mogai-headcanons · 8 months
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Banbaleena from Garten of Banban is an autistic femme bi lesbian transfeminine nonbinary xenogender xenocollector happygender joygender sweetgender catgender catthing gorecatthing devilcatgender lovesickcatgender sweetcatic nyanbinary affecticatian purrgender glittercattic catbloodollian pinkgender ultrapinkgender pinkcute pinkbodiment pinkishbloodic pinkinjection bloodcoric softpastelcoric heartaspic heartgender sillything coragigglic lovegender lovething loveprnic lovecoric lovegoric crushcoric obsesscoric deathcute twistute cutescare cutefear cutegender cutecoric balletcoric dollgender transfemdoll blurigirl partygender birthdaykitgender glittergender plushgender plushcoric plushihugic kidcoric catkidweirdcoric weirdcoric angelicdevilcoric devilgender teacherish genderteacher cuteteacher catgenteacher catlexic cutelexic lovelexic heartlexic dollylexic devilexic screechlexic obsesslexic bleedlexic painlexic gorelexic deathcutelexic pinkthing hypergirlia lovefreak l?vething lovfearic romancegoric fleshcute pinkiegutgorgender lovemeaten shirodemonic catlike devil with hyperromanticism, BPD, HPD, PTSD, amnesia, and psychosis who uses they/them, she/her, it/its, and any cat-, pink-, heart-, love-, cute-, gore-, and devil-themed neopronouns and emojipronouns!
Their favorite person and unrequited crush Banban is an autistic aroace vincian nonbinary redgender partygender deathgender devilgender confettigender limilonepartyic sillygender cakegender cakegoregender devilthing redthing evilthing eldritchenby peopleeatergender gorenteasplatteric redmonsterenbyic scarymonsterenbyic bloodmonsterenbyic horrorfear horrorhoard horrorgender macarshric confettilexic bloodlexic gorelexic killexic rainbowlexic devil with BPD, NPD, and PTSD who uses they/them, confetti/confettis, and any red-, death-, and devil-themed neopronouns!
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oh-yeah-no · 1 year
Hello! My name is Pigeon! My pronouns are She/Her and I use this as mostly a scrap book of things I like!  You may know me from Twitter!
I enjoy reading, roleplaying, video games and other internet content! I probably use exclamation points too much!
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| @ahollowgrave | Carrd | Artwork |
Odette Hollows
A Nun Errant whose arrival is oft herald by moths, arriving shortly before and flitting after in her wake. Odette spent her early years on the cutthroat streets of Ul’dah before ending up at a crumbling convent nestled deep within the Shroud. She is not quite sure how she got there, but she has grown to love the Sisters that raised her. 
Now, she works for several minor houses and is currently learning skills related to ghosts, honing her conjury skills, and picking up a sword and shield for the first time. 
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| @ofhollowhearts | Soon... | Soon... |
Odile Hollows
Once an identical twin, Odile now thinks of herself as only the jagged reflection of her much softer sister. A woman who is often nice and rarely good, Odile lives and thrives in Ishgard’s icy climate. 
Odile works as a companion in Ishgard; discretion and a quick-silver personality have insured her pocket’s fullness. When not playing muse to would-be artists, she runs a one-woman art restoration business.
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| @glittercatte​ | Carrd | Soon... |
Aevi Elakha
A young mage from Sharlayan, Aevi left her homeland long ago in the pursuit of knowledge! And women. Under the pen name A.E. Lovelace Aevi has released a number of Sapphic romance novels. It’s not a very clever penname and that is on purpose.
To pay for her travels she runs a cramped bookshop out of Ishgard and lives out of its upper levels. More often than not, however, the shop is closed. 
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lovesickintros · 1 year
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"I just need a wake up call, you're not that tall, you're really not my type at all. And I think you hate me anyway"
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[💌]» NAME ; Vesta
[💞]» AGE ; 18 - 21
[💋]» PRONOUNS ; It/She
[💄]» SPECIES ; Human / Duck Hybrid
[💘]» PRIMARY ROLE ; Host
[🌸]» SECONDARY ROLE(S) ; Fictive, Hypersexual Holder, Sexual Alter
[🍨]» SUBSYSTEM ; Quack Pack
[🍭]» SOURCE ; C! Quackity , Fanfic
[💞]» SOURCEMATE(S) ;.Sure
[🎀]» PINGS ; Okay
[💄]» DMs ; Okay
[💌]» SOURCE TALK ; Okay
[💔]» DOUBLES? ; No
[🍭]» TEASING ; Okay
[🌸]» PDA ; No
[💘]» SEXUALITY ; Vincian
[♥️]» GENDER ID ; Gendervoid, Glittercattic
[🌸]» INTERESTS ; Fashion, Baking
[💞]» TYPING QUIRK ; None, but frequently misspells and uses incorrect grammar
[🍭]» SONG ; Officer, That's Not Mine! / Sorry Mom
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"I think you're cute, you think I'm a junkie"
──── « [🎀] » ────
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headcanons-cove · 2 years
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Fauna is a Pansexual Cottagecoric Mushroomcoric Demigirl. 🍓 Uses Any/All pronouns!
