#glitter force stans dni
baileypie-writes · 1 month
~Why Glitter Force is Problematic~
In case you don’t know what Glitter Force is, it’s the English dub of the anime Smile Precure. It was produced by Saban, and released on Netflix in 2016.
Not long later, they did it again. Only this time, with the season Doki Doki Precure, which they changed to Glitter Force Doki Doki.
Instead of keeping everything the same, Glitter Force changed way more than necessary. It’s also racist and homophobic. So let’s talk about it.
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~1. Name Changes~
For some reason, Saban decided to be racist and remove all Japanese culture from Smile and Doki Doki Pretty Cure; whitewashing it. They renamed almost everything, even things that didn’t need to be.
Smile Precure Name Changes:
Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy - Emily/Glitter Lucky
Akane Hino/Cure Sunny - Kelsey/Glitter Sunny
Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace - Lily/Glitter Peace
Nao Midorikawa/Cure March - April/Glitter Spring
Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty - Chloe/Glitter Breeze
King Pierrot - Emperor Nogo
Joker - Rascal
Wolfrun - Ulric
Akaoni - Brute(was also changed from a demon to a troll)
Majorina - Brooha
Akanbe - Buffoon
Cure Decor - Glitter Charm
Smile Pact - Glitter Pact
Decor Décor - Charm Chest
Princess Candle - Princess Wand
Märchenland - Jubiland
Bad End Kingdom - Shadow Realm
Nanairogaoka Middle School - Rainbow Hills Middle School
Candy and Pop’s names were kept, I’m assuming because they were already English.
Doki Doki Precure Changes:
Mana Aida/Cure Heart - Maya Aida/Glitter Heart
Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond - Rachel/Glitter Diamond
Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta - Clara Yotsuba/Glitter Clover(this one makes no sense to me)
Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword - Makenzie Mack/Glitter Spade
Aguri Madoka/Cure Ace - Natalie Miller/Glitter Ace
Joe Okada - Johnny
Princess Marie Ange - Princess Marie Angelica
Ai - Dina
Sharuru - Kippie
Raquel - Rory
Dabyi - Davi
Jikochuu - Distain
Leva - Riva
Gula - Gura
King Jikochuu - King Mercenare
Lovely Commune - Glitter Pad
Cure Lovead - Glitter Charm
Love Heart Arrow - Glitter Heart Arrow
Magical Lovely Pad - Glitter Crystal Pad
Oogai Town - Seashell Bay
Oogai Middle School - Seashell Bay Middle School
Trump Kingdom - Splendorious
These aren’t even all the changes. They changed all the names of the attacks as well.
~2. Cut Episodes~
Again, Saban wanted no Japanese culture in the dub. So any episodes that contained too much Japanese culture were cut. In total, Glitter Force cut 8 episodes. They cut way more in Glitter Force Doki Doki, but I don’t wanna take the time to find out why.
1. One episode was cut because it was a festival episode. The girls went to their town’s festival, which obviously was Japanese culture. And they also wore yukatas.
2. Most episodes containing Akane’s family restaurant was cut, since they serve okonomiyaki, a Japanese food. This food appeared once or twice in Glitter Force, but they referred to it as “Japanese pizza”. Which isn’t even what the food is.
3. There was an episode with Japanese culture that stayed in the dub. And that was the one where the girls go on a field trip to Kyoto and Osaka. Although, in Glitter Force, they call it the “Asia Pacific Expo”. Now Saban, I don’t know if you know this, but Asia is a continent with many countries. And each one had its own unique culture. So you should’ve just called it the “Japanese Expo”.
4. Last one I’m gonna mention is the episode we’re Akane is assigned the task of showing an English exchange student around the school. She teaches him Japanese, and shows him her culture.
These aren’t even all of them, but putting all of them would make the post too long. Also, all these cut episodes resulted in plot holes and ruined character development.
~3. Toned Down/Removed Emotional Scenes/Episodes~
For some reason, Saban decided that children can’t handle anything too emotional. So any scene or episode that seemed “too much” to them was toned down or cut completely.
1. There was an episode where Cure March’s siblings are caught up in the middle of a battle. A big attack heads towards them, and March isn’t able to stop it in time. The attack hits, and a big cloud of dust envelops the children. Luckily, when the cloud clears, it’s revealed that the other Cures stopped the attack, saving the kids. In Smile Precure, there’s silence leading up to the reveal, making the viewers believe that the children are seriously injured, or worse. However, in Glitter Force, we hear the kids talking before the dust clears, saying things like: “Wait, it didn’t hit us!” and “What? We’re okay?”. This completely ruins the suspense and emotion of the scene.
