wdova · 3 years
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@gloryguarded​ asked ;  ☠️   a  starter  where  my  muse  admits  their  true  feelings  for  your  muse  after  believing  they’re  about  to  die,  but  they  survive.             send  an emoji  for  a  starter  based  on  the  trope.
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“RED  GUARDIAN,  COPY.  YOU  HEAR  ME?“  but  there  is  static  and  the  coms  aren’t  working  properly.  there  is  a  panic  that  sets  in  her  brain  there,  as  she  imagines  he  is  stupidly  putting  himself  in  danger.  “Alexei!  I  swear  to  god,  you  better  answer  me  you  идиот.“  there  is  nothing  else  that  can  be  heard  and  she  is  looking  through  the  rumble  of  dust  and  cold  and  crumbles.  she  sees  a  body  in  the  ground,  and  she  sprints  there,  to  his  side,  herh  and  tiny  as  she  holds  his  own  and  the  other  checks  his  pulse.  “alexei,  you  idiot.  don’t  be  dead.“  and  there  it’s  again,  the  panic  that  sets  in  as  she  holds  his  hand  tighter.  “папа,  please.  don’t  leave  me.“
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hawkpoint · 3 years
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“AH,  I  THOUGHT  YOU  BE  TALLER,  MAN.“  red  guardian  himself.  russia’s  response  to  captain  america  another  super  soldier.  seems  you  can  collect  them  these  days  with  the  amount  of  those  going  around.  a  joke,  perhaps,  as  the  other  is  taller  than  he  expected,  and  taller  than  he  is,  towering  over  the  archer,  who  despite  all,  remains  calm.  He  wears  his  necklace,  an  arrow,  matching  natasha’s  own  necklace  before  her  death,  and  a  little  black  widow  symbol,  in  her  memory.    “Are  you  here  to  kill  me?  because  if  so,  at  least  let  me  get  someone  to  take  care  of  my  dog  first.“  Hearing  aid  is  placed  on  his  ear,  he  can  read  lips  but  he  figures  with  russians,  it  would  be  more  difficult.  in  general,  masters  of  camouflaged  or  not,  he  can  tell  when  someone’s  first  language  isn’t  english  by  the  way  they  shape  and  stretch  words.  
starter for @gloryguarded​
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xagentcarter · 3 years
@gloryguarded sent: “ 👗  -  a  starter  where  my  muse  helps  yours  get  ready  for  a  fancy  event ”  starters from here.
“Oh, don’t fuss with it too much. You look fine. Dashing, even.”
They were not in their usual outfits, that was for certain. Tonight, their more recognizable get-ups had been swapped for their far less agile, but far more formal, dress uniforms, bearing medals and tassels declaring their achievements to the world. She would be lying if she said she preferred the dress uniform over her usual getup, even if it was conspicuous and colorful. 
Captain Carter emerged from another room into the foyer were Alexei stood, looking nearly-perfectly coiffed and far from the usual scraped, bruised version of herself that he would be so used to seeing, given all their time together on the front lines; she had even broken out the expensive lipstick for the night’s event. 
“Here,” she said softly, approaching him with the click-click noise of her heels on the tile. She adjusted his tie, laying it just so, and tinkered with his various medals and decorations, ensuring they lay in neat, straight rows. She smoothed out his lapels and stepped back finally, giving an approving nod. 
“There. No more fussing,” she warned, though there was hardly a threat in the word. Not that there needed to be -- he’d seen how she worked; they’d been allies for months, the evidence of a pledge of support between Britain and Russia. 
Peggy stepped beside him, giving her own appearance a once-over in the mirror. “Well,” she said, sounding a touch resigned. “I don’t enjoy this sort of thing. The sooner it’s over, the sooner we can get our next mission, and the closer we bring this war to an end. Though I could certainly use about a week’s worth of sleep before we do anything,” she chuckled. “How about you, hm? Ready to put on a show?”
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ceoofvariants · 3 years
          “ На твоем месте я бы этого не сделал. ”
                                        I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
          The unassuming man who looked every inch a bureaucrat, from his mustache down to his Chelsea boots ( actually, those were a bit of an odd choice, but Mobius needed something more field friendly than wingtips ) waited for the big man to turn around and look at him. One moment Mobius hadn’t been there and the next, well, he just was. The glowing door he’d stepped through now disappeared.