Olivia is a Glittercattic Cinnaromic Dollgender Bisexual. 🍪 uses She/🎼/It/🍪/Gold pronouns! 🎼 is dating Monique,Tiffany&Whitney
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Minori Hanasato from Project SEKAI is an autistic femme sapphic finsexual maverique demigirl xeminine softgender bungender cutegender shenbunine friamic adhdgender musigender vocaloidgender idolgender genderfluff cutecoric petalgender catgirlgender sweetgender evarigirl angelidolic adhdthing panbungender idolbungender icecreamcatgender lesbicute funfetticakegender fairycoric auticatgender idolhoard princessgender princesscute idolprincess with ADHD and anxiety who uses she/her, fem/fems, fairy/fairies, cute/cutes, petal/petals, fluff/fluffs, idol/idols, 💕/💕s, 🌸/🌸s, and 🧁/🧁s pronouns!
She's dating Haruka Kiritani, an autistic lesbian transfeminine nonbinary nonbinary girl demigirl vintasolea darkbluecoloric bungender catgender genderchou fairylicht musigender vocaloidgender idolgender cutegender cutecoric stargender idolthing angelidolic gxrl auroracoric fairycoric idolhoard idolprincess with OCD who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
Airi Momoi is a femme lesbian arospec girlflux catstrawbgender pinkgender pinkfluzzic cutegender poromantian rosamistica florfraisian rozreagender vocaloidgender idolgender cutecollector cottoncandygender sweetgender evarigirl pinkidolic idolbungender lesbicute magigirl dollicattic glittercattic amarecattic pastelblossic blingeepinkcatgender romsofpinkic luflorerean fairycoric femflux xenogirl lesbiancesse cherryblossomgender idolhoard cutenic idolmaidic idolprincess idolfoxgender person with bipolar disorder who uses blossom/blossoms, she/her, pink/pinks, idol/idols, doll/dolls, cherry/cherries, and 🍒/🍒s pronouns!
Blossom is dating Shizuki Hinomori, an autistic demiromantic sapphicchillean gaybian enbian asexual intersex bigender transmascfem nonbinary boygirl lexecalmic cumascian moukawic cottagecoric acething ghibliaesic autigender vocaloidgender idolgender genderfluff petalgender idolthing magiboy elvencorgender celesthereal auroracoric fairycoric auticatgender vocaloidthing femanonix person with PTSD and depression who uses he/him, she/her, and it/its pronouns!
More More Jump! Hatsune Miku is a pansexual binary girl vintasolea pastelinterfaceic cutegender genderchou musicgender vocaloidgender idolgender genderfae musisynthic idolthing idolbungender dollicattic demigenderfae femflux idolprincess virtualgirlic vocaloidthing who uses she/her and idol/idols pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 8 months
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Kasuga Ichiban from Yazuka is an autistic bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honorilexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy with ADHD, PTSD, and schizophrenia who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/heros pronouns!
She's in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba Yu, an autistic vincian acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix demiguy who uses he/hihom, they/them, it/its, herb/herbs, and mage/mages pronouns and age dreams when they're alone and especially happy!
Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear with PTSD from his former workforce who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns!
Saeko Mukoda is an autistic sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderlove genderlovesick genderstalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender hategender honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcattic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric violencecoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic femme butch with PTSD who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns!
Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual turian transmasculine catgender catten kitheadbonkloven catthing catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man with SPD and PTSD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Joon-Gi Han is an autistic pomosexual asexual demiagender autigender alosolus ghostfrilled monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender wintergender wintercoric snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby with selective mutism and PTSD who uses they/them and it/its pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 8 months
Blake Ichiban is a bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecomfic gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honourlexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonsigngender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/hero’s pronouns! Hero has undiagnosed ADHD, (1/?)