Shortly after, all March’s sibling run to her, hugging her. They’re all crying, and share a happy, emotional moment together. In Glitter Force, however, this moment is ruined by dialogue. The littlest brother asks why everyone is so sad, and a sister tells him that they’re not, and that they’re crying because they’re happy. That was completely unnecessary. And frankly, I think kids could tell that they were happy tears.
4. There was an episode about Yayoi, where it reveals that her father had passed away when she was young, and that she desperately wants to remember him. Though being young when he passed, she can’t remember that much, making her upset. Her father’s death is never shown, and it’s never said how he died. Glitter Force cut this episode out, because heaven forbid death be mentioned. Even though characters die in basically every Disney movie, and it’s fine. I think this episode is important, because it could be relatable for children who’ve lost family members of their own. It could even give them a sense of comfort. So Saban cutting it out is just really dumb.
Added after @glittercakes mentioned it
(Thanks for letting me know about this!)
3. In the final episode, Candy has to go back to her homeland, so she says goodbye to the girls. Candy is crying a lot, but the girls just smile, letting her know that it’s okay. When Candy’s gone, the girls break down, finally allowing themselves to cry. It’s a very sad moment, which makes the reunion even better. But in Glitter Force, the girls stay smiling the entire time, even after Candy leaves. Emily even goes as far as to call her dramatic.
All these changes paint the picture that kids are too sensitive, and should only watch things that are happy 100% of the time. This is just ridiculous to me. Having emotions other than happiness in children’s shows is important, because it teaches them that it’s okay to be upset or sad. Having everything happy all the time, even when it shouldn’t be, teaches unhealthy lessons to children, like “it’s not okay to cry”. That’s what toxic positivity is, and it is not a good thing.
~4. Homophobia~
There are a few, minor details that were completely unnecessary for Saban to edit out, which gives the impression of being homophobic.
1. In the episode in Smile Precure where the girls get transported into the fairytale “Cinderella”, Reika gets casted as the Prince, since there are no boys. In Smile Precure, Miyuki, who’s casted as Cinderella, sees her as charming. However, in Glitter Force, all their interactions and dialogue are done in a joking matter, making sure the audience knows that they don’t like each other like that. That was unnecessary, as in the original, it’s never implied that they shared romantic interest. They were just following the story. In another scene, Reika catches Yayoi when she falls. We see Reika from Yayoi’s point of view, and there are the classic anime sparkles, insinuating that she sees her as incredibly handsome. She’s seen blushing a moment later. These tiny details were cut in Glitter Force. Because heaven forbid that a girl finds another girl handsome.
2. In Doki Doki Precure, there’s an episode where we really get to see Rikka and Mana’s friendship in greater detail. Rikka always makes sure that Mana is being responsible, and keeping her on top of things. Her fairy partner, Raquel, compares Rikka to being Mana’s wife. This wasn’t insinuating romantic interest. It was just comparing her traits to traits of a wife. But of course, Glitter Force can’t have anything related to two girls being together. So they changed the comparison to Mana’s mother.
These changes may be minor, but that’s exactly what makes it homophobic. They were tiny scenes that weren’t made to be taken super seriously. But the idea of two girls liking each other bothered Saban so much, that they felt the need to edit them out.
3. I heard rumors that the crew at Saban harassed one of the voice actors for being a part of the lgbtq+ community. I’m not sure if this is true though. So do with this information what you will. Let me know if you find anything on this.
~Conclusion: Stop Supporting Glitter Force~
The amount of people who still support Glitter Force really pisses me off. Like, I get if you didn’t know about Smile Precure. But there are people who know that Glitter Force is problematic and still call it the wrong name and watch it like nothing’s wrong with it. They either deny that it’s problematic, ignore it, or simply don’t care.
“But they made it easier for English kids to understand!”
I’m sure kids would’ve understood just fine if they kept the Japanese culture. Kids aren’t so sensitive, that the moment something is slightly different, they shut down. I mean, look at Disney. They explore different cultures in their movies all the time, and are still the most successful movie company in the world. Mulan and Encanto are super popular, despite the fact that they take place in and contain culture from China and Colombia. So if Glitter Force kept the characters original names and the culture, I’m sure the kids couldn’t care less.
The only time anime was edited this heavily was in the 90s-early 2000s. And they did it because anime was so new and strange, so they thought no one would watch it if it wasn’t American. But Glitter Force was released in 2016. At that point in time, anime was receiving a huge rise in popularity. So Japanese culture was much more normalized and understood in the west. So all those changes were even more unnecessary.
“B-But it was my childhood!”
It was mine too. But guess what? I got over it. And you know why? Because I don’t want to support something racist and homophobic. Besides, just switch to Smile Precure. Unless you don’t have a VPN, or don’t have the bravery to pirate it, it’s really not that hard. It’s not like it’s a completely different show. It’s just the original, better, non-problematic version. It’s okay to be sad and disappointed, but there’s no need to act like a child over it. Just because something was your childhood, it doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s problematic.
