cordiibus · 3 years
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unprompted. / @glmchica​ ( covers shuni in smooches. ) 
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covers charlie in bites.
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ciniis · 4 years
@glmchica​​ + plotted.
He wasn’t a fan of this. Not that he was ever a fan of meeting new people. But he’d put on a good face for Blue’s sake. The younger brother had been ranting and raving in circles since he’d met Charlie. There was only so much of it he could take before he’d asked the brother to shut up. Not that it worked.
He wanted to meet her, but his agoraphobia was already nipping at his ankles like angry hounds. So a compromise; she would come to the shitty apartment, and Ash would attempt to be social. For Blue’s sake. Fuck. 
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“Coffee?” He asks, walking to the kitchen to grab himself a cup first. Mask covered his facial scars. Whether Blue had informed her or not about them didn’t matter. No fucking way she would see them yet. 
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liishang-moved · 3 years
@glmchica​​ + liked.
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“Hey–– you go to school here right?” That seemed like a dumb question. First day jitters, he supposes. College back in China was very different, never mind that it had been military college on top of it. Thinking for yourself wasn’t often encouraged. 
Normally he wouldn’t ask for directions, but he was so lost he had spent the first half of his lecture on Political Science pacing the campus trying to find this lecture hall! The room number was so bizarre, he stood no chance, he felt. Put him in a combat zone and he could easily navigate through it but this was like a whole other world to him. 
“Can you tell me where this class room is?” He holds out his class schedule to her, pointing at the classroom number JYU 823
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caerulcum · 4 years
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liishang · 3 years
" stay here, with me. " - charlie
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“Alright.” He’d been sitting on the floor of her dorm room while the movie played. Sitting on the floor was not an uncommon thing in his household, but when the movie seemed to take a rather dark twist, it seemed Charlie was looking for something to hold onto. 
“Scaredy-cat.” Shang says, as he climbs into the small dorm-bed with her, leaning back to get comfy. 
@glmchica // soft angst.
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mortalis-moved · 3 years
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MORNING   AFTER   STARTERS.   /   accepting   !
@glmchica​   sent   :   morning   after,   numero   3.
3.   for   your   muse   to   join   mine   in   the   shower   while   getting   ready   for   the   day
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      WATER   CASCADES   DOWN   lightly   tanned   skin,   the   warmth   relaxing   overworked   muscles   as   desdemona   stands   under   the   shower   head.   her   eyes   are   closed   in   pure   relaxation   while   she   focuses   on   the   sound   of   the   water   running   over   silence.   just   as   she   begins   to   reach   out   for   a   shampoo   bottle,   she   can   hear   the   door   to   the   bathroom   gently   click   open   and   the   sound �� ALONE   is   enough   to   bring   a   cheeky   grin   to   her   lips.   she   had   teased   charlie   just   a   few   minutes   prior   —   left   her   with   the   offer   to   join   her   in   the   shower   an   effort   to   '   save   water   '      .   .   .
❝   isn't   this   a   lovely   surprise   !   ❞   she   calls   out   with   a   giggle,   peeling   back   the   shower   curtain   just   a   tad   (   enough   to   leave   the   rest   of   her   bare   body   to   charlie's   imagination   !   )   to   playfully   peek   out   at   charlie   who   has   begun   undressing.   ❝   i   could   always   use   help   washing   up.   it's   just   ...   so   much   work   sometimes.   ❞   tone   is   overdramatic   and   playful,   smugness   all   too   evident   on   her   face.
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stardewmusician · 3 years
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@glmchica​ :  ❝ i wanted to see what it felt like. ❞   ( five senses : accepting ).