(2/?) PTSD, autism, and schizophrenia! She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba! Nanba Yu is an autistic acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic vincian wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix vincian demiguy who uses he/him, they/them, it/it, herb/herbs, and mage/mage’s pronouns! Mage age-dreams when they’re alone and especially happy, and he's in a queerplatonic relationship with Ichiban!
(3/4) Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns! He has PTSD from his former workforce! Saeko Mukoda is a sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bathaesic bathcomfic bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender churrosgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender digifem dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic femme feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderhate genderlove genderlovesick gendersgalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender harukazesongic hatecoric hategender heartaesic honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic luvelic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcatic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic butch who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns! They have PTSD and autism! Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual transmasculine turian catgender catten kitheadbonkloven cathing
(4/4) catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic rainbowcatian pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man who uses he/him and they/them! Claw has SPD and PTSD! Joon-Gi Han is a demiagender pomosexual autigender alosolus ghostfrilled asexual monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender gendercold wintergender wintercoric snowcloudic snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic wintercoric coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby who uses they/it pronouns! It has selective mutism, PTSD, and autism!
Yakuza anon here! Sorry to bother, but I accidentally typed the wrong name for Ichiban. It’s Ichiban Kasuga, not Ichiban Blake. Honest mistake, my bad.
queued! however, i couldn't find quite a few terms - since i found many of these terms on pinterest, it's likely they're on there, but since pinterest is very hard to locate terms on by name, i wasn't able to locate them. if you link me to them, i'll get them added!
they were: gamecomfic, neonsigngender, bathaesic, bathcomfic, churrosgender, digifem, genderhate, harukazesongic, heartaesic, luvelic, gendercold, and snowcloudic
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mogai-headcanons · 8 months
Banbaleena from Garten of Ban Ban is a femme, hyperromantic, bi lesbian, transfem, nonbinary, xenogender, xenocollector, happygender, joygender, sweetgender, catgender, catthing, gorecatthing, devilcatgender, lovesickcatgender, sweetcatic, nyanbinary, affecticatian, purrgender, glittercattic, catbloodollian, pinkgender, ultrapinkgender, pinkcute, pinkbodiment, pinkishbloodic, pinkinjection, bloodcoric, softpastelcoric, heartaspic, heartgender, sillything, coragigglic, lovegender, lovething, loveprnic, lovecoric, lovegoric, crushcoric, obsesscoric, deathcute, twistute, cutescare, cutefear, cutegender, cutecoric, balletcoric, dollgender, transfemdoll, blurigirl, partygender, birthdaykitgender, glittergender, plushgender, plushcoric, plushihuggic, kidcoric, catkidweirdcoric, weirdcoric, angelicdevilcoric, devilgender, teacherish, genderteacher, cuteteacher, catgenteacher, catlexic, cutelexic, lovelexic, heartlexic, dollylexic, devilexic, screechlexic, obsesslexic, bleedlexic, painlexic, gorelexic, deathcutelexic cat-like devil with autism, BPD, HPD, PTSD, amnesia, and psychosis, who uses they/them, she/her, it/its, and any neopronouns and emojipronouns that are cat-themed, pink-themed, heart-themed, love-themed, cute-themed, gore-themed, and devil-themed.
Banbaleena's favorite person and unrequited crush is Ban Ban, an aroace, vincian, nonbinary, redgender, partygender, deathgender, devilgender devil with autism, BPD, NPD, and PTSD, who uses they/them, confetti/confettis, and any neopronouns that are red-themed, death-themed, and devil-themed.
I really just spent two hours typing all this in my notepad app for a children's horror game I have I have a love hate relationship with xD
Please add these to the Garten of Ban Ban request: Banbaleene: pinkthing, hypergirlia, lovefreak, l?vething, lovfearic, romancegoric, fleshcute, pinkiegutgorgender, lovemeaten, hypergirlia, and shirodemonic Ban Ban: confettigender, limilonepartyic, sillygender, cakegender, cakegoregender, devilthing, redthing, evilthing, eldritchenby, peopleeatergender, gorenteasplatteric, redmonsterenbyic, scarymonsterenbyic, bloodmonsterenbyic, horrorfear, horrorhoard, horrorgender, macarshric, confettilexic, redlexic, bloodlexic, gorelexic, killexic, and rainbowlexic
queued! i couldn't find redlexic, but if you lmk where i can i'll get it added
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
from project sekai
minori hanasato is femme, sapphic, finsexual, maverique, demigirl, xeminine, softgender, bungender, cutegender, shenbunine, friamic, adhdgender, musigender, vocaloidgender, idolgender, genderfluff, cutecoric, petalgender, catgirlgender, sweetgender, evarigirl, angelidolic, adhdthing, panbungender, idolbungender, icecreamcatgender, lesbicute, funfetticakegender, fairycoric, auticatgender, idolhoard, princessgender, princesscute, idolprincess, and uses she/fem/fairy/cute/petal/fluff/idol/💕/🌸/🧁pronouns. she has adhd, autism, and anxiety.