I also want to point out that Smile Precure was made to aid the children who suffered from the 2011 tsunami in Japan. All the Cure’s names are things that make people happy, and the anime’s title, Smile Precure, is a reminder that smiles can help you through tough times. So the fact that Glitter Force takes that meaning away is just awful.
Thank you for reading all this. I didn’t even get to go through all the changes Saban did, but I went through the most important. Let me know if this informed you in any way!
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I had the idea to start a Selfshipping side blog for awhile since 1 my main Account is kinda hideous and I just wanted a new slate especially now that I understand tumblr more 2 cause I really like the self shipping community! And I used to write fanfic
My pronouns are She/her
That being said I stopped writing fanfic for a reason, it made me KINDA anxious the pressure of doing requests got to me but I think I could do an imagine every once in awhile if nothing else and if you want you can request an imagine or prompt from me I’d just ask you maybe don’t expect much but it would still be appreciated of course!
As for me personally I’m a minor so no, No, NO NSFW. I had a pretty YIKES experience on Instagram once upon a time and I do not want a repeat of that. But you can call me Rosie or Rin (my self insert’s name) also do let me know if you want me to talk about my Ocs! I have quite a lot. Idk if I wanna add another section to this blog (since I’m just starting out) but let me know if you’d be interested!
For my rules/DNI just don’t be Racist or a Pedophile or homophobic or transphobic or request or say anything of that nature on this blog. And I think that’s all I should really have to say on that matter
Also feel free to have an Anon name if you want!
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Little note before I list these things. I have the attention span of a goldfish, a goldfish easily distracted by any pretty anime character that has a good amount of fanfics and by the color pink. So simply know I’ll try to name things I’m if nothing else fairly sure I could hold a conversation about not necessarily things I’ve finished.
Yugioh (all gens)
Beyblade (the metal saga)
Uta no prince sama (I’m sad Shining live is dead)
Diabolik Lovers (I know it’s horrible but it is ✨My Trash✨)
Demon slayer (My sister put it on in front of me and I’ve been a mess for Gyutaro ever since)
Idol time PriPara (I love PriPara so much even though I’ve only seen idol time SOMEONE LET ME INFO DUMP ABOUT MY PRIPARA OCS PLEASE-)
Aikatsu (mostly Stars)
Mermaid Melody/ Pichi Pichi Pitch (I adore this show! I just need to stop procrastinating and watch it before they take it off of YouTube lol)
My hero (I still need to catch up but even then I’m not that attached to anything but the fanfic I wrote in my head)
Shugo Chara (it’s Cardcaptor Sakura but it’s not as bad. For legal reasons this is a joke)
The my melody anime (I haven’t seen the sequel series at all tho)
Revolutionary Girl Utena (I ADORE THIS SHOW’S AESTHETICS AND MUSIC. I will stop procrastinating and finish it one day)
Sailor moon (I know how shocking from a girl who clearly loves magical girl anime)
Save me Lolipop!/ Mamotte! Lolipop (this was my first anime I watched by myself please tell me you know it!)
Kamisama Kiss (I hate Tomoe Stan Nanami to death though)
Kamikaze Kaito Jeane (I’ve only read the Manga WHERE IS THE ANIME?!)
Fairy tail (i Haven’t seen the last season I will cry)
Fruits basket (I didn’t watch the new one it looked to idk shiny for me personally)
Tokyo Mew Mew (Kisshu my problematic Fave 🥺)
Earth defense club love (please someone tell me they simped for the twins in season 2)
Miraculous ladybug (sure it’s arguably not anime but if you look at all the other magical girl anime here you should not be surprised)
Precure/ Glitter force (yeah I grew up with glitter force I’m sorry I’m loving delicious party tho!)
Idolish7 (I know it’s an anime too but I mostly play this game for the music)
Hypnosismic (Ramuda’s Drops lives Rent free in my brain and I DID NOT give consent)
Ensemble stars (idk what they’re saying but wow All of Knights sure is pretty wow also so happy about eng release! ✨)
Ayakashi Romance Reborn (Fun fact: This game’s English server is dead so I surgically attached it in my brain to demon slayer)
Twisted wonderland (I hate this game immensely ✨)
Genshin Impact (i hate this game more ♡)
Cookie run Kingdom (I’m sorry red velvet cookie is hot okay-)
Play Uta no Prince Sama Shining live (never mind it’s dead now)
Pokémon Masters (I have 2 Ns so far!)
Sonic (*looks at my old Sonic Ocs* *looks away quickly*)
The Atelier Series (Quick review of all the Atelier games I played: Ryza Decent, Lulua Bane of my existence, Sophie is the prettiest girl ever 🥺 oh no I haven’t played her game yet why do you ask?)
