#nerdsy stuff
thenightstroll · 1 year
First thing: Somehow couldn't make proper rebloggery, so passed it as a link. All unproperly credited parties, please feel apologized ;3 Second thing: It Glows. It Distrots Electronics. It Probably Radiates. Bad. Welcome to The Atomic Age. And remmember: watch the glow. Also, watch your molecular integrity. Third thing: Anyone else gonna ask me why the heck I would need some decent radiation detector? That's exactly why. Also, cool gizmo, also can be aquired quite cheap.
For more details, inquire your local nerd community.
PS: if your audio device starts to make random sounds (including: klicking, noise (in nerdy sense; read: hum, or sough), you should already have idea what's going on. Exaple (first half actual examples, second nerdy explanation, fun stuff):
PS. 2? It could be worse. Like, spreading glowy stuff in the air, make party drinking, dancing, and smoking, maybe grill. If you manage, before the laws of physics notice what's giong on. How?
Did you know, that almost all powders are highly explosive, when properly mixed with source of oxygen (aka: spread in the air)?
Remmember Your Health And Safety. And obligatory disclaimer: All rebloged and/or written content is for informational purposes only. Any of authors and/or rebloggers of the content (further: The Content) of this post cannot be held responsible of any use and/or abuse of The Content. The Content is provided AS IS, and what one do with The Content is his/hers/theirs and/or [insert a fitting possesive pronoun] individual responsibility, including, but not limited to: personal and/or third party harm, property loss, nausea, hedaches, depresion, sudden realizations, hightened caution in personal and/or proffesional life, spending any amount of time acknowleging and/or researching provided sources, and/or temporarily and/or permanently increased inteligence.
But, seriously. Make a habit of checking, then rechecking, then tripple checking ANYTHING you find on The Interwebs. Googling, learning, and finding out from others mistakes, as opposed to making your own, may one day, quite literally, save your life.
On much lighter notice, the glowing is really nice, check it out:
and the wth: basically a "sonic boom" but with a light ("light boom"?), in a water.
And for the more imaginative, and/or more paranoia prone ones of us: the fact your headphones crack, or your sceen starts to act funny is most probably because of broken cable, or other relatively trivial malfunction, rather than because of putting in your pocket or usb slot radioactive material. Hopefully, chance of running into deadly radioactive material, or any seriously hazardous substance, for most of people is still quite miniscule. To not say, staistically imposible. So as it is good to have open mind, it probabbly isn't much more dangerous out there, in the world than when you started reading. Also, it's still probably a good idea, to take a walk outside, meet your friends, maybe check out some stars (they radiate too, but you shouldn't feel too much concern, They are much too far away to do any harm), and try to enjoy yourself. Tl;DR, Take care ;] PS.4 The above should be PS. 5
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
hi this is the serial killer fic i was talking about
TAG LIST: @getchapapes @we-dont-sell-papes
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
wow chap 2 of serial killer fic!
TAG LIST: @getchapapes @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable 
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Chips the Cat
2 fics in 2 days?? whoa
warnings: cursing, hairballs, al panics a bit at the end but its not too bad
ship: ralbert
word count: 1378
“You’re not allergic to cats, right?”
Albert allows his head to drop, absentmindedly fumbling for the remote and muting the TV as Queso perks his head up from his lap.
“Race, did you get a fucking cat?”
There was a pause and Albert groaned, shifting Queso off his thighs and pushing himself up from the couch.  Race was standing in the doorway, a sheepish look on his face and arms held protectively around a blue and grey pet carrier.  Behind him, several bags of cat food, a litter box, and a small cat bed were lined up unceremoniously on the ground.
Albert doesn’t hold back the exasperated groan that’s been on standby since Race opened the door.
“You got a fucking cat,” he concludes, wincing as Queso bounds over from the couch and begins barking loudly at the carrier, “Race, what were you thinking!? Do we even make enough money to care for another living creature?”
Race shrugs, setting down the carrier and unlatching the cage door, “I’m getting a raise this weekend,” he says, sounding a bit like he’s trying to diffuse a bomb, “plus, I couldn’t just let this little guy go.”
Albert watches as he pulls a young orange tabby from the cage, “Meet Chips!” Race exclaims brightly, “I named him on the way home.”
Albert raises an eyebrow, “Chips?” he asks slowly, “As in Chips...and Queso.”
Race beams stroking a hand down Chips’ head, “That’s the idea!”