minori is dating haruka kiritani, who is lesbian, transfem, non-binary, non-binary girl, demigirl, vintasolea, darkbluecoloric, bungender, catgender, genderchou, fairylicht, musigender, vocaloidgender, idolgender, cutegender, cutecoric, stargender, idolthing, angelidolic, gxrl, auroracoric, fairycoric, idolhoard, idolprincess, and uses they/she pronouns. they have autism and ocd.
airi momoi is femme, lesbian, arospec, girlflux, catstrawbgender, pinkgender, pinkfluzzic, cutegender, poromantian, rosamistica, florfraisian, rozreagender, vocaloidgender, idolgender, cutecollector, cottoncandygender, sweetgender, evarigirl, pinkidolic, idolbungender, lesbicute, magigirl, dollicattic, glittercattic, amarecattic, pastelblossic, blingeepinkcatgender, romsofpinkic, luflorerean, fairycoric, femflux, xenogirl, lesbiancesse, cherryblossomgender, idolhoard, cutenic, idolmaidic, idolprincess, idolfoxgender, and uses blossom/she/pink/idol/doll/cherry/🍒pronouns. blossom has bipolar disorder.
airi is dating shizuku hinomori, who is demiromantic, sapphicchillean, gaybian, enbian, asexual, bigender, transmascfem, non-binary, intersex, boygirl, lexecalmic, cumascian, moukawic, cottagecoric, acething, ghibliaesic, autigender, vocaloidgender, idolgender, genderfluff, petalgender, idolthing, magiboy, elvencorgender, celesthereal, auroracoric, fairycoric, auticatgender, vocaloidthing, femanonix, and uses he/she/it pronouns. he has ptsd, depression, and autism.
more more jump hatsune miku is pansexual, binary girl, vintasolea, pastelinterfaceiac, cutegender, genderchou, musicgender, vocaloidgender, idolgender, genderfae, musisynthic, idolthing, idolbungender, dollicattic, demigenderfae, femflux, idolprincess, virtualgirlic, vocaloidthing and uses she/idol pronouns.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
(🍒 anon 1/??) rosie from animal crossing: new horizons is an autistic t4t auti4auti catcoric (flag by @/neopronouns) trendercoric lovecoric angelcoric kawaiicoric webcoric cozycoric sanriocoric catlovecoric (flag by @/oumota-stannie) kittydreamic (flag by @/valvalsdiary) felisolcoric (flag by @/clemsgendercollection) leapringameic (flag by @/endermogai) pastelmelticatic pastelmeltic (both flags by @/pockygender) anglicatic (flag by @/elevatorb0y) catverbastimmic (flag by @/comfycoric) stuffhapstimmic
(🍒 anon 2/??) fluffcatic (flag by @/xenogendercoining, textured vers.) lexekittic sweetcative (flag by @/mogalaxy) foodvistimmic mewbellic glittercattic (both flags by @/bun-gender) fluffstrawbic kawaiikittyic sleepycatblankic sofstrawbcakic angelidouxic cattix solradicatric candyic miaulic pawchatic chatie minouie felinie (all three by @/pupyzu) ragamuffic webcatian cozycatian heliancatian ecstimmian (softer vers) nyanfem (flag by @/trendernepeta) affecticatian syllfelis atricharian gendercute
(🍒 anon 3/??) kittycute (flag by @/mogaiz-heaven) fedouxcatkinic nyanbinary paisicatic (flag by @/orxngecrxsh) girlcute softsanriess (flag by @/gendermerchant) felmouenby felmougirl headbuttcattic catcute lacecatgender angelcatgender strawberrycatgender (flag by @/strawbcore) chatneq minouneq felineq amocatix catstrawbgender (both flags by @/cinnamogai) mewygender (flag by @/arfgender) juicecatgender marshmallowtwistcatgender genderpurr gendersnori (flag by @/mothi333) pinkgender heartgender
(🍒 anon 4/??) pastelgender cakegender donutgender strawberrygender fraisegender strawberrypockygender genderfraga genderplush genderfluff idolgender princessgender ultrapinkgender glittergender kindgender happygender lovegender sanriogender (flag by @/sanriogender) candygender cupcakegender sweetgender (flag by @/blairratzz) pinkcatgender (flag by @/puppydoesarson) idolcatgender (flag by @/squidthing) meloromigender strawberrycatgender sweetcatgender