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                              𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐓   𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃   𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒,   𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄   𝐖𝐈𝐃𝐄,   he   doesn’t   seem   to   mind   the   fingers   through   his   styled   hair   (   he   understands   the   curiosity,   believe   it   or   not   --   his   hair   has   always   seemed   to   give   him   attention   with   how   bold   of   a   statement   it   was   ),   welcoming   the   exploring   of   his   heavily   -   styled   messy   blonde   locks,   a   brown   faint   at   the   tips.      ❝   I   know   it   looks   like   it’d   be   fucked   or   whatever   from   hair   styling   products   but,   uh,   it’s   actually   really   soft   !   ❞   He   exclaims,   happily,   one   of   his   own   hands   coming   up   and   going   through   a   portion   of   his   hair,   pushing   some   back   just   a   tad.      ❝   Not   as   spiky   feeling   as   it   looks   like   it   would   be,   I   try   to   take   good   care   of   my   hair.   ❞
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recordsstraight · 3 years
" you were supposed to leave. " @ geralt. :D
He had fucking tried. Scowling heavily at the woman, Geralt didn’t exactly look the happiest as he sat before the stall Roach refused to leave. Geralt had even threatened the mare with disembowelment ... an empty threat and she knew it. The moment the horse saw Charlie, however, there came a happy nickering sound, snorting with a paw at the ground to get whatever Charlie had to offer. 
“...Its Roach’s fault.” his words were gruff, filled with his annoyance as golden eyes looked over his shoulder accusingly. 
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pzzaplex · 3 years
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     he’s  holding  on  for  dear  life,  momentarily  thankful  that  she  is  made  of  metal  unable  to  feel  the  death  grip  he  currently  has  on  her  hand.  the  roller  skates  beneath  his  feet  wobble.  “  don’t  laugh  if  i  fall!  ”  he  begs  before  his  voice  quiets  more.  “  please  don’t  let  go.  ”  /  @glmchica​​ 
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cordiibus · 4 years
@glmchica​  charlie: *uses . . .pout !*
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    *highly effective*
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revvnant · 4 years
@glmchica​ / rock out!
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“Yes, thank you!” Another sticker for his collection! He had five on his cheek already, in varying shades of red and orange. How they ever got that to work was a mystery, but kids were delighted when they discovered they could decorate the Manager. Setting the girl down, he turned to Chica, clapping his hands once. “All done! Your next meet and greet is at 6 o’clock.”
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caerulcum · 3 years
.... :D
“...No. No I’m not gonna do it. I refuse .. I-” knowing he had to, Blue rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he looked away. “...She’s too damn nice for her own good. There. Happy?”
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liishang · 3 years
"is it really you?"
The whole summer had been spent in China. He had missed her so much it was hard to contain. He’d debated coming back for a visit but–– well as things always did, they got complicated overseas. 
Coming back was exciting. He knew he’d start to miss China quickly but it was okay. He had Charlie. Assuming she... didn’t hate him for leaving. 
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Coming back he found her at her apartment. Knocked on the door with sweat palms, nervousness coursing through his body. She answers and he... Is lost for words. She looks the same. Maybe a little older, a slightly different hair style, but it was her. He fought for words but she beats him to it. He nods, smiling. 
“Yeah, it’s me.” His hand slowly reaches out, hoping to take hold of it. 
@glmchica // rising force.
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glmrocks · 4 years
@neonchica: cue one soft chica giving a smooch on his nose.
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         H O N K  !!!  ❝  montgomery  told  you  it  did  that,  didn’t  he  ?  ❞
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plshtraps · 4 years
     *  @glmchica​​  liked  for  a  starter !
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          ❝  oh,  wow  !!  they  really  did  not  hold  back  on  the  new  editions  —  you  look  incredible  !!  can  you  remove  your  beak  too  ?  or  is  that  just  us  OLDER  editions.  ❞
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salvatoraes-arc · 3 years
for every kiwi mention a blog you recommend , not accepting.
@mieczlw / @covaci : lea. i adore her, i adore her stiles & roman. just adore everything she does. take a shot every time i say adore something lea does. @cracksjokes / @paraseek / @denyself : steve. a newer bestie who is just the definition of brightness on your dash. all three of his oc's i want to put in my pocket & keep forever & so does stefan. if u don't follow him u should, i promise it's worth it. @constylations / @glmchica / @dahliakeys : tea ! insert pleading face emoji here. another rp partner of mine who i would die for our ship. she is just amazing & so so so sweet & u just need her in ur life.
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