“Unbelievable,” Albert mumbles, “you know, you could have called me to discuss before you adopted him, like- I don’t know- adults.”
The smile seeps off Race’s face and his shoulders sag a little, “Are you seriously mad?”
“A little,” Albert admits, “You can’t just go making big decisions like this without talking to me first.”
Race pouts a little, stroking a hand down Chips’ head and scratching his back a little, “I’m sorry,” he says, “So, we can’t keep him?”
Albert sighs as Chips begins to purr, cuddling closer to Race’s chest, “Does he make you happy?”
Race nods, a little hesitant and very hopeful, and suddenly, all the fight drains out of Albert.
“Well, I’ll look like a fucking monster if I say no,” He mumbles, more to himself than anything else, “yes, we can keep him.”
The smile replaces itself on Race’s face, lighting up his blue eyes behind his glasses.
“Fuck yeah!” He pumps his fist, crossing further into the room and narrowly dodging Queso as he tries to jump for the cat in his arms.
“But you have to be the one to make sure that Queso doesn’t murder him,” Albert demands, pointing a finger in Race’s direction, “and don’t expect me to clean his litter box.”
Race nods, wide eyed, “No, yeah, of course.  I’ll take care of him 100 percent.”
“Race, get your fuckin’ cat, Jesus Christ!”
Albert resists the urge to throw the goddamn thing as Chips bats his head with his paw for the millionth time since the movie started.  Queso was growling up at him, drowning out the sounds of Indiana Jones in the background.  
“If you wanna murder him already, I’m not gonna stop you,” Albert grumbles to Queso, ducking his head as Chips takes another swing at his ear.
“No, no one is murdering anyone,” Race snaps, padding into the room and plucking Chips up from his purchase on the back of the couch, “you coulda just moved him if he was bothering you so much.”
“I tried!” Albert cries, sitting up indignantly, “He just hissed at me and started doing it again!”
Queso was whining now, turning in circles by Albert’s feet and casting furtive glances towards where Chips was grooming himself on Race’s lap.
“That fucking gremlin seems to only like you,” Albert says, not bothering to keep the distaste from his tone.
“He can sense that you’re bothered with him,” Race says, staring lovingly down at Chips, who now lay asleep against his stomach.
“I don’t think cats work like that,” Albert scrunches his nose, “I just think he hates me.”
Race shrugs, “He’ll warm up to ya.”
“Hip hip fucking hooray.”
“Queso, no! No, Queso, leave him- no- fuck, RAAACE!”
Race barrels into the room freezing momentarily to take in the scene of Albert holding Queso back while Chips shoves soil at them from his perch on one of the windowsills.  
He stifles a laugh and Albert shoots him a glare, “Shut the hell up and get your fucking demon out of the succulents.”
Swallowing his laughter and putting on a solemn face, Race crosses to Chips and sets him on the ground.
“He’s just restless,” Race insists, “I just need to get him a cat tree or something.”
“Then fucking do it and don’t let him mess with my plants!” Albert just barely stops himself from stomping his foot.
“Okay, okay,” Race raises his hands in mock surrender, “I’ll go do that now.  Go walk Queso or something.”
Albert huffs, grumbling to himself as he grabs Queso’s leash off its hook.  On his way out, he tosses a middle finger in Chips’ direction.
“Albert Dasilva!”
“He deserves it!”
It’s the middle of the goddamn night and Chips is scratching.  Race had kept to his word and gotten Chips a cat tree, but since then, the fucking terror has done nothing but scratch the fucking thing.  Albert wouldn’t mind if Race hadn’t insisted that they keep the tree in their bedroom so, ‘Chips can sleep near us, c’mon, you let Queso sleep in our bed.’
Albert had lost that argument as soon as the Queso card was pulled.  You can’t really argue with hypocritical logic.
“Will you fucking stop already!?” Albert hisses into the dark quiet of the room, careful not to wake Race or Queso up.
He sees Chips’ yellow eyes turn in his direction and they hold eye contact for a tense moment before he hops up onto the bed next to Albert.
“Oh no you don’t,” Albert says through clenched teeth as Chips’ begins to knead his paws into his stomach.
Albert groans, letting his head drop back onto the pillow, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
He’s home alone, fist clenched tightly in his hair as he tried to regain control over his breathing.  Queso’s hovering uncertainly nearby, providing company and comfort, but not coming closer for fear of overwhelming Albert.  