Fate/GO (It’s really fun when the Gacha isn’t being mean and I’m enjoying the charming servants even though unfortunately find myself liking the boys more because of reasons you can guess)
Yugioh Master Duel (I’ll put my friend code later)
Yugioh Duel Links (proud Yuzu Main)
Pokémon (main series)
Code vain/ god eater (I will play anything with a character creator part 1)
Play Uta no Prince Sama shining live (I will miss you forever)
Pretty Princess party (I will play anything with a character creator part 2)
Story of seasons (I’m a gamer girl what do you want from me? 👁👄👁💅)
Disney Magical World 1/2 (i will play anything with a Character creator part 3)
Kingdom hearts (i haven't finished 2 or 3 and i cannot be talked too about Tarzan's world but i loved the mobile game and dream drop distance)
Style Saavy, any of them (Best games ever made, other than Uta no Prince Sama shining live-)
Uta No Prince Sama shining live available now on IOS and Android (The world just didn’t understand it while we did have it 🥺)
Anything by Arina Tanemura (I’m BARELY exaggerating)
Beasts of Abigale (ya like Goth Furries?)
Kiss of the Rose princess (ya like Goth Yugioh Players?)
Ultra Maniac (Aka my first experience going: “oh my god read the manga the manga is better then the anime”)
I also really love Fashion and Designing! I’m not learning it or anything (I’d probably be a failure Irl lol) but if you wanna talk or show me designs feel free too
I do have a Tag tho! #Magical Fashion Fairytale feel to scroll through designs I’ve posted
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Imagines masterlist f/o list
Also I made all the headers and my icon on PicsArt
Did my Imagines masterlist!
Last Edited January 2nd 2023
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baileypie-writes · 8 months
~🃏Joker Dating Headcanons🃏~
Fandom: Smile Precure
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Warnings: None!
A/N ~ I’ve been in love with Joker for years. He’s just so silly.
‼️Glitter Force Stans DNI‼️
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~ Joker is surrounded my idiots pretty much all the time, and he honestly thought he’d never get a break. That is, until he met you. My goodness, you were like a breath of fresh air to him. He got attached to you pretty quick.
~ Before he confesses, he’s constantly flirting with you. His favorite things to do are magic tricks that end with you getting flowers or some kind of romantic message. However, when it comes to actually confessing, it takes him forever. This is mostly because he’s a little menace, and likes messing with you. You’ll either have to confess first, or just be patient. If you decide to wait for him to do it, oh boy, does he put on a show. Literally. He’s very flashy when he asks you out.
~ He compliments you a ton. He loves making you blush, he finds it cute and hilarious. He calls you a bunch of cheesy nicknames, mostly to bother or fluster you. His favorites are: my dear, doll, honey-cakes, and love bug. These are just a few. He makes some up on the spot, and they get really ridiculous.
~ Have you ever heard of people who bite their parter as a sign of affection? Well, Joker’s kind of like that. Except he doesn’t bite, he licks. Not even in a dirty way, just for fun. He loves sneaking up behind you, and just licking your cheek. He always laughs his ass off at your reaction. Like I said before, he’s a menace.
~ Joker loves to spoil you! He always brings you big bouquets of flowers and handmade cards(that may or may not explode with confetti) with sweet messages in them. You could mention something you want once, and he’d hand you that same item not even a day later. Where did he get it? Does he even have money? You’ll never know.
~ Whenever Joker is irritated, whether it be from losing to the Pretty Cure, or being dissatisfied with the process of reviving Pierrot, he tends to distance himself from you. He doesn’t want you to see him like that. He also doesn’t want to potentially lash out at you by accident.
~ He doesn’t like it when you hang out with the other guys in Bad End. It’s not that he gets jealous(okay, maybe a little), it’s that he knows how unkindly they treat each other. He doesn’t want you to be treated the same way. Before you even met Wolfrun, Akaoni or Majorina, Joker told them that they must treat you with the utmost respect. However, he still doesn’t fully trust them, so he likes you to keep your distance.
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baileypie-writes · 3 days
I was on Pinterest and saw a picture of Yes! Precure 5, and someone in the comments called it a Glitter Force knockoff😭
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baileypie-writes · 1 month
Something I forgot to mention in my Glitter Force post(that I added now) is that Smile Precure was made to aid the children who suffered from the 2011 tsunami in Japan. All the Cure’s names are things that make people happy, and the anime’s title, Smile Precure, is a reminder to smile through the tough times. So the fact that Glitter Force takes that meaning away is just awful.
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baileypie-writes · 8 days
How about Smile Precure villains with smart but shy S/O? Romantic or platonic depends on the character.
A/N ~ Sure! I only did Joker and Wolfrun, bc they’re the only ones I write for(I decided not to write for Akaoni anymore). Hope you enjoy!