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          “ I know you think you have a score to settle with the Avengers, Alexi, but I’m here to tell you you’re wasting your time. ” Lips twitch into a friendly smile while he lifts his empty hands to show he’s not come to fight. “ Do I have your attention? ” 
@gloryguarded​ || sc.
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astrapure-a · 3 years
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     “What is a Red Guardian again? I’ve never heard of it.”
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memorything · 3 years
💀 */ Starter 💀 - @gloryguarded​
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❝ Red Guardian. You are getting old. Keep up. ❞
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fortislumen-a · 3 years
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It felt GOOD to be back to the country.  Even if Virginia was still working, it brought a nice feeling of calmness and took a little bit of the edge off, which came with the job of an Intelligence Officer working overseas, on a territory fairly unknown to her.  Once she went to report to her boss, she was informed her specialties were needed once again at SHIELD, and although she would never let the man know, she was definitely excited to find her partner again.  As soon as she arrived there, she could see the tall man waiting for her, and a bright smile was seen on her face as she approached Alexei.
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❝    You don't look too happy to see me, partner.    ❞     Probably because whenever she was around it meant trouble was coming.
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belyvuk · 3 years
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@gloryguarded​ sent 📜 for an incorrect quote
Person A: Do you take constructive criticism? Person B: I only take cash or credit.
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whitesuited-arch · 3 years
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 - 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.  /   @gloryguarded​ said :  " did you bring snacks? "
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THE PIGEON PERCHED ON THE RAILING A FEW YARDS AWAY SEEMS TO BE THE ONLY ONE HAPPY WITH SPENDING THE NIGHT ON THE ROOF --------- meanwhile, she’s been stuck in the same spot; hunched over her little monitor, watching the same three red dots move around the penthouse below them. (  what she wouldn’t give for a little AUDIO to go with it; right now it looks more like staring at an old game of PAC - MAN than a meeting.   )
she reaches into the bag beside her while dot number three does another lap around the room below, rummaging around and listening for the signature cellophane crinkle of what she’s searching for without taking her eyes off the screen. her hand reappears with a handful of potato chips, the top of the pile being the first to go.
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          “hm?” even his question isn’t enough to pull her full attention; just enough to garner a response. “yeah, of course i did,” another chip disappears with a CRUNCH; her tone hinting that it’s a COMMON OCCURANCE with her ----- and she’s slightly confused as to why he isn’t sitting over there crunching along with her. “ --------------- why, didn’t you?”
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wdova · 3 years
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THEY  WON.  BUT  THEY  HAVE  LOST.  A  battle  had  ensue,  tony  stark  had  died  for  them  to  live  and  so,  returning  everyone  who  had  been  dusted  as  well.  And  before  her,  natasha  had  died,  sacrificing  herself  to  get  one  of  the  stones.  It’s  a  cruel  world,  and  she  wishes  she  could  be  angry  with  clint  barton  for  not  being  fast  enough.  Because  she  knows  he  had  tried.  For  Yelena  there  is  no  time  to  wait  as  she  gets  on  a  plane  and  goes  to  her  family.  The  last  place  she  saw  them  being  dusted  away  and  had  rang  alarms  on  her  head.  Five  years  had  passed.  The  jet,  and  doctor  strange  aiding  her  with  a  portal  to  go  there  faster  and  there  she  was.  With  blood  and  rumble  on  her  suit  and  hair  and  looking  older.
She  stumbles  to  the  ground,  the  jet  still  half  turn  on  as  she  looks  around.  Maybe,  maybe  she  was  too  late.  Maybe  the  universe  said  that  her  half  of  the  world  didn’t  need  to  exist.  And  then,  she  sees  the  spot  of  red,  the  familiar  shape  of  one  man  only,  the  one  she  sees  as  her  father  and  despite  her  exterior,  there  is  a  broke  in  her  voice  and  there  is  exposed  vulnerability  in  there.  “папа?“
starter for @gloryguarded​
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chetyrevdova · 3 years
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@gloryguarded​ said ; “  i  knew  you  would  come,  eventually.  ”          ** espionage / spy based sentence starters.
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SIDE GLANCE TOWARD THE RED GUARDIAN. how uncommon from the widow to flirt so openly and widely, but it wasn’t new when it came to him. the woman’s lips curve into a smile, a hand reaching over to where she sees a gentle bruise upon his cheek, inspecting him for any further damage. “You’re lucky I decided to turn around. Don’t hold your punches with them, dear.” melina speaks through, teasingly still. “you good?”