He hadn’t expected the movie he’d been watching to trigger him, but one loud fight and a door slam later, he was 15 years old again, cowering in the kitchen while his father yells at him relentlessly.  
The shaking is getting worse and Albert has half a thought to call Race, but he’s in a meeting right now and that would be unfair to ask of him.  No, he could handle this by himself.  Everything was going to be okay.
Another shout sounds from the TV and Albert gasps, reaching for the remote and forcefully shutting it off.  He braces his forearms on his knees and leans forward, opening his eyes and attempting to tap back into his surroundings.  Queso comes a little closer, nudging his hand with his nose until Albert begins to run a shaking hand down his head.
It does a little to calm his nerves, but his heartbeat is still too erratic and his senses are still foggy and anxious.  Across the room, Chips meows loudly and Albert looks up in time to see him knock his plastic food bowl off the counter.  It’s empty and bounces when it hits the ground and Chips fixes Albert with a look as if to say, ‘feed me’.
Albert huffs out a surprised laugh, panic forgotten as he stands from the couch, crossing to pick up the bowl before filling it with cat food.  He sets it back on the counter and watches in surprise as Chips nestles his head against his arm before digging into the food.
“Ya know, you’re not actually that bad,” Chips purrs in response and Albert smiles, “I think I might not hate you.”
Chips cuts himself off from eating and begins to convulse violently, spitting up a hairball a few moments later.
Albert blinks, “What the fuck.”
Chips just looks at him again, meowing.
angst later
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @getchapapes @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable 
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you
@musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
you’re fuckin (coco)nuts
idek, @suddenly-im-respecsable told me i should become a coconut engineer and then we astral projected for this and somehow it turned into “WRITE A CRACK FIC FOR THIS” and then i did
warnings: dumbassery
ship: platonic sprace, ralbert
editing: nooooo its about FUCKING COCONUTS
word count: 1250 ish
“God this is just what I needed,” Race smiled serenely as he settled onto his towel, handing Spot one of the pina coladas he’d gotten from the small stand by their resort.  
A long year spent working extra hours and saving up money had lead the two boys to Oahu, Hawaii for their Spring Break.  Admittedly, it’d still put a significant dent in their wallets, which wasn’t entirely ideal considering they were graduating college in a few months and probably couldn’t afford to go bankrupt.  But, things had been stressful recently and this was self care.  
“Me fucking too, man,” Spot agreed, sitting up and pushing his sunglasses up his nose as he accepted the drink from Race, “and this weather is fucking sexy.”
Race choked on his pina colada, spluttering for a moment before looking at Spot, “Did you just call the fucking weather sexy?”
Spot shrugged, “You got another word for it?  It’s sunny and warm with that perfect cool breeze.  Sexy.”
Race stared at him for a moment before facing the ocean again, shaking his head, “You’re a fucking idiot.”
Spot laughed, shifting around on his own towel to look at the ocean.  It truly was beautiful.  The ocean was almost impossibly turquoise and the clear water shimmered softly in the sunlight.  Palm trees surrounded them on all sides, giving the area a pleasantly enclosed feeling.  Like they’d found their own little universe, completely separate from everything else.
Race hummed as he became acutely aware of the sun beating down onto his shoulders and he reached around to fish a bottle of sunscreen out of his bag.  He squirted a fair amount onto his hands and began lathering it onto his skin.
“Lil’ bitch,” Spot coughed, clearing his throat.
Race froze in his actions and shot an incredulous glare at Spot, “You think you’re tougher than the sun? The fucking sun?”
Spot pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to make a comeback, but falling short of an intelligent sounding one.
Race sat up straighter and continued to rub the sunscreen into his shoulders, “That’s what I thought.”
The lapsed into silence, drinking in the view and allowing their stresses to slowly drain from their minds.  At one point, Spot pulled out a book and Race found himself dozing.  They stayed like that for what could have been hours until Spot shut his book pointedly, using it to prod Race awake.
Race opened his eyes slowly, raising his eyebrows, “Can I help you?”
Spot stood up, shaking out his towel and successfully spraying Race with sand, “I’m bored, let’s explore.”
Race huffed indignantly, wiping the sand out of his eyes before standing as well.  He rolled up his own towel and shoved it into his beach bag.  He hastily slipped on his sandals before shouldering his bag and jogging to catch up with Spot, who’d already set out towards the main street of the resort.