~Joker and Wolfrun with a Smart but Shy Parnter~
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Fandom: Smile Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Joker and Wolfrun
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: Akaoni slander
~Pretty Cure Masterlists~
Seasons 1-10, 11-20
Guide: The purple dialogue is Joker, the blue dialogue is Wolfrun, and the uncolored dialogue is Reader.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
~ Joker is quite the smart man himself, but not the type that you are. You’re good at math and science, he’s just good at messing with people’s heads. So he’s impressed by your knowledge.
“I must admit my dear, you are quite the smart cookie.”
“Oh… yeah. I guess I’ve always been smart.”
“No need to be embarrassed. It’s quite impressive.”
“Oh… thanks.”
~ He finds it a bit of a shame how shy you are. He believes that someone with as big of a brain as you should be showing it off. And that just what he encourages you to do. He always tells you how you should go out and show your knowledge to the world.
“Look Joker, I don’t like attention. So I don’t want to go show off or whatever.”
“But you deserve it! Most people don’t have the brain capacity to store so much knowledge. In fact, maybe you should help them become smarter. You should try Akaoni first.”
“Well, you’re not wrong. Akaoni could use- wait, no!”
~ Joker tries his best to get you out of your shell. He mostly does this by asking many questions, getting you to talk more and more until you begin rambling. He finds it adorable how flustered you get once you’ve realized how much you’ve been talking.
“-and I find this theory interesting because- oh wait. How long have I been talking for? Oh gosh…”
“It’s alright, my dear. I don’t mind. Now, what were you saying?”
“Wait, are you getting me to talk on purpose?”
“Of course not! Now, why do you find that theory interesting?”
~ When with others, he often brags about your knowledge for you. He lets people know how incredibly smart you are. He only lets up once you let him know how much he’s embarrassing you. He apologizes, but still believes you deserve to be known for your smarts.
“You lot don’t have the brains to even comprehend (name)’s knowledge. Just hearing their intelligence would put you into a coma!”
“Joker… please.”
“Honestly, they could defeat the Pretty Cure without even lifting a finger! They could just outsmart them!”
“Oh gosh…”
~ For the most part, Wolfrun couldn’t care less how smart you are. Knowledge isn’t something he worries about. But, while he won’t admit it, he’s pretty impressed, and even intimidated by your big brain.
“Hey, when did we get grapes? Whatever, guess I’ll eat them.”
“Wolfrun no! You’ll die!”
“What? What are you talking about? It’s just grapes.”
“Grapes are deadly to dogs!”
“Ugh. I’m a wolf, (name).”
“Wanna risk death?”
~ He finds it almost offensive how you barely talk, despite how much you have stored in your mind. If he didn’t know you so well, he’d think that you were using your shyness as a cover. But still, sometimes he fears that you’re planning something.
“What are you planning in that big brain of yours?”
“Planning? I’m not planning anything.”
“You sure?”
~ Unlike Joker, he doesn’t try to get you to talk or become less shy. He just lets you be. He honestly prefers this, because that way, he can do all the talking. He likes to talk.
“I mean, I know Akaoni’s stupid, but come on! Even a five year old wouldn’t make that mistake!”
“Haha! Yeah.”
“Huh. You know, you really don’t talk much more than when we met.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m just not a big talker.”
“Eh, not like it matters. Anyway,-“
~ Like mentioned before, Wolfrun can be a bit intimidated by your knowledge. He automatically feels this way when anyone is better than him at anything. So while he doesn’t like being proven wrong, he knows not to challenge your brain.
“C’mon, (name). There’s no way that’s true!”
“Wolfrun, I’m telling you it is!”
“No way!”
“Do I need to remind you how often I’m right?”
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baileypie-writes · 15 days
Glitter Force stans when you tell them they shouldn’t support a racist and homophobic dub just because it was their childhood(they can just watch the original)
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baileypie-writes · 8 months
~About Me!~
I’m baileypie. You can call me that, or just bailey. My pronouns are she/they. My zodiac is Libra, and my MBTI is ISFP. I’m also a reality shifter.
All of my fanfictions are either PG or PG-13(for minor swearing and/or violence). I write for romantic, platonic and familial relationships. The fandoms I write for can be pretty niche, but there are some more well known ones too. I am constantly getting into new fandoms, so I add new characters to write for fairly often.
Please read the rules before making a request!
~Fandoms I Write For~
~Waiting List~
~My Interests~
~ Pretty Cure
Get to Know Me: Pretty Cure Edition here!