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xagentcarter · 3 years
@gloryguarded​: “  you’re the only thing that makes sense right now.  everything else is just—  the world is so loud.  and the only time it feels quiet is when you’re here.  ” 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕.
𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉, and one might hear the sound of Peggy’s heart fracturing. She understood how he felt, probably better than anyone on Earth. And he held it all together so well. After all, how could he let himself fall apart? The weight that rested upon his shoulders, mighty as they may have been, was surely like that of Atlas himself. 
Tonight, they’d taken to the edge of the lake, standing and watching the moonlight reflect upon the water as the rest of their unit slept. She couldn’t sleep -- that seemed to be an elusive thing, these days. So they’d started talking.
She didn’t know too many specifics -- she hadn’t wanted to pry. On the rare occasion he spoke of his journey to becoming the Red Guardian, he only mentioned things in vague words. So his confession, uttered into the midnight air while the rest of their unit was asleep, hit her with the force of one of those HYDRA speed-trains.
And then, of course, there was an implication in his words. You’re just reading into it, she said to herself. You’ve a schoolgirl’s crush on him, that’s all. Surely, he’d said those things because she truly was the one person on Earth who understood him, and nothing more -- it wasn’t as if he...had feelings for her. Right? 
“Oh, Alexei,” she sighed softly, though the sound was one of understanding rather than pity. In any case, he was right: the world was loud, sometimes deafeningly so. It tugged at her heartstrings to hear that she quieted it for him. How close they’d grown over their time together...she found the same sort of solace in him, too.
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And so she didn’t entirely think through her next move -- she felt compelled, in a strange way, to hold him. She’d touched him before -- grabbed his arm and yanked him free of metal that threatened to crush his body, or fussed with his tie and hair at fancy events. But this one was more tender, and certainly not a touch they’d shared before. While chaste, it was also...strangely intimate, yet innocent and sweet.
Peggy wound her arms around Alexei and pulled him close. She swore she could feel his heart beating away against her chest -- or perhaps that was her heart.
“I know,” she finally said, resting her cheek against his shoulder. “But I’m always here if you need some quiet. I hope you know that.”
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dearlybelovad · 3 years
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blood & bruises meme || accepting || @gloryguarded
“Leave me behind, please. I’m just going to slow you down.”
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   ❝ заткнись. ❞ she hisses under her breath, scrubbing a bloodied hand down her face as she tries to figure out a plan here. she’s strong for her size, certainly, but he’s a large man and she’s already injured. pressing her lips together, she crouches down beside him, forcing him to look at her when he tries to close his eyes.  ❝ we are getting out of here. you aren’t really going to let a bunch of AIM idiots take out the Red Guardian, are you? ❞
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wisdomfish · 3 years
Christ is the crown of crowns, the glory of glories, and the heaven of heavens.
Thomas Brooks
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starlcvedarch · 3 years
“ you’re such a mom. ”  @gloryguarded​ 
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gaze  lifts  to  meet  his  with  an  arched  brow,  a  hint  of  a  smile  pulling  across  her  lips,  shaking  her  head  slightly.  “  that  obvious,  huh  ?  ”  words  accompanied  with  a  light  laugh,  focusing  once  more  on  checking  over  his  injuries.  “  still,  i  did  technically  hit  you  with  my  car.  so  you’re  going  to  have  to  sit  there  and  let  me  make  sure  i’ve  not  broken  any  bones.  ”  panic  swells  at  that  thought,  though  she  forces  it  from  her  mind,  focussing  solely  on  the  man  who’d  stumbled  in  front  of  her  car.  “  do  i  even  want  to  know  what  you  were  doing  walking  out  into  the  road  ?  ”  glancing  back  up  to  him  with  a  curios  expression  shaping  her  features.
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fortislumen-a · 3 years
𝚂𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂.    —    @gloryguarded​   said:    “   you  want  me  to  punch  him  in  the  face  ??   ”
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❝  what is with you and violence?  ❞  maria asks with an annoyed tone, fingers already entwined with his so he doesn't dare try and move away from her.   to be quite honest, she wouldn't mind if alexei punched the bastard that was bothering her with such disrespectful questions about her past, but that would just end up bringing more and more reporters her way.    then she would be the one punching people around, at some point.    ❝  i am used to these questions, already. no need to get bothered anymore.  ❞    although she did, but no need to give alexei any more reasons to want to punch someone.
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