They made it all the way to the path that led them away from the beach when a war cry sounded above them.  Alarmed, they froze, heads jerking upwards in search of the source of the cry.  Before Race had a chance to see anything, a large object fell out of the palm tree directly above them, nailing Spot in the head.
Spot let out a grunt, careening forwards onto his knees as his hands flew to his head.
“Spottie!” Race exclaimed, rushing forward to kneel next to him, hands hovering over his shoulders.
“Son of a bitch,” Spot bit out, voice gravelly.  He lifted his head slowly, unfocused eyes fixating on the ground in front of him.  
“What the fuck,” Race muttered, picking up the object that had hit Spot.  It was a fucking coconut.
He looked up again, startling as he made eye contact with a guy.  He had red hair and was wearing a grass skirt over a pair of floral swim shorts.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but a large lei was secured around his neck, swaying slightly in the breeze.  If Race squinted, he could see a small twig crown resting on his head.  As weird as he appeared, there was an unconventional attractiveness to him.
“What the fuck,” Race repeated.  He raised his voice slightly, “Hey! Who the fuck are you and why did you throw a coconut at my friend?”
The guy smiled and flipped down from the tree, landing gracefully in front of Race, “The name’s Albert, I’m the coconut engineer here.”
Race blinked, completely bewildered, gaze landing on the pair of weed vans that Albert was wearing, “You’re...you...what!?”
Albert hopped down into a sit, crossing his legs under him and propping his chin on his hand, “Coconut engineer.”
“Yeah but what the fuck is that and why did it include concussing me,” Spot snapped, still sounding pained.
“I make sure coconuts don’t fall out of trees and injure tourists,” Albert said matter-of-factly, “But you had a bad aura, so I threw a coconut at you.”
“I had a- wait what?” Spot looked vaguely like he wanted to strangle Albert and Race wasn’t convinced that he wouldn’t if he were feeling up to it.
“Bad aura,” Albert said, picking up the coconut that he’d thrown at Spot and breaking it open with his bare hands.  He took a long sip of the water inside before continuing, “Looked kinda bruting and I saw you shake sand on Hottie McHottiekins from the spot in my tree.  You deserved it.”
Race choked, “What’d you just call me?”
Albert looked at him innocently, “Hottie McHottiekins.”
Race blushed and Spot groaned, “Oh, no no no, please tell me you’re not considering going out with Mr. Coconuts over here.”
Race ignored him and held out a hand, “The name’s Antonio, but Race is what I go by.”
Albert shook his hand, his grip firm and confident, “Nice to meetcha, Race.  Wanna go get sushi or something later?”
“Sure thing,” Race said, taking out his phone and handing it to Albert, who put his phone number in the contacts, “text me.”
Spot blinked open his eyes, the bright morning sunlight bleeding in through the blinds.  His head still ached from the coconut fiasco of the previous day, but after icing it for a bit and taking some ibuprofen, it was feeling significantly better.
He rolled over and dragged himself out of bed, stumbling down the hallway a few paces to Race’s room.  He knocked once before opening the door.
“Morning, I was thinking we could-” He cut himself off, eyes narrowing when he realized that Race wasn’t in his room.  In fact, Race’s bed didn’t look slept in at all.
He pulled out his phone, hurriedly pulling up Race’s contact.  Had Race even made it home from his date with Albert last night?
He was about to phone Race when the door to their small beach house opened.  Spot whirled around to find Race staring at him, wide eyed with a hand still on the doorknob.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt and a few small hickeys littered his chest.  His hair was sticking up on top and we was wearing a pair of pajama pants that Spot was certain he didn’t own.
Neither of them spoke for a moment, the air thick with anticipation.  Then Spot lowered his phone from his ear, which he belatedly realized he was still holding up.
“Oh my god,” he breathed, “You fucked the crazy coconut guy.”
Race’s face turned bright red.
lmao welp i told myself i’d finish some greaser au shit and chap 10 of fugitives but this happened instead LOL at least im finally on break and can grind some shit out,,, maybe titanium too o.O
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Light the Fire Bright- chap 3 (greaser au)
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Light The Fire Bright
“Keep ya head down, kid.  Keep outta trouble.”
Race had heard these words in some form or another his entire life, yet he always seemed to find trouble.  Or rather, the trouble always seemed to find him.
One day it was bound to catch up with him.  Well, more than it already had.
Greaser AUUUUUUU OOO and this one’s gonna be Wild.  Strap in kiddos
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Light the Fire Bright- Chap 2
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