~ The Three Caballeros
~ Melanie Martinez
~Please DNI If You Are Any Of These~
~ Pr0sh!ppers
~ Ped0ph!les
~ Z00ph!les
~ Homoph0bes and transph0bes
~ Dream stans
~ Boyfriends(the Webtoon) stans
~ Glitter Force stans
~ Anti-shifters
~ Z!onists
🇵🇸Free Palestine🇵🇸
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
Can You do Princess Marie Ange From doki doki precure as dating headcanon your work is absolutely my like
A/N ~ Sure! I’m glad you like my writing🩷 Hope you enjoy!
~Princess Marie Ange Dating Headcanons~
Fandom: Doki Doki Precure
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
~Pretty Cure Masterlists~
Seasons 1-10, 11-20
A/N ~ In this fic, she and Joe are not together.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~ Marie Ange, being the Princess, cares for every one of her subjects. However, you’re different. She feels a different kind of love for you. She can’t get you out of her mind. So much so, that it distracts her a lot. She starts daydreaming a lot more than she used to.
~ She sends you lots of letters. Each one is full of her feelings of love and affection for you. Her handwriting is beautiful, and she doodles little hearts on the side. She loves sending the letters with flowers as well.
~ Marie can be quite competitive. She loves challenging you to a game of archery or chess. You very rarely win, as she’s one of the best you’ve ever seen. But when it’s one of those very rare times where you beat her, she congratulates you nonstop. Beating her is hard, so she’s very proud of you!
~ You’re sort of her muse. Ever since she fell in love with you, you pop up in her mind whenever she creates sculptures. This results in her subconsciously carving your face into whatever statue she’s working on.
~ Marie Ange loves spending time with you alone. She prefers being uninterrupted by others, so you often hang out in secluded fields of flowers or a gazebo.
~ When it comes to physical affection, she leaves a lot of it to you. It’s not that she’s shy or anything, she just likes it better when you give her kisses and hugs. She does give you pecks on the lips and cheek from time to time.
~ She loves dancing with you! Whenever there’s a ball or any kind of party in the kingdom, she always asks you to be her dance partner. Being the Princess, she’s had quite a few lessons, so she’s pretty skilled. She’ll be happy to teach you if you don’t know any dances!
~ Marie Ange loves flowers, so she loves both giving and receiving them. She gives flowers to you often. She sees it as sharing her love with you. If you gift her some, she’ll be so happy! And she’ll make sure to keep them alive for as long as possible.
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baileypie-writes · 14 days
We know that your opinion on Glitter Force is low, but is there anything in it that you consider to be good or, at least, not as bad as everything else? Just curious.
Actually, yes! There are some good parts about Glitter Force, surprisingly.
1. The first thing is the voice acting. I personally think it’s really good! Especially the voices for Miyuki and Yayoi. I think they fit perfectly!
2. I’ve heard a lot of hate for this next one, but the darkening of some scenes. Pretty Cure is known for using really bright lights and colors. So Glitter Force darkened some scenes to lower the risk of seizures. I think that was really thoughtful.
3. While Glitter Force is not a good dub, it is good that it got lots of people, including me, into Pretty Cure! So while it could’ve been a lot better, it’s a starting point for others.
4. This last one is a teeny tiny change, but I like it. Cure Peace’s attack, “Peace Thunder” was changed to “Glitter Lightning”. While I don’t agree with the “Glitter” part, I liked the “Lightning”. It always bothered me that Peace calls it thunder instead of lightning.
That’s all I can really remember. Feel free to tell me your thoughts!
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baileypie-writes · 3 days
Can I ask some headcanons of Joker with S/O, who can manipulate water?
A/N ~ Sure! Thanks for rephrasing the request. When I googled it, the explanations were really confusing😭. I also included a mini oneshot, since these are kinda short. Hope you enjoy!
~Joker with an S/O who can Manipulate Water~
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Fandom: Smile Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons +mini oneshot!
Reader: Gender neutral, can manipulate water
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Joker
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
~Pretty Cure Masterlists~
Seasons 1-10, 11-20
Guide: The purple dialogue is Joker, and the uncolored dialogue is Reader.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
~ It can take a lot to impress this jester. So when you first mention your abilities, he doesn’t think much of it. But when he sees your skills in action, he finds that he can’t look away. It was just so mesmerizing to him!
~ Being a man who enjoys performing, he definitely asks you to help him with various acts! For example, he may ask you to make a levitating bubble of water for him to jump into, and swim around in. Joker isn’t one to beg, but if you say no to him about this, you won’t go a day without him asking at least five times.
“I would greatly appreciate it you would help me with some tricks, my dear!”
“Joker, you’ve already asked me today. Three times. The answer is no.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that!~”
~ Whenever he gets really tired of the other members of Bad End failing to defeat the Pretty Cure, he asks you to pull “little pranks” on them. Without the sugar-coating, they’re really punishments. He’ll ask you to fill Majorina’s potion room with water, or to dump a few gallons of it onto Wolfrun.
