#glitter is ivl
thenightstroll ยท 2 years
First thing: Somehow couldn't make proper rebloggery, so passed it as a link. All unproperly credited parties, please feel apologized ;3 Second thing: It Glows. It Distrots Electronics. It Probably Radiates. Bad. Welcome to The Atomic Age. And remmember: watch the glow. Also, watch your molecular integrity. Third thing: Anyone else gonna ask me why the heck I would need some decent radiation detector? That's exactly why. Also, cool gizmo, also can be aquired quite cheap.
For more details, inquire your local nerd community.
PS: if your audio device starts to make random sounds (including: klicking, noise (in nerdy sense; read: hum, or sough), you should already have idea what's going on. Exaple (first half actual examples, second nerdy explanation, fun stuff):
PS. 2? It could be worse. Like, spreading glowy stuff in the air, make party drinking, dancing, and smoking, maybe grill. If you manage, before the laws of physics notice what's giong on. How?
Did you know, that almost all powders are highly explosive, when properly mixed with source of oxygen (aka: spread in the air)?
Remmember Your Health And Safety. And obligatory disclaimer: All rebloged and/or written content is for informational purposes only. Any of authors and/or rebloggers of the content (further: The Content) of this post cannot be held responsible of any use and/or abuse of The Content. The Content is provided AS IS, and what one do with The Content is his/hers/theirs and/or [insert a fitting possesive pronoun] individual responsibility, including, but not limited to: personal and/or third party harm, property loss, nausea, hedaches, depresion, sudden realizations, hightened caution in personal and/or proffesional life, spending any amount of time acknowleging and/or researching provided sources, and/or temporarily and/or permanently increased inteligence.
But, seriously. Make a habit of checking, then rechecking, then tripple checking ANYTHING you find on The Interwebs. Googling, learning, and finding out from others mistakes, as opposed to making your own, may one day, quite literally, save your life.
On much lighter notice, the glowing is really nice, check it out:
and the wth: basically a "sonic boom" but with a light ("light boom"?), in a water.
And for the more imaginative, and/or more paranoia prone ones of us: the fact your headphones crack, or your sceen starts to act funny is most probably because of broken cable, or other relatively trivial malfunction, rather than because of putting in your pocket or usb slot radioactive material. Hopefully, chance of running into deadly radioactive material, or any seriously hazardous substance, for most of people is still quite miniscule. To not say, staistically imposible. So as it is good to have open mind, it probabbly isn't much more dangerous out there, in the world than when you started reading. Also, it's still probably a good idea, to take a walk outside, meet your friends, maybe check out some stars (they radiate too, but you shouldn't feel too much concern, They are much too far away to do any harm), and try to enjoy yourself. Tl;DR, Take care ;] PS.4 The above should be PS. 5
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