(🍒 anon 5/??) softcatgender kittysoftgender (both flags by @/gendermerchant) cookiecatgender necropolitancatgender pastelpinkgender felisgender catgender marshycatgender toebeancatgender/catpawgender fluffycatgender uwugender ^w^gender owogender cozygender plushgender kittyplushgender (flag by @/visionradio) softgender cuddlegender icecreamcatgender puddingcatgender (flag by @/lovekorone) strawbcakecatgender (flag by @/gender-inc) teplocatgender tinyhousecatgender (both flags by @/gendermerchant)
(🍒 anon 6/??) pancatgender pankittygender cat therian (flag by @/plushself) caticesse cupio-angled aroace femme transgender woman with adhd! toe is also a cutecollector and some of kits favorite pronouns are meow/meows, purr/purrs, feli/felidaes, nya/nyas, ri/ribbons, fluff/fluffs, paw/paws, toe/toebeans, lick/licks, bask/basks, knead/kneads, yarn/yarns, fur/furs, kits/kits, kitty/kitties, soft/softs, mew/mews, whisker/whiskers, kitten/kittens, and any other cat-themed neopronoun sets!
(🍒 anon 7/??) roscoe (also from new horizons btw) is an autistic t4t auti4auti punkcoric gothcoric emocoric darklovecoric (flag by @/mogai-fantasy) gothaesic gothfashionaesic kenochoric primagothic affectequic (flag by @/mogai-sunflowers) priequusic royalequusic (both flags by @/pupyzu) everlongemoshic amnesialbumic adorealbumic zeitgalbumic bleachalbumic (all -albumic end flags by @/xenosyythe) tliktbsongic (flag by @/wateryourgender) eveningwearsongic (flag by @/segasonic-mogai)
(🍒 anon 8/??) mcrsongic (flag by @/xenogender-coining-positivity) juggalocenic modtragalbumsic fuckingsunpunksic gutspilloveic ihnmaimsendic suffpainquoteic monfriquotic (flag by @/queer-hero) notesventic (flag by @/raw-wheat) musilolica obsessyouica onelastkislovelyrica (flag by @/gender-mailman) johnnygothical dysphluere funergrayica armeartqueer queerbreak autipunk mascpunk (flag by @/genderthaumiel) voidpunk quoipunk genderpunk genderdeficit (flag by @/genderlofi) gendernoir
(🍒 anon 9/??) emox mallgothix/mallgoffix (both flag remakes by @/neopronouns) mahospiralix (flag by @/squidthing) horsetix (flag by @/g3nderhoard) iowaian (flag by @/excluphobic) foundcollector (flag by @/page-2-ids) xoica anhedgender vampiregender tragigender (all three flags by @/begendered-mogai) horseplinkogender (flag by @/caffeine-system-coins) anarchogender blackgender redgender musicgender autigender gothgender chessgender (flag by @/themogaidragon, preferably the simplified vers.)
(🍒 anon 10/??) scintilgender numetalgender (flag by @/idk-i-guess-mogai) midnight sapphic demiomniromantic (use the standard demiromantic and omniromantic flags here) asexual butch transgender woman with c-ptsd, dmdd (flag by @/themogaidragon, preferably the red/green/dark blue/light blue striped vers.), and chronic pain due to scoliosis (use the combo flag by @/neopronouns) who uses snor/snorts, clip/clops, che/chess, musi/musics, des/pairs, whin/whinnies, blac/blacks, red/reds, sharp/sharps,
oops, i totally forgot i sent that rosie and roscoe request! here's the last part (all for roscoe btw): gallop/gallops, rot/rots, mon/monsters, spi/spikes, boot/boots, co/colts, and neigh/neighs pronouns! rosie and roscoe are both married and love each other unconditionally, regardless of their differences! - 🍒 anon
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