~ Since no one else in Bad End has any real powers, he constantly brags about you to them. He makes not so subtle jabs at them, about how much cooler you are than them, and how you could beat the Pretty Cure on your first try.
~ Joker sometimes asks you to use your abilities to entertain him when he’s bored. He’ll ask you to make random shapes with water, or do cool tricks. He could honestly watch you work for hours.
“How about a Pretty Cure? Can you do Cure Happy?”
“I can try, though it might not be perfect” *forms water into Cure Happy*
“Oh my! Wonderful!” *throws a ball right at her head, destroying it*
“Hey! I worked hard on that!”
~Mini Oneshot~
“Oh, my dear!” Joker called to you in a singsong voice. That’s how you knew he was up to something.
“What?” You asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.
“I need your help with something.” He said innocently.
“What? You’re not up to mischief, are you?”
“Perhaps! But I believe it’s important!”
“Ugh, fine.”
And that’s how you ended up levitating a giant bubble of water over to Wolfrun’s room. According to Joker, he had been slacking off recently. So he needed a “little push” to get him back to work. You of course knew where this was going. But you really didn’t feel like trying to find a way out of it. Besides, you loved him too much.
“Ugh, this is really heavy.” You complained. The water above you made sloshing noises, which you tried to stop, as to not get caught.
“I know, but don’t worry. You won’t be carrying it much longer.” Joker reassured.
You arrived at Wolfrun’s room, where he was reading a comic, completely unaware of what was coming.
“Okay, do it. Careful now!” Joker whispered.
You slowly hovered the water to be above the wolf’s head. Seeing its shadow, he looked up. But it was too late. You dropped the water, making it land right on him. He yelped, and was completely soaked.
“Ack! What the? (name)!” He yelled furiously.
But then, you and Joker were already running away, laughing.
“Thank you, my dear. I believe he learned his lesson now.” He said, giving your hand a kiss.
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baileypie-writes · 4 days
~Marmo Dating Headcanons~
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Fandom: Doki Doki Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Marmo
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: Jealousy(Marmo)
~Pretty Cure Masterlists~
Seasons 1-10, 11-20
Guide: The purple dialogue is Marmo, and the uncolored dialogue is Reader.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
~ Marmo treats everyone like they’re a bug under her shoe, and that used to include you. When she begins to realize her feelings for you may not be hatred, she completely denies it. Instead of treating you like a pest, she nearly always ignores you. It’s not until you confess that she gives into her feelings. And after that, her attitude does a whole 180. She goes from ignoring you, to adoring you.
~ She loves getting things, so her love language is definitely gifts. She loves, and expects, to be spoiled. Though, every gift she receives is treated with love, and you’re given a thanks.
“For me? Aww, you should have! I actually have something for you too!” *hands you an eyeshadow palette*
“Oh thanks! Eyeshadow?”
“Yeah! It’s the same kind I wear. Now we can match!”
~ You’ll always come back from hanging out with Marmo with at least one lipstick mark. She kisses you a lot, and she loves seeing the red left behind, so she does so even more. Half of her kisses are just because she wants to leave a mark.
“Look at this new shade of lipstick I got! Mind if I try it out?”
*kisses your cheek*
“Looks good on you! Though not as much as it does on me.”
~ Her love language is teasing the heck out of you. Nothing actually mean, just playful stuff. She’ll make fun of you for blushing, for tripping, for spilling something, pretty much anything she can. But it never goes on for too long. She doesn’t want to genuinely hurt your feelings.
~ Marmo gets very jealous. Anytime you look at anyone for more than a few seconds, she’s pouting. She’s not subtle at all about it either. She wears an over exaggerated upset face, and clings to you like you’ll float away if she doesn’t. Afterwards, she avoids you until you apologize(even though you most likely did nothing wrong).
~ She uses you for makeup practice. She tries any look she thinks is interesting on you before doing it on herself. It could go on for hours, and you’re not allowed to move or complain. You’ll get scolded if you do.
“Hey! What did I saw about moving?”
“Sorry! It’s just that my butt is asleep for sitting for so long!”
“And what did I say about complaining?”
~ Despite some of the things I’ve stated previously, Marmo’s very sweet. She adores cuddling with you, and always tells you how much she loves you. She’s not afraid to do so in public either. If anyone complains or makes fun of you two, she just sees it as them being jealous.
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baileypie-writes · 1 month
Currently writing a rant and informational post about Glitter Force. I can already tell it’s gonna be long.
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
~Joe Okada/Jonathan Klondike Dating Headcanons~
Fandom: Doki Doki Precure
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
~Pretty Cure Masterlists~
Seasons 1-10, 11-20
A/N ~ In this fic, he and Princess Mary Ange are not in love. He’s just her knight.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~ Joe is an… interesting individual. He’s nice, but pretty weird. When he’s in love with you, it’s near impossible to tell. Not because he doesn’t show it, but because he’s already really sweet to everyone. If you try to flirt or make it obvious that you like him, he acts completely oblivious. But he actually knows what you mean. He’s just playing with you.
