years
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    “Oh, hello~”
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@glitchedformat​ continued from x
   “Disappointed? At seeing an old RIVAL show up once more in the depths of today’s computers?”
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   “Come now, Bob. I would rather see your data spread across the world wide web in ways beyond any recoverable repair.” It was... Bittersweet, at best. Sweet, in seeing someone familiar after all this time. Bitter? For that exact same reason.
    “I’ve changed and adapted to the internet. I’ve upgraded, and I’m more dangerous than ever. Can you say the same for yourself?”
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techmosamson · 6 years
        The customer who brought their laptop in was complaining about the latest PC update, and how it had erased some very important files on his computer. Typical Windows 10 to mess up an update like that, but this particular update was absolutely horrid for everyone affected. Techmo was happy to not only try and find the files, but also downgrade the PC’s OS to Windows 7 so this kind of thing wouldn’t happen again.
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         Plugging himself directly into the motherboard via USB cable, Techmo’s consciousness was transported into the computer as a sprite, into what appeared to be a giant city. The user that owned the PC must have had a lot of data on here if the mainframe was this lively. The technomancer wandered the streets a bit until he happened upon a diner, a useful place to gather information on the lost data’s whereabouts.
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       “Uh, hey, yeah, excuse me,” he said to get the other sprite’s attention. “You guys got a menu I can look at?”
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queenchacs-blog · 6 years
“Who hurt you? WHAT hurt you?”
ATTACKED | ACCEPTING | @glitchedformat
    She wasn’t sure what hit her but whatever it had been it had certainly been draining. The way the nulls crawled and clung to her in a moment of distress made it clear that the impact she had made with the ground had been quite severe.
    Her voice is low and confused, hand instinctively reaching up to secure her face. Mind reeled wildly shifting between misery, anger, confusion, bewilderment, endearment.
     She settled on confusion.
     “I’m not…sure…I didn’t see…”
     Pushing herself a bit more out of the small crater that had formed around her, gaze moves to scan above but nothing seemed to linger in sight. Nothing that could explain the harsh draining shock that had wracked her form just a moment before. Everything felt like it was spinning for an instance, both hands coming up to cradle her head with a mild groan.
    “I feel dizzy…”
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queenchacs-blog · 6 years
glitchedformat replied to your post: Step 1: Woo Bob. Step 2: Delete Megabyte. Step 3:...
[ :T welp ]
There’s no Dot in the web that can save you from this virus’s affections.
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