~ Spending time with him can get weird. One day, he’ll take you on a very nice date, spending the whole day with you. But then the next day, he completely disappears. He can be gone for days on end, and when he returns, he acts totally normal. His journey’s are mostly spend looking for the Princess, and they can get pretty hard. He doesn’t want you to worry, so he brushes them off.
~ Joe definitely spoils you. Whatever you want from his shop, it’s yours. No payment required. He also gives you flowers and sweets a lot, especially if he’s been gone. And he always brings you a souvenir from the places he visits.
~ He’ll do whatever he can to protect you. He’s a knight after all, so it’s in his nature. He’ll accompany you wherever you go when he can.
~ Joe is so sweet to you. He gives you nice and gentle hugs and kisses. He doesn’t care if you’re in public, he’ll show you the love you deserve!
~ He personally likes to have dates at home. Especially if he’s been gone, he wants to have alone time with you. That being said, he’s definitely not opposed to dates in public! He’ll go wherever you want to go!
~ He calls you the most sweet and endearing nicknames. Sweetheart and honey are his favorites, and the ones he uses most. But he also calls you dearest, princess/prince and sweetie pie.
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
~Dabyi Dating Headcanons~
Fandom: Doki Doki Precure
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!
~Pretty Cure Masterlists~
Seasons 1-10, 11-20
A/N ~ Her human form is so pretty I can’t
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
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~ Dabyi is a busy woman. She’s Makoto’s manager and fairy partner, so she has a lot to do. That being said, she always sets aside some time for you.
~ She’s very good at planning, so she always sets up amazing dates. Whether it be dinner at a nice restaurant, or a peaceful night at home, you always have a good time.
~ She’s constantly worrying about Makoto, so that habit kind of makes its way over to you as well. She calls you every day, making sure you’re feeling okay and that you’re happy. Your health is one of her top priorities.
~ Dabyi wants desperately to tell you about her true form and where she’s from. But it’s just not something that’s easy to explain. Also, she wants to keep you safe. She doesn’t want to drag you into the Pretty Cure business, and risk you getting hurt. Once everything is solved though, she’ll happily tell you everything.
~ She spoils you a lot. She feels bad for not being able to spend as much time with you as she wants, so buying you things is sort of her way of apologizing. She buys you a lot of designer clothes and expensive desserts.
~ If you’re a fan of Makoto’s, she 100% gets you tickets to every show! And, she’ll even throw in a bunch of merchandise. That includes an autograph from the idol herself!
~ Dabyi is always making sure you’re being responsible. It’s not that she doesn’t trust you or anything. It’s just that she’s constantly taking care of Makoto, so that protective and caring behavior also applies to you.
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
Can I have some headcanons romantic headcanons about the wolf from smile pretty cure ? (I can't remember his name )
A/N ~ Sure! His name is Wolfrun btw. Hope you enjoy!
~Wolfrun Dating Headcanons~
Fandom: Smile Precure
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Wolfrun being protective and jealous.
Glitter Force stans DNI!
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~ Wolfrun would not be pleased with the fact he’s in love at all. In fact, he’d try his hardest to get rid of these feelings. Obviously, he’d be unsuccessful.
~ When you start dating, he’d leave everything to you. Not just because he knows next to nothing about love, but also because he’s secretly too embarrassed to try anything himself. He wants to be cool!
~ Wolfrun does not show any affection whatsoever. And he doesn’t like receiving any either. He thinks kisses are gross. But he does kind of enjoy when you cling to him. It makes him feel tough, like he’s protecting you.
~ Speaking of which, he’s very protective. If he senses that you’re unhappy in any way, the first thing he asks is if anyone did something to you. If the answer is yes, his first instinct is to fight them. It’ll take a lot of pleading to get him to drop it. Even then, he’ll still send some sort of threat to the person without your knowledge.
~ He also gets jealous very easily. If anyone tries talking to you when he’s with you, he won’t be happy. And he’s a scary looking guy, so it’s not hard to get them away. No matter how much you scold him, he won’t change. It’s just the way he is.
~ Wolfrun secretly enjoys doing his hair and nails. He was blessed with long, luscious locks and sturdy nails, so it’s basically a given that taking care of them is a hobby of his. But he sees them as “girly” activities, so he pretends to hate them. However, if it’s something that you enjoy, he won’t reject the idea of doing it with you.
~ This guy spends most, if not all his time with you. He can’t stand being around the others at Bad End, so you’re really all he has. It gets to the point that Majorina and Akaoni are genuinely surprised when he